Back to some Hermitcraft! (Stream Replay)

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hello hello happy Monday how's everybody doing there's the video game thanks for thanks for coming up Gabe appreciate it that's much less awkward than a black screen hi hi everybody have a good weekend how was everybody's weekend good I hope so I finally got some sleep what services I know seriously did we not we didn't we didn't get on hermitcraft at all last week I'm so sorry I got a little hyper focused as I tend to do on MCC I put in I don't know how many hours of practice I was like the eighth most practiced MCC participant according to Reddit and uh to be to be honest to be honest by the time the actual MCC event came about I was exhausted [Laughter] I was exhausted anybody that watched MCC might have saw just the exhaustion on my face uh took all my energy just to just to like get through it but we did it yeah we did well and I'm happy with the results uh and and uh I I next time won't cram 15 hours of training into three days before the event how's that sound a chance to uh to to catch up on sleep and stuff because I I wasn't getting a lot to be to be honest and then scar didn't practice at all and he was like super relaxed and did great right like yeah you know I'm playing around I'm I'm I'm I'm trying different things this one was like let's see what happens if I hyper train and uh no I know now I know I think I put a little extra pressure on me and it made me tired too so uh we'll spread it out before the next MCC you know what I mean maybe practice like a couple hours a week or something instead of like cram sessions it's good like that's a good strategy for like studying in school and stuff right instead of like this this like crazy five-hour you know study session the night before the test you know spread it out an hour a day whatever so anyway lesson learned and I had fun um I just I wish I was a little uh more energetic during the event is all you feel bad about that there's actually a Reddit post about how my vibe was off so thanks anyway uh thank you guys so much for coming and hanging out today we're gonna be back on hermitcraft I haven't been on in a while so I gotta like kind of remember what the heck we're doing here uh so we're gonna yeah we're gonna poke around a little bit and see what inspires us to get going on the next episode which is gonna be good I can't wait to get back to recording some hermitcraft River Kent in the house with a gift sub Bob thank you so much for the five gifted Subs River Kent appreciate it if you guys get give to the sub make sure you say thank you super kind thing to do got a new tier one sub angel of Light welcome welcome to the sub Club enjoy your channel Badger and your emotes don't stress about it yeah yeah it's hard not to you know like um I saw it and they were like oh your Vibe was off and you barely talked and blah blah and I was like uh was it that bad and I went and watched uh some of the some of the vibe and I was like yeah it wasn't that bad because that's not like me you guys know that's not like me like typically I like to uh you know be energetic and help my team feel good and all this stuff and and you know have fun and laugh and and all that and I was just like hardly talking focused on the game the vibe wasn't it wasn't the same it was it was like I was I was try hardened too hard too hard so we'll find our balance I hadn't done an MCC in a while and I was like super I was like super nervous about it and my team they kind of want to to win so uh I tried we came real close it was it was it was a great event we aren't gonna do a VOD review though and not because I was boring uh I just I just like after putting in all that time for it I just it's time to just get past MCC for now until the next one comes like I just couldn't do another day of thinking about MCC so yeah if you're hoping to come today and I was gonna like VOD review it and talk about what I did right and wrong in MCC I'm just I'm not gonna do it I decided not to do it I just I got it a burnout for now I'm gonna be excited when the next one comes don't worry assuming I'm not benched or something thank you guys so much 40 months 99 Joel thank you so much is the camera is the camera doing a a zoom or a focus thing hold on yeah it did okay it's Auto focusing today I don't know why I'm benched for being too good yeah we burned bright and fast right uh flash in the pant now hopefully not guys um I did update my client to 120.1 we may have some mod issues today we'll see I I'm not sure if I got like all the mods that I needed to I tried to make sure like the big ones like voice chat was in here hello here here uh check on the button yeah let's go see what's going on with the uh the little little rivalry that's happening what do we call it skirmish it's not war okay don't say don't say War it's not a war as far as I know what's going on in there Cowboy Up thank you so much for the Thousand bits go check scars but as you say oh look at that look at my look at my gooey ooh ew did you get the the darker one oh my wings are hurting too right we did the um wait a minute hold on that didn't work yeah they make people happy the thing now but but in order to do it it's got to be in your hot bar no there's no way I'm giving up a spot just so that I can CL do that fast right there's no way I did see some people like how come nobody ever uses that it's why because we ain't giving up no hot bar spot just so we can swap fast cars base is fine it's greens it's bad oh no is there destruction in disaster no it's the new sword wiggle uh instead of the shovel Shuffle we'll do the uh we'll do the what do we call it elytra chest plate Shuffle that does not that doesn't that doesn't work oh I started the I started this this current Prank War you're right you're absolutely right it's my fault 100 I take full responsibility jeez too much what just happened the bomb goes off way before I actually get the notification screens there it is thank you so much gifted now two tier one Subs I appreciate your screens thank you thank you so much I think I think I owe you a response on Discord I can't remember [Music] um how did I start it oh they said because I pressured green into uh finishing the back of his base and then because he didn't want to he went off and played with uh Doc's tunnel bore that there you go that's that's that's that's that's what happened he would have never touched Doc's tunnel bore had I not pressured him to work on his base which he didn't want to do so he yeah so it's all my fault I I should have known when I when I pressured him to do the back of his base the war was gonna result from that uh Sam golden still stream MVP from Friday what do you think guys should we let Sam continue to be MVP I mean you did drop like eight billion Subs on Friday so I suppose we could give you another day until somebody dethrones you oh yeah it's our fault what is this I'm standing on hello hello oh oh it's over I guess second place though I'll take that oh false this thing is over her Elijah course is over I don't think I was gonna beat my time I thought about it I thought about going for it and like going back because I heard Green beat my time uh so I thought about going back and giving it another go but then I realized like we did we went for it like we did really well on that course I'm not sure I could have shaved off in like a single millisecond and it literally was milliseconds difference you say yeah yeah guys I mean we could this ain't a bad haul for me hold up okay I can't I gotta leave this here I'm not uh I'm not gonna record any video in this stream I just want to hang out and like like get the Vibes back for hermitcraft without stressing about content just yet so we're just gonna hang out uh so I'm Gonna Save that so that I can show it off in video of course so the peeps know uh that that happened so I'm not gonna I'm not gonna take it but hey that's a pretty good haul I like it I like the I like the filler concrete powder hey oh pitcher pots I forgot about my stuff I forgot what we did last episode hello it's dark I'm the only one on the server what is there oh I don't have the I do have the status thing let's let's see if this works I don't know I I had to reinstall that mod too Angry Bird thanks for the raid appreciate it I don't have a bedroom I don't have a bedroom anymore I have a bait I have a massive Bass with no bed anywhere uh oh no I don't have the shulker box thing I told you we were gonna be we were gonna be finding some stuff oh no ooh how does anybody play without the shulker box peaker thingamabobber that is horrible no one's online we gotta check the button you're right you're right right that's that's the best time to do it um I don't have a bed maybe there's a bed maybe there's bed out here I'm gonna get Phantoms I think I did leave a bed over here there's my sniffers sniffing away into bed sweet oh no oh no I could get creeped right now probably will don't do it don't do it it's happened before and it was it was terrifying stop gotta pre-order bed from scars bed shop that bed shop was like beginning to the season that was forever ago right now I haven't been here in a while have these guys been like there's a little baby one I don't think anybody's loaded this I don't think anybody's been loading this area because why is there a baby I I hatched that at the end of the last episode and it's still a baby so and that was like a week ago oh is the music loud yeah let me know guys because I've been I've been tweaking stuff let's see it's me how about that is that better I I thought I did hear it back in a VOD from Friday I just I should have that should have just lowered it a little bit for you guys did that work we typically keep it like real low I thought that was a creeper for a second hey what's the deal with these can you is there a way to like can I bone Mill this and get stuff out of it how does that work exactly there is a creeper over there I can't handle it I can't handle that I can't handle it oh yeah wish I had those bow skills on Saturday you can't just bone they're too tall though right it's like the first two tall thing that you can't bone meal for infinite pleasure great way to say that uh please stand up I repeat with the real serum please stand up gonna have a problem that's right in the jail of course some beetown was just amazing though he roll in the town that means I think he's got a rail and saloon that is brown now the break is found got some lovely clouds and if you're not PG will bring his gun got around give the guys love picture everybody [Music] suggested imitating syrup please stand up please stand up please stand up yeah he's the gym Sheriff he sees the real foreign [Music] bye well the world we found it guys what yeah but copyright Strikers I'll take it uh that what what I've been I've been hanging out in this area and that's the first time it's gone off look at that band-aid and not not be recording of course stuff I'm not gonna worry about recording content today we're just gonna hang out and stream are you kidding me what I want to know where it is I don't want to dig it up though no way yeah we had we had some visitors right they wanted to come party that was insane oh that's awesome that's so awesome I hope it goes off again okay really you can't can you bone Mill These to go faster though yeah okay that was cool uh freak him I don't have uh I mean yeah I guess we don't have to just just to see just to see it but you know I think now I'm gonna have to like ReDiscover that you know what I mean uh did I install free cam that is a good good question uh let's see I don't have it I told you I'm still sorting out my mods I'm still sorting it out like okay so there's already what two that we've thought of today there's two that we need what was it oh do I have tweaker real let's see probably not no items from Whopper oh that was the Zuma's uh inventory fixer thingama bomb uh so yeah we don't have any any cheats real really uh notes pad note sticky notes that's what I'll do I'm gonna make a note I'll make a note we need we mods needed free cam free cam and shulker box tool tip choker box Peak or whatever it's called sugarbox thing shulker box Pete what's it called peaker I can't remember I think mini HUD we do have that's one of the ones I was like I have to have mini HUD yeah I have minion shulker box tool tip okay maybe maybe when we go to take a break or something I'll download those and get them installed I don't use tweak Rue Tweakers like too much it's too much for me to to understand uh I did do oh good I do have that mod the item scroller one that's important to me anytime I don't have it I try to transfer blocks like this drives me bonkers it was on this random Island the whole time are you kidding me we found it oh unless somebody like came and put it here after the facts many how it has a shulker box feature oh does it does it really can we turn what do you mean like the same kind of kind of thing hold on okay so we have this are you sure here's the mini HUD configs um what are we looking for shulker oh let's find out oh oh I mean that was ah blazzy blazius blazius is it too soon to go new MVP guys is it too soon Sam you good you okay giving it up for blood to blasius for that saved us a mod that's pretty big deal okay Sam's giving it handing over the the crown to blasius for that one flashing lights lazy is blasius I'm not sure which way to say it save me a mod I appreciate it look at that oh and it's back it works the same way too where you just hit shift if you want to see it oh beautiful beautiful whew mini HUD is like Frank's Red Hot I put that on everything remember which button was the bleep oh it's gonna be back oh I missed hermitcraft I missed hermitcraft oh my gosh did you guys see the 3D model of Tango Citadel frosted Citadel whatever he calls it it's like it's just insane insane somebody took six days with a Four Color 3D printer and printed his base is is that whole thing this whole like including the the snow Island it's yeah it's Bonkers it's it's and it's big it's like really big I was super impressed Stan all right what's what's the damage oh gosh oh no oh no why um well that's gonna be a pain to remove uh uh are they gonna have to how are they gonna remove all these what the heck how many are there I mean there's a whole Trail going off to scars oh no what's that I don't I need free cam uh hey my free samples are here they they survived whatever this was oh my gosh this vault's like wide open just walk inside now wait I thought this was intentionally done this feels like somebody that did it on accident is apologizing there's eggs everywhere Korean accidentally blew it up doc caused green to blow it up oh he got set up oh my gosh so clean right on the back of the Signs Now something oh yeah right we can ride on the we can ride on both sides oh that means yep yep I'm not gonna I'm not gonna deface it oh my gosh that that's interesting because now people can just go around the server and like just change signs willy-nilly like I mean I guess you could before you could just tear it down and redo it but now you can just do it super easily people are gonna be messing with each other okay so what's what's the Strat then because we all know how these work you touch it and it just oh gosh it goes somewhere else I don't know where it went um what are they gonna do yeah I think piston pushing them oh if you wax the sign it locks them oh that's neat hire the cleaning lady Pearl are you you better be careful what you're volunteering for here uh did you see how many eggs there are uh uh you're talking you're talking if you're if you have to piston push each one of these individually to break them you're talking hours of your life you already cleaned up oh yeah they do end here wait how much did you charge him how much did you charge them for that you did a flying machine oh cause his it was all here in flat so you could do a flying machine that's smart does nope thought I was I thought I was gonna I have like a big brain moment there for a second I was like oh what about water what if water just pushes it nope not a thing dang oh look under I don't have free cam I gotta get free cam still did some go underneath because this is all Hollow under there that's probably fine I know I gotta have to change the sound bite to uh look at all those eggs instead of taking that's amazing I have a shovel oh but no but now I have to fix it now I have to fix it do I have Dynamic lining no look I can't go underneath I don't have free cam like just dig the block silly oh all right is it safe under here it's not bad under here what are you guys talking about scar cleaned under here okay you guys it's fine everything's fine it was all taken care of it's all good clean as the whistle no eggs insight now as far as lag goes are all these eggs an issue for this server and its performance how does that work I mean they are like entities right I suppose it's easy enough to just run a long place in the eggs manually they probably just did it manually as my gas but Doc and ren were were the culprits right okay so green mumbos they need this needs this needs cleaned off I can't imagine they're itching to do that uh how are things going there's a giant hot okay how are things going in the in docs perimeter what do we have here gosh I leave for like just a little bit and now no gravel no sand no falling blocks that's the that's rule number one of their prank Club Buttercup Butter Cup Club buttercup buttercup wait that one's correct okay oh Mumbo built a robot he built a robot to clean this toilet wait hold on oh yeah it literally says okay fashionable so green was crashing because of Fallen sand you know what I actually did see that P I saw that part anything else going on in here that I need to know about [Laughter] word art no way oh that's great oh that's a spoiler shoot sorry guys I don't know I haven't been I've I'm they're all spoilers for me at the moment oh I did see like a butterfly too yeah I guess that's spoiler okay Ren's videos out that's what it's in okay yeah we call them exclusive previews but that's hilarious uh so Scar's eyes and then that's supposed to be greens and then mumbos I guess oh the butterflies are not okay but the word the word art exclusive all right maybe we'll maybe we'll avoid the area oh it's getting crazy getting cray-cray TCG does he have a TCG arena in scarland or did I just show another exclusive preview oh okay he's gonna okay all right I was a little worried there oh we gotta get my horse uh what were we gonna call him shoot we had a name form what was it gonna be remember noodles yeah let's bring noodles home are they gonna name them dog food come on now oh gosh oh my gosh that was the real B-Dubs that was real Ruby tubs uh we gotta get a name tag we'll bring a name tag back we're working our way over to the button just in case that's so creepy B-Dubs just like staring at you like that where's the button it's over here right over here's one I went past it oh I only have that crown this button stayed alive for a long time but yeah dang it you get nothing yeah we're like multiple hours away from this being profitable for us dang it Cubs been camping it he doesn't have the he doesn't have it who's all got the purple by now Mumbo what's Mumbo I thought doc made some sort of like Redstone Contraption thing that teleported him instantly when it turned purple didn't he do something like that oh no green burnt it wait was it greens Crown to burn or mumbos whoa green burned Doc's crown okay okay now now it's all starting to add up why there's why there's eggs everywhere that's harsh that's harsh green killed a zombie wearing the crown because he thought it was fake I have missed a lot I came back from vacation remember I was on vacation I came back from vacation uh I did just the quick let's discover the 120 stuff episode which was like pretty much just me off of my own exploring the world not even like being in the community and then uh and then mcc's training and stuff happened so I've been gone for another week so yeah yeah there's a lot has happened I got to catch up on Jesus what we're doing today hey even though I moved the shot there is still Goods in here for people to buy might as well grab our goodies oh I gotta fix this I can't I don't like the color of this UI I like the darker one I need to fix that too I put that up hang on put that on the list I put that on my to-do list I can remove the shulker box one because blazius blasius the blaziest of blazius our extreme MVP thank you uh dark UI that's a resource pack that I can get from vanilla in case anybody was wondering so we're out of some stuff in here but that's good I kind of want to start running out of stuff so that people start to go over to I buy foreign Unity Dark Edition is really dark really good dark UI Unity Dark is it a resource pack I should have had the payment system differently every time I come in here to check payment it's just like so much Barrel opening oh oh man yeah you pretty much need to wax the signs now when you make a shop it's so easy to miss click wow okay we got us to do that we got to do that oh you said war is it is it War level I mean I guess I didn't understand the magnitude of what was going on because I was like no that ain't a war they're just having a little fun back and forth thing but burning crowns and littering dragon eggs everywhere it's ramping up it feels but right now this only between like what a couple people there's only a couple people that are having like the beefs with each other right oh this one I should just I mean there's nothing up here anymore for sale really right and we never did anything with this we have a giant caterpillar what if uh what if we just kill this right let's just uh how do you make the hanging signs I guess I could look in a crafting table right do I have one new you need a crafting table stripped logs and chains I had chains in there I need the stripped stripped logs huh let's see see if it has any let's strip us some logs I don't how many you need okay now that they stripped oh I guess I need to make crafting table too oh but that does mean now that it's gonna be in dark oak which I'm not even sure is what I want oh six of them though okay I was like wow that's a lot of wood for a sign but you get six of them out of it so that's not terrible I'm pretty good at stripping you right yeah thanks um okay so now we could say like something like um up stairs closed for renovation right and now yeah bam it's got a hitbox people you can't even you can't even nice I stopped them and actually I think we picked the right color can we we can still hit these with the uh the glow stuff yeah that I feel like maybe we should do more chains no glow stuff I don't know why I thought I was just gonna randomly find close stuff in in barrels that I've left behind upstairs closed for renovation I mean yeah by now I've already told the Hermits that Rockets are for sale in I buy so I'm just trying to like they'll see this and be like oh yeah did I buy impulse told us that in the shopping channel we have a shopping channel it's kind of like QVC is that still around that is just date myself with a hermitcraft Shopping Channel sometimes we go live in Discord on the shopping channel and we have like five percent off deals and stuff for a limited time for the first five callers it is still around okay free box of rockets when you make your purchase of of uh totems five or more totems for the first five colors do that before a meeting starts yeah oh my wings are low okay yeah let's go repair the wings then um that was probably the best thing to do with that rocket let's go repair the wings and uh I need to there's probably a bed I buy right because I want to go back to I buy when we're done so much stuff has happened I'm excited now I'm excited to be back five easy payments oh yeah they cut the payment plans right yeah that's right they always do the payment plans this could be yours for 12 payments of 5.99 yeah oh I cleaned this out didn't I no hidden bed cleaned it out there's no beds anywhere I just need a bed I just need a bed I want to set my spawn here please hold your 39th in the queue the queue bad bad bad bad bad anybody anybody see any bads anywhere I mean Somebody's gotta have a bed by the the button right where are we gonna go back to we're gonna go back to that Island the sniffer Island there's a bed I was lucky I was lucky I caught it looks cool from the top dang appreciate the massive size of I buy that's cool I've never seen it from the top needs more raw gold quit it quit it and that's just the bird's eye view right and then you look at it and it's tall so it is it's it's big in multiple ways you guys love triggering me with the raw gold thing how's Music Volume now now that you guys have had a chance to uh listen for a minute I turned it down it's like a little ukulele Jam going on right now [Music] guys okay that's how all the eggs got duped huh okay makes sense makes sense I need my sword yeah let's repair everything while we hear one up why not oh shoot do it oh forgot to fill my inventory oops yeah doc with his doc with his eggs oh no I don't have my hey that's cheating button anymore my inventory is full now yeah yeah I took care of that hope you like ender pearls with a sign of Ender Pearls oh everything's repaired that happens quick I have all the end of pearls let's sell ender pearls on the server that'll that'll go well that'll be a lucrative business won't it doc only had an egg because green duped pearls to begin with yeah so the at this point they are all copies of copies except somebody's got to have the original right did Pearl hang on to the original say the the one and the only original all right so that's that's actually like Museum like item right there right the one and only because I mean there can only be one true Original Dragon Egg if the refs arrested dupes so that's that's a thing that's a valuable item oh responsible turn teammates server mates Cub told her to hold on to it for fear of people stealing it I'm surprised Cub didn't try to like get it from her somehow you know talk her into a little negotiation uh-huh okay then let's go see how things are doing and I buy yeah it's on the table in her base I mean that's not exactly secure if he's worried about people trying to steal it because it's Unique to have it just out sitting out on display Cub got a replica okay thank you guys so much for all the subs and resubs you're amazing thanks so much I see just a whole whole bunch of them coming in thank you coffee is like extra good today I don't know why two let's go see how floor two is doing don't mess with the cleaning lady okay we're still good still stalking still stalking the Rockets wait a minute how come we're not getting sales everybody needs Rockets hold up hold up what's going on why is no one buying my Rockets you haven't undercut me again hmm 10. selling them for 10. oh my gosh I have made mistake I named these barrels which means to drop the price I have to empty the barrel grab it put it in an anvil rename it to change the price I can't be bothered I can't be bothered that's a lot of work that's a lot of work just just put a special side I'll say don't read that ignore the text on the barrel it's actually this much man that is super cheap though oh I wonder if people think I'm out of totems when they come here now because these first couple boxes are empty but the rest aren't let's just shift a few make sure people understand that we got some that one's a different color box I don't like that very much I will put it in the back okay there we go that's better whoa hello hello can you give me Shifting the little inventory okay we're making a little bit here and there that's that's why you have a little bit of everything right oh people actually buying the bamboo I didn't think this would really sell [Laughter] this is like the easiest thing for me to stock too nice okay everyone let me sell a little bit not not it wasn't much okay somebody actually bought it though that's cool that makes me feel good yeah diversify your portfolio everybody you don't want to you don't wanna put all your eggs in one basket as they say in case something goes south in that business you gotta have you know this is all Financial advice for those of you looking to invest [Laughter] whoa I wonder holy cow what hi hello are we sold out of stuff oh my gosh okay all right business is Good Guys business is good we yeah we're doing well okay here's the downfall though here's the downfall we we've created this giant shop basically this mall of shops right and we're selling all the things and I'm a one-man band pretty much even though you know Zuma's taking some some space and Gem and stuff but like all my shops it's all me right um I have to do this all the time I have to come in and like make sure stuff is stocked collect all my My Diamonds oh it's so la so rough collecting all these diamonds you know how heavy these diamonds get like once they once you start picking up stacks on Stacks it's heavy lugging all these diamonds around a lot of work no I'm serious this does take it does take a lot to uh to make sure stuff's stocked yeah oh I guess I I'm out I would I know I I have enough diamonds that I should like hire an employee right help take this burden off of my hands foreign to the cleaning lady category is there a is there a side hustle a cleaning lady side hustle Maybe you know that's another thing not not a bad idea to have a side hustle just in case you need that that extra scratch as they say earlier looking for a side Hustle I buy restocker job opening right now oh I think I would hire her on the spot I wouldn't even put her through like a series of interviews or anything [Laughter] twinkly trash is the whole hustle oh you're right you do have that you've already got your side Hustle uh you're missing out though I mean I can't imagine twinkly trash is raking in raking in anything near what I'm ranking in right now look at this there's no way right the mess is the diamonds at this point I have so many was that efficiency five like why were they in the pay Barrel no power five why were power five in the pay Barrel hmm all right let's so we made sure these at least have something in them I'm gonna have to think about bringing someone breaking back just because we're we're down to just those but for now it's all good for you I can restock for 32 diamond blocks per week oh my gosh too expensive too expensive I will uh I will continue to this is me in real life too I will continue to just do it myself I appreciate the offer these ones I don't think we need to worry too much oh is there a problem there because if you can't open the shulker box will it still drain is this like a philosophy philosophy question philosophical question kind of like if tree falls in the wood and no one's around to hear it does it still make a noise if you can't open a shulker box can it still drain all right okay it still trains oh oh we never we never supplied Vanishing I suppose these are all doing fine I like the system we have here because I haven't really had to worry about restocking these like if any of these were empty I would just go get I would just go trade right now and fill them up and we'd be good to go but we're good projectile protection 4 though I never stopped I guess we should take care of these two I don't know why I never stalked them the shulker vanished what oh Swift snake's empty I'm sure yeah we haven't had a chance to uh to do much of that in fact we should maybe we can find some some ancient cities and try to get some Swift sneaks I have to do a little prep work for that I feel like it's worth setting up that machine again that keeps the the wardens from spawning if we're gonna like go around and like really lose really lose I'm reading chat um and really uh try to loot a bunch of ancient cities all right guys Vanishing we're gonna go we're gonna go stock this Vanishing and projectile protection let's go figure out what's going on with those we might have to uh track down some villagers or something don't run it when Tango is populating decked out with wardens um it's per player yeah it's per player so he'd be fine it wouldn't like shut him down or anything pretty cool machine I don't know what happened to mine actually I I think somehow the chunk got reset and I lost it oh my gosh I forgot about it illuminate I always forget about illuminate and I don't I don't think I want to move I illuminate either to I buy because the shop itself is pretty cool oh yeah yep we're still out of beacons and a lot of stuff actually oh man I need I got some building I need to do I don't I don't want to spend my entire week restocking look at that we're out of the Frog lights too okay not the not those ones though dang it man nobody likes pearlescent [Laughter] love you Pearl oh what is this there's literally still Royal emeralds in circulation what is happening paid process oh it was too easy like like literally the circumstance threw me a softball and I had to I had to do it miss your face though we got it we got it okay let's go let's go ancient city uh looting together or something and so for the Swift's knees also probably trims and stuff what else is good these days in ancient cities although like every other trims are there already right like because you can copy them so it's not that exciting anymore to go trim hunting because they're all like right here like every single trim is already found oh jeez got him hi got him wait no you don't have the Cheese Touch tell me you don't have cheese touch is that still a thing nope I don't have it I don't have it okay so you hit you don't have it no right Joe's I like this one to have it I don't know if he's passed it on yet oh yeah otherwise that would have counted at least I think because I'm streaming but oh yeah yeah oh Tango has apparently what you up to what you up to oh man I I literally haven't really been on hermitcraft much in like the past month so I'm kind of uh catching up I'm just doing a little you know little walkabouts even seeing what's what seeing what everybody's up to and seeing how my shops are doing that kind of stuff you know very good very good yeah acclimated reacclimated to the town yeah you've been sitting on a beach for the last like a month and a half yeah and then I came back and then MCC uh you know so I had to get some training time in for MCC so that distracted me for a little bit so oh yeah yeah but now that's all past me I'm ready to ready to rock and roll ready to get back into it finish a a Dwarven keep maybe finish an industrial district and maybe a few more things inside of IBI we'll see very good yeah dude I buy has been killer it's I've been visiting a lot man yeah okay so all these all these diamonds that I just collected were probably from you then probably several of them yeah yeah for sure I appreciate it yeah it's been great oh I had to reset all my audio stuff am I sounding okay through the the voice chat uh I've I've had to increase your amplification quite oh really down a bit huh okay um yeah if that's gonna mean everybody has to do that maybe I should do something on my side yeah you were a little bit quiet when I first came up so I could bump it get ready I'll bump it in my settings right okay okay hold on let me get ready okay all right bye will you tell me what sounds like normal I Amplified it by 50 did that did that nail it yeah that's that's better that's better than one too much did I go too far no no I think it's good I think it's good okay I'll leave it there and then hopefully everybody else will be fine with me yeah yeah I think I think it's fine I think it's fine cool cool man cool I'll leave you to it but uh good luck man good luck getting re acclimated and welcome back good to have you back thanks oh by the way I discovered something on stream today I want to Discover It On video ReDiscover it on video because it was too epic there is something you might need for your Museum I'm not sure if you have it yet it's a little something left behind from a certain Empire's person that was hidden somewhere in the world and I stumbled across it today oh okay yeah I'd be interested to believe that just there uh and we'll we'll talk it through later on camera because I I wasn't planning on doing any recording today so all right sounds good man that's awesome for artifacts yeah if it's an artifact you don't have it'll be a good chance for you to show me around the museum and stuff and and uh I'll let you know I'll let you know give me a few days wait all right dude all right take care see you soon nice nice top of the hour okay this is gonna scare me a little bit to uh to raise my desk because I mess with my audio at the beginning of the week that's why I was asking Cub how the sound was I mess with my audio at the beginning of the week and it's interesting because he's not the first person to say I'm kind of low like people on Discord as well but nothing ever yeah my meters don't seem to tell me that story but anyway weird stuff yeah so I'm gonna raise the desk and if the stream ends it's because the cable got caught somewhere I'll be back let's do forehead stream oh oh the camera's trying to like refocus on stuff [Laughter] I just read Pearl's message [Laughter] oh that's fantastic oh man foreign [Laughter] impulse will have a new play button on the wall yeah that's true that's true yeah thank you yeah the second Channel impulse SP2 the one that we post all these videos on like when people that are watching this right now on on the second channel uh replay of this stream that's live right now to you guys on Twitch but get put on my second Channel as a as a VOD tomorrow um that channel hit 100 000 subscribers like a couple days ago super cool which means I get another one of well it's gonna be this kind this is the old one for my first channel this is imp and skiz and we'll have another one I guess we'll put it I guess we'll put it here that means we gotta get rid of Tango and Zeta stuff I don't know after we do some rearranging on the shelves but yeah super cool to see it was awesome I was uh I was happy to see that hit that Milestone I've been looking forward to that for a while foreign oh no I think the thing is though like I'm not sure my arm is working the question is did she actually pay phone oh she didn't see that Barrel I'll take it I'll take it thanks bro will I be signing TCG cards on stream uh yeah probably I I don't know I I thought it would be kind of cool if I oh no I thought it would be kind of cool to um maybe get together Tango maybe tango and I could just hang out together signing cards you know what I mean and maybe we could stream that that could be a cool thing foreign [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] but I'm a mess so pretend here we go ready to go hi Champion oh wait not yet um sorry uh there's a crown on my head that's all that matters okay don't mock me yeah there we go you did it you went with it with the reverse exit I like that Strat let's see apparently any other way just does not work and uh that's just how it goes I guess that literally doesn't work for you to just walk out no it doesn't I just slide down it oh you're working ah you can't afford this whole Barrel how dare you there you even who do you think I am sir I guess you did just do that big job for the the scar clean up so oh he hasn't paid me oh you can't be you can't be taken wait did you take out those diamonds right there or was that I took out the ones you did oh okay hold on it was glitching out for me no he hasn't paid yet oh so you better make sure he does he tries to get away with stuff if you if you let him don't let him oh yes I'm I'm very aware of that that's okay I'm sure he'll get there eventually how long did that take you to clean up his his dragon eggs oh that's three hours or so I think wow flying machine though that's big brain yes that was the with the help of radish and Doc okay okay it didn't help for much of it though no no I mean look it didn't do it for all of it either it was kind of just like a little bit and then I had to do about I don't know 10 Stacks still have 12 Stacks worth of piston okay but it was all right that's gonna be right I think you're about to say you've seen me mine and green yeah look that's their problem until they decide to uh you know let me know what's going on and uh get a little something something from them too huh yeah but Korean Green's got a lot to say for himself right now he does don't know if I want to help him oh the only thing that would make me help him is the fact that I want those eggs they're illegal oh not allowed that's true you had like this unique item all to yourself now they've duped it and it's be it's it's even though you still have the original the unique one the not say that you know and they have all the artificial ones wait I've had some remiss I've had some Raymond's little certain sit and agree and didn't didn't make sure he put the real one back oh wait a minute you're not even sure if yours is real nope oh no is there something for the sake look at like some sort of data tag to verify no they're all going to be the same oh no but regardless the original like calling mind the original because that's how it should be and that's all that matters okay wow yes the nerve exactly right exactly so you know as far as I'm concerned he can clean up his base right and I'll take it when he when he cleans it up okay there you go yeah grab every you keep every egg at this point every egg even if they've been duped just in case one of them's mouth I'll go plants okay whether it'll work is another situation what are your plans for all these frog lights that you just bought I don't really talk about it and buy those someone realized wrote blessing books you know yeah okay I can't imagine why they you know would like them right but I I can see you know I I can see why you know yeah one of the most popular items in my shop by far everybody loves pearlescents like yep you see exactly exactly now you get it okay just walk forward just just walk forward I can just there you go see he did it well that one worked but that's gross man you're elevator is disgusting it's amazing I love it just don't punch it it makes a mess in here somebody punched one of the honey blocks one time and man did you say punch it no don't don't no no no don't don't punch it right it makes it punch it don't punch it no because no no I mean you could hire the cleaning lady to fix it nope [Laughter] fine I guess we'll punch it thank you appreciate it you're welcome all right I'm I don't know what I'm doing I'm off I'm good I'm gonna go check on other things thank you okay you enjoy you're good yeah bye bye she um was it just her that was louder it was Cub loud too I looked over to see volume levels and it was like in the Reds guys you guys weren't being like you guys didn't tell me you guys didn't tell me oh my God super loud she wasn't super loud oh it was peeking it was in the red I look at my meters and it was like my ears okay I turned him down just a little bit you saw that you saw that it's just awkward in the middle of a conversation be like adjusting volume levels you know mental note for future me don't come to a stream assuming you're not gonna you're not gonna have anything to record uh because that's what happened I was like uh yeah we're not really gonna do much today we're gonna just get you know reacclimated and all that and then boom next thing you know all the things start happening we discover the Ollie's record which was insane oh geez Sam Goldman with the five gifted sub Bob thank you Sam appreciate it team Pearl stuck in the elevator right like that was that was good that was good content alone right there oh Jen that's the way to do it thank you for saying thank you to Sam for being amazing gifted not that sub to you appreciate that and hype train in a hype train rolling all right guys Vanishing was it what were the books and projectile protection four I think for those of the books probably ones that are missing I'm assuming right let's see yeah see how it goes from power to protection to punch there's no projectile protection form and then did I even put the curses up here curse of binding no curse of Vanishing okay so we're actually missing we're missing two of them now I thought one of them was like doubled up with another one maybe or they were down in our we found them down in here Sam you dropping another five thank you so much [Music] oh did I kill him hmm I thought maybe I'd found him like wandering around down here and I trapped him but these are just I mean oh he has a job is that him let's take a look gonna reach we got this there we go there he is just straight with them from in here to projectile protection one I'm not sure about cursive Vanishing that's like not a book that actually sells anyway but no because he won't he'll get locked up he won't unlock we gotta pull him out guys we got a project on our hands we got to pull him out of here oh oh I wasn't stuck oh man I thought it was stuck in there uh okay okay we got something to do we got work to do Peeps let's get some work done today let's get that guy out of there let's get him where he needs to be namika thank you so much for the 100 bits appreciate it okay okay okay Sam I assumed you were still recovering from Friday we we we're good wait why did these diamonds not snack okay look at that guys all the diamonds 35 diamond blocks almost 36. jeez James that puts our total up too almost three stacks hold on we're getting there we were so close to three stacks of diamond blocks River Kent thanks so much for the five gifted sub Bob Tilly the hunt says love the phasma stream yeah thank you we had a lot of fun we had a lot of fun um green and Scar it was their second time playing phasmo with me and skids and uh Korean discovered the Spirit box which was a super awesome moment in uh in the Stream if you guys missed it go check it out he's got an amazing 20 gift sub bomb probably have a shack thank you my dude appreciate it thank you thank you you're amazing hype train level five even geez jeez I'm gonna put this away my inventory is a bit of a mess today and it's starting to drive me what they what they say uh is distracting the Bonkers is look at that guys we have raw gold for days like we're good you guys have been teasing me about the raw gold oh my gosh why do I have these my bling box see there's our there's our Crown definitely not a carved put that away um I'll take it back I don't know where the other one is and drop some of this stuff off actually I think I wanted to put that in there as well only multiple crafting tables okay good to know what I have all right let's come up with a plan we gotta pull that guy out of there oh this would be so much easier if I had free cam I kind of got addicted to free cam I'll be honest so we got to I mean might as well just like figure out where that used to be get a little cart going pull them out get them up into the up into the space up into one of the cells get them a lectern all the things he's gonna need to be a productive villager dude I think it was it was over here somewhere swapping recap maybe a little more to the right now they're back here I can hear them gonna have to use sound oh I knew that was there I knew that was there yeah we have a whole system duh assistant what do I do just press a button right and then it sends them through and then it sends them up and then there's a whole it's all it's a whole thing I have a whole thing for this okay let's check our potions and stuff he doesn't actually need zombified though he's already dropped his price down so maybe we just rearranged some of these rails and send them up to the top yeah we don't want him to get zombified it's been a while since I've had to use this yeah we're out anyway so that wasn't gonna happen um okay let's find some rails let's build this up this won't be too bad snowy Dragon thank you so much snowy Dragon druid thank you for the five gifted sub bomb appreciate you projects are fun I knew I had more rails excellent I don't know I have two of these boxes now but I'll take it I'll deal with that we need some blocks I kind of missed out on season two of TCG guys sorry about that um I was gone last month so that's when like season two was starting and I didn't sign up for it because of that because I knew it's gonna be gone I didn't want to mess anybody up by not being around so probably won't be doing TCG anymore which is about my I did have fun with it I wasn't like super addicted to it though to be honest I I had fun with it on occasion but like it wasn't like something I wanted to do every day all day type thing you know yeah and apparently they delayed it so I could have I could have joined um I didn't yeah I thought it was going to start while I was gone and it ended up going a little bit longer all right yeah I'll do that I'll just continue off of this so we'll break break this connection here up and then we'll start building up here and then we got room to turn probably right here please tell me I nailed it oh my gosh Perfection thank you guys so much for the hype train you're amazing geez 49 Subs during that Hive train what thank you so much Anonymous thanks for gifting out stuff as well um why didn't I grab any regular rails do I think it's gonna do it all with powered so in fact we're gonna have to probably take one of these and go there let's go there okay I'll do let's go around it will there be time left in season nine for you to join a season three yeah potentially I don't know what the what beef's plans are but yeah maybe that maybe if there's a season three that'll give me a chance to to make up for missing season two I'll be down for that I think the one thing I was I was kind of nervous about was it sounded like there was going to be um like scheduled matches in that because of my vacations I wouldn't be able to like be around what I needed to be around you know I don't want to I didn't want to ruin it for anybody else all right we're just gonna put them at the end I know that's I'm not gonna shift everybody down at this point I'm just gonna put him at the end the other problem we have is we're gonna pull out a bunch that aren't the right guy asleep vacation was great I needed it it came at the perfect time for me um yeah I was just I was just ready I was super ready for the vacation and uh we had that and then getting back got a little bit I was like excited to be back and ready to jump in and get back to uh get back to all the things and then um with MCC and a few other things that came up it distracted me a bit from from being able to continue to jump right back into hermitcraft and really hit the ground running when I got back so uh yeah now that's that's all behind me it's it's time guys it's six times we're doing this let's I think the best thing to do best thing to do I hope this works if we put that there then that won't get triggered right so he'll come the cart will grab him they'll come up they'll hit that and then they'll go back without getting without getting damaged at all um can I just make a button down here I think I can just do it from here let's find out we know our first guy is not going to be the the guy anyway right so then he goes up I need a better way out I can't fit all right we're breaking it I mean we could put them off to the side to use them for something else I suppose but because like if I kill him right now that'd be bad right [Applause] if I kill him that would be bad what should I do with him what should I do with them chat use a lava bucket foreign calls for no mercy should we did we murder him murder I want to keep the cart though oh he took damage is that he took damage on the fall is that already going to no they're okay um why do I care about keeping the minecart I don't I don't all right lava bucket then yeah I don't think I have one lava bucket anyone anyone anyone somewhere how about TNT how about TNT instead wait a minute wait a minute if I let him get converted and then kill him it'd be fine right I did have a lava hole somewhere I don't remember where it was though I don't remember where the lava hole was it was like this is why I need free cam it was down here somewhere TNT if we TNT will it be okay it'd be fun no it's gonna blame us I mean if he's far enough away when I hurt him right like how far away does he need to be for these for for the him not to like these guys not to get mad at me because I could just do that right like take him take them away exactly what they don't see won't hurt uh why not use lava um yeah we can I decided I gotta have to dip into The Nether and get it because I don't has it that's why we just looked through my boxes and I don't have it but that's fine we could quickly go get some we're gonna have a bunch of these guys to kill so I don't want to make it a a big ordeal right is Flint is still the same way go to my lava fun lava Farm doing yeah it's called another trainer this is my lava farm right here it's a good one oh gosh it's even better if you don't land in it perfect lava Farm perfect flying oh Flint still works the same I might have had flint and still on me that I could used we have to murder lots of villagers today guys all right what's the Strat what's the Strat oh it's cart back don't tell anyone yeah go go deposit some trash oh no he picked up a thing he did I didn't do it all right we're good prices are prices are the same and I have my cart back that actually worked out I thought the cart was going to get destroyed okay one down we have a system now and you are not it for the greater good let's just do it up here though oh yeah that broke the cart cart went bye-bye [Laughter] roll not spinning circles but good effort oh oh that come on oh I shouldn't be enjoying this like okay I'll admit it's a little sadistic oh no what is wrong with me I'm a monster oh all right let's see what if we go like that big brain Strat big brain Strat then we can keep our Minecart because iron is is valuable to us there we go I think we better double check because I like he lit down price is down that's good okay we're good okay so I crossed out I was like I think he maybe we shouldn't have said murder so loud [Laughter] you know could have been a little more discreet about what we're doing here thanks for the rate happy I appreciate that 47 months wait under holy smokes system is great perfect system every time is this the guy are you the guy you're not the guy I hate to tell you but you're not the guy we needed to do this anyway if we're going to be honest with ourselves this needed to happen wait a minute yeah because I have a villager breeder yeah yeah we've moved it so we're good this needed to happen we're actually lag we're lag busting because these guys were extra you guys like my real life time machine you ready you ready for blast off icial picture where's your bits oh there they are yeah sorry about that I did miss them I see volpixie thank you so much for the hundred bits suggestion for a new game to play with green Scar and skiz deep rock Galactic or void train oh void train did look really good I saw um skiz and Tango playing that one uh we'll make note and run it by the boys we're always looking for stuff boy train did look good uh but skism Tango didn't play it for very long so I wonder if it got boring form or something uh skizzle no Tango didn't like it well if Tango didn't like it I don't think greenle Green's even more picky about video games I think so if Tango didn't like anything then green would probably lose interest quick too here we go I mean I got my car yeah still not the guy I like you but you're not the guy Deep Rock Galactic might be really good okay yeah we'll check it out um thanks thanks for the bits I see and uh the suggestion we will look into it Cowboy Up thanks for the Thousand bits I missed yours as well thank you jeez better than PP barbecue oh the barbecue Simulator game was so I don't know it was just off the off the wall is that the right word it was it was weird it was so it was Goofy and funny at first but like after 30 minutes I was like yeah okay it was something yeah that's exactly it might have to be thank you for the 100 bits second in Deep Rock Galactic okay definitely we'll look into it great Co-op game dive and diversifies into four player teams really well okay all right some some extra vouches for Deep Rock Galactic okay I will definitely 100 run that by run that by the the crew the what do we call gigs are we gigs are do we have to have an acronym guys the the green impulse good times with scar I was like how'd that come about and then skis Giggs is that it if we go with Scar's whole name good times with scar then we can go with gigs I guess it's better than some other stuff don't think about it okay still not the guy man this guy is really in there how many how many villagers do I have too many too many villagers you play Operation Tango with Tango I've never heard of it but I mean just because it's in the name I don't know phone call I probably should take one second foreign my daughter has a dentist appointment and they needed to reschedule I had a feeling I saw I could tell it was the dentist that was calling and I was like oh I wonder if this is regarding my daughter's dentist appointment sure enough yeah they had to reschedule it so there's that I probably should warn her I'm gonna Warner so many things to do I let my wife know too just in case okay and we're back and we're back yes I have three kids so there's always something going on okay time to get another villager let's go back to work back to work no more dentist calls I went to the dentist the other day so I'm like literally going back to the dentist but this time to bring my daughter in game I can recommend is power wash simulator uh yeah I've seen that game skiz played that game too I believe a like long it would be fun for you know what I mean uh just routine maintenance stuff like like just the clean you know the twice a year cleaning type thing there we go that's our guy all right let's go ahead and I'm just kidding hahaha could you imagine after all that oh man did you imagine lavative right there oh you guys would have freaked out and it might have been worth it oh man for the just for the trolls after all that that might have been someday I need to get brave enough to just do that kind of stuff you know what I mean I should just pull the trigger I didn't even let it marinate Nate at all like I didn't even you know I did it so quick and I backed out of it before you guys probably even had a chance to realize what was happening okay now we've got our guy let's clean up I don't think there's any more we need to to get out of there actually let's yeah let's clean up um uh what are we doing today well we are um well we found our projectile protection villager that's what we're doing right now uh because we're gonna stalk that up I don't know about the vanishing what are we gonna do about the vanishing thing it was cursive Vanishing was the other one we're missing right chat is that correct Goat Sim that sounds fun like that that seems like a goofy game that we would be into the barbecue simulator also seemed like a goofy game we'd be into and then it just I mean it was it was it was super silly but it just didn't really have legs yeah nobody really needs it you're right uh grounded was one that we ran by the team and uh I think green had already played it and it was was kind of like yeah wasn't his cup of tea what's that fix that rail real quick they got my my parkour skills would be on point after all that MCC practice but geez okay I don't know how many more villagers are down in the hole if we pulled one out right now it would go up into the system which we don't really want uh yeah let's go let's get this done overcooked too those games are stressful like the overcooked stuff even the plate up stuff that uh skiz and Tango have been doing lately so stressful anymore yeah there's more what are you um I know what you are I know what you are I know exactly what you are you are dead you are dead my friend Ark survival that game's like really old by now that that's a grindy game too I don't know about grindy games I mean we I don't know yeah obviously like sandbox Survival Games is our Jam because we love Minecraft but I don't know if we're looking for another like grindy Style game like that you know maybe we want like little fun stuff you know like phasma's perfect oh oh we're almost there last one wait a minute if I just that's probably the smarter way to do it just pop the cart right here and then oh smart so smart take it there that goes now I gotta find it later stop oh crab champions I'll make a note Paul I'll make a note I'll write it down crab Champions huh okay I think maybe like it sounds to me like that you're getting it like that's the kind of silly weird stuff but phasmo is like I don't know it's it's like perfect for us like phasma is a perfect four player game unfortunately it's so perfect that it's hard to uh it's hard to like not just play it with like both groups like you know what I mean with the Jets crew which is Joker and pulse Tango and skiz and the Giggs crew like I would literally I love that game so much I'd literally just played like twice a week with both groups oh what if it was eight players and we could all play together that'd be even better man that'd be chaos could you imagine that would be such chaos uh I might just get another bucket to grab that water actually that's leave it there that kind of looks cool phasma does go up to six oh you're right it's only six because two of us are the same people brilliant I'm busy playing Minecraft not using my brain come on now that's too hard if you mash up gigs and jits there's actually only six full people yeah yeah okay makes sense okay so we just we just need uh phasmo to up update its game mode to have account for six people to play at the same time that's all we need and then we're golden perfect full people how many half people do we have according uh apparently I'm only uh I'm down to half a brain cell so uh I'll count myself as half a person what if we combine our two groups we're gonna need eight an eight player game I don't even have an excuse I've been getting sleep the last couple nights what is my excuse now you're my brain always streaming rain okay job done great job everybody now we actually need to uh you know do some training I need some books who's in gigs it's green impulse good times with scar and skis that's the that's the gigs group look at all these beds keeping that I thought I had thought I had books and emeralds and stuff in here hold on where's everything okay oh we might have to buy our own books holy cow holy cow that's a lot okay all right gotta clean up in here baby lady I need you Mario Party we did uh we did uh another oh another group zits I like playing video games with my friends okay don't judge me I don't know why we all have to have the acronym things too uh we did Mario Party in Minecraft with zetaph in his in his zedcraft server it was amazing okay I'm wondering if if somebody else just happens to have cursive Vanishing I haven't really looked at secondary trades because everything was just focused on the first one oh guys the Villager grind was rough in the beginning of the season but we did it we got all of them including the lava Walker guy which was amazing R.I.P R.I.P lava Walker guy you will forever be missed [Applause] an increase advantage it's not looking looking good there's some other really good books in here but we have them all so it didn't really matter uh lava Walker it's an enchantment that you can put on your boots and you can walk on lava it's kind of like frost Walker you know how it like turns water to ice um yeah it's really rare though like it's like a it's like a one in like 10 000 chance of getting it and we just happen to get it but then uh what happened like a creeper blue a creeper blew up and killed the guy and uh oh we had this here oh that work all that worked he's just here loyalty also maybe that would have been the smarter thing to do was just check to see if Oh Oh I thought it was lava Walker for a minute oh my gosh I got super excited because I've never checked their second trades Dan could you imagine if we just had a if we just had a lava Walker guy already just here and we didn't even know it because we never checked the secondary books oh my gosh that would be insane I don't know why I never bothered to check the other trades none of them have curse not a single secondary curse one oh okay oh feather rolling yeah lava Walker is it is a bit op though but that's why they made it really rare so it makes sense I guess we won't do the curse of Vanishing uh he didn't die in the wall a creeper exploded didn't didn't wasn't there a Creeper explosion that killed him I had him in a cell like safe and sound and then a creeper like came up on me behind me and blew up and killed him oh no did they remove it in 120.1 oh so we there's no chance of getting lava Walker anymore no that makes it extra sad that stinks I don't like when they remove fun stuff yeah like it used to be amazing to like like just be out exploring and like run into heroBrine like that was it made the game I don't know it just gave it that extra little extra little bit of like it's like almost like a jump scare thing you know kept everything kept you on your toes and then they're like they they couldn't decide like they would remove them and then you'd come back and remove again I was like come on I thought he was fun okay um let's take these back who needs Herobrine when you have poultry man yeah right Herobrine was fun how's the motherboard going it is going well we got a lot more to do and I'm looking forward to it I think now that I'm like back ready to rock and roll feeling refreshed feeling good to be back on hermitcraft um you know aside from having some fun and some Shenanigans and stuff like that I think I I will actually let's go in here let's go in here let's talk it let's talk it through let's talk it through because I'm sure you guys are curious what are my plans at this stage of the season um this is this is I I think I'm hyped I think I think I'm feeling pretty hyped right now we did a massive massive wing with this with this section you know uh this was a massive undertaking and it I may have I may have burnt out a little bit on it I'll be honest like I did I didn't even want to look at the keep after I was done with this because it was just so much work and we had to like fit everything in and move the crane and and yeah and it was a big dig for the section but after vacation and everything I'm I'm feeling like that's what I needed I'm ready to come back in and Tackle I'm not sure which one I gotta decide but I got two more wings I want to finish and uh and that's it like there's two wings and then we finish off the down there bit which is gonna be a bit of work but um I think I'm ready to like get after it you know what I mean like really like kind of finish off the keep I think it'll be nice to to have it like done although I don't want you guys to get scared if I finish the keep off you guys are gonna start feeling like oh he's trying to finish his base that must mean The Season's coming to an end I don't want you guys to get the wrong idea um so I better keep leaving extra projects so that I don't call it done and you guys panic because that's not the case we got so many more projects I have to finish the motherboard I have to it's it's like I'm super excited for it I didn't finish the factory that's true how do we feel about Seasons that end with unfinished stuff faces does it is it irritating as a viewer or is it kind of like oh that's just how like nothing is ever finished in Minecraft do we do we feel do we feel that way or is it is it kind of like did it feel a little bit ick that I didn't finish the inside of the factory last season a little disappointing makes sense I was disappointed in myself as usual I a bit off more than I could chew I I knew this season was going to be short and I still was just thinking I could do it I can do it we can get it done I'm a little bit overly optimistic sometimes by sometimes I mean always does that not even have a hopper can I get under this oh no oh wait is that the one what else is missing full speed okay makes sense I did do a lot it was yeah for the time given like the amount of work on the factory was a it was a ton but like oh had I been able to do the inside like properly and actually like bring it to life like I had in my mind it would have been amazing I need a hopper okay we get Hopper look at that little noise that goes off with the bits worry Alice Laura thank you so much for the hundred bits you should join the create server between Seasons import the factory to work on uh to work with the gang oh the gang so it wrapped that word for some reason it made it hard for me to read um yeah that'd be cool I don't know if they'd let me do that I did I did want to do the inside of the factory with the create mod I just I did it wrong I did it in creative mode and I was and that made me like super bored I don't like creative mode it it makes it just takes the fun out of it for me I like earning earning the stuff I like going through the tech tree and leveling up not just having like infinite power so yeah that ruined that idea for me and then I just gave up on it but yeah I'd love to I'd love to go back and finish it off like the right way that's something that's always going to be there for me if I wanted to you know like there's no reason I couldn't do it just because the season's behind me doesn't mean I can't like just go I could just even if it wasn't in in like Tango's server you know I could just go do it in single player uh I need to dye this box what how was I doing this I didn't okay all I did was die in white do you have any any dies this is another thing I should probably take the time to do is like really get my Ender Chest fully organized so that I'm not always like looking for something or like like every single I should have a die box right now and I don't which makes me sad makes me sad um dies dies dies where's the closest dies where's the closest dies if I did that you'd watch yeah it would be fun doing doing create mod to finish off the factory in survival that's that's my key Leo shop this guy go get some Gotta Die in this white it's white too it's like I could go kill a Skelly down there hold on let's just do that let's just go find a Skelly and kill it instead of buying a stack of dye from Cleo oh thank you smart we big brain that one that does that make up for the whole eight people thing earlier oh it feels bad that I wasn't spreading the wealth oh sorry you don't get rich by giving away your money no doesn't make up for earlier shoot I guess I'm never gonna live that down no matter how many big brain moves I I have from here on out how many crazy Redstone Inventions I come up with in the future oh it's been it's been a minute since I come up with anything but you know have knocked out the purple crowd now we looked we looked it was far from it so we gotta wait it out and keep our eye on it there we go there we go it's not fully stocked but it's it's gonna it's gonna be fine it's gonna be fine okay now I think what the deal is cursive Vanishing did I have a guy I had a guy bought a bunch of cursive Vanishing books and then killed him I feel like that's the backstory with the vanishing guy The Vanishing guy vanished I don't know how weird oh you guys are ready for that one locked and loaded geez locked and loaded uh I'm gonna sit back down it's pretty much top of the hour you guys are waiting for it be sad I didn't think of it we called him Houdini you're right absolutely right oh it's so quiet now everybody still says Desco bird aluminum I see you um my desk is so quiet now I still get nervous when it's lowering that it's not gonna stop and it's just gonna Crush my legs anybody have a stand-up sit-down desk that's that's electric like that and when you sit down and you lower it you get this just like beer then it's not gonna stop the desk will always go burn your hearts okay that is absolutely fine if it if it hit my legs you think it would automatically go back up after it felt the pressure wait used I used my head to send it back up once what that sounds uncomfortable oh what if it didn't though like what if that mechanism is supposed to detect something's wrong didn't work and just crushed you when you died what a what a terrible way to go Vanishing oh yeah yeah look at this guys look we we stocked up like crazy yep okay yeah we stocked up like crazy and then we and then we let Houdini do what Houdini does best right we let him vanish he's a magician how heavy is the desk the desk is really heavy it's like it's like kind of like metal it's a metal desk it's a secret Labs um it's from Secret labs if you look up secret Labs you'll see it's a lovely desk I it's it's it's amazing desk it's uh it was not cheap but it was it's worth the money it's it's huge it's given me all the space I need for three monitors and uh it's got some cool stuff like it's got like magnets and stuff you can have a little cup holder headphone hangers stuff like that magnetizes to it yeah I got the big one I had to to fit the three monitors the secret the secret lab metal desk looks cool yeah like I said it is a really nice desk but it's um it's it's it's it's a pretty penny it's pretty penny for a desk I'll admit I do have an affiliate link somewhere but I can't be bothered look it up with a Pendle rate coming in hey thank you Pendle welcome welcome Raiders yeah business investment if you if it's free business yeah there you go that's your story stick to that thank you so much for the raid I have not done the office tour no uh Nats it is literally on my list it's in the works okay it's in the works yeah Magnus Pro that sounds right oh my gosh I had that candy Digger go off and I didn't acknowledge it earlier did I I'm so sorry aluminum why didn't you call me out on that your can you dig it earlier that just reminded me as it went off that I've totally I was like oh that's loud and then I forgot I'm so sorry dude uh earlier aluminum with the four dollars and 20 cents this afternoon I missed MCC when it was live but today I watched the VOD and you did great your improvement was quite noticeable and I can't wait to see next time live by the way it's also my birthday so again I humbly request a birthday oh my gosh I skipped your donation on your birthday I'm the worst aluminum happy birthday it didn't go off hold on I gotta fix it that's what happens when I unplug audio equipment for like the podcast we did a podcast recording yesterday and it just uh you know how uh Windows when you unplug an audio device and you plug it back in it likes to just like remap everything yeah it did that um oh which one should I map this to that could be fun sound effects how about that there's this channel called sound effects let's see if it works um I'm gonna say no I'm gonna say that didn't work hold on oh it didn't work oh because I gotta add the sound effects there we go let's try to good all right you heard that a little low a little low but that sound wave as is that sound bite's always a little low happy birthday aluminum thank you so much for the 4.20 I'm so sorry I'm so sorry to skip that earlier my bad hope you have a good one hope you have a good one that did work right you guys heard that I have to remap all those sounds now jeez jeez I got to remap all of them that's a lots of work lots of work so much for the three dollars and 14 cents GTFO take a look at gtf Grand Theft not Grant is GTFO Grand no GTO wait guys GTFO sounds no that oh it really is G oh okay will you get me in trouble here man um I was like wait you You misspelled GTO how do you how do you misspell it acronym because it's not what you were talking about that's why okay okay I gotta get a hopper on that okay I'll take a look it was check thanks for the recommendation is it is it sounds to me like something we gotta Mark the stream mature just by title alone I'll make a note I'll make a note thank you always looking for games uh let's see uh so the game is four players and game is similar to Deep Rock Galactic but it's scarier and more skill slash strategy base the only downside is it's more of a mature game than Deep Rock Galactic both games are great though okay all right good to know we will uh I'm just making a list and I'm gonna like basically just like send it to the boys and be like yo here's some recommendations from my stream I saw that somebody uh suggested to scar that we play Five Nights at Freddy's I don't know is that even a multiplayer game Five Nights at Freddy's I thought it was just a single player thing that came so old big bag of no for for FNAF sorry I gotta I gotta be cool I gotta talk like the kids no FNAF my my uh one of my daughters is like super obsessed with that game okay so whoever told scar we need to play FNAF feels like feels like may have been a Miss they were misled uh the changing lights is is done by a timer on the channel Redemption Channel points thing you know a little Channel Point thing down in in the in the chat but it's only comes up every once in a while so you gotta be on your toes it's like a race to the button type thing you know otherwise the lights will be flashing all the time so it's gonna it's on a bit of a like five minute timer I think okay there we go book shop is restocked what do we call this place Book Nook I never put a sign on it oh should we put a hang inside when we put a hanging sign like up there no no the book this is called The Book Nook we need a sign where do we put it guys is there something cool we can do with a hanging sign right now I need some I need some advice I need you guys big brain in this here's here's here's the book Nook where could it where could a sign go doesn't necessarily have to be a hanging sign it just feels like this is an opportunity for us is there some kind of cool way to to hang it one on each wall entrance just put the sign on the calcite right in front keep it simple big sign made of many hanging signs oh interesting with like one letter on them each eight hanging signs one letter on each Book Nook okay it is it is a little bit awkward because it's it's even letters right and we have uh an odd odd block number here as usual we could oh we could go how many do we got one two three four five six seven we only have seven if we had nine we could have done book space Nook that would have been perfect but we have seven um could use vertical could use could do a vertical down the middle uh it's gonna be in the way though I like the name Book Nook for the store though [Laughter] look on one side Nook on the other and then a space in between that way it's only three that's not too bad that's not too bad we could do that [Music] okay what did I do with that stuff what'd I do with that stuff did I did I put it in one of these boxes and stuff it in my under chest or did I leave it somewhere somewhere silly because we had we had some good stuff for this it was when we were messing around in the other one yeah I think what we could do is just put book on one side Nook on the other and then just like leave a space in between right would that be okay do we hang it down maybe initially I thought I just was gonna put a sign here or something gotta do it yeah you guys are like me not I mean not all I'm not saying you're all like me but uh you gotta kind of just like see stuff I'm a very visual person I have to like do it I don't see it in my mind's eye you know I have to just place it in the game and then decide if it's if it's good or not I feel like we left some good stuff in here didn't I nope where did we leave that guys where was it Cowboy says how do I send cash again uh is there there's just like a donate link somewhere isn't there is that what you're talking about like donations oh did I put it in my brown no because I had chains and stuff what did I do with that stuff guys did I leave it in my base you were here you were here when I had all that stuff on me with the chains [Music] those signs I made I put in there okay I was thinking I was gonna have to make new signs though because they were dark oh maybe no that's a vibe in here isn't it okay Okay cool so I threw him in here no I didn't what did I put on we could make new ones I just need iron I guess for chains come on now come on now I don't know where I put them guys where did they go nope nobody remembers what I did with that box I need you guys to pay better attention to what I'm doing I'm so confused it wasn't that long ago under the bamboo Farm did I just set it there oh my gosh and then I didn't pick it back I did I did I emptied my pocket so I'd have room to trade oh yeah okay Blake remembers thank you and yes I am going back I am gonna go back I was gonna I was gonna sleep real quick yeah why not why not good memory Blake thank you thank you maybe I'm not 100 like ready to be back at this shaking off some Rust today Cubs still camping the button is he probably yeah he's got his uh camera count on that could be why I might be camping the button I think I'm gonna start doing the keep I'm gonna start working on the wing of the keep which one should I do what do we have left we have the um the like what do we call it like the sleeping quarters and then we had the forge I think the forge is probably the most exciting one yeah the sleeping quarters it would be nice to finally have my bedroom a place to sleep but the forge I think is going to be a little more exciting for people to see the barracks is that what we called it uh-huh there's our signs and our chains I knew it ah what a weird place to leave them thanks Blake I my brain spaced it I was like I know I had it why that's what happens it's gonna be one of those days I'm gonna start looking for the keys to the car to take my daughter to the dentist after this and they're gonna be like in the fridge the forge sounds fun I think I will I think I'll go after I think I'm gonna tackle the forge that'll be a fun episode I think I kind of you know it sounds like oh if it's really cool save it for last I don't think I want to do that though I think I think right now I'm kind of itching to kind of like return with a bit of a splash you know what I mean they rescheduled for today it was weird like it was the weirdest call they said we're having technical difficulties so we need to reschedule your appointment that was at four o'clock today and then they rescheduled it for one o'clock today I don't understand if they're having technical difficulties wouldn't that mean they need some time to fix their technical difficulties instead of pushing the appointment up so confused or maybe they wanted to get all their appointments done so they could work on the technical issues in the afternoon or something I don't know I don't know I'm gonna go in and be like you guys are confusing all right let's see let's see so these actually have to like Mount to stuff right you can't even put them on the side of stairs what shoot okay what do we do then they will like hang off besides of blocks right yeah and then if you break oh so you can okay so we could we could cheese it a little bit right if we wanted to we could cheese a little bit um okay so where should I shall it be I'm thinking actually like if we did some sort of support across here will they mount to chains so if we had a chain oops no that would be one sign right there I think maybe something better than a chain really I'm guessing it won't right if it won't do a stair why would it do I'm surprised they got so strict about about these but not really like to not have them break when they're when you take away its support feels kind of weird see towards the bottom of the sign Maybe of course we're gonna have to lighten it up and stuff oh maybe that's not the end of the world I have a block in the middle hmm we should go in the middle just another chain oh I have to shift click stuff that's not too bad if we lighten it up it feels like it feels like something needs to be coming down right do you think it needs to be down one is it too high up I'm seeing a suggestion to bring it down one yeah one lower the only reason I didn't is because we don't have but well we could we could change this up and actually have a support block there right what would be a good looking support maybe just a full dark plank nope that's a nope that's a nope full block there is not gonna work maybe just another chain yeah yeah yeah so go two chains wait two chains isn't that a wrapper rapper oops okay I gotta get rid of the other one otherwise this is very awkward hi two changes nobody in my chat answered me are they answering me in in game [Laughter] [Laughter] oh green you lurking you're just gonna say Yes again and we're still gonna be confused at what you're saying yes to I told him his lights are bright the first thing I did when I got my Elgato key lights was like turn down the brightness to like three percent three could you imagine what happens on a hundred you have to wear sunglasses and while you're streaming uh oh sweet all right now that it's down one I feel like something needs to be coming from the top right yeah something needs to be coming from the from the very top as well what could we do um end rods maybe something with light so we have end rods and glass panes in the in the build you know we also do have the chains so that did fit uh oh we could do the hopper thing as well like we did here for support right the hopper and the chains now as you can see is a face great can't you hang signs from vertical chains yeah it's just that foreign about how that was going to look with the stairs [Music] I mean at that point would we just take out these side ones and just leave it like maybe yeah I need some glowing cool definitely hit it with glowing don't worry about that or is this good no side ones yeah yeah now it's like kind of unnecessary right and then I could put that I could put those trap doors back on make me feel better all right keep coming back to I need free cam again all right I mean it's not like special you know it's not like we just won a decoration contest or anything with this but it works do I have glow Squid Ink I don't shall we go on a little Adventure as we always do what was going insane he was saying yes to me right yes thanks what if you want spoilers oh do we want oh okay unrelated the fact that he's answering nobody in game hi green visit the perimeter and tell me if you like the decor okay so I sort of accidentally already did I didn't know I didn't know it was exclusive previews but now you're giving me permission so I can I can do it again but now we're allowed to [Laughter] because like they told me it was exclusive previews and uh and then I and then I laughed because I felt bad but now I have your permission so first of all live laugh love the word art is hilarious man it's absolutely hilarious like everybody loves a whoa that thing actually moves okay sorry um where's a good Vantage Point here I suppose it's just come on I love it oh no it's so good I love that you did it like in cursive and everything like so good [Laughter] you pranked yourself oh no but it's perfect it is a lot it is a lot that you had to figure out how to make it like that but it's like the perfect canvas you know you nailed the sizing of it I saw it earlier and I just I was dying laughing that's so good I could imagine I could have met like how many hours in Creative just to figure out how to nail the the curvature of the the like all of that at least once you had like one figured out you were able to use it like four times right one two three four and then that one's probably just a flip mirror on the G yeah and the fact that it's like got a 3d effect as well it's really good I think it's hilarious I think it's hilarious because who doesn't love word art right wait is Ollie here Ollie's here I'm seeing everybody shout Ollie Ollie where are you where are you there you are yeah okay good I've made a VIP uh Ollie I um I discovered something earlier that you may know something about you've been notified [Laughter] okay here's the thing I found it and I was streaming I wasn't recording so I will be I will be uh recording a proper clip of this let me let me let me see if we can go to the scene of the crime I was jamming out man like I was trying to turn all the volume in the game up but like once the once the Jukebox starts playing that's it you can adjust it apparently I wanted to turn it up loud enough that we could all Jam together so maybe it'll go off again I don't know what kind of mechanism you used but yes it did it did work the weird thing is I had been in the area for a while oh that's right I'm the one that died I showed you the Redstone for that I totally forgot about that okay so look you can see like I've been working here for a while I made a little camel and sniffer sanctuary right I've been here breeding sniffers and hanging out and for you know how long these things take right to grow up it takes two full Minecraft days like what like 40 minutes hanging out nothing and then suddenly today it went off so I'm guessing it's it's like I don't know down here somewhere crazy right I couldn't believe it like because I I was recording you know and setting all this up and had it got off it would have been in that video but it just happened today I can't believe it it's awesome man you picked this like random Island this is random like my bases so that's gems bass that's Pearl's base and then mine's in the mountain there and this island literally nobody's nobody's touched it's just been chilling oh there's the second one yeah so when I did the 120 stuff I decided just to use Asylum to bring my camels to and sniffers too because it was close otherwise man I I think nobody would have found it oh you're giving hints the other one's near Joe's pinball machine okay cool it was a sick moment on stream so thank you for that I don't know how I'm gonna like recreate it for video but it has to be done you've been giving hints for eight months dang okay I don't remember what you used as a timer wait no it's it's proximity based right skulk or something I can't remember how we set it off okay so it should just go off when I when I find it okay hold on let's do this good I actually need to know how to set it off hey let's let's get rid of the music yeah I came over here I killed a creeper how did I not Set It Off there must be like one specific spot that I happen to where is it it's at the sine sine I didn't see a sign oh you left a sign oh wait how did I set it off if it's way over here oh my God oh that was weird take this block and don't forget me a minute wait a minute oh is it no I'm no this just means my microphone that's not it it was pillagers oh you're right there was a Pillager Patrol party that was strolling through that's what it was attention please they have your attention please well the real Sheriff please stand up I repeat for the real serum please before he rolling the time that is found got some lovely clouds and if you're not PG you'll bring his guns on around give it guys love picture everybody kiss my only love is the losses look into that Vegas ain't for Christmas Joy he gets at least one day where he's not a toy so but now he's big and strong he's definitely a real boy wait it's Andy now just get him he's Jim Sheriff yes he's the real sheriff for your other gym Sheriff suggested imitating so long the real Sheriff please stand up please please stand up please stand up please stand up out Merry Christmas [Applause] how do I stop how do I stop this plague oh no this is the best part I love that bye [Laughter] oh man okay hold on oh it's good it didn't restart it didn't restart so I didn't even set it off holy cow I'm too old to say fire hello I didn't even set it up I thought it was me I was I was literally over here and like a a creeper had come through and I went to Kill The Creeper and and then it started playing and I thought it was me but then we noticed there was a Patrol party a filter Patrol party like off in the water here they they must have set it up that's awesome that's so cool all right cool uh now I can uh discover this properly on video now that I am understanding what's happening [Laughter] that's so cool Ollie thanks for leaving that little that little deal behind like how how it managed to just now get discovered is actually pretty crazy like you literally left a sign and I I've flown between my base and in that I have a little industrial district just off the way there many times never saw it okay well Joe better find the one by the pinball machine too old to say fire and too young to shout and shout it in a crowded theater nah gotta limit gotta love it how that's so funny the the the news hasn't traveled that fast to bring you in here Ollie that's funny so they still want to be found so the question is so I told Cub Cubs got his Museum Cub's probably gonna want that disc right there's no other that this doesn't exist other than the two that you hit on the server is that correct because I think that's gonna be something Cubs gonna want for the museum so I will uh I will find it I don't think I'll I'll lie about it you think there's one other copy more uh one more copy as long as Cub doesn't have it already for his Museum it'll be it'll be something he wants so there's that Ah that's right yeah there was the one in the Christmas Village wasn't there okay Cleo also has a museum so I could uh bargain with both of them maybe yeah we'll see we'll see that's pretty crazy though I it's even crazier now knowing that it it was because of that Pillager Patrol party that was found in the first place otherwise no I mean eventually I I think since I am doing work in this area now I think eventually I would have stumbled across it right but just how it came about is hilarious hahaha I started playing that I remember it now I remember our yeah when you came to my face and I built out the machine to play the disc and it started playing and I cut it I kind of cut it off pretty quick because I didn't want to I didn't want to hear the whole thing I wanted to like have what happened happen that way so that was the first time I heard it all the way through pretty cool man all right let's get back time to go live laugh and love some more wait is that it could sell copies that I buy right let's make copies of the disc and sell it at I buy can we get signed ones signed copies that's called bootlegging kind of illegal my chat was worried I was gonna get like a copyright strike or something because of the but I'm guessing you test you've already tested that that's not the problem right guys I said it earlier if you haven't seen it Tango stream on Friday I'm sure is on his second Channel he showed off a 3D model that somebody 3D printed of of this frosted Citadel took the person uh six or seven days to make and he's it's massive it's like it's massive it's beautiful the detail is insane you gotta go check it out he unboxed it on stream on Friday so let's let's see oh green just logged off I was gonna say is green over here sweeping sweeping up some eggs oh the person who did the print posted some pictures of the great Lighting on Reddit yeah I saw that actually yeah yeah it was like sitting in uh like grass area hermitcraft world will be available for download at the end of the season as they all always are I think a lot of the stuff we do too with like armor stands and stuff will will actually work in the the World download even the discs the music we usually try to make sure that's all going to work for you guys is if you you know just like you see here it's all this stuff oh right we had another thing we had to do today okay good now remember and my team go to Team Buttercup I I'm literally like just getting the the back story of what's going on with that whole thing like today so I have yet to form an opinion of like a side if I was to take one because I I literally just kind of discovered the little back and forth that's been going on so uh yeah at the moment I'm I don't have an opinion but uh we'll see we'll see what happens now that I'm back oh oh I'll poke around a bit maybe not poke the goat right because I don't need dragon eggs all over my base uh what I do need is a name tag I need a name tag we should have bought one from my villagers earlier but we forgot all about uh our horse what was our horse's name again noodles oh cause I said I got a noodle on it that's right that's right that's exactly how that came about so we need to come up with a name for a horse and then what b-dub suggested one or something and I was like oh I got a noodle on that a little bit and then he's like oh yeah noodle I was like yeah noodles it's a good name for a horse instant noodles I think we can just go with plain old noodles I like it come here we've been here earlier in the sea name tags thank you [Applause] that'll do that's all we needed trip all the way here for that noodles foreign remember the bottom pole of course who could forget the bottom Pole the bottom hole we had many a meeting in the bottom hole uh literally just swatched a clip this morning of uh something that went down oops I should have went through the side tunnel something that went down in the bottom hole literally [Applause] eight times this car died in the hole and lost all his gear only eight are you sure about that feels like it would have been more than eight I'd rather see impulse with Team buttercup because team bowed him for forever right yeah support my my Bodum family noodles we needed six name tags for noodles so I press the button foreign opal thank you so much for the 4.20 cents the real gym sheriff is such a good song but unfortunately Cub already has a copy of the disc the one Ollie left in the Empire's Village Cleo might want one though okay okay dang okay Cub went and snatched it up he's been he's been on a hunt for all the all the things we had a Super Chat come in earlier from Snowy Dragon uh said need to replace the signs so they connect the chains oh when we hung him they'll hang differently with those signs okay thanks for the Super Chat I uh almost missed it there things were happening we'll go back we'll do that I'm glad I'm glad you I caught that before we did the uh glow ink and stuff sway is this portal probably the best way to get there Trump is scavenger a scavenger of the server finding every little thing he can dang I thought I had a little hot commodity there that could sell them on might go to Cleo though might just have to go to Clio I got seriously lucky with this game oh wait a minute did somebody else win a horse because there's only one there now has somebody else won since I played [Music] let's go just me and Tango oh scar killed one of course it's me loves me [Music] right he was already tamed um how in the world are we gonna get him home this is gonna be a ride isn't it a ride and a half car killed two horses already he is a horse murderer I think we can make it all the way to my base with this oh who that two horses one bow oh geez all right this turn is not too bad this horse is is pretty fast this is pretty good pretty good horse uh what are we gonna do about this part though what are we gonna how are we gonna get past this part I think we're gonna go this way oh my gosh this horse is too fast it's too fast gosh yeah now this water though in between how far did did that just end there is that as far as that fast Highway goes no still here ah okay I need to get up on top of this oh he's not a jumper not a jumper he's noodle is a terrible jumper shoot no oh it ends there anyway how am I going to I'm gonna get him to my base there's too much water in between here we might have to leave him for a bit nope nope oh I'm not good with the horse running guys what happens when they go in the water he drowns come on noodles yeah I can tell we're gonna need that oh you and your lack of jumping is is oh God come on okay okay off we go [Music] don't worry it's fakes now this isn't real snow you're not gonna freeze to death come on it's gonna like secret powdered snow holes in this or anything right we gotta worry about that would be kind of fun did we look at all these for all these discs by the pinball no we didn't no we'll let we'll let Joe try to figure that out okay let's go we're getting close this isn't as bad as I thought it would be thankfully this horse is super fast what are we gonna do with the horse's Dwarven keep though maybe I bring him to the camel Sanctuary area I don't know oh Jesus is thick it's already through here go I'm also not skilled at jumping so that doesn't help either there we go okay decisions let me take across this bit right here it's not too bad don't get hurt I'll get sucked down by anything bubble columns If I Only Had I do have a bridge over there but like navigating Pearl's Terrain guys guys could look at it you think you think we're getting through Pearl's Terrain come on now come on now I know I'm down to half a brain cell today but that half just worked okay this is a little sketch right here hold on uh we can do it oh yeah oh nope no no no no noodles come back come back no okay we're good see we did it a little horse parkour going on right there what do we do with noodles now what do we do with him you just want to hang out in here can't put these on we need a fence post [Laughter] oh probably not the best fence to put in here but I won't I'll just put it behind there nobody will see it there we go noodles has made it home perfect I have to let B-Dubs know actually what if we didn't tell B-Dubs that we brought noodles home and we uh we gaslit them a little bit what if we did that what if we Gaslight V dubs a little bit ask him how noodles is doing and then when he goes to check on noodles and then we blame scar no we let him blame scar is that too mean yeah throw the pot a little bit let's put some leather on the ground so so mean dogs just covers the like the corpse basically oh my gosh that's fantastic getting like getting that timed right would be amazing because like people load it you know instead of space where's oh it's over here might not have any luck hey there we go nice my ultra fancy glow squid glow ink Farm it's a tutorial coming out on YouTube soon hey wait wait wait wait wait wait King Krusty thanks so much for the 200 bits appreciate you F3 would be let's awesome hot guy the new anti-hero there you go skip that we got 13. we got 13. I gotta get this sign done before we go something going on here somebody's doing to work see we just leave a piece of leather right there if we can do it if we can time it the leather's there and then B-Dubs logs in and then I like and then I like oh I'll get there first and I'll throw it down yeah yeah that's what we'll do I'll get there first I'll throw it down and then I'll call B-Dubs over like hey I just came over to get noodles have you seen them and then like B-Dubs will see the leather on the ground you know and be like leather lead and saddle oh that's true yeah that's true need all three to sell it okay guys they're so mean I love it um so what was the deal if if we had basically hung this sign before the chain right so you take this if you hang it now it does something different oh it does it does a little okay okay I see so then you get that that does look better that looks yeah that looks better good call good call well worth a Super Chat thank you I still think this the chain in between makes sense to connect them yep yep yep yep uh the White die is probably a little too harsh but yeah let's do it anyway fix that later that's not too bad it stands up I mean they're hanging signs this is neat because it's new uh but yeah that works out great it does kind of look like little like eyes you know like a little I don't know I kind of like see a face now in a way but we got the book Nook perfect edit to all caps you think it'll look better with caps oh that is nice that you can you can fix these now without losing like your glowing yeah I think you're right I think caps looks better nuke a good call good call I think yellow text would look up look better I don't know can be a little bit I usually go with uh light gray text or maybe even just gray I can't remember but it works it works good on this I think so oh thank you on the back I love that wait now that the fronts died will the back take the same it won't so you got to do it again that's that's brilliant though I don't have any more white dye unfortunately we got to get some yikes okay that works though all right yeah we'll get some we'll fix that but cool that's a great idea I love that on your way out thank you thanks for shopping yeah too bad they can't Flash I don't think I have any bones do I remember earlier we had to go to kill the skellies just to make it happen no okay that's okay uh I do need to wrap things up though because they did reschedule my daughter's dentist appointment which means uh I have less time now to eat lunch to uh and before I have to get her there so uh yeah I need to get going fun stream I'm so excited I should have about to die from Cleo and then I'd been covered I know you're right dang it that's what I get for being cheap yeah I left a wax a sign too uh good Tango just went live perfect uh so if I send you over to tango chances are you'll probably be getting like the starting soon screen potentially let's see literally just started um so he's got a starting soon screen just just hang out uh we got a birthday in the house before we go uh foxy did I see that happy birthday to you have a good one uh thanks for joining me guys uh go give a Tango some love let them know I sent you all that jazz and uh it should be a normal week for me the normal streaming schedule so I will uh uh probably be live with skiz tomorrow afternoon or maybe even with uh the boys gigs or whatever you guys are calling us now uh and then Wednesday with Glimpse Peeps and then there yeah you guys know this you guys know Friday Friday we'll be back here doing hermitcraft though for sure I think I'm gonna drum a little bit too I owe you guys so all right heading on over to tango thanks again everybody you guys are amazing and we'll see you soon foreign
Channel: impulseSV2
Views: 20,952
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch, hermitcraft season 9, hermitcraft 9, minecraft survival, hermit craft, minecraft lets play, minecraft smp, lets play, minecraft hermitcraft, no swearing, family friendly, impulse hermitcraft, minecraft server, lets play minecraft, minecraft mega base, hermitcraft mega base, season 9, impulse base, villager breeder, iron farm
Id: _oDxkPXHM4g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 179min 14sec (10754 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 18 2023
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