How to Quickly Write Scripts for YouTube (Using AI)

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- Here's how to use AI to write scripts for your YouTube videos in five simple steps that's gonna save you a ton of time. You gotta just press record. Step number one is to create an outline. So let's say I wanna write a script about NBA legends and their first games ever played in the NBA. Using AI, you can save a ton of time during this research stage by using something like ChatGPT, Google Bard, or The difference with Google Bard and Perplexity is it's going to find different articles and reliable sources by searching the internet. This is gonna save you so much time but you really just don't wanna make this mistake, and that's when people fully rely on AI to write their scripts for them. Though this is the quickest way to do it, you're not gonna get the best scripts possible and then your YouTube videos aren't gonna be as good. So now I'm just gonna simply ask it a question, which is what NBA players had incredible games for the first game in the NBA? And now it's gonna do all of the research for me. After that, the AI collects different sources. Here we can see it considered 24 different results, and this was from blog articles all the way to YouTube videos. And what's really cool is you can see the sources that it pulled it from. So if I wanna read the first one about LeBron James and I want to verify that this is true, that he scored 25 points, I can actually open up one of these articles or videos and see if it actually is true. So you can already start to see how much time this is going to save you during this phase. Now, for my video, let's say I want 10 different players. I am simply just gonna ask a follow-up question to provide two more, and just like that, it gave me two more players that it didn't already include in the first eight. This is gonna be a perfect outline for my script. I'm just gonna go to Copy To Clipboard and then I'm gonna paste this onto my Google Doc. Now that we have an outline created with AI, the second step is to expand on this outline so we have more content to talk about in the video. One way to do this is to ask Perplexity to expand on each of the player's performance but tell it in a storytelling way that is engaging and captivating for the reader. Now that it's expanded on each point, this is much better. I'm gonna go back down and copy this over to my Google Doc. Step number three is now to go through your script, read through it, and to improve your wording, and you can either use ChatGPT or Grammarly to make this really easy. When reading through the outline, you can find certain sentences and highlight the text and then go over to the Grammarly plugin, and from here, you're gonna have a few different options. One of my favorite options is to use the Improve it button, and you can see when you hit it, it simply just takes the words and it tries to improve it. And if you like how it sounds, you simply just have to hit Insert and it's going to replace that text for you. Another way to do this is to use ChatGPT and to prompt it beforehand and then put all of your text in there, and it's gonna rewrite it in the way you would like. Step number four is to write your hook. Though you can use ChatGPT or certain AI tools to write hooks for your videos, I really think you need to use a personal element here because it is so important to start off your videos the right way. One way you can use AI to help generate a hook for you is to ask it to summarize the script you gave it into a storytelling way to hook the viewer into wanting to hear the full video within a few sentences. From here, I'm gonna use this to replace my current hook because this one is a lot better. But still, I'm gonna read through this and I'm gonna refine it to make sure it is as good as possible. Before I share some tips on how to start off your YouTube videos the right way, I want to invite you guys to our YouTube 1K Challenge. You can join this challenge for free as we show you how to grow your first 1,000 subscribers and make your first $1,000 on YouTube. We've had countless people join us during this 1K Challenge who are now at 1,000 subscribers and past 1,000 subscribers, making money on YouTube, and you can be the next person. If you just go to, you can sign up for the very next challenge, and we can't wait to see you guys there. All right, so now let's go into the script and rewrite our hook. We wanna make it really good because this is the first thing that people are gonna see when they click on our video and a lot of people leave the YouTube video in the first 30 seconds. So it's very important that we hook in our audience, and I'm gonna show you exactly how to do that. The first tip is to grab their attention, and you can do this in a few ways. You can ask an intriguing question, you can make a bold statement, or you can start off with a story, and that's what I did for this video. Now, the second tip is you do wanna mention a few points of what you're gonna talk about later on in the video. A lot of reality TV shows tease those moments at the very beginning, and it makes you want to stay to actually see what's gonna happen. And the third tip is to seamlessly transition from the hook of the video into the main content of the video. Doing those three things is a perfect way to actually hook the viewer into your video so that they keep on watching. Tip number five is to use the transition method. Using this method is the perfect way to end your YouTube videos to get them to watch another one. And I made a whole video breaking down exactly how to do this. If you click on the screen, you can watch that. It's gonna help you get more views on YouTube. I'll see you guys in the next video.
Channel: Think Media
Views: 90,343
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to write a video script, how to write a youtube script, script writing for youtube videos, script writing tutorial, how to make youtube videos, how to write a script for a youtube video, video scripting, how to make video script, how to write script with chatgpt, chatgpt youtube, google bard, perplexity ai, think media, nolan molt, ai writing tools, youtube script ai, ai tools for content creation, ai, ai tools, how to write a video script for youtube, youtube tips
Id: CZiUdHQzy4o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 37sec (277 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 07 2023
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