Screaming in Walmart!

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all right guys yesterday was fourth of july and every fourth of july is shitty for me i don't know why my fourth of julys are cursed i'm either [ __ ] at home doing nothing or [ __ ] getting broken up with and this year i vowed to have the first fourth of july that was really awesome and we woke up late we drove around did nothing so you know what dude we're not letting this happen if you want something in life to change you got to change yourself so today we're going to celebrate the 5th of july i'm going to pick up fireworks we're going to have to grill out in the backyard we're not letting the curse of fourth of july keep going we're having a good [ __ ] fourth of july i can throw this thing off yeah the trick is you don't want it to damage your house all right we'll see how this goes okay love you all right love you all right gentlemen i'm gonna need help wait do you see what's in it open it up wait no like seriously there's something in it right now open it up we're clearing out all the stuff today because i bought a bunch of bunk beds so we're gonna make this like a campsite so i can house like 20 people at one time in here why are we doing this i feel like we're gonna [ __ ] something up so bad yeah all right i'm gonna drop it oh put it back put it back oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] are we back there are we back there's no way we can do that we gotta [ __ ] break it down where's pj when you need him we're gonna just start chucking this [ __ ] there we go hello governor oh shake sand captain what the hell all right let's slide it over there all right let's put it down on its feet put it on the ground holy [ __ ] epic meme dude oh my god he's so funny bro how is he so funny that's actually gangster benitez when did he get some gangster in the [ __ ] line in his hair oh my god what the hell i don't think the fans have ever seen it in here it's my closet that's where i jerk my dick not pouring just to my mind to all you kids out there stay away from porn you know i always talk about [ __ ] drugs [ __ ] porn porn is literally a drug bro porno [ __ ] you up don't watch that [ __ ] and don't be sleeping around either you know find a nice woman have a nice relationship if you're ready for that if you're not ready for that there's so much more to life than just [ __ ] moral story [ __ ] porn if you haven't started don't [ __ ] start because then it makes it ten times easier if you have started quit as soon as you can because it's [ __ ] dude it [ __ ] with your mind you don't want that [ __ ] in there you want to keep the mind healthy cash money [ __ ] j vans good to see you are you actually moving yeah what the [ __ ] dude i can come visit whenever yeah come visit and stay like weeks at the house now that we put these bunk beds up here you can always come visit so the beautiful thing about where i moved is i found one of the world's biggest yachty fans some of you may already know him but now he's moving [ __ ] all right stack it up kevin we're doing 5th of july right you know doesn't matter that we [ __ ] up the 4th of july as long as we do the fifth of july correctly bro our neighbor's gonna [ __ ] hate us first we're throwing [ __ ] off the thing now we're lighting off these loud ass fireworks can i go head first kanobi oh this kenobi [ __ ] is getting out of hand guys for those of you that don't know darth maul says kenobi like he just yells it like full-on [ __ ] kenobi canal sorry and it's literally the funniest thing ever canoe kenobi is one of our biggest jokes we're literally screaming around the house whenever i get stressed or angry i let out a kenobi and it just gets the job done so if you wonder why we screamed that you just got the backstory cash money's wheeled in the [ __ ] grill tonight you know how it is first one to find shrek wins no way but actually [ __ ] no it's over the head just over the hedge it's worth more than five dollars yes [ __ ] suck my dick [Music] all right that's it if we don't find these burgers in five seconds i'm kenobi one two three four five seconds oh it's so nice i'm not kidding bro actually such a stress reliever if i'm running behind in a video or you know we got to clean the floors and i need to let something out i just let out a kenobi and boom all my problems swift away i just saw it no it's literally just a ps4 i just saw it no it's a ps4 turn it off now okay all right can you pause the game or something no we just got to get burgers i need you guys to leave now turn off the camera we can't really bring the camera in here and you can't start recording okay okay i know we won't record but can we get the burger we're having like fifth of july special sure okay sweet thank you you're not recording anymore okay it's perfect thank you how the [ __ ] did we get out of that one all right let's get these burgers that should be enough yeah what type of cheese is good on burgers good old-fashioned american american cheese on america's day let's just act like it's fourth of july happy birthday america god [ __ ] blessed damn [ __ ] american day either can we get american cheese half a pound we'll do celebrating fourth of july day late but hey never too late to celebrate america we just picked up some big old fireworks hopefully we don't get rained out i'm gonna light him out of his [ __ ] [ __ ] shot y'all kenobi right now if i do it again that's a death wish we're getting kicked out i've only cannot beat one time it was good right i gave it respect with kyle yeah it takes a lot to be able to kenobi oh but it felt so good afterwards were you stressed yeah it was because my bird's gear to stop working i highly recommend it man imagine we start a wave of like kids that get stressed in school and they're like in the classroom thank you so much you're the man that's how i'm kenobi go in the middle of the thing into it i'll give you the mic right now what do i have to lose i have adrenaline right now i'm letting bro i bet it goes completely from here are you from tampa yeah why would i not be from tampa like that bro tampa native i'm a tampa bay stand are you filming are you filming are you filming are you filming are you filming yes i want you to come look at my backyard that my friends do such a good job at mowing when they have one job look at this [ __ ] jumanji dude let me walk through the goddamn jungle to get [ __ ] to light these fireworks it's actually [ __ ] shrek swamp back here yeah there's gators back here for sure so i'd be careful dude cause [ __ ] walton disney world because we're going to be put on the show tonight baby my dad said last night he was lighting him and one kicked over shot up in his [ __ ] pants and his leg like it burnt all his hair off and [ __ ] tell me why i don't have a why isn't it lighting because it's windy dude all right you can let go right oh yeah well i don't know if the box doesn't say that bro the [ __ ] win bro the [ __ ] win i'm out of kenobi i have a bad feeling about this why i don't know bro i'm about to [ __ ] rage so hard you just need to block the wind honestly like that i'm soaking it oh [ __ ] [ __ ] bro light oh up captain light it up oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] send the cannons oh let's go baby is it gonna [ __ ] catch on fire oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh here we go oh [ __ ] me oh man this is what fourth of july is all about friends of july 5th of july friends fireworks and burgers in a second right yep come on kyle double whammy boom boom oh we're still [ __ ] we're still [ __ ] we're so [ __ ] we're so hungry we're so [ __ ] we're so [ __ ] we're so [ __ ] bro are those fireworks or are those gunshots bro these speakers are the best thing i've ever bought all right check me out check me out [Music] [Music] well you're burning our [ __ ] cash money [Music] if you know where that's from i applaud you i know been in black the sequel [ __ ] off dude spider-man 3. [Music] bro those look so ass i didn't think the flames are going to [ __ ] come up that high not cash money i mean you know what you did better than we could do and that's all that matters come on bro you're a nice guy if you say this [ __ ] looks good this is a quarter of a burger baron what there's a quarter of a burger you can't save and tell me this is a good job i did not go to culinary school right right you know what gas money is better than i can do and think about it now next time you do it you'll probably be better you're just learning your cell is breaking on this you know me all right one bite give me a rating most of it will probably be bun i love it oh my gosh are those chicken nuggets those are like steak burnt nuggets thanks for uh having me over bailin of course bro any yachty fan is welcome in my house
Channel: Baylen Levine
Views: 4,747,682
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baylen levine, baylen levine vlogs, benitez, funny videos, pranks, prank, messing around, fourth of july, 4th of july, fireworks
Id: zAwYv-x20EQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 59sec (659 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 22 2021
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