How to make money with Pallets

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[Music] are you doing guys thanks for tuning in to my channel today I'm gonna explain how I sell palace now how I got started selling pallets was I was flat broke I needed some money I used to go dumpster diving trash picking and flipping anything on Facebook marketplace now one day I was working when my brother doing landscaping and he brought back some pallets and I think it was like five of them and I sold them each $2 each and I blasted on Facebook marketplace and they sold within like two days so the thought came in my mind you know I used to drive around and see you know pallets so after that I sold on Facebook marketplace I started driving around you know in my city I start getting a bunch of free pallets now I brought it back to the house I listed on Facebook marketplace and it sold very quickly that then eventually I was selling to warehouses you know and people's picking them up I was you know delivering to their house so today let me explain how you guys can sell pallets number one is your vehicle is very important you know I used to have the Kia SUV I could feel probably like five pallets in there depending on the size now if you have a truck it's perfect you know you could fit you know whatever you know how many you want cuz you can stack it up and even rent a trailer you know if you have a SUV that has a hitch you can go u-haul and rent a trailer I've done it before you know many times now where to look for them I will go around your town I want to drive too far you know ten minutes depending on where you live you know go to you know like Industry parks you know small places you know places that sell like tile or rugs or anything or you know landscape companies or even construction sites I wouldn't go a Walmart because they send it back to the warehouse or any places like that sometimes Home Depot they'll give them away the condition of them and the sizes the conditions has to be you know good now the pallets are gonna be worn you know it's gonna look rustic but people buy them because of that you know if you go to Pintrest you'll see a bunch of you know things on Pinterest where you can make you know walls you know people I have so pallets to people where they're making walls out of pile of the pallet boards so the conditions it's okay if it's rustic but as long you know as long as they're not cracks or anything like that now the sizes doesn't matter because when you go get them there's gonna be a bunch of different sizes well you know the sizes that you want to look out for is the 48 by 40 always go in there and ask if it's for free you never want to go in the back and just take them because you never know now when you do get palettes and you bring it back to your house I would take pictures of them describe the sizes how many you got and I will put it on Facebook marketplace offer up let go and five miles and it's just be patient and trust me the cells will start coming in if you have a truck or even an SUV with a hitch and you know I would deliver them now when I used to deliver them I would say minimum ten pallets you know and also in charge of small gas fee so at the end of it you know if you get enough people to buy all the pallets and you deliver most of them if you have a truck or SUV you charge for a small gas fee at the end they will have paid for all of the gas for the whole trip for all the deliveries um and also you know driving to get them so the whole process was free I used to do all the time thank you guys for watching so wrap up from the pallets just drive around your city and should look for them as if they're for free you know ask you know hey you know do you guys have more Palace how many pallets do you guys throw a on weekly basis and a blast on Facebook marketplace I would charge you know two dollars each and a plus delivery with a small gas fee and where to get the pallets just drive around your town you know look for free pallets you know playing your truck or SUV or even your car and bring it back to your your house you know take pictures of it describe the sizes the condition and post on Facebook marketplace and you know offer up and on five miles and if you can deliver them deliver it and you guys can make a killing listen I did this when I was flat broke I made some money you know I I did it for about six months I had a truck until my wife got pregnant and we had to trade the truck in for a car because the truck was only a two-door so maybe you guys could make a Kelly I used to do this when I was flat broke I needed the money you know go out there and hustle and make some money so thank you guys for watching I really appreciate it please subscribe and that
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Views: 26,781
Rating: 4.8832564 out of 5
Keywords: #pallets #hustle #reseller
Id: BISwpa29lBw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 45sec (345 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2019
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