SCP : Sedition - SCP-035 [Tape 01]

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you is this really necessary send them in [Music] [Music] okay I saw the mask cannot go now nothing else is happening what's the delay it could take anything that looks human why use a real person it gets results what do you want me to do what is this thing why is it sad gotcha it looks beautiful so smooth so delicate and I want it on [Music] I think that's your cue thank you me not stupid enough to fall for that absolutely right so he which must mean the interview ban has been lifted I never thought they'd let me remember see probably because everyone who has been in contact with you is either committed suicide or died due to the fluids you secrete you don't know you throw a tantrum until you get what you want I'm here oh yeah there you are how long have we got but you don't seem like the kind of person to see that you were not always nice party trick we'll see how these questions go at least answer them no grief no manipulation and continued interview sessions will be considered [Music] why do you insist on contacting us why the urgency come on watch you can expect you to be jumping by my lonesome me you just stretch my legs and socialise charming so while you're animated we might as well have you answer some questions all work and no play makes your door lock you done sure who was the first one to wear you oh I am so good friend beautiful intensely cognitive but such an introvert it's unusual to hear you speak fondly of someone you've possessed as well as their family were you upset once he expired a 1-point mission carried on for almost a decade don't haul up your hosts perish what happened to him around 26 BC we ventured to treat more performance and I was her I think we can come back to that later when you possess entities do you inherit their memories and thoughts to add to your own intellect or are those discarded once they've expired yes yes what I just have a lot on me to remind you that we only have so much time can you give me an example just great and if you possessed someone else something like analytical straightforward empathetic and sympathetic clearly intelligent you could take justice I hear that from 6-8 to all the time so the mind and personality who control dictates how long the body takes them see intelligence varies and if I didn't know any better I'd swear you're coming on to me isn't working now have you ever met anyone resistant or maybe someone who simply never trusted you quite the aura you have there okay say clearly well are there people who are not suited to where you or you would not want to be worn by oddly pinky for a mask that secretes black ooze well what if I had acne would you not want to possess me despite all you've said interested in it don't twist this around I'm just skeptical that the true deal-breaker is acne what about those without basis or even heads that's interesting can you tell us more moving on you managed to lure humans to put you on listen telepathic links hypnotic commands there's a science to everything just because we don't understand something doesn't mean it's conjured out of nowhere there's a process even magic while marvelous and breathtaking to the onlooker is just another scientific process to the man behind the curtain my parents never got the chance fantasy takes a backseat when you have to deal with the reality you you how are you created you know my god there's a lot of rock Tacoma that's what we're here for that's it legend speaks them oppressed us fortune for the great gods was petitioned by seems to be a gift to the new snow for Manhattan or she is teasing the sweetest of songs and produced melodies so skeptical it sees the souls from bodies of models and concentrate on our plans exactly but one day they only know that love the lips without a tragedy that sounds terrible this was true to her sisters as well and self-denial I knew some company and Darlington Thomas D thesis Zeus had a lot of kids to 11 he was a busy man the secret father to ease her suffering so many expenses got the order to make such a white girls if he is the left of the line of two for Germany's II or so the legend goes how do I know this isn't just a lie if it didn't have a new story it's always best to make it multiple choice besides uh-huh so you were created by Gods I love her self-serving it sounds so what happened next they Christian be the only which means of to pose in the engine nothing sorry continue [Music] Wow again when I was founding past until I found my way to the theatre of dionysus the actors that are usually for the performances and I thought of the best in everyone the one which brought about my birth as an activation yes quality official the first person aware you birthed you correctly and in doing so imprinted a personality that evolved with every person who wore you dissociation can you put pieces together but surely someone noticed this well they did it was hero wasn't it she was the one who discovered you in Crete I was convinced when many of the comedic natives that I was in front of Alcantara I foolishly reported the images followers prayed for my assumptions she answered the prayers with the gift of sight I'm sorry two hundred thousand years later that could still hear the screams the bodies marching the streets houses slipping them signore sorry calm down easy easy [Music] do you need a break no no fine okay so what happened next she destroyed my life so I heated mine to turning down the only thing that brought world power and what was that do you have any regrets anything in particular destroy the work but like the dead smell about by the ocean I can hear those books Raymond is his name I'm making shrimp flame I thought the Romans destroy knowledge that humanity still has not discovered and the art I don't know whose wrath was worse here is or yours I repeat the Greeks who come the same poisonous limit of societies turned on their competences the fire that destroyed Alexandria I gave to general Dodaro do you have any connection that has CP 343 what's so funny I'm sorry this reputation precedes a completely different kind of drama queen because so much coming from me that's easy I will admit from what I've read of the transcripts he comes across less as a God and more of a used-car salesman to each his own makes me wonder if he's a dog I think on the foundation surely there's more interesting things out there in the whole universe it does seem like odd behavior for a god is there something here he needs or something he's hiding from you what are your thoughts on scp-173 sounds interesting little shy breaks everything in the space I'm sure you could contribute to that sounds like you two would make a nice [Music] there's one thing I truly hate in this world its originality that's why I swear to God oh culture was a cheap imitation of mine so I left the party and kept the door ajar for Christianity big mistake embracing once any of this have to do with 173 we're talking about level three how old are you it'd be nice to have an official number what we need to fill it out to you that's not come to be even there I've given you the facts use them while your timeline seems to be pretty inconsistent some of what you say does fit the period but the order in which you do these things is messy it can't be hard to know you listen here I'm giving you my precious time not the other way around you watch the nonsense you better listen carefully and maybe start asking some goddamn worthwhile questions for us [Music] what are your thoughts on SCP 0 0 1 always almost standard it seems you're not exactly in any position to anybody [Music] holy Jacobs [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Tats TopVideos
Views: 3,166,340
Rating: 4.9296632 out of 5
Keywords: SCP 035, SCP Sedition
Id: 1MU7s8zTDtk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 24sec (1224 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 16 2017
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