SCP-049 - Plague Doctor : Object Class - Euclid : Sentient SCP : 2018 Rewrite

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good afternoon everyone my name is dr. Miller and the SCP were going to be studying today is SCP 49 object class Euclid special containment procedures SCP 49 is contained within a standard secure humanoid containment cell in research sector 2 at site 19 SCP 49 must be sedated before any attempts to transport it during transport SCP 49 must be secured within a class 3 humanoid restriction harness including a locking collar and extension restraints and monitored by no fewer than two armed guards while SCP 49 is generally cooperative with most foundation personnel outbursts or sudden changes in behavior are to be met with elevated force under no circumstances should any personnel come into direct contact with a CP 49 during these outbursts in the event SCP 49 becomes aggressive the application of lavendar L multivator has been shown to produce a calming effect on the entity once calmed SCP 49 generally becomes compliant and will return to containment with little resistance in order to facilitate the ongoing containment of SCP 49 the entity is to be provided with a corpse of a recently deceased animal typically a bovine or other large mammal once every two weeks for study corpses that become instances of scp-1404 Massie P 49 s containment cell and incinerated SCP 49 is no longer permitted to interact with human subjects and requests for human subjects are to be denied temporary containment procedure update see addendum 49.3% Eamon committee order zero four nine point s nineteen point 17.1 SCP 49 is no longer permitted to interact directly with any members of foundation staff No to be provided with any additional corpses to be used in its surgeries this order shall persist indefinitely until such time a consensus regarding the ongoing containment of a CP 49 can be reached description as CP 49 is a humanoid entity roughly 1.9 meters in height which bears the appearance of a medieval plague dr. Weil SCP 49 appears to be wearing thick robes and the ceramic mask indicative of that profession the garments instead seem to have grown out of a CP 49 s body over time and are now nearly indistinguishable from whatever form is beneath them x-rays indicate that despite this SCP 49 does have a humanoid skeletal structure beneath its outer layer SCP 49 is capable of speech in a variety of languages though it tends to prefer English or medieval French while SCP 49 is generally cordial and cooperative with foundation staff it can become easily irritated or at times outright aggressive if it feels that it is in the presence of what it calls the pestilence although the exact nature of this pestilence is currently unknown to foundation researchers it does seem to be an issue of immense concern to SCP 49 CP 49 will become hostile with individuals it sees as being affected by the pestilence often having to be restrained should it encounter such if left unchecked SCP 49 will generally attempt to kill any such individual SCP 49 is capable of causing all biological functions of an organism to cease through direct skin contact how this occurs is currently unknown and autopsies of SCP 49s victims have been variably been inconclusive as CP 49 has expressed frustration or remorse after these killings indicating that they have done little to kill the pestilence though will usually seek to perform a crude surgery on the corpse using the influence contained within a black doctor's bag it carries on its person at all times while these surgeries are not always successful they often result in the creation of instances of scp-1404 t92 instances are reanimated corpses that have been operated on by a CP 49 these instances do not seem to retain any of their prior memories or mental functions having only basic motor skills and response mechanisms while these instances are generally inactive moving very little and in a generally ambulatory fashion they can become extremely aggressive if provoked or if directed to Baia CP 49 SCP 49 two instances Express active biological functions though these are vastly different from currently understood human physiology despite these alterations SCP 49 often remarks that the subjects have been cured addendum 49.1 discovery SCP 49 was discovered during the investigation of a series of unknown disappearances in the town of Montalban in southern France during a raid on a local home investigators found several instances of scp-1404 de 9 while law enforcement personnel engaged the hostile 49 to instances SCP 49 was noted as watching the engagement and taking notes in its journal after all of the 49 two instances were dispatched SCP 49 willingly entered foundation custody the following interview was conducted by dr. Raymond ham during the initial investigation interviewer dr. Raymond ham cite 85 interviewee SCP 49 playing log now said French can we get a translator King's English don't need for translation sir I can speak it well enough good my name is dr. Raymond ham and I ha a doctor I like minded individual on their down where in is your speciality sir crypto biology why a medical man such as myself wonders abound and here I worried I have been abducted by common street thugs this place then this is your laboratory I had wondered as clean as it is and with such little trace of the best ones here the best of us what do you mean the scourge the great dying come now you know there what is it they call it the best ones yes it abounds outside these walls you know so many have succumbed and many more will continue to until such time as a perfect cure in B develop fortunately I am very close it is my duty in life to rid the world of it you see the cure to end all cures when you will say the great dying are you talking about the bubonic plague I don't know what that is see right well entities are ages character house they were dead when you encountered them yes you reanimated them in a manner of speaking you see things to simply doctor expand your horizons life and death sickness and health these are perverted terms for amateur physicians there is only one that ailment that exists in the world of men and that is the pestilence and nothing else make no mistake they were very you know all of them you take you're cured those people indeed my cure is most effective are the thing is we recovered were not human yes well it is not perfect to cure but that will come with time and further experimentation I have spent a lifetime and will spend a lifetime more if necessary now we have wasted too much time there is work to do I will require a laboratory of my own one where I can continue my research unimpeded and assistance of course though I can provide those on my own time I don't think I would be willing Thomasson's we are all men of science that's your code and show me to my quarters doctor begins now interviewers note while SCP 49 is capable of communicating in a very human way there is a strange sense of unease the one experiences when in its presence make no mistake there is something very uncanny about this entity indeed additionally we've confiscated that point it's stick that SCP 49 keeps waving around part of this was due to standard confiscation protocols or the possession of anomalies and part because 49 really is a menace swinging it around like you the entity was displeased at first but after we made some concessions in providing it with test subjects which are admittedly more for the benefit of our own research it warmed up to the idea addendum forty-nine point two observation look while in containment at site 19 SCP 49 has spent a considerable amount of time studying and performing surgery on the various mammalian corpses it had been provided as CP 49 will routinely spends several days performing surgery and then regardless of whether or not the corpse becomes an instance of scp-1407 ace documenting its findings in a thick leather journal stored within its doctors bag as CP 49 will often seek to share its findings with members of foundation staff the following is a log of several occasions during which SCP 49 was observed operating on a mammalian corpse observational log 49 point oh L point one summary subject SCP 49 preface a test subject d85 123 was introduced into SCP 49 s containment cell the entity expressed sincere gratitude towards all members of the containment and research now observation notes SCP 49 began by asking 285 123 several standard medical questions as it began removing tools from its bag shortly after finishing its preparations SCP 49 quickly closed the distance between the two killing the subject with a touch to its throat afterwards SCP 49 made a number of considerable alterations to the basic structure of the subjects corpse often introducing fluids from within its bag into the subject by way of a hand-powered pump and copper tubing the resulting 49 - instance became animated flailing and grasping at the walls of the chamber with a number of manufactured limbs while moaning out of an oblong orifice now present in its sternum during this time SCP 49 was observed taking notes of the instance in its journal and remarking to the watching research staff about the efficacy of its cure security personnel entered the chamber to move SCP 49 back to containment and were attacked by the instance the security team dispatched the 49 to instance and a CP 49 returned to containment with no resistance stating that it was pleased with the results observational log 49 point ll point to summary subject SCP 49 preface SCP 49 was provided the corpse of a recently deceased goat SCP 49 expressed gratitude at the provision observation notes SCP 49 operated on the goat corpse for several days eventually resulting in an instance of scp-1498 49 expressed pleasure in this outcome though admitted the disease was still in its nascent stage my veterinarian practice is rudimentary but the patient responded well to the procedure observational log 49 point o L point 3 summary subject SCP 49 preface SCP 49 was provided the corpse of a recently deceased or rang attack SCP 49 expressed noted gratitude at the provision due to the similarities between the orangutan and common human physiology observation notes SCP 49 spent several days operating on the orangutan reanimating at several times however SCP 49 appeared to be discontent with the results it experienced returning to the creature three times after its initial reanimation for additional work after it was unable to reanimate the corpse a fifth time SCP 49 turned the corpse over to foundation staff for incineration stating I have learned so much from this though I fear my early optimism was misplaced I hadn't yet come across such a stumbling block on my to the cure more subjects like this would do a great deal in advancing my research observational log forty-nine point oh l 0.7 full subject SCP 49 preface SCP 49 was provided the corpse of a recently deceased bovine SCP 49 expressed mild annoyance at the provision though it accepted it nonetheless observation notes SCP 49 spent several days operating on the bovine corpse breaking only to dine on a request at dinner of thin crackers salted pork and hard cheese beginning first by embalming the corpse SCB 49 and was observed producing a number of long syringes from its bag each containing a different dark viscous fluid SCP 49 described these fluids as essences of the humors and elaborated by saying the pestilence may bring about a systemic imbalance in such case before true healing can begin one must find the humors in balance or the body will reject the cure over the next few days SCP 49 spent a considerable amount of time adjusting the organs of the bovine corpse with a number of large metal instruments after eight days SCP 49 produced a lightning rod which dr. Ham exchanged for an electric cattle prod attached to an extension cord and struck the corpse in several locations this action seemingly had the effect of reanimating the bovine which once again became ambulatory despite the inversion of the head and reorientation of its limbs and this is a follow-up interview to the previous observation logs playing log now we watched you work for several weeks now and honestly up I'm not sure I understand what you're doing could you describe your process in detail oh goodness now processes most intensive as I said to your assistant the best instruction you will find about my methods are here in my journals as I have kept exhaustive records of my work there see well my concern doctor is that we still don't understand what you're seeking to cure how it manifests or how turning these creatures quasi living mindless drones helps in that effort you do not understand the pestilence even after all this time doctor it is an unspeakable aura one that has shown its true face many times before and well again I find myself blessed with the wisdom and good senses needed to root it out and destroy it but many like yourself cannot it is a cruel judgment I fear to be at the mercy of a disease you cannot fully comprehend that still doesn't answer my question how's your cure and they kind of cure at all it is a cure you may laugh at my efforts if you please but do not merge the good name of scientific progress that has developed this great mercy what you should sighted Lee see here is a life better than any this creature could have hoped for stricken as it was with the pestilence this creature is now clean unable to spread the pestilence and free from the terror it would have experienced otherwise this is hardly a creature at all dr. sadi do not with me sir you and your colleagues are like so many others are they able to look past - setbacks to see the salvation taking place before your very eyes do you wait to remove rotten Timbers until the hole collapses on top of you now you find them and you pull them out and replace them with those untouched by rot and most of all you do not simply mock the structure because it now looks different to you it is strong it is free of disease I'm sorry it mean to agitate you I'm I'm just trying to understand yes well do mind your words in the future doctor I am a professional but even professionals may feel the bite of pride in dealing with criticism of their masterpiece I will forgive this as an act of good faith between colleagues there anything else I can help you with no another test subject on the usual schedule you know my preference of subjects with more human anatomies attending researchers note SCP 49 does seem to genuinely want to help other humans though it does not yet been able to provide a concrete example of what exactly it is trying to save us all from I have watched it now for several weeks and while the outcomes do not seem to ever change SCP 49 continues to claim that it is growing closer to its perfect cure I think the entity may be more aware of the reality of these outcomes than it would like us to think addendum 49.3 April 16 2017 incident starting shortly after a cp-40 nines initial containment dr. hem conducted a number of interviews with the subject regarding its anomalous properties and over time began to note its displeasure with its subject n SCP 49 two instances this continued for a period of several months during which SCP 49 never exhibited any aggressive behaviors on April 16th 2017 as dr. ham was entering a CP 49 test chamber to conduct another routine interview the entity began to grow anxious and asked dr. ham if he was feeling well following protocol dr. ham reminded SCP 49 that the interview was required after which the entity became hostile and attacked dr. ham killing him due to a lapse in security protocol and because dr. ham did not activate the in chamber emergency system dr. hams corpse was not discovered until three hours later by which point SCP 49 had converted it into an instance of scp-1404 math of this incident SCP 49 was interviewed by dr. Theron Sherman playing log now I need you to explain yourself scp-049 you are being directed to explain your actions and I will remind you that failure to cooperate will result in further restrictions during your containment my actions explain you killed Raymond ham and then butchered him until you're dead no cured cured of what pestilence what pestilence you keep going on and on about this pestilence but you have not once been able to properly identify this disease what could you have possibly seen in him today that you had not seen so many times before that it would be worth his life the best lence presents and progresses in unforeseeable fashions and has a clear way of of creeping into the unprepared and call it what you want doctor it was a mercy I did damn he is cured he is a vegetable I I would not expect you to understand even your your ilk have proven time and time again not to be men of science but menno's of emotion you cannot appreciate dollar as I've seen there's many millions who have succumbed to the pestilence had been changed your cure cost ray his life now good sir I have saved it you will allow this world to slip back into the despair of disease and death ignoring that I have created a miracle and what disease what pestilence he was a healthy man he was a good doctor I'm offering it freely to the afflicted you are not worth this argument sir he was short sighted and foolish dr. hammer was sick and I i cured him I am the only one who can do this my work must continue there is still so much to learn so much I've had enough of this consider your allowances will saved even you welcome to containment go for sign might be saved we're done here I can save them all I can cast down this plague once and for all I can do this only me I I saved I saved him dr. Hammond I I cured him he was sick I know really was sick I know he was and I you are all sick but I I can save you I can say all of you because I addendum forty nine point four post incident report interview the following interview is an excerpt from the April 16 2017 forty nine incident report the interview was conducted by dr. elijah it can to place three weeks after the start of the initial investigation playing now scp-049 we are conducting this interview to close out our investigation of your actions taken on April 16th that are resulted in the death of a staff member you have any comments to make only that I look forward to the day when you will allow me to resume my work I have spent the last few weeks compiling my notes and instructing a new theory for how the pestilence was able to infect someone in such an insidious manner that I nearly couldn't detect it have you experienced any remorse for your actions for the death of dr. ham oh yes well the death of a colleague is always regrettable but in the face of the best ones we must be swift doctor an act without hesitation dr. Schurman noted in his report that you seemed to be mournful during your initial interview perhaps it is lamentable that a fellow doctor became infected but the work continues regrettable Asst as it was dr. hams death provided important insight living human subjects are the only way to proceed forward I am decided my cure is of little use on dead flesh and I have claimed all I can from your generous supply of corpses my desires turn towards tending to those still living who suffer from the disease I'm afraid you're going to be disappointed I wouldn't be so sure okay I think that about does it for today thank you all for listening if indeed you still are and you're all dismissed goodbye hi everyone so before the patreon thank-yous I would like to thank people that contributed to this video all of the links to their YouTube channels or their respective websites will be in the description so I encourage you to go and check the might because they're all great number one was Sherm from site 42 number two was dr. Sumerian voice actor and author links will be in the description DJ cactus was the guy that was responsible for the rewrite and finally Gabriel giad who was the original author of scp-049 if you visit the SCP wiki page for scp-049 you will find the logs that you've heard in this video and this was a pretty big deal for me because this pretty much means that my tick on the e04 9 voice is common I'm not but that is awesome month it's a really good feeling I've been voicing this character for I don't know like five years now I to be officially part of the document as the voice of the SCP it's just great again all links in the descriptions for everything on everyone who helped with this video and that's everything so I'm gonna thank my patrons night goodbye I would like to give a special thank you to Andre Bashar Muslim Mookie Jax Merrick Pierce M Hamlin Austin Thomas Aldridge Desmond Hoskins Depp's McGee dr. mortis John O Porter Cody tench ty burr ball on sy7 actual if you would like a special thank you at the end of each of my videos and some other cool stuff as well visit forward slash the volume thank you [Music] you
Channel: TheVolgun
Views: 1,503,340
Rating: 4.9536815 out of 5
Keywords: scp, scpfoundation, thevolgun, voice acting, scp foundation, dangerous scp, dangerous scp creatures, Secure Contain Protect, SCP Agency, scps, creepypasta, horror narration, scp creatures, paranormal, object class, containment breach, Plague Doctor, scp-049, euclid, tactile, sentient, sapient, reanimation, humanoid, biological, the cure, the pestilence, scp 049 interviews, scp 049 interview real life, 2019 rewrite, gabriel jade, original author, TheeSherm, Cimmerian, DJKaktus, canon, voice
Id: rzHYGK9Ys3M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 21sec (1761 seconds)
Published: Fri May 11 2018
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