3 Creepy True Boyscout Campout Horror Stories

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this experience happened many years ago on 23 now but I grew up a scout I started with the Cub Scouts then transitioned to the Boy Scouts and eventually our in the accomplishment of becoming an Eagle Scout throughout my years as a scout I've been on countless camp outs many friends came and went as kids quit the scouts throughout the years but one friend who stuck it through the hallway with me was Justin me and Justin were in the same grade and we were close friends at the time of this experience we were both going to be entering 10th grade 15 years old as weird as it sounds I honestly don't even remember what park we were camping out at it was just too long ago as soon as everybody had arrived Scoutmaster Davis led the group on our hike to the campsite after setting up our tents and having a quick snack Scoutmaster Davis led us on another hike as the Sun was starting to set he liked to take us on hikes in the dark as he thought it taught good directional skills on the way back we had to use our flashlights since I was getting too dark mr. Davis played a little game to mess with the younger kids acting like we were lost and they had to find the way back he had one of the younger kids start to lead the way back but the kids soon froze in his tracks and looked to mr. Davis claiming he heard something mr. Davis acted all forest ranger e stepping forward and making a listening motion me and Justin laughed out loud and he shush to us there was another sound a very obvious step from a larger creature in the distance kids were shining their flashlights all over the place mr. Davis assured us it's ok as long as we make a lot of noise to keep any potential predators away I gotta admit it was a bit scary hearing him say that mr. Davis led the way back from there on out but on several occasions either me Justin or some other kid would point out steps coming from behind us clearly something was following us mr. Davis told us to just stay with the group and not to refrain from making noise we got back to the campsite where we cooked a couple turkeys popped open a few cans of corn and then sat around the campfire where mr. Davis began telling his famous stories however it was interrupted by footsteps circling around the campfire Scouts started turning around looking into the woods even the Scout masters looked at each other assistant scoutmaster Roberts hopped up said alright this'll scare him off and went for the gun in his tent he pulled out his rifle and fired a shot into the air we didn't hear any more footsteps after that after a whole hour of listening to mr. Davis's stories Scouts started heading to their tents me and Justin were in the same town and knowing how early the Scout masters made us get up we didn't really joke around for too long the only sounds now were the crickets and the crackling of the fire outside I fell asleep quickly given how exhausted I was from all the hiking but woke up to Justin nudging me when my senses came to I listened and heard footsteps coming from outside the tents the campfire was still lit outside and it created a glow on the tent walls but it also allowed us to see the shadow outline of what was outside a person I whispered somewhat it's probably someone just going to take a piss he told me to open the zipper and peek outside I did what he said and to my horror there was some heavy built man with a sack over his head and a ripped working shirt very clearly holding a big knife he was walking around some of the other tents izip the opening back up and told Justin to be quiet we had no phones or anything so we couldn't call one of the Scout masters all we could do was wait we couldn't tell if or when the man had left we just sat there for what felt like hours waiting and eventually we fell asleep we awoke to one of the Scout masters blowing that stupid wake up horn me and Justin we're surprised that we even fell asleep given the situation but we immediately went to go tell our Scout masters what we saw all three of them took our claims very seriously and wanted to make sure we weren't joking they had no choice but to tell everyone to pack up and call their parents to get a ride home within three hours now this is the really weird part two of the younger kids in the group had their entire bag stolen which mainly contained their clothing when the Scout masters want to investigate around their tents we were all disturbed to see that there had been tiny holes carved into the tents big enough for someone to look into and that's exactly what the holes were for the Scout masters reported the incident to the town in which the park resides it still horrifies me given how real the situation was for me that somebody literally followed us into the middle of the woods spied on two eleven or twelve year old kids while they slept stole their clothes and did whatever else thankfully nobody was hurt but the incident overall hurt the group has some parents refused to allow their kids to go on anymore camp outs it said that some sick people out there can really ruin things for a lot of other people I'm a 15 year old boy scout from Houston Texas my troop flew us out to Denver Colorado and we drove to a camp called Camp Alexander about 45 minutes away from Colorado Springs me and four other people in our troop were participating in the high adventure program that the camp offers this basically means that we were doing things like climbing mountains and whitewater rafting four days into our trip and nothing has happened to us we set up our tents next to the Arkansas River as we would be rafting in it the next day I sleep very poorly in sleeping bags and had been waking up covered in sweat every night and that night was no difference I woke up with my face in a puddle of drool and sweating all over my body I checked my watch and it was around 3:45 a.m. I decided that it would be best for me to step out of my tent for a while and cool down I put on a shirt and shorts and unzipped my tent the way my tent was positioned the opening was facing towards the river and I immediately noticed that there was someone standing in the middle of the river facing downstream the water was about waist high and 30 to 40 degrees Fahrenheit and whoever was standing in there didn't have a shirt on so I was extremely confused after a moment of staring I realized that I knew this person he was my friend who I'll be referring to as Dalton for privacy reasons I called out for him two times before he finally moved he looked right at me and then he looked around as if you were processing the situation he oh that me what the he ran back to the shore as fast as he could I grabbed him a towel and shirt and asked him what the hell he was doing in the middle of the river at 4:00 in the morning he answered saying that he didn't know and that he had just woken up to me yelling at him in the middle of the river I don't know how he got there or if he sleep walked or something like that but it was seriously creepy nobody believed us in the morning and we just decided to forget about it Dalton said he had never sleep walked before or anything like that so I have no idea why or how he would have gotten into that River all I know is if I didn't wake up that night and get out of the tents my friend Dalton might have been dead come morning time this is going to be a brief horrifying 100% true story of mine I was 13 years old and one of the quieter kids in my Boy Scout troop I'm not totally a shy person but I couldn't really relate to any of the kids in my Boy Scout group we were on our last campout of the 2008 camping season it was in October and it was a little chilly making our many hikes a little more bearable this was the last campout of my life and you'll soon know why during one of our hikes I was trailing behind the group as I usually did I had the sudden urge to pee so I let the group get a little further ahead and then went behind a tree I almost had a heart attack as something made a heavy thud on the ground not too far away from me it didn't sound like a stick or branch falling it sounded like something putting its foot down into the leaves I didn't know what to think all I know is I was freaked out I ran to catch up to the group I had no idea what just happened so I didn't want to tell anybody about it I'll skip ahead to that night when I was trying to fall asleep I had my own tent as did some of the other kids in our tiny little troop so I tried to go asleep right away a strange noise soon interrupted the silence however it sounded like breathing coming from a phone or something and it seemed to be coming from inside my bag after digging through my bag I pulled out a big heavy walkie-talkie the only thing I didn't bring or own that suddenly and a deep almost muffled voice someone said into the walkie-talkie I'm walking appeared i pressed down the talk button and said who is this one of the other kids were clearly pranking me there was no response only the sudden static is this Mike there was silence and then I'm right out drive your tongue the fabric of the tent suddenly started pushing in on me as something from outside was pushing into it I screamed like a baby and that's when whoever was outside ran into the woods two of my Scout masters came rushing into the tent I could barely even breathe but I somehow managed to show them the walkie-talkie and explain what just happened they lectured the kids for a few minutes thinking it was one of them messing with me but when I calmed down I stepped in and told them that the voice was way too deep for it to have been any of them we were all forced to share tents with two others that night and the next day we packed up and moved to a nearby campsite with another Boy Scout troop I really don't know what they did with the walkie-talkie I was emotionally disturbed embarrassed and I just wanted to go home I convinced my parents to let me quit Boy Scouts after that incident it was by far the scariest experience of my life
Channel: Mr. Nightmare
Views: 3,205,254
Rating: 4.919764 out of 5
Keywords: true scary stories, horror stories, scary stories, mr. nightmare, camping stories, scary camping stories, campout stories, camping, scary horror stories, real stories, mr nightmare stories, true camping stories, campout footage, creepy woods, woods at night, campout at night, creatures during campout, true stories, scary true stories, true camping story, camping trip, camping trip horror stories, tent horror story, scary tent stories, backyard camping, camp, campout, story
Id: -wVyBmv3ooA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 53sec (653 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 20 2016
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