SCP Minecraft World Destroyer SCP-4335 - A Welt In The Crucible (SCP Animation)

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Mobile Task Force Edna-84, also known by the code name “And Thus Upon His Crucible”, is on one of the strangest missions they’ve ever been sent on. They sit in a darkened room, beads of sweat trickling down their brows. The lights of computer monitors shine up into their faces. They’re tackling a monster that, if it escapes, will literally devour all of creation. It has no fear, it has no remorse, and if it isn’t kept contained by Edna-84, it may escape and wreak havoc across the world. Oh, and did we mention it’s trapped inside a Minecraft server? You heard us right: SCP-4335 is a cognitohazardous, extradimensional being of pure terror, trapped inside a procedurally generated world in the immensely popular game Minecraft. You hear about a lot of horrifying monsters being described as Lovecraftian, but only this monster is Minecraftian. There’s a lot that needs explaining here, and we intend to get to all of it, but let’s start with how the Foundation keeps this truly exceptional beast contained. The Foundation first discovered SCP-4335 back in 2010, shortly after the Alpha Version of Minecraft was released. Because of the online nature of the game, it’s proven to be impossible to contain 4335 externally, seeing as it isn’t confined to any one physical location. Shutting off the server 4335 is found in is not an effective containment method either, as this just causes the entity to simply hop to a different server. The Foundation’s greatest fear is that 4335 will one day make the leap out of Minecraft and cause chaos in our world. That’s why it’s imperative to draft Containment Procedures for SCP-4335 within the game. This led to the creation of a containment site unlike any other: Site-M1, the first official Foundation Site made entirely out of Minecraft blocks. Everyone who was originally involved in the server has been removed and amnesthetized. Since then, elite SCP Foundation Containment Specialists and Gamers have been constructing the perfect prison for SCP-4335. Site-M1 is a large, stone complex built into the side of a mountain. It has a number of key features - including a supply area filled with materials vital for 4335’s continued containment. Chests filled with books that contain SCP-4335's containment procedures. A few animal farms, for the purpose of breeding and killing livestock for their meat. The entrance to a mine. Several chests containing books specifically designed for civilians to learn about 4335, if they ever breach containment and enter the server. And of course, the actual containment chamber for SCP-4335 itself, which is a little more complicated. 4335’s containment chamber is built out of several layers, all made from iron blocks. The outermost cube is 75 x 75 x 75 blocks, the inner cube is 55 x 55 x 55 blocks, and the innermost cube is 25 x 25 x 25 blocks, creating several levels of defense. Finally one layer within all these others, which contains the anomaly proper, is made from obsidian blocks. SCP-4335 is bound into the center of the containment chamber with a complex mechanism. The outermost cube is completely filled with water, and several dispensers capable of rapidly dispensing large amounts of items in a short amount of time line the cube. The cube also contains several mob farms, which are devices that constantly spawn enemies into the chamber that drop loot when they die. The chamber is essentially designed to funnel a constant flow of items inwards to SCP-4335. There are even contingency measures for if SCP-4335 manages to breach containment. If escape is attempted, blocks of TNT detonate above the ceiling, causing lava to pour into the chamber. At that point, MTF Edna-84 are dispatched into the server to lure 4335 back into its containment chamber. To do this, they use a mix of fire-resistance potions and Ender Pearls - which have teleportation capabilities. Interestingly, there’s one more basic method of luring SCP-4335 back into the obsidian cube: Taunting and insulting. One of SCP-4335’s many anomalous abilities is being able to hear people through the screen, and - being a proud creature - it often responds to insults by charging in to directly engage the insulter. If SCP-4335 still manages to breach the containment that has been set up for it, then they expect that it will likely soon hop into another server. At that point, the goal will shift to finding the monster and recontaining it. With Containment Procedures this complex and extensive, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that SCP-4335 rests firmly in the Keter Class. What exactly is this anomalous entity? Why does its containment hinge on constantly providing it with items? And how did it end up in Mojang’s popular building and survival game in the first place? SCP-4335, in terms of physical dimensions, appears almost identical to the player character, with an all-black skin. It also appears to be constantly shrouded in a cloud of smoke particles, and has long, black tendrils protruding from its back. In some respects, 4335 has been compared to two popular creepypasta figures: Herobrine and The Slenderman. But 4335 is far stranger. Its physical body behaves similarly to most assets native to the game, with a few peculiar anomalous abilities we’ll discuss soon. Handling SCP-4335 is an extremely delicate process. If command blocks, creative mode, or server commands are ever enabled in a server with SCP-4335, the server will instantly shut down, and SCP-4335 will move to a different server. SCP-4335 also uses its tendrils to destroy surrounding blocks before consuming them. With each successful consumption, SCP-4335 grows, and when it reaches sufficient size, it hops to a different server. As you can see, keeping SCP-4335 contained is an uphill battle, but luckily there are two factors on the Foundation’s side here. The first is that SCP-4335 is immobilized while consuming items and blocks, limiting its ability to actively escape Foundation forces. The second factor is that SCP-4335 needs a rest period between consuming blocks in order to grow, meaning, if its consumption is constant and continuous it isn’t able to grow. These two factors have informed the entirety of the Foundation’s Containment Procedures around SCP-4335: It’s locked into its chamber and fed items and blocks constantly, effectively rooting it in place. When SCP-4335 begins to grow, the Foundation also found that the application of Ender Pearls helps reduce it back to its normal size. However, SCP-4335 does have a method of striking back against its captors. 4335 is Vurgent-class multi-sensory cognitohazard. Anyone viewing it without proper training and protection may experience distressing hallucinations. SCP-4335 is also capable of telepathic speech with people playing on its server, and - as we alluded to earlier - it can also hear any noises you make while playing. “Weird” is a term thrown around a lot when it comes to SCPs, considering it’s pretty much a requirement for the Foundation to take interest in you. But an all-devouring Minecraft demon that can hear you talking through your screen is strange even by Foundation standards. MTF Edna-84 first discovered SCP-4335 in the single-player server of Minecraft user Leakingheart. Three team members - Jason Yelsan, Richard Duchamp, and Sheila Freemason - covertly entered the game to investigate and potentially apprehend the creature. When Leakingheart first discovered their presence on what he thought was a private server, he quickly left, a little creeped out by the sudden intrusion. Thankfully, the trio was still able to locate SCP-4335. They discovered the creature hiding inside a giant crater, as though it had impacted the earth at considerable speed. Richard Duchamp, who was the leader of the team at the time, made the mistake of looking directly at the entity. In that moment, he experienced the full force of SCP-4335’s cognitohazardous effects. He hallucinated, believing that his keyboard was melting before his eyes. In the aftermath of this incident, Duchamp was taken off the case, and Jason Yelsan was promoted to head of the project. Things were still going to get stranger. Yelsan was able to open a dialogue with the creature after containing it in a chamber filled with lava. It asked him whether it had landed in the right location - meaning, our world - and Yelsan informed it that it’d somehow fallen into the world of Minecraft instead. The creature was at first confused, and then angry and resentful about its situation. It vowed to find its way into our world somehow, and obtain more “sustenance.” A few months after this, the entity managed to breach containment and hop into another server. Yelsan and two others once again managed to track it down and recontain it, but this time, two civilians also inhabiting the server were exposed to the anomalous effects of SCP-4335. They weren’t hurt, but they did appear strange and incoherent after experiencing 4335’s cognitohazards. The Foundation tracked them down in the aftermath and gave them amnestic treatment. 4335 was contained shortly thereafter. Once again, Yelsan came face to face with his new foe. Eight months after being captured, 4335 granted Yelsan another interview from containment. 4335 admitted that it almost respected Yelsan and the rest of the Foundation for figuring out how to capture and contain it so quickly. In exchange, it would give the Foundation something extremely valuable: Information. First, it asked one question of Yelsan: How does he define “creation?” Yelsan replied, “Uh… something that is built and brought to this universe by a sapient being, using other things from this universe?” 4335 agreed. It went on to explain that it came from a universe devoid of creation. A dark and unknowable place, filled with nothing but violent, random chaos. Its dimension existed directly above ours, and it often looked down at us through a dimensional window, fascinated by all the creation below. It plotted and dreamed to one day infiltrate our reality, and Yelsan finally had the opportunity to ask the magic question, “Why?” Though he wasn’t quite ready for the brutal honesty of SCP-4335’s reply. “I do not like to lie, so I will tell you now. I wish to suck it dry of the toys of whatever force controls your universe. Destroy the light, destroy the Earth, and destroy humanity. It reminded me… of me. A blubbering mass of intelligence and order. It sickens me in ways I cannot comprehend. I hope you understand.” SCP-4335 was a connoisseur of creation, and it sought to devour all of it. In this moment, Yelsan realized what an incredibly dangerous entity he was dealing with. The only mystery was why this creature had somehow landed in Minecraft instead of our world, which appeared to be the only thing that saved us. But Yelsan didn’t have time to think: 4335 was about to stage another daring escape attempt. One of its tendrils reached out and attacked Yelsan’s player character. In that moment, the real life Yelsan began to hallucinate and panic. Suddenly, back in the game, a series of abnormally tall, slender black figures appeared and began deconstructing the containment chamber around SCP-4335. It had somehow summoned new minions into the game to assist in this containment breach. Jason Yelsan entered cognitohazard quarantine following this incident, and was removed from the project. And he wasn’t the only one affected by this incident. Following the first appearance of these long, dark figures, players across the globe began to experience them appearing in their own games. The Foundation managed to find a solution: They contacted Mojang and had the creatures patched into the game during the next update, as a new non-anomalous entity, which seemed to stop 4335 from being able to use them as its own tools. They’re now known as the Endermen, and are beloved among fans for being one of the creepier enemies. To this day, containment efforts continue for SCP-4335. There’s only one question left: Why did the entity fall into Minecraft rather than our world? The file posits the most likely answer. Because 4335 defines creation as elements made by sapient beings. In Minecraft, the most popular game in the world at the height of 4335’s power, everything that exists is the product of code made by humans. Creation is truly abundant there. As for our world, in SCP-4335’s extra-dimensional eyes, there is no creation, no intelligent design, no soothing piano soundtrack. Just frightening, chaotic, randomness, which is too unlike its own dimension. So even if SCP-4335 ever did arrive in our reality, it would likely be disappointed by how little there is to eat. Now check out “SCP-3082 - Neverland’s Lost Boys and Girls” and “SCP-3008 - Trapped In Ikea” for more fascinating and strange locations from the world of the SCP Foundation!
Channel: SCP Explained - Story & Animation
Views: 1,815,427
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scp, scp foundation, animation, animated, secure contain protect, anomaly, anomalies, anom, the rubber, therubber, tale, tales, containment breach, scp animated, scp wiki, scp explained, wiki, scp the rubber, scp therubber, scpwiki, anoms, minecraft, minecraft monster, scp-4335, scp 4335, scp4335, minecraft scp, minecraft server, minecraft server destroyed, ender pearl, endermen, enderman
Id: D7-egKdS0-0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 41sec (881 seconds)
Published: Sun May 02 2021
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