SCP-610 - The Flesh that Hates ☣ : Object Class - Keter : Contagion SCP

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good afternoon everyone my name is researcher Miller and the SCP were going to be studying today is scp-610 object class Keter special containment procedures due to the vast area of infection scp-610 covers containment is impossible isolation of the area has proved far more effective and permission has been granted by the russian government to establish a perimeter to keep people out of these areas under the guise of military operations should any organism displaying traits consistent with scp-610 be sited near this perimeter then the established protocol requires it being gauged at range with small arms until a mobile been dispatched using incendiary weapons and munitions from as great a distance as possible any living thing coming in physical contact with an organism infected with a CP 610 is considered expendable and is to be immediately terminated and incinerated any persons coming within 3 metres of scp-610 infected life are to immediately withdraw from the area be isolated from the rest of the team and subjected to medical examination using only remote techniques to determine if infection has occurred at appropriate steps taken based on that determination present the known infection vectors of scp-610 spread seems to be focused on physical contact drone movements with heavily infected areas have returned air samples containing minut particulate which one exposed to organic compounds will result in the spread of scp-610 the results of these particular tests have revealed that most requires several days to manifest if at all with the exception of direct contact with exposed lung and liver tissue these particular tests show a rapid rate of growth which requires incineration of the testing environment no more than 24 hours after initial exposure even with the 2-hour mishap risking a compromised facility event even that this kind of rapid growth only occurs in organic material existing outside the human body this form of infection is currently considered a minor concern these peculiarities have given rise to a series of questions regarding the possible origin of the infection in conjunction with the fit containment protocol remains at a scorched-earth policy at this time and no concern for transmission via water or air infection parameters exist barring situational changes in the field description initial reports of scp-610 came direct from the russian government through undisclosed about these reports consisted primarily of disappearances of farmers in the region and were not considered until the local police followed by the regional police and finally a government dispatch agent all failed to report within a 72 hour period a small military contingent was dispatched to the area and quickly withdrew at which point the foundation was contacted to investigate the area scp-610 effects is close to Lake Baikal in southern Siberia areas of known infection are marked on the map provided to us containment perimeters are marked in blue surrounding these infection areas and as a present no further locations have been identified incursions into the perimeter must be reported prior to conducting confirmed during exploration and debriefed on immediately following return scp-610 appears to be a contagious skin disease at first with symptoms including rash itching and increased skin sensitivity within three hours the disease will cause blemishes resembling heavy scar tissue to form in the chest and arm areas spreading to the legs and back within an additional hour consuming the victim completely within five hours exposure to high temperatures vastly decreases the time for the contagion to spread and complete infections have been recorded occurring in as little as five minutes after the completion of the infection occurs the victims life functions will cease for approximately three minutes after which time they will restart at two to three times the activity rate of a normal human following this the scar tissue on the victims will start to move of its own accord and grow at a rapid rate normal human features start to disappear at this point under the infection and the path of mutation appears to be largely random subjects observed during this stage of infection have been recorded as growing three or more limbs of a type such as arms or legs the head may become misshapen elongate or widen out and parts of the subject may split open from which additional branches of flesh will grow the duration of the stage of infection is unknown and not all subjects appear in to progress to the later stages under unknown conditions an infected individual will cease moving and place itself in a location it deems suitable where it roots itself the fleshy growth on the victim will then begin to spread across all surrounding objects and consume them such objects do not spread infection as living creatures do however and the effect of prolonged contact with these objects is recorded later in this document it is assumed that this behavior is to create an area hospitable to continued growth of the other infected observation of life infected by scp-610 by staph is impossible those infected with the disease immediately seek out aid as natural human impulse resulting in unintended infections those infected past the scar tissue phase actively and aggressively attempt to infect anyone approaching them within an undefined area it has been established that should an infected be capable of site and observe an uninfected it will proceed towards them if the infected has lost the ability of site a range of approximately 30 metres is considered safe observation of scp-610 infected settlements has been established using artificial methods such as remote robots the data returned from these observations coupled with the openly aggressive nature of the infected to attempt to spread a CP 610 has resulted in the kenner classification however so long as nothing is allowed to enter or leave the infected areas it is considered a neutralized threat of concern are the cavernous areas beneath the infected settlements that were discovered during the exploration and attempts to get research personnel into these areas are underway okay we will now be going over the field logs associated with scp-610 unfortunately at this time scp-610 l6 has been redacted the only thing available about this field log is it's an exploration record of operation source point which I've been informed is for class-a personnel or higher only so without further ado this is field log scp-610 l1 small remote controlled Rover sent to site a to locate missing personnel after establishing the containment perimeter for scp-610 the russian government approved our requests to research and investigate the area for the first such exploration a small camera mounted unit known as a herbie was dispatched at a safe distance and directed towards site a herbie has a battery life of 12 hours and a control range far wider than that required for this dispatch Herbie is able to enter site a without incident the landscape around site a shows early stages of assimilation by singular scp-610 infected who have fallen at largely random intervals around what remains of the village many of the homes appear to have suffered fire damage long since put out however a fair amount remain intact aerial reconnaissance of sign a combined with thermal imaging has put it at estimated population of 79 infected a mobile infected are included in this number however it is difficult to ascertain an exact percentage of mobile versus a mobile varying degrees of physical mutation due to scp-610 are present in site a and it is assumed all the inhabitants are in advanced stages of the infection her be observed the exterior of the village for two hours during which time all infected behaved with what appeared to be a loose sense of social structure because her me remains stationary during this observation period it is unknown precisely what each individual infected person was doing however the central plaza experienced occasional bursts of activity and downtime requiring more information Herbie was directed to follow uninfected as it entered a home there was a bumpy camera feed as Herbie scoots over the gravel behind the quickly shambling infected person the interior of this home is the same as that attached to the primary file or a CP 610 the infected being tailed is the one sitting at the table after entering the home Kirby's camera was raised slowly as to not to draw attention this action was either unnoticed or ignored the infected person is watched from the doorway as it hobbles around the home and stops at each of the other visible infected organisms however it appears to ignore the one under the table which while not a mobile does not leave that area what this creature was before infection is unclear after lapping the table and repeating this procedure three times the primary infected person known as alpha henceforward stops at the bedridden infected known as beta and proceeds to assault it with furious punches it is unable to leave the bed for unknown reasons but it is not completely a mobile as it flails its arms in response to the beatings delivered by alpha after several sustained minutes of this beating piercing sound explodes from the area around beta who then proceeds to project a cloud of unknown matter into the air from its chest cavity alpha lingers in the cloud as it floats in the air around them slowly descending into the ground the unknown life-form on the table aside beta begins to twitch in an apparent seizure and alpha again elapsed the room twice more stopping again at each infected organism but still ignoring the one under the table as well as beta after these two lapse alpha seats itself at the table and reaches out to position the three plates atop it as if setting a dinner set after the plates are positioned the facial tendrils extending from Alpha wiggle up and start to coil on one of the plates before tearing apart and separating this is repeated at each plate the image attached to scp-610 s primary file is a still image of this occurrence after each plate is filled with alphas flesh it leaves the table and approaches Herbie which is moved form alphas path alpha leaves the home but Kirby's camera remains focused on the table after several minutes a group comprised of sixth seven infected enter the room from outside still ignoring Herbie each infected shambles as if movement is difficult jerking in large steps or squirming in small ones these infected all surround the table in H take turns grabbing handfuls of the flesh substance left by alpha pressing it into whatever orifices on themselves they can summon two mouths some into the chest some behind their backs some under the arms when all the plates are empty this group leaves Herbie remains here for several more minutes before attracting its camera and leaving immediately after leaving the home Herbie collides with an object panning the camera around the obstruction appears to be alpha whose facial tendrils are intermingling with another infected having similar mutations the impact is ignored and the two infected part ways after several minutes Herbie is then directed to explore more areas of the village the remains of what appears to have been in store shows signs of severe fire damage as well as activity inside the building which Herbie moves to investigate the door is slightly ajar and with firm movements of Herbie it is pushed open no notice is taken of this action or it is ignored inside the store are several infected persons most of whom are standing around however one is on the ground rolling back and forth over the space of approximately 0.3 meters it's about 1 foot and is ignored by the others Herbie rolls under the divider separating the cashier area from the customer area and pans around behind the counter the upper half of a person is protruding from a cellar door behind the counter this person does not appear to be suffering from advanced infection and wears the garb of a Russian soldier Herbie zooms in the camera to confirm identification and it is noticed the eyes of this person are in constant movement often focusing on Herbie the rest of the soldier does not move Herbie is directed to leave this area and proceeds to the back room in this storage area a large pile of bodies are stacked together some pieces of clothing are visible and appear to contain both military garb and everyday clothing no facial features are discernible on any of the bodies due to the way they're stacked top the bodies and infected sits appearing to have its lower parts fused to the pile and with its upper half in a wild state of flailing and seizure approximately every 10 seconds a burst of spores flies out the top of this infected which linger in the air Herbie is directed to leave the building after leaving this building Herbie passes by the village well surrounding which are a series of a mobile infected all facing the well the arms of each of these infected persons are stretched out one in contact with the next forming a perfect chain safe for one whose arms are down at his side Herbie passes by this last infected to approach what appears to have been a town hall or mayor's building when the infected becomes mobile and snatches there were over up the DL feed from Herbie focuses on the thinks of the infected which is strangely in perfect shape given the condition of the rest of its body which is horribly bloated this infected was once a young girl from appearance estimated 10 to 12 Herbie has rolled side-to-side in its grip as its face stares motionless at the rover infect its face suddenly balloons in size and explodes outward into a series of fleshy flaps that grip Herbie and draw it inside her bees video feed terminates here Herbie was considered lost at this point however no one at control remember to turn off the video feed assuming it cut five hours later Herbies video feed resumed stationary and at raised level pointing at the upper rim of the village well the video feed contains some blur due to what appears to be a slimy film which often uses across the lens but would not obscured provides perfect quality recording Herbie does not respond to any remote commands but its video jerks back and forth from target to target zooming in and zooming out of its own accord video feed is cut manually and all connections to Herbie's unit are ordered erased moving on this is field long scp-610 l2 an infected Class D personnel is sent in to sightsee with video equipment during construction of the perimeter surrounding scp-610 s containment area several Class D personnel were infected due to assaults from the infected villagers or animals roaming the area in addition to a number of infections as a result of escape attempts and careless behavior most of these infected personnel were immediately destroyed with flamethrowers however a small collection of infected were contained in cold storage units which prolonged the inevitable progression of scp-610 s mutated properties the decision was made to utilize some of these infected personnel as video relays and dispatched them to nearby sites due to the concern over loss of equipment as evidenced in scp-610 l1 all three subjects that were used in this manner were sent in with a single video system site C additional equipment issued for this dispatch include a 1 gallon container of gasoline three emergency flares three nine-millimeter pistols with three magazines of ammunition H and three single serving food rations the infected personnel were instructed to observe and avoid interaction with the infected villagers as long as possible but should a situation arise where they are met with aggression or feel they are losing themselves to scp-610 s influence they are free to kill as many infected villagers as they so choose and do as much damage to infected objects and property as possible while maintaining video feed the intent of this order was to provide data of scp-610 infected communities in a raid situation so a plan of eradication could be better established at the time of this expedition site C was suspected to be a possible origin point for scp-610 having far fewer mobile infected than other sites as well as structures which appear to have been layered over several times with the terraforming effects of the immobile infected dispatch Class D personnel known henceforth as di 1 di 2 and di 3 were directed to pay particular attention to anything that could be considered an origin point for a CP 610 the trek from our perimeter camp to sightsee was uneventful there was no evidence of any native animal life in the area as sightsee has approached there is no noticeable rise in the temperature within the last 30 meters of the trip that necessitates removal of the heavy cult based coverings that were provided the temperature rises again sharply at the entrance to sight see propper which requires a further shedding of garments for fear of heat stroke temperatures within sight senior described as being heavily humid around 32 degrees that's 89 Fahrenheit one of the first immediately noticed traits of outside C is an array of a mobile pylons which encircle what is believed to be the entirety of the site separated by an apparent distance of 5 to 6 meters each pylon appears to be two to four infected persons fused together in one spot on some of these pylons features such as faces or anuses are still visible in addition to several other holes which do not naturally occur all appearing to act as heat vents where the heat is generated is unknown current belief is that this is an advanced stage of scp-610 terraforming in its environment to facilitate spread of itself di 2 was the farthest along and progression of scp-610 of the 3 by a number of hours begins to seizure after only a few minutes in Site C during examination of the pylons the progression to the scar tissue phase of scp-610 infection is observed in full course as di 2 spasms on the ground his entire body being overtaken by the sticky tan flesh almost entirely after 45 seconds di 2 was terminated by a gunshot from di 1 and his equipment left where it is the spread of scp-610 over di 2 continues even after death of the body until all movement ceases as perimeter control is relaying new instructions to di 1 and di 3 regarding the situation there is a shift in the ground covering in sight see where di two's body is video feed shows the fleshlight growth splitting open beneath his body and a series of ropey tendrils coming from within the gap to pull his corpse inside this opening closes up quickly total time elapsed 3 seconds as di 1 and di 3 decide to act quickly in these hotter temperatures fearing the same fate they proceed to the village center and encounter another previously unknown phenomenon in the precise center of town rising above what was the community well is a sphere suspended by angled supports comprised of scp-610 flesh the ball is riddled with the features of humans in early stages of scp-610 infection as well as a good number assumed to be in later stages a number of specimens of non-human life forms such as deer and bears are also visible within the mass the entire sphere of flesh pulses at a roughly five second interval and with each pulse emits a ring of Sporn like material from its equator this material floats to the ground and appears to be absorbed into the converted environment di 3 begins to douse the sphere with the provided gasoline and when questioned by a panicking di one explains this looks like as good a thing to burn as any at this point perimeter control has ceased in giving commands due to the rapid deterioration of events there is no reaction from anything within sight see to any of this activity until the precise moment at which a lit emergency flare is applied to the spherical mass which immediately goes up in flames the remote feed plays back and knows from an unknown location that seems to come from a location far outside of sight see what was reported as being heard even at perimeter control but site C and a the noise described as both explosive as if multiple high-yield charges were detonated on a mountainside and alive like a large feral creature roaring within 15 seconds following this sounds dissipation site a reported that a series of explosions had occurred within the village five seconds after this report the spherical mass in the middle of Site C explodes di 1 and di 3 are thrown by the blast di 3 is confirmed deceased by di 1 after regaining his footing having suffered injury from stone shrapnel from the wall di 1 is able to report he has bruises and ringing ears but aside from the rapidly spreading scp-610 infection he suffered no blast damage during this recording of footage di 1 had his video equipment removed and was looking into it due to the angle of recording it is unknown precisely what occurred in Site C but something draws di one's attention back to the centre of town where he stares for several moments and is then pulled in the opposite direction the video equipment falling to the ground recording in a skyward direction the last moments of footage from di ones video unit display a humanoid figure moving through the air followed by the sound of an impact in the same direction within 3 seconds of this event an unknown creature steps upon the recording video equipment and destroys it perimeter control remained on high alert for a full 24 hours at all locations without any incident following this event and moving on to field log scp-610 l 3 initial discovery of the tunnel entrances at site a the destruction caused by the rapid collapse of the site see exploration attempt during scp-610 L 2 resulted in a series of unexpected events in sign a as the strange spherical formation in Site C was burned and destroyed the scp-610 infected inhabiting site a were recorded by aerial drones going into seizure and convulsions the immobilize a P six ten infected rapidly shriveled and died along with all of the flesh materials spread across inanimate objects within the village the mobile scp-610 infected who were able to regain their footing all proceeded to what appears to have formerly been an upper class residence and entered the building as the infected entered this dwelling it suffered a foundational collapse revealing the presence of a sinkhole beneath it the size of the hole in relation to the structure above it post an impossibility for an entire building to collapse suggesting something within the hole applied force directly to the structure with the intent to pull it inside and expose the hole the revealed hole is approximately large enough to accommodate three grown men standing shoulder-to-shoulder light sources applied by remote drones failed to penetrate further than four meters depth into the whole objects dropped into the hole did not produce an impact sound suggesting a bottom potentially more than a thousand meters down research of the exterior of the site a hole was only able to be carried out for two hours at a time samples of the atmosphere inside a indicated a complete death of scp-610 related materials all infectious life that did not evacuate into the hole died above-ground and quickly became shriveled husks manned exploration of sign a was approved and commenced immediately in the span of 30 minutes a total of three research teams consisting of two to three research staff and four to five armed escort each were dispatched and setting up stations within the remains of the village samples of deceased scp-610 infected and converted manner were sent back to perimeter HQ for processing and transport one team was able to recover a small sample of still living scp-610 tissue substance from the building and packet for research within the second hour of exploration of site a series of echo reverberation units were set up surrounding the hole with the intent of getting an accurate mapping of the hole impossible tunnels at the end of the second hour before the echo units could be activated seismic activity began to occur within sight a two teams of the original three remained on site the third on route back to perimeter HQ with samples the third team was instructed to proceed back to perimeter HQ when seismic activity began and we're told that site a should not be returned to for assistance seismic activity at site a capped at a 2.3 Richter level before P tearing off immediately following the seismic event a torrent of scp-610 spores erupted from the hole and layered the area around it for a span of 50 metres as all staff on site were in level a hazardous material suits the spore burst was startling but did not lead to any infections as the eruption was being reported both teams at site a came under attack from aerial life-forms infected with a CP 6:10 these organisms were captured by the remote drone video equipment and showed extremely advanced stages of infection it is impossible to tell what they mutated from to this present state many of the avian creatures attacked by splitting their heads in half and clamping them against research members pulling them into the air and dropping them into the hole and possible these avian infected proved vulnerable to small arms fire in dispatching them a total of two research staff were lost to the hole and one injured due to crossfire the injured staff was put down immediately upon showing signs of infection due a suit breach before video and radio contact was lost with the remaining teams inside site a a second seismic event began to occur starting out in the 1 to 1.5 range and scale attention was directed at the hole to prepare for a second assault a second spore burst erupted from the hole during the rising seismic activity at the point where scales registered a 3 to 3.5 and force a new unseen scp-610 entity began to emerge from the hole the only footage captured of this creature depicts an engorged human head approximately 20 times larger than normal pressing itself out of the hole with no discernible body video and radio contact were lost as seismic forces increased to 7 on the scale for 2 seconds duration then abruptly ceased further aerial surveillance of the site a hole an area depict zero activity and no traces of the research teams or their ever having been there all personnel and equipment are considered lost the next field log is scp-610 l4 unmanned exploration of the site 8 tunnels events regarding the discovery research and handling of scp-610 rapidly degraded to a point work failsafe options were being considered for over 1 hour nothing further had happened at site a following the loss of the research teams during the seismic events in scp-610 l3 and subsequent contact with previously unseen scp-610 life-forms with the absence of activity at site a a remote drone dispatch was authorized in two parts the first part would drop a remote relay device at the entrance to the site a sinkhole and the second part would dispatch it drone into the hole directly to relay its data to the remote relay for transmission back to HQ drones on site were powered by solar energy with a battery maintaining a four hour charge attached is the video log recovered from the site a sinkhole drone before its loss video feed activates researchers faces scene looking into the camera applying a polishing cloth to the lens quote this is explorative drone are scp-610 - one coming online systems check out video confirmed feed is good to relay station we are testing rotors now and deploying is successful in the sound of the helicopter blade starts up as video feed begins to lift in the air camera tilts left and right to test pan features then directs itself towards the site a sinkhole quote video feed is go engines are go links are green alright sending drone down now in quote audio from the outside world fades away as the camera angles itself down and peers into the darkness within the sinkhole after approximately two minutes of descent lights on the drone activate and illuminate a roughly dug shaft initially it is unclear what could have created the hole but at a glance it would appear that the shaft was created by a single event rather than dug over time at 15 meters descent there are traces of scp-610 material attached to the dirt and stuck to rocks the material is dormant but retains its texture and appearance unlike samples from above ground level which shrivel and dry rap there is a possible connection with this material and the events last recorded during scp-610 l-3 descent continues at a hundred meters in depth branch tunnels become visible in the walls of the sinkhole panning of the camera reveals small tunnels branching out apparently at random intervals but which are not restricted to any one side of the hole these tunnels are considered too small for any useful exploration to occur descent continues increase in density of scp-610 materials on walls is noted as depth increases at 250 meters the bottom of the sinkhole becomes visible and the tunnel slopes sharply suggesting a natural formation which was already suspected drone video shifts to illuminate this tunnel and drone proceeds forward through the area scp-610 COEs entirety of the tunnel now and care is taken to keep the drone from coming into contact with any surface movement is detected five meters ahead lights on the drone are dimmed and weapons come online the are scp-610 drone is equipped with a 5.56 millimeter machine gun containing 50 rounds of ammunition this is meant to be used to deter wildlife away from the drone and defend against aggression went possible rather than to dispatch a target although it is fully capable of handling human aggressors in small groups camera focus turns to the moving mass of flesh ahead at 3 metres after focus clears the movement appears to be coming from what appears to be a deer uninfected wriggling in the grips of tendrils composed of scp-610 material deer is being suspended above the ground with unclear intent the drone is moved to pass the trapped deer while holding an envy of the camera until safely away nothing occurs with the deer and the drone proceeds past undisturbed the previously fairly level ground of the tunnels displays large humps in apparently random placement five meters ahead of the drone thirty meters past the encountered deer upon approach these lumps turn out to be similar to the infected villagers who escaped from site a into the sinkhole after the destruction of site c the sound of rushing water is now detected and the drone is pushed forward a hundred meters further into the tunnel the sound of running water is now deafening drone lights reveal a running stream of water potentially from one of the adjacent rivers in the area a sample file is placed in the water allowed to collect and then released with an active tracking beacon later recovery of this sample indicates no scp-610 contamination of ground water the tunnel splits in two at this point one tunnel leads around the river and then seems to slope downward while the other is directly above the light source in the ceiling the second one is selected to facilitate recovery of the drone during adjustment of the drones flight path it comes in contact with a portion of the tunnel wall coated in scp-610 causing a deep gash from the propeller of the drone which is already healing over when the camera focuses on the impact point the drone proceeds upwards 300 meters of upwards travel taking approximately 45 minutes results in the drone emerging into a windy section of mountain where it is directed to stay low camera panning of the area reveals what may have once been a village long since abandoned the precise location is unclear but it is assumed to be in the vicinity of site B judging from estimates in travel by the drone the buildings here are coated in deceased layers of scp-610 and unlike other buildings in site a and site C which were coated at scp-610 these buildings appear to be constructed directly from the tissue substance after a cursory scan of site B it is determined there is no life here either natural or scp-610 related so the drone is directed back into the tunnel as the winds around the area make aerial recovery impossible upon descent into the tunnel a deep roaring sound fills the audio and video feed becomes choppy as something blocks the signal during periods in which connection to the drone is clearest its camera and weapon are angled downward and propellers slow and speed to allow a faster drop video feed becomes entirely clear for the final two minutes before feed is lost rushing up toward the drone from the area below is what appears to be a large human face stretch to 20 times its proportions with no features save those created by the scp-610 material there are eyesockets but no eyes a mouth but no teeth the drone fires upon this rushing mass of scp-610 but the bullets do not deter it impact points remain invisible for several seconds before closing over themselves there was no room in the tunnel for the drone to take evasive action and it is swallowed by the mass our scp-610 is considered lost until three hours later when the feed inexplicably returns video feed from the drone appears to show a series of structures illuminated by one of the two lights of the drone the camera pans around without instructions from the remote relays or HQ capturing a vast number of shambling entities within the area a cp6 the material moves over the lens of the drone and video feed is permanently severed manned exploration was approved results are in field log scp-610 l5 manned exploration of the site eight tunnels approval from central HQ was granted for a man to salt excursion into the tunnels beneath site a to try to ascertain the extent of the scp-610 infection the destruction of site a and site C have established scp-610 can be contained and destroyed making the source of the infection top priority the initial descent into the tunnels consists of five teams to research and three assault along with enough equipment to establish an underground base of operations descent into the tunnels was established using pulley systems and a lift to move equipment assault teams were the first to descend armed with flame units to clean a CP 610 out of the area all teams were able to descend without incident and flame units took point providing an undisturbed journey toward the water source where the are scp-610 drone was lost base camp for underground scp-610 operations resides at the bottom of a three-way junction for if the water flow is included the first pathway is that which led from site a to cavern HQ the second is the pathway to the ruined village residing in the mountains above where our scp-610 was destroyed by a large unknown scp-610 entity the third pathway heads west and seems to follow the flow of the water for an unknown distance the cavern area here is quite large and is supported by a number of rock formations that are coated with decayed scp-610 material the state of this material suggests great age and appears to reinforce the structural supports whether or not this is intentional or coincidental is unknown the two research teams split activities between building cavern HQ and collecting samples of scp-610 in various states no contagious materials were detected within this area and the creature recorded by unmanned drones did not appear at any point to the cavern staff of the four research teams three were ordered to proceed down the unexplored pathway while an aerial drone was prepped for a second recon of the vertical shaft scp-610 infection did not appear in the third pathway until approximately three kilometers and serious infection did not appear until 16 kilometers in even after the lengths traveled by the assault teams no scp-610 infectious life-forms were encountered and the fleshy material coating the cavern walls posed no threat to the team the most significant reports at this time were the increasing thickness of the material suggesting a source and the complete lack of scp-610 contamination in the water as a test a sample of scp-610 was cut away from the cavern wall and placed in the flow of the water it exhibited no unusual reactions but was quickly swept away by the current at twenty kilometers in the leader of the assault teams requested a transport buggy to be dispatched to them one was available at above-ground HQ however it would take time to move it to cavern HQ and then remote drive it to the team's rations provided to the assault teams were sufficient so a camp was established while the buggy was moved and readied during this time an aerial drone was also sent to explore the vertical shaft the results of this exploration were placed on hold with the arrival of the buggy at cavern HQ and ultimately concluded in document the buggy was navigated to the assault team encampment with no events on route however upon arrival and preparation to continue the exploration the assault teams came under attack by a number of large scp-610 infected life-forms that emerged from the area ahead of them video recovered from the assault team cameras show them caught off guard as scp-610 infected made no sound and were undetectable on one film for one to two seconds it appears that some of the creatures are coming out of the scp-610 materials on the wall not emerging from them so much is being created by the material and they're breaking away to act independently during this assault an attempt to protect the buggy members were lost to the water currents and contact with them was lost contact was regained however and is recorded in scp-610 l6 the remainder of the assault team now consisted of three members armed with a single flame unit use of this unit to repel the assault proved vital has standard firearms did minimal damage to the infected creatures these infected creatures show minimal traits to associate them with any known form of life in the region giving rise to the belief that they may have been spawned by the scp-610 infection itself as a form of defense no further casualties were suffered during the raid and the remaining members managed to eliminate all attacking infected allowing them to continue with exploration with added orders to attempt to locate lost team members a further 20 kilometers into the tunnel the river separated from the tunnel pathway and the team was instructed to abandon the recovery order given the inability to navigate the waters safely a total time passed before the remaining assault team reached an end in the tunnel at the perimeter of the area now known as sight beam the team came under assault again from a smaller number of scp-610 that were much larger in size these infected appeared in the tunnel as if they were lying in wait for the approaching team these creatures were dispatched using the flame unit although all fuel for the unit was expended in this act the assault team was now limited to standard weapons and short-range personal flame units a time-lapse of five minutes is allowed to pass before the team proceeds further into sight be cautious of further assaults by scp-610 infected the tunnel widens out into what appears to have once been a village of intermediate age the construction of the buildings in this area are primitive compared to the settlements at site a and site C and are clearly of human construction many of the buildings rest at angles or slants suggesting that they were disturbed by a cave-in of interest is a building that appears to be a church with a working clock tower this building is built atop the remains of two older buildings that have fallen completely and has a visibly stable foundation surrounding all structures in this area is a depression in the ground filled with a substance resembling a liquefied form of scp-610 fleshy materials the pool moves as if acted upon by my new tent unseen forces rippling outward from invisible contact points and rolling in waves from on felt wins the team avoids this pool at all time and proceeds through the ruins slowly unstable foundations who are possible making the church their target area within the church are pews as would be expected however there are only four one of them shattered when the building could accommodate as many as 20 the three intact pews were arranged in a 2:1 formation facing a pulpit there is no trace of dust on any surface the entire area appearing to be immaculately clean given the location and believed age behind the pulpit is a hole in the floor exposing an area of the scp-610 pool beneath the building the church and ruins appear to be uninhabited an exploration of the church proper is uneventful until the clock tower Bell Tolls this tolling triggers a shudder in the building followed by human screams from the ceiling lights Shawn upon the ceiling reveal a large mass of scp-610 from which descend a series of six wooden circles strapped to each circle is a living human coated entirely from neck to toe and scp-610 but having an exposed head which appears uninfected these human captives scream as the Bell continues to toll and the circles move to the ground the team begins to move toward one to investigate when an unknown creature cries from outside the building prompting them to take cover in the shadows near the pulpit the light sources are extinguished itching the entire area into darkness night vision is left off to avoid revealing the team's location the sounds continue to emit from outside of the church drawing closer but lower than the frantic screams of the captive humans at least one noticed the team as the captive humans often call out to be saved from the entrance to the church the candle lights on the side of the doorway then one on the other side figure is seen holding a small torch and moving back and forth between a series of candles to light the doorway the flame is then applied to a rope coated in scp-610 which quickly ignites and spreads up to a peculiar chandelier system at the church entrance the light from this system illuminates most of the crosses but does not reach the team's hiding place those captives who appear in the light do not show standard signs of the beige-colored scp-610 infection but instead are wrapped in a red variant of it which shows signs of constant motion rippling across itself in waves from outside the church a flood of a-c-p 610 infected shambled quickly into the area ignoring the man who lit the candles and stands in the middle of the room they proceed to the captives on the wooden circles and begin to pull at the red scp-610 masses resulting in further screams and cries from what can be gathered from the return video feed the red scp-610 seems to be connected to the captives and is using them as a source of sustenance that it then uses to grow and feed the normal scp-610 infected overly zealous infected tear at the red mass too hard which results in pulling skin and tissue from the human captive beneath this exposed area is quickly covered over by the red mass which then grows in size feeding like this continues for approximately six minutes at which time the candle baring figure sounds a gong and all infected entities moved to the pews there are several more creatures than seats but none move past the front most pews the figure-4 sound of the gong does not move spontaneously collapsing as if made from hollow clay from the pulpit area activity is noticed as a pillar of scp-610 flesh rises through the hole and extends directing itself toward the gathered creatures no sound is heard and no motion is recorded once the pillar stops moving the silent period persists for ten minutes without even the human captives making a sound having fallen silent at an unknown point the pillar of scp-610 retracts back into the hole it emerged from without any warning prompting the departure of the infected from the building the candles remain lit and the team emerges after all infected appear to leave the area that ascended captives remain at ground level as well all screaming seeming to have ceased but still showing signs of life with heavy breathing and movement upon departure from the church camera feeds from all three members became erratic camera one ceases transmitting completely camera two shoots straight up into the air for several metres camera three captures the member with camera two being flown by a tendril that emerges out of the ground itself swinging them out of sight on to the other side of the ruins camera ones feed is restored and displays camera threes owner running briefly in the direction of the lost team member only to turn and run back as scp-610 infected pour from between buildings combat ensues between the two members and the onrushing infected using assault rifles and personal flame units successfully driving back enough of the Horde to make an escape towards the buggy passing by a building camera once owners ambushed by a figure resembling the figure who was in the church lighting candles wielding a large crop sighs camera threes owner continues without pause towards the buggy location however the buggies found half absorbed by the scp-610 mass covering the floor while turning to find another way of escape camera threes owner turns to find the same figure with the scythe approaching weapon raised two shots are fired and the camera feed ends five hours later while final decisions were underway to decide how to contain or eradicate the scp-610 threat time-delayed video feed from the lost team members who fell into the underground river currents was established has been filed in scp-610 l6 as I said at the start of this lecture scp-610 l6 has been redacted and is only viewable by class-a personnel or higher thank you very much for listening and that concludes today's lecture thank you [Music] I would like to give a special thank you to Andre Bessette thank you very much Andre your pledge is very much appreciated if you would like to know how you can get a personalized thank e at the end of each of my videos as well as some other really cool stuff as well go to [Music] you
Channel: TheVolgun
Views: 2,130,523
Rating: 4.9112716 out of 5
Keywords: scp scpfoundation, voice acting, scp foundation, dangerous scp, dangerous scp creatures, Secure Contain Protect, most dangerous scp creatures, SCP Agency, scps, creepypasta, horror narration, scp creatures, The Flesh that Hates, SCP-610, in the pines, confinement, thevolgun, creepy, scp agency, secure contain protect, lord bung, in, the, pines, special, transfiguration, keter, virus, contagion, Object class, Contagion SCP, paranormal, alive, mind-affecting
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 0sec (3180 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 03 2018
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