SCP-3456 │ The Orcadian Horsemen │ Keter │ Uncontained SCP

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AbramUC 📅︎︎ Aug 04 2019 🗫︎ replies
good afternoon everyone my name is dr. Miller and the SCP were going to be looking at today is SCP 3456 object class Keter special containment procedures SCP 3456 is currently uncontained all attempts to contain or neutralize it have failed research into methods for containment are ongoing personnel who observed the entity are to be treated with class GM mystics and must be located with the least one freshwater stream river or lake within one kilometer of the treatment facility all historical references to SCP 3456 are to be removed hand or attributed to myth shell-shocked PTSD and hysteria reports regarding loss of life and damage as a result of SCP 3456 incidents should be scrubbed of all references to the anomaly and replaced with narratives involving military conflict natural or man-made disasters regions in which SCP 3456 are likely to appear are to be monitored regularly personnel are to be deployed to aid evacuation efforts in the event of an incident direct observation of SCP 3456 should be avoided description SCP 3456 are a group of quadrupeds resembling horses and other equina Lynn Stinson deviates significantly from other equites particularly due to the lack of hair presence of three-toed whose thick translucent skin and either single or multiple human torsos fused to its back in addition to the normal acquainted attached to the horse's body each torso has a pair of arms and a head attached where the arm span reaches twice the height of the Anthony itself and end in five sharpened protruding bone digits in place of human fingers in most instances SCP 3456 possesses a hole where a human nose is normally located and is capable of emitting high-pitched screams up to 110 decibels in intensity the size of each SCP 3456 instance varies with the largest recorded manifestation reaching 30 meters in height and 15 meters in length as CP 34 56 instances thus far have proven to be impervious to conventional weapons instances materialized near the sites of war terrorist attacks natural disasters multiple manifestations may occur depending on the scale of the event as indicated by the entity's materialization during numerous historical events throughout the 19th 20th and 21st centuries SCP 3456 instances display high levels of adaptive intelligence during incidents often engineering situations to trap or torture their targets due to this it is currently theorized that SCP 3456 may be sapient direct observation of SCP 3456 by an individual will result in the entity becoming aware of the observer at which point it will display directional awareness of said individuals at all times SCP 3456 manifestations are known to engage in predatory and stalking behavior utilizing the environment to conceal and camouflage themselves survivors of such behavior report that the entity will manipulate and follow its targets pursuing them well beyond the site of initial manifestation see incident log I 34 56 32 SCP 34 56 will continue such behaviors deliberately exposing itself to as many individuals as possible until it has captured a large number of individuals at which point it will dematerialize what happens to subjects taken by SCP 3456 is currently not known should SCP 3456 be incapable of collecting a sufficient number of subjects it will continually materialize near individuals who have observed it before until it is able to capture them SCP 3456 is either unwilling to cross or incapable of crossing bodies of freshwater this was initially discovered by fundation plants within Basra Iraq during Operation Iraqi Freedom Foundation agents were forced into rapid retreat across the Tigris River by three SCP 3456 manifestations at which time they discovered that the instances either could not or would not set foot onto the bridge how and why SCP 3456 is unable to cross such geographic boundaries is currently unknown the following section contains journal entries from Dave harkened an infantry man from the British Expeditionary Force during World War one this journal describes several SCP 3456 sightings over the course of the Battle of the Somme these journal entries will be converted into audio files by acid June 27th 1916 finally arrived at the front picked up this little journal while I was in Paris figured I might as well keep record of my heroics on the battlefield quite chuffed to finally be in action though it seems I'm the only one most of these blokes have been fighting for a couple of months now they look downright dreadful but all over the uniform their faces are so pale looks like they haven't eaten or slept for months commanding officer is rather [ __ ] hot for battle it's quite admirable July 2nd 1916 woke in the early hours of the morning ground was shaking Dom Nia shook me out onto the muck on the dugout floor poor blokes in the bunks on the other side looked like they'd seen a ghoul pair of Northern Irish lads from the kitcheners armies if I remember right kept muttering about a bucket II must be some mixing were both gripping a gold crucifix was about to lay my head back down and get a wink of shall high when I ended up scrambling into the mud loudest damned thing I'd ever heard thought it was the Hun artillery about to mark us with a whiz bang and the problem was they did get the bang this morning asked our brass about the artillery barrage he gave me a funny look and asked what the bloody hell I was talking about July 2nd 1916 we went looking for the dud that must have come down last night didn't find it but found something even the army Walla probably can't explain strangers looking crater I've ever seen was shaped like a giant hoof July 3rd 1916 Huns made a push today first time they've moved in our region first time I'd ever seen combat it's not romantic and adventurous it's terrifying and deadly my hands can't stop shaking already messed up the chit once the Huns had our outfit have against a wall damn near over Alice didn't help that it rained the night before making our foxhole filled to the brim with muck one of the fritz came right at me I put one right between his eyes fell right at the edge over the trench had to look him in the eyes poor lad couldn't have been more than 17 or 18 Martin one of those Irish lads is gone was unlike anything I'd ever seen one moment he's standing shooting at the Huns all of a sudden the mud starts boiling or anyone can react mud just flies everywhere everyone else is suddenly knocked down off their feet I look up the wankers just gone there weren't even body parts left haven't told anyone but I'd swear that there was bones coming up from underneath him right before the mud went flying his mate Brendan was digging in the mud for hours looking for the crucifix July 14th and 15th 1916 Hans tried to push back this morning in the rain I was in the machine-gun nest with Brendan the other Irish chap at my unit they kept coming and coming and getting stuck in the mud hell I just kept shooting Sun is rising I'm on watched till 8:00 at least that's what the brass had said I started losing track of how much time's been passing there's something out there something lurking out in the mud the dead Huns nearly dozed off last night listening to the moans of the bloody wounded stuck out in no-man's land poor bastards got left behind saw something out of the edge of my vision yes something big couldn't quite make it out it was much darker than usual overcast sky was obscuring the full moon had a couple of screams but whatever it was was gone before my flare hit the sky July 30th 1916 I've been seeing them at the edge of my vision ever since that first night a huge they moved so damn fast they're gone before I can get a clearer look or at least that's how it was mucking out until today thick fog and mist rolled in this warming blanketed everything we figured the Huns might use it to launch another push bastards have been pushing non-stop since the 20th saw it through the fog looked like a shadow hiding in the mist some sort of horse-like creature but something dragging along the ground and a giant lump where the rider would sit said the lump started moving could have sworn it was a person or something that looked like a person sat up and the things dragging along the ground reached out in front of it and picked up something thought it was a couple dead Jerry's until they started scouring me I'll never figure the noise it made louder than a banshee shrill and twisted it looked right at me two pairs of red glowing orbs August 15 Brendan calls them love levees won't tell me much more than that beginning to understand while these blokes look so terrified when I first arrived auguste 13th bloody hell bloody hell their nightmares been on watched two nights in a row one just appeared right there right in front of me twenty feet had to be at least 20 feet away towered into the sky got my flare to go off in time to see it pick up a couple of wounded Jerry's in the mud they don't have bloody skin it's just muscle and fat the thing on its bank who wasn't you it's no way it could be human had no skin either no legs just merged straight into the horse of the stomach I took a couple of shots at it with my rifle did absolutely nothing like I was shooting it with a slingshot it stopped soon as my flare reached its highest point and turned looked straight down at me both the horse and the thing on its back it's mild or was 17th 1916 and assigned Night Watch for the past four nights straight tried to tell the brass hat about the knuckle ladies that believed me said it was the shell-shocked playing with my head I had to put a sock in it and keep on it kept coming back every night same spot 20 feet from me picks up wounded Jerry's turns and looks and it's gone it's playing with me I'm sure of it last night there was another one two four of those things on its back they're the same damn thing 7:00 a.m. August 20th 1960 Jerry's made a big push back yesterday rained two days ago all day so the muck was deep we were on machine come again in the pillbox so many of them in no-man's-land last night couldn't tell the dead from the living haven't slept in 6 days there were five tonight three of them had more than one of those things on their back the one that keeps coming back dropped something so it shine in the flare light 10 a.m. August 20th 1916 went out into the mud where it appears every night found marked crucifix that didn't hat August 20th 1916 they're getting bold saw one out in broad daylight pretty sure it was the same one heard itself in the mud just lying there waiting there going over the top of three there are more out there now all doing the same thing god help us official records show that david harkened was declared missing in action on August 20th following a failed British counter-attack against the German trenches additional queries have revealed that one Brendan O'Malley within the same unit was also reported missing in action on the same date Harkins journal was found 20 feet from the edge of the German trenches two months after he disappeared incident log i 34 56 32 the following incident details an SCP 3456 manifest station in Fukushima Japan following the 2011 earthquake several foundation reconnaissance teams were deployed following the evacuation of the city to assess whether or not the earthquake had been caused by an anomaly SCP 3456 manifested in several locations during and shortly after the quake resulting in 2562 missing persons foundation reconnaissance personnel were not expected to encounter a CP 3456 as manifestation had ceased in the prohibited zone 64 hours after the majority of the civilian population was evacuated incident log I 34 56 32 playing log now forward reconnaissance teams were deployed in squads of four with one member of each team possessing helmet-mounted camera equipment the following log details the events surrounding squad three three of the eight teams were noted to have encountered a CP 3456 however the cameras four squads 1 and 6 were destroyed early during interaction with SCP 3456 entities this is an audio feed between squad 3 and command other members of the squad were not subject to audio communications between commander Brian's and the communications officer again log the helmet mounted cameras switched on as the reconnaissance squad departs the helicopter transport history depicted both in front and behind the unit as the camera swerves with the operatives head is noted to have sustained significant structural damage with many visible points where the concrete has buckled or split apart this is a reconnaissance squad three orange leader commandeer rate we read you argue later the feed turns to the left and the right noting to other individuals each equipped with standard field agent equipment Mic Check Lopez reporting check check this thing working reading you loud and clear come on des Bryan's is seen pointing at the screen command is the camera and Breyers helmet transmitting we're getting clear transmissions from the camera navigation is sending you coordinates they just Lopes and cellos being provided Kent counters remember any deviation from the norm is grounds for further investigation should you encounter an anomaly Radio its location and containment teams will be deployed under no circumstances is your squad to engage in anomaly from this point forward communications with command will be directed to you Roger commit the camera tilts slightly downward pointing at a square device called agent bias wrist okay our target is three klicks south will have to move across the Arakawa River here chow Lopez I want those cans counters counting as we're moving the moment those levels look weird you say something got it riders get close to me for the next 10 minutes squad 3 moves through five blocks of damaged buildings and roadways with no signs of anomalous activity hey boss my counter just got a huge spike my needle went all the way into the red for about three seconds Brian's holds his hand up to stop the reconnaissance members stopped in the street buyers moved slowly in a 360 degree arc as he attempts to locate the source of the elevated Hume readings command you got all that right we got it orange later we're not picking up anything on the visual or at this point command noted the presence of a dull rhythmic thumping noise intensity of the thumps indicated a distance of roughly 300 meters between the source of the disturbance and the camera's microphone command please hold your position orange later the sound is noted to have grown slightly louder and decreased in distance from 300 to 250 meters away the camera begins another 360 degree arc as agent Byers scans the surrounding environment the noise abruptly ends after two minutes of continuous increase in intensity at crash is heard and the camera swivels 180 degrees Lopez's camp counter can be seen on the pavement glass shattered we might have a problem the camera pans up from the camp counter on the ground and captures SCP 3456 standing in an intersection 200 meters away the camera zooms in on the entity and command notes the translucent skin and fused human torso in the middle of the horse's back it also appears to remain limp and motionless for approximately 30 seconds command believe we have identified the entity responsible for the quake negative orange later at CP 3456 is not responsible for the earthquake Oh Donald we have an SCP 3456 manifestation what that's 34 56 what we're doing here it also begins to move slowly straightening into an upright position its arms begin swinging damaging or destroying several structures around it and drawing Brian's attention orange leader command has authorized a UAV drone strike move your team out of the street and into the high-rise two buildings to your left Roger commit the camera focuses on Brian for another five seconds as he turns to address the squad before focusing on the entity at CP 3456 has stopped moving its arms the entity turns towards the reconnaissance team in the mid sailau vocalization for approximately five seconds brian's points to the side street and the camera swivels in that direction bringing a large high-rise into frame now the camera begins to shake as it tilts down as Briers briefly looks at the ground before returning to a level view the feed swivels to the left briefly and captures the approaching UAV drum before swiveling to the right the entity can be seen charging towards the squad appendages reaching towards the screen a UAV drone is seen as a blur by the camera and there is an explosion as the entity emits a wail and disappears beneath a cloud of smoke well I kill it ready no George it only flows it down the squad enters the high-rise and begins climbing the stairs a camera stops shaking as the squad stops on the 8th floor of the building Ricky why the hell is it here an argument can be heard between the communications officer and the head of reconnaissance the screen begins vibrating excessively and the sound of SCP 3456 approaching the building can be heard Brian's is seen directing the squad members to the door of the large utility closet as Baez closes the door behind them the video feed displays a shadow blocking out the light of the window the camera is switched temporarily to night vision by bias a camera vibrates four more times before the sound of SCP 3456 approaching stops the Anthony can be heard breathing heavily outside the window ready come in Ricky the previously mentioned argument can still be heard damnit I wish we had a way to see what that thing is doing up we do have a camera I'm not sticking my head out start that door hey this is the utility closet right yeah fire there a broom in here yeah roll a copier toss me your helmet the screen wobbles and is inverted as agent Byers removes his helmet and hands it to agent Chow the camera shakes several times the click of a flashlight and the sound of tape being torn can be heard the feed stops shaking and there is a tapping noise good this should let us see what's going on you got your remote display on right I'll be over shoot it's doing out there good thinking show whatever it is in the feed wobbles back and forth and the sound of the closet door creaking open can be heard night vision is disabled as the lens begins detecting light coming through the window the entity's hands grip the side of the windows and its face comes into frame from the left its eyes move back and forth several times the entity breathes out briefly fogging the lens of the camera it emits a vocalization causing the camera to drop to the floor the door is heard slamming shut with the force of the vocalization the entity lingers in the window for a moment before releasing the sides and disappearing from view SCP 3456 his shadow begins moving away from the building and out of the frame the camera shakes and is slowly pulled back into the utility closet the camera shakes for 60 seconds before it is handed back to agent Pius three minutes passed before SCP 3456 can no longer be heard the other three squad members appear visibly shaken by the preceding events orange leader is your squad still impact Reggie what the hell is going on you and two of the other squads have encountered SCP 3456 it wasn't supposed to be here supposed to be without confirmation George this line is being monitored supposed to be here I need to inform them you can't do that orange leader the security clearance be damned in the face do you think I give about bureaucratic procedures right now ten seconds of radio silence pause you can't tell them what it is god damn it Ricky you can tell them what it doesn't like five seconds of silence are you talking about fresh water fifteen seconds of silence that's helpful Reggie what are we supposed to do watch the bottle of water on it and watch it melt George if you get to the bridge over the arakawa we won't be able to follow Bryan this looks down at the display device on his wrist which lights odd Reggie the crossing is still one point five clicks away we'll never make it there give me a second thirty seconds pass in silence Brian's display lights up again followed by those of the other three squad members the video feed tilts down your original route took you across the arakawa of stream in a narrow point aviary rather due to a closer crossing at the river's widest point about one kilometer out and should take about 15 minutes if you use buildings for cover the hello is already on route Roger command what's the status of the two other teams with lost contact he turns and looks in each member of the group a fall facing bias Ezreal I need you to poke your head out the door make sure that thing is not there perspective shifts slightly as by his looks out the closet door SCP 3456 is not seen oh okay so here's the deal folks we got something out there that isn't supposed to be here command has our evac on route but we need to get over the our comm well for them to do that any particular reason for that why can't they just pick us up here you saw what it can do the man doesn't want to risk a chopper getting knocked out of the sky that thing it can't cross fresh water the widest point of the river is one kilometer south we stick to the shadows and move fast and quiet that's all you need to know for now brian's is seen giving this signal to move out a squad spends the next 15 minutes moving between different buildings the squad stops approximately 50 yards from the bridge a few metres from a large intersection the frame pans from left to right in a 360 degree arc as Byers surveys the surrounding buildings there is no sign of SCP 3456 command for 50 yards from the bridge no side of the entity the hello should be on the bridge and you see it biased turns to the front and the camera zooms in capturing a ch-47 Chinook helicopter on the bridge Roger command we feared sweet Mary Mother of Peters word David the squad begins moving forward but stops the camera experiences several severe vibrations and a ticking noise begins as Chou's can't counter buzzers in alarm SCP 3456 emerges from the street to their left five meters ahead and turns so that it directly faces the reconnaissance squad it also leans down on the right side and both the horse and the human torso emit a vocalization from the bridge small arms fire can be heard and seen colliding with Antony's skin two RPGs collide with the entity along its neck to no effect the camera moves down to Bryan's who pulls two canisters from his belt stun grenades Bryan's flips the pin on the grenades and looks back to the squad Bryan's throws the grenade into the air and begins running forwards baez looks down to avoid the flash there is a bang and the entity is heard wailing Baez looks back up Lopez and Bryan's in the scene in front they've nearly reached the bridge a camera turns slightly to the left and Chao can be seen running alongside Byers the feed suddenly spent by his level with the ground and begins sliding backwards the camera lifts up and bias can be heard screaming perspective tilts up and shows the entity's hand wrapped around by his left leg by his head tilts back to a more level angle depicting his ascent into the air as he continues screaming the camera stops moving up and focuses on SCP 3456 his face at which time it is noted to be smiling the lens attempts to focus on something embedded within the entity's forehead and zooms in a golden crucifix and a world war one British infantry helmet can be seen before on the camera terminates and lock post word timestamps from the visual footage indicate that a CP 3456 D manifested at the termination of the video feed agents Andrew Byers had Liao's onchao have been declared missing and remain unaccounted for interesting thing to note the people that survived that log they you all just listen to probably not even the scariest thing they seem in Japan some of the stuff over there is insane but I digress I think that about does it for today thank you all for listening if indeed you still are and you were all dismissed goodbye [Music] I would like to give a special thank you to Bob the reclusive extrovert James Sabah Kareem el ash Mui Justin day Thomas Morin Curie kuma and jayvo Jack crystal spice goddess of Donuts my archive curator Nick Joseph Lewis ooh agent vamp King modding the wanderer and dr. Proctor thank you all so much for your support it's greatly appreciated if you would like a special thank you at the end of each of my videos well on some other cool stuff as well visit forward slash the Volgin thank you you
Channel: TheVolgun
Views: 1,449,883
Rating: 4.9401703 out of 5
Keywords: scp, scpfoundation, thevolgun, thevolgun scp, voice acting, scp foundation, dangerous scp, dangerous scp creatures, Secure Contain Protect, SCP Agency, scps, creepypasta, horror narration, scp creatures, paranormal, object class, scp secret laboratory, scp secret lab, doctor millar, doctor miller, scp lesson, SCP-3456, SCP 3456, The Orcadian Horsemen, keter scp, Uncontained SCP, Uncontained, equine, sapient, sentient, species, teleportation, animal, biological, alive, 3000, I-3456-032, keter
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 42sec (2082 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 31 2019
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