SCP-354 │ The Red Pool │ Keter │ Extradimensional SCP

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good afternoon everyone my name is dr miller and the scp we're going to be looking at today is scp-354 object class ketter special containment procedures due to scp-354's immobile nature area 354 has been built around it area 354 houses forces and d-class personnel prepared to deal with the threats emerging from scp-354 as well as researchers studying scp-354 and its properties for their own safety no on-site personnel are to approach scp-354 at any time direct interaction with scp-354 is permitted only for the purpose of research to eliminate scp-354 and must be approved by o5 personnel area 354 was constructed to contain and neutralize any and all further threats emerging from scp-354 at the heart of area 354 a 20-foot wall of concrete reinforced with has been constructed around scp-354 to prevent emerging entities from escaping into the area at large high-speed motion detection cameras are placed atop the wall looking down into the pool and armed guards can easily shoot down into the enclosure from catwalks placed above the pool description scp-354 is a pool of red liquid discovered in northern canada the liquid is a consistency similar to that of human blood hence the colloquial name blood pond but it is not of a biological nature the pool does not have definitive banks soil mixes with the liquid until at a certain point there is more soil than liquid and the ground is mostly solid the liquid becomes denser as one descends deeper into the pool if the pool has a bottom it has yet to be reached periodically entities emerge from the pool and attempt to escape from the enclosure thus far nearly all creatures emerging from scp-354 have been extremely hostile and highly dangerous scp-354 is believed to have been first discovered by survivors of a plane crash who encountered scp-354 by chance scp-354 had developed into a local urban legend long before foundation personnel arrived to deal with the threat after locating the source of the legend scp personnel set up watch station epsilon 38 to monitor the pool and deter future travelers from finding it scp-354 was classified as euclid until its properties were further discovered at 1403 hours on an unidentified entity emerged from scp-354 contact with watch station epsilon 38 was lost mobile task 4 was dispatched to deal with the entity and were eventually successful all personnel at watch station epsilon 38 were found dead area 354 was subsequently constructed to contain scp-354 document 354 1 a partial log of entities to have emerged from scp-354 prior to event 354-20 scp-354-1 original entity which destroyed watch station epsilon 38 resembled a giant bat neutralized by mobile task force scp-354-2 bear-sized mammalian creature covered in razor-sharp spines resembled an echidna was virtually bulletproof but was unable to escape the enclosures surrounding the pool neutralized via napalm scp-354-3 metallic sphere capable of levitation emitted concentrated levels of radiation and precisely directed beams sufficient to instantly [ __ ] and later result in death then area head doctor struck scp-354-3 with a sledgehammer disabling it scp-354-3 then self-detonated causing minor structural damage and severely wounding doctor doctor made a full recovery and has been commended for his bravery scp-354-4 humanoid reptilian creature approximately 4.6 meters tall escaped both the walled enclosure and area 354 altogether gunfire caused very little harm and was highly ineffective mobile task force omega-7 pandora's box was dispatched and was successful in neutralizing the creature scp-354-5 scp-354-6 appeared to be a human male of indian descent as the enclosure around the pool had not yet been fully repaired scp-354-6 was immediately shot before it had a chance to escape area head doctor has expressed his displeasure in the rash execution of scp-3546 which testing revealed to be identical to an average human being scp-354-14 majority of the creature's body remained well beneath the surface of the pool five octopus-like tentacles were seen emerging from the pool and reached up over the enclosure several d-class personnel were grabbed by the tentacles and pulled back beneath the surface of the pool after receiving massive damage from gunfire scp-354-14 retreated back into the pool and disappeared no personnel taken by the creature were recovered scp-354-15 feline creature composed of a blue-hued crystalline structure later revealed to be ice was able to jump above the walled enclosure and was agile enough to dodge most gunfire was actively hostile and mauled any personnel that engaged it subject engaged scp-3416 upon its emergence from the pool and was terminated in the fight scp-354-16 a feline creature composed of a dark red black stone later revealed to be partially solidified magma gunfire proved mostly ineffective against its hide was not hostile to personnel and did not attempt to escape the walled enclosure until being engaged by a cp 354-15 successfully terminated scp-35415 and grew less active as its body cooled after fully solidifying and having remained motionless since the subject was moved to dr office for aesthetic purposes scp-354-18 metallic humanoid machine described by several d-class personnel as a terminator subject possessed a cloaking device rendering it invisible to human eyes subject was highly adept at combat and killed nearly 90 percent of area 354's guard personnel as it rampaged through the facility approximately 60 minutes after emerging from the pool subject ceased function and powered down subject was dismantled and power cell was disposed of subjects remains are under study note from area head that's thrice now that we've had to fall back on pandora's box to deal with stuff coming out of scp-354 able can't complain though you can tell he enjoyed fighting scp-354-11 maybe we should set up some kind of hotline to mobile task force omega 7 document 354 3 a log of exploratory mission 354 alpha personal log of dr our expedition to explore scp-354 that gaping wound in the middle of canada has finally been accepted the r d boys have come up with what can only be described as a submarine with a drill on it we know that the pool gets denser as you go down so we suspect that at some point we won't be sinking so much as digging hence the huge mining device built onto it it's not hydrodynamic at all but we're not really going swimming here my gut tells me that there's something on the other side of the red pool and just like digging down up to china all we have to do is dig down up to it personal log of doctor had a nice long debate with ol5 over who's allowed to come i wanted mobile task force omega 7 to come with us for protection or at least scp-076 but they won't allow it despite the massive damages he continues to cause they still see him as too valuable to risk losing not that he isn't you know immortal or anything maybe they just don't have the guts to ask him to go exploring ackler that ass wanted us to take scp with us but i wouldn't allow it the file says scp was just born here before he came through so he'd be useless as a guide he might have been some use of security but that's mostly canceled out by the fact that he he probably just anyway the final crew compliment apart from myself consists of three agents two d-class personnel one geologist and one guy from r d who's going to pilot the ship i already forgot all their names exploratory team 354 alpha et 35a mission log day one rotten sort of day to begin a mission rumor has it that last night there was a total containment breach in some area or other then it turns out that there's no coffee allowed anywhere inside of area 354 for some reason or another and the whole mission almost ended in a disaster when it turns out that they almost forgot to load the extra fuel on board who the [ __ ] is running the show around here anyway we're now underway for a while there i had a definite feeling of going downward but now we're dropping much more slowly marty the r d guy's name says we're sinking at a rate of 10 meters an hour apparently at this depth the red pool is pretty damn dense et354a mission log day two nothing of interest happened but i learned everyone's names we have marty our pilot agent swanson agent turquoise agent 86 dr j mcarthur chris simmons and leroy tucker whoop do you [ __ ] do et354a mission log day three at about four a.m gravity suddenly changed direction boy that was a fun way to wake up now we're rising rather than sinking which means we're more than halfway there et354a mission log day four we've reached the surface through the portholes it's mostly dark which means it's night we can't go out yet because for all we know the atmosphere could be hydrochloric acid and we've got a shitload of sensors outside the ship analyzing a bunch of stuff whether the air is breathable what kind of airborne bacteria we have to deal with and simple stuff like temperature we'll know in eight hours if it's safe for human life out there et 354a mission log day five turns out the air is totally safe except it's been night for going on 28 hours now what's going on et354a mission log day6 dawn finally came the sun was huge and red i'm a biologist but i know enough about astronomy to know that we're orbiting a totally different star is this a different time a different place or a different dimension leroy guessed that we're in another plane of existence and i think he's probably closest the pool on this side is way bigger more like a large pond or maybe a small lake the banks are more defined than our side as well we took an inflatable raft to shore martian simmons stayed behind and headed north the ground here or at least around the pool is almost totally devoid of plant life the only green we saw was a sort of fuzzy moss growing on the ground that looked like a kind of mold the ground is grayish tan dirt that's like a mixture of sand and flower macarthur said it was some sort of mineral or another but i forget what he called it i half expected our electronics to not work out here but that wasn't the first thing to fail after about two hours of hiking across flat boring ground the compass suddenly changed direction now it points to what we had previously thought to be east evidently this planet's magnetics is it even a planet they'll work the same way ours do not wanting to get lost we immediately made a 180 and headed back to the ship i could have sworn the trip back was less than half as long as the trip out tomorrow we'll work out a way of navigation that doesn't rely on the compass being seen et354a mission log day seven lousy night sleep the sun never went down by my calculations the day night cycle here seems to last about 43 and a half hours as opposed to 24 hours back home that's gonna take some getting used to we agreed on a system of navigation firstly we're going to travel only in a straight line to make sure that we can get back to the ship by simply turning around and heading in the other direction unless we encounter some kind of unnavigable jungle we should be fine secondly marty's rigged a radio beacon thing i don't really remember his explanation but if we're anywhere within 800 miles his little gizmo will be able to tell us exactly which direction to go to to get back and how far et354a mission log day nine we set out a few hours before the sun was scheduled to rise but when we got to the shore we found that the green moss stuff was everywhere it had grown in mass significantly my guess is this stuff shrivels up in the sun during the day and expands at night to suck in nutrients or something we decided we didn't want to walk through it so we went back and waited for sunrise sun came up and we set out again the moss stuff was back to its smaller state it just occurred to me that there's been no wind at all in this place the result is dead silence i'm not ashamed to admit that the overall emptiness of this place is pretty scary we found an area with none of the moss stuff for a few hundred feet around and decided to camp for the night the sun is still up but it's time for us humans to sleep so i'm calling it a night et354a mission log day 10. sometime in the night which was really daytime [ __ ] this is gonna get confusing we were all awoken by some kind of roar you remember what the t-rex sounded in that old movie jurassic park it sounded a lot like that big reptilian it was so loud that i was certain whatever was making it couldn't be more than 20 feet away but when we all got out of our tents we didn't see anything the whole area is so flat that we'd see any sort of animal within half a mile or so but there was nothing [ __ ] scary we packed up camp and continued on after a while we stopped seeing the moss stuff maybe it only grows around the red pool and the ground became rockier in the distance the land seems to grow more hilly i think i see trees eg 354a mission log day 11. the bare ground has ended now we're walking across a vast field of beautiful green grass it almost looks like a well-known lawn the grass seemed ordinary enough until turquoise tripped over a rock and arose to find his hands covered with several dozen bloody pinpricks apparently the tip of a blade of this grass is incredibly sharp and easily punctures skin it's no threat to our foundation-issued boots but we must be careful not to fall on it we came to a tiny stream really no more than a trickle swanson suggested we could refill our canteens but leroy and macarthur wanted to check the water for something or other first macarthur took out some equipment and after a few minutes announced that it was not water but liquid carbon dioxide co2 is usually a gas at this temperature and it's never a liquid the laws of physics don't seem to be working right et34a mission log day 14. i haven't had time to record anything for a few days we made it to an area sparsely populated by trees the grass there was withered and brown but not sharp enough to pierce the skin anymore the trees were ordinary looked like birch but the leaves were wrong at some point we lost swanson this place is so quiet that none of us really feel comfortable talking so we have no idea when we lost him there's a good eight-hour window where he could have gone missing we called to him but none of us wanted to split up to look for him during the night a tree fell on 86's tent he wasn't hurt and none of the gear was damaged although the tent got mangled beyond repair 86 swears that the tree hadn't been that close when he pitched the thing and none of us can tell what caused it to fall the trunk just snapped we all agreed not to pitch our tents anywhere near a tree from now on the next day which was really night we are the same roar from a few days ago it sounded exactly the same as before and again we have no idea what made the sound and none of us can even agree which direction it came from then it started to rain we all pitched our tents for the night this time a whole lot closer together than we had before the nearest tree is about 300 feet away macarthur commented that it was actual rain and not more co2 [ __ ] and we set up this funnel thing to refill our canteens leroy donated his tent to agent 86 and i offered to share mine since it's a little bigger than the other guys i asked leroy what he did to wind up as a d-class he said he a couple of people i think he might have been trying to freak me out but who knows anyway he's one of the most well-behaved d-classes i've ever met so i don't think he's going to say in my sleep et 354-a mission log day 17. good god the rain has finally stopped everything is soaking wet including us except for the ground after that much water you'd expect it to be muddy as hell but the ground beneath the grass is barely damp at all perhaps the plants absorb moisture from the ground more efficiently than the ones back home we're setting out again perhaps the rain awakens some animal life mission log day 25 what seemed to be a huge cliff in the distance turned out to be an artificially constructed wall it's made of solid rusty iron and stands maybe 50 feet high to the left and to the right it goes on farther than the eye can see i can't imagine how thick it is we have no way around it we'll have to go over it or through it we made a camp for the night we'll work out what to do in the morning et354a mission log day 26 leroy jury rigged some kind of blowtorch thing with our equipment i swear this guy is [ __ ] macgyver we cut a hole in the iron wall big enough for us to go through turns out it's only about a quarter of an inch thick but there's another wall behind it with less than a foot between apparently this thing has multiple layers leroy cut through eight of them before we finally made it to the other side the grass on this side is black not burnt or anything just a different color and finally there's some wind i was getting tired of concluded that coming here was a mistake we have to turn back et354a mission log day 39 we passed through the second barrier and we're back to the weird place with the black grass i have expected the whole leroy cut through it to have sealed up or something but it was still there thank god for whoever runs the show in this world i don't think macarthur is going to make it through the night he's lost a lot of blood et 354a mission log day 40. we awoke to find that macarthur had crossed we didn't want to do it but we had no choice but to terminate him 86 said that something back home might be able to help him and he may have been right but we couldn't afford to have him slow us down we only have a few more days in a48 we made it back to the ship with only an hour or two to spare the first thing they asked us was what the [ __ ] had happened to swanson turquoise macarthur and 86 as if a few dead team members are our biggest problems right now marty has us underway and we're definitely sinking i just hope they don't end the vlog this document was discovered at the central foundation database no such mission to explore scp-354 has been yet suggested or approved no records of any personnel mentioned in this log exist the log's origin is unknown note from area head doctor it has been 22 months since the last entity emerged from the pool before this the longest period of time between emergencies was eight months i suspect this means one of two things either the red pool has died or powered down or whatever the correct term for it is or it is charging up for something big to come through 05 believes the former has the most likely explanation and has recalled 30 percent of our total personnel and cut 25 percent of our funding while i can only hope that they are correct if the latter situation is true we are soon to face some terrible monstrosity and we won't have anywhere near the force necessary to deal with it i worry for all of our safety document 354 4 event log 354.20 in the morning if the entire staff of area 354 evacuated the facility however the staff also shut down the power to the area and took a number of supplies and vehicles from the facility indicating that the evacuation had not been done due to an emergency mobile task force theta 12 was dispatched to investigate the cause of the evacuation and if possible make contact with area staff however before mobile task force theta-12 could make contact with area 354 or its evacuees the area's on-site warhead was detonated resulting in the destruction of the entire facility and the death mobile task force theta 12 was ordered to make contact with the evacuated personnel and in the event of hostility was given clearance to terminate any uncooperative personnel a large convoy of vehicles taken from area 354 was spotted heading southward from area 354 at high speed final audio logs from mobile task force theta 12 indicate that the convoy was made up of area 354 staff and that the previous chain of command had broken down in its entirety with armed d-class personnel and research personnel firing upon mobile task force theta 12. mobile task force theta 12 was annihilated and no further contact with the former personnel of area 354 has been made since document 354 5 following the total destruction of area 354 the red pool containment site was constructed in its place basic maps of the new facility can be found unlike the previous facility which was focused on research and neutralization of entities emerging from scp-354 the new facility is devoted entirely to the containment of scp-354 and entities which may emerge from it as well as any unforeseen forces which it may create directly this is due largely to the advisement of the new sighthead who believes that the events of log 354-20 were the result of a psychic or mental attack generated by scp-354 itself document 354 6. interview regarding playing log now is it all right if i record this yes go ahead good good so let's start at the beginning what happened at the red pool containment site looking back now it seems strange that nobody ever suggested draining the pool when doctor came up with it it seemed like such a good idea at the time what exactly about the idea was so appealing it was a way out that scp entry i've read what it says it's a joke it makes it seem like we have the pool under control i take it you do not there's a half meter slab of reinforced concrete in place over the pool and yet every time some beast tries to come through somehow it manages to get loose into the building people die every single time i've seen man's own intestines can you imagine what that looks like oh man so to you and of course to the other people stationed at the red pool containment site as well draining the pool seemed like a fine solution to the suffering caused by scp-354 suffering that thing doesn't just please sit down this is going on record so o5 approved the draining of scp-354 and then what happened they evacuated all the non-essential personnel to a location couple kilometers away leaving just basic defense crew and the people who'd run the equipment mostly d-class plus a few agents to keep things going and you were among those agents yes how did they go about draining the pool tech guys brought in this big pump thing with all these hoses we retracted the slab but but have you ever had a dream where it seemed so real but you knew you were dreaming and i felt like you had to wake up to escape from it i can't say i have yes you have we all have that's what it felt like when they put the hose in to try and drain it everything stopped being real it was like we had to escape right now and you were the only one feeling this sensation no everyone had it at the same time it came from the [ __ ] pool please lower your voice what happened when they activated the pump we never did we couldn't it wouldn't let us what wouldn't let you the poor please i ask you to lower your voice up until now it's been content just throwing monsters out it's been playing but now we have it locked up and we just tried to execute it now it's angry god's restraint my buddy measured its banks once and compared them to the photos from its first discovery you know what he found god it's growing the pool is growing it gets bigger and stronger every day and now we've made it angry sedate him we'll continue this in the morning if he's lucid by that anyway end log okay i think that about does it for today thank you all for listening if indeed you still are and you are all dismissed goodbye i would like to give a special thank you to the morrigan james saba arbiter soul it's not a spoon darius tan justin day nj vujak corey barker longinus the commissar chloe harlan and samurai corgis if you would like a special thank you at the end of each of my videos and some other cool stuff as well visit forward slash the vulgar thank you you
Channel: TheVolgun
Views: 704,003
Rating: 4.9497004 out of 5
Keywords: scp, scpfoundation, thevolgun, thevolgun scp, voice acting, scp foundation, dangerous scp, dangerous scp creatures, Secure Contain Protect, SCP Agency, scps, creepypasta, horror narration, scp creatures, paranormal, object class, scp secret laboratory, scp secret lab, doctor millar, doctor miller, scp foundation explained, scp lesson, what is scp, scp explained, scp-354, the red pool scp, blood pond
Id: _tobPQm9vMo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 30sec (1830 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 29 2020
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