SCP-181 Lucky

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“Twenty-three… bust” the dealer says before  scooping up the cards from in front of the man   who appears to be growing increasingly angry as  his stack of chips increasingly dwindles in size. Making matters worse for the man, are the cheers  of excitement coming from the nearby craps table,   where it seems all of the luck that he  has lost has somehow been transported.   As the blackjack dealer once  again reveals an ace and a king,   another burst of noise comes from the craps game.  “Seven again” the croupier cries before placing   a huge stack of chips in front of the young  man playing craps who seemingly can’t lose. The young man on the hot streak collects his  winnings and walks happily through the crowded   casino floor right past the fuming man at the  blackjack table. The young man cashes in his   chips and counts the large stack of hundred  dollar bills given to him before tipping one   to the woman working inside the cage. And this  night is far from a rarity for this young man.   For his entire life, it’s been as if he couldn’t  lose. He’s not strong, fast, or especially smart,   but he’s always managed to excel thanks to his  one incredible gift - his never ending good luck. The young man soon recognized his ability to  consistently beat games of chance and went to   the one place in the world best suited for his  skills - Las Vegas. And Vegas has been very,   very good to him. He lives in an expensive hotel  room right on the strip, drives fancy cars,   and treats himself nightly to lavish  dinners and shows. It’s all possible   because no matter what the game  is, it’s as if he can never lose. The young man is in the middle of another hot  streak, or rather, continuing his never-ending   hot streak, this time at the roulette table. “How  does he keep doing it?” someone in the crowd asks   as the man hits another number straight up,  paying out thirty-seven to one on his bet. The crowd cheers and slaps the man on his back  as a crowd has formed who are following along   with his every bet, piggybacking on his luck as  much as they can. The man is just about to place   another large bet when he’s suddenly interrupted  by a strong hand gripping his upper arm. The young   man turns to find a large, toothy grin staring  back at him. The smiling man continues to hold   onto the young man’s arm as he explains how  impressed the casino is with his skill. He must   be the luckiest man they’ve ever had the pleasure  to have visited their casino, and the fact that   he’s been able to sustain that same run of luck  night after night has been truly awe inspiring. The young man thanks him for his kind  words and tries to turn back to the table   but finds that the man won’t let go of his  arm, gripping it even tighter now than before.   “We’ve been so impressed,  in fact” the man tells him,   “that the owners of his casino have  requested the chance to meet with you.” The young man looks down at the  huge, powerful hand holding his arm,   and even though he’s unaware that it  belongs to a former heavyweight contender,   he’s still able to recognize that  this request isn’t an optional one. “Sure,” the young man tells him, “just  let me grab my chips and - “ but the   man begins to pull him away from the table,  telling him that there’s no need to worry,   the casino will take care of his winnings. “After  all, we have cameras everywhere, who would steal?” The young man is soon pushed through a  doorway into a space that looks like a   police interrogation room with just a  single table and a couple of chairs,   one of which a small, older man is sitting in.  The ex-boxer wrenches the young man’s arm down   onto the table and holds it in place there. The  young man screams as the boxer grabs a hammer   with his free hand and raises it into the air,  ready to bring it down on the young man’s fingers. “Well?” the old man sitting across from him asks. The young man has started to cry a little but  between whimpers he manages to ask “well what?” The old man wants to know how the young man  is cheating. No one wins the way he does,   over and over, night after night, no matter  the game. The young man insists that he   isn’t cheating, he’s just lucky, he always  has been, but the old man isn’t buying it.   He nods to the boxer who raises the hammer up  again, but still the young man doesn’t admit to   anything. “I’m just lucky. I’m just lucky,” he  keeps repeating over and over in between sobs. The old man stands up and pats him on  the shoulder. “Maybe you are,” he says,   before slipping something into the man’s  pocket. The police then enter the room and   immediately take a set of loaded dice from  the same pocket. He’s in real trouble now. The young man is shoved into a holding cell  at the jail and looks around at the other men,   wondering if his luck has finally run out.   He squeezes in on one of the benches lining  the wall and accidentally bumps the man sitting   next to him, waking him up from his nap. The man is angry at having been disturbed,   but grows even angrier when  he realizes who just woke him,   it’s the man who seemed to take all the luck. The  young man doesn’t seem to have noticed that he’s   upset him at all though. What he has noticed, is  that there’s a penny on the floor in front of him.   The young man bends to pick it up just as the man  next to him throws a haymaker. His fist slams into   the wall right where the young man’s head just  was, shattering many of the bones in his hand. The young man jumps up with a fright and runs  across the small cell as the other men being   held also leap to their feet, some crying out in  confusion, others cheering on the violence. The   young man cries out to the guards for help but no  one seems to be coming to his aid. He looks around   the cell but there’s nowhere for him to hide.  The angry man, now madder than ever with a hand   that is rapidly turning purple and blue approaches  him. He lifts the young man up with his good hand,   holding him in the air by his throat. “I’m going  to kill you!” the man cries before the door to the   cell opens. The young man watches as the TASER  prongs fired by the jail guards appear on the   man’s chest, and he drops the young man to the  floor before falling backwards from the 50,000   volts coursing through his body. The young man  would learn the next day that the angry man was   dead before he even hit the floor, the result of  a congenital heart defect, and a lot of bad luck. The young man stands before a judge who  is listing off the charges against him,   which include cheating, a felony in this  state that can result in a sentence of   up to five years in prison. “But this isn’t  your first offense, is it?” The judge asks.   The young man tries to explain that  those previous times were all mistakes,   he’s never cheated in his life, but  the judge doesn’t want to hear it. The young man is sitting in the hallway outside   the courtroom when his lawyer emerges from  his meeting with the judge and prosecutor. “Boy are you a lucky guy,” his  lawyer tells him. He goes on to   explain that even though the  case against him is airtight,   the charges are going to be dropped, provided  he admits himself to a special program. The young man assumes it must be some  kind of gambling addiction program.   In no way is he addicted to gambling,  but what choice does he have?   It’s either that, or prison, the choice is easy. As the young man exits the courthouse  he is approached by a man in a suit,   who leads him to a black van parked nearby. The  young man is placed in the back and immediately   notices that there is a cage separating the back  from the front seat, like a prison transport van.   The young man is growing nervous, where are they  taking him? This all seems like it’s happening   so fast, can it even be legal? And what about his  things that were taken at the jail? “Excuse me,”   he asks the driver, what about my  things? I don’t even have my wallet. “Don’t worry about that,” the man driving the van  tells him. “You won’t need any of that anymore.   You’re a D Class now.” The man doesn’t have any idea what that means,   but he can tell it isn’t good.  His luck may have finally ran out. The young man, who once lived the life  of a professional Las Vegas gambler,   was given a new name - D-87465. But as you’ll  see, that name wouldn’t last very long,   and soon would be known as SCP-181… or as the SCP  Foundation staff liked to refer to him… Lucky. SCP-181, was first noticed by the Foundation   following his being arrested for repeatedly  defrauding the Nevada Gaming Commission. He was originally made a member of  the Foundation’s Class D personnel,   the guinea pigs of the SCP Foundation who  are used for various tests with anomalies   in order to better understand their  properties. However it soon became   clear that the man’s ability to consistently  beat the odds had nothing to do with cheating. In his first experiment, which took place at  Armed Reliquary Containment Area-02, where he and   several other Class Ds were exposed to an SCP that  is known to to incite extreme anger and murderous   tendencies in those who come into contact with it.  Just as expected, one of the other D Class members   became enraged and began rampaging, killing all  of the other Class Ds present… all except for one.   Through what appeared to be a stroke of good luck,  the frenzying D Class seemed to miss D-87465,   who had laid down on the ground amongst the other  bodies and was playing dead. An armed response   team soon entered the experimentation cell and  put down the rampaging D Class, sparing D-87465. He was next submitted to a test with SCP-075,  a creature that resembles a large snail with   a muscular foot shaped like a six-fingered,  clawed hand. SCP-075 is much heavier than its   small size makes it seem like it should,  weighing approximately 860 kilograms.   Despite this, it is able to  move at an extremely high speed,   quickly leaping towards anyone who comes near it  and spraying them with a deadly corrosive liquid. D-87465 was placed in a cell with SCP-075 as part  of a test to measure its speed and reaction time,   but despite SCP-075 having immediately  killed all prior D Classes during tests,   D-87465 somehow managed to keep  avoiding its leaping attacks.   He was always able to guess which direction  to move in order to dodge the deadly snail,   like a soccer goalie who always picks the  right way to dive to stop penalty kicks. Having now survived not one but two experiments  that exposed him to Keter class anomalies,   researchers needed to find out  if D-87465 was himself anomalous,   or simply a statistical anomaly. In order to test this, the D Class was  placed in the containment cell of SCP-082,   better known to most as Fernand the Cannibal,  a grotesquely huge humanoid with ogre-like   features who often dresses like a Victorian  era aristocrat, and will regale his guests with   outlandish stories before inevitably eating them.  But there was something different about D-87465.   After a full month of survival in 082’s cell,  a length of time that had resulted in all the   previous test subjects being consumed, SCP  researchers suspected that this D Class’s   incredible ability to survive was much  more than just dumb luck, but they needed   to test him even more to see if his powers  extended beyond just the ability to survive. D-87465 was removed from regular D Class  duties and researchers began performing   various tests on him, watching as he  flipped a coin fifty times in a row,   with it coming up heads every single time.  Similar results occurred when they had him   roll pairs of dice that would always  total up to seven, or when they had him   pick random cards out of a deck and he was  able to pull all thirteen hearts in a row. Foundation researchers were now convinced  that this man was more than just lucky,   he seemed to possess the ability to  create an unnatural effect on probability,   though researchers suspected that he was  generating this effect without being aware of it.   At this point, D-87465 was reclassified  and given a new designation - SCP-181. Further testing confirmed that SCP-181 is able  to affect causal probability and that it really   does occur through no action of his own. However  there’s more to SCP-181 than simply being lucky,   as researchers soon found out. In an audit of  death and injury rates at Bio-Research Area-12,   where SCP-181 is contained, it was discovered  that both had increased dramatically in the   time since he was brought there. It seems that  SCP-181 doesn’t simply create his own good luck,   he in some way saps it from others simply by being  present. It now appears that every lucky moment he   experiences results in the opposite happening to  someone else. For every seven he rolls on a pair   of dice, someone else gets snake eyes. And for  every death defying escape he makes, someone else   must die. There’s no telling how far his ability  might scale. Could he survive a nuclear blast?   And if he did, what would be the result in  order to “even out” the odds so to speak. In light of these new discoveries, SCP-181 was  removed from his low level containment cell where   he was allowed to occasionally interact with  D Class personnel for entertainment purposes,   and was moved to Site-27, where he was placed  in solitary confinement and classified as Safe.   All interactions with staff are now limited to  the bare minimum in order to ensure his survival   and security, without risking any events  that might result in him “getting lucky.” Now go and watch another entry from  the files of Dr. Bob, like SCP-007   Abdominal Planet, another humanoid SCP  that is even stranger than this one,   and make sure you subscribe and turn on  notifications, so you don’t miss a single anomaly,   as we delve further and further into the  SCP Foundation’s classified archives.
Channel: Dr Bob
Views: 2,125,532
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the rubber, therubber, animation, animated, SCP, SCP Foundation, SCP Animation, DrBob, Dr Bob, anomaly, anomalies, SCPs, anom, anoms, scp wiki, scp animated, scp explained, scp-181, scp 181, scp181, scp lucky, scp d class, class d, d class, scp class d, lucky d class, luck, lucky
Id: Gi0tKYzXZ9Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 20sec (740 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 17 2021
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