Teddy Bear SCP-6330 Guardians of the Innocent (SCP Animation)

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... and the knight slayed the evil dragon. He hid its severed head back into the cave thus banishing its evil spirit from ever touching the light. As he closed the book and looked at his daughter she was already fast asleep. He carefully stood up and picked up the teddy bear which had fallen to the floor then slowly tucked it into the girl’s arms. He then tip-toed out of the room. Darn left my phone in the room. And so he returned to his daughter’s room. When he opened the door he saw the teddy bear struggling on top of a dragon of its size swinging a sword valiantly. They stopped when they saw him entering the room. He couldn’t believe what he’d seen. He rubbed his eyes clear and looked again but the dragon had disappeared and the teddy bear returned to a motionless state in his daughter’s arms as if nothing had happened. Goodness gracious mind’s playing tricks on me. Almost thought I’m back at work again... Is this what happens when you work at the Foundation for near 5 years? He retrieved his phone on the table and made to the door all the while having his eyes fixed on the teddy bear. After making sure of everything he closed the door. No... That’s DEFINITELY an anomaly. I’m bringing them to the facility soon... Might wanna prepare some popcorn. Hello everybody I'm TheRubber Today, we brings you SCP Foundation ESOTERIC class object SCP-6330 SCP-6330 also known as the Guardians of the Innocents is a phenomenon affecting stuffed animals worldwide though is most common in teddy bears. Manifestation of the phenomenon is referred to as a Sleepwalker Event. Sleepwalker Events occur only within the households of families with young children typically between the ages of 1 to 14. Events begin with the manifestation of entities referred to as SCP-6330-2. These creatures typically blend with shadows and somewhat resemble creatures associated with fantasy such as dragons or ogres and will always manifest beneath a child’s bed. 6330-2 instances depict behavior indicating that they intend to hunt or prey upon sleeping children. Conversely SCP-6330-1 are stuffed animals already present in a child’s room. However they appear to be non-anomalous prior to 6330-2 manifestations. 6330-1 have been shown to instantaneously manifest small wooden medieval weaponry in order to combat 6330-2 and presumably protect the child. Battles are recorded to last upwards of 20 minutes and are always near silent. In most observed cases SCP-6330-1 emerged victorious but are severely wounded during the skirmish. Torn wool and stuffing are common and following all known events 6330-1 instances have died due to their injuries. Prior to death the instance will drag the corpse of 6330-2 back under the bed frame and demanifest. After a short while it will re-emerge and attempt to climb the bed. 6330-1 will then embrace its child and pass away. A test was conducted on the grounds of Site-44 where a researcher’s 7-year-old daughter was chosen as a subject. Placed in a humanoid containment room she was soothed to sleep using a teddy bear to which the researcher claimed that she had a strong emotional attachment. Alright subject and... the teddy bear ready. I hope it works this time. The team waited and observed the room for hours yet nothing happened. Only the girl’s quiet snoring could be heard as the team watched on intently. As hours went by they were beginning to feel tired. They yawned and stretched. With all due respect, sir. We’ve done this experiment about 13 times already. Starting to lose track of what we’re supposed to be doing here... The hell am I doing with some young girl and a teddy bear at work? Just a little more... Hang in there. This is it. I can feel it... Oh look! Sure enough after hours of waiting 6330-2 manifested under the subject’s bed. The whole room was in high spirits once more. A pair of large scaly clawed hands emerged from the shadow underneath and grasped the rim of the bed. 6330-2 which took the form of a dragon revealed itself causing a stir in the room. For the next five minutes the dragon patrolled the room moving silently and methodically unaware of the surrounding surveillance cameras which the research team used to watch in awe. The dragon turned towards the sleeping girl. It poised itself at the foot of the bed then stretched its arms out towards the girl. It gaped its jaw wide brandishing rows of pointed teeth and a forked tongue. As it prepared to lunge at the girl 6330-1 the teddy bear rose and stood atop the girl’s body. It then drew a small sword and shield seemingly out of thin air. Despite having no fingers its hand skillfully twirled the sword and banged on the shield as if taunting the dragon. But the dragon ignored the teddy bear. Instead it threw its jaw against the girl. With a leap The teddy bear quickly closed the gap and sliced off one of the dragon’s eyes. The dragon grunted painfully and quietly. It clutched its wound which was now leaking a viscous black liquid. The teddy bear jumped down and ripped off a small piece of fabric from the bed sheets to quickly cover the dragon’s wound. What’s it doing? Is it helping its enemy? No... More like... it’s trying to reduce the mess and evidence of the battle. The entities clashed their sword and fangs against one another in a fierce battle for nine minutes. Then the dragon struck the teddy bear with a heavy slap that sent it flying across the room. Oh no teddy! The teddy bear stood back up its hands now covered in wool stuffing but it was not deterred by the damage. With the look of determination on their faces they charged at each other again but stopped dead in their tracks when the sleeping girl stirred slightly. Both entities stole a brief glance at her. The assistant said under his breath Come on, girl. Go back to sleep. When she settled again they resumed their fight. After 20 minutes both entities were heavily scarred and damaged. The teddy bear sprinted from one side of the room towards the dragon then leaped into the air and landed a fatal thrust slicing its neck. The dragon’s lifeless body fell onto the floor. The whole room cheered quietly. Having caught its breath the teddy bear rose from its knee and dragged the dragon back under the bed. For a moment the containment cell looked like nothing had happened at all. The girl continued to sleep soundly and the team was beginning to feel restless again. That is until the teddy bear emerged once again from underneath the bed prompting the team to cheer quietly. The damaged teddy bear placed its sword and broken shield on a nearby table then dragged itself up the bed next to the girl. It then lay down beside her. It seemed to have noticed the camera as a small woolen thumb protruded from its round hand giving a thumbs up to the spectators. Its head flopped onto the girl’s cheek and became motionless. Upon conclusion of this test MTF Iota-12 conducted a heavy investigation of the bed. 6330-2’s corpse was not discovered beneath the bed frame though trace amounts of the aforementioned black substance were found. Samples taken revealed it to be composed of raw hemoglobin and water though its viscous nature and other physical properties do not support the discovery. The 6330-1 instance was removed and placed in secure storage. It has to date shown no further anomalous properties. Many years later a call was filed to local authorities by a family in Cambridge, England. They claimed to have discovered footage of a Sleepwalker Event in their son’s room. The footage was seized and all family members were administered amnestics. It was midnight. The child’s bed swayed slightly as 6330-2 which had taken the form of an unknown monster with muscular frame stood upright. It brandished its sets of claws and readied to spring onto the child. In defense, the child’s teddy bear suddenly stood up with a bow. It drew a few arrows from its quiver and quickly shot at the monster. One of the arrows struck 6330-2’s canine-like snout. They fought tooth and nail for 30 minutes making it the longest Sleepwalker Event to date. Eventually the monster had the teddy bear pinned to a nearby wall seemingly trying to strangle it. It pulled out one of the arrows lodged in its arm and plunged it into the teddy bear’s chest. Oh no no no no no not like this... Come on, teddy... You can do this! Just when it appeared that the monster was victorious the teddy bear reached behind its back and pulled out a small wooden handgun. Wait a minute... A gun?! It pointed the gun against the monster’s forehead and fired.. The shot made minimal noise and the monster fell limp onto the ground. Black, viscous fluid sprayed on the wall. The teddy bear then dragged the monster’s body under the bed limping all the way. When it returned the teddy bear climbed up a desk and reached for a pen and a piece of paper then started writing. When it was done it limped its way back into the child’s arm. Then it stretched its arm wide never to move again. I really hope that’s not the end of him... Dammit he’s a good man... bear I mean... Protecting the child like that. Have we got whatever the bear was writing? I have it here. Hate to break it to you, buddy... That- Can it and give it to me. After reading the note tears started rolling down his cheeks. Told ya. Hello, Timothy. Thank you for always taking care of me. It really was fun. I was able to repay the favor by protecting you. Unfortunately I am hurt and I need to go. I’m too weak to stay and I just hope that you’ll remember me. It’s been fun living with you. I’ve enjoyed my time under your care. Going into this I knew this would happen with the Sleepwalkers coming for you. But I’m just happy I could do my job. Goodbye, my friend. I hope I may see you soon.
Channel: TheRubber
Views: 3,173,471
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the rubber, therubber, animation, animated, SCP, SCP Foundation, SCP Animation, SCP-6330, SCP 6330
Id: dC9doUZb850
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 45sec (645 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 02 2022
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