SCP-2395 | $585.98 | (SCP Animation)

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[Music] the arctic winds blew hard against the scientist's face dr kloss turned back to his assistant and yelled out are you okay he couldn't make out his assistant's face but slowly came back a nod as he waved dr kloss onwards it was day three and only half of the original party remained now two had been killed when that idiot martin had yelled at them that the object in the sky had changed direction the yell had triggered an avalanche and taken two researchers with it he remembered turning back and seeing their bodies tumbling down the rock face and a shower of snow and rock dr mason had perished a day later the combination of hypothermia and lack of sleep had apparently driven her mad during the night we tried to catch her but she disappeared into the darkness completely naked and laughing like a crazy person we tried to stop her husband but he got away from us we didn't see either of them again today i bring you euclid class objects scp-2395 585 dollars and 98 cents don't forget to subscribe all that remained was the four of us now and it didn't look like dr sandhouse was going to make it another day his face was wind beaten and dry eyes blurry and he was responding slower and slower we weren't that high up but i believe he was suffering from hypoxia still there wasn't much we could do about it the path back was partially collapsed and our only hope for survival was to push on to the other side damn that thing in the sky it had killed new and old friends alike what the hell was it a dark ominous shadow blotting out the sun alien warship on final descent we'd find out one way or another we took the wrist that night and lit a fire the fear of another avalanche was on all our minds but considering the look of dr sanhouse we took that risk for such a cold and windy night i slept remarkably well upon awaking it appeared dr sandhouse had slept well too too well he wouldn't rouse and the blue of his face revealed what we had expected we made a small makeshift tombstone packed up our belongings and continued on the sky still dark and blotted out by that thing we shortly reached level ground again and could now see the shadow in the sky more clearly it waved and danced in an abnormal fashion martin pointed out that it was waving east west but the wind was blowing west east i disregard the comments but he was right it was blowing against the wind it changed erection even stopped seemingly randomly against the laws of physics my assistant yelled out that he could make out a house in the distance it appeared to be less than half a kilometer away from the base of the shadow object now designated scp-2395 we proceeded towards the house scp-2395-a we reached the shack shortly after and cautiously investigated it appeared to be inhabited by a female but she did not reply to any of our attempts at communication we called out to her banged on the door even threatened her nothing but the chimney was a light and we had seen her silhouette moving behind the windows we slept outside the house and on the next they attempted to force our way in for whatever reason we found the shack to be impenetrable we tried for another day and night and when we finally were ready to give up and move back to the shadow we heard a sound coming from the door it sounded like cutting when suddenly the tip of a small hand saw popped through the wood of the door it proceeded to cut a rectangular shape in the door the approximate size of a mail slot a letter popped out to our surprise it read fine write down questions and i'll get them in my own down time so if you would prefer i pass notes like this rather than converse all i'd like to do is ask a few questions regarding your environment enroll would this be fine less than 10 words or else you're wasting my time could you explain why you're here it's freaking cold all day and i have work what kind of work i'm waiting for purchase offers the price isn't set in stone but this is kind of a minimum we have to offer to make a profit so you're working for an organization you blind or something names on the door can you explain the shadows movement already said i'm trying to make a sale here what exactly are you selling earth please elaborate earth planet terra nova blue ball of life flesh cesspool etc etc that doesn't explain the shadow's movement well you know when you pick up a stick with a dying leaf on it when you pick up something at a store with a price tag attached to it and inspect it a bit and the price tag might flop around a bit and you might grab the price tag to get a look at the price now imagine something else looking at that price tag actually scratch that since you can't you getting it now we're selling the earth and i'm busy speaking to willing buyers it was at this point that it dawned on claus the object wasn't an alien ship or a looming shadow of doom it was a price tag a price tag for for earth scp-2395 is a giant price tag located at 82 degrees 8 minutes 2.1 seconds south 16 degrees 59 minutes 5.5 seconds west in antarctica observing aerial drones have recorded scp-2395 to have the price of 585 dollars and 98 cents scp-2395 is tied to a small rebar loop embedded in the ground by a 0.7 meter length of twine scp-2395's dimensions are 258 meters by 90 meters in length and width a 2.5 meter layer of polyethylene covers the paper inscribed with scp-2395's price if this wasn't strange enough scp-2395 seems to be unaffected by wind conditions and instead pretty much does whatever it wants sometimes it blows directly into the wind other times it spins repeatedly for indefinite amounts of time crazy 0.3 kilometers east of scp-2395 is scp-2395-a it's a shack just a shack a shack with what seems to be some odd humanoid female with it she isn't very friendly at all the door to this shack is labeled lce this lady scp-2395b doesn't respond to the foundation's request to speak or to mine we have however heard her talking to others quite rude if you ask me observation post 44 is to maintain communication and support from area 30 while continuing surveillance of scp-2395 and scp-239 a precautionary 250 meter radius zone around scp-2395 has been established which observation post 44 will continue to monitor for any notable movement or activity further information from scp-2395-a's occupant has been deemed unlikely following communication with dr milk i hope you enjoyed this scp not all scps have to be dark gruesome or terrifying sometimes even the most mundane objects have a story to share the next time you're out shopping and get a rude shock from a price tag remember you never know who or what else might be looking to purchase that item it might just be the steel of the century as always have a care and remember to subscribe like and share if you would until next time farewell [Music]
Channel: Professor Lucius
Views: 86,304
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: calatheaconstruct, calathea construct, scifi, science fiction, animated, animation, scp, professorlucius, proflucius, professor lucius, The Foundation, SCP Animated, SCP Animation, scp-2395, scp 2395, scp2395, $585.98, 585.98, doctor kloss, dr kloss, dr. kloss
Id: rgjcdOMKLl8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 2sec (482 seconds)
Published: Sat May 01 2021
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