SCP-1360 PSHUD #31 (SCP Animation)

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viewer discretion is advised he then slowly made his way to the droid's hand and grabbed its middle finger 1360 immediately started to struggle against its restraints four security officers quickly got to work holding the droid down hello everybody i'm the rubber today we bring you scp foundation euclid class object scp-1360 scp-1360 also known as pshud31 is an animate and fully articulated android 1360 is 1.83 meters tall and weighs about 100 kilograms 136o's body is composed of molded polycarbonate casings built over an aluminum frame and two white pmma circles each measuring approximately three centimeters in diameter these circles are accepted to be the android's source of eyesight the molded polycarbonate casings are covered in a black fabric of aramid fiber referred to as 13601 this material is lighter and stronger than kevlar and is self-repairing with adjacent damaged 13601 fibers re-weaving and fusing back together the material is also capable of repairing damage to 136o's polycarbonate casings as 13601 fibers will fill in damaged areas during the repair process of the outer covering this covering acts as a skin of sorts and has a universal thickness of 1 centimeter the number 031 is woven into 1360's left arm and a red variant of 13601 scp-1360's fingers contain a series of tools these tools are accessed by unscrewing the tip of the finger 1360's left thumb is a steel needle attached to a roll of red thread made from the same material as 13601 its left index finger is a 5.1 centimeter wide roll of patches made of the same material as scp scp-13601 however 1360's right thumb is a pair of miniature steel fabric scissors on its right index is a steel scalpel both the middle and ring fingers are hollow and seemingly serve only as storage space before being found by the scp foundation 1360 was previously owned by a man named james and his daughter sarah 1360 was first found during a raid on a peritech trafficking warehouse in seattle apparently 1360 was made by anderson robotics anderson robotics is a paratech firm specializing in the sale of anomalous robots androids artificial intelligence computer programs and cybernetics below is a description of the events that unfolded after 1360 was found and brought back to the foundation for containment and research 1360 stared at researcher conwell its white plastic eyes seemed emotionless as it followed conwell's every move four security officers stood nearby each waiting for the incapacitated automaton to attempt to escape conwell pressed record on a small tape recorder on the surgical table at his side jacob conwell july 8 2013 regular scheduled removal of scp-13601 samples are to be removed from scp-1360's lower torso left forearm and right thigh subject is fully cooperative prior to 13601 removal recommended security team is present and on standby conwell then grabbed a small scalpel and approached the droid he began to cut but stopped when a small slip of paper was visibly poking out from 1360's left middle fingertip be ready to restrain it he then slowly made his way to the droid's hand and grabbed its middle finger 1360 immediately started to struggle against its restraints four security officers quickly got to work holding the droid down got it he pulled several folded pieces of notebook paper from 1360's finger keep it restrained until it calms down make sure to confiscate its notebook and pins before you leave conwell looked back as he stepped into the hallway the droid's constant gaze only subsided once the containment door slid shut conwell let out a heavy sigh as he stared at the pieces of notebook paper lying on the desk in front of him on each piece there was a small sketch the first depicted an incredibly detailed representation of 1360 running on 1360's shoulder was a young girl in a summer dress with a flower design her long hair was drawn fluttering behind her as 1360 ran her arms stretched upwards toward the sky however her face was left completely blank no nose no eyes or mouth a second drawing showed 1360s shaking hands with a man in a suit the man had short hair and appeared to stand half a foot taller than 1360 itself the detail that was placed into drawing the creases and pleats of the suit was exquisite but once again the man's face was blank the third drawing had 1360 walking with the little girl through what appeared to be a park the little girl seemed to skip along as it held 1360's hand both were adorned in party hats however yet again the girl's face was left blank the final drawing was of 1360 wielding a pistol side by side with what appeared to be two other men adorned in dress shirts and ties covered by bulletproof vests one of them was brandishing a shotgun while the other carried a machine gun their two faces were left completely blank conwell placed his head in his hands as he sighed sliding away from his desk to spin in his swivel chair he continued to sit in silence for a few more moments then stood up and walked out of his room all right 1360. conwell sat down across the table and placed a small notepad and pin in front of him scp-1360 looked down at the table the room remained silent for a few moments but eventually 1360 picked up the pin and began to write after talking with my superiors i've been ordered to return your sketches notebook and pinned to you if you cooperate with me during this interview for all purposes cooperation will require that you answer all of my questions what do you say okay excellent first things first i'll need you to confirm a few theories i have about your drawings they are depictions of you with your previous owners james and his daughter are they not they are i thought so this brings me to my next question why were you so desperate to get them back when we discovered them why put up such a fight i didn't think you'd return them even if we didn't couldn't you have just waited until we gave you your pen and paper back and drawn them again i didn't know if i would have that kind of time what do you mean anderson can remotely erase my client memory i don't know why it has not been erased yet i wanted those drawings so that i might have something to look back on and remember them by i didn't know if i would have the time to wait until i could draw them again i see if that's the case why leave the faces blank your drawings are so detailed yet you leave out one of the most important parts of human expression anderson's programming prevents me from using any more detail that is the best i can do it might still be too much it appeared as if obtaining james's identity and a new lead for finding anderson was not going to happen conwell then got up from his chair and slid the drawings the rest of the way towards 1360. that's all we needed 1360 feel free to take your sketches back i'll have your notebook and pins return to you in a little bit conwell began to collect his paperwork conwell silently watched as the droid was escorted out of the room several weeks after the interview researcher conwell was once again scheduled to harvest 13601 following the usual procedure he and four security officers rolled a restraint table into 1360's containment cell the security officer immediately prepared to transfer the droid from its normal restraints in the cell corner to the table when they noticed the droid was holding up its notebook a single message was neatly written across the page may i ask you a question you may can you tell me anything about these people i drew conwell looked over at the droid it was holding up its sketches 1360 i you don't know anything about them the droid shook its head in response it then held up a third sheet of paper this one with a note written on it client memory deleted we're sorry 3-1 but as you know our client's privacy is our highest priority things we're getting just a little too close for comfort anderson i'm so sorry 1360 i wish i could tell you who they were i wish i knew about them too remember to check out my new animation channel the rubber talks where i share my life story thoughts and opinions just click on the link in the description to enter the rubbers world before we end this video we are proud to present these incredibly sweet pieces of fan art a big thank you to all of you you can now send us your fan art and we will be more than happy to show off your best art piece in our next video check out our description below on how to submit i hope you enjoyed today's video which scp do you want to see in the next video and why it is interesting let us know in the comment below we will draw your story and share it with the world don't forget to click like subscribe to the channel and hit the bell please share it to your friends if you like this video thank you so much for watching and we will see you in the next video bye
Channel: TheRubber
Views: 361,990
Rating: 4.9639525 out of 5
Keywords: the rubber, therubber, animation, animated, SCP, SCP Foundation, SCP Animation, SCP-1360, SCP 1360, PSHUD #31, SCP euclid
Id: 2ujSzN-59nw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 54sec (654 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 21 2021
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