Scorchfountain Ep.8: Lost One

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Wow this was a great episode. Finding the weapon that killed the roc that killed Moldath's son? That is so cool.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 65 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Saw_What_U_Did_There ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 07 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

That animated flashback. Man oh man... Such a beautiful emotional dramatic scene! Wish I had such production value in my imagination when I scroll through history of my dorfs :) And somehow DF became more alive to me after watching that.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 35 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Have_Some_Tea ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 07 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Wow Moldath's PTSD flashback was amazing and horrifying. You're very talented Kruggsmash.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 23 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Steelman235 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 07 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

God damn do I love Kruggsmash, Itโ€™s one of the best feelings coming home, getting a cup of coffee and watching his videos.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 19 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/RecentProblem ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 07 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

At this point Iโ€™m rooting so hard for Muldath and the rest of Scorchfountainโ€™s prosperity. Hopefully they donโ€™t cause their own doom through that cursed metal and the inevitable circus

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 11 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/sanddry86x ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 07 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I love this stuff

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 6 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/lordhugh_II ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 07 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies


๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 5 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Nobody-Particular ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 07 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I donโ€™t even play DF and I love watching this series. Great narration, art and pacing.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/gmotsimurgh ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 08 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
[Music] [Music] well hello you bearded bastards and welcome back once again to authorized F on the Scorch mountain at the current time it is the 17th of timber 1173 late autumn of our 10th year here our population is now 100 into 23 dwarves so we are getting up there the fortress is now considered to be a city working our way right on up and I gotta say I'm pretty sure the dwarves are at high spirits we have all the clothing we could ever want we're nice and fairly well defended we have a large supply of artifacts that we still haven't looked at but that being said some dwarves just just having a hard time I guess namely multiple our bid list Baron it really is a shame he's trying to keep cool in front of the other dwarves but all this fortress management is just getting him down I guess it's gotta be tough being undead monster here's hoping he cools off after a while at this point he's been solved beset for so long that he can't help but wonder if maybe something else is on his mind hmm hoping he gets himself sorted before long hang in there mole death yeah the fortress is looking pretty good right now moving up to the surface here you can see we're working on our main courtyard here outside our front gate at the current time the front gate is our only way into and out of the fortress that's it we're no longer using the anvil at all and with that in mind it probably is the best that we clean this place up a little bit you can see there's a double layered wall here circling around the outside of the courtyard we're hoping to make that to Z levels tall should protect us well enough and of course here we have the entrance to the courtyard I'm gonna put up a nice bridge there one that opens towards us which isn't a good idea but I really want to build a moat outside Oh lava moat which I think would be amazing but I want to be able to get bridge in place first you just in case something shows up so this one's just gonna be temporary anyways over here in the West we could see two more entrances down to the fortress the main entrance right here that we're covering with a bridge that should be done before long and then up here to the north we have a second entrance this citizen entrance can call it that's one we're gonna be using most of the time it's a much much shorter path down to the fortress here I'll show you if we start here at the citizen entrance and go down it circles around circles around spiraling downwards down down down to the fortress level right here and that leads right up here to the north to the scorching Hall it's pretty much a direct entrance into the heart of the fortress this make things a lot quicker you can see here that we still have not carved away this wall yet just because we got to get that bridge down up there first just for safety's sake oh yeah this make things a lot better it's certainly better than having our dwarves go down this winding hall every single time they have to enter or exit the fortress just a minute dwarves working on it as for other fortress projects well I don't want to bore you too much but we have to start getting some bedrooms set up as you saw we have a population of more than 120 now we had more than enough bedrooms for so long that I almost completely forgot that we'd eventually need more so we're gonna have to get to that quickly to could need a lot more furniture as well oh that's so boring but you got to do what you got to do we also probably should at some point come over here and make this into an actual forge area that was the original plan remember I still haven't done that though as you can see more tedious work here's something else were working on due to that reason forgotten beasts attack the one that crept down through our farm terrorists over here we are now blocking up this underground passage we don't need that happening again however that being said is pretty handy to have just because those undead sieges will go down there and leave us alone that being the case we have dug out yet another up here to the north right by where those bastards usually show up that should get the job done it just leads down to the first cavern lair like the other one on top of that we have some other finicky business with some of the dwarves starting to get a little bit upset just minor concerns really they all have clothing food and drinks now but they might require just a touch of downtime so we might have to figure that out it would be a shame though just because at this current time we haven't had any sieges in a while not since those test trees warriors attacked us and that was actually more than a year ago which is bizarre since we started getting sieges here at scorch fountain we haven't gone more than a couple of months between sieges so I really want to take advantage of this time which might bite us in the ass if some of the dwarves get too unhappy for now though we're willing to take that risk it should be fine speaking of upset dwarves back to mole death down here in one of his many shrines yeah this is a his tavern area it's kind of masked down here though we're just kind of tweaking things and we have been for a while recently he's wanted a fine pewter chest in his office kind of a strange request but you know we can make that happen I think we got some tin from those traders last year so we're trying to work something up and here we go it's all made up and we're just getting it into place and just like that hoping that helps out the guy a little bit but mmm my guess will say the poor bastard you got to wonder what's going on [Music] [Music] [Music] the rock econo aloha derrick with a Gurkha has come a bird of prey so large and ferocious it Dwarfs many dragons all beneath its mighty wings should fear the sky dwarves today we are beset by a mighty foe this rock is a legendary creature no doubt hailing from the towers of sweetness a savage mountain range far to the north we can be fairly certain that this titanic bird has already killed hundreds of our kin in its time in or atashi and if we don't want to end up like them we have to prepare ourselves get to the fortress now dwarves quickly or your lives are forfeit the Warriors have already been commanded not to assist any straggling dwarves this beast is not to be harmed gotta come down here quickly and pull this lever thank you which closes up the citizens entrance and then of course we have to come over here and build a wall really quickly almost forgot hurry up dwarves really don't want this thing getting in the same way that snail did hurry up hurry up come on come on my dwarves let's go nobody in sight not a good sign not good at all no no and here it comes damn it we're gonna be out of time this thing moves is so fast come on come on almost there oh just in time wonderful work dwarves and now it's gonna try coming through our main entrance right here dwarves game to the fortress please hurry up will ya come on we're gonna be out of time really shortly so move your asses please okay up here comes swooping around down through the entrance heading in towards the fortress dwarves now our never move your rumps just gonna get this last little fragment of wall in place which I was feeling pretty confident about but that confidence is the lowering by the second there we go okay the wall is finished I believe we're safe now that being the case I imagine this big bastard just can go back up to the surface and flap around a bit mind its own business and that is something we really like here in the fortress and now we're gonna come down here to our forge and have the dwarves construct something for this a special guest of ours let's get some brass smelted up yeah it looks like our guest is down here keeping itself rather occupied flapping around in the tunnels beneath the fortress looks to be hunting down some a giant cave swallows not so giant anymore really econo is making some fairly easy work of them ripping them to shreds we'll be with you shortly a big bastard just hang tight yes there we go a masterwork brass bird cage excellent extremely heavy durable gonna have to be for sure okay just an anticipation of that thing coming down here we have broken open this wall you know just about to get that bird cage in place being a little silly on our timing here just because I don't want that Rock to be injured in its underground excursions the quicker we can get in a cage trap the better now I am assuming the thing will fit in this cage I think it will not a hundred percent though hmm I guess we'll see oh and here it comes swooping right down full speed all right let's get ready for this just bypassed a weapon trap and here it comes there we go econo is ours glorious good job dwarves this beast will be a great boon to our fortress absolutely no I just have to figure out what to do with it but before we go doing anything too crazy I think perhaps we should come down here and address mole bath and his current moods the guy is stressed and depressed this we know however while we may have speculated we've never really known much about this guy's past and to be perfectly frank this guy's a little bit more complicated than previously thought and I think taking a more involved to look at him would be beneficial just to get that insight but first and foremost I will know that mole death does have a family that's right you can see him right here as a fan mo world Ron stares his wife and dat tan Nam lor BAM his son although it's a little bit more complex than that even his son that Han was born from his first marriage which was many many years ago his current wife was often is not that hands mother as far as I could tell mo left lived with his wife and son in a dwarven hillocks and they lived there for quite some time mole death was actually a religious leader there but at some point seems our beardless Baron here learned of necromancy and upon doing so he left his family he left them behind went to a necromancer's Tower and learned the secrets of life and death thus beginning his career as a necromancer he was a few years into this training that or blows the Dwarven hillocks where his family resided that came under attack by a rock from what I can tell the rock swooped in did a good amount of damage to the place and also killed that 10 and ended up devouring him in his entirety a grisly Phaeton and something I can't help but feel like mole death remembers well and regrets perhaps could well be I certainly wouldn't blame him his son was four years old at the time of his death it was at some point after this he divorced his first wife only to remarry is often quite a two years later now if you have looked down here you could see a long list of the objects of worship that Moldoff worships mytha f3 new Ted econo as in that rock that just attacked us all of these objects of worship here are rocks he worships eight of them and you know I don't think it's because he actually worships these creatures like a god um II can see here it says his deity is Oost but these are just objects of worship or I like to think more of respect he respects them he doesn't like them though and I have to imagine if given a chance he would very much like to bend them to his will wouldn't that be something that's why we captured that one just now and also why we're going to try to capture any that arrived here in the future wouldn't that be something if we can make a rock breeding program here in the fortress it'd be interesting enough just to have their eggs D but imagine some young rocks yeah that would be pretty neat with that in mind I can seem all that kind of crafting a scourge fountain here into a sort of a beacon that will attract those stupid Birds here you see rocks are naturally very rapacious they like shiny things artifacts and gems and sort of stuff and so the more value we can pack into our fortress here the more rocks we can expect to see there are quite a few in this world mostly centered around the savage north mountains but they can travel wide distances for sure there are a very well-known threat here in the universe's of wonder and their arrival is more like a natural disaster than anything else like everyone's aware that it's something that can't happen but there's often no warning that a will and nobody thinks it's gonna happen to them anyways but when it does it can be devastating to sum things up mold death holds a serious grudge against these monsters and would very much like to bend them to his will a future goal but for now we should continue work here in the fortress something to know is that mold death actually is starting to feel a little bit better a little bit he's out of his shrine which he has not left for quite some time and he's been spending a lot of time in the library just reading book after book after book it's pretty good that we got so many from glisten sect there yeah those castle ruins were a serious boon for our forretress and we'll have to go check it out again sometime I think but actually before we go adding any more treasures into our hoard I think we should probably take a look at what we already have it is quite a bit at this point first off I guess it wouldn't hurt to take a look at the book mole deaths reading and that book is a glisten sect my life a pyro leucite bound codex the written portion consists of a 108 page guide entitled clothes insect my life all fair - by meb's Earth Puli works which interestingly is one of those necromancer's we rescued I'm going to put that in quotes from glistens art anyways this book concerns the Castle glisten sect the writing indulges the author's every whim and it is reasonably serious overall the prose is masterful an interesting note is that a lot of the books that we got from that place are written by this necromancer both those necromancer's actually like they were just sitting up in a tower they're just writing book after book after book for I don't know how long it is pretty interesting and while in the subject of those two necromancer's we rescued these two in the library right here are not those two these are recent visitors one of them is a Baroness from our civilization and the other is a chief necromancer I'm not too sure what that means but they're both travelers and I'm just hoping they don't cause any trouble I really wish we can interrogate them or something but I suppose that'd be a bit improper oh well those two necromancer's that we rescued actually left I thought for sure they're gonna stay here in petition to become citizens at some point but I guess not we caught him sneaking out a few months back and that's perfectly fine with us go off you live your lives moving on yes I would very much like to head back to glisten ii at some point very soon just to see what else they have there i know they have quite a bit still and what the plan is not gonna put this into play just yet barb plan is to send out a considerable amount more dwarves i've already set up quite a few squads at the current time we have ten squads and the next time we do a mission to glisten sect i'm hoping to send out all 100 them it should be safe we have $130 so we'll keep 30 back send out all 100 of these guys and hopefully wipe that place clean of its valuables at this point it's been quite some time since we saw a siege I'm not sure what's going on with that but I'm feeling pretty safe actually foolish but a fact regardless now then artifacts let's see what we got here why don't we do have a few weapons those are always interesting let's have a look the first one on our list is tome MN doc kids busy dose group addicts the dear of amazing a copper spear worth 33,000 respectable this is a copper spear all craftsmanship is of the highest quality it is encircled with bands of rose gold and sheep oof pretty simple really when you get down to it but that does not make it any less valuable or interesting for that matter because this spear has been used quite a bit in fact this spear here was part of the puppy straps limitless armory yes you heard me right that puppy strap falafels the param allah rip it papa the three eyed fiend a creature who was released from the underworld some thousand years ago by the foolish swarms of the glad Boulder but anyways in its time as part of the puppies traps armoury it was used to kill quite a few humans dwarves all sorts of people in fact if you look here looking down this list in the year 202 quite a few people were killed with this very spear in fact falafel was able to kill 65 with this very spear impressive very impressive makes you wonder what other stories could be behind some of these other artifacts here let's just go right down the list here and next up we have Koga nog tum boat morass a bronze spear worth nineteen thousand not bad this here is a bronze spear all craftsmanship is of the highest quality it is encircled with bands of cushioned I write captions on the item is an image of two honey badgers in cave lobster chitin as well as an image of the world of the mountain home the green diamond bound codex in fine pewter a solid weapon to be sure bronze but sturdier than that copper one may have to add this thing to our own armory much like fo-fo did yes in fact this spear was another one owned by falafels the pulpy strap and you can have a look here in the year 202 it was used to kill 25 by falah those and rumour has it that the first thing that fella thought did upon breaking free from the underworld was Massacre many of the dwarves and make his way directly to the armory of walled gear wherein was kept a great many artifacts including weapons like this beer here a devilish creature indeed and what do you say we take a look at one more I'm gonna skip this shield here and we'll have a look at this Warhammer limits the wispy haze a bismuth bronze Warhammer worth ten thousand this is a bismuth bronze Warhammer all craftsmanship is of the highest quality this object menaces with spikes of chrysoprase on the item is an image of Ed's elastic guilds the dwarf handed dwarves in horse hoof Denzil is surrounded by the dwarves it relates to the appointment of the dwarf Etzel to the position of dungeon master of the fence and net in 39 yes a very nice hammer certainly one that we can make good use of and we will be sure to and this is yet another artifact used by falafel you can take a look down this list here and I'm assuming he must have been a big fan of this one as he used it to end 260 lives a true monster that demon was in Ch know it just occurred to me that we found three weapons used by that demon Atlas insect why would that be legends are a little hazy as to where that demon actually meds end I can't imagine it would just leave all its artifacts there unguarded if it wasn't dead an interesting turn to be sure maybe it's due to that three eyed fiends presence in collision sex that all these artifacts are here or performer presence I'm hoping mmm I'm sure it's safe so sure in fact that I think it's time we sent our squads once more to glisten sacked time's a-wastin taking a look at the world map here and an glisten sight oh yeah there's all kinds of stuff here still let's take it all dwarves explore the site and we'll take pretty much everything we can except for mundane items and we will assign all 100 dwarves let's do it and quickly two dwarves there's no telling what another seat will show up and there they go all heading out the citizens entrance wonderful wonderful on your way to ARBs make haste I will note to that even mole dad is going out figured what the hell he's feeling a little more perky than usual and it probably do him some good and while he's away I think we'll take another look at the artifacts just real quick to maybe try to find one that he could equip one of his recent problems is that he hasn't been able to practice a martial art in quite some time and so I'd say it's a pretty solid plan get the guy a weapon maybe some armor let him do some training somewhere couldn't hurt right it's just I'm not sure what one would suit him best he doesn't really seem like a spear dwarf to me maybe a swords dwarf we do have a sword somewhere but it is copper so I don't know it's still an artifact so it's not gonna be bad it's still maybe the dwarves will find something better on this trip here's hoping we do have that steel bow but we have equipped to be a bane with her already I imagine she'll wield oh well I will take this time to note that slug was not one of the dwarves that was just sent out I was very careful not to choose her for the task you slug oh and just like that the blue bows and others have returned here's hoping they got some good stuff and I'm sure they do mission report Explorer glistens act ok the squad's head up and just like those other expeditions they just walk in and grab everything a lot of books I'm seeing some artifacts one of the things we've been doing is going through the books very carefully when they return every once in a while one of the books will have some information in it that we don't want the dwarves getting their hands on I'm talking about the secrets of life and death if any dwarf gets their hands on those secrets they can become a necromancer and that's not something a lot of dwarves really want so yeah we're gonna have to be kind of careful and pick through every single one of these books just be sure wow yeah that is a lot of books good job dwarves let's just let it do ours file onto the map well get these things sorted out and then we'll figure out what we're doing from there okay the dwarves are back once more and all situated we have picked through the books as best we can although at this point there's probably at least a hundred getting be a little tedious to do that honestly but it's fine it's good to have books to be sure as well as the other artifacts of which we have quite a few now the reason for that is partly because I was a very naughty dwarf and I actually sent our hundred dwarves out twice yeah that's right after they got back to the fortress I sent them directly back out just in the hopes that we could clear out that place and we have for the most part there is the one artifact there but we can grab it at some point have a look at this list here they're starting at the bottom we have one two three four five six seven eight nine ten pages of valuable treasures here in the fortress that includes our books so yeah we're looking pretty darn good and actually we have pegged down just the perfect weapon to give to Moldoff and in fact he's already grabbed a thing and he should be heading to his first round of training but I'd say this is how we can tell he feels a little bit better he's supposed to be training but instead he's in the scorching Hall socializing reciting poetry just having a good time I haven't seen him do this in a while actually but that's besides the point his weapon let's have a look shall we it's name is Libeccio - egg set floor civ eight packs moist the aching eagles a silver flail it's worth sixteen thousand eight hundred this is a silver flail all craftsmanship is of the highest quality is decorated with leopard bone and from first looks it's a very very simple artifact a silver flail with some leopard bone but moving down just a little bit you can see that it too was wielded by falafels the pulpy strength and in its time with the fiend was used to kill a 91 Dwarves men and a cat app beach hide the stance of competing the rock that devoured dat tan son of Moldoff yes it was the puppy strap who did that bird in I guess the fiend was ultimately good for something and now this fine weapon has made it into mold that's hands his well-deserving hands - I'm hoping this gives the guy a bit of closure it's the closest - will come I think wield it well our beardless baron for dat tan the dwarves of scourge fountain and for all the dwarves of the abbey of proliferation I'm starting to really feel like our fortress here is making a turn our population is continuously growing by the season food and drink stockpiles are holding strong we have clothing bedrooms the finest artifacts in the land and soon I believe our military will be nigh unstoppable especially after we incorporate these artifacts a powerful force is welling up beneath this volcano and soon it will erupt onto the land the universe's of wonder had best prepare hey there you bearded bastards here at the end of the episode once again to go over some things and there are quite a few things to get to for sure so let's get to it well first thing I'd like to address is that this episode es was a little bit shorter than usual and that's because I had to do a lot of behind the scenes stuff like looking through legends mode piecing things together it took a lot of doing Plus last episode was a little bit longer than usual and I'm not looking to kill myself over here besides I'd say this was a pretty good one had a lot of those nice plot elements in there speaking of which mole death and his family first off I have known that mole death has a family since the very beginning rather I should say I knew what was available on the relationship screen I knew we had a son and I knew he had a wife I did not know that his son was from our first marriage or that the son had passed away that all took a little bit of Legends mode digging to figure out and I'm glad I did look in there too made that whole rocking character a little bit more interesting I'd say and you know I guess it was just pure luck that we happen to be looking through glistens sack there and that that flail that was used to kill the rock that killed Maul death son happened to be there what the hell the chances of that I mean granted there are dozens of artifacts there but still it's pretty interesting how things work out sometimes speaking of that rock encounter the music that was playing was by Inc skull thank you so much for doing that buddy it was a piece called a vile force of darkness and upon hearing it just really inspired me really made that whole section sing I would say thanks again my dude oh and one last thing I'd like to address is mole Daffy and his whole getting over his stress thing a little bit of bugginess there I think I was saying last episode how he kept worshipping it seemed like he would just endlessly worship and not do anything else at all and I had realized that he only started doing that after I gave him a specialized a temple to his goddess of death and to all the rocks that he worships and I have a feeling that that is what was screwing him up all those choices were something at the beginning of this episode I took away all of his temples and so we no longer had a choice and just started going about his business again we do have just a generalized temple once again that could be used to praise all the gods and he seems to be going there every once in a while and worshiping as individual gods no problem at all I don't know what the deal is well I'm glad it's fixed kind of still though I'm gonna keep my eyes on the guy anyways I thank you for watching and I certainly hope to see you next time here in off lest sivan this court's fountain and until then you bearded bastard [Music] [Music]
Channel: Kruggsmash
Views: 107,824
Rating: 4.9903955 out of 5
Keywords: dwarf, fortress, gameplay, letsplay, series, tutorial, support, help, adventure, dwarves, fantasy, simulation, management, game, survival, roguelike, drawing, artwork, show, roleplay, rp, story, vampire, animal man
Id: rDLrelXRiIU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 55sec (1795 seconds)
Published: Thu May 07 2020
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