Dwarf Fortress: Fun with Minecarts

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well hello you bearded bastards and welcome to the narrow swamp a sprawling marshy hellhole that completely covers a southeastern island an island infested with goblins now you may be asking yourself why the hell are these little dwarves over here on this island seems pretty dangerous well let me tell you this fortress here is to be called coal us on the wheel of murder and these dwarves called themselves and gosh Rajesh the writer of Death and their symbol well it's an image of a dwarf a goblin and a minecart the dwarf is surrounded by the minecart in the mine car is traveling the minecart is massacring the Goblin and yes that'll be the idea of this fortress here today just a quick little one-off sort of deal we're not gonna get too serious with it just gonna be doing some experimentation with mine carts now mine carts sort of an arcane art they're something that I personally have not delved into very much although lately behind the scenes I've been toying around with them quite a bit and you know I think I'm starting to be able to see what they're capable of and I figured I'd share with you and also do some more testing here now that I have a base for my knowledge now then we're attempting to get straight to it if you have a look over here you can see a windmill so we do have a wind here in this area which is very important because we will need rollers in order to really get those mine carts running and we have begun digging down as well there's a little bit of an aquifer here but it's not much to worry about you just dig straight through this bad boy there we go just keep plugging dwarves oh and would you look at that it looks like we've already discovered an expansive cavern deep underground which could be pretty useful for us or also deadly time will tell anyways just gonna plan some things off on the ground here so I can explain some more stuff up on the surface yes minecarts now I know there's all kinds of little what I would consider to be exploiting ways to use them there are things called impulse ramps which are very useful I did figure out how to use those finally but I'd like to try to play the game without using that sort of stuff and I know what makes things more difficult but I don't know it's weird I got this hang-up where I like to play by the rules of a game I mean if you use them that's completely up to you I don't care but just for me personally helps to draw me in a little bit I like the challenge anyways now minecart tracks you can put them any old way you want like we'll just do an east/west one right here so the track runs from east to west easy enough right and there we go just put it right there it's already up we also have a dwarf down here making a minecart out of a log we'll need one of those and whilst put a track stop at the end just like that super easy okay now then we have to go into this route menu here make a new route with a new stop which we'll put right here at the end of the track determine its conditions will push it west when full of desired items set a stockpile link we'll use this wood stockpile right over here it also set the desired items as wood now last but not least we're also going to assign a vehicle do this stop I guess keep in mind I am NOT a pro here and we'll use this minecart that we just made easy enough now a dwarf is bringing that mine car over there it is right at the end and dwarves are loading logs into it there we go just like that it was filled up with vlogs and then pushed it down the track where it dumped out all the logs at the end miraculous right simple not deadly not what we're looking for we need a way to defend ourselves from the goblins using mine carts how you dorks looking down here yeah get in there get in there keep it up alright the aquifer let's look at some water trickling in yeah whatever it'll be fine alright dwarves let's get down there real quick we have to get started making some mechanisms and blocks because those are two things we'll need if we're going to get power here in the fortress and imagine we'll need a lot of it too there we go we have a couple workshops going and the dwarves are at work already wonderful now up here on the surface we're gonna make a little wind farm so we can start producing that power gonna try to keep it safe though because I do anticipate getting attacked by goblins eventually that kind of screws up our plans a little bit ran into some caverns down this way that'll be fine though just gotta go with that flow back up on the surface our wind farm is coming right along getting some gear assemblies in place almost done still working away down here on mechanisms and blocks which we're making a ton of and you know I had a little idea just as a test here trying out the utility aspect of minecart tracks honestly I've always kind of poo-poo the idea of using mine cards to shuffle stone around but you know we'll give it a try and we'll see if it works couldn't hurt right hmm that's not how mine carts work you silly bastard so this dwarf here thought it'd be a great idea to take this minecart absolutely loaded full of boulders and just carry the entire dam thing down to the other end of the tracks instead of pushing it here I'm saying I have a good grasp at mine carts but seemingly not why are you doing this okay there we go I think we managed to figure it out certainly seems so anyways apparently you have to build tracks beneath the track stops I didn't realize that in fact I'm trying to think of another instance where you would ever build a building on top of another building anywhere Endor fortress and I cannot think of one probably why it didn't really occur to me but now we know and I have to say as far as being effective you know what it doesn't seem too bad yeah I could definitely see this working in the future it's probably a breeze to set these things up after you get a hang of it oh and just discover a little event up here pretty interesting actually we have this crappy dormitory with six beds and in it right now are our newest migrants six children and a farmer yeah that's a crappy microwave right there but it looks like the six children have occupied the beds playing make-believe while their father sleeps down on the floor in the dirt just rude would I tell you but you know I gotta say this father here he seems like a great guy he's unmarried a single father and he brought all six of his children here to this fortress probably missed up because I can't imagine things going too well anyways back over here at the wind farm you can see it's almost done we just have two more rows of windmills to put in place and this will give us way more than enough power for all of our needs ever I hope looking back down here to the hallway you can see that most of the stone is cleaned up out of here and that's all thanks does mine cart it was actually way more effective than I thought it would be and then over down here we have a new thing going on I figured with it success of that stone hauling minecart we could get one that hauls plants down underground we have a lot of catheters here in the fortress all the plants are up above ground so I figured I'd make a tunnel that a minecart loaded with plants could travel through in order to quickly get them down underground I don't know if this is going to be successful by guess it's worth a try right right well up here in the surface I have a Tesla this minecart here is going to be loaded with plants which I can see a couple of dwarves doing and whether it's full or not every 15 days it will be pushed northward I figured I'd do it that way with a timer because I don't know how many plants could be fit into a minecart it might be a great great deal in fact I can almost guarantee it so if it's using a timer regardless of how much is in there it will always be pushed north let's just watch here for a second shouldn't take too long I don't think I should also mention while we're sitting here that I did make this track where stricted to travel you may notice here there's a couple of rollers powered by a windmill up above so when this minecart goes over the rollers it's going to zoom off really quickly and if a dwarf is standing on the tracks they're going to get mutilated that wouldn't be excellent well and there we go the minecart is down in the fortress and it looks like somebody is carrying it back up to the surface that shouldn't be but at least we got one way down hmmm I wonder if it has anything to do with these rollers I guess it would make sense like if a dwarf comes up here pushing a minecart and tries to get it over the rollers would it just go back over them like smashing them into pulp that wouldn't be great probably best that they're carrying it actually but I really want to use these that was cool all right well I'll tell you what I'm gonna try a little something here I'm gonna try to get cute with minecart tracks which may just lead to disappointment but I guess we'll see I'll let you know how it works out huh would you look at them I actually haven't seen this feature yet it looks like we have a farmers guild at our fortress called the lavender hall and they would like themselves a guild hall very interesting yeah what the hell I just have to figure out a place to put it again we'll get that sorted out in time okay we're back over here at the newly adjusted plant minecart track and yes I have made some modifications curious to see how it goes well just give it a second here oh okay there we go it was pushed down and looks like a dwarf is bringing it back up and then okay did you see that it did work a dwarf got to this t-junction right here and then push it downwards to this stop oh man that is so cool I feel like I'm really getting a grasp of this now I had to add a new stop to that route and I gotta say the wording is a little screwy because you think you'd have to put a track stop there but you do not you just have to put a new stop to the actual route it gets a little confusing but it works out pretty exciting over here in the main hallway we had repurposed this minecart that we were using to haul stone down to these workshops just because there's not much stone left in here and so now we can use to easily bring this stone back to the fortress where we have a couple of new workshops and it's pretty easygoing so far they just load it up with some of that stone and bring it down to the workshop dump it out and then bring it back yeah I really feel like I'm starting to get a hang of this and with that in mind I think we should really start focusing on a way to defend ourselves because at this point time has progressed quite a ways and we're pretty far along in our second year if goblins show up we're gonna be in some serious trouble so yeah let's get to it I'm trying to figure out a way we can go about doing it if they end up showing up with trolls then those big will ruin any of our mechanisms that we have going on in this hallway here and so I think the best thing we could do is start off at one end and work our way down so that even if they do ruin our mechanisms they'll have to work their way through all of them first if that makes any sense you'll see what I mean and just well get some things set up I want to show you what I did with this mine car here you see that you could push a things right over open bridges just like that now admittedly this four is a bit of a mess at this point but you could see I have a bunch of interlocking my cart tracks now with stops at the junctions I don't know if there's a way to just immediately push them from junctions without them stopping first but this way seems to work for the most part I have noticed some Finnick enos though that might just be a mistake of my part but I'm not too sure like this cart here not too sure why I wasn't just automatically pushed I had it set to get pushed south immediately when it's filled up with items and it was full but nobody was pushing it but then I changed it to get pushed South immediately always and somebody pushed it hmm yeah I'm not too sure finicky anyways and not yes let's address my fortress real quick it's a goddamn mess I know it is it's because we have an aquifer here a light aquifer and it's not a big deal just to dig through the aquifer because the water comes out of the walls by forgot that the water comes out of the ceiling above as well if you're just underneath the aquifer until that's what's going on here there's a bunch of water trickling in I've tried to set up some drains to limonade success but there are caverns right below us and so we don't have that much space to work with we're just trying to deal with it at this point it just the fortress is a little bit messy and that's why back down here in this hallway I think we have this trap set up now for the most part advice that I'm calling a spinner I don't know how successful we'll be probably not very successful but this is just a test you can see here we have an oval-shaped track with a roller on it and somebody is grabbing a minecart an iron mine cart that we had just made they're gonna place it on the track and then give it a push or rather I'm gonna have them ride it I don't want to see what that does where the hell is that dwarf ah okay here we are making their way over just now and there we are it's on the track and here comes a dwarf to ride the car and there they go what didn't seem very effective at all hmm that's strange I figured we just keep going around but I guess not here just one moment okay here we go take two on this minecart Oh no no no I just happened pause the game okay I think that worked all right well I'll unpause it you can see this dwarf is moving very fast I think that's their baby no baby turn around turn around are you coach I can't control him somebody get your kid oh no oh no this game you know at the same exact time a dwarf goes berserk up on the surface fantastic awesome killing it dwarves killing it well let's get some dwarves up here real quick to deal with this guy please and hurry there we go there we go take care of him fantastic and done deal and back down to the scene of the crime we could see this isn't funny this is horrible [Music] all right so now not only did we have a baby we're very swiftly turned into a fine paste but now their mother is just going a thousand miles a minute on this uh so this track right here [Music] okay I pause the game right at the perfect moment well where do you think you're going right okay just so you know just you know I'm not a complete idiot I do have this area here just restricted to travel all right you can see that there should be no door vis hanging around this area they can go around the outside here it's completely open I don't know why anybody would be going over the tracks just I kind of want to see how this plays out let's let's take a gander oh here you go on your way just give him a little kick in the butt as he goes over how you doing buddy you're doing good doing good oh no oh my goodness we got broken broken hand broken fingers huh you know I'm actually gonna say this is a pretty nice trap not too bad at all it's gonna get the job done that's for damn sure now imagine if we filled the hall with these I do have this bridge over here that we can close up in case the goblins come and oh my god of the city over here you know what you know what happens this freakin guy what what just got here something I hit uh yeah they hit the horse pretty badly smashes left front leg into its body yeah how did that horse blood get sprayed out back there huh that's gnarly all right we gotta figure out a way to get this guy out of here all right can we get someone to disassemble this machine real quick I just I really want to know white dwarves keep trying to go past the thing I mean it's not a hidden obstacle I don't think it's a dwarf a grieving dwarf mother splattered with blood and going a thousand miles a minute just spinning in circles you can see that it's pretty obvious I think just so you can see what working with here you can see the high-traffic area going around the outside here the nice safe route and then you can also see the flashing red restricted travel route area over the minecart with the screaming mother there's there's no reason for it Wharf to be going through there they know it experimentation let's go Oh Oh instant death that's not great sorry I might do it okay can someone take care of this thing please like we get this disassembled just real quick like gotta be excellent just any old dwarf you're going the wrong way why would you be going towards the minecart of death my dude okay all right all right oh oh let's go let's go let's go oh no no no I'm not even not even kind of you almost made it and oh they're hit again go ahead go run get off the track again and again speeding it up and pulped into oblivion they are a fine paste okay set up some different routes and I think I have it now okay we're having a dwarf get rid of this gear assembly over here and that seems to have worked okay thankfully get out of that you crazy dwarf terribly sorry for your loss oh my god this game let's get some new coffins huh well you know I would have to say as a success it may not seem like it but I'd say it is put some of those bad boys in this hallway no goblins are getting past that much is sure they may try but they will not succeed which actually perfectly explains how things are going right here you can see I tried to set up some more spinners and but well we have two dwarves dead now unconscious baby farther along down the hallway in a fourth idea dwarf on their way into one of the spinners as we speak it was going perfect it was going absolutely fine but they're all something's like all the dwarves are like hey let's go just run into these death machines that'd be swell guys I'm trying to a thing here you want to cooperate please I beg of you all right I've just gone in forbidden everything in this hallway so he has no reason to continue any farther into the deathtrap let's see what happens oh oh oh oh they turned around for a second oh no I thought they're gonna be smart but no no I guess not that is a damn shame yeah I think someone's disassembling this and okay yeah they're all slowing down I'll tell you what I'll get back to you if we can do something with this okay so damn close to upsetting I tell you well I suppose while the dwarves are feeling around with that minecart down there I can show you this contraption up here no this is what is referred to as a minecart shotgun mmm I'm gonna bite my tongue for a second there because I haven't tested it yet it may not work at all so don't get your hopes too high but you can see here it's a wooden structure that's raised up out of the ground that descends about 10:00 zeal of Olympus there are a couple of rollers here powered by windmills up above you can see and we have three mine carts somewhat filled with spiked iron balls although these things can hold a lot of those balls let me tell you and currently they are nowhere close being filled but I suppose I can give you a little taste of what they're capable of we'll get dwarf to push one from down okay following the minecart please work please work please work and okay it pushed it the wrong way now let's try again oh there they go did you see that oh man it was pretty quick but wow did that ever do the trick all these balls flying down the hallway just a whole load of balls huh balls yeah we could just make those mine cards set up here for just as long as we want and whenever goblins come down that hallway we could just shove them down not too bad right it looks promising to me anyways back down here in our main hallway with the spinners I think I have a setup properly this time think key word nothing let's see first we had to get someone to come over here and pull this lever which will activate the gear assembly and they should go safely around the back - I've been watching the dwarves and nobody else goes over these spinners anymore which is great all right and that lever is pulled now and so you can see all these rollers are moving next step is we have to pull this a second lever to open up these bars just like this excellent and now we have to push these mine carts and assuming no idiot dwarves go walking over the spinners right now at this particular moment everything should work out pretty ok ok did you see that right there they push them down to the south over these rollers and they hop over that tiny little gap and onto the spinner where they could just go forever isn't that nice yeah it does a trick wonderfully now I'm just gonna pull this lever one more time to close up those bars just to make sure nobody tries any funny stuff with their trafficking routes and I think as long as we have a setup like this it should be fine it should be it definitely should be alright so now we'll just we'll just leave this don't don't nobody come over here please if you value your lives at all do not come over here okay back to the fortress here you can see things are improving it's pretty spacious a bit jumbled but yeah it's getting the job done we have a couple of guild halls going a farmers guild hall as well as a stone workers guild hall and in herbalists guild hall - yeah looking pretty nice I would like to take this chance to show off the absurd number of children in the fortress like more than a page of them it's kind of crazy I think there's 58 so children constitute more than a third of our fortress population right now that's insane but besides the point over here you can see our barracks it's pretty crappy but we do have some Warriors training in there they're crappy as well and you know what I had just geared them up and I think we're going to send them out they don't really know what the hell they're doing but we got to start wiling up those goblins I think we're ready to take them on and honestly I'm pretty surprised they haven't showed up yet it's been like 3 years at least so what do you think fellas ready to go rile up some green skins let's do it there you go best of luck dwarves they are not going to do well all but God's blessing now it looks like our warriors have returned that's a surprise let's see how they did all right from the looks here they went up did some fighting killed a couple of goblins but four of our dwarfs are taken prisoner that's not good well having a look at this civilization tab it looks like we are at war with them now so at least I did the trick shouldn't be much longer now I'm hoping oh okay I guess say we're not kidding huh we are definitely at war a vile force of darkness has arrived okay the time is now dwarves prepare yourselves ok the Burrow is set and we have our dwarves making their way back to the fortress wonderful wonderful hurry up dwarves oh boy and they are not joking around in the least there's quite a few surprising well you know I do wish you wrap these bastards in the very best of luck this should be pre amusing oh yeah here they come coming straight down rush on down here the dwarves are basically undefended well just some minecarts up there don't worry too much about it there you go just walk straight straight up in there you idiot Oh No Oh pummeled ooh oh one of them was just pushed through the bars up there it's not the best okay so we do have one Goblin trying to get in I guess or at least one okay so minecarts can just slam them through the bars which isn't the best but I know maybe we can kill enough of them where those first two will just turn tail and run back through the minecarts oh but we do have that minecart shotgun too so that's actually gonna work out pretty well for us I think yeah these guys can't get past the minecarts although I will notice that first spinner there did stop once they got too clogged up with corpses pretty awesome I am noting a couple of the goblins seem to be going up to where our animals are now that's gonna be a mess alright so yeah I'm gonna say the spinners are a great success just don't play bars too close to them where you guys going oh you're running away guess I don't really blame you I did just do this cute thing though we're like these ones can run away but this jackass over here is gonna have to go back down towards that minecart shotgun I want to see if I could blow one of them away I know let's watch this may be a bit overkill if it does work yeah it did not oh we might have a couple more targets maybe one my gosh they're stupid nothing I guess not a damn thing what the hell you dwarves a hole Oh No oh my goodness okay so yeah that did something that was certainly a mess huh keep up much farther than I thought it would wowie that would certainly shred something up we killed one badly wounded goblin as well as one of her own dwarves success I'll take it no no that wasn't one of our dwarves actually was a visitor the baron consort so the wife of the local Baron I guess hmm that's not gonna make us look very good yeah who cares that was pretty awesome and look at our spinners I'll coat up a blood good job minecarts I call that a valid defense right there and that is just one crappy little idea that I thought of spur-of-the-moment imagine what a competent person could do back up here on the surface we have a different contraption I'd like to show you it took quite some time to get it set up but as you can see is now working pretty darn well I'm not too sure what you'd call something like this maybe a minecart repeating gun or something like that I had set it up out here just because we have so much space to work with I don't want to be confined underground you know I just kind of wanted to toy around now you can see these mine carts here being shot down this rail at very high speed just repeatedly and this will happen dozens upon dozens of times because there is a stack of mine carts right here and really you could put just as many mine cards here as you wanted to hundreds and these ones here are made out of wood but you could probably do this with metal as well I would imagine gonna follow up one of the mine carts down the track here just to see how far these things go and well it looks like they stopped and they do eventually pile up down this end right here and that looks to be all of them actually there could be some really cool ways to use this as a trap no I'll explain it just briefly but it is very confusing so I'm not gonna go into too much detail what happens here is there's one minecart going in a loop just again and again and again and every time it comes around it hits a stack of mine carts it collides with them and shoots one of those mine carts out down the track and after it does it just continues on its way the minecart comes down here collides with that pile goes down underground follows the track around getting pushed along by these rollers goes up over here where it emerges and then goes up hill up some rollers to the top of this little ramp right here where it hits another set of rollers and gets shoves it downhill colliding with that stack of mine carts once more no need for impulse ramps or anything like that no Finnick enos the only thing that could seem a bit exploiting is the quantum stockpile of mine carts here where you can put literally thousands of mine cards on a single tile but I don't know well then maybe a bit of an exploit I mean that's really the basic way mine carts function whenever a minecart is dumped out it just dumps it in the same tile like down here in the fortress our wood stockpile the wood that gets brought down from the surface in mine carts on this one tile here well there are thousands upon the vlogs and it's not even like I'm exploiting it it's just the way minecarts works oh I know I guess I just don't see that as an exploit most of the time anyways yeah that's a cool little thing you could do certainly seems to be working out it would be cool to use in a trap that's for sure and I'm sure we'll make it happen one day oh we look at that it looks like our goblin friends have returned once more welcome welcome come on in you bastards just gotta clean up a little bit before you get down here shouldn't take too long just a moment please okay I think about doing wonderous now if I can get when you kind towards to pull this lever please thank you oops wrong lever yeah well just give that clothes back up real quick looks like we have a goblin and a beat dog on the way to the fortress that's not gonna be a problem though anyways yes down here with the spinners things seem to be going pretty well you know these things are pretty fun I gotta say you see that one beat dog get thrown out just there it was pretty nice oh yeah these things really start to lose momentum just when too many goblins are on the tracks it has to slam through all of them difficult to keep that momentum I can see the front one they are still going but it gets really slow but damn it still going just grinding the goblins and to sludge well I gotta say this seems much more effective than even the first time just devastating but mm-hmm it looks like all the minecarts have done stopped at this point that's probably not good for us hmm but of course we can't forget about our shotgun there's a pretty good chance they'll work about it this time just cuz there's so many goblins and big dogs in here alright what the hell you Godwin's doing huh it looks like a lot of them have gone up to where our animals are and I've killed all of our animals which is pretty unfortunate and back over this way I open up the second gaze so hopefully they try to escape or at least come down towards the shotgun here it looks like they are kind of a filing in towards us now you're trying to escape perhaps yeah it looks to be we'll wait for a big mass of goblins to get in front of this shotgun here before we let it rip okay let's watch the heart there's the first one but I don't think it had anybody it was only very lightly filled alright the second one should be coming oh there it goes method a pretty good job a load of balls on that one handy there's the third okay that did a pretty darn good job but the question is did it do a good enough job we don't have many warriors in the fortress I guess we'll find out yeah would you look at them we chased them off once again dwarves all thanks to our minecarts fantastic work you know I've got to say I'm really starting to see the benefits of using minecarts as a defense and a utility which is honestly kind of shocking when I started doing this episode here I really didn't think I learned that much but yeah yeah I mean the results speak for themselves and I mean back to the whole utility aspect there I have these messy tracks in here all set up in mine carts paired with wheelbarrows can get rid of a lot of stone extremely quickly extremely quickly like you know looking around the fortress here you can see that there's no stone anywhere and it's all thanks to a little infrastructure yeah we can't forget the plant or lumber mine cards as well they're both working perfectly even now they can be a little finicky but overall well I'm pretty pleased and just think about all the other things you could do to the minecart repeating gun match have used that in fortress defense could you hook up a bunch of mine carts to a barracks do you think and have your warriors ride the carts down into combat that sounds like one of those things you might plan out but it never works but I guess you know I don't know it's hard to say over here you can see I was working on something but unfortunately I never ended up working I was trying to see if I could use a minecart to shoot out water apparently you can fill them up with water if you run rails underneath the water and then if you have the car slam into a fortification it can shoot the water out kind of like the shotgun there but yeah I think that's going to be an experiment for another day well anyways might be to bastards I think it's time to start wrapping this whole thing up I hope you've had a good time today experimenting with mine cards with me it was a terribly enlightening and that kind of feel like it's the dawning of a new age a whole new world has opened up you bearded bastards and I'm very excited and yeah in case you're wondering what the hell's going on in the fortress here it's it's a bad mess it's not good I have not been taking care of these dwarves and things are starting to crumble anyways I do hope you enjoyed yourselves and I certainly hope to see you next time here in dwarf fortress and until then my bearded bastards [Music]
Channel: Kruggsmash
Views: 137,305
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dwarf, fortress, gameplay, letsplay, series, tutorial, support, help, adventure, dwarves, fantasy, simulation, management, game, survival, roguelike, drawing, artwork, show, roleplay, rp, story, vampire, animal man
Id: daWZD9CcW5c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 30sec (1770 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 20 2020
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