Dwarf Fortress Mod: The Long Night

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Author of the featured mod here, I've had this account for awhile and to be honest I've never really used Reddit all that much, but considering the circumstances I feel like I should actually post something. First of all I'd like to thank Kruggsmash for featuring my mod, and second of all I thought I could, you know, put myself out here since all eyes are on my work now. I'll be here answering questions for as long as people are interested.

EDIT: Accidentally wrote "my video" instead of "my mod", idk how that happened

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 69 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/squamous77 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 31 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I really hope he does a full series of this

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 26 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/PotatoLord98 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 31 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

What a really cool mod! It seems to have flown completely under the radar, it has less than 2 pages of forum posts. Definitely going to be trying it out now. I like post-apocalyptic forts and the MLP/Fallout one felt a bit too weird for me.


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 31 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/stinstmaster42 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 31 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

This was actually incredible

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 14 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/_Synecdoche_ πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 31 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I really hope Krugg does more with this! We're waiting to squash the bugs in the new update, so it's the perfect time :D

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 13 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/schizaway πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 31 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Now I’m thirsty for some post-apoc gun carnage!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 13 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/RainorCrowhall πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 31 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Really loved the art of them firing railguns in this one, Kruggs really made a masterpiece here.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/PookietheCat πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 31 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Squamous makes some incredible mods, I've got several of them downloaded and I've played them even more than vanilla recently!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/justaguy3 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 31 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Have a look at all of Squamous’ mods. It’s impressive how one person could convert one game into so many different and unique settings.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 31 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] [Music] [Music] man rule the solar system once in a Grand epoch spanning thousands of years earth was a jewel of a great solar Empire a sprawling factory city pumping out countless resources to supply colonies from the clouds of Venus all the way to moons of Saturn none can say for sure what happened exactly was it the rise of nanomachines in the fall of traditional technology or perhaps the radical transhumanists who plunge the planet into a new Dark Age man's own hubris perhaps his rapacious lust for more resources sending the world into a death spiral or perhaps somehow it was something more sinister still regardless the result everyone knows in the wake of Earth's fall its wayward children have returned to their home only to find it shattered surface to be much unlike anything recorded in their history what they found was a hellish wasteland filled with mutated Horrors half-mad cybernetic demigods and powers greater still only one will rise from the ashes and forge this shattered world into one that resembles their own image this night will be long and harsh indeed and only the hardiest end most determined to pull even stand a chance of seeing a new dawn well hello you bearded bastards and welcome back once again to Dwarf Fortress now today we're gonna be trying something a little bit different today we're gonna be trying out a mod one carefully crafted by the prolific Dwarf Fortress modern known as squamous the mod is called the longest night it takes place on earth far far in the future after humans have spread out across our solar system claimed other planets and moons and have returned once more to our fair home although it's not very fair anymore I don't believe I still haven't really played it that much and I don't know what I'm getting myself into I figured we start straight from the top although I have created a new earth already just to help speed things along no that's enough blab and already let's get into things we'll start playing fortress mode speeding along speeding along and here we can see the earth there's all kinds of crazy crap going on and I'm having a hard time making heads or tails of any of it all kinds of weird people in places I'm pretty much just gonna pick a random area I don't know what I'm getting myself into at all having a look over at the right um I don't think there is a safe place we can start a settlement at all the fact this entire world seems pretty hellish all right well how about right here at the edge of the worthy desert perched on the edge of this polluted ocean this should be pretty interesting it's a serene area so that might help us out a little bit but probably not that much we are at war with an awful lot of people but no matter let's do this and we'll just roll them dice and play now okay there we are I pause the game just so we can have a little look around first and the first thing we're going to do is take a look at our people there are a ton of different races in this game and I just kind of selected our random here is our expedition leader vex is all meta kelp and it looks like we are faxed that's our race name not too sure what that is let's have a closer look a post human-cyborg of intricately fused flesh and metal descended from a group of extremists claiming extensive cyber ization was the only way to prevent humanity's stagnation and extinction that is a mouthful but it's body is uncannily perfect and beautiful like a sculpture it has pointed teeth with Tiger lucky canines and pointed claws on its hands and feet I was just picturing kind like a friendly cyborg at first but those teeth make me think otherwise just going through his physical description here his heads hair is white that's interesting his skin is white as well his claws and teeth are silver his mouth his interior is black and his eyes are yellow hell is this thing oh it also looks like he likes pigs milk the color fuchsia and human skull heads well that's cool looks like we have some other stuff here too like an OGG hound some sort of an effects to dog it looks like we also have a zΓΌrich aberrant bio frame some sort of a mechanical humanoid covered with metal plates dome-like head single eye flamethrower awesome oh we also have some Roombas of course okay what's the outs have a little look around here see what we can see okay here's the ocean up to the north with a beach of rusted metal pebbles in fact I know that most of this terrain here is either sand or crumbling ruins concrete tiles - with some scattered plants in between yeah overall not that much we do have some trees just a couple though as well as some ruined structures towers I guess pretty cool wow that looks to me about it alright team I think our goal here is just going to be just serve live there's a lot of enemies out there and with that in mind we better get to it gonna start digging down right over here by the water and we're gonna get some of these trees cut down as well but let's you're sure what that's going to do for us exactly it seems like there's a whole bunch of new uses for resources in this mod but I will get it sorted out can't work down underground now quite a ways down now figure we'll start carving on our base could be a bit spacious and then up on the surface here we made a farm plot where we're going to be planting soybeans there were already some grow in the area so I figure they'll do fine here it just seems as strange I can't imagine these creatures happily eating as soybeans I guess I'm assuming they will eat them here's hoping they do noticing here that these people do get thirsty you know I wasn't too sure that they would seeing as how they're weird cybernetic creatures so it looks like we're gonna have to get access to nice clean water non salt water that is shouldn't be too big of a problem though alright things going pretty well so far I'd say Oh what the hell are those well looks like they are afraid of us whatever the hell they are great Pig a massive Pig native to the garden lands grown large due to the bounty of food in such places short and obese is hair is white his skin as copper his eyes are brown interesting wonder if we could hunt these things for food might be a good idea actually well you know having a look at the craftsman workshop here and we can make rock wrist blades well let's see if we could do that we might not have the right stone for it oh no looks like they're making them okay cool no nevermind we need a sharpener bull hard rock like obsidian or something I guess I just put down this metal Smith's Forge here if we take a look we can make weapons out of all kinds of crazy crap machinery scrap metal which we do not have any of and I have no idea how to get it I guess we should probably do some more digging to see if we can find some actual metal somewhere and maybe some magma too right now our only fuel as those couple of trees up on the surface and that's not gonna get us very far I don't think we're still trying to figure out some stuff here if we look down this layer down here is concrete but if we move up to this level right here this red stuff this is rusted metal I'm wondering if we get like smelt that into scrap metal or something it kind of makes sense right it looks like we have our first round of migrants seven of them and we're gonna put them right to work oh and also looks like we've found an expansive cavern deep underground awesome I'm hoping with out we get some more resources to metal namely but I'm not seeing anything down here that being said it is quite spacious and there are a ton of trees so it looks like fuel isn't going to be much of a problem anymore yeah there are ton of trees down here in fact honestly it seems a little bit more hospitable than the surface so far those pigs are gone by the way replaced by some tech roaches and an iron fly I don't know if these things are dangerous or not but I'm gonna try to avoid them all so it looks like the merchants have just arrived very cool we have literally nothing to trade but we should probably try to scrounge something up completely out of drinks now well you know I actually made way more mechanisms that we'll ever need so might as well get rid of a few of those and actually it looks like we get a pretty good deal for these things all right let's see what we can get okay there we go got a bunch of food some cloth and a polymer factory worm which sounds a very strange I know but I believe it allows us to make a polymer which is kind of like cloth or leather or something one of the multitude creatures that still walk over this broken earth the tech rain makes its way over the damaged terrain a small nano machine monster resembling a beetle with leathery skin in a human face at the front of its body it is covered in nanotech nearly its existence in this world is pure night pretty cool right alright and up over here we're carving away this little tunnel right here which will allow some of the sea water here to flow down this channel and up through this pump here and down into our new well this water is something we needed and badly we still don't have any drinks got some more migrants here okay cool kinda and here we go the dead walk hide while you still can this can't be anything good yeah okay we can see them over here these capital ours which are techno Sora a muscular cybernetic humanoid partially covered in a segmented skin tight metallic carapace it has a sharp of facial features and long of pointed teeth the thing is incredibly rotten okay well guess we don't get to go outside anymore that should be fine though now let's watch these things move in hoping that we'll move too fast and looks like the movie incredibly fast actually not great we're still trying to get some items down into our little burrow real quick we had some stuff in the wagon in the train depot for that matter and I'm not sure we'll be able to manage actually couldn't hurt the seat all right that should I suppose it could hurt very bad there you go quickly now quickly are these things shooting okay they definitely shoo I saw something coming out of them all right never mind leave these items there for fit nothing we can do about that we do saw some items here in this trade Depot that I would dearly love to claim quit call you now oh my effects oh it's gonna be too late though yeah way too late locking the doors and I did just realize that this healing of this place is a open hoping they can't crawl in that way looks like they're turning around that's nice good well okay looks like we're locked up inside now that kind of stinks but we did just make this discovery here it's machinery I guess a large deposit of it I think we can do something with this make weapons perhaps I have fought off a couple of cave creatures with these so far and they seem very durable they're able to kill a cave crocodile and a giant bat was little to no problem so imagine they'd be pretty darn formidable with actual weapons and armor before I do that just a little bit of an update here we do now have access to our farm table on a surface luckily I built this wall around it and so he tunneled up underneath and now have access to this plot thankfully I was panicking for a second because I thought we can get food from down in the caverns here but turns out none of these plants are gather Abal they're just ungrown mushroom trees not edible could've been in some real trouble there so yes food water all set we're making a whole bunch of charcoal up here using mushroom wood and now we're going to attempt to start smelting in order to turn this old machinery into just machinery and I'm hoping we can make something out of that okay never mind I guess having a look here it doesn't look like we can use machinery to make weapons or armor instead it's used to make furniture and other a little like craft sort of thing this tools you can use it to make mechanical items well it's interesting but not too too useful for us yeah well the hunt for weapons continues I guess but hold up a second looks like now we can craft effects to nanotech technique I don't know if that's how it's pronounced um sure why the hell now looks like it requires machinery bars to make this stuff okay so I guess we made some can't we make some stuff for this we can very cool who say we can make all kinds of different effects to nano techne weapons that's very cool oh and bullets too yeah we're definitely have to make some guns I really wanna make that happen okay well we're gonna try to scrounge up as much of this effects the Nano technique as we can and our first order of business will be to make a ton of guns I don't know what kind just one moment okay things are coming right along down here and we have created some nice heavy rail guns and a ton of ammunition as well so I think we're finally ready to take on those bastards and additionally if we have a look up on the surface on top of our farm you can see we've created an area with fortifications excellent right now it can shoot out at those bastards and they can't even touch us that being said they're gone they're all gone they just left as soon as we finished that platform they all left pretty unfortunate too because I was pretty excited about trying to shoot them oh well we'll be ready the next time and I'm sure there will be a next time too and before that time comes we are trying to improve this platform a little bit it's not all the way finished if you look above there is a ceiling here and we're gonna knock out this one section of fortification here and create kind of a catwalk that will lead all the way down this way here where I'm gonna make another tower and all along the sides of upon fortifications we kind of just walk our Gunners across the catwalk and they can shoot out wherever the hell they want it should work pretty well I'm thinking but we got to work quick quicker than I thought I guess the dead walk hide why you still can all right having a look it looks like there are different kinds of creatures this time corvids which are intelligent birds the size of a large dog flightless raptor like fingers can move its talons with the dexterity of a human hand fascinating really they do have weapons and some pretty high-tech looking armor alright fixed back to the Burrow can watch as I move in alright kind of heading towards the north and that's fine by me I'll give us some more time to work with just gonna go down to our base real quick and set up a nice welcoming party for those nasty birds a team of rail gunners ten of them and just as soon as they're assembled we can get them up to the farm area platform where we can begin our defense oh no oh stupid stupid stupid alright I forgot to lock the doors up here and a couple of those corvids got in and it looks like one of our facts has already been killed no I'm so stupid alright let me tell you what we're almost at the halfway mark of this episode and I really want to get into things here so I'm gonna call ahead just a little bit hopefully we can give these damn birds on the base and if we do great but if we all end up dying that I will be sure to let you know just a moment the fact that they just walked in through our front door that I also forgot to lock I don't know what's going on here is that we no longer have access to the caverns just because there's a Forgotten beast out there somewhere and you know I'm not too sure where it is right now it looks like they killed every single one of our room buzz and our base is now completely overtaken by corvids looking back at our pace it looks like all the corvids left huh alright we're gonna have to get up there and to reclaim those doors just real quick alright alright I believe we reclaimed that one door okay all right we finally have done it we got those damn corvids out of our base and we're ready to defend ourselves which I believe we're going to get to right as soon as we get a drink here very dehydrated and starving just gonna move ourselves up here where our rail Gunners are and hopefully they begin shooting at some point I think they should there are no corvids within range quite yet how those bastard drawl down here down to the south well give him a second I'm sure they'll come back around and me tell them to send these guys back home just for a second so I can get a drink and hopefully they could stay up here for a little bit longer but I finally do stationed them but yeah jeez what a darn mess huh we did lose a couple of our faxed as well as every single one of our Roombas oh no we still have one well that's good my guess okay here we go we have a couple kind of coming close see if we can grab real quick okay there we go we are shooting at them very cool oh yeah that's awesome are we hitting them though that's the question yeah we don't appear to be but still gonna take a little bit to get some real skill and it's not like they can attack us so yeah we're good that is pretty cool isn't it yeah I'm a big fan of that they're gonna have to run down to get more ammo intermittently I think we are missing an awful lot no no there we go we did hit them quite a bit actually oh yeah look at that pretty awesome just as easy as that really just gonna have to keep popping out here mo which shouldn't be much of a problem you can see we've used most of this machinery that we found here but we did discover another pocket down this way so we should have plenty more left yes I am quite enjoying this a pretty cool mental image really they are firing rail gun rods which I imagine are pretty darn deadly seemingly very good at cutting body parts off but for the most part I'm not very good at actually killing these things although there's a couple just killed two of them and some of them are fairly badly wounded focus your fire faxed this swath of wasteland is ours okay we are kinda head once again and at this point all the corvids up top have gone we're no longer under siege in so we are desperately trying to finish up this walkway we still have a little ways to go but we have enough concrete blocks I believe and we are trying to make some more ammo we did end up running out but we have been going down into the caverns once again and although I did see a couple of Forgotten beasts out there we haven't seen them yes as we came back out here so I'm hoping they just died or wandered away or something I suppose time will tell but we're doing fine for the time being but here we go man don't kind of damn second to breathe around here well it's who were working with there appears to only be three of them this time subhuman corpses large mutated humanoid to have warped features and honed instincts but low intellect okay if there are only three of them then we might actually be able to deal with in this time which would be very nice no there are quite a few of them crap first things first gonna lock these doors you know we can get our Gunners back up to their roost take some pop shots of those bastards kind of a shame I feel like they do really well against living targets instead of zombies well I suppose that's what we get for setting up camp next to a couple of Technomancer towers oh well it's still pretty darn awesome there we go taking some shots here awesome ooh there you go they got them pinned down just loading them up with these railgun rods boy takes a lot of doing to get these things down oh we got one I guess keep it up you fixed we'll drive them off before long we can stay here forever blew a couple power to catch it alright it looks like we chased them off once again chase them off that's cute we did kill a few of them but it's more likely that they got bored either way they're gone now so we're gonna turn off the burro and get back up to the surface we have to finish this walkway goodness to my gracious the dead walk hi buddy still can terribly persistent all right yeah noted do not set up shop anywhere near Technomancer Towers especially not many of them looks to be more of those Tecna Sarah thing's great we were actually able to make some excellent progress on this walkway just now really started banging it out but it's not quite there yet which is irritating I think we can finish up the main walkway here but there's still a significant portion of the roof that has to be finished might have to get a little risky here I want to be able to shoot these things down easily basically we'll just turn on the Burrow here and I'm gonna try to get a couple last things down this walkway just real quick as they move in we'll see if it's possible all right looks like they're taking it easy for the most part there are some live ones in the mix this time for some reason prime targets now looks like you're a bit slow there buddy damn it okay we've lost the South portion of the walkway our cutters are up in the tower right now shooting a volley of rods again they're not doing to too much but they're doing something at least boy looks like it's another standoff oh well pound and a half and I suppose I guess it's my fault for choosing a place so close to those damn towers this is interesting over here they're living tecna's Sarah allied with these zombies here I wonder if these are the commanders of this undead horde notice how they're staying back probably a good idea I imagine we can handle them pretty easily well anyways back to your post rail gunners you know what to do at this point okay we are back once again and as you could tell by the arrival of the merchants the siege is finally over and it took quite a while this time to maybe about a year I don't know why the hell they were so resilient they were pretty tough we could hardly kill any of them really maybe that had something to do with it anyways back to work on the walkway I am confident we'll be able to finish it this time certainly and on top of that I've also begun construction on a little wall surrounding our main compound here I'm hoping to extend it downwards far to the south to that other tower so that we can hopefully funnel all the intruding zombies down towards our entrance and then shoot at them from the catwalk up above I don't know that we'll have time for that but we can at least finish the catwalk which I am very excited for as for the merchants we really don't have that much to trade with them you think we could have produced some more in this past year stuck underground but I guess we just did not oh well no matter get to effects the zombies shall return before we know it but that being said we are trucking right along at our wall and in fact it is completely finished at this point didn't take too long surprisingly just putting some additional touches on there now and I'm sure at this point we don't have too much time left before attacked again speak of the bastards it's like clockwork I tell you a vile force of darkness has arrived a strange message perhaps we have strange invaders this time having a look over to the west we could see a core vid a single core bed and it's not a zombie either that is interesting and I just left easy as that I guess I imagine they just stepped up saw the big wall and well I can't nevermind a smart move again I'm sure we'll get attacked again before long I know we had already seen the area if you take one more look at our settlement here you can see all the Technomancer towers around it one two three four five six seven in our general vicinity that's atrocious yeah it shouldn't take too long having a look down in the base you can see we made a temple and you notice that nearly every single one of the facts to have crammed themselves in there and are praying like crazy it's strange that these cybernetic creatures are praying like this makes you wonder if they see the folly of their looking at the world around them now they're just praying that can hold on to this little scrap of piece that they have here on this wretched coast found in an infinitely more wretched world seriously this place sucks hats off to you faxed Oh huh what's this very interesting intruders drive them away and if we have a look here you can see Technomancer the bastard thought he's been all sneaky coming out to our map here but luckily we just happen to have a microwave coming behind them and they are the ones that spotted them well that's exciting let's send our rail gunners out this might not be a smart idea but what the hell let's go for it well just uh advancing time slowly here there appears to have been yet another Technomancer just behind them a core vid okay let's keep going on paused it they appear to be running and here's another Technomancer three of them oh and you know what I think they're running away yeah they're running the damn cowards little sneaky bastards think they're gonna cause trouble at our base yeah get the hell out of here as much as I would have enjoyed destroying those damn technomancers and we pretty exciting Stu our Gunners can do against a horde of zombies probably not that much like usual but still look at this walkway isn't that nice I'm a fan alright finally here we go that took much longer than I was expecting actually regardless looking over to the West we can see the enemies and you know I'm really hoping they don't just run away this time because they're not zombies once again is what I think our Gunners will have an easy time mowing them down let's see what happens okay what are they doing just kind of milling about randomly there aren't a lot of them only five if I could see all right well let's see if they're coming in now well we're certainly going to be ready for them very excited yeah here we go oh yeah so much easier than dealing with zombies are they running away are they are they actually running away what are they doing they're running away well it's awfully lame but awesome still we can at least be sure that no living thing is getting into our base any time soon you know I like how after we get these walls set up no zombies attack us anymore isn't that just too perfect Oh a little bit of trouble down here in our base looks according to faxed have gone berserk that's what being cooped up inside will get you I guess the outcome is unavoidable let's do this Wow you know that FEX actually held on a lot longer than I thought they would these are some very durable creatures here in fact I'm thinking that everything in this mod is extremely tough compared to like what we normally see them dwarf fortress but that's fine it's a tough world just take some getting used to I guess well it looks like we have some waiting to do yet again I just want to see one more wave of undead show up and then I could be satisfied with our base here I just really want to see how it all works in the end [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] well looks like we've driven them off once again yeah we could say the walkway was a relatively decent success anyways I don't know if you saw but they had one living leader or who I assumed was a leader who we were able to nail a couple times with those rods and they ended up calling off at the beginning and after they did the zombies came in but down the walkway were shot off a whole bunch and now they are fleeing much worse for wear good riddance well a good job fixed you have defended your home and also I want to mention real quick that it did rain at one point and only once but after it did all these trees as you can see here started sprouting up from the wreckage isn't that cool I imagine must make the whole scene look a little bit nicer is still a hellscape but you gotta make do I suppose overall I'd say this is a very interesting mod a very thorough overhaul all the different races creatures yeah there is a lot of stuff jammed in here and yes it's a bit overwhelming when you start certainly but so is it Dwarf Fortress just kind of give it some time and get a feel for it and then you really get to start to taste those flavors you know it's pretty interesting actually and even at this point I'm sure I've only just barely begun to scratch the surface yeah there's a lot to do here once again I would really like to thank squamous for making this mod I'm gonna put a download link in the description below in case you're interested in trying it out which I highly recommend you do on top of that I thank you for joining me today I hope you enjoyed yourselves and I certainly hope to see you next time and until then you bearded bastards [Music]
Channel: Kruggsmash
Views: 125,629
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dwarf, fortress, gameplay, letsplay, series, tutorial, support, help, adventure, dwarves, fantasy, simulation, management, game, survival, roguelike, drawing, artwork, show, roleplay, rp, story, vampire, animal man, mod, cyberpunk, sci fi, future, wasteland
Id: iE0iHVChHeg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 5sec (1805 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 31 2020
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