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if you turn on the tap the plumbing system immediately brings water into your home then you are fortunate enough to have access to this elixir of day-to-day life which is fresh water but most of the world's population doesn't have easy access to fresh water about 69 percent of the Earth's fresh water is locked in glaciers and polar ice caps the other 30 percent of the Earth's fresh water is under the surface in the form of groundwater leaving only one percent of fresh water freely available for humans and other animals but this teeny tiny percentage is also declining with every passing day because of hyper salinity the hyper saline water both on the surface and under the surface can cause a lot of damage to not only humans or animals but crops in the whole ecosystem but this new membrane less non-evaporative technology of desalination can save humans and crops from dying want to know how this works join us in this video as we explore how desalination technology can become a savior seasonal variations in weather long-term changes to climate conditions and changes in land use create a disturbance in the natural ecosystem that can affect the surface water the groundwater and the amount of salt the water contains and salinity refers to the concentration of salts and minerals in water or soil the elements that can create hyper salinity are sodium fluoride sulfate Boron arsenic selenium and high radioactivity even though salinity is a worldwide problem it can become brutal in water scarce arid and semi-arid areas where the only principal source of water is groundwater with every passing day the demand for groundwater is increasing which results in depletion of the groundwater table and increasing in salinity a small amount of dissolved salt in natural Waters is crucial for aquatic life even the most hyper saline water can be used but high levels of salinity can do unimaginable harm to living beings when Selene water intrudes with fresh water it's a serious concern as this degrades freshwater resources but also causes loss of the social economic resources of that area in semi-arid regions over exploitation of fresh groundwater resources is causing declination of the water table leading to the intrusion of saline water groundwater carries the soluble salts through the lunar soil and mixes with the fresh water various factors can be responsible for such intrusions such as geological and meteorological processes modifications in meteorological phenomena like temperature and rainfall changes in atmospheric temperature can cause changes in the sea level resulting in the high level of evaporation which can raise the risk of seawater intrusion higher mineralization of recharged water less intensive natural flushing and natural disasters like earthquakes and tsunamis along with these several anthropogenic factors are also a cause of hyper salinity like excessive groundwater pumping poor drainage irrigation system and water and waste disposal water salinity can be of several types but the most profound types are natural salinity dry land and irrigation salinity natural salinity happens when salt is accumulated through natural processes such as rainfall or weathering of rocks over many thousands of years when rain falls on a landscape the small amount of salt in the rainwater builds up in the soil and vegetation surfaces over time and can spill into the groundwater causing salinity in it in regions with heavy rainfall large amounts of water infiltrate the soil leaving a catchment basin through rivers and streams which provides a flushing effect so the groundwater and soil salinity stay fresh in drier regions the salt tends to build up in the groundwater and soil and accumulates over a long period of time to reach a high level of salinity secondary salinity results when the groundwater level rises it brings the salt present in the groundwater and the salt accumulated through primary salinity reaches the surface when vegetation is cleared in drier areas the water lost from the landscape through plants reduces drastically and more water enters the ground raising the groundwater level and its salinity this case also increases the salinity of streams and wetlands ultimately threatening the ecosystem when saline water is reapplied to crops through many Cycles either directly or by allowing it to filter into the groundwater it results in irrigated salinity each time such water is applied some of it evaporates leaving the remaining water more concentrated and harmful to crops and land Barrett Leonard wrote in his book the interaction between water logging and salinity in higher plants causes consequences and implications we know that saline water is not drinkable it's harmful to every living being and even threatening to the ecosystem according to the United Nations environment program unep one-third of the world's population lives with insufficient Fresh Water Resources so to provide fresh water to everyone scientists have developed desalination techniques desalination is a process through which excess salt and minerals are removed from the water and it is the chemical process of changing hyper saline sea water into potable water desalination is not a modern process it's one of the earliest forms of water treatment processes ancient civilizations adopted this process on ships to convert saline water into drinkable water in many arid regions desalination plants are used to convert sea water into drinkable water desalination plants are also being used to treat water in regions that are fouled by unnatural or natural contaminants in today's scientific World natural desalination processes are often ignored because they are time taking rather new and significantly proven water treatments are now being used to convert saline water into potable water at a massive level to fulfill the freshwater demand of the masses some under research and development desalination processes are thermal desalination technology and reverse osmosis or membrane desalination technology both of these Technologies need energy to operate thermal desalination technology is subdivided into so many phases and has no movable Parts it requires a higher temperature to operate it's an energy intensive technology that becomes difficult to achieve the same is the case with membrane desalination technology as it becomes over expensive to operate and doesn't produce readily reliable results a team of Earth and environmental Engineers from the University of Columbia have discovered a membrane-less non-evaporative water desalination technique that is compatible with sustainable and easily available energy resources this technique is ringing remarkably positive results in converting saline water into potable water without any residue still not excited about this new membrane-less non-evaporative technique wait till you hear how this water desalination technology works and how it can help in converting hyper saline water into drinking water before that please don't forget to like And subscribe for more content now let's get back to the video engineering researchers from Columbia University have designed a new desalination method for hyper saline water this new technology is low-cost super efficient and effective researchers believe this could address the growing fresh water challenges all over the world this team is led by Guy Yin Yip who is an assistant professor of Earth and environmental engineering at the University of Columbia he reported on May 26 2019 that they have named this new desalination approach temperature swing solvent extraction tsse for hyper saline water Reports say tsse can easily desalinate hypersaline brines up to seven times the concentration of saline sea water tsse is comparatively better than reverse osmosis membrane desalination method and it can handle approximately twice the seawater salt concentration temperature swing solvent extraction tsse is both membraneless and non-evaporative desalination technology that can easily tackle the growing challenges of high salinity desalination tsse utilizes a low polarity solvent that has temperature dependent water solubility for the selective extraction of water over salt and minerals from saline feeds due to the fact that it is membraneless and there is no step of evaporation of water it can sidestep technical constraints that might limit more traditional methods moderate temperature swings power the process of water extraction that makes tsse compatible with sustainable and cheap energy resources which are usually free such as geothermal energy solar thermal energy and low-grade waste heat the temperature required is less than 70 degrees Celsius in the research research study tsse removed up to 98.4 percent of the salt and the water recovery from tsse is 50 percent higher than other traditional methods Yin Yip has been working on different solvent extraction methods and separation methods that are widely used for chemical engineering processes this solvent extraction process tsse is relatively inexpensive simple and effective Yin Yip said I thought the solvent extraction could be a good alternative desalination approach that is radically different from conventional methods because it is membraneless and not based on evaporative phase change results have shown that tsse could become a disruptive technology because it's effective efficient easily scalable and can sustainably be powered Yip also added our new tsse will be transformational for the water industry it can displace the prevailing practice of costly distillation for desalination of high salinity brines and Tackle higher salinities that Ro cannot handle the tsse approach has a clear-cut path to commercialization the required heat input can easily be achieved through low-grade thermal resources and without any major drawback tsse can convert hyper saline water into fresh drinking water solving a major problem for millions of people around the globe
Channel: The Tesla Domain
Views: 84,562
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Keywords: best forms of sustainable energy, top future tech ideas, greener technology, the future of EV, new sustainable technology, Tesla news, Musk news, top future inventions, EV battery tech, desalination process, new desalination technology, new desalination technology 2022, new desalination plant, desalination system for sea water, desalination system, tsse, tsse desalination process, new technology 2022, new technology, desalination technology breakthrough
Id: zqXm1qCFd6E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 7sec (607 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 25 2022
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