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with the increase in global warming water scarcity has become a huge issue as of right now one percent of the world's population relies on desalination for water desalination comes with a huge number of issues and with current estimates saying 10 percent of the global population is going to be using desalinated water by 2050. we are desperately in need of a breakthrough luckily a Canadian company oneca has come up with a brand new way to desalinate water their method is insanely cheap great for the environment and most importantly easily scalable how does this new technology work and when are we going to see it in action let's dive right into it desalination generally Works in two ways the first and simpler one is boiling water from the ocean is boiled and the condensed water vapor is then used as fresh water as you can probably guess boiling sea water to get fresh water is neither easy nor cost effective first of all water has an extremely high specific heat capacity meaning you need a large amount of energy to get it to boil all this energy comes from fossil fuels which in turn leads to more global warming which then causes an increase in the amount of water that needs to be desalinated you see where I'm going with this it's an endless cycle that's not just sustainable even if we figure out a way to solve the energy problem associated with boiling seawater to get fresh water the problem of ultra heated highly salinated leftover brine is still there most desalination plants dump out their brine directly back into the ocean keep in mind that Brian is usually over 100 percent to sometimes over 150 percent more saline than the surrounding sea water it is dumped into it doesn't take a genius to see why this ultrasaline boiling water being pumped into the ocean might be a bad idea but in case you need a hint think salted fish crackers the second method through which large-scale desalination is done is by reverse osmosis osmosis is when water moves from an area of low salt concentration to an area of high salt concentration reverse osmosis is the exact opposite of this process it's when water moves across a membrane leaving behind salt now osmosis occurs naturally reverse osmosis on the other hand needs a bit of a push you have to force the water across the membrane think of the membrane as a giant filter that filters out salt and other impurities leaving behind fresh water in reverse osmosis The energy needed to push the water once again comes from fossil fuels and while it is way more efficient it's not sustainable both boiling and reverse osmosis are inefficient at best sure we can burn fossil fuels to run these stations now but what about a few decades from now when one tenth of the world is going to need this much desalinated water to survive even if we ignore both the Brine and the sheer energy waste that is produced by current desalination methods we can't turn a blind eye to the greenhouse gases that are going to be produced to run these plants these Greenhouse emissions are only going to become more and more prominent as we move forward meaning not even reverse osmosis alone can save us Canadian company oneca however has come up with a way to get the reverse osmosis process done using the ocean waves and no I'm not talking about electricity from Tides here in fact oneca's ingenious method utilizes no electricity whatsoever and instead utilizes the mechanical energy of the ocean waves to filter the water the way it works is that a raft is attached to the ocean floor this raft has a small inlet at the bottom which lets in a steady supply of water from the ocean every time the raft moves once the water is inside a complicated system of pressure and flow optimization mechanics and mechanical pumps pushes the water through a reverse osmosis membrane the entire process is completely electricity free and produces brine that's roughly the same temperature as that of the ocean and just 30 percent more saline as compared to the Staggering 150 percent that traditional systems produce the 30 percent increase salinity is even less of an issue when you realize that oneca uses multiple rafts spread across a larger area multiple Outlets of slightly more saline water mean that this brine causes almost no detectable change in the salinity of the area it has been installed in a spokesperson for oneca said the oneca system releases a brine with a salinity that is only slightly plus minus 30 percent higher than that of the ocean in addition since each buoy has its own water inlet and Outlet the discharge is distributed over a large area and is rapidly diluted thus not affecting the ocean's salinity and the Marine ecosystem so aneka isn't bad for the environment what about the cost well cost is where oneca really shines the majority of the cost associated with the salination projects comes from the huge fuel cost that comes from all the electricity they need to run the plant since oneca uses no electricity whatsoever they estimate that their cost per gallon can be almost 80 percent less than what the competition offers this number is expected to go even lower once the company starts scaling the manufacturing process at the moment oneca offers three different raft sizes the smallest of these is the Ice Cube which interestingly enough was recently awarded a 729 thousand dollar Grant as a prize for winning the waves to water grand prize from the U.S department of energy doe the Ice Cube is about 1.5 meters across in diameter and produces roughly one cubic meter or a thousand liters or 220 gallons of fresh water a day it's small and can be easily dissembled to fit inside a standard medium-sized shipping crate the second raft that oneca offers is big enough to produce 10 times the fresh water that the Ice Cube raft could this raft has also survived 10 meter high waves in Canada oneca claims that all its rafts are built to last well over 15 years the last and biggest of the current rafts is the very appropriately named Iceberg the iceberg is six meters in diameter and has the capacity to pump about 50 cubic meters or 50 000 liters of fresh water per day oneca's first commercial project utilizes the iceberg raft and is currently active in Fort Pierce Florida where it was deployed last year looking to outdo themselves once again oneca's working on developing an even bigger raft which they currently call the glacier the glacier once completed will have a diameter of somewhere between 12 and 15 meters and a typical installation which oneca has said will have around 40 of these platforms will be capable of producing more than 20 million liters or almost four and a half million gallons of fresh water a day half a million gallons of water a day that's enough water to run a small City apart from a dystopian future where people are going to be fighting over water the company said its product has applications in coastal communities Oceanfront Resorts and private islands during one of the latest funding rounds an investor Jonathan sorry investment manager at innovacorp one of the leading investors in funding round said there were world is running out of clean water and oneca has a solution it works it's affordable it's better for the environment and it can be scaled from local disaster relief and Regional demand all the way to meeting utility needs last June oneca secured a 5.5 million dollar Canadian or 4.36 million dollar American Funding round and now has investors across the globe including Canada the United States United Kingdom Belgium Chile and Germany from what it looks like oneca is going to be one of the key players in a world struggling for water in the near future so that's all for today's video let us know what you think about it in the comments below and subscribe to our channel so you don't miss out on our latest uploads with that said we'll see you next time until then you take care
Channel: The Tesla Domain
Views: 45,662
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Keywords: best forms of sustainable energy, top future tech ideas, greener technology, new sustainable technology, Tesla news, Musk news, top future inventions, EV battery tech, oneka, oneka technologies desalination, oneka technologies, oneka rafting, oneka raft size, desalination of seawater, desalination, desalination plant, desalination technology, desalination technology breakthrough, desalination techniques, desalination breakthrough, this breakthrough replaces water desalination
Id: _qlh74jrjJI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 47sec (467 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 31 2022
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