This NEW Discovery Will Make Us Forget About Water Desalination!

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water is truly a precious commodity and water scarcity is reaching critical levels in many parts of the world there are now over 1 billion people who do not have access to clean water the world's demand for water is expected to increase dramatically in the coming years because of population growth energy shortage and pollution problems however a new breakthrough has been made that will vastly improve the quality and availability of potable drinking water grab a drink and relax as we show you this innovative discovery that makes water desalination obsolete desalination is the process of producing drinking water by removing dissolved mineral salts in water it's a method that has been used for hundreds of years and has also attracted considerable investment over the past decade or so but as many of us know it's not all that reliable and it also poses a threat to our environment although the earth is made of 70 water it appears that many countries all over the world experience water shortage every year in the absence of water death is inescapable both in plants and animals tons of our daily activities take water as a chief resource farmers need water to grow plants animals and humans need water to drink imagining a world without water would be in a place of desolation presently the amount of clean water in the world is reducing and the cause is the spike in population growth current figures prove that 1.1 billion people lack access to water while 2.7 billion people lack water for one month a year at least world wildlife projects that by 2025 two-thirds of the world's population will be hit and affected by water shortages with these threatening issues safer and quicker means of extracting water from the air are in no doubt expedient agricultural processes consume 70 to 80 percent of available water supplies as well as leakages and mismanagement of water resources however it is estimated that the earth's atmosphere holds 12 900 kilometers cubed at any given time this is an insane amount of water that is three times the amount that humans consume annually the atmospheric water generation technology began with the aim of extracting water from the air before discussing the awg technology it is necessary to look into the physical properties involved atmospheric humidity refers to the quantity of water vapor held in the air after rain falls when the temperature rises evaporation takes place and water goes back into the air's vapor atmospheric humidity is measured as vapor pressure or specific humidity the relative magnitude of vapor mass to air mass is called specific humidity water vapor is squished to form clouds which in turn release rainfall it is at this point temperatures play a crucial role in the water cycle at zero degrees celsius little or no water is found in the air but as the temperature rises more water can be held in the air as water is stored up in the air it reaches a point it can no longer hold and water begins to drop on the earth's crust this is known as the dew point the apex at which the atmosphere is saturated with water exploiting this phenomenon extraction of water from the air has been made easy the idea of extracting water from the air seems like a new concept in this century however it has been practiced for a long time for instance the incas sustained their cities above the rain line by collecting dew and directing it into the cisterns for providence in the 1900s likewise the russian engineer frederic zeibold both inspired by arcane ancient stone piles around the desolate city of theodosia theorized that these piles were eldern water from air condensers with each pile of stones covering 9 700 feet and associated with remains of terra cotta pipes which brought about fountains and wells zeibold foregrounded that there must have been a way water collection was done in the past this inspired him to build a modern apparatus to prove his hypotheses in 1912 his construction was completed and was claimed to produce approximately 360 liters of water a day though without official records in 1915 the base was reported to develop a leak that halted the discovery and the site was demolished in 1933 however the site was rediscovered and refurbished but yielding less water than earlier stated this drove scientists into better and result oriented discoveries and led to the establishment of the atmospheric water generators still not excited about awgs wait till you hear about the several awg technologies that have been developed before that don't forget to like and subscribe for more content now let's get back to the video atmospheric water generators are technological devices that have been powered to condense effectively water vapor from humid air through various processes various processes are put in place by different technologies but central to them all include condensation to cool condense and collect liquid water most systems work just like air conditioners while some others do not we have the awg made by a washington-based company tsunami products which uses a force condenser system and works similar to the air conditioner and refrigerator firstly it traps in the most humid air with the use of condensing coils in this place water vapor is cooled down well enough till it reaches the dew point the air and moisture then pass through a special chamber where extraction and condensation take place the water vapor is condensed into droplets of water which are then collected in a storage tank and ready for drinking after passing a series of filters the tsunami products company claims that the tsunami 500 will produce roughly 0.5 to 8 gallons per hour and 200 gallons a day one major drawback to this technology is that it consumes a lot of power the tsunami 500 and the tsunami 750 awg consume an average of 7.5 to 11 kilowatts per hour that will mean a lot of expenses in a bid to power the generator if it is paired with a clean energy source like the solar panel energy array however the cost can be made more reasonable also these products are not cheap they cost a lot of money these devices cost about thirty thousand to two hundred thousand dollars depending on their capacity another popular water from air invention that is growing rapidly is the use of fog nets just like fish are fished with fishing nets water will be caught with fog nets fog nets have been in use for quite a while now they involve nets that are elevated above ground level on poles the nets which are made from polyethylene fiber cloth catch water from passing water vapor fog nets have the disadvantage of producing limited amounts of water and are only viable in foggy weather and areas this explains why this invention is majorly limited to mountainous areas unlike other technological awgs recently researchers at the university of akron ohio were laced with breakthroughs in this technology leading to a more efficient water storage system electrospun polymer made nets were tangled around parts of expanded graphite this allows more water collection on the net surface and will yield productivity of 180 liters of water per square meter every day they do not require electricity to run however dr wong is in a quest to develop a system that cools the fibers with the use of electricity thereby increasing the collection quantity additionally increasing the condensing abilities will mean that this technology will work in areas whose humidity levels are as low as four percent researchers at eth zurich reportedly claimed to have designed a water from air generator that carries out its daily activities passively this machine is made of a combination of special polymer and silver layers which enables the glass to force condensation of water out of the air the glass is coated and housed in a special cone-shaped radiation shield and makes the glass cool down to as much as 15 degrees celsius below humid temperature as this occurs water condenses and moisture is trapped underneath the cone in a bit to make the water collection easier and faster a special water repellent coating was developed under the glass to help the formation of water beads with the presence of the radiation shield energy is not required in the entire process as it even works great during the day finally the super sponge has emerged as a new and fast rising technology option for extracting water from the air it is a group of hydrogel and gel polymer hybrid materials that contains interlaced repeating elements super sponges are highly hydrophilic this means that it is a good absorbent of water in cold temperatures it absorbs large quantities of water but expels water when heated they are used in diapers bandages and contact lenses it can be deduced that like the fog nets they do not require electricity to run all that is needed is solar input with the use of this material the machine will be able to suck water from the air and store it safely ready for extraction whenever water needs to be extracted from the gel the gel will be heated up according to phase ow a post doctoral researcher we have developed a completely passive system where all you need to do is leave the hydrogel outside and it will collect water the collected water will remain stored in the hydrogel until you expose it to sunlight after about five minutes under natural sunlight the water releases from the test of this innovative technology 50 liters of water was extracted per kilogram of the hydrogel these technical advancements will help in curbing the drought looming besieging earth although these inventions might not suffice for all of the world's population they will however solve water shortage problems in every home by at least 60 percent the future of potable water is almost here and desalination may soon be a thing of the past it's science at its finest and a technological breakthrough that has the potential to change the planet in dramatic ways that we can only begin to imagine that is something to be excited about
Channel: The Tesla Domain
Views: 552,784
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best forms of sustainable energy, top future tech ideas, greener technology, the future of EV, new sustainable technology, Tesla news, Musk news, top future inventions, EV battery tech, water desalination, water desalination plant, water desalination technology, potable water technology, atmospheric water generator, atmospheric water generator project, tsunami products water, fog net water harvesting, fog nets in the desert, tsunami products
Id: 1gbQwKXA9v4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 42sec (642 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 14 2022
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