Scientific Evidence Bigfoot Actually Exists

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A bit of a controversial title, nevertheless a video released only last week and a very interesting watch to make you think. I wouldn't consider Bigfoot the same as Nessie for example looking at the involved experts.

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👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Ubizwa 📅︎︎ Jul 07 2020 🗫︎ replies
The calls started at around eight pm, all from motorists driving down a specific segment of an Oregon highway. At first the police assumed they were being pranked, but then the sheer volume of calls told them that something was definitely out there. Each panicked driver that called relayed the exact same story- something massive, much bigger than a bear, was running alongside the freeway. The creature stood well over seven feet tall, ran on two legs, and appeared to be panicked. One couple described the creature as roaring and clearly terrified of the traffic rushing by. As driver after driver flooded local police lines, cruisers were immediately dispatched. Sadly, by the time they arrived the creature had already plunged back into the deep woods of Oregon's forests. As the American population expands and pushes ever deeper into pristine and untouched forests that still span the North American continent, bigfoot sightings continue to increase on a nearly year by year basis. While many of these are clearly hoaxes, and many more are misidentifications, the sheer volume of eyewitness sightings is enough to give any rational thinker pause- could all of these sightings of the legendary creature truly be pure fabrications or accidental misidentifications? While once considered nothing more than a folk tale or outright hoax, the growing evidence for a population of Sasquatch on the North American continent has begun to lure in serious scientific experts, and a great number of these are becoming increasingly convinced after reviewing available evidence that something does indeed stalk the woods of the American continent. One of the most obvious, and the first, pieces of evidence of the sasquatch phenomenon are footprints found in nearly all climates and environments across North America. The creature now known as Bigfoot got its name from reports of mysterious footprints found at a construction site in California, and the name has stuck ever since. A name, which is well earned, as the footprints are quite massive, ranging an average of 18 inches in length! Yet the bigfoot community would be rocked when in 2002 one of the construction workers who discovered the footprints, Ray Wallace, admitted to faking the prints. Not only that, but he had faked prints in many other areas of the country using his custom-made wooden 'big feet' that he simply strapped into and then stomped around in. The entire phenomenon appeared to be dead, clearly a hoax from the start... and yet, this was far from the truth. Wallace's work sites throughout his lifetime were plotted out by researchers, which helped debunk many suspected sightings. Yet there was still a major problem- while Wallace was actively hoaxing, prints were appearing hundreds, even thousands of miles away. And what's more, Wallace's prints were not the first to be discovered, they were simply the first to draw national attention in such a large way. In fact, Bigfoot sightings and footprints have been reported since the dawn of the American nation, and Native Americans have long believed in and reported on the existence of the creature, claiming that they have lived alongside it for thousands of years. But perhaps this is all folklore, though it would still be difficult to explain why people on the other side of the country started hoaxing bigfoot tracks at the exact same time as Wallace. If these tracks are indeed all fake, then these hoaxers are far more sophisticated than anyone ever suspected. Dr. Jeff Meldrum has long spoken on the specific qualities of bigfoot tracks, and as the associate professor of anatomy and anthropology, as well as the adjunct associate professor of the department of anthropology at Idaho State College, he is well qualified to speak on the subject. Meldrum is an expert on foot morphology and most importantly, on locomotion in primates. Dr. Meldrum understands how primate feet are shaped by evolution, and how this affects their locomotion, and while initially skeptical of the phenomenon, his investigation into hundreds of casts has now convinced him: there is a possibility of an unidentified large primate in the American forests. Dr. Meldrum's conclusion is derived from several common qualities found amongst the footprint casts he considers to be authentic. The first is the identification of dermal ridges, these are patterns in the skin that are similar to that on your finger tips, and while drying plaster can sometimes form impressions that seem like dermal ridges, it is not a common phenomenon. The second piece of evidence is the presence of a midtarsal break, identified by the way that the footprint is created on the ground as the creature moves. This is a feature common to apes but not found in humans, and is caused by the foot actually bending before an ape takes its next stride. Next is the spacing of the footprints themselves, which is often in excess of three feet. By measuring the space between footprints, the gait, or walk, of a creature can be measured, and time and again this figure comes up to such a superhuman value that it would be extremely biologically difficult, and sometimes impossible for a human to hoax. But Dr. Meldrum is far from the only professional expert who believes in the possibility of a large, unidentified ape. Police fingerprint technician Jimmy Chilcutt became interested in the phenomenon after watching a Bigfoot documentary, when in his own words, he was shocked at the appearance of primate identifying characteristics in the plaster casts such as dermal ridges. This discovery propelled him to look into the phenomenon using his specialized technical knowledge as a fingerprint forensics specialist, and he became convinced that while some tracks were fake, others misidentified, a large enough body of them existed that pointed at the possibility of a large primate. If every bigfoot track is being created by hoaxers, then clearly the real mystery here is why an army of primate anatomy and locomotion experts have been pranking the nation for decades. Perhaps the most famous, and controversial, piece of evidence however is the Patterson-Gimlin film, which purports to show the clearest footage yet of a large bipedal animal walking across a dry riverbed in northern california. According to Robert Patterson, the man who shot the film, he and his friend, Robert Gimlim, came across the creature while on horseback trying to gather evidence for the existence of Bigfoot. Despite noticing the men, the creature simply moved off in a brisk, wide gait, looking back at them several times. Robertson, who was shocked at the appearance of the creature, took about twenty seconds to get his panicked horse under control, hop off the saddle, and grab his camera, leaving most of the encounter unfilmed. Since that fateful day in 1967, the film has been repeatedly inspected, dissected, and reconstructed by scientists the world over in a bid to discover if the film is real, or a hoax. While several people have come forward to claim they were the man in the costume, studies of the film have time and again indicated that the subject may have been a real biological creature. One of the most damning pieces of evidence used by skeptics to debunk the film is a completely unsubstantiated rumor that the bigfoot costume used in the film was designed by legendary makeup artist John Chambers, who created the costumes for Planet of the Apes. Yet these rumors are exactly that- hand-me-down stories that can't even be authentically traced back to Chambers himself making that statement. They also beg several key, common-sense questions, the most prominent of which is simply: why in the world would an Academy Award winning makeup artist create a costume for a completely unknown former rodeo clown to fake a bigfoot film with? And secondly, why would he create a costume that is visibly far more advanced than anything Hollywood would use for the next four decades, and then never recreate that work on a professional film? In determining the validity of the costume claim, film analysis has focused on gathering painstaking detail of the creature frame by frame as it moves, and this analysis shows that as the creature in the film moves, entire muscle groups can be seen to also move on the creature's body. This is simply too far outside the realm of possibility for 1967 costume technology, and actuated artificial muscles wouldn't be incorporated into Hollywood costumes for decades to come. The only possibility for the suit to clearly show these well-defined muscle movements is for the suit wearer to have the suit physically worn right next to his own body, meaning that the person in the costume would have had to been truly a massive individual- far outside the physical limits of most human beings and well outside those of anyone who has claimed to be the man in the costume. Famously, Disney Executive Ken Peterson was quoted as saying that Disney technicians would be unable to recreate a suit so realistic, and if his technicians couldn't recreate it then how would an unknown like Patterson have done so in the first place. Universal Studio special effects technicians upon being shown the film recently concluded that they could possibly try and fake it, but they would have to create a brand new suit using artificial muscles, and then find an actor who could be trained to walk in the extremely peculiar way the creature in the film moves. Yet the creature's movement reveals even more interesting details that hint at the authenticity of the footage. Notably, primate and human locomotion experts have worked to painstakingly recreate the gait of the creature with human subjects, and have found that while the creature's gait doesn't resemble any known primate, it is also extremely unlike that of a human and instead seems to sit somewhere in between the two. While the gait has been successfully recreated with a professional athlete in a laboratory setting, even the researchers responsible for the study admitted that it was an extremely uncomfortable, unnatural movement that would be difficult to maintain for long periods of time. Dmitry Donskoy, head of the Department of Biomechanics at the USSR Central Institute of Physical Culture, agreed with the results of the recreation decades before it even happened, noting that the creature's movements were too natural and confident, while also unnatural for a human, for it to have been easily faked. Consider the rocky, uneven ground that the event took place in and it speaks even more to the difficulty in hoaxing such movements. Even more damning for the hypothesis that the creature is just a man in a suit, is that a computer reconstruction of the anatomy of the creature, using known locations of the creature's joints, shows that the creature has a far longer torso than legs, well outside the natural range of any human. Even skeptical reviews of the film have fallen far short of declaring it a hoax, with most studies simply noting that the creature's true identity cannot be determined, which is more than a fair statement for footage shot on 16mm film from such great distance. Sadly, no hard evidence of the creature exists, which begs the question of how such a prominent woodland figure could exist and leave behind zero hard evidence. Many believe that the creature is more intelligent than a normal primate, and believe that they may show some level of care for their dead, perhaps secreting them away in caves or other locations as a form or a very primitive burial rite. What is known is that the natural state of North American forests can actually work to decompose even bones and scatter them wide enough as to make their discovery difficult, if not impossible- especially if Bigfoot is a primate with a very low population. The low population theory is supported by much of the evidence gathered on the creature, with some estimates ranging at a population of only a few thousand across North America. Animals like Bengal Tigers are very much real, and have an even lower population count thanks to hunting by humans. They too rarely if ever leave remains to be discovered by humans, despite their environment being located mostly inside of the most populated country in the world: India. If we were to judge the existence of Bengal Tigers by the same standard we use on Bigfoot, well, the scientific community would have very little actual evidence of their existence. Many Bigfoot researchers believe that the creature not only has a very low population, but one that is actively being made extinct by human activity. These massive bipedal creatures, if they exist, would require a substantial range to support their massive caloric requirements, and while studies have shown that there does in fact exist enough subsistence in American forests to meet these requirements, the range of a family group of these creatures would have to be extremely large. With human encroachment into the wilds of North America,and activities like the damming of rivers interrupting fish supplies, these elusive North American great apes may perhaps truly be our most intelligent relatives, but are surely on the way to complete extinction. Sadly, they may fade away entirely before their existence is conclusively proven, though perhaps sometime in the future remains may be discovered that show that once, a great ape truly did stalk the American wilds. Ready for more spooky stuff? Check out The Terrifying Alien Encounter That's Never Been Explained! Or maybe you prefer a change of pace, then check out this other episode here! Either way, click now, because it's definitely not a hoax that we have great videos!
Channel: The Infographics Show
Views: 793,656
Rating: 4.8585238 out of 5
Keywords: bigfoot, bigfoot evidence, bigfoot exists, bigfoot proof, bigfoot footprint, footprints, urban legend, hoax, the infographics show, evidence, science, mystery, big foot, big, creature, animation, story, true story, education, educational
Id: z57sKDsG-b4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 6sec (726 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 29 2020
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