US Military Plan to Defeat an Alien Invasion

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The first attack was an EMP blast that  covered nearly the whole of North America,   plunging the world's sole superpower into the  darkness of the late industrial revolution.   Power systems across the US were immediately  knocked out, and nearly every community in the   nation was plunged into darkness. A few special  places, mostly military facilities, managed to   either avoid the worst of the EMP blast through a  quirk of the terrain, or were hardened against it. Civilian planes dropped out of the sky, their  onboard electronics completely fried. Military   jets however continued to be operational, as were  the US's large fleet of ground combat vehicles-   all of which had been designed  for war on a nuclear battlefield   against the Soviet Union or Russia.  High up in the atmosphere, the EMP   blast simply wasn't close enough to destroy  the electronics on their shielded hardware. The US had had a few weeks to prepare though, and  almost immediately engineering crews moved into   position to fix what power systems they could.  Restoring the entire national grid would take   years, so their efforts were focused on critical  civilian and military infrastructure. Even then,   it would be weeks at minimum before power could  be restored to even a tiny fraction of the US. The alien spacecraft had been observed a little  over a month and a half ago, first drawing the   curiosity of astronomers using computers to  search the night sky. The computers noticed the   tiny dip in starlight as the giant craft crossed  space and blocked out stars behind it, and soon   deep space reconnaissance radar was turned on  the phenomenon confirming that a solid object   was indeed on an intercept course with earth. Any  doubts on the object's true nature were squashed a   few days later when the object began decelerating  from its current speed at 5% the speed of light. Now with the object parked  in high orbit over the earth,   the President of the United States along  with the Joint Chiefs and his top advisors   discuss their strategy for repelling a hostile  invasion of the earth by an alien species. The first to speak is the chief science advisor,  confirming that the EMP pulse was an expected   first strike option against the United States,  which as the world's sole superpower was the   likeliest target to be struck first. The  advisor then pulls up images of the object   made by combining direct visual observation  from ground telescopes and radar telemetry,   revealing a long cylinder shape with a giant  almost mushroom style dome at the front. The advisor points at the dome. This is good news,   he says, because this is exactly how we  would cross space at very high speeds. The   Joint Chiefs are confused, how exactly is this  strange feature of the spacecraft good news? The advisor clears his throat and explains.  Reaching velocities of a few percentage points   of the speed of light is something well within our  grasp today, but the biggest problem is shielding   a spacecraft from debris encountered in  space. At such incredibly high speeds,   a pebble can strike a spacecraft with  the force of hundreds of tons of TNT,   and while debris is extremely rare in the vacuum  of space, it is not non-existent. Therefore,   a large shield at the front of a large, thin  spacecraft is the best way to shield your vehicle. And because this is how we would do it, the  advisor explains, then this means that our   alien invader's technology cannot be too far  ahead of our own. We have a fighting chance. The men and women who'll decide the fate of  the United States, and possibly the earth,   all look around the room at each other. A chance-  any chance- is more than they had hoped for. The advisor once more clears his throat. Because  their technology isn't too far advanced from ours,   and they obviously want our planet intact  since they are reluctant to simply drop   asteroids on our head from orbit, then I have  a plan to win this war. Let me explain... A day after the EMP blast, ground based radar  confirms activity along the main body of the   spacecraft. Several components are detaching from  it and breaking up into smaller objects- transport   craft of some sort. Some though, are obviously  combat craft, and these move to new orbits. The   US military however has already guessed what  the aliens might do next, and they're ready. From several hundred miles up, metal  rods half the size of telephone poles   rain down on military installations across the  US. The rods pack no explosives, instead relying   on the kinetic energy of their fall from space  to deliver devastation on the scale of mankind's   largest non-nuclear weapons. Military airfields,  hangars, command and control nodes, supply depots-   metal rods rain down on these and other  strategic targets, completely obliterating them. But the US was ready, and following protocols  established long ago for a nuclear war,   had already widely dispersed its personnel and  equipment. Many military aircraft and ground   combat vehicles are destroyed in the attack,  but many more survive, widely dispersed into the   surrounding areas and on the thousands of civilian  and makeshift airfields all across the US. As the attack takes place, the  President and his advisors,   secure in an underground bunker over a  mile deep, monitor the situation through   dozens of redundant command and control  networks. The US's plans for a nuclear   showdown with the Soviet Union have created  one of the most resilient nations on earth. The science advisor predicted this attack, and  works to reassure his fellow colleagues. Because   the aliens aren't too far advanced from us, he  explains, they have many of the same limitations   in space travel that we do- even if they are much  better at dealing with them than us. The economy   of space travel makes moving large amounts of  equipment, like an invasion fleet, extremely   expensive, so the aliens are dealing with very  limited assets. Our plan for victory is to simply   bleed the aliens dry, making an invasion of our  nation so expensive in terms of manpower and   resources that the aliens are unable to continue  the fight or it simply isn't worth it anymore. The plan is solid, after all, the aliens had to  bring everything to invade our world with them-   including their troops- while we here on earth  can regenerate every soldier killed on the spot. The war will be one of long, ongoing resistance. The aliens may be limited in resources due to  having to ferry them across interstellar space,   but they are still much superior to our own  forces. The US military thus makes the best use   of its assets in the short time that it will still  be able to before they are inevitably destroyed. Within hours of the kinetic strikes,  the troop transports and combat aircraft   begin to enter the atmosphere. Here, with their  sensors blinded by the incredible heat of reentry,   is humanity's best chance at striking  with all available air and missile forces.   All across the world combat aircraft and  air defense batteries move into action. Over the skies of the US,  squadrons of F-22s, F-35s, F-16s,   and every other plane capable of taking  on an interceptor role move to intercept   the incoming alien spacecraft. Heat-guided  ground-based interceptors fire in large volleys,   guided to their targets by the unmistakable heat  signature of the alien spacecraft entering the   earth's atmosphere. The combat aircraft are  next, firing radar and heat-guided missiles   in rapid succession at swarms of alien  craft screaming through the atmosphere. The President had considered using  nuclear weapons, but was talked down   by his advisors- the aliens had yet  used weapons of mass destruction,   and using a nuke may be an invitation to a  type of war the earth couldn't hope to win. Conventional weapons are having a spectacular  effect on the incoming alien craft though, and   cheers erupt in the President's secure facility  as the reports trickle in from all over the US.   Moving at such high speeds, the superior alien  craft simply can't avoid the incoming volleys,   or they'd risk tearing themselves apart,  and despite whatever type of propulsion or   radar-absorbent materials they may be using,  the signature of incoming spacecraft at high   speeds through the atmosphere is almost  too easy a target for earth's weapons. The victory however is extremely short lived. America's combat pilots were warned  to immediately break off their attacks   once the spacecraft punched through  the atmosphere, but for many it's still   too late. Now within the atmosphere, the  alien combat aircraft easily outmaneuver   and outrun even America's best fighter aircraft,  and casualties are in the hundreds within minutes.   Next, the combat aircraft strike at air defense  batteries all over the US, easily destroying any   they encounter and calling in orbital strikes  on those they can't reach. More metal rods from   space obliterate air defense batteries across  America- though their crews are long gone. The aliens now rule not just  space, but the skies too. With alien transports disgorging combat troops  by the thousands, America's ground response is   mostly infantry-based. With space firmly in the  alien's grasp, more kinetic strikes would easily   obliterate large formations of armored vehicles.  For the first time in modern history, the United   States doesn't rule the skies, and has to fight  much in the same way its adversaries have. In some places though, commanders are able to  manuever combat vehicles to within very close   range of the enemy. Hugging the enemy, so to  speak, forces the aliens to not use kinetic   strikes for fear of hitting their own troops.  Forced to ferry all of their invasion equipment   from space, the alien forces are fielding  very few combat vehicles of their own,   despite their infantry weapons being  superior to man's. Without combat vehicles,   American Abrams tanks and M2 Bradleys  decimate alien forces where they encounter   them. No matter their level of technology,  even aliens must obey the laws of physics,   and despite their advanced construction,  the anti-tank silver bullet rounds of an   Abrams or lethal missiles of a Bradley, are  extremely effective against the alien vehicles. Once more though, victories are short lived   as alien air forces who now have  uncontested dominance of the sky,   do the job of close air support that  orbital kinetic strikes simply can't do. The alien's numbers build by the day, and by  the end of the week they have disgorged several   million troops on US soil. Then the shuttle  flights slow down considerably. With the   ability to only bring a limited number of troops  and equipment across the vast distances of space,   the aliens have clearly disgorged  nearly all of their combat assets.   Their advanced technology will  make up the shortfall in personnel. Or at least that was the plan. The aliens hail  from a planet a hundred light years from earth,   making their observations of our planet  a hundred years old, and their invasion   plans are based on fighting a civilization  who's planet exhibited the techno signature   of a late industrial age civilization.  Then, moving at 5% the speed of light,   it took the invasion fleet another twenty years to  arrive. That means the best knowledge the aliens   had on Earth's level of technology was based on  distant observations of Earth in the year 1900,   when the most advanced techno signature  detectable was weak radio transmissions. Now they face humanity armed with automatic  machine guns, man-portable anti-tank missiles,   electronic warfare suites, and  extremely stealthy combat drones. The war of occupation is indeed costly, but the  technological disparity still favors the aliens.   To offset their lack of manpower, the aliens  turn to manufacturing combat drones of their own,   who can quickly self-replicate and  overwhelm human forces. Within a few weeks,   the conventional war is over, and the US military  is roundly defeated, unable to fight any longer. This is when phase 2 of the US's victory  plan over the aliens takes effect. Seasoned combat troops are ordered to disperse  widely into the countryside, taking with them   as much military equipment as they can carry.  American special forces operatives are amongst   those ordered to flee for the wilderness or the  ruins of cities, and there they link up with other   military personnel and civilian survivors. Special forces operators initiate phase 2,   and begin training surviving combat troops  and civilians in the art of resistance.   American forces are taught to hide from and fight  a technologically superior enemy the same way   that the Taliban and the Vietcong resisted  US might. A guerrilla war begins overnight,   with American survivors striking at alien  supply depots and personnel barracks.   The goal is simple: destroy as much equipment  as possible and kill as many aliens as possible   so that the invasion becomes too costly in  the terms of lives and finances to continue. The guerrilla resistance lasts for years, despite  horrific losses incurred by the human survivors.   Yet, humanity can quickly replace its losses,  though it does mean that the traditional   societal norms of relationships have to be  temporarily redefined. Men and women cannot   have a single sexual partner, and must have  multiple in order to ensure genetic diversity,   and healthy women must produce  children as often as possible.   The losses incurred by human guerrillas  are staggering, and must be replaced. The aliens on the other hand must travel twenty  years to bring fresh troops to the fight,   and each individual soldier transported  over a hundred light years of space   costs their civilization a small fortune.  The first wave of reinforcements costs the   aliens as much as the entire economic  output of earth over an entire decade. There is no second wave of  reinforcements. The trip is too long,   the cost far too great. Even a rescue  mission to their forces stranded on earth   would be too expensive, and come far  too late. What aliens are able to,   retreat back to their orbiting spacecraft,  but most simply surrender to human forces.  For earth, the cost has been staggering and  humanity has gone from a population of almost   8 billion to just over one billion. But the war  has been won. Earth is free of invaders for the   first time in thirty years, and the survivors  can once more rebuild their shattered nations.   Much as it has many times before, humanity will  rise from the ashes, and should the aliens send   another invasion force in the future, they'll meet  a planet armed with their own advanced technology,   reverse-engineered for human use,  and determined to remain free. Want to learn about a real alien military  encounter? Check out Iran Military Intercepts UFO,   or check out this other video instead!
Channel: The Infographics Show
Views: 1,038,796
Rating: 4.8221331 out of 5
Keywords: alien, aliens, military, united states military, ufo, us military, alien invasion, war, alien war, space war, planet earth, aliens invade earth, the infographics show
Id: EmYW01na_tE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 17sec (797 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 07 2020
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