Science 8 - Quarter 3 Week 1-2 | Particle Nature of Matter

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[Music] good day learners welcome back to another science eight episode and welcome to our first episode in quarter three once again my name is mom hannah and i hope everyone is having a wonderful day in this episode we are going to explore what matter is made of and go beyond what your eyes can see let's get started today let's talk about matter do you know the word matter let's put your prior knowledge into practice by doing this activity for 15 seconds try to look for three examples of matter that can be found in your kitchen are you ready let's go [Music] oh look what i found i have a plate a plastic cup and a spoon here so what about you what did you find so do you think these three examples i found in our kitchen are examples of matter yes of course so at this moment did you recall the meaning of matter so anything which has mass and occupy space is known as matter do you believe these three materials have mass and pick up space so before we answer that let's define the difference between mass and volume mass is the amount of matter an object has when describing mass we usually use the units kilogram and graph volume on the other hand is the amount of space that an object occupies and we usually use the units levers or milliliters to describe volume so these three materials obviously have mass and volume and therefore classified as matter everything around us is made up of matter such as your ball pen your self-learning modules the table beside you and the water you drink the air you breathe and all living things everything around you are made of mapper and they all have a specific mask and take up space in this episode we are going to explore the characteristics of the particles of matter by doing some simple yet exciting experiments that you can try at home so our most essential learning competency is explain the properties of solids liquids and gases based on the particle nature of matter matter can be classified as solid liquid or gas to explain the properties of these three common states of matter we will discuss the four characteristics of the particle nature of matter so these are the four characteristics of the particles of matter first matter is composed of tiny particles second the particles have spaces between them third the particles are moving all the time and last the particles of matter attract each other let's now start investigating these characteristics in our experiment table let's go so now let's look at the first characteristic of the particles of matter matter is composed of tiny particles so we have some shrew butter and a cup of water i'm going to mix the sugar into the water [Music] so look the sugar is no longer visible what happens to the sugar so i'm going to taste the water [Music] it tastes sweet indicating that it contains sugar but why is sugar no longer this boil the sugar particles have already mixed with the water particles the shoehorn is broken down into tiny particles by the water it's so small that we can see it with our naked eyes therefore it demonstrates that matter is composed of tiny or very small particles i have here another simple experiment that has further shown this characteristic of the particle of matter i have a powder dye and four cups of water here the first cup contains 200 ml of water and the remaining cups contain 100 ml of water i'm going to add one teaspoon of powdered dice to our first half then gradually pour half of the mixture of the first cup into our second cup the same goes for the third and fourth cups [Music] [Music] so what did you notice as you can see a small amount of dye can color a large amount of water because the color of the dye can be seen until the last cup this means that when dissolved in water the powdered dye must contain millions of tiny particles that can spread through a large amount of water so from this we can say that matter whether it is solid liquid or gas is made up of millions or even billions of tiny particles so we're done with the first characteristic of the particles of matter now let's move on to the second characteristic of the particles of matter the particles have spaces between them again i have here a glass of water and some sugar i'll put a teaspoon of sugar in the water and carefully monitor the water [Music] so what is the volume of the sugar water solution is there a rise in water level obviously none why because sugar particles can fit between the spaces of water particles when dissolved in water this demonstrates that water is composed of tiny particles with spaces between them now i'll be using a syringe sugar and water for the next experiment let's pull the plunger of the syringe until it reaches the 30 ml mark [Music] then i'll press my thumb against the plunger step and push the plunger once with my other thumb [Music] so as you can see the plunger can be pushed all the way to the 15 ml level of the syringe before returning to the 26 ml level this time i'm going to cut the water up to 30 ml of decent hinge again i'm going to tightly cover the tip of the syringe with my thumb and try to push the plunger [Music] so what happened obviously we cannot push the plumber in the syringe with water inside we felt the resistance of the water to be encompressed and finally i'll put the sugar into the syringe [Music] and as i did with the water and cover the tip of the syringe with my tongue and push the plunger with my other top so what did you notice are we able to compress the sugar sugar as a solid cannot be compressed because the particles are so close together the spacing between the particles is extremely small and there is no way for them to get any closer meanwhile the plunger could not be pushed into the syringe with water because water is not as compressible as air the particles of liquid are closer to each other and it's difficult to get them any closer lastly air being a gas can be compressed because there are large spaces between the particles it can be compressed causing the particles to come closer now let's proceed to the third characteristic of the particles of matter the particles are moving all the time i'm going to use the powdered dye and water mixture we made earlier and slowly add a little drop of it along the side of this water filled bottle then let's set this bottle aside without disturbing the setup and wait for 10 minutes before observing the water inside the bottle [Music] so when we wait for 10 minutes let's conduct our next experiment to demonstrate this characteristic and i have a guess [Music] or for this experiment she will simply spray her favorite perfume on her body while we are one fur apart so do you think i can smell monday's perfume of course and it smells great so how how i can smell mangari's perfume even though we are a meter apart simply because the perfume particles are moving and as they move they reach my nose which is why i smelled the first glue now going back to our plastic bottle let's wait for the remaining time before we get it time's up let's check up our plastic bottle and see what happens as you can see the dye has spread throughout the water as the resulting mixture is nearly the same color as the dye this simple experiment shows that water particles are constantly moving the particles of giant water mixture break down into tiny particles as they fall into the water and because the different particles and the water are constantly moving the dye particles spread throughout the water so in solid the particles vibrate slowly at fixed position because the particles are so close with each other therefore solid particles do not flow easily in liquid the particles can move around much faster than solid particles and can slide past each other because they have enough spaces between them in gas the particles move freely at high speeds because of the large space between the particles therefore liquid and gas particles can flow easily so now let's proceed to the last characteristic of the particles of matter the particles of matter across each other to show this characteristic i have a piece of metal here can i break this one [Music] i'm afraid i can do that as you can see the particles in this type of object attack each other very strongly making it difficult to break what about this grappler of course i can i can also cut the water or the air the force of attraction between the particles in this type of matter is to weak so based on these examples we can conclude that the attraction force varies between substances but it can show us that the particles of matter surely attract each other in solid the attractive forces between the particles are strong enough that the particles do not move past each other as a result solid has a specific shape and volume meanwhile in liquid the attractive forces between particles are strong enough to hold the specific volume but not strong enough to keep particles sliding over each other therefore liquid has a specific volume but no specific shape it only assumes the shape of the container it occupies lastly in gas there are less or essentially no attractive forces between particles because the kinetic energy of gas particles is greater than the attractive forces between them they are much farther apart and freely move away from each other therefore gas has no specific shape or volume so before we finish this last one let's review the four characteristics of the particle nature of matter always keep in mind that almost everything around us is made of matter now let's check your overall understanding by completing this activity how much did you learn let's find out this quiz is divided into 5 categories answer each question according to its category question 1 multiple choice this state of matter has a definite shape and volume with particles closely packed together with little movement [Music] correct the answer is solid question two true or false liquids have a definite volume but no definite shape [Music] correct the answer is false question 3 fill in the blank matter is made of blank excellent matter is made of tiny particles question 4 yes or no gas particles can be compressed because there are large spaces between the particles [Music] very good the answer is yes question 5 video question when you bring two drops of water near each other and allow them to touch why do they combine immediately and become one drop [Music] correct because the water molecules are attracted to each other did you get all the right answers if so everyone did a great job to wrap up this episode let's look at the properties of solids liquids and gases and identify the particle nature of matter that is responsible for each property so that's all about this episode i hope you've learned something new always remember that you have mass and take up space which means you matter see you in the next episode happy learning and stay safe [Music] [Applause] you
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Id: qAwuwtmZaeI
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Length: 19min 14sec (1154 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 28 2022
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