Phases of Matter PART 1 | Grade 8 Science Quarter 3 Week 1 Lesson

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good day students welcome back to my estrang techie YouTube channel it's been a long time students how are you doing today we have a new lesson it is from grade 8 science water free week one lesson are you ready to learn our new topic for today please keep on watching [Music] today is a new day to learn an interesting topic our lesson for today is all about the properties of matter at the end of this video you will be able to explain the properties of solids liquids and gases based on the particle nature of matter [Music] substances into elements compounds and mixtures neon you will be on a magical journey properties are you excited class let's go look around inside your house you can see variety of things such as television table chair book carton of milk and many more similarities [Music] they are all examples of matter is anything that has mass and volume and it takes up space [Music] examples of matter remember class that matter occupies Space volume is a measure of the space occupied by an object cell phone [Music] if your answer is chair then you are correct Mass the amount of material in a body is referred to as its mass and matter has mass now let us try this activity must or not classify the following pictures as matter or not are you ready let's answer let's have the first picture wallet is it a mother or not mother that's right next three or Hindi matter [Music] hit [Music] O A Hindi matter next water vapor or steam Ito I matter [Music] that's right vinegar osuka itubai matter or Hindi Ito I matter then next smoke or usok Ito I matter Tama tanghuli light is this is not a mother that is correct based on this activity we can say that all our answers in the matter column can be measured because matter occupies space and has mass at light do they occupy space the answer is no they do not occupy space and don't have mass Hindi matter heat and light are forms of energy and in chemistry energy is not a matter matter can be classified according to the nature of particles composing them in class they are classified as solid liquid and gas is solid try putting a coin into a cup [Music] or seism coin voila the coin keeps its original shape and volume [Music] because the coin is solid we can Define solid as the state of matter that has a definite shape and volume the particles of a substance in a solid state is very close together the forces between particles are strong that the particles cannot move freely but can only vibrate look at the picture class as a result a solid object has a stable definite shape and a definite volume and ibix shape at volume container next is liquid [Music] orange juice from a pitcher to a glass did the orange juice take the shape of the glass yes [Music] orange juice orange juice orange juice liquid liquid is the state of matter that has a definite volume but takes the shape of its container the particles in liquids move fast enough to overcome some of the attraction between them the particles slide past each other until the liquid takes the shape of its container although liquids change shape they do not easily change volume and volume as you can see in the picture a liquids particles move back and up to overcome some of the attraction between them that is liquid gas [Applause] [Music] inflate um what have you observed we can say inflate um it is because of the state of matter called gas and gas is the state of matter that has no definite shape or volume the particles of a gas move very quick and fast so they can break away completely from one another check out this picture class attraction between particles then between the particles of the same element in the solid or liquid state the position of the empty space between dust particles a Hindi fixed among a particles as the air fills the balloon so the position of empty space between the gas particles increases [Music] liquid or gas matter is made up of particles that are in constant random motion and are held together by attractive forces among a tiny particles matter is made up of tiny particles known as atoms particles of matter keeps on moving all the time [Music] solid liquid and gas particles observations una it is made up of tiny particles particles of matter are moving all the time these particles have spaces between them the particles of matter attract each other matter is almost everywhere it can be identified as solid liquid or gas and that is all for our lesson today I hope you learned something new stay tuned for our next video goodbye class
Channel: Maestrang Techy
Views: 72,036
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: solid, liquid, gas, grade 8 lesson, Science taglish, matter, deped melc based
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 57sec (597 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 11 2022
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