Particle Nature of Matter (Activity 1 and 2) Module 1 (Part 1) | SCIENCE 8 - Quarter 3

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what is matter made of how does the particle model of matter explain some observed properties and changes in matter good day everyone and good day to my grade 8 students and to all the students out there hello welcome back to our youtube channel this me again featured in may shampoo say young science journey shampre if you are new to this channel don't forget to subscribe like and hit the notification bell for more updates in science 8. for today's lesson vlog we're going to discuss about the particle nature of matter and you'll be familiarized with these terms the matter atom molecule and angstrom this module about particle nature of matter will shift your understanding and thinking about the macroscopic view of materials that was emphasized when you were in grade 3 to grade 7 about the submacroscopic view of matter your understanding of the particle nature of matter is crucial on how you will understand a what is thought in the life physical and earth sciences in addition understanding of this particular nature of matter helps you to explain the concepts such as chemical bonding chemical reactions the effects of pressure temperature and volume on gases changes in the state of matter properties such as density and compressibility and topics in life sciences such as osmosis and diffusion in this lesson vlog we're going to perform three activities and activity one is all about which is matter and which is not for activity number two what is matter made of and for activity number three are the particles of matter moving what is between them okay [Music] before we proceed in explaining and defining what is matter so let us perform a simple activity wherein you're going to identify the samples whether they are matter or not so just tell me yeah say yes if it is a matter and no if not okay so i want you to get uh scratch paper and then you list down all the samples that i am going to cite okay for number one i have prepared here a sugar granules okay so i get this from the kitchen okay second we have okay me too big daddy water number two and then we also have a stone here okay stone you know how are you and then we also have libs okay oregano and then we also have the air inside the ball so well so i took a long picture and then we also have here the smoke and heat and light okay now tell me your answer sugar granules matter or not very good yes this is a matter water is it matter or not of course it is also a matter very good [Music] how about the stone matter or not okay very good it is also a matter air inside the ball matter or not [Music] very good that is also a matter how about the leaf leaf how about the leaf yes this is also a matter now how about this move matter or not yes that is also a mother now let us have the heat and heat [Music] of course it's not a matter how about the night [Music] yes that is not a matter now let's discuss this now my question is what similarities have you observed on the first five given samples we have the sugar granules the water stone air inside the ball and the leaf [Music] okay very good so as you can observe these first five samples can be measured [Music] we can also measure that and of course we can also measure the uh the leaf okay do you think all the samples can occupy space yes or no occupying space okay no egg the hat on space except for the last two which are the light and hit okay how about the smoke we considered smoke as a matter but do you think it can occupy space do you think it has mass can we measure the smoke yes of course if collected in a container and covered afterwards it can be observed that smoke can occupy space and the mass can be obtained smoke measurements are made with photometer system shining vertically through the tunnel near the exhaust end the percentage of light absorbed by the smoke in the exhaust gases is recorded against time the area under the curve obtained is taken as a measure of the total quantity of smoke produced now our next question is do you think light and heat have mass do they occupy space [Music] if your answer is no then you are correct heat and light do not have mass they do not occupy space because this are not matter heat is an energy in transit and light is a form of energy heat is a form of energy and energy isn't a form of matter because it is not composed of atoms or molecules same as light light is a form of energy not matter because as we all know matter is made up of atoms light is actually electromagnetic radiation moving electric charge or moving electrons or the electric current causes a magnetic field and a changing magnetic field creates an electric current or electric field and an enemy band that based on your observations while you are doing and identifying this some possibilities matter or not you are just observing the characteristics of this sample of matter yes you are describing some characteristics of matter and these characteristics of a given sample of matter are called properties matter can have different properties we can measure the mass of an object by simply using an equipment or an instrument like spring balance weighing scale or a triple beam balance remember that the mass of an object is a measure of the amount of matter the object has and as you can notice in our activity we have here the water and this water as you can see it occupies the space of this container okay remember that the measure of the space occupied by an object is called volume remember that all matter has mass and space i am a sabinate matter is anything that occupies space and has mass and also remember that matter has different properties such as hardness texture color flexibility malleability electrical conductivity which can vary from one sample to another we are all familiar with matter the definition of matter is anything that has mass and volume takes up space for most common objects that we deal with every day it is fairly simple to demonstrate that they have mass and take up space you might be able to imagine however the difficulty for people several hundred years ago to demonstrate that air had mass and volume air and all other gases are invisible to the eye have very small masses compared to the equal amounts of solids and liquids and are quite easy to compress which is change in volume without sensitive equipment it would have been difficult to convince people that gases are also matter if you can still record your science during your great seven days you can still remember that you have studied also the different properties of matter wherein or the common properties of solutions wherein you investigated how fast this sugar and salt can be dissolved in water and another thing is you compare the boiling point of a substance which is the distilled water and also with that mixture which is the salt water now one of the important things that you should remember and you should know about this topic is what is matter made off okay [Music] hours what happened again okay so next question is all about what is matter made of and these questions can be answered in our next activity which is what is matter made of hi okay now let us proceed with activity number two what is matter made of in this activity you're going to infer from given situations or observable events what matter is made of and then we're going to explain how these observed situations or events give evidence that matter is made up of tiny particles in this activity what is matter made of we're going to uh prepare this materials so we have one cup one half cup of refined sugar okay so uh i since graduated cylinder but since when i went to school at home graduated cylinder so using a clean and dry graduated cylinder so let us pour sugar with 20 ml mark of the graduated cylinder since cylinders okay and then let us prepare also one cup of distilled clean top water or clean tip top water so it in a shower and then we also have one piece of 100 ml graduated cylinder so since prepare now 50 ml of distilled or cleaned up water using the treated cylinder since i mean rice cooper since i know after measuring 50 ml of water so we're going to add the 50 ml of sugar and then we mix it thoroughly i'm just introducing first the materials that we're going to use in this activity so aside from that graduated cylinder i transparent [Music] foreign [Music] okay so let us now proceed with our activity number two so the first thing that you have to do after preparing all the materials that that are needed in our activity so the next thing that you have to do is submissive procedure number four add 50 ml of water to the sugar and mix it thoroughly so it is [Music] and then after mixing this dorally you are going to taste the solution kosher lamb do not try to taste anything in the laboratory experiment unless you are [Music] okay our first question is what is the taste of the resulting mixture [Music] sugar mixed with water okay so of course it tastes sweet okay we may think about the sugar and the water is consistent composed of tiny particles okay so the mixture is sweet because of course sugar is still present but we cannot see it anymore okay the sugar particles mix well with the water particles okay next question 20 m allium sugar and then 50 ml young water when we mix it and then the dissolved nasa the next question is do you think it is still 70 ml let's see if 20 plus 50 70 do you think in a mix 70 ml the volume of the resulting mixture is less than the sum of the volumes of the and mix sugar and watermelon it should result to 70 because 20 ml of sugar and 50 ml of water is 70 ml less than 70 ml now okay this is the answer the combined volume is less than the sum of 20 ml and 50 ml of water this only shows that water is made up of tiny particles with spaces between them so the sugar particles and the yellows and sugar particles are able to fit into these spaces because the sugar particles that dissolve in the water are very small this could not even be observed with the uneaten eye the next step pour one cup of tap water in a transparent glass bottle but since we do not have a glass bottle so let us just have a transparent cup okay next add one small drop of food coloring slowly along the side of the transparent bottle [Music] okay set aside the bottle with food coloring in a locker or corner of your room without disturbing the set up describe the appearance of the contents of the water or the bottle after one day compare it with appearance when you left the bottle the previous day [Music] describe what you observe after adding the food coloring as you can observe in this situation the food coloring flowed along the side of the bottle and spread slowly towards the bottom of the container and begun to spread throughout the water next question is what happens to the food coloring drop in the bottle containing water okay let us observe after one day the food coloring has totally spread throughout the water since the resulting mixture has a color almost the same as that of the food coloring let us think about food coloring in water as made up of particles since both the food coloring and water are made up of particles the particles of food coloring are able to fit into the spaces of water molecule [Music] studying what matter is made of involves dealing with tiny particles that beyond what our eyes can see almost 2500 years ago leopos and his disciple democratus nature atoms and void that surrounds them okay so paramas structures behind this structure concepts and ideas atomic theory gives explanation about the composition of properties of matter well in fact 500 bc marami time a greek philosophers and then thompson ernest ruder ford and niels bohr so that if one were to cut pieces of element into smaller and smaller pieces so it would eventually lead to uncut a ball so begin kohina example okay for example [Music] [Music] [Music] can be divided and subdivided into very small particles [Music] or invisible the idea of the atom was not further explored until a little over two centuries ago when john dalton presented concrete evidence that all matter is made up of very small particle called atoms anuba atom is the smallest particle of an element that has all the properties of an element today we know that although atoms are very small they are not indivisible as democrats thought rather they consist of still smaller particles democrats was right in one aspect of his belief that is atoms are the smallest particles of which substances are made when you were in grade 7 elements that atoms of most elements combine with another atom different elements have different properties because the combining atoms are different and the way the atoms are joined together are also different nothing less than vlad pak until the present time and you will also learn that atom is still made up of even smaller parts yes even though the universe consists of things as widely different as ants and galaxies the matter that makes up all these things is composed of a very limited number of building blocks this building blocks are known as atoms and so far scientists have discovered or created a grand total of 100 different types of atoms scientists have given a name to each different type of atom a substance that is composed of only one type of atom is called an element at this point what should amaze you is that all forms of matter in our universe are made with only 118 different building blocks let us now proceed with molecule so what is a molecule when we say molecule this is a particle consisting of two or more atoms combined together in a specific arrangement it is an electrically neutral particle it is a smallest particle of an element or compound that can exist independently example molecule of a water sodium molecule now water it is h2o say bcb hint it's a combination of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen another example is oxygen in the air which consists of oxygen molecules which are made up of two oxygen atoms and you also have to remember that atoms are too can be measured in angstrom and remember that one angstrom is a unit of length equal to the 1 10 millionth of a millimeter [Music] the best light microscope can magnify an image only about 1 500 times electron microscopes create a highly magnified image of up to 1 million times the scanning tunneling microscope or the stm allows scientists to view and scan the surface of very small particles like atoms it can magnify an image 10 million times the stm creates a profile of the surface of an atom and then a computer generated model or contour map is produced so only a model of the surface of an atom is generated by a computer when a scanning tunneling microscope is used the picture of atoms generated is unlike the picture [Music] okay let's go back to the activity number two where we conducted an experiment about mixing the sugar with water so nothing combination and water sugar it still tastes sweet let's talk about the volume the volume of the mixture is less than the combined volume of the unmixed sugar and water baka kaya less than 70 ml sha okay it's because the particles of the water is smaller an american tiny particles with spaces between them samantha sugar [Music] measurement in short the water molecules could fit in the spaces between the sugar molecules and vice versa okay can you familiar behave and support this is the method of painting using dots to create pop up with various effects [Music] a good analogy to consider related to matter being composed of tiny particles is the pointless style of painting the images in a pointless painting appear continuous but if one looks closely the images are actually made of small dots pointillism is a method of painting using dots to come up with various effects the dots are placed singly in a rows or randomly these dots can also be in groups or they can be overlapping they can be either uniform or varied in size in the same painting matter is similarly assembled with atoms of different elements combined in various ways to give a tremendous variety of substances this is the end of our lesson vlog for week 1 quarter 3 of module one in your science eight thank you for listening i hope you learned something from this lesson vlog so see you again satinas uh that is a continuation of our lesson about the uh the particle nature of matter so we're going to perform another set of experiments and activities [Music] okay see on my next vlog so don't forget to subscribe like and hit the notification bell for more updates in science thank you and goodbye like subscribe subscribe [Laughter] [Music] bye [Music] you
Channel: Khristine Min Jin
Views: 58,637
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: science, atom, what is matter made of, molecule, matter, natture particle of matter, science 8
Id: Wbx8Q3ZbbCE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 25sec (1885 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 06 2021
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