School of Prophecy- The power of a TOUCH

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[Music] hey there is today your first time here or maybe your first time in a while if so maybe you're wondering exactly who we are and what this church is all about well we'd like you to know that we're a group of ordinary people who are on an amazing journey together following Christ our guide is the Bible because it's the divinely inspired Word of God and it will never take us in the wrong direction along the way we hope you'll see that we are welcoming and spiritually passionate and that getting to know you is a big deal to us we know that the road is rough sometimes but we'll work really hard to bring you practical and relevant messages to equip and encourage you through life's ups and downs we want you to know that we care about this community and we believe that it's our job to make it a better place so no matter who you are or where you did we're glad you're here with us today and we hope that you'll join us on our journey following Christ and living out his plan for us so welcome to church [Music] I don't care whether the person is saying Amen or not but I'm going to prophesy you are together and you move to the realm of touch I spoke about touching touching touching is one of the most powerful things in the prophetic when you touch someone you are opening up their spirit remember I mentioned something like this if I touch him like this it's also attached you know that this is also having I'm touching him but if I'm touching him like this the way he's gonna respond is his touch is also gonna be in the same manner but if I touch him like this not like this if I touch him like this there's something that I'm doing over his life if I touch him like this I'm embracing him I'm saying everything is okay so the way you touch if I touch him like this it means something do you get what I'm saying so the way you touch someone even when you're prophesying it can trigger their reaction I get it what I'm saying because when I looked God showed me this you see this already it does a lot you don't know what it it does a lot it can open up someone's spirit because this touch it's actually saying to this person don't worry about all these people that are here don't worry about them hearing whatever I'm going to say focus on what I'm saying what is about to bless you because some people there might not be receptive because they don't want people here to hear about what you are going to say about them so but when you do this you are reassure it's like I'm assuring this person that don't worry about anything else this is about you and God it's not about them no man no even if they hear what God is gonna say but it's not about them so don't worry but I'm not saying to the person don't worry but this touch just doing something like this is telling the person not to worry do you get what I'm saying right now so touch it opens up a person's spirit are we together now when moving in the prophetic I also said something I'm gonna go deeper in a few moments but moving in the prophetic I said something I said the way you stand your hands are powerful okay your hands can do a lot your fingers can do a lot remember this the prophetic finger right so since this is the prophetic fina when you prophesy there's something that you are directing to this person you might just think it's just the eye is just pointing it's just pointing no it's not just pointing remember that this finger it carries power it carries authority when you do this to someone someone sees that a person is serious about what he's saying right now so when I'm saying this you need to be careful this specimen is what I want to listen to me when I say you need to be careful but if I'm gonna be like you need to be careful it's condom he's gonna hear it but it's not gonna make a much impact as if you need to be careful are we together now it's still together now sit down when prophesy how many times have you been to certain judges and while the Prophet is prophesying some people will start sitting down they start getting bored lift up your hand if you've ever seen that they start getting poor some people start sleeping some people go to the toilet five times some will be on whatsapp and Facebook understand do you know ask the reason for that is because they are busy prophesying to one person when you move in the prophetic I'm making you understand the way we move in the prophetic if you're following us you'll understand why now when you will see it on TV now in KTV you'll be like I know I profit passion is doing that if I'm gonna be professing you prophesy and prophesy and professing I declare there's a financial breakthrough that is coming over your life then you see me coming I also declare the same to you I receive what are you doing you're making people to connect with you to connect to that prophetic anointing because remember it's not only this person that is coming to change everyone else has come to church and you can't be spending 15 minutes on one person again what I'm saying I no matter how deep that person situation is 15 minutes on one person I may refuse me personally I would like to say that moving in the prophetic maximum on one person should be five minutes moving in a prophetic I'm not talking about one-on-one session one-on-one session maybe we can go 15 minutes you can ask questions but in a service where there are people and everything maximum pushes a 5 minutes 10 mins understand so that you can move on to other people you are still growing in the prophetic so don't act like you're a big major let the man just do that but you personally push yourself to move more in the prophetic minister to different people so that you have more people if you're a minister of the gospel you have a church the more people you minister to means the more people next week if you minister to one person you don't expect an increase of people next week because this person is only gonna bring probably one person or two people because this person is gonna be like I got a prophetic wedding is powerful come let's go to church but what happens now if you minister to 20 people in church it means number one you have more people that are going to evangelize on your behalf number two it means that you have more testimonies that are gonna come to church you get what I'm saying the more testimonies is the more people that are going to be coming to church it's the more people that I want to be coming back and saying you know what we believe in your God amen we are still together are you sure we are still together so when moving in the prophetic make sure that you have people to connect let people connect I declare the same to you I declare the same to you if you are cancelling the spirit of death here make sure that you also what you cancel the spirit of death upon everyone else so let people connect to the prophetic when people do that they enjoy being a church you cannot I'm saying they enjoy being a church sometimes I'm telling you the financial breakthroughs can come to the people then I'm the one your prophesy fest so what happens somebody comes back to church next week and say when the man of God was declaring about financial pressures I received mine thank you Jesus man of God he is a fat envelope you a happy person glory to God now so what must you do in a prophetic create a prophetic Atmos okay people create it differently we can create it by sending some manifest to prepare the prophetic the prophetic some people who put videos for you to watch videos so that you can believe some people can create a prophetic atmosphere through prayer you understand what I'm saying so what I'm saying it's not only limited to one thing you can create a prophetic atmosphere differently it can be created through prayer everybody just lift up your voices begin to pray you can create a prophetic atmosphere can create a prophetic atmosphere through worship can create an a prophetic atmosphere you will see when the worship is up I'm telling you and you prophesy in that there's different ways of moving in the prophetic the way you move in the prophetic when the worship is thick is different from the way you'll move in the prophetic when everybody's joyful and happy and the prophecies will be different as well the prophecies will not be the same I'm getting what I'm saying are you sure you're getting what I'm saying if we can break down in worship and I'm telling you the prophetic that will move when we are declaring cars houses money is different from the prophetic that will move when people are repenting I can't what I'm saying so with the prophetic we'll move in many ways based on also how the people are and based on you also now creating a prophetic atmosphere I've been talking about creating an a prophetic atmosphere in church but let me not talk about you creating a prophetic atmosphere outside of church because sometimes you get to places where no matter how hard you'll try to create a prophetic atmosphere you just not work out so now what do you do do you stop professing do you go back home you close the service no now this is where now you need to be able you on your own to come with a prophetic atmosphere there was a time where I used to create a prophetic atmosphere and then I saw that there were times where the creating a prophetic atmosphere was just wasting time people were just not willing to receive then I changed from that to coming to a point now where I need to bring the prophetic atmosphere no matter which church I go to whether they believe what they don't believe I'm bringing a prophetic atmosphere if they've never shot a prophesy when I enter they're going to shut professor me if they when if when you preach they don't say Amen hallelujah not when I preach when I preach me I'll tell them before I start say in the next few minutes you'll be lifting up chase I'm telling you they will do that call me to your agency I don't want to lie to you I don't want to lie to you you see the one that doesn't clap hands in church you see that one standing up fists you need to bring the prophetic atmosphere now how do you create the prophetic atmosphere now the son of man I'm with him most of the time before I come to church now when he comes you'll either find me listening to my father prophet passion or you'll find me listening to myself and he'll be like papa why do you listen to yourself when you're about to go and preach I said the reason I listen to myself number one is because maybe if the whole week I was being distracted by certain things in life when I listen to myself I'm actually reminding myself that hey your hope Corsa but this is what you do so where you are going you are expected to do what you are seeing there on that video people don't want to hear about your emotions they don't want to hear about your stories they don't want to hear about who stole your money who did what they want to see you they want to see this and they want to hear you preach some channeling my mind to move in that same man and when I see myself going crazy there I'm seeing myself I said if this is what I did last week I can't do the same thing this week I need to do better than what I'm doing so I'm actually challenging myself to do better then I watch them the prophecies the prophecies are prophesied I'll watch it more than 10 times and I'll be like so next week when I go to church I cannot represent in the same level that I prophesied I need to go to another level so I'm challenging myself what am i doing I'm creating an atmosphere for myself I'm in church before I get to church so that by the time I get here I bring my atmosphere into the people you understand listen when you enter the when you enter certain house when you see people there must be a certain presence that you carry I hear what I'm saying in such a way if people with gossiping when you enter they must be like so how is this the soccer match yesterday but they were busy gossiping all this time because you carry a presence so many prophets don't carry their presence they carry their prophetic but they don't carry their presence there's a difference someone who carries the presence of God I'm telling you when that person enters you just start feeling some type of way that this man is this man you need to carry the presence understand what I'm saying so when you come already you are already ready to move in the prophetic so that's how I create my atmosphere before I come to church I already watched myself I've already watched my father moving in the prophetic reminding myself that this is what I'm born to do this is what I'm supposed to do and I'm already putting it in myself that I'm going there to help people I'm going to bless people that's what I already have by the time I get to church I'm telling you it's fire you get what I'm saying I was in one of our branches in Tanzania and things were just down there things were just down I was not feeling it there was just something wrong there was happening then one of our branches I don't know what it is and I didn't bother myself to find out what it is so I was moving in the prophetic and it was just so I said something to this other lady and she just looked at me like I'm crazy or something like you know those people just you say something they don't respond they don't do anything later on when I asked her I said I I saw in the realm of the Spirit I saw you with a man and when I saw you with a man I saw this man passing away because I saw this man very sick and when I saw this man passing away I saw a young girl and I saw this young girl coming to you and say why are you crying and you are saying it's because man has passed away she just kept quiet and said go deeper you know and those people who say that you feel like I felt like you know I know that I don't miss a me ID me personally it's not quite I just know hi account man I can't you know those days maybe but not now man I can I can't do that you know sometimes you know that you you know when you do so much you have so much sacrifices you sacrifice so many things to be where you are and then to make errors I mean it's not possible I mean I'll go I will not come back to committing back for the next two months I make an error I'm not coming for the next two months I'm going to fast and pray so that when I come back if you still say AHA last time we made an error I'll call you come I'll tell you from that day you came to change to two months ago what you were doing you and lo now spend 30 minutes to an hour prophesying you they now put it on YouTube and say historic prophecy so I promise I'd that being the lady just looked at me I carry on prophesy and carry on prophesy and then at the end I asked the lady I staying with a man said yes I'm staying with a man but you are not married to that man yes I'm not married do you have a child yes I have a child is it a girl yes it's a girl how old is the kill the kill is about seven years old when I said these things why were you quiet and just looking at me as if I'm crazy then I started smiling yeah then I repeated the statement I don't miss so another thing you need you need confidence people okay you need confidence you don't need pride confidence not pride if you made an error you made an error I remember one time I was prophesying and I prophesied to girls there were very very close friends close as if when you see them you'll think they're sisters now I did a mistake I took this ones prophecy and I gave it to this one and I took this ones prophecy and I gave it to this one you will encounter these things at some point in the prophetic so now with this one everything that I was saying to this one this one knows that it doesn't belong to hey it belongs to me but they are quiet then I take this ones prophecy I give it to this one then I ended up saying because I saw you in the realm of the Spirit crying for your mother because I saw that your mother passed away wait your mother my mom is at home you see what I'm doing right now that's exactly what I did and I said ah no problem I made a mistake but I carried on prophesy I see okay I carried on prophesy after church they came to me both of them and they were like men of good everything you were saying about her it was for me and this was like everything you're saying about me it was for him okay god bless you that's to everyone that day my god you know that embarrassment of knowing that you you know that mistake that you cannot see cover-up made that mistake and I said it in front of everyone I made an error because remember this when you make an error in the prophetic it's not God it's you what is not confused it means somewhere in between of you saying that says the Lord your mind clipped in and influence that they're prophetic are we together okay now how are you learning something here I learning something okay now we are gonna go a little bit deeper now I want you to find me the patch in the Bible where Adam was naming the animals it's in Chapter number what - there's something something where Adam was naming the animals if you find it just tell me when Adam was naming the animals and God brought all the animals to Adam verse 20 what does it say livestock all the bits of the sky and all the wild animals but still there was no helper just as for him so the Lord God formed from the ground all the world animals and all the base of the sky he brought them to the men to see what he would call them and the men chosen him and God brought all the animals to the men to see what he would call them right so God brought all the animals to Adam to see what he would call them are we together and Adam began to say this one is a lion this one is an elephant this one is this carrion that was after you called him to see what he gave them names to all the livestock on all the beds of this kind in all the world animals but still there was no help but just right for him so when Adam was giving all the names God brought all the names this version doesn't say the other but it says that after that after God brought Adam all the animals to Adam to see what you name them then all the when the Adam was naming all the animals it was the names which God had already given the animals it was its name what is your vision say and out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast and living creatures of the felt and every bed of the air and brought them to Adam to see what he would call them and whatever Adam called every living creature that was its name that was its name the part that says that was its name does not mean that after now it was declared the lion then that means that now it was its name the part which says and that was its name it means that before Adam named them it was its name they must be into you right now before Adam named the animals the animals already had names but God just brought them to see if what I've created has the same mind at the same prophetic anointing as me it was already a lion but God now is bringing the lion to Adam to see if Adam is able to tap into the prophetic anointing so the calling of names the calling of surnames it is biblical because what am I saying this why am I telling you this because there are people that are gonna come to you that are gonna say to you why do you do this thing it's useless why do you must you tell me what I ate yesterday why why there's a reason for that are we together and it is biblical for you to prophesy people's names the Bible says God will call you by your name okay how will he do that will I just calm down and be like hey hope what's up can use a prophet say your name is hope yes my name is hope imagine God told Ananias and say I wanted to go down and find a man and his name is sow and that man you shall anoint that man and Ananias was afraid because he knew saw was a killer but for the fact that God called Saul by name he knows that when he's getting there he's not gonna make a mistake are we together are we together okay so calling of names I'm gonna get there now here this one in the prophetic there are different ways we can operate in it I spoke about prophetic utterance prophetic utterance is when you come to church you don't know anyone you never plan to prophesy and then all of a sudden you start flowing in the prophetic you start prophesying you never planned it it's called prophetic utterance it has nothing to do with you it has everything to do with the Holy Spirit it's prophetic utterance everything you are saying the Holy Spirit will be leading you to say that's why after what you'll be asking yourself how are they able to do that people ask you how were you able to do that and you will say I don't know I was just flowing in the prophetic you'll be saying to people that says the Spirit of God I'm gonna lift you up and I heard God saying to me that your life is about to change when did you hear God they may rewind because it seems like you didn't hear what I said you are flowing in a prophetic and I heard God's saying to me that your life is about to change question when did you hear God you didn't hear God speak to me now you didn't hear God right it's prophetic utterance your Minister you are just flowing it means that your spirit and the Holy Spirit have become one
Channel: Hope Khoza
Views: 18,806
Rating: 4.8105264 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 0sec (1440 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 21 2018
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