School of Prophecy-Prophetic INTERPRETATION

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[Music] you know that it's not just coming from you it's something that you are doing spiritually and standing what I'm saying listen do you know that the same way this is just like this do you know that you can dream of yourself being in a certain place but your body someone else how are you there it's a dream that means your spirit being is able to leave your body and go somewhere else and look to other things somewhere else and come back when it's time to wake up five o'clock so how much more now now what we are doing as prophets we are doing that now while we are awake it can be happening to you while we're sleeping but we are doing it while we're awake while we're awake like this and we say I traveled faster you understand you are doing the same thing oh my god when you slip into your agree that you travel when you're sleeping do you know that that's why sometimes even when you are super super tired do you know that you can travel in the spirit even for one minute it can be really really fast you can see so many things within 30 seconds and you just be like you'll be awake again but like I just saw some things and you can be like I just saw this I just saw this I just saw this now how much more if you can do that while your conscience and you're like I am doing this now do you see that already this thing is out is already inside of you it's already inside of you now it needs what you need to do now you need to Train it now to come to a point where you are the one that can be able to control where to go and where not to go are you hearing what I'm saying I'll wait together now and what I'm saying do you believe that you can do what I'm saying what I'm saying it's already inside of you if you can dream it if you can dream it my god you can be able to do it here oh my god are we together you are able to move in the prophetic you are able to move in in in dimensions you are able to travel in the spirit you just need to the only part that you need to overcome is that part of what if it's not like that what if it is like that that's the question you should be asking yourself what if there what if I'm complaining about is like that what if Abraham is not his name but what if Abraham is his name you see the confidence that you need to build in yourself I was listening to was this guy Trevor no and about him being an American and stuff and he met up with one of these other guys I forgot his name he's acting in the movie Creed and Trevor no that guy that was acting in that movie everybody was saying that he does not deserve the role he doesn't deserve to actor that role and everything and Trevor no I asked him a question like where ever since I came to America everybody saying I don't deserve to be doing the daily show and everything how did you overcome that criticism says why not me like that's the question should be asking yourself like why not me like yes everybody can say it but when I look at myself I deserve it I deserve to be doing this so in the prophetic you need that confidence or saying to yourself if I have why shouldn't I be correct why shouldn't I move in the prophetic why shouldn't I travel why shouldn't i prophesy and be happy about what I'm promised I I kidding what I'm saying right now the confidence you need listen this this this should be your daytime job it should be something that makes you happy if there's one thing that should make you happy it's what you're doing should make if it doesn't make you happy just leave it I know some of you you are working just because you are working there for the money not because you love your job working for the money but what more if you can find something that doesn't even pay that much but you love doing it you will do it wholeheartedly so same thing in the things of the spirit as long it satisfies your soul it satisfies your spirit that once you've done it you feel that yeah yeah yeah I feel God just go ahead and do it just go ahead and be happy while doing it amen I don't know if you get him this what I'm saying this demonstration that I'm saying you stand on your prophetic tower stand on your own your prophetic chariot or your prophetic Eagle or your prophetic wat wat your prophetic by not as your whatever it is that you want to call it that is your prophetic whatever then that is your tower are we together sit down most of these most of the things like and I looked with my prophetic binoculars there's no prophetic binoculars it's just a way of getting your attention and making you feel like wow he's really doing it I understanding what I was saying right now I wish I wish you can encrust with this I think I should give you time to just digest what I'm saying right now and just hey my god so what we are going to do now is this you are going to go back home not now we still have another service what we are going to do is this for this next coming week you are going to prophesy on your words up you are going to prophesy on your facebook if you feel that you are not yet bold enough for that by a newspaper each and every day pray while holding that newspaper put a newspaper down and whatever tell make a prayer that Lord whatever that I'm going to see now let may you be the one that shows it to me whatever I'm going to write let it be you then whatever you feel whatever you see whatever it is that you feel that is inside that newspaper you write it down you write there's a story about this distance let's start right down 20 things then start opening the newspaper then you take you take you take 10 out of 20 no problem tomorrow you do it again you improve like that then the same way when we meet next week the same way you'll be using to get all of those things accurately in your newspaper or over people's lives or if you are using cards I used to have cards I used to shuffle cards you know would you just put them there and I used to say this is number eight this is number five this number one what I thought then when I got better at knowing the numbers then I had to go deeper now this is number eight huts this is number two spades then you see are you improving then the same way you use in those exercises is the same way you use when it comes to somebody's life are we together I want you to I want you to be deep in the prophetic the same way you'll be using is the same way you'll be using to get numbers so zero seven one people like how do you do it it's because you have these things that you can do it with and then next week before we start prophesy on one another I'm going to talk about colors because colors matter the way you're dressed says a lot about you says a whole lot about you I can provide all of you just using the clothes you are wearing right now like I said if in a prophetic in the prophetic prophetic atmosphere anything even the way you are sitting we can prophesy you based on the way you are sitting don't move sit the way you are sitting all right I want you to demonstrate something this guy right here everybody you can see the way sitting as you can see him right there wearing a light blue jersey maroon shirt underneath like shoes black socks black trousers sitting like this the way is sitting come come come just come out to the front bring your chair and I want you to bring your chair I want you to sit I want to demonstrate something to you and you're gonna see this is now what we call prophetic interpretation oh yeah I feel something right here the way is sitting right now are we together he's sitting like someone was waiting to be called he's expecting something the way city it's like there are other people that are sitting next to him they've been called and he knows that my name is about to come up afterwards so the way it's sitting is expecting something so when you start in the prophetic when I looked at your life there's been something that you've been waiting for for a long time there's something you've been waiting for for a long time for in a long long time because when I looked I saw other people some people that even came after you've been called and you have not yet been called so people who came before you people who came after you progressing more than you who has been there for a long time it's like the way I'm looking at him when you look at him with the way he's dressed black stands for faith so many people can say black is death white or thought but it's by interpretation another black another interpretation for the color black is faith he has a lot of faith this man has a lot of faith that's why even throughout all these challenges and throughout all the delays that he's been having he still believes that what is expecting is still gonna come that's the way he's sitting [Music] do you get what I do are you getting something right here ah to be honest this man he should have fallen a long time ago but because of his faith in God he is still holding one believing God for better days the shoes are black that means the way is walking it is not walking by sight because if he walks by sight it means would have fallen a long time ago means is walking by faith it's somebody getting what I'm saying right now what I'm saying to you makes sense right car bruschetta hey now you go deeper can we go deeper now because when I looked in the realm of the Spirit I saw a lot of disappointments when you look at his face you can see a lot of disappointments there's a lot of pain there's a lot of hurt that is there thus you can also go deeper in this way thus he is not just wearing the shed but he's wearing a jersey on top of it you can say what he's trying to do is not because is this a short sleeve shirt this is a short sleeve is a long sleeve now this long sleeve what you can do he could have just dressed the way he's dressed with a shed only and he could have still looked shut but he's wearing a jersey on top of that why is he wearing a jersey he's wearing a dress because he wants to cover himself to be warm now he can tell me number one that he needs a place of covering so that he needs a family that not that's number one number two it can also mean that he's covering his heart because he doesn't want to be heartbroken again and that's why now instead of connecting to a lot of people he has chosen to be in a place of isolation to kind eyes so late himself so that it doesn't connect more people avoiding hot breaks in ministry do you understand what I'm saying to you right now very well we're sorry can I see where my who was telling me all these things he's the one that's telling me these things it's not the Holy Spirit the way it's sitting is telling me the way is dressed is telling me all these things before the Holy Spirit comes in then now we come with the Holy Spirit now this is what God is saying to you in the next two months there's about to be a shift I feel like you're too slow for me I feel like you're too slow for me just by interpretation oh yeah am I speaking to somebody right here come you the way you are sitting I want you to sit here I want to show you something bring your chair with that paper as you are sitting on it those documents come with them everything in the presence of a prophet is prophetic are we together now the way is sitting has two phones a bigger one and a smaller one now that smaller one it was you as you can see the way he's dressed number one we can start there it's wearing a blue jacket a white shirt what I'm gonna say is gonna break this man that jeans just by the way it's dressed I am gonna tell you apart you wanna forgive me miron shows our way together Marren shoes no socks are we together all these things that I'm saying it's prop it's part of the prophetic the reason is not wearing socks is part of the prophetic I were in 6/8 socks you're wearing secret sauce alright he's wearing secret socks is not wearing full socks are we together everything is part of the prophetic number one are you wearing a belt okay with what we are seeing right there the color blue stands for wisdom okay stands for wisdom he has two phones one of them is not his the other one is his but the other one has a cracked screen and since it has a cracked screen it means that there are connections but every connection he gets it gets broken yeah he has the ability to connect with people but every time he connected people those connections will just broke off this thing it does not take five years to break this thing just once back it breaks so it means his connections they will just broke off without him even knowing that people will just disconnect from him okay my professor can I go deeper the jacket it stands for wisdom but as you can see this jacket you can see that this chicken has been there for a long time so as this jacket has been there for a long time even their wisdom that he has is not based on what is happening now he still has wisdom about the things of the past not on the things of this mujin that's why he's once the prophetic anointing that's why it's carrying a phone that is not his he wants something that is not he is something that is not even gifted in he wants a prophetic anointing but he's not gifted in the prophetic but because he wants something new over his life that's why he is wearing this jacket it represents the old knowledge that he has that's why even when you see some things happening now spiritually he can still be shocked in is it God is it not God it's because of all the wisdom that gene that is wearing gene stands for long suffering we are wearing a gene a gene a gene will be with you I behind people let's be honest a gene will never let you down do you know this gene here yes so this gene here it means that there was it once got torn and there's a way that these guys can do it to you know to bring it back to life yeah and and you still wait and you still look cool because that's how a gene is so a gene stands for long suffering so it means that this man has been going through a lot but still has been surviving financially things have not been good but he's been surviving it means that things have been hard but he's been surviving it means that he's been falling but he's been rising at the same time do you get what I'm saying right now it means it's been falling but it's been able to rise then you go deeper because when I'm looking in the realm of the Spirit I see that on both knees it seems like the genes are patched so it means that you've been praying a lot for some tire can you see yeah can you see the set it's both by his knees so it means this man has been praying this means been praying expecting God for something that's why also he's holding their phones why holding phones you're expecting a phone call you're expecting something so it means it's been praying expecting some God to do something over his life but he's been waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting yeah it's true what I'm saying but now we need to pray for this man because when I looked in the realm of the spirit I saw that there's still some things that are locked up inside of him that are troubling him spiritually because I saw in the realm of the spirit that this man before I saw in the realm of the spirit where did I see it I see it by him not wearing a belt and his shed being out so if he's not wearing a belt his is out the Bible speaks about the belt is the belt of truth so it means that there are some things that he's still dishonest with concerning himself that he needs to let go of that's why there's no belt of truth the is just out there the holiness that is supposed to be tucked inside it's not on the inside because the belt is not there do you understand what I'm talking about [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] but we are going to pray in the realm of the Spirit you need to surrender everything to God you've been praying for spiritual gifts spiritual and knowing too much wood but now you need to go back to God and you need to go back and try before God and surrender everything to God do you get what I'm saying you can't choose also to good ah this is already deployed I've said there's no name involved yeah there's money involved eh if I forego two names now are you following the flow can go deeper can go deeper there are some small triangles on you then should you go deeper choose to go deeper trying you know mmm how many are you your siblings maybe with your father you are to your mom you're seven okay all right now when you look at him can also go deeper are we together hi this man and you look at him there's a line here there's a line it says something about you it says a lot in fact it means that he is faced with there's a big decision that is supposed to take in his life he doesn't know whether to go left or to go right there's big confusion he's confused in his prey on which path to take don't if you get what I'm saying we can either say probably maybe we can say you can just choose to go deep maybe we can say he does not know whether he should go into ministry full-time or he should go back to school or go and find a job this is prophetic interpretation I look at him now like what is happening here I have not started saying this is what God is saying or this is what God showed me I just looked at him how to teach you about this in the name of Jesus now we can look at this lady here come take your chair sit there way you are sitting right there and we prophesy are you ready all right when you look at this lady exactly like that look at it she's holding a bag my god what is this telling you when someone is holding them back it means they have lost a lot of things in life that's why she's holding a bag like this she's afraid someone might just come and take it who holds a bag like this in church are people it means it means that she's afraid of losing some certain things in their life and that she's trying to protect her valuables can I go deeper so you can even go deeper maybe and talk about relationships and say maybe she has been opening up to a lot of people but now she's afraid of being heartbroken again that's why she's holding back you understand she wants to hold her back nicely like everyone else she wants to walk freely like everyone else but she can't because she's been losing a lot she's been getting a lot of heartbreaks in life that's why now she wants to be reserved are you getting what I'm saying right now I someone's getting what I'm saying right now you can't just go deeper you understand I'm just to go deeper with the way she's dressed black almost all black but the hair is like blondish brownish again you understand just go deeper are we together are you getting prophetic interpretation so you can choose to go deeper on her left hand there's a Bengal right which is gold okay now this pendulum by interpretation there's some nice decorations like flower type nice decorations that panel is there and the reason that panel is there it is it is it is a prophetic word for something good that is supposed to come out of a life but when we looked in the realm of the spirit is that the gold that is here is actually not supposed to be here it's supposed to be here on the left finger somebody's not getting what I'm saying the reason there isn't the reason it's here this is prophesying a beautiful life a beautiful future but it's still not enough that's the reason she's not wearing a watch it's because it's not yet had time to receive her wedding ring but there's already a prophetic way that something good is going to come because of this flower but now when you look at the flower you know that some flowers they come seasonally right so it means she's going to enter into a season of beautiful things and soon her wedding her marriage is going to be released can i prophesy then you can go to a shoes her shoes is not flat shoes it's like a heel type so it means she's like kinda taller so it means that when you look at her you can think when you look at it you can think she's tall but she's not so you can say that when people look at you they think you are already big they think you're a millionaire but you know deep down inside you know that I'm not yet there it's a cry out in your spirit to be there but you are not yet there that's why people can come to you and they can borrow money from you that's why you don't want to borrow any other people money that's why you're holding [Laughter] people have been borrowing a lot of money why because when they look at their day loot they see as a person with money but now she's holding a bag she doesn't want to borrow people money anymore why because she's been disappointed prophetic interpretation I declare the same to you in the name of Jesus you shall move in this anointing in the name of Jesus oh now this is a prophetic now this one she's actually saying you know what I've been here two before but I believe in this prophetic anointing that my life is about to change I felt about the Holocaust next week we are moving in this anointing when I teach you about colors and I teach you about clothes everything everything that you see it every symbol that you see it has a meaning in the prophetic that's why I said when you come into the midst of a prophet you must know that whatever happens whatever you're going to do it's prophetic be careful what you do might just be hi Ya Ya Ya Ya Ya listen listen just listen to me listen to me please I have not said anything about the Holy Spirit ear and God showing me I saw that and I said I've just looked at how they addressed how they are sitting you understand and from that we've managed to speak things about their lives just by how they are looking now how much more you go into a new place where nobody knows you having prophetic interpretation you mess up the place serious you mess up the place you mess up the place why because already you've been able to look you have the ability now of just looking and seeing you see what is happening now may I stood upon my tower and I waited to see what they are going to they are the ones that told me what's happening in their lives and I never knew that they also told me with the way they're sitting and stuff you understand what I'm talking about now Cobb Rosa Takeda bazzetta everybody stand up thank you I forgot about the documents you are sitting on top of go I forgot my god my god somebody's life is changing here in this place you are going to move in a dynamic prophetic anointing it is already inside of you it's already yours the prophetic anointing is in your spirit it's already installed in your spirit I declare let your prophetic antennas be opened in the name of Jesus let your prophetic eyes be opened in the name of Jesus let your prophetic ears be open in the name of Jesus as you leave this place may you move in prophetic dimensions may you go and help people in different places with this prophetic anointing I declare and decree wherever you shall prophesy the Holy Spirit shall prophesy with you wherever you shall prophesied there will be testimonies in the name of Jesus wherever you will prophesy people will receive direction in the name of Jesus wherever you shall prophesy people shall be saved in the name of Jesus wherever you shall prophesy people will see your God in the name of Jesus [Music] me
Channel: Hope Khoza
Views: 18,689
Rating: 4.9043064 out of 5
Id: XX4hXLRksAk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 45sec (1785 seconds)
Published: Fri May 24 2019
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