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[Music] thank you hello ladies and gentlemen and as always thank you for watching uh today we have a situation which we call a High hook uh it has different terms but anyway our customers call us they have a driver who backed under a trailer and the fifth wheel went past the Kingpin the trailer is loaded and he cannot Jack the trailer up uh to be able to get the truck out from underneath the trailer and then lower the trailer and re-latch it so we have to go help lift the trailer so he can get the truck out from underneath it if it's if I didn't explain it very well you'll see it when once we get there no injuries just one of those things it happens anyway here we go [Music] [Music] to be right around this corner oh that's not good it's not a high hook like I thought or like we were told it actually came off the truck yeah interesting quite interesting go get a closer look here hello you the driver let's go over there you all right I don't know we're having um I had a high hook and I pulled forward it locked back in I did the check it was good it was flush and then okay I threw the tandems and um because that's what they told me was that it was a high hook yeah it was like the tandems and everything because it tend to be always to the um La containers in place and I pulled out like whenever I pulled out it just came unhooked when I turned yeah as soon as I turned it just I started man and you did the tug test and everything yeah I did wow yeah yeah you're gonna need to probably have your uh fifth wheel checked yeah they said oh they said I can't I can't leave with the trailer football had broke at first it's the way it pulled I'm like yeah it's loaded too yeah that's what I hear and they don't give us much to lift off of on these things the chassis just there to hold the thing in place uh the Schneider know that it is not just a high hook now do they know that it's turned into this yeah they know it's on the tire okay all right because the gentleman that called me said that it was just a high hook we just need to lift it and uh you get out from under it and then re-hook but okay you want sir no no you're right you keep doing what you're doing all right okay that thing is not that's not solid enough to lift off of and unfortunately the pin is in there and no my underreach isn't designed to lift this much shoot shoot then better if it had just went all the way off what you thinking oh that's what I'm trying to come up with a plan right now yeah yeah do it sir well but yeah but the problem is you there's nothing up here to grab a hold of uh normally on a regular frame trailer there's hook there's hole hooks in the front that you can just grab chains in and you can lift the front of it no no worries the top of the box the top of the box has these but that's not ideal I can do it but it's not ideal because I have to climb up to be able to hook it I mean you I can still I can do it and do it from the bottom though and run a strap up that's probably the further back I go though the the less leverage I have how heavy is it 21 20 21. oh okay all right baby white okay okay that that doesn't concern me then all right I'm good I'm good with that because what we're gonna do is gonna leave this man hey with you okay he's got the Ottawa gotcha yes yes on the legs here and put it back again all right since it's only 21 I feel a whole lot better all right yeah we can handle that a whole lot I was afraid it was going to be 45 or 48 you know right and they got to hit the maximum wage probably about 24 000. gotcha okay awesome yeah I can lift it with with the straps from the bottom and I don't have to climb up because if if I had to climb up then I have to suit up and we have to have something to you gotta have a man lift or something it gets into a whole big safety issue you're fine I'm gonna pull up right beside it I'm just gonna put nose right up here and uh yep I'll just swing around pick it up let him take off and crank it down foreign [Music] [Music] for those of you wondering yes this thing has a backup beeper the three two to the horn if there's clearly nobody around in the danger area [Music] and that's what the backup alarms for anyway all right [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] but if I raise it up before I get my remote out I'm too short [Applause] all right so I'll get my rigging first foreign ER come on you get out of there foreign you know now I think I got her I thought it was gonna go on the side for a second I asked yeah that would have been scary would have been scary oh foreign there are other ways to rig this I know [Music] [Applause] get my remote really rather use one of these but I don't like these clevises the little crevices thank you just don't see the working load limit let's see what they are seven tons well it would work it would work and it would fit up in that pocket without risking the strap cutting and yes they do make special tools for the containers all right come on baby there we go make sure got everything on preschool nope I didn't good deal I checked [Applause] all right there murders raise me up off the ground there we go off the ground and level and shoot might as well leave that down [Music] foreign God s [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] do you want sir like that oh uh we got this in 2015. oh yeah yes sir they come even farther than that now it's amazing [Applause] thank you [Applause] [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Applause] are you kidding me [Applause] ah that cable Twisted come on you [Applause] all right thank you come on you [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] there you go thank you hold on now I'm gonna say don't I ain't going nowhere all right go [Applause] I know there are other ways to do it like I said but as always there are multiple ways to reach 10 but this worked it worked well it just takes longer to set up and do the rigging but preparation is the key foreign thank you that had been heavier I would have done something different [Applause] foreign foreign [Applause] some people have commented on the increased noise level I think it's simply because I'm using the high idle function at the rabbit instead of the turtle so I'm actually manipulating things faster and the engine is running faster last couple of videos I've done that I don't always do it but on lighter loads I'll use higher speed doesn't bother anything to get out of their way so they can get this trailer hooked thank you you good my friend um good deal thank you man yes sir glad you're all right that's the main thing all right get this all stowed so you can tell I've got the winches on high speed the engine's also on high idle [Music] that may be what you guys are hearing through the camera I don't know either way there's nothing wrong all is well with my baby [Music] trying to do too many functions at once I was trying to go in with the berm down with the boom and up with both winches all at the same time slows all the functions down when you try to do too much at once anyway she didn't roll over driver was uninjured trailers uninjured it appears he may have a damaged fifth wheel it sounds uh the companies advised him to take it to a shop and had the fifth wheel checked before hooking to anything else which is a wise decision in my opinion [Music] for my long time viewers we know that we Stow the Boom at eight degrees and that is simply so that I know at eight degrees I've measured everything and I can clear all obstructions I'm within the legal height limit I can clear cable lines and stuff like that inside residential areas Communications lines all right we're about ready to come on baby again it takes longer to set up and tear down than anything well and that in the drive up foreign popping we do have safety straps around the shocks that uh keep the airbags from over extending whenever I raise it up off the ground that's something dad and I added a long time ago I don't know if Miller may have changed it and done something automatically but uh when we first got this unit we tore a couple of shocks apart and then we had some specialty straps made webbing straps we've pulled the shocks off and put the straps around the shocks so that the straps held the weight rather than just the shocks and we haven't had a problem since everything's stowed don't forget to put it back down on hello Idol here slow down everything quieted down a bit down here within my height range I will have the boys straighten these out tomorrow morning and I'll get out of their way and I want to see them make sure to get it out of here come on darnia [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] notice he's trying to get a square up with it as he can cash see why couldn't me lifting it be that easy wish I could have lifted it that easy all right man you have a good night all right oh he's just gonna go straight back into the parking space with it all right [Music] there it is waiting on a different driver I'm sure yes sir thank you [Music] all right we're gonna head out touchdown as always thank you for watching and God bless [Music] [Music]
Channel: Ron Pratt
Views: 145,931
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: MdgPcOwCA2Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 39sec (2619 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 09 2023
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