“STRUCK BY LIGHTNING” | Real Life Trucking - Episode #360

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foreign [Music] that won't stop me because I can't read [Music] [Music] this is like a brand brand new trailer but it's a 3-5 number I thought the 906s were all in you maybe they're maybe they went back to the three fives but there yeah those things like brand spanking new I got here and I was out guys now it's a little cloudy but that sun was coming in from over there they got a little hot in the truck so I put on my crusty black APU I love this thing man it's definitely worth its weight in gold after I replaced that radiator it's just been awesome it's been doing real good nice and nice and quiet I mean nice and quiet nice and cool in the truck charges my battery so I don't know if I can use the inverter look at that low rider actually fancy used to be like up here now he's down here actually let's go look at this trailer together and I'll tell you what year it is it it should say oh look huh it's brand spanking new it's literally six months old awesome I didn't talk about it but I got me some centromatics with these new tires the my guy's balancing machine was broken so I was like man anybody got some Dramatics around here he made some calls and the local he oldies shop had it so it's a lot better we just serviced the whole fancy so you don't have a lot of miles on the oil well we're gonna check it anyway sure nothing's leaking here good [Music] four so this is a straight Delo and I like it it's actually uh my oil pressure is a lot better than with Rotella so I don't know I think it's a better oil I've always thought it was a better oil so I think I'm just gonna stick with Dello as you guys can see we got a little dirty it rained on us in Colorado and Wyoming last night so we were coming in so it's quite the fireworks show all night that way Laramie it was just really gnarly uh Lightnings lightning show um apparently there's like two or three trucks in wamsutter which is that way well that way and uh I got struck by lightning one guy was caught struck by while the truck not the driver the drivers are okay but when that happens it disables the truck it just wrecks your electronics um I mean usually you don't get struck by lightning but those three trucks that got struck by lightning yesterday over here so you're usually grounded because you know rubber tires at all so I'm surprised but hey I guess anything can happen in this new day and age right kind of sucks for the drivers but in that case it's like well that's what insurance is for but it just wrecks your day your extra week wrecks everything I mean you're still not even able to make money so it kind of sucks foreign for Wyoming man 97. it's not 97 because the sun's over here on this side so it's probably hitting that sensor but it's probably about 91. that's what it said it's going to be here today for Wyoming man that's warm Wyoming usually don't get that warm nice and chilly in here though who wants to go to work I love sleeping around personally I don't know what grown man that requires 10 hours of sleep but according to the government that's what we need [Music] [Music] oh look at that star card [Music] I bet those are on sale where are you going to bed oh man I'm gonna walk around this truck real quick that's pretty nice out it says it's 72 out feels really good though it's 3 40 in the morning here so it's about 240 my time I was gonna go further but man I just don't really feel like it I really don't there's really no need for it either so I guess I can get into that in a second okay there's plenty of room at this rest area every time I stop but every time I also come in here I'm always paranoid because I see all these trucks parked on my shoulder on the get off ramp for this rest area which I guess these guys I don't know they just don't want to take any chances but like you see where those guys parked it's kind of like a double parking spot you can pull it behind people so I mean I'm sure it fills up here on a regular weekday but what is it Friday yeah Friday night oh that's red bone Trucking isn't that that comfy that that um how's his name the guy that disappeared driven was at least two for a while I guess they run reefers too they're out of Boise I think but uh yeah we just decided to stop here it's basically Boise I don't really have a need to go out any further so I'm happy with getting here just tired haven't been sleeping well I didn't sleep well yesterday but Martin well first of all I'm not a butt second of all I had two hours left on my clock just a little tour to our showers and four minutes and I mean I could have kept going and got further but that means that that I you know get to go I have to go to bed when the sun's up I think that's been messing with me a little bit this week uh yesterday well yeah yesterday morning when we stopped and went to bed at the Sinclair and I don't think I filmed about that much because I was pretty pretty beat when I stopped there we went to bed to Sinclair and uh just had a hard time sleeping because it was a day you know it was like nine o'clock so I figure this is a pretty good time to go to bed and I'm sure I'll sleep so I decided to do that tomorrow we'll get fuel and just truck really from here my new plan my new strategy is getting to Seattle and getting south of Portland to the rest area because it's nice to get south of Portland so you don't have to deal with the traffic Sunday morning um in theory I can do that you could do that in about 11 hours I did it last time so I'm gonna do that again Alice made it all the way to Baker um but oh she must have been hauling ass because I always do like 68 69 and with my cruise set like always and there's no way I was gonna make Baker I mean I probably would have got there with like maybe a minute or I would have been like a minute late so I didn't want a chance plus I just don't feel like I'm tired and there's no need for it like I said I just for some reason that sleeping during the day has been messing with me other than on the first day I was able to actually kind of get some sleep but yesterday man I just kept tossing and turning I got like two hours of sleep maybe and it was just tossing and turning maybe three but still not enough so that's kind of why I'm just like uh I'm just out of it and I just want to go to bed so that's what I'm gonna do because I have a bed and I'm going to sleep in it man what's up with all these smelly deaf trucks around me it smells like he's baking bread so good for the environment smells like H2O yeah it smells like burning plastic but uh so yeah gotta go to bed I'll catch you guys in the morning well it is the morning but you know what I mean like well actually I'll catch you in the afternoon because that's probably what I've been getting up and rolling again [Music]
Channel: Trucking Together
Views: 10,315
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: QqZ9cgo7pKw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 18sec (858 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 09 2023
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