Schlatt Becomes God's Drunkest Fisherman (SDMP)

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how's it going boys my name is schlatt and welcome back to the VOD Channel today day two of the sdmp now this is a server me and my buddy started just to have some fun in Minecraft bring back the olden days and uh I think we're doing a pretty good job at it so without any further Ado here's the VOD enjoy welcome back welcome back to the sdmp I am well I mean there's not an easy way to say this I grinded last night and I kind of did a lot so this looks a lot different than you saw last night by the time I lged out um let's just put it this way I did a little off camera Mining and I actually mean that actually offscreen mining uh I don't even have op on This Server that's a lie totally have op but this was all done legitimately I found some of this sh that grows mushrooms really quick and so I'm just growing mushrooms really quick now I guess look at this they're just going to be grown in like 2 minutes I'm not even so we're having fun Swagger online everyone's getting online at the same time I have moved over the painting uh which we are now calling the founder it's an oil on canvas it's a fresco uh which I guess means it's not oil on canvas but wow I mean dude looks great where's the face cam at dude you don't know how we play Minecraft around here do you you don't know how we play Minecraft C around here uh Mara is squatting here for for whatever reason um and well let me show you upstairs I made an actual storage area which has Stone you can see I did off off off camera mining would I actually spawn in these items for myself to make it look like it no I'm too lazy you know me I wouldn't actually do that [ __ ] so this is my proof that I actually have been off camera mining more importantly though I found diamonds more importantly I've been off camera fishing look I don't know if you knew this I don't know if anyone knew this because there hasn't been many fishermen uh going on recently I haven't seen many people fishing but uh I I secretly crafted this mod pack to make fishing the best way to gain materials there Mar just looking at the founder uh and I hope we really we do refer to this as the founder from now on but yeah fishing is really really good I I have this neptunium fishing rod uh that makes fish more likely to bite in my pocket I've got a lantern that'll illuminate around me and also an Anglers trophy which increases my luck by four I don't know what that means but it it [ __ ] works Schlatter are you a Christian or a Catholic both my friend so look it the the fish come extremely quickly and I come extremely quickly damn they're doing better than I do there it is okay look and we got a puffer fish and look here are all my chests over here you can also fish these out of the of the water uh and and they have nice little little look okay look look at all these [ __ ] enchanted books we've been fishing out I mean really look at them there's plenty it's Sunday did you go to mess I started my stream by asking if they went to mess brother did you it's Palm Sunday you [Music] know great so we've got some fishies a lot of fish filet uh I mean we're we're we're really stacked I haven't even opened the best chest yet haven't even opened the best chest this is really something else you're going to you're going to see this and you're going to be blown away let me pop this puffer fish in here great so watch this ready this is the big boy chest you you want to see it you want to see it you want to see it I am working on getting full Enchanted tools and it begins right now here look I fish this out of the sea power four punch two bow and then look at this power four that'll be a power five bow soon we got Infinity we got flame we got power four again could be a power six who the [ __ ] knows next one fishing rod we're going to make this fishing rod the best [ __ ] fishing rod of all time hi ji I don't need that [ __ ] mending that's called The Mending book I don't know if you saw that I fished that out just last night I fished it out told you it's awesome this fishing [ __ ] is so overpowered it's insane I was watching Gan on hermitcraft that idiot saying he had a fish for 30 hours just to find one [ __ ] mending book takes 10 seconds on my server dude he should be on my server you had a lot more fun he'd be saving a lot of time making a lot more money with the postcards you guys can donate $50 to me and send me a post card in game speaking of I got to check my mailbox oh I got two postcards these might be from last night someone uh someone donated right after I went offline it was really upsetting but here here they are what an excellent day for an exorcism that is from Pono TTV thanks Pono it's gone right in the drink it wasn't worth keeping all right let's see what this next card is this is from Astros it wait is Astro online right now no okay well we'll see what they said hello patron of goblins thank you for subscribing to gobby weekly we will be sending you gobby updates in the mail gob's forever signing out GB Gober CEO of gobby weekly what the [ __ ] oh my God I got to respond to this [ __ ] gobby weekly this is some [ __ ] luckily I have a uh a spare postcard that I that I you know was reserving for a threat um wait where is it it's over here I was going to threaten someone with this um but now I guess I know who I'm threatening unsubscribe me from gobby weekly you sick [ __ ] you know how I feel about [Music] gobbies we got to send this Pronto and yes there there was a cuck shed I have no idea who built that it it actually legitimately just appeared there no idea how the cuck shed got there but it is it's a faithful Recreation of it like block by block whoever made this it is it is absolutely one: one so cool what did fobot just [Music] do oh is fobot Banning people that say cuck shed that's sad oh well uh it's been 5 years maybe we could take that off the list anyways I have to uh I have to go ship this letter out you know we can do it right here we don't even have to go in it's this one asro oh caps luck Astros Cy 666 great it'll take 10 seconds to get delivered awesome holy [ __ ] grape flavored Enderman thank you so much I don't even know how many that was that's a lot though that's a massive amount thank you thank you very much toaster cat coming in with a 57 month streak Jesus Christ 50 oh great I've got a I've got a letter wonder who it's from oh I got another letter great let's go downstairs and Freedom oh my God I feel so good my my throat is really hurting but just looking at the founder I mean it just it soothes every part of my body throat included I mean I'd love for him [Music] to I should stop talking H okay this one comes in from Mr DP good to see you again Mr dwip hey it's me again Mr DP why are you o those filthy [ __ ] gobbies to live even that dirt pit is too good for them [ __ ] kill them wow you know what I'm going [Music] to I'm going to forward this along to Astros zist just so that people know um how how they feel I'm I'm forwarding this over thank you very much Mr dwip I'll forward this right over [Music] Astros zist 666 it'll take 10 seconds great there it is oh also I noticed uh Buffy is now working the desk at the post office as well as I mean not for nothing everyone seems to have left the village we got an entirely new staff but that's fine I don't know where the last employee he went I don't even know if I can say his name but yeah I really don't like that that there's a gobby weekly you know can I can I say that I really don't like that that that someone is going around making a a gobby subscription service that just doesn't seem right okay this one comes in from Hollows 22 all right hey love the videos wondering if you would ever play Hypixel Sky Block again I think you would like it keep up to good work love you big guy no I'm not I'm not going back on that server I don't think I'm I'm going to play that uh I appreciate it thank you Hollow um but no Hypixel isn't really for me the the most fun I've had on Hypixel is just standing in spawn and then people will like walk up to me and take oh Joe Balo Joe yo what's going on Joe good to see you hope your stream was well uh look I mean I'm playing Minecraft on my Minecraft [Music] server what do you think of that Joe viewers what do you think of the founder that's the founder that's that's an oil painting on canvas [Music] okay uh I'm going to throw this in I'm going to throw this in the drink I'm sorry no this was not a Banky Banky Banky did the walls here I don't know if you remember uh oh my goodness I've got another letter wow yeah Joe viewers you can send me $50 there anybody Rich who's got like a rich family uh and access to your parent credit card just send me a send me a oh [ __ ] okay that's easy that's two those captures people have been complaining about the captures I'm telling you but I find them quite easy uh let's see who this one's from hey it's me Gaylord here [ __ ] you I got fired from my job at the post office and evicted from my house I am so sorry Gaylord I I I still don't know if I'm should be uttering that but it is your name so like I feel like I'll I feel like I have to it be kind of rude if I didn't I don't know who fired you I'm not the guy in charge of the post office that must have came from upstairs and that's not that's not even my my problem um oh dude it was not that's not Gaylord unless that unless not Chef is is Gaylord's username you think the sender would be Gaylord you know oh lucky me I've got another [ __ ] I've got another postcard hold on I got to blow my [Music] load [Music] Jesus you got to stop saying that why that's what we say in Austin no [Music] no okay fine I'll stop saying it what would you rather me say blow my nose I feel like that's just boring anyways going to pick up some mail oh [Music] my look who it is Connor Connor is that you hello hey man uh you got me sick dude I don't know how else to say it I'm my my throat is now hurting uh oh yeah that happens it's a new the new the new variant the new variant [ __ ] yeah it goes over the Internet yeah we can't be we can't be making out virtually anymore I'm sorry it's all right I wasn't even going to stream today I was just going to kind of get working on like where I'm going to live cuz I want to be close like maybe connect like I thought about the water thing going on the water yeah maybe like a little boat house out there I could live in okay and then you swim over or maybe like take a boat connects over yeah well I was going to build a dock out here at some point um so maybe there's like a I don't know I don't know you know figure it out let me know let me know what you're feeling I'm not going to micromanage you you're you're your own man sounds good I'll be around my load all over my monitor so I got to I got to get a tissue real quick they still say that in Texas yeah yeah we that's yes dude okay you just affirmed everything I've been saying see Chad they say it Austin yes it's an Austin that's an Austin local thing Connor lived here yeah they don't believe me but now in Los Angeles we say rubbing one out now but oh for blowing your nose yeah that okay that seems strange to me yeah just different dialects different areas I get it no I get that I get that okay well uh I'll leave you to it cool I'll see you man wait where should I I'm going to get a chest where I put my stuff in okay I don't care put it wherever is there extra one up here no those are all mine I'll figure it out yeah okay no those are marked those are those chests are not for you either they for fish you can yeah you can take some chests from my chests there's some chests in there that you can have I'm going to be fully transparent I'm not going to take anything unless I really really want something and I need it really quickly and I'm lazy I'm just going to the ground rules here that's how it's going to be no I'm the same way I'm the same way yeah you get it all all right bye love that guy okay let's read our postcards that is not funny you spent $50 to send me that I'm not how was I even supposed to know you can't say open if gay if I can't even see the postcard before I open it Josh Josh yeah you think I'm gay think or no that's all right I was just I don't think I know is there something on my head hello suckers what the [ __ ] is going on G can you guys get the [ __ ] out of here all three of you or two if this is one human now I I'm not even sure what that [Music] is just another fun day on the sdmp holy [ __ ] okay I'm not going to lie that was pretty funny this one got me this one's worth saving so look I've I've I'm going to save all my best postcards next to the [Music] founder I'll save this one too all right we've got another one there's another one my last postcard got eaten again I hate it here but I will say I have done some business with the others while you were away and we've made six M while you were offline Mr Boss Man having me on your team was your best decision from Bonnie my social media manager and my marketing director thank you bunny that's great to know we made $6 million in one day that's something to clap up boys here you go Bonnie see you know it she's really making the money back I pay her $40,000 a year with no bonus and I mean well worth it sometimes I don't know if these people are even real you know like what is he doing oh does he even know what he's doing no but he's got no clue if it please don't put please don't put chest down on my this is my area you [Music] know it's like nothing going on upstairs it's like an incandescent light bulb that's like a hundred years past when it was supposed to be replaced okay you [ __ ] I see what you did very funny very funny okay yeah sure I'll let that slide for one day okay you got one day to figure out something else you got one day Jesus Christ I can't stand these people okay so uh thank you Bonnie 6 million is a really really good deal that's uh you're making my money back 10-fold or more probably like 400 fold actually I've got more postcards I mean this is great all I do is just look at my postcards all day isn't that awesome guys I guess Connor [ __ ] lives on the property too to be fair he is one person I really don't mind but um yeah okay hey schlatt are you planning on do oh my God I got more mail are you planning on doing any more Day Z streams also what are your thoughts on the Fallout games I've never played a Fallout game uh I you know I I I heard the the recent ones aren't as good as the the old ones so if I did play it' probably be like a three maybe a Fallout 3 type thing but I don't I still don't think I'll get to it anytime soon Day Z as far as Day Z goes uh you know look at me I'm like I've been watching too many hermitcraft videos I'm like looking at the camera now never used to do this this is such a cringe thing to do I'm going to stop doing that uh Daisy will come back at some point I have this idea of retirement that includes just streaming dayy all the time um [Music] yeah how are Jambo and soup can you rate my cats based off their names and nothing else what the [ __ ] okay Frodo that's a two out of 10 name don't like that II but spelled with two o's that's kind of that's kind of quirky maybe a six out of 10 Toro zero and Madame Madame is cool Madame Madame and then uh he's got a cat named PS no I know what's going on here okay Madame is a cool one I like that Madame Madame that that this is probably the best cat I'm probably say I'm going to say that uh love your Bas so far nice and tidy and such a very inspiring photo of the founder thank you yes that is the founder that is the founder everybody I'm going to let these mailbox uh these these postcards sit in the mailbox for a bit because there are things to do and I don't want to just be open in mail all day um but just think about it every time I get mail that's $50 in my bank account it's so easy being rich I'm not even trying to be humble about it but I am humble good evening Schlumberger you're welcome for the Don guys can we how many times do we have to see me open a letter for us to understand that the apostrophes don't work you're welcome for the donation even though you don't need it waste of $50 TBH yeah I agree I've been feeling nostalgic for the S&P live day so I'm excited for sdmp glad to see the cuck shed is back [ __ ] you Paras socially Maria thanks Maria I'm going to save that one that was sweet 5 years is a incredibly long time to even fathom in the world of content creation I thought I'd be out the door by then uh oh hey Swagger what's going on what's going on Ross we're dealing with a cat now we're we're we're looking for my cat it was stolen from my house my cat was stolen out of my house really yes there were three signs that said I needed to put three diamonds in a in a chest oh [ __ ] my cat back what color was the cat a white cat and it had a name tag his name is Keith what uh did it was it all white or was it orange a little bit all all white all white okay okay then it was not MAA because I saw her pulling a cat by a string it was an orange orange and white cat so I was totally about to snitch on her but you know wait wait wait wait I know who took it I think what who Astro griefing everyone and then putting signs saying like like blackmailing people I remember that they had to pay like someone had to pay diamonds to get stuff back oh that was happening to me interesting I think had to pay diamonds to get his stuff back why you only speaking up now I just remembered oh I was thinking hard the whole time and now I remembered that earlier it's like five hours ago hey Swagger I'll help you find your cat I appreciate that but there's one thing I need you to do for me what is that look over here you know what that is um yeah it's a cuck shed that's a cuck shed that's that's true hey you want to step in there and then you'll help me find my okay yeah got him I don't think I like this fantish I would like to get I I can't help you now uh I also have no idea why everything just happened in slow motion and no one said a word during it but you know did that happen in slow motion for for anybody either did he fall in slow motion lagging I'm laging I think you're just lagging I think he's got feather Swagger do you have feather fall boots on yeah I do oh there we are let me let me go detective Lark is on the case uh Swagger up the cat I can't help you that's kind of not how the cuck shed Works uh you're free to like get out yourself but you're going to have to repair it cuz I I I mean this puppy this puppy is insured I have no idea how else to say it I mean we've got swag we've got Farmers Insurance on this hit me hit me with that oh it's Captain Sparkles whoa there you go you're out what the [ __ ] just happened teamwork little anti-ck shed action nice fair enough I got in your shed all right let's find your cat okay where's Astro where does he live uh that big tree there's a tree there's a big ass tree not even online oh I think I know where he is yeah I know the giant the giant Pink leaf tree MH [Music] mhm well maybe the cat's there that would make sense guys right I don't know I feel like I feel like I would have heard it you would have heard it yeah it like hurt like auditory maybe me did it say something with goblins or something yeah I got a letter from Astro something about gobbies no notice o yikes what the gobby fan club what is this jeez not a single cat up there not a cat up up there ke is long gone I I fear oh wait guys oh [ __ ] huh hold on what the fck I just saw someone I can I I can smell him what is this [ __ ] what's going on down here this this just goes to my house oh Astro built a friendship tunnel oh love that little [ __ ] back on the server this just goes all way to the house Jesus Christ this is a long ass timeit wait a second wait a second this is going J right to mine look there oh hey Conor anybody seen my cat anywhere around have you I saw a cat over there I don't know if it's yours no all right well hey look my throat's hurting and I don't want to get anybody sick if I breathe if I breathe on anyone it's going to probably get you sick also Connor also has strep throat so I'd be careful we both have I'm I'm M oh how'd you both get it were you kissing that's actually exactly no oh do you want to have a big boat it's big how big okay my so I've got some more mail but I did say I was going to do some other [ __ ] before so here let's take a look here I've got a note full of all the things I want to do today it's a little to-do list first I want to tour the village that's easy we could just walk around a little bit oh Jesus let's get back home real quick oh charborg what's going on man who oh you're running at me with a sword sorry man oh it's your brother I've just been oh yeah hey buddy yeah you get the Cobblestone I asked for he's uh he's after Cobblestone at the moment we're making a house oh dude he's he's hurting me sorry he's buddy quit you're acting stupid come here sorry yeah just run from him he's he's weird okay what button is that what uh that will be uh Shi or control or something like that that's just these two just push the Shi or control I got it I'll see you all right good luck yeah charborg just logged on for the first time he messaged me last night at like 11:00 p.m. he's like [ __ ] uh I had this on my calendar for Sunday [Music] so he missed the launch little unfortunate but hey he's here now so there we go everyone's so surprised that I can run if someone tells me how to do it I I mean I can follow I can follow directions I follow my daddy's instructions forget you heard that okay uh smp2 do first we're going to tour the village we're going to walk around a lot we're going to have some fun show everybody what's going on good evening Josh how's it going buddy hi how you juing the stairs okay yes I know you like those stairs second I'm going to become the best fisherman in the world uh I was going to show you guys the the enchants on everything else I mean we're going to make a pretty good rod here with the neptunium fishing rod so we'll do that at some point uh next you know we have some we have quite a few good ones here for the swords as well there's another mending book efficiency 5 like it's it's [ __ ] insane so we're doing great we're we're we're not doing too bad at all and that's the beauty of doing a little offscreen mining you know was mainly offscreen fishing is my uh is my stream dying a little bit I apologize if that's the case I'm not sure why lagging a little bit all right well am I drunk yes I don't know how to fix it I mean it shouldn't be but you know we'll we'll make it work we might just have to do a short stream who knows okay third order business plan an area for Family Mart AKA demolish the village house there's a house that is set for demolition okay we have to get rid of that because I want to put a family Mark there fourth order of business ask ma what the [ __ ] that is you might be wondering what what do you mean what the [ __ ] is that that I did not buy this beautiful waterfront property to look to my right and see whatever the [ __ ] that is it's horrible it's actually [ __ ] disgusting that my neighbor next door neighbor has that that's his house [ __ ] [ __ ] I'm going to found a [ __ ] homeowners association just so I can get get that [ __ ] out okay [ __ ] it yeah maybe I am in nimi you know I just think it's ugly okay fifth order of business become a reaction streamer we can do that at whatever Point all we need is the the TV frame and then we'll be good to go sound good you [Music] guys oh Lord yeah I am lagging a little bit I don't know why it's happening I apologize okay don't mind me what's going on buddy I've got three postcards I'm going to read them yeah just take all of them take all of them I don't care all right three more does the king of England qualify as a Del I need I need your knowledge of the English Monarchy thanks Catholic man um I'm not sure why you call me a Catholic man and then think I know anything about the English Monarchy I mean I certainly didn't know anything two years ago uh in the month of September also the English are they're Anglican they made their own thing the the King was like oh I want to divorce my wife and the pope said no and the King was like [ __ ] it I'll I'll convert my entire country to some [ __ ] religion where you can just divorce different okay so uh yeah yeah in in conclusion yes he is a d hey schlunk I would send you a graduation invite but I dropped out instead you're invited to my birthday party on December 26 2026 hope I sent this early enough since you usually open things years later big thanks yeah uh no that doesn't really change the fact that I won't be going but gez I mean December 26th I don't think there's a single worst birthday to have can I be honest I mean maybe the 25th maybe bro gets bro completely misses out on a day full of presents that sucks and then your parents try and justify it probably by saying oh no we'll get you a big one nuh-uh nuh-uh they're scamming you thanks for sending that in hey schl you like dick and balls love your videos SCH been watching you for 5 years now love to see you play Minecraft again I hope you have a great stream from volcanic ash thanks thanks you guys like [ __ ] balls oh God my throat I'm not going to last long you guys oh I'm going to last shorter than usual [ __ ] my throat my throat hold on I have chloros septic right here it's like this red spray that you spray at the back of your throat and then it it's just a chemical that numbs your your whole mouth it's basically like Nova King that you spray on uh yeah the Cherry spray it's so good what do you mean it's so you're not supposed to swallow it you know you're supposed to spit it out right oh God you guys are [ __ ] lost all right here we go give it a little gargle in the back of my throat I always swallow a little bit just because I you know I I think it does taste good why would they make it taste good if it wasn't supposed to swallow you know it's the same with men you know anyways let's look around let's look around let's turn off this sad sad music and let's look around this the the sdmp A2 sdmp first of all wow I mean why does it keep playing the exact same am I going crazy or does it just play that one every time I hit the good music playlist okay here we go oh sorry guys got to blow my load rub one out ah blow my nose okay here we go uh [Music] let's look around okay beautiful beautiful area now this is Hunter's place he's making Burgers but uh don't see any yet don't smell any yet oh god dude okay let me show my next door neighbor let me show what they're up to this is the entirety of it yep what the [ __ ] hey hey I really hate M's base and I hope he does something about it soon or else I'll have to get involved let's see what else is going on this is this used to be an entirely different building this is re's house and then uh if I remember correctly all the women are right here yep I'm good at remembering here we go and they've got they've got a Banky as well who okay there this is entirely different so the women had this area looks like they've renovated quite a bit good for them this is different this looks like some kind of like housing develop this looks like an Austin Housing Development so I I think I ought to figure out what's going on here right right property 7 property one oh [ __ ] it's actually tosen Mr tosen this is Mr Toon's bro Mr tosen is making a [ __ ] suburb main city skyscrapers okay so there's a metro area that's you know good at least chops Federal Bank Mr tosen is going to be running the federal bank that's great 7-Eleven I prefer a Mar oh spoke too soon usually they don't go right next to each other it wouldn't really make any sense Mr toome thinking your uh City Planning skills aren't all that great um I also don't know how old Mr tosen is or how much experience he has he could very well be a 9-year-old um but hey great it's good that uh honestly it's great that suburbs are popping up and a planned development is coming into SDM because that just means we'll have more HOA members hey what you doing oh hello is this your house looking around no it says singen drowning property oh no I want to take the stem machine though oh yeah grab that they won't mind thank you have fun taking it so this is singen drowning place Wesson and kin okay feels like are they still on they are I don't even know where they are they've kind of left it I don't know why they're making it gray either I don't even know what block this is okay all right let's keep going so this oh Jesus [ __ ] Christ you're kidding me that is charborg charborg Buddy hello charborg charborg I saw your name dude you can't hide from me I saw that what the [ __ ] is going this I'm not even going to comment on it we've got something going on over here there's a there's a settlement of people over here I think foolish Kia nothing but lag Lark and some others are are living out here and they're doing great this area looks phenomenal so that's that I'd love to see where Captain Sparkles is but um I'm kind of scared of talking to him there's a certain social hierarchy you learn once you become a millionaire and it's that that uh the more Millions someone has over you and your Millions um the the take this thanks you hit people with that you're right on their head simple ass that's crazy I appreciate that enjoy I'll keep that in my back pocket as I was saying uh the more Millions someone has over you um the the the less you need to speak to them unless they speak to you you know it's kind of like a uh uh be quiet unless spoken to hey bird what's up so I'm I'm terrified to Jordan he's worth maybe $17 million I don't know I haven't really checked recently but I imagine it's some somewhere around there maybe even more maybe 25 [Music] probably This song reminds me of my dead cat great sorry I guess that's really it I mean at least for the main island that's kind of it wo 39 months holy [ __ ] that's a while I want to show you Swagger's Place Swagger is the last the last house up here I wonder if he found his cat yet oh guys I'm I'm going to say it right now I'm not going to last very long on the stream my throat is killing me I apologize if I have to leave a little bit early but I'll still be on I'll probably just be taking it easy and hanging out and fishing or [Music] something Swagger you find it not even here Swagger built of an incredible house it came up I mean like dude must be Amish or something because he built this thing in seconds this thing just popped up out of nowhere you know look at it oh I got some more mail beautiful hey do you find it hey man nope sorry I don't know what happened to it well here's I wish I could help to open up the Twilight Forest ooh that sounds scary want to to watch want to see what happens oh dude okay yeah yeah I I love a good show I love a good show what's this egg give me some egg okay thanks so apparently all I have to do is throw a diamond [Music] in I think you might need to get in first hold on oh ow thank you you need to get in you you want to you want me to get in there I and then I throw a diamond in I think you probably throw the diamond in first that would make more sense to me yeah yeah okay wo oh [ __ ] oh god dude that almost [ __ ] murdered were you trying to murder me I got scared I threw my sword I I fat fingered oh no I think I think the lightning was shocking you cuz you were holding the iron sword and when you threw it maybe so that was a murder attempt is what that was nope I didn't [ __ ] right well I'm glad that dude stole butchered and skin your cat how about that I'm giving you eggs delicious that's he open up a portal to a new realm and I don't believe in that I'm a Catholic I'm a devout today is Palm Sunday I'd rather not go around openal to hell so um yeah good luck I guess well thanks oh um I'll be I'll be doing in Hell okay I'll say a prayer for you y are you going to you going to do it thank you going to you going to go I might um I might leave my stuff here first and then and then Venture in I have no idea what to expect it's fun man I haven't been in like a good 10 10 years but it's a good time from what I remember don't die you might never see your stuff again I we'll try I we'll try I too what is going on here I [ __ ] bet Josh put that on seeing as he can recite it from [ __ ] memory see I always whenever I see the TV I always try and set it back to the mo start and left ear at two times speed and then the Chinese Bible in the right ear but uh at this point I just don't have the heart to do it my throat is hurting like no tomorrow I'm going to put the [ __ ] spray on the portal the SMP live all right here we go here we go here we go here we go five more sprays to the back ah there we go that was so soundy yeah sorry sorry I'm just having some fun what else is on my list that was the first thing on the list second thing was become the best fisherman in the world let's fish for a minute I'm going to I just want to show you how good it is so I have all the enchanted books I have all the uh all the the swords I need and the and the the fishing rods I need and all that so I think I should be good to start putting together some some tools what do you say oh some mail awesome all right hey [ __ ] glad to hear you like taka Naka you should check out the group copia of course I know that one and that's the their album with the race car on it the red race car drinking in your honor love you big gay I'm going to just assume you spelled that wrong and you meant to say big guy but uh yeah dude Japanese jazz is one of my favorite genres out there um one of my favorite songs of all time is is Romance by Hiroshi Suzuki I think his name is I'm not entirely sure but uh great [ __ ] song Thank you for that thank you pink llama appreciate it who's this one from I love prep that's a great way for me to not even read the third word in your [ __ ] letter you spent $50 for that I didn't even see 45% of it hey dude where's Camala probably in the white house I don't know yeah right someone took her I'm not really sure what that was supposed to be um I think there might be NPCs like that might have just been like a like a dialogue scene that I failed or something maybe I was supposed to say something else that would have led me on a big beautiful Quest but um yeah all right let's read it also thanks to material big guy also I don't like Italians sending hate from Tennessee from Alex thanks Alex hope you went to church uh appreciate that Darth rexie you are a Protestant though so that's going in the drink sorry oh right that's that was from Bonnie that she just said I made $6 million today great ah see how quickly these grow oh my goodness I just found this stuff it's called like fertile soil or something it's from farmer craft or whatever the [ __ ] that mod is called Farmers Delight [Music] anyways all righty next up on this big list we got to hey good luck finding [Music] her I I would recommend you reconnect cuz you are [Music] ununderstandable I'm going to try and build a great fishing rod with this neptunium fishing rod damn that sucks look if it if it is what it is I can't really control it but uh all right I'm going to put mending on this Rod I'm going to put luck of the C3 on this Rod 100% I'm I'm pretty sure there's not luck of the C4 but we can try that later uh and lore lore one is all we got but that should be uh that should be a good start you know I found a sneaky little Anvil hidden and uh it's it's in this house and so I'm going to put together a little rod and then we we can do a little fishing oh I got some mail let's start with this guy what should we call this Rod guys I need some I need some advice how we feeling about this oh my goodness what a [ __ ] rod big Rod I I [ __ ] knew I I that's exactly what came into my mind too hey Jordan I I made a a portal in the in the nether uhuh someone was like here's the cords um I hope you don't mind where it ended up here where did it end up just right over there what the [ __ ] dude that's right that's right in the middle of the [Laughter] pathway oh okay it's it's a convenient location I was going to say I I wish I could see you and that we had a a quick way of getting to you cuz I knew you you you you live at a Dodge now so you're in the middle of I so I I received the got some Intel that that me and Ted we were like the only people who who went far yeah so I wanted to be able to come back yeah well it's good to have you back you know I was thinking of starting a homeowners association I don't know how you feel about those but you know we're both rich and I figure you are of the same political affiliations as me uh yeah politics yep um politics say who you're voting for on do we can do the HOA if you okay great yeah yeah I mean it's just it's just we run it yeah oh yeah we'd run it of course of course we would okay here come with me cuz this is what I'm this is what I'm really upset by Jordan I like you like you spent a lot of money for a property with a really nice view uh-huh and my neighbor I I mean it's it's really ridiculous come with me this is my area by the way um this very nice very very pretty yeah oh it's like you think it's a house but then it's just open yeah but I'm going to build a house but look at this tell me what that is that is pretty awful it's awful yeah I want to kill this man who built this so in the in the bylaws you want to say like hey if somebody builds something ugly murder is yes good or we or the HOA has the right to fix it you know uhhuh I just that's all I want to do but then they have to compensate of course they have to pay for it of course of course okay got it and you know this this would be a big project you know this is a big project that looks expensive yeah I might have to get the founder over there appraised and make a sizable donation for a write off just to be able to afford you know all the materials have you seen the founder I haven't no this is what do you think quite a work very beautiful yeah so you yeah who who painted it I don't know it kind of showed up one day oh it's not like a Picasso or no it's not a Picasso but uh I don't know if you saw the chalk inside the tunnel leading down here that's a Banky that oh wow yeah that's a bank SE huh so you're going to charge people to you walk down the stairs and no no it's it's just for me it's just for me some people just you know come through the door which is not allowed but I don't know I'm just I'm just really concerned rules I'm really concerned yeah we need to set some bylaws at some point and I'll let you know when it's when it's coming together because something needs to happen soon who who did that do you know that's uh my buddy m h yeah but are they are they really your buddy after that well things are about to get tense let's just put it that way I thought honestly can I can I level with you m has been my oldest friend on YouTube I I met him I mean [ __ ] in probably 2015 2016 when both of us were making videos that had like a couple hundred views and uh to to know that this is how he he's content with with living is just it really makes you think about the last my image of years yeah I've kind of rethought most things about him I understand yeah sometimes you just learn something about someone you ever thought friends too and I'm just fishing very cool yeah you look great thank you you guys look awesome you kind of look like that one time my armor looks good too that I look like a time no like that like that that one time like you how do I look like a time you kind of are dressed like in that V music video oh oh yeah yeah yeah I I did I did used to I used to have a lot rule the world and you know can you sing it right now sing it sing uh I only did the I only did the wrap I only did the dig up diamonds and craft those diamonds and make some armor mayy going for like you so MLG pro swords made of diamonds or zombie parts so come at me bro dude that is so sick thank you I just got I just got go Goosebumps yeah I just got effect I also I also have to take this opportunity to say your Ford GT man it's so crisp thank you it is it is very cool looking myself yeah it's a beautiful car I wish uh I wish it came with a you know a little stick but you know it no stick yeah it doesn't no problem it's okay are you are are you are you a stick fan oh yeah I love stick yeah you're lying buddy you couldn't drive stick until you bought one yeah and then I learned and now I I mean is you have to like have one to learn it now I ride stick all day I could ride stick like no one else on This [Laughter] Server yeah what's the problem what is your what is your stick collection um oh 91 Mazda Miata 1.6 liter okay I had to rip the handle out on the left door because I I didn't fit so now the door has holes in it where the where the handle should be I'm trying to visualize this like you like there's just a panel yeah it's just a panel it's a flat panel and there's no handle okay yeah how do you get in and out well there's a there there's a handle on the other side of it like on the outside and so I can just like reach out from the outside and mhm nice huh yeah interesting I put a long I I switched out the shifter it's got a long like a like a long cylinder now and I can grip it all up and down when I'm R when I'm riding you know yeah what like can you get out of the he just wants to offer a block grass block classic oh he's left okay you didn't accept the gift angry oh boy what did I do hold on I got him I got him I got him I got him help me kill it kill it kill it kill it I've saved you thank you that really secures my spot in the HOA I just love riding things you know yeah riding stick yeah riding stick riding Enderman does your car have any cogs like with with a G probably a lot you know ring helical cogs even yeah this is really awkward you guys I'm going to go do something else yeah okay you let me know about the whole HOA thing I'll send you I'll send you a letter in the mail how do you send letters to People by the way well you got to do it at the post office you just over here okay yeah I need a I need a basic citizen tutorial real quick yeah I haven't done it you can buy letters you just need a couple piece of paper you go into the post office you can trade one piece of paper for a letter you write whatever you want in the letter and then you then you pop it into this guy and you type in the name of the the recipient and then it then it says it okay yeah pretty simple Benjamin Franklin really good ideas I don't think he invented male but I think I'm pretty sure he did really yeah the concept of male yeah I know who invented the printer you do that was uh the Gutenberg right exactly exactly Gutenberg right yep near your town okay this this keeps getting more and more Awkward uh I'm going to go okay okay dude yeah um see I just I just clam up around people who have more money than it's like a it's like a Power Balance thing like I just can't I don't understand how to act like a real human um Serj schlatt I wish to recruit you to our paramilitary group the IRA you'll be useful to scope out the Protestants and create a game plan to cause their distinction Extinction distinction I I'm not going to be a paramilitary AR person extra salty chips you've sent me mail about the IRA before haven't you I'm not joining I don't even know what it is no idea what it is and I'm not I'm not going to be a part of it so how about that hey chief sorry about all that powder that came out of the envelope when you opened this [ __ ] [Music] [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I I feel it already [ __ ] man this is why I this is the only thing I had a problem with the only concern I had with this [ __ ] [ __ ] was that people going to put Anthrax in the letters here we go oh [ __ ] [ __ ] okay get Anthrax loser oh all right what else what were we just going to do I get sidetracked so easily you know Captain Sparkles appears and it's really it oh great our fishing rod right we we were on our way back from enchanting the fishing rod so here let me show you let me let me just show you how how well this works you put it in the ground and with the lore and with the good luck and all these things I got in my pocket I mean just look at this look at this it's going to be awesome I promise look Herring I got an Atlantic Herring isn't that awesome I am tied thanks for 15 months dude holy [ __ ] you playing the sdmp with [Music] me it' be like the old times yeah fishing good times you know yeah I I can I Ty says I'll go live right now Ty let me tell you give it give it a couple days or maybe a little longer maybe like a week and you'll be on the sdmp in no time we're we're already assembling the next wave of people and let me tell you there are some familiar faces there name it big Rod oh we were going to uh we were going to [ __ ] name it something oh well no it's not as good as mine I'm going to throw that away I don't want to fish for too long I think I should actually do some other stuff while you know while the night is young because I feel my condition uh worsening rapidly [ __ ] it I'm going to call this big rod and then we'll be on to the next the next marker which I think is marking a house for demolition specifically yeah this one oh God they're still talking jeez that's really I bet that's really awkward I'm going to listen in seven series stentley The rolls-royces they're the they're the for the old people you know feel more feel more Nimble in this yeah I mean that one I've I've done any everything I I built like I tuned it all to the maximum and build most of the stuff myself but now that I've I've driven RAC tracks I've driven I've done car meets I've done drifting and everything but now it's like after 2 and a half years it's starting to be I don't know if you know what I mean but it's starting to be more of like an annoyance like small uncomfortable cars huh like it's not a daily at all okay I mean I don't know I I haven't driven uh I haven't driven the supr yeah it's pretty small it's pretty small actually it's not it's long it's pretty long but yeah what did he say he was crouching he could have said [ __ ] go with it [ __ ] I'm kind of have like SUV thing going on right now if you can tell but the BMW XM the big one uhhuh yeah I'm I'm not I'm not sure about the looks on yeah it's mixed I hate it from the back but I think the front is really nice guys I think he sees me yeah it's a it's I mean different Spott Strokes for different am I spotted right now folks you know trying to block his line of sight oh you guys see me I didn't I thought you guys I thought I was being kind of discreet about it what what's a car that you would recommend cuz I I'm moving together with family I just bought like a big big house talking about cars and I have no money left so I'm looking for like something four seater comfortable for everyone but Sports sport sport you know around like 100 150k I'm looking how about a tur turbo Turbo S you know back seats if you don't have legs right yeah yeah that's real great I you should get a Turbo S dude yeah I like the new plenty of room in that tyon but have you seen the newno electric tyon the GT yeah yeah the the nurburg ring I need my car to burn as much fuel as it can in the shortest amount of time possible I can't do EVS okay it also does have back seats it has four doors and no back seats the new well you you don't have to get it without the back seats you can just if you want get it without the back seat which which is weird to do in a in a tyon four-door but you know you could how's the conversation going you guys I was just listening in cars pretty good um we were just yeah talking about car what do you think about um you know the 63 versus Supra yeah I'm you know I'm trying to get the S amgs class but I mean he's he's into it cuz he wants one too oh I've got yeah it's just not available in the United States like you you can't even get your hands on the new S63 which I think is a bummer wait what I'm pretty sure you yeah you can wait what no no it's not even in the like some wagon thing what you telling me the the new f63 is out in the United States haven't seen a single one I think there's a is there a new new S63 I'm not aware of the newest is there's the SL63 and that is round the one the S-Class 63 AMG like that one you know I'm not aware of one that you can't D you should it's just it's just came out I'm I don't think there's any in the US you know h i mean my neighbor got one and all black and I'm I'm jealous yeah well they make them in Germany so I imagine they get them first yeah you get like a citizenship discount you know what I actually like this conversation they are cheaper here yeah I actually like this conversation that's nice cuz like it it doesn't take export costs they just build it here and you pick it up it's actually a great conversation yeah I've seen listings in Europe it's always way cheaper and the dealers don't do markups really cuz they're not allowed to right yeah yeah live in a real real country we yeah I mean in terms of Car Dealers we're not a real country that's that's fair yeah I heard that like everything is above market price which doesn't really make any sense Sparkles did you put that portal in the middle of the town I need I I I'm going to Mark I'm going to mark that house for for de demolition I'm going to mark it it's this one it's this one by the way we're going to put a family Mark here literally a spot with a sign thats posted schlat Co property this is I look I'd love to keep having the conversation with Captain Sparkles he's a great guy and Marita is great as well but I just you know I I know you guys don't care about cars um most of you people probably won't ever be able to afford one in your entire life um oh there's no mail for me and yet I feel like I've gotten a message from my marketing director well I'll read it I feel like my pay is getting lower each stream now that I'm social media and marketing director but we can discuss that later as bargaining I'll attach my best bison picks to the email PS those Riz lessons are still available from Bonnie thank you Bonnie yeah we'll sync up on the on the on those lessons I probably do need to get a little better at it um here's what we need to do we need to make some chalk I'm going to Mark the house I'm not going to delete it yet uh I think that's a waste of time to do on stream so we'll we'll just mark it I need calite right I think how do you make chalk [ __ ] [ __ ] let's see oh you just put the piece of dye next to it great I'm just going to mark it with red and by the next time you see it uh it'll be gone I'll do it off off camera oh [ __ ] lucky for me I get I get the easy [Music] ones all right I I'm going to need a sign as well so I'll just yoink I'll yink this one oh look at this I got I got another letter okay what is it oh it's the it's crouching I'm just going to Mark the entire house all of it as much as it'll let me [Music] do oh that was really awkward I'm lucky she didn't say anything narrow Escape right there she doesn't even know what I'm doing she probably didn't even see it okay here we go I'm going to Mark the front door two be demolished this house is this house is dunzo this house is [ __ ] dunzo there going to be a big open space here by the next time you see me and uh we'll start building a Family Mart I want to build a Family Mart I don't know what I'm going to sell yet I think my business will be somewhat Manual Labor uh related you know but uh we'll we'll have to see we'll have to see what it comes down to maybe we sell like some dirt or something you know maybe we sell dirt we'll have to sell some dirt hey SCH slobby love the stream I actually wasn't enjoying it but I popped open my Jack Daniels Tennessee Honey and now the jokes are hilarious please say hi to my orange cat Vita she's your biggest fan hi Vita hi Vita thanks treaz for the 50 bucks wow I hope your cat's doing great oh dude okay there's only a few things left on this list you guys this might be a short stream I For the Love of my throat I really hope it's a short stream ah what else what else have we okay plan area for Family Mart we've done it ask M what the [ __ ] that is we I mean he's not online so and then the last thing is become a reaction streamer so let's do that I think uh well hold on what's going on over there oh they're just talking about car still aren't they who's this Lark okay yeah Shane yeah Shane top is uh from smos he told me that he was done with the influencer lifestyle uh and he is now working on the farm so everyone say hi Shane H car says ha to be cringe is to be free I am pretty sure this is such a this is such a random my God this is so aw I am 100% sure that I talked with her about your car oh they're still going about the cars they're still going about the cars that's very topical played I think Among Us or code names together a couple still going on about the cars with you as well I need the spray I need the spray I'm going to spray back my throat again [ __ ] I'm pretty sure we played cold names and Shane top from my Carly yes yeah he was the Brierwood kid actually in code names he was the Brierwood kid with nuts remember that frozen yogurt with nuts that was him he recruited Carly Shay yeah uh-huh uh-huh why aren't you playing the game schlatt well because we're cuz we're supposed to we're supposed to uh you know supposed to be a reaction streamer I don't know that's all I do these days you know speaking of Let's Make a little uh make a little television start watching some [ __ ] kind of videos you guys want to watch today what do you think like daily dose maybe you want to watch some daily dose maybe let me find some daily funny cats funny cat videos we can watch some funny cat videos I know just the channel cat exe is one of my favorite YouTube channels of all time we'll find some really good videos on their channel here I'm going to Sur by most popular cats with nothing to lose you guys been watching uh cat exe really blowing up recently all right we begin now we we've done everything we've done everything it's time to become a reaction streamer you guys oh [ __ ] Jesus stop it stop it not ready yet I forgot I have to adjust the frame size ah we can do better sometimes it's a little glitchy work in the uh the interface you know perfect I think that's yeah that's like a perfect size let's play it let's watch some videos you guys let's watch some funny cats find finally a place to hang up my kittens [Music] oh oh oh [Music] [ __ ] here I do need to make a chair hold on I'll make a chair drop that thing is it oh my make a chair you guys ew dude what the [ __ ] is that thing hell no not you're not going to do it oh you oh [ __ ] that's not good I'm not a huge fan of these these funny little filters I think cats can be funny on their own I don't think they need I think they need it oh God I don't like that guy at all press F1 oh I love this one who knocked down the ornaments dude Jambo gets into the Christmas tree [ __ ] that thing up every time oh my god oh he saved him dude I'd love to be a lizard under that lamp dude love to like a cold blooded [Music] creature me overreacting as usual oh [ __ ] he did not like that you're not meant for the outdoors oh you're slipping you're fat oh oh you're slipping you're slipping father help I have never seen anything so perfect in my entire life there's not one thing I would change Jesus Christ I think is nuts utterly perfect a a little clumsy guy hey I thought this was a Minecraft stream I guess it's a Tik tocker live stream again yeah I mean what did you expect really what you know oh just because your eyes are closed doesn't me I can't see you okay I need to pause this I need to pause I need to say something about this because Jambo will do the exact same thing does anyone have a cat that will like he knows you have food but he knows he also has to be subtle about it to like like he can't just walk up to you and get the food because you'll never let him have the food so he'll like pretend to discover the food so he'll like he'll like start sniffing around the table or something or like he'll start he'll start somewhere else and like just pretend like he's investigating the area just making sure everything's okay and then he's like oh wait after like 15 seconds he'll like he'll come over to the food he be like oh wait what's this I had no idea dude yeah Jambo like that 100% let's see what's going on you're [Music] ridiculous God get him down get him down Jesus Christ also hang something on that if you have a bed like that Jambo will do that to me when I been gone for for like like all day he'll just I'll just throw myself on the couch and he'll get up throw himself on top of me and just start making some bread in [Music] there o thought that was a cat door I guess Jambo never figured out the [ __ ] cat door I can't even have one he he needs he needs the entire [ __ ] door open oh that's interesting how does that even happen he wants us to watch other streamers guys I you can watch whoever the hell you want I don't really care hello Phoenix that one was really good I've got some mail guys hold on I'll leave this playing I'll leave this playing but great 21 years let's see what it says hey bud your Anthrax man here again from your AA meetings haven't seen you back in a while the sore throat could be from the excessive daily drinking is that really true looking forward to seeing you back here have a good time fishing buddy is that true does it oh my god dude I will give you some [ __ ] cuz I really have been drinking a lot um okay I'll I'll slow I'll slow down maybe I'll keep this on on the side it'll be like Subway Surfers gameplay you know you guys cool with that just some extra entertainment um excuse me what the actual ew [Music] this is terrible this this is a really bad this is bad stream content now oh a saddle and a book at the same time look at us oh he [ __ ] himself my ADHD is so happy yeah this is this is what you guys wanted wasn't it yep I missed it I missed the Bob give me I five should I put on Subway Surfers oh what's this sweeping Edge and feather falling okay Henry oh my God no yeah you want Temple Run uh I I you know what I'm not even going to lie I'm a Temple Run kind of guy I this is a Temple Run household a smaller end oh I bought this one hold on I'm I'm getting it I'm getting it temper run gameplay no commentary excuse me you've missed a one two many rent payments and it's recycling day so I'm going to have to take oh [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] yeah kvg that's who I go to for my Temple Run game gameplay I don't know about you guys wait how is he is he a it's a full it's like a widescreen game whoow okay I had no idea I think I just hit 2 million followers on Twitch by the way so thanks guys he's not even playing the [ __ ] game hello what is what is this [ __ ] oh there he goes all right let's see how good he does jump what is this [ __ ] ass game what is this I I'm going to say right now this is some don't dis kvg this is some knockoff [ __ ] the camera's not even switching angles when he slides under it this is not real Temple Run there's no coins it's like this is [ __ ] I'm sorry this is [ __ ] I have to turn the I'm not even going to watch this kvg that's embarrassing this is Temple Run 2 where are the [ __ ] coins there's no coins in Temple Run 2 H that's [ __ ] I'm just going to fish I'm just going to fish and you know what I'm I'm going to play some tunes I'm going to play some some of my own Tunes what do you think not even going to worry about that kvg scammer I'm going to throw on some good music all right and we'll we'll we'll just have some fun for just a little bit longer and then uh you know I mean hey it's almost it's almost 2 hours already that's how I that's how long I usually streamed for so [Music] yeah ah we're just going to have a good time you [Music] guys listen to some tunes some fishing Tunes this is some fishing music if I've ever heard [Music] it another book healing beat you [Music] G I heard this song in a movie called perfect days I don't know if I spoke about it on stream yesterday but uh dude phenomenal movie huge vouch whim Wenders I found that dude it's like just a just [Music] a it's a whole movie about mindfulness basically just appreciating the moment really beautiful film Swagger just died what happened the L's explosive magic well I told him not to go in there I told him not to go in there which movie It's called perfect [Music] days how you feel about Shogun so far H holy [ __ ] it keeps getting better it keeps getting better dude episode 5 of Shogun was so [ __ ] good so good there that's one of my favorite shows in a long time I'm not going to spoil anything you guys need to see the show it is so [ __ ] good it is Sea Dog dude I I got on Shogun like the first week it was out and I was thinking about dming him just being like hey man L the in this show and then like a week later I see him tweet please please stop calling me the guy from Shogun I don't know man it's his exact he looks exactly like him he copies the the exact like mannerisms like he just acts like SE dog VA you should put your old stream overlay with the yellow text on I dude you know I wish I had it but I have no idea where that is I could probably recreate it pretty easily but I'm going to uh so I don't know if Davey's here but Davey's one of my editors he's going to be putting together some some videos on schlag that are like SMP live spiritual successor videos so it's going to be like it never ended you know the classic intro with the classic outro the animal crossing city skylines type background yeah we're GNA do it we're GNA do it [Music] g [Music] g oh ooh hello oh power three flame bow don't mind if I [Music] do what a great [ __ ] [Music] song this is what it's all about fellas just having a lazy Sunday evening you know listen to some good [ __ ] music drinking a little bit that's what it's all about you want to know what crazy back when I used to do this I was completely sober cuz it cuz I I didn't drink but you know 5 years went by I turned 21 and then got a little bit older and then here we are pushing 30 yeah old schlatt was a [ __ ] for real hey come on old schlatt old schlatt was responsible is what I'll say if there's one word I'd have for old schlatt that's it's it's toally responsible I didn't have a sip of alcohol and I'm not even joking when I say this I didn't have a sip of alcohol until I turned 21 and I and then on the day I turned 21 I had a uh wow another great book I had a a a I started sipping on a Budweiser and I was like why am I not like what it I I I can't even get drunk like I I must just be completely immune to it at this [Music] point yeah it it took me like four more of them to even feel anything and then you know bro found the cheat coat I'll tell you what the cheat coat is in real life it's just being skinny because once you're if you're skinny and you have a lower tolerance is less fat you know you you you can't handle as much liquor it's a it's a slippery slope once you start drinking and gaining weight cuz then the more weight you got the more you got to drink to get drunk and then that's there you go you're you're a snowball falling down a hill and you're going to start an avalanche and then soon you'll be like me what a great song you know and what a great day what a great day I mean we we really no [ __ ] way wow is my throat okay it kind of hurts dude it kind of hurts did I uh did I I have another H yeah there we [Music] go sarcasm thank you very much for this letter played so much your sub back in 2019 I failed my first year of you un oh bro this stream takes me back good times landed a sweet engineering job as a result so I guess it worked out in the end by a Dusty Benedictine on me you earned it big guy hey thank you buddy hey man we have some fun we have some fun around here I'm my inventory is almost full already look at this wow that's a great that's you know I'm saving it that's a postcard worth saving thank you sarcasm very nice here I'm going to just unload some stuff into this case right [Music] here schad is this playlist public this one is not I'm working on it though I'm working on it don't you worry it'll be public at some [Music] [Music] point is this ma singing dude it sounds like it and also say hi to the VOD Watchers who are listening to this and being like what do you mean there's Animal Crossing music playing right now cuz I cuz I had to replace it uh song name Perfect Day by Lou Reed you wouldn't imagine you wouldn't even think of it it shows up in perfect days I I think you need to watch the uh I think you guys should watch the movie It's it really is great it just came out I think it's on Hulu um huge vouch I mean I was watching it and it's not like nothing the the the really lovely part about perfect days is that nothing really happens in it it's just like a slice of Life of this dude who wakes up every day and goes goes to clean some toilets and like the entire time you're watching it you feel like you should be bored but you're [Music] not which is really it's really something big vouch for that movie you probably love Joe per talks with you one of my favorite shows of all time dude 100% love that man love [Music] it oh my my [Music] goodness we get more books we have piercing to again we can just probably throw that in the uh throw that in the ocean bro acts like he didn't make this playlist it's on shuffle right now dude I can be happy about one of the better songs in it showing [Music] up wow Trina Vega from victorus she's on Trina you know I I hated Trina in the moment and I liked Tori but now that I've grown and matured I see things differently it's like Tom and Jerry you know you always root for Jerry as a kid but then you realize wait Tom is kind of I'm kind of he was kind of the adult here you [Music] know help Victorious and all caps two sobbing emojis get the [ __ ] out of my chat the [ __ ] talk like a [Music] human [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah I got you excited sorry for the let down [Music] man Lord oats thank you for the 100 bits oh look at us we got a Neptune's Bounty these are always fun they have something nice in them all the time ooh neptunium filet knife I actually have one of these already so it's not the most important thing whale Burgers Two Times bread plus whale steak remember those what this game is I don't know what that was a little Message in a Bottle man I don't even know what what's going to soothe my throat at this point Connor do you have the chloros septic out are you spraying the Cherry sauce down your throat cuz even that's not helping me anymore I'm and I Go Again ah sorry sorry caught it thanks bout to GST thanks for the 100 bits I thought that was a drowned I just keep door dashing Sprite yeah that's fair does that help does that soothe you I feel like Sprite wouldn't help me I need something like thick and syrupy down my throat I you know what I think I know what I need not for nothing I need some hem I need some I need some founder in me you know uhoh hey Ross hey you want to see something yeah okay I've uh did he just lag out I think he just lagged out he disconnected right oh that's so awkward man that's so awkward I thought I like dropped or something I thought my my [ __ ] internet just [ __ ] to bed that's the most awkward I don't think there's dude I don't think whatever you were about to do could top it that was that was Spectrum internet what were you going to show me man that couldn't that couldn't be timed any better than oh no it was perfect it was perfect yeah so I met a guy and uh he gave me um he gave me some dolphin DNA oh what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is going on Ross why are you on like why why were you two frames a second doing what the [Music] [ __ ] bye what the [ __ ] is this server dude he's still just he's still all right yeah well I'm glad we have Ross Ross has an emote mod that I that only he has access to cuz when I was on Epic SMP I was like oh man these [ __ ] emotes everyone just keeps spamming them so I just get so Dopey looking man oh ah [Music] beautiful sorry guys I got to blow my load oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I'm I'm I'm riding them no no no oh [ __ ] [Music] help that [ __ ] sucked and look at this I'm not I don't even I don't even have a [ __ ] bed I did get fils it but that was also a boss dude so much for a relaxing evening holy [ __ ] yeah I I panicked okay I panicked I panicked Sprint no I don't [Music] even n just a minor setback yeah exactly see it's fine I I don't even know where we ended up like I that was not my base that was nowhere close to my base I don't even think hey Ross you see where I die do you have do you have any idea I went blind no I was I was in the ocean dude yeah I I know [Laughter] [Music] that oh [Music] [ __ ] the thing the the the the the your zombie zombie it's here is this the thing oh [ __ ] it's got my sword too kill it kill it Ross kill it Ross kill it Ross kill it I got this I got that dog of me [Music] what it's really strong did it it blew up it [ __ ] exploded where's my SW dude it had my [ __ ] [ __ ] flew where did I die okay thank God my [ __ ] fishing rod didn't get I'm so lucky it didn't take my [ __ ] fishing rod holy [ __ ] Jesus Christ it [ __ ] blew itself up I have no [ __ ] idea what this is what is going on [ __ ] oh all right well hey thanks for the help yeah no take it easy brother got some [Music] [Music] mail hey schlatt thanks for keeping it real with the content busy with college studies and it seems some my close high school friends stopped hanging with me since I ditched Destiny 2 anyways thanks for brightening my day here's something for reading thanks dude sorry they ditched you cuz you stopped wanting to play that game I feel like you know I feel like maybe they should ditch Destiny 2o appreciate it going to go back to fishing for a little bit and then uh I guess we'll figure something out you know hopefully not another [ __ ] baby zombie comes back that was a little Annoying ride Ross oh my God Ross Ross I totally have to ride him in a non sexual way he left no he's back Ross I got another piece of mail my goodness [Music] Ross I got another piece of mail [Music] you seen Ross um he's probably in his base [ __ ] I don't even know where that is okay I'll have to I'll have to ride him at some point I can show you where it is Spectrum internet killed me so I'm trying to figure that out oh [ __ ] ah whatever okay der that's awkward classic Josh it's like we never stop playing you know sending this from a Jimmy eator and Fallout Boy concert strong streamy got going there keep it up from Emma and Katie thanks appreciate that uh I'll be here all like I this will be here forever you will not be at that concert forever so I suggest you you divert your attention enoy enjoy enjoy the moment I hope they're actually watching the concert now so they don't see me throwing it in the drink hey schlatt and hello small man I know you like reaction content so please react is very late entry for schlatt tank it doesn't work like that man I can't I I I really appreciate it but I that is going to set a terrible terrible press in if you can just pay me money to react to to your to your video I'm not it's not like that they I have an employee who looks at them his full-time job is looking at it and he picks the best ones you know that's how it works it's it's a meritocracy he had to look through 8,500 submissions for this bedroom [Music] stream another great one I need some more spray and we go oh hey sorry my Spectrum internet yeah what's up sorry there's chloroseptic in my mouth I'm going to go numb no you're good okay uh hey can we try something yeah can you queue up that that really scary crab emote oh yeah yeah yeah no go I yeah when you want it right [Music] now holy [ __ ] oh that's a little anticlimactic what happened nothing are you trying to ride me what do you mean trying to you can buy me dinner first oh the ridden cannot see it whoever gets ridden cannot see it happening wait he's on my head right now he's on your head but you can't see it and when you walk away from him you can't hear him anymore but he can hear you oh well I don't think my hit box changes above my head right yeah but look kind of freaky what if I did what if I what if I oh [ __ ] get this [ __ ] you better not you better not disappear into the Horizon again [Laughter] what a server I love D sdmp we have so much fun around here all right I'm going to get off your head yeah no you're good you're good can you do one of these animations so you're kind of like an airplane at the height of your head so it looks like he's flying you yeah yeah I do do that one more time two blocks high look like you're flying I mean I don't have that emote but I mean I could like yeah Jesus [Music] Christ I'm getting off man I'm getting off your head I don't want to do this on Jesus Christ bye holy [ __ ] oh he's back oh oh oh oh it's caught in the [Music] boat wait I was going to hit it with the sword can you kill that thing the bomie oh oh what the [ __ ] he exploded yeah he does that hold on I'm going to name him I'm going to name him I'm going to name him going to name no no no I'm going to name him wait I need a name tag that has a [Music] name [ __ ] I'll be back what do we want to call this guy we'll keep him [Music] forever Jerry [ __ ] Pablo all terrible I'm just going to put it out there just going to put it out they're all terrible names we're going to call him Eduardo oh I'm on Cap's luck hello will Fred Winfred great Shan top [Music] everybody there he is it's Eduardo don't [ __ ] with him I'm not I'm just looking at his name okay oh what the hell dude there's a glitch with this with this Rod I see it attached to your bobber too oh what kind of Rod you got this time [Music] neptunium what enchantment you got on it everything you'd ever wanted more it is the best Rod I've ever used mending oh yeah oh yeah [ __ ] dude oh I have a little box oh there's a piece of wood in it awesome oh yeah that makes sense I need another [Music] beer it didn't work that's kind of throwing me off though I will say I'm going to go somewhere [Music] else oh bye [Music] Captain oh he's back all no [Music] fellas I hope you enjoyed today's stream I'm just going to take it easy for a little bit uh see where we go I I can't imagine I'll be on for much longer but uh do appreciate you being here there's a hell of a lot of other people playing today the server's still going strong so I appreciate you being here we'll keep going for a bit you know just a little bit though I do need to rest that there does look like absolute dog [ __ ] I thought I didn't have like a texture [Music] loading is there a reason why charborg isn't on the sdmp list is he live yet I don't know if he's if he's streaming but we we should add him he dude charborg messaged me he messaged me today or last night after like after everyone had logged down he was like oh [ __ ] I had it on my calendar for tomorrow freaking dweeb he was supposed to make it he supposed to make it can you believe it terrible what are you going to do what are you going to do what are you going to do nothing you're not going to do anything all righty drink lots of tea for your swore throat I'm not really a tea person you know I don't know I don't I don't really like tea I never did to be honest see how quickly it is it just it just [ __ ] immediately finds a fish every time love it see how quick it is see my I can't even think anymore vix Vapor Rub yeah I've got all the the I got all of it you don't have to worry I'm on every medicine there [Music] is stop yelling so much yeah but it it kind of is my job to yell isn't it so you know stuck between a rock and a hard place [Music] you don't have the fishing trinket equipped what are you talking about oh [ __ ] you're right holy crap thank you actually saved [Music] me repeat song oh I'm so sorry I'm so sorry I'll I'll change it everybody I think we got like a minute into this song but but uh no I'll change it I'll change [Music] [Music] [Music] you know it's it's it's kind of incredible to me that we had uh you know like we we used to just look out and there used to be a big American flag to be to be fair there used to be a huge American flag that Connor built um which isn't there anymore but um you know maybe I'll get Connor to build it again but it it it is it is uh kind of wild that we used to do exactly this just play whatever music we wanted and just hang and fish and that was the whole content and you know over 5 years later at this point we're back doing the exact same thing and the exact same people are watching yeah there's some new people of course we got some new fellas but uh not much has changed and I I feel very grateful for that you know that we can still do this [ __ ] and hey maybe another 5 years from now we'll we'll do it again is fishing [Music] huh I'm [Music] M love you too schlatt I'm I did not say anything about love [Laughter] buddy oh yeah no none of that none of that well [ __ ] you [ __ ] [Music] this [ __ ] glitch is bugging me I I'm going to go somewhere [Music] else it's coming along I mean the the uh the world is going well I think we I think we uh got lucky with the seed it it's like the perfect size Island for people to be spread out enough but also you know stay stay on it you know and and stay stay close enough to where they're just a short walk away you know they call me nice catch they really do holy [ __ ] I didn't even remember that one charborg is just living under this ugly ass house I don't know what he's doing but uh you know I'm sure I'll figure it out there's a nice dock in this house and they got some funny wood too that moves or and look at this this was I loved this they made a dock with campfires and put little fish on the sides of it actually genius so it looks like it's been used it actually [ __ ] really cool doc design I would not have thought of [Music] that but I can barely see the [ __ ] bobber down [Music] here can barely even hear when it's [ __ ] going ah I can't even I can't even deal with that it's not it's not low enough I who in their right mind would use that dock they got to make one lower thanks milk bubs 23 months dude that's a nice [Music] view hey oh I'm [Music] muted oh my God this is exactly what I didn't want Christ all right fine I'll go this way whatever we're done fishing [ __ ] it [ __ ] it we've been going long enough over 2 hours that's how long S&P live streams used to used to go I mean you guys know that we'll go home I'll rate into someone and I'll I'll keep hanging out you guys might see me somewhere else uh around the server depending on who you watch I mean Ted and Tucker live out in the middle of [ __ ] nowhere so there's no shot you'll see me on that [Music] stream is nopy live no one from sleep the pride is on right now imagine if a panda was streaming that'd be [Music] crazy Ted just went live yeah but I'm not going to hang with Ted I [Music] mean yo nopy yo you streaming UPL no damn just hanging hanging about I might stream later though you know [Music] cool well is Josh live actually Josh has been playing yeah I think Josh deserves the raid or Swagger is Swagger live Josh will hate my viewers okay fine I won't raid Josh [Music] damn who knows I mean these raids are they're a hot [Music] commodity but uh hey hey yeah put that on your head that looks that looks great you look you're looking handsome as hell enjoy ah yeah why does l just give me stuff I don't know he's great oh Eduardo is gone must have died rest in peace all right well thanks everybody I'm going to send you over to Swagger Souls hopefully um hopefully by the time that uh by the time that I uh whatever all right hopefully I'm feeling better tomorrow because I'd love to keep streaming pretty regularly I think that'd be fun uh but yeah all right take it easy everybody bye
Channel: jschlattVODS
Views: 412,152
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jschlatt, Schlatt, jschlatt stream, Schlatt stream, jschlattvod, schlattvod, jschlattvods, schlattvods, Schlatt Vods, livestream, highlights, jschlattlive, jschlatt live, Schlatt full stream, full stream, just chatting
Id: v4X-bKWRf64
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 129min 23sec (7763 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 30 2024
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