The 3 Traits of Psychosis [& What They Feel Like]

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Our mental health systems are a joke.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/TheFleshIsDead 📅︎︎ Jun 06 2020 🗫︎ replies

yep, utter crap they are. you tell them your side and bam, they poppin pills and shoving it down our throats. i wished i was an animal or a tree, anything else than a sucky human.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/ChapterNINENINE 📅︎︎ Jun 06 2020 🗫︎ replies

There is a prestigous psychiatrist giving an address at an award ceremony for psychiatrists. He says(I paraphrase) to the audience, 'it takes two people to have a mental illness.' ie every individual is sane, it's the spin some people choose to put on it and others accept.

The movie Unsane tells the story of how perps are essentially entrapping people to get them committed for the insurance money.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Alex_5G_is_Tyranny 📅︎︎ Jun 06 2020 🗫︎ replies

Elite p3d0 organized crime controls your govt using hidden ear pieces & micro cameras. MANY regular people have the ear piece. Ppl treated as slaves DO SOMETHING. SPAM! Trump fights against the group! He is a Russian/organized crime asset who fights back.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/JaundiceCat 📅︎︎ Jun 06 2020 🗫︎ replies
hey YouTube I'm Kyle Kittleson with med circle I obviously have Callie the lab here to my left and I am with double board certified psychiatrist and Med Circle dr. dr. Dom Kyle how are you I'm doing great thanks for doing this video with us we're talking about a few different things in this video specifically though the signs of psychosis and what a psychotic experience feels like because during our filming of our series on psychosis it really was crucial for supporters those who are supporting a loved one who experiences episode of psychosis to really understand what those people are feeling yeah because if you can understand what they're feel like you'll have a better ability to interact with them yeah yeah so before dr. Dom goes off and starts educating us hi I want to ask you the viewers a question what type of content do you want to see from that circle we post many videos right here to our YouTube channel every single week but what do you want to see if you tell us we will make it so we'll be looking forward to your comments below dr. Dom what is what are the signs of psychosis so psychosis in and of itself the definition of psychosis is a breach in reality so Kyle and Callie people that are experiencing psychosis are experiencing the world very different than you or I or the majority of people their senses are picking up things that aren't real but it's real to them that's the important thing so psychosis entails delusions and the definition of a delusion is a fixed false belief but a very strong fixed false belief all right ready yes Kyle what color is your shirt it's great I need to tell you something okay this is very very important okay your shirt is pink I'm telling you that your shirt is pink what color is your shirt it's it's gray well it's not it's pink and where are we right now we're on one of the met circle sets and where and what's up in Carlsbad okay well listening I want to tell you the truth that we are in New York City and we are in my apartment no no really we're in my apartment your shirt is pink right and we're in Manhattan right I do you get it I I don't agree with you but that's it's true okay I feel uncomfortable because it's clearly not true but you have such conviction behind it but my point is if I'm speaking to someone that has a delusional belief okay your shirt would really be pink we'd really be in Manhattan we'd really be in my apartment but you're like no way yeah my reality is your reality you're saying my reality is telling me that we're in the Med Circle website in California mhm mm-hmm and you believe it as real as reality mm-hmm okay but that's my point hmm so that's a delusion and that's psychosis and that's what it feels like to have a delusion you believe it it's real to you right unfortunately it's not consistent with the objective reality of life right and so when someone's having a psychotic episode they will believe something and the truth is that was very simple you know a color of a sweater in a location but people that are having a psychotic episode may sincerely believe that I'm reading your thoughts right now to control your mind but believe it's so much the same way that you believe your shirt is gray mm-hmm like that's a delusion yes all right so that's what's like to have it it's so fixed yes all right now the other thing is is a hallucination I mean a hallucination is hearing something so the way that you're hearing my voice right now if I just said it's a Kyle I'm talking to you but I said I'm not right so I so I'm talking to you right now what did you say I'm talking to you right now I never said that you heard it I never said that oh I see what you're saying it would be it would be as though it would be as though the clarity in which I heard you say that was the clarity I would hear it if it was just in my head that clear yeah that clear so a hallucination or an auditory hallucination your brain is perceiving sounds and conversations and people talking to you that aren't there but you hear it the same way my voice he's talking to you now as a matter of fact there have been studies PET scans mris active positron emission tomography is that it shows the areas of the brain light up when someone's experiencing a hallucination very similar to actually hearing something yes right fascinating stuff so they can have these auditory hallucinations these visual hallucinations of course what about tactile who's right so that's part of it too so hallucinations can be any of the five senses right so tactile is touch gustatory is taste you know I've experienced in my practice or in the hospital people will say everything I eat tastes like X whatever fill in the blank and they believe it everything and that's a gustatory hallucination all right olfactory hallucinations a smell and and sometimes it's mood congruent meaning it tends it's associated with what's going on like you smell smoke you smell the smoke I mean the house is burning down I'm out you don't smell it I smell it right there really smelling it the brain is tricking them right but I do want to say this olfactory which is a sense of smell gustatory which is a sense of taste tactile which is the sense of touch you don't see that so much in psychosis but you do see the auditory hallucinations so much more you can have those other perceptual we call them perceptual disturbances but for the most part it's auditory hallucinations and sometimes visual hallucinations so what does someone do when their loved one is in that acute state of psychosis yeah it's such a good question so we talked about in the series that there's various stages of psychosis right the prodromal phase the active phase and a resolution phase when somebody is in an active phase of psychosis would it really let's use the example we just did right would it really make sense for me to try and argue with you about the color of your shirt or the location I'm not gonna change your mind alright and I think that's a really good example because when someone's experiencing acute psychosis it's real right I'm not going to talk them out of it so loved ones family supporters caregivers if someone is experiencing a psychotic episode there's no need to try and talk them out of it you're not going to fix them and I see that with loved ones because they want to fix you of course maybe it's coming from good a good place Kyle no no no no your shirt is pink man but I gotta get you I gotta shake you out of this and and you're not gonna do that so so so caregivers be supportive be caring become think about how you are gonna get that individual to the next step which is help yeah that's the strategy yes you're having an acute psychotic episode how do we get you help yeah and I'm gonna get on the phone with your doctor I may get on the phone with some care get some you know supporters that therapist or doctor whoever's caring for you to discuss with them what's going on I may have to get you over to the medical hospital called an ER yes but the safest way I can do that in the comest way that I can do that is the best way I can do that yes right I'm not gonna cure your psychosis by myself trust me that's right in this series that dr. DOM and I just filmed on psychosis we really go through the entire storyline of this symptom we talked about specifically the different causes of psychosis and how to rule those out we talked about the different phases of psychosis for example we in this discussion have really been talking about acute psychosis when you're really in the middle of the of the most severe symptoms but there are other phases to look out for and what I really liked is the phases that can and often do come before the acute phase because if you can catch it early that's when you're still able to talk to somebody and find some common ground and hopefully make a good next decision and then we also are not we dr. Dom provided a lot of supporter strategies if you have someone in your life whether they have schizophrenia whether they have periods or episodes of psychosis every now and then this is the series for you this series will really open your eyes on what you need to know and what you can and should do in all of these different circumstances let's give them an inside look to this series right now when someone's having an acute psychotic episode as an outside observer it can be really really scary mm-hmm it can be uncomfortable obviously you know as a psychiatrist I see this so often that you've sort of desensitized to it and and we know that you know we avoid exacerbating the situation by speaking calmly and trying to be as supportive as we can and dimming the lights and reassuring them and not trying to talk them out of their delusions right because that's not going to solve anything and I think sometimes what I see is family is so concerned that this person is talking nonsense that they feel that it's their duty to somehow set them straight I'm gonna fix you Kyle what you're saying is not making sense she could you know and and you have to really remind families you're not gonna talk them out of it they believe that or they see those things or feel those things or hear those things as real as I am with you right now so Kyle that pillow next to you is black well it's clearly red it's black the pillow but seriously the pillow is black it is it's black do you need to know that mm-hm do you know that it's red to make sure you know what's but it's not you're wrong I just know that it's so the time for advancement my point I'm not gonna convince you and that's how real a delusion or a hallucination is to somebody experiencing psychosis so instead of even talking about the pillow or just make sure you're okay make sure you're eating and resting and maybe I can give you some medicines to help you relax we're gonna dim the lights and we're gonna you know get you in a supportive comfortable environment okay and I ask families and caregivers and supporters to sort of act the same way don't make it worse don't you're not even though I sometimes they have the best intentions of course if the best intentions right and I think it's because they don't understand how ingrained some of those psychotic feelings can be you can watch that entire series and more of course at Med circle calm a huge myth I came up with this earlier today people are misinformed but they're also also myth inform and a huge myth about psychosis is that person cannot be helped right they are done for totally not true completely and utterly not true and you know I think this series is going to inform people too and educate people on the various causes of psychosis because there are so many things that can contribute or cause psychosis that a lot of people don't know medical care medical problems environmental stuff medicines drugs all of these things can cause a psychotic episode and the truth is each one of those sort of has a different prognostic outcome and even maybe different treatment approaches right but the point is this even in severe psychosis even in chronic schizophrenia there can be significant improvement if treated appropriately yeah and remember that statistic only 50% of people with psychotic problems seek help right so so it's important that we know that if you seek help and the appropriate help and the right help and you're educated about it it's incredibly hopeful yes that is good to know and this is coming from a guy who sees people in the middle of psychosis or schizophrenia almost every single about every day yeah I mean so he's seen it but he's also seeing the other side of it which is a life worth living so thank you guys for tuning into this video make sure you subscribe comment and turn on your notifications as we release multiple videos every week right here on the met circle YouTube channel I'm Kyle Killa and remember whatever you're going through you got this thanks for watching if you like what you just saw then why not subscribe click right here for new episodes and new series every week and to access exclusive mental health videos that we only release at Med circle com check out the links below you
Channel: MedCircle
Views: 294,213
Rating: 4.8750982 out of 5
Keywords: psychosis, what is psychosis, living with psychosis, causes of psychosis, psychosis symptoms, psychosis interview, psychosis documentary, psychosis treatment, first episode psychosis, drug induced psychosis, symptoms of psychosis, traits, hallucinations, psychotic, paranoia, delusions, delusional disorder, psychotic depression, schizoaffective disorder, bipolar, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, mental health, mental illness, psychiatry, medcircle, kyle kittleson, interview, video, youtube
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 54sec (774 seconds)
Published: Fri May 29 2020
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