Schittty Sand,Scrap Iron and Tire Chains

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well we've got some odds and ends to do today i've got a hose made for that head we're going to try to get that on here well sometime this afternoon but the first thing that we have to get going here now is i've got to get a set of tire chains on both of the feeding tractors we've got a little bit of a dusting of snow here and it just makes the driveways just too damn icy so i struggled here this morning and yesterday morning and um it's just a pain so we're going to get them on there i also have a bearing that went on this hammer mill and that was just delivered here yesterday and uh we're gonna try to get that on there too so we can get the hammer mill and the roller mill out of here and get them in storage um so we can get this bay of the shop back here but we're in next door i've got the tire chains pulled out we've got some sections that i need to uh replace on them and then we're going to put start putting them on so i pulled them all out here we've got a set of double ring chains that we put on a tractor that runs the cattle trailer and we don't like running them double ring chains on the concrete they're just rougher than hell and then we've got these chains with the road chain on them that we use on the tractors that are running up and down the feed alley so i've got two sets of chains pulled out here they are wore out i've been looking them over here and um i'm gonna have to order a new set this set here is just about ready to go it's just meaning they're ready to go out the door um as far as going on the scrap truck um i do have a section broke there i've replaced a few sections on this set uh that one right there has been replaced no no it hasn't i guess it was on this chain here i thought i seen a section that was that had been replaced well here or there we had um we have uh new sections on here one of these sets has got a couple of sections that have been replaced i guess this one right here um so we're gonna replace some sections and now we're gonna put the first set on the 77 10. yeah these ones boy there's one right there i mean that there ain't much left to that i guess that one's got a little more on it so i think i'm going to replace this one here as well all right so it looks like this one is probably the worst uh right here we'll replace this section now this tool here um is just mainly a tire tank chain tool this set of jaws here um spreads them apart and then this one closes them up oh if you can see over in here spread that one that one on top of this one and this one is a used one but it's um [Music] it's got some life left in it oh so so let's go ahead and pull this tractor in and uh get them on [Music] [Music] so [Music] all right so you've seen these tires here are 18 4 38 so they're a lot smaller than the tires those chains came off of we had a set of chains on the 7810 that burn that had 18 442s on it and then last year we put the chains on a 20.8 38 on the 4250 and then take a couple of sections out we're gonna have to do that to this other one here so we'll go ahead take a couple of sections out of this one off the other end and then once it's on there we can bring the torches over and cut the tails off we only need to have about three links on here or so and there isn't any sense in the the tail of the chain coming around and whacking the inside of the fender so we'll get this one split apart and we'll get it on there and we'll run the torches over here and cut the tails off so so foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all right we've got the chains on both of those tractors and now we're taking a lot of scrap metal into white spins with truck nine this is just now just some stuff we had around the farm we stockpile it at different times of the year and then we load up a truck when we have one available and take it in so we have to get this truck empty they want to clean the sand out of the lagoon and jared says he's about done with getting the actual liquid out of it so we're going gonna use this truck along with a couple of the other ones to truck the solid material out that's on the floor of that lagoon we haven't cleaned that out in five or six years so it's gonna be nice to get that cleaned out the crawler is broke down we have to get to it fix the hose on it and uh get that out of the way as well so once we get towards weitzman's hair we'll put a camera up on the truck and uh we'll show you what that place looks like then we'll get back to the shop so that they can have this truck um for cleaning that sand out and there is the phone [Music] [Applause] all right we are here [Music] it's mixed yeah mix or ten really no you know where you're going with it yeah back in the back corner [Music] [Music] all right they're pulling some stuff off of his truck for the magic um [Music] ah so a little crawler right there so foreign [Music] so so that's a torch tank set up right there a bunch of oxygen bottles all hooked up manifolds all right we're just leaving now they've got quite the line coming in and out of here [Music] [Music] so [Music] all right we're down to the lagoon and we've got about all the liquid that we can get out of it right now he's digging sand out that's where the crawler broke down and what we're gonna try to do is make a uh trench to the pumps themselves or the pump that pump over there is broke down gonna try to get a runway here so that we can uh pump the liquid out once we get a a pathway to it the water should start flowing to it a little better there's a good three probably three feet in here you can kind of judge by the tires on the crawler they're sitting on the floor and then the husky pump was setting down in here and it ran a channel from there where the liquid kind of drained out of the sand but um we're gonna go ahead and dig all this out of here we haven't dug or cleaned this out in a good five or six years he's loading it into trucks and spreaders i just got back here a little while ago with truck nine you can see that sand what came off the bottom is just about dry this is what's right on the bottom and that is just dry dry stuff [Applause] well that's gonna do it for this video i'm just getting done with feeding as you can see those chains do a pretty good job of just keeping traction they don't have a lot of hills around here but any little knob we get onto even just coming up here by the cave arm between the hay bar and the commodity shed here it's it's a bit of a mongrel um you get the frozen drive with a little bit of spit and snow on it and it is absolutely slippery so that is gonna do it for this video i don't know if they're gonna be able to clean any of the lagoon out today as you can see they started working on that here last night once i got back with the truck nine they started uh cleaning that out so we've got some shop work we're gonna do today i'm gonna get on that we'll start filming the next video here so thanks for watching folks remember hit the thumbs up if you like these videos drop a comment down below and we will catch you at the next one [Music] mm-hmm [Music] you
Channel: Farming Fixing & Fabricating
Views: 46,211
Rating: 4.9814739 out of 5
Id: 65ZG-xLAM1E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 10sec (1570 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 10 2020
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