Not a good day

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well we are heading into the fourth day a Chopin today I ended up getting done plant corn early this morning so we've got that done for the year June 7th and we're done the display that I use in the chopper I also use in the corn planter so I've got to get that display into the chopper so that we can track our yield and you know our harvest data basically last night I ended up taking the head off the chopper we blew the head off blew the chopper off completely however I did not sharpen the knives I just I don't like doing that at night unless I absolutely have to and I didn't really have to do that last night so we're going to put the head on the chopper the chopper is in the field now I ended up filling it full of fuel so we've got that done once the head is on it we can start sharpening knives get our display mounted and get everything else going now the ground that we are on right now has never had a forge Harvester across then there's a bunch of we've got the bigger fields done that are on this farm now and we've got some of the smaller fields left to do and there used to be pastures every one of these fields used to be a pasture so there used to be fences around the fields we've taken some hedgerows out so we're dealing with a lot of metal and it has been frustrating we got any of this farm last yesterday afternoon about three o'clock and just the amount of wire and metal fence posts and and stuff like that that we've gathered already it'd be enough to surprise anybody so we're going to be to the field in a few minutes and we're gonna get ourself set up all right we are just getting to the field we've got the head in behind us we got to run down grab the chopper and get this head on [Music] [Music] life bird that I'm on great now I seated down last August and this farm here has never had a forester on it therefore we're gonna be into some battle here so we have chopped a little bit in here so far today and I have grabbed a ton of metal so far this can here has got a lot of wire hand odds and ends in it and whatever that is just from today and that I've got some metal fence posts stacked in on the floor we're gonna walk around here a little bit I'm kind of wait for a truck to come too so this is crop land a phat Ron alfalfa this is herbicide resistance alfalfa this is a 70 foot swath and this is running rate at about two and a quarter dry tons to the acre pretty good stuff and if you recognize this field at all this is where I got the drone caught in the tree I was actually planting right about here in this field last year and it was early in the morning there was a storm coming in from the west and it was like you could see lightning and whatever off in the distance and it was dark and I wanted to get a shot with the Lightning behind the planner and I was letting the drone drift too far and ended up getting caught in oh let's see well one of them trees there I can't say which one exact it's it's one of them it doesn't matter but I'll put a card in up above here and um I ended up bringing our left over and drove it across but the whole farm here to get the drone out of the tree so I'll put a card and up above another piece of wire there so what we're gonna do is we're just reversing the feed rolls backing it out and then we've got the guys here with a truck they're gonna actually pitch that a little bit right into the trunk of us it doesn't want to start this time we skipped a more to top of it step back now now we might have a piece and is caught in just in between them just in front of the feet rolls and sometimes it doesn't want to back out of the head for the most part we've been able to leave that little pile right there start up again reverse it out burst it out my mouth and see what we have here here's our pile of stuff so far today sometimes that gets caught down in that channel there other times it could be a small piece of wire that sometimes finds its way down into the head and we never find it again so yeah that was something was that a rock stole or something well I'll fire up try that again so the boys have been running around so they dumped their pile out of that already they just fire up each the Carteret oh there I just kind of throw it right into the truck so me because it's try again both pieces in the same little stretch of area they are getting now the last little bit on this farm a lot of wire today come out a wire down in this tail here that is from today we've also had quite a few metal fence posts that we've grabbed not only is that from today but the guys in the silage trucks they've got some pieces as well and we've been just kind of battle on it we've got two guys over here with a small trucks and what they're doing is every once in a while if I can tiny piece of wire we backed the a little bit of hay out of the head drop it leave it make them over with pitchforks pitch it up throwing the back of the truck and they dump it in the woods one window and in one of the fields it's about a hundred yards long we can't chop that's wire every three feet we're just gonna grab the merger we're hurry it has been two things are gonna be war on reversing fraud down upstairs we got something there my ear we go sticking around wait for us to get that out you spit that out we don't exactly know what it is yeah we're just kind of fire up again sometimes what happens is the the piece of wire drops out behind the head in between the head and the feet rolls and you don't ever find it and as obviously what happened right there other times it right on the surface in its right within reach of grabbing it out of the window and you spent out of the head get it out right on the screen there it's Thomases there's four spots in there four positions and it's telling us that it's just to the left of center so I have to get out see if we can find this one here's our wire that we've grabbed so far today [Music] [Music] the magnet is in this bottom row right here that's warrior [Music] and right here other times it falls out of there there it is right there [Music] so we have one more field on this farm to chop and this is basically what we've been finding all day something as small as just regular smooth fencing wire anything from fencing wire to T posts to old machinery parts that round 3/8 metal fence post has been finding the holes too so we've got a whole pile of stuff here so we're going to get this last field done and then hopefully the next field that we move into which is new Seaton as well that's right across the road from this farm sleeping farm and dad for quite a few years now so I don't suspect that we're gonna have as much trouble there but the way this new Seaton works says you work up that soil and you bring all the old problems to the surface and you end up finding any and all old metal parts eros well that there is the last load of a night and we're gonna run over and get the chopper serviced up this farm that we're on right now it's 40 acres basically and dragging the pipe swung around and behind me they got a couple of wash outs here to deal with but how um this was basically in know about four different fields I thought I did a bunch of hedgerow work over here last summer see some of them trap there on the island moreover they're an old barn as part of this farm as well and now we've got everything all in one field now we're gonna take a peek at this merger I looked at it earlier but we'll show you guys what we have going on here it has a broken spindle and we've gotta get after it tomorrow hold the boys how to fix it and get it going we're gonna cheat a little bit and we don't have the parts that we need for it so while we're waiting for parts we're gonna take the spindle off the one at home so we can get this one going and get it move towards home there's just a 3/4 ball in that need to Derry we've broke these before right at the bottom and I was hoping it was gonna be that but we've never broke a spindle before so we don't have one of them so it should be a simple fix they should be able to just pull that axle tube out of there we're gonna make a little more work out of it taking the parts off the one at home we just want to get this one move towards home we've got some hay to do five miles from here and then we've got we've got to move towards home so today has been a miserable day a absolute miserable day with all of the metal and whatnot that we have brought into here today so I don't know how many times I got in and out of the chopper but I thought I was going to wear the damn Goro get hit and out of it so I ended up having a couple of the men come over and I said bring some pitchforks over I'm just gonna have us clean the head out and I'm gonna move on to the you know move on to chopping you guys can pitch that little pile in the back of the truck and they had three loads that they pitched into the back of the truck 900 aren't big loads but three loose piles a hey I should say that they pitched in the back of it truck and just dump it in the woods we just we picked up a ton of wire metal fence posts old machinery parts and whatnot so we're gonna pull over behind the old barn we're gonna blow the chopper off get it filling with fuel and then we better get this guy here home right bud all right we got the head-on coupled I'm just gonna take the head off because it's easier to blow the chopper off especially the front end when the head isn't on there when I'm using the leaf blower when I'm using the big air compressor I can get away with leaving the head on there because that's just got such more of a volume of air that you can get right in there and get it completely blown off so we're just gonna take that off move the chopper over to the trailer that's gonna be behind the camera here and get the chopper filling with fuel get it blown off quick and then we'll get out of here it is almost 8 o'clock here now so and it is a school night right bud [Music] all right we're about halfway through fueling here I've got to kind of keep an eye on that I don't know anything off so I'm done the only that's what I'm gonna use right there to blow this off and sure most of you see me use that before but this is all the dry stuff that we have to get off in here most of you that are farmers know what is going on in here that's the sharpening stone there and what we have down and here's the knives and I'm not going to sharpen the knives on it tonight but I want to get all this stuff flowing off in here so when it does come time to sharpen the knives in the morning we're not having this dry stuff go up in flames because it will a spark will get into that and it will start on fire so I need a shutoff for my fuel hose I don't have any nozzle on there at all so I got that just stopped in the fuel tank and junior is watching the gauge up there because it's gonna be cold here in a minute got the air cleaner out we're gonna blow the air cleaner out as well and then junior has the covers off on the other side over here it's gettin it's gettin fall so let's uh hi one more bar all right I better pay attention to this and will rejoin you here in a second right there Bob right there [Music] now all we got to that ran out of there our straighter back is like to take that how like to get that hole to get down in that fire now back up shut that door so we can war it off okay [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] all right we've got this all blown off and I'm gonna sharpen the knives on it in the morning now this bottom feed roll here is the feed roll that has the magnet in it so it has a magnet in there and it detects any bit of metal that comes into the feed rows of feet feet severe anything that touches this bottom feed roll that is metal it stops the chopper and then you've got a surge metal detector but if there's a magnet in there and that's how it detects the metal wire and whatever is not gonna hurt that machine but a long piece of wire goes through there a cow's not gonna eat a long piece of wire if it's gonna bail hey what if a long piece of wire goes through that chopper we're chopping at about five eighths of an inch and it's gonna cut them lawyers up into small little pieces and that's going to hurt the cow now what will hurt the chopper is if a large piece of metal goes in there that knife drum is spending anywhere from a thousand to twelve hundred rpms depending on the size of the chopper this one I think spins at 1,100 our PMS you know piece of metal go in there and you're gonna wreck a lot of things in a hurry so we won't sharpen the knives tomorrow because we don't want to run the risk of anything smoldering and burning catching on fire because John Deere lives do matter you know while I was blowing this off and like what is that burning smell because sometimes on these machines you'd have a stone or a rock or whatever go through there and it'll spark off that stone and sometimes it'll start that dry Anglet on fire and all it does is just smolder there and if you catch it in time you can get it out sometimes it burns its way out however we are in two some dry hey that should not be as dry as it is but we got held up with the amount of metal that we ran into today and yesterday from chopping these new seeding pieces now this haul here is just what we took in today that we hauled up into the cab of a chopper now the truck drivers they they don't have near as near that much wire that they had pulled out of that chopper head but they have several pieces in each truck and then there was a bunch of them little a 3/8 round I call it rotational grazing fence posts the ones that are about 4 foot long we probably hauled in about 20 of them today and just a lot of getting in and out of the chopper I probably put 15 years worth of opening/closing on that door with the amount of times that I got in and out of that thing today and I don't know how I got through the day without going insane because sometimes you would only go a foot to 10 feet and you would grab a piece of wire and I had the boys come over they did a good job pull the stuff out of the head with a pitchfork because some sometimes the hay the wire that is in the hay doesn't make it all the way out of the head so you can't just back up spit it out and then go and then they were collecting that and then moving on they were dumping that hay in the hedgerows and whatever it just it just really frustrated me but this trailer here we normally keep with the chopper so that I have fuel at the end of the day it's not too often that I have to fill with fuel at the end of the day tomorrow night the chopper is going to be at home but I like the fact that we have water on here the last chopper that we had we got into some dry conditions we had some problems with a chopper a turbo had went on it and we had too much hay down that we didn't get in time we're chopping hey that was to dry and we catch we kept catching the chopper on fire just a little smouldering fires around the knife drum area and running in back on the main frame rail there's a little spot that collects chaff and sparks would get in there and it was starting that on fire we actually spent 300 gallons of water on it one day and got it out and I wouldn't let the guys go back to the farm to fill that with water I said you're gonna have to draft water crate out of the creek and that's what they did and it was a good thing because before before long it was needing to have a shot of water thrown out it again and that's only a 300 gallon tank but that'll that'll do pretty good at you know get little fires out and then every once in a while if we get into a condition where we are just about there right now it is gummed up real bad and if we get into some greener hay tomorrow all that crap will clean out but the problem is is you get this caked up underneath the knife and the whole capacity of the chopper is based upon how much room you have underneath your knife because it's more or less cut and throwing back to the knife drum but this stuff is a problem right here this is uh alfalfa gummed up alfalfa gets in around that fifty percent moisture 45 to 50 percent moisture and it gums up just like your lawnmower duck does and that haylage has to pass through the blower channel and that blower channel is probably built up just like that I could hear I could hear the zing to it tonight and we're actually worried about plugging the transition chute and once that happens we're gonna have to get some water in there to get that stuff cleaned off so we better get you home right Bob so we did a little bit of video and but not as much as I thought I would be able to do it was just a miserable day so thanks for watching folks by the time you see this video it will have already happened but we are going to be demoing a 9,900 chopper here in a couple days from when this is getting videoed but by the time you see this video it will have already happened as far as I know no reason for the demo other than we're just going to do it John Deere has the chopper at casts and it's actually for sale there and they asked this a day you want a demo I said sure no plans a buying one or anything like that but we did dumb all the 9800 when the 9000 series came out which would be two years ago this coming fall so we looking forward to that and with that being said we're going to get home and hope that we have a better day tomorrow how many times did we get in and out of that chopper today I don't get out of the chopper at all during horn seasons corn is nice one thing about corn you have no mowers no mergers in no metal but we would have had to get out of that tractor I can have a lot more times if the boys didn't come more and help us so we will catch it the next video folks take it easy drop the old comments down below I read every single one of them and I want to thank thank everybody for hanging out with us take it easy
Channel: Farming Fixing & Fabricating
Views: 89,563
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 4XzStn9aZlU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 1sec (2161 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 11 2020
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