SCFA Football: Pasadena at Cerritos - 9/4/21 - 6pm

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good evening everybody and welcome to cerritos college home of the cerritos falcons tonight's ball game between the cerritos falcons and the pasadena city college lancers the captains are out on the field determining who's going to kick off and who's going to receive first just a reminder tonight's game is brought to you by socal college sports and in conjunction with cerritos city college and uh it's almost time for football for the first time in one year the 3c2a was shut down and we're going to step away for just a couple minutes here as we get ready for the national anthem we'll see you guys in just a minute well it's officially football time here at cerritos college once again tonight's game the first game in over a year after covet 19 shut things down after the 2019 season a lot of things have changed but football will remain the same and we are excited to get back into the action and cerritos college is going to be running onto the field momentarily cerro's college head coach dean grossfeld will be under command for his what would be second season back in 2019 before everything all changed cerritos went 7-4 in 2019 and beat ventura college mind you a rival 46-39 in the joe cap real estate beach bowl reminiscent of the beach bowl for myself working for moore park college a couple years ago been there it's a very exciting event and they played that over in santa barbara so beautiful facility to watch a football game but cerritos coming off a high note in the 2019 season conversely there have been 12 quarters of football by pasadena city college where no one has scored a point on pasadena city college so cerritos looking to carry on what got them to the beach bowl in 2019 and start taking care of business head coach of pasadena city college is robert tucker he was a defensive coordinator at uc davis previous to his start here at pasadena college this will be his first game as head coach special teams getting ready to go as we prepare to go underway here and pierce cerritos won the coin toss and elected to receive second one so they'll be kicking the football off [Music] abraham delgado ready to start things off here in 2021 local time 602 pm and it's fielded on the far side of the field around the 10 picked up and brought down around the 20. gain of 10 yards receiving the football was jeremy hartfield he's a one of the starting wide receivers here for this pasadena court we're going to see their offense run out to the field there's some speculation exactly who was supposed to be their starting quarterback so far they have two sophomores returning back one of them being edward norton number one and i do not see him back and they're starting in the i formation under center should be cade wetz once takes the shotgun snap fakes the hand off looking along the far side of the field and finds his tight end daniel phillips check that he's a wide receiver from franklin high school in los angeles for a pretty good game maybe a first down we'll see how they mark it out and they're gonna give him the yard and the chains will move so one play one first down here for pasadena city college [Music] out of the i formation again single back check that pistol puts the running back in motion fakes the handoff looks for the quarterback keeper and kate is going to be brought down immediate pressure there was a complete blitz on the left side of the line or checked at the right side of the line looked to be number 57 joshua palu who came straight on through and it was so it was first and ten now second and fifteen loss of five on the second play of the game out of the pistol once again three receivers on the right one on the left puts one of the receivers slot receiver in motion and they go for the quarterback keeper again he's got pressure and he's gonna be hit around the original line of scrimmage and finally brought down after a gain of six it'll be third and nine trying to shoot right down in the middle and you gotta you gotta hand it off to them trust that their quarterback's gonna be able to make something happen here but third and nine will be the down a distance and kate wentz did his best to get the football forward but now he's going to stand in the gun running back to his right takes a snap he has a four by four spread with uh receivers and he throws the football while being brought down and it's going to be incomplete and that's going to be fourth down for pasadena and they will be looking to bring the special teams back out on the field cerritos causes their first theoretical not turnover but it'll be the first change of change of hands here and cerritos will get their hand at the football the punt is away no fair catch called trying to make a move it looks like medlock the receiver of the punt was brought down almost immediately after catching he had nowhere to go left and right and there was three pasadena city college lancers right there in his face right down around the 33-yard line so that's where they're going to start things off and the falcons offense will run out onto the field the helm jordan simpson number five coming out leading his offense onto the field running back to his left two receivers to his right they're going with a larger line here handles the snap in the shotgun throws to the right side and the ball is picked off [Applause] i'm trying to get an eye on exactly who picked off the football but it was definitely the definitely the defensive back on the left side there [Applause] mark is a 23 but i don't have a 23 on my monster after intercepting the football and they are in deep to the red zone kade wentz out of the pistol puts a receiver in motion hands it off and fighting up to the middle with the flag down on the field so we will see how that changes things after the laundry is sorted out mark anderson the running back on the carry and this is going to back up pasadena five yards it remains first down three receivers to his left one to his right he has his running back to his right handles it throws out onto the flat and hit and drilled ivan ostri had absolutely nowhere to go when bijon harris comes flying in that'll be a very important defensive play to bring it to second down and it'll be 15 all the way to the goal line so a lot of space to make up here three to the right one to the left justice running back to his left cade takes the snap handles it fires and it's batted down at the at the line of scrimmage but kate is able to handle the football and he brings it all the way down to the three-yard line so third and three or third and goal from the three yard line will be where it stands but that is an absolutely unbelievable turn of events there for it to be batted down at the line of scrimmage and right back into the hands of the quarterback oh two by two spread out of the gun puts a slot receiver in motion he's running along the right side and he's gonna be stopped and dropped around the three-yard line a great defensive play to pick him up and stop him at the line of scrimmage ivan austria targeted receiver there in the backfield again we'll see if the field goal unit runs out and it would appear to be the field goal unit christian countries the kicker for pasadena city college or 20-yard attempt high snap handled well and it is up and through the uprights and that will be the first points on the board for pasadena city college remember an interception the reason why this has led to three points after the turnover three points and on the doorstep the whole time you have to commend cerritos defense for keeping them at bay there that was a couple very scary moments however handler well professionally given the time off now back to receive the kick now for the falcons presumably john harris that would be bailey torres so we have b john to our near side and really torres to our far side almost like a scoop kick and a fair catch will be called by hanor solomon who will handle it well and the falcons will end up with pretty daggum good field position here starting at the 28-yard line and for the second time tonight we'll have jordan simpson lead his offense out on the field one play and one interception two receivers to his right one to his left they have the tight end inside on the right side of the line and they go for a handoff first play here and a great run up the middle or excuse me not off the middle good run along the right side of the field jalon manning able to find a hole and get an immediate first down we'll be starting first and 10 now from the 39-yard line hands it off again same design play just on this short near side and keeps on chugging and jalon manning with another powerful run give him 21 more yards in this first quarter another design run to jd manning along the left side there's a flag out on the offensive line would it would appear at the line of scrimmage he was not able to have any gain there's a gain of two on the play but we'll see if this comes back and it's going to be holding on the left side of the line at least where it's suspected to be we'll go first and 20. 10 yards from the previous spot put it on the 49 of pasadena city college so just in enemy territory here the line will be strong to the right side two receivers to the right one to the left handles the snap looking downfield fires far to the right side and just out of the reach of bayley torres make it second and 20. jordan simpson did his best to get the football over there but it looked like bayley torres had his had some separation and he could have definitely been in the area to catch the football had the ball been on the spot we'll go back into the pistol here fakes a handoff and simpsons running to the right fires on the move and intercepted again football was handled and intercepted [Applause] osvaldo ragosa free safety just coming on over and saying i want a piece of that tonight fires on the move and intercepted again football was handled and intercepted and pasadena city college will get another possession on their own 30-yard line so it'll be first and ten from the 30. and back out onto the field for pasadena's cade wentz fakes the handoff throws over the middle in a wide open jeremiah hartfield brought down after a gain of 20. and they're going no huddle now hurry up offense fakes the handoff once again wentz puts it out pretty quick able to get it out to justin campbell who's able to get a first down on a 12-yard no make it 13-yard reception and they're moving the chains once again so two plays and two first downs here and they are marching down the field onto the falcon 37-yard line receiver motion fakes a handoff and he carries it wentz able to make it up another two yards and he's just going right into the thick of it stopped quickly by the defensive line of the falcons so far tonight there has not been much success against that defensive line they've done a very good job of being active athletic and mobile once again puts the receiver in motion takes a hand off and he's looking to throw here and he's going to be demolished there in the backfield and that's going to be a massive loss all the way back to the 43-yard line [Music] beautiful job of penetration by linebacker michael allen ready third 16 for the 43. again to throw running towards the far side he's looking to sling it he's got a receiver in the area but it's double coverage and how did he hold on is it going to be a reception and it's intercepted that football was intercepted and cerritos says how about that we'll put it back in your hands and it would appear that pasadena has now turned the football over for the first time of the night and be john harris comes away with the interception and it will be turned right back over to the offense [Music] there will be a new quarterback at the helm here for cerritos and it will be cade mcconnell hands it off and along the near side nothing going on here the von booth was the carrier of the football lost one yard and was kind of destined to go nowhere immediately when the defensive line of pasadena had immediately gotten access to the backfield mcconnell on the gun [Applause] fires over towards the 40-yard marker or the numbers on the far side and out of the reach with de jour smith who was the intended target it's gonna be third down and now 11. so a lot of room to make up or the punting team will be running out onto the field three receivers to his left handles the snap looking to the right side gets his read finds his receiver but incomplete and that's silas bravo who's not check that it was luca caldwella he's not able to handle the football and he'll be turned over to the punting who's running out of the field now delgado to punt handles a low snap he's able to get it away pasadena electing not to touch the football all things considered a decent punt to put the football on the 37-yard line of pasadena the line to gain the 47 and the only points to mark what was a has been a turning the football over type of quarter of football it's three points for pasadena city college we'll see if they can start something this possession and they will stay with their hot hand at the helm cade wentz though through the interception in the last series he was participant in he's got split running backs to his left and right and he chooses to have the quarterback keeper up the middle and he's hit from behind brought down after a two-yard gain up to the 49-yard line they're going to go with the split running back formation once again two receivers to his right one to his left handles the snap fakes the handoff looking for a quick throw throws right into the middle of the formation defensive backs were not in anywhere there there's no safety to pick up the football as it came out of wence's hands justin campbell the receiver on the play is the first down and 10 from the falcons 43 yard line four minutes ticking down here [Music] handles the snap running out towards the far side looking for a receiver on that side he has one open but he was just overthrown it was jeremiah hartfield who was available on that side he had beaten the coverage but football was overthrown he was trying to make some magic there on the far side of the football but tough to throw off balance will be second and 10 from the 43. back to the split running backs handles it fakes the handoff and quarterback keeper again and he's drilled absolutely demolished by victor clanton and there was nowhere for him to go [Music] what a play only a loss of two yards but third down and 12 does not sound as nice as third down and 10 even if that play went nowhere so far defensively over the middle it has been a little bit soft here for the falcons but the defensive line has handled any type of running threat that pasadena's wanted to throw at them delayed snap count three receivers to his right one to his left and we have a timeout called by pasadena city college they did not like something they were seeing and they did not look like they were all on the same page cerritos will take that and be happy about it two minutes 53 seconds left on the clock here third and 12 from the falcons 45 yard line we'll go ahead and look at that one more time off and quarterback keeper again and he's drilled absolutely demolished by victor clanton there was nowhere for him to go trying to figure out what he can do his head up he was like there's nowhere to run nowhere to go and all i see is a gray uniform with a falcons logo on the helmet and jonathan falmatu also in on the tackle there and we're back to live time here from the 45 yard line third and 12 2 minutes and 53 seconds after the timeout and we are about to go again once out of the gun running back to his left does not hand it off looking to throw deep to his left side he has a receiver open and that will be out of bounds and incomplete good defensive play here from the defense and i'm trying to figure out exactly what what wide receiver justin campbell was trying to say their appeal to the referee there's a unbelievable lack of contact between the defensive back and the in the wide receiver down the line but nonetheless we will have a punt attempt here and the punt is off towards the far side fair catch called and that will be it the falcons would take over on their own 11-yard line let's do this well back out onto the field we got k mcconnell in the gun hands the football off immediately along the right side and with a good run of six yards jalon manning i've been advised it's jd manning so he likes to be preferred so i will make a note and continue to call him accordingly but jd manning along that inside gap just to the near side and trying to work between that guard and and tackle there he's something that they're gonna have to watch out for because pasadena really hasn't had an answer for that running game fakes the handoff jd not taking up the football but a wide open receiver and luca cadrella gets hit and popped pretty good but not after a first down and a falcons first down at the 29 yard line moving the football up and it will be first and ten with 1 48 left to go in the quarter so time to continue the move the football is absolutely there we will have a punched formation on the left side and another tight receiver on the right and they look to hand it off and jd takes the football again he's up along the left side and he's able to fight for more yards and they'll say the football was down after a gain of seven jd manning just turning up them yards he will come off after that run but he's been a very very useful asset for this offense so far tonight i would love to see his halftime stats once they're brought up to us but it's it's already impressive given the numbers two a 15 a 20 yard and then six and a seven i mean keep adding him up connell handles shotgun snap looking downfield he has time throws over the middle and almost almost hits stat down along the middle jacob lasia leija it's leija now you know it helps when you have teammates in the press box with you to let you know how to say names [Music] and i'm pretty sure that was one of the names you already told me how to say wasn't it yeah well we got two receivers to the right one to the left out of the pistol formation mcconnell out of the gun chooses to hand it off and there's a flag off immediately so we'll wait for the laundry to be picked up but it will be a first down if not after a gain of five but we will wait and see 38 seconds left on the game clock here that was an offsides call that's why the flag came out immediately and it will be a first down regardless when they'll decline the penalty and take the yards first and ten here from the 41 of the falcons split back formation we got one receiver up on the top left and one near side handles the snap and immediately hands it off and nowhere was there to run running back was armando gallardo caring for cerritos [Music] that'll be the end of the first quarter we'll step away for a couple minutes here or well mind you a couple seconds and we'll be right back with football action in a second here everybody and we're back here after a momentary pause for the chains to be switched around and falcons will be going the other way i was just advised that it was armando guardado running back number 25 not number 24 so and he goes by puka he said all right well there we go 25. and referees are discussing something on the other side of the field head coach robert tucker not happy about something but sorted out by the referees and we'll get underway here for the end well the last quarter football before halftime so second quarter here we go kate mcconnell out of the gun hands it off and along the outside appeared to be a number six with davon booth for a good gain of nine yards check that eight yards they'll be third and one third and one and the falcons are in no man's land on the 50-yard line one yard to go for first down definitely have had the running power to make it happen tonight out of the gun running back to his right hands it off and it'll be the same hand again devon booth with a nice run again along the near side just shooting over slowly gaining yards as he was able to cut his way across the field and they'll take over on the lancer yard line tied into his right two receivers to his right one to his left mcconnell out of the gun has his running back to his left handles the snap not handing off and he's throwing high into the right side has an open receiver and is broken up good defensive play by salah o'daya it's a free safety you actually was the one who made it all the way over there so it'll be second and ten now from the 43. with a split bat formation one receiver on each side out of the gun does not choose to hand it off and he's running to the right side trying to hit his running back that was jd manning but he was hit as he was trying to handle the football and that will be incomplete so third and ten we'll see what they choose to dial up here on third down and long 13-39 on the game clock here the whole time so far at least in the first quarter you had the feeling that the falcons were very close to making something work and just with a couple miscues i mean it could have been fixed but this will be incomplete and fourth down the punting unit will come back out onto the field another change of possession coming our way with 13 34 on the game clock [Music] and we'll see a timeout called by pasadena because i thought that was a punting unit coming out on the field and it was in fact not the punting unit kate mcconnell just brought different personnel out and appeared that cerritos really was looking to uh do something it is one of those weird parts of the field where a change of possession may not necessarily be the thing you want to do on fourth and long but we will see how they discuss things and it looks like they're talking it over and the same personnel are staying on the field here for fourth down of course football operations have not been able to resume for a whole year so we are right back into it everything a little bit rusty here well pasadena has now had a chance to think it over and they are going to go for it on fourth down and mcconnell will be all alone there three to his right two to his left out of the gun and he will choose to do a quick kick and what a quick kick it was right to the cerritos team offense excuse me wide receiver core on the right side had just burned all the way down and they have now pinned pasadena on their own two yard line what a incredible play and what a cool little talent that we just found out k mcconnell has i think quick kick to the coffin corner or something of the sort they are marking it at the two yard line so depend on the left hash there pasadena will have to take the football over essentially taking the snap in their own end zone and uh well we have seen the quarterback sneak a number of times so far in this game and a pretty strong defensive line here from the falcons and i would not be surprised to see the extra personnel here on the offensive line and they will go into the they will go under center here and there will be a flag on the play as one of the offensive linemen here and it was 65. what appeared to be 65 65 of pasadena city college chris cordova he's listed as the center was not the center though and he was playing a right guard under center in their own end zone quick handoff and picked up in the end zone and that's going to be a safety uh safety is the call on the field and there will be two points on the board including a punt coming our way and the falcons are able to capitalize on a great quick kick quick kick from kate mcconnell and michael allen ready the man responsible for single-handedly putting points on the board here for the falcons and talk about seizing the moment like we're saying earlier is at any moment it's felt like cerritos has had the opportunity to take the upper hand here it's just a matter of getting a couple small things worked out and pasadena will be kicking the football off from their own 20-yard line after receiving the safety well a short kick and the man who causes safety michael allen ready will take the football along the far side cutting back in towards the field he's got open space and he does not necessarily have the legs to get himself out of danger and he brings it all the way down to the 10-yard line we can take another look at that surely take the football along too far cutting back into the field he's got open space and he does not necessarily of moving the football under pressure and absolutely cold as ice there was no hesitation whatsoever he got the ball and he ran bunch formation on the left side kade mcconnell out of the gun hands it off immediately jd manning takes the football forward for a couple yards mark at three so it'll be second and seven first down marker at the two mcconnell out of the gun two receivers to his right one to his left offensive line heavy to the left side and they'll hand it off again jd finds a hole on his feet into the end zone touchdown and the falcons will score the first touchdown in what would be 13 quarters of football where pasadena has not let up a single touchdown we will watch that once again as he goes into the end zone flag's out on the field for a false start full start against cerritos out to kick as a place get her kicker mas bajorkas [Music] trying to tag one extra on it'll be a little more insurance here handle is good almost blocked and no good to the right so the score will remain eight to three there's a picture that the two scores of the game so far here for cerritos a touchdown with six and a safety with two pasadena city college will be out to receive in just a moment we got 12 24 left here in the first half and cerritos looking like the offense that we thought they should be and they are now it's a matter of which number two for pasadena's roster is out on the field check that it's uh jeremiah hartfield to the left trying to get a number on the man to the right check that it would be our hour left but it's the right on the football field so on the near side harfield man to take the football running towards the near side able to find a hole and cuts back towards the middle where he's pile drived by tristan ibarr linebacker working on special teams here for the falcons and the lancers will take over on the 30-yard line so a pretty decent return here for the lancers i've heard from internal sources over there at pasadena city college that there isn't just one quarterback they got two and we will see the second quarterback in their quarterback locker room it'll be edward norton under helm here for pasadena city college two receivers to the left one to the right split back formation handles the snap and chooses the quarterback keeper stiff arms one and is hit and brought down by a number of falcons there as he tries to move towards the far side no gain on the plane he's brought down right at the line of scrimmage good defensive play the defensive line tonight for cerritos has been absolutely solid where the footballs marked it might have even been a loss of a half a yard well i'm not sure if they will actually count that as a half yard but that's where it was placed down not back at the line of scrimmage that's for sure one receiver in motion chooses to take the snap and keep it on the run throwing on the run over the middle of field and intercepted oh my goodness what an unbelievable play by cody coleman who comes running out of nowhere the ball is tipped and that is why you do not throw into the middle of the field on the run you do not have the vision and he was not capable of finding an open receiver there we'll watch it one more time see he comes back runs out towards the outside and he's right-handed mind your left hand throws it left-handed tipped off and picked up beautiful play defensively i mean that's how you just continue to hold your coverage don't break out don't try to do anything fancy watch the watching the quarterback come out of his pocket he was covered by the defensive line and the safeties were able to work together to achieve the goal of an interception what a beautiful job that's just a total team maneuver there fires to the near side and mcconnell throws to bailey torres and there's a flag on the field we will watch what that flag was personal fell for sure a great great maneuver towards the near side and then brought down and running over was dejor smith who really was just trying to defend his teammate from getting hit after the play was over so we'll watch the penalty now and they're going to say personal foul it's going to be a 15-yard penalty from the spot of the foul now it was not a first down initially so that's going to bring it all the way back to the 39-yard line of the falcons thank goodness for the nine yard gain there but now a tough position after the interception offense here deep and handed it off immediately and what a good run six yards at least seven looked like jd manning once again with the football check that it was devon booth he did a great job of just firing up the middle third down and eight not impossible here from the falcons offense out of the gun mcconnell running back to his right they choose for protection throws and has a receiver open and it was the man who caused the penalty and he just made up for it big time to shore smith with a great grab there on the near side you watch him just cut inside what a great new little move there just find that open space and mcconnell hit him right in stride i mean just what a great job under center here mcconnell alone back behind him handles it three-step drop and he goes bounces off the defensive back and that good catching gain from luca caldra gain of seven so it'll be second and three here we have 9 45 on the game clock cerritos on the move once again out of the pistol mcconnell one back behind him has his tight end on the right side chooses to hand it off up the middle and does he have enough devon booth what was just short it was a two-yard run not enough third and one looking for the 29 yard line of the foul of the lancers they'll have a strong side of the offensive line to the right side that's where the tight end is lined up two receivers to his left one to his right mcconnell out of the gun hands it off again devon able to pick up a yard and then some devon booth it looks like a gain of two so first down and move them chains down to the 28-yard line cerritos moving again and this is the offense that we thought we were going to see so far they have looked very confident under the helm of cade mcconnell out of the gun running back to his left one receiver to his right two to his left handles the football and throws immediately on the screen there is no defensive pick up on the screen but able to handle it and here's another flag out there darius lawson wide receiver on the reception and we'll see what the white cap has to say about the and it was a what should have been very clear facebook face mask and it will be a 10 yard penalty and move the football all the way down from to the 11 yard line and that's a spot foul so where he ended up picking up the football uh getting the face mask with the football that's where the fella's going to be applied to so penalty picked up and that's going to put the falcons right there in the red zone bunch formation on the left side one receiver spread out a little bit to the right mcconnell under the gun puts a receiver or puts a running back in motion hands it off immediately and that's jd manning all along the right side with a medium gain of about three yards start at the 12 ended up in the nine 735 here on the game clock and time is taking away as cerritos looks like they are threatening again out of the gun hands it off again and jd bounces off one check that not jd that is dave von booth all the way down to the one yard line and boy do i want to see that again that bounce was just gnarly along the near side handles the football and just boom continues to chug forward and that's what you want from that's what you want from your running back a man who's just going to stand up and knock the dude out in front of him and he did just that and we are here on the two and the referees are going to call a time out on pasadena here and that'll be third third and final time out here with 6 30 left on the clock here in the first half now something's interesting here i'm trying to figure out exactly what the scoring is well i don't know scoring the ruling we have the ball marked at the two the first down marker at the two unless that's a one [Music] so be third and one because presumably that first down marker is a little bit shy of its actual position because if you look where he's standing is standing actually just shy of where he needs to be but that's okay third and one from the two this is most definitely four down territory i don't think you'll be seeing the quick kick from the quarterback in this situation well pasadena has talked it over on the defensive side now runs the offense that kade mcconnell has already put a touchdown on the board and they are going to go with the jumbo package i formation all men on the line under center handles the snap and he drops the football but he lunges forward he might have enough for the first down but that's gonna drop him right at the one and we'll wait for wait for the referees to see what's going on underneath there but that was scary a scary moment there as he handled the football and immediately dropped it well the clock will continue to run its first and goal from the one-yard line and we'll have the jumbo package come out again i formation mcconnell under the gun tight end moving hands it off and into the end zone and another touchdown here be davon davon booth let's touch down falcons the score will go to 14 to three and we'll see if they bring out the place kicker again we have an injured falcon out on the field number 77 joseph perez he's being helped off the field and we have what is reminiscent of a colts play gone wrong okay now they're moving okay i was going to say this is anytime that you see the offensive line not in the position offensive line needs to be in it's it's moderately concerning but going to kick the extra point and it bounces off the upright and in but that was another very close call here with the first missed place kick and it will be 15-3 so the cerritos falcons bringing in a very effective offense and it looks like they have a good plan going forward here against pasadena's defense that is to say the least the sun's starting to set here on the golden state ocean breeze flowing in we're a little bit inland you can feel it here in the stadium and we're about a mile up in the air up here on the second floor of the press box but beautiful facility here from cerritos college and we're happy to bring falcons football to you as the scores 15-3 with 5 55 headed into the end of this first half and we will be underway once again picking up the football justin campbell and he's up along the right side and he is knocked out around the 27. we'll see where the eventual marker is placed but a lot of life here on the sideline for the falcons and pasadena needing to reel off some sort of positive plays here to get some energy back and they will be moving back to their original starting quarterback and that's kade wentz will be running back under the helm along the right hash is the 27 yard line 549 here to go 15-3 one receiver to the right and they go with a stacked offensive line here and they're strong to the left two receivers to the left side fakes the handoff wentz throwing along the near side and hand fighting but no flag out intended receiver was wheeler smith who was not able to get to the football but all is fair in the world of defensive backs and wide receivers so second and ten here from the 27 of pasadena and this cerritos defense despite giving up the field goal after an interception i mean really can't not be blamed for the actual field goal attempt that was made by pasadena the defense has been excellent tonight two receivers on the left two on the right near side receiver in motion handles the ball as wheeler smith again and he's given another shot to run up and he gets four maybe five yards along the far side and he was demolished on the outside just brought out of bounds and good coverage by the defensive unit it was like every gray uniform in the immediate area was running after him [Music] [Applause] third and six from the 31 line to gain will be the 37. wentz handles the snap fires and hits smith again smith able to hold on and he's got the first down he's able to come open along that near side so positive play here for pasadena at the 39-yard line of the falcons first down will be just shy of the 50-yard line at the 49 of pasadena once has got his hot hand wheeler smith to his right three receivers on the left handles it looking to run forward and he has a hole this time and he makes it all the way up to they'll call it the 47. it looks like his knee touchdown around the 40 46 but they'll say the spot the football at the 47. a real positive play here on first down second and two coming up from the 47-yard line it was the first time we've really seen a positive play there from the running skills of wence out of the gun hands it off and mark anderson is able to chug his way up to the falcon 49 for a first down on the chains will be moving again they're trying to continue to move quickly here pasadena has not really huddled up at all they're going all no huddle offense we'll see if they continue to do that well going to like a half huddle there but on the move quickly probably getting a series of plays here two on each side in the pistol formation once puts a receiver in motion hands it off anderson up along the left side and he's found a hole in a big one at that all the way down to the 26 yard line in a first down way into falcons territory and anderson has figured something out their running back is now working with some sort of efficacy and it's been targeted towards that left side of the offensive line or excuse me defensive line 305 left in the half [Music] falcons looking for a stop lancers looking to capitalize here receiver and motion slot receiver that's kindle along the outside he's got a gain of one and we will see our first timeout called with two minutes and 34 seconds on the clock here from cerritos college give their defense a chance to breathe recollect one thing you have not seen this series or this possession from pasadena is that they've been kind of reluctant to throw the football except for the first series of this possession the throwing of the football has been for short gain if anything but they've been able to move the football on the ground very well [Applause] well that's the end of the timeout we are quickly headed towards the end of this half of football and the score is 15-3 with 234 left in the game we got 21 on the on the play clock out of the pistol two receivers to the right two to the left in motion wentz and it's a reverse and there's a flag out on the field the runner with the football is justin campbell he's making his way all the way along to the right side he would have a first down if it's not stopped by the flag and you can imagine there might be a hold there on the left side yeah and this one is coming back and we'll see if we can pick it up on replay here oh yeah oh yeah you'll notice it right there on the left side we can play it one more time launch the left offensive lineman number 66 there just completely turned around because he got blown up on the coverage was not able to hold any part of that defensive front down and the only reason why he wasn't able to get to the guy on the reverse was because francisco guerrero was well giving him a bear hug from behind wentz under pressure able to get the football off and it's picked up by mark anderson the running back who had come up the middle and you guys are not seeing what just happened but that is a mistake on this their broadcasters side of things so i apologize there but you can hear about it what happened was is that wence dropped back was immediately under pressure and was able to dump the football off to his running back mark anderson who was in the middle and not able to pick up a block he picked up the football and was able to run up the field a little bit and now it will be third and what looks like 13 or 12. fakes the handoff again wentz up the middle fires and oh my goodness what a defensive play in on the coverage was omari okay and what a great job of breaking up what would have been a very very nice pass laced in there along the middle of the uh the hash there you see wentz dropped back and okay just comes in and keeps his hands involved and jeremiah hartfield was doing his best to get his hands on the football and it's fourth down and the offense will stay out there they are looking for a touchdown wow fourth and 12 or fourth fourth and 13. wentz running for his life coming towards the near side dumps the football off across the middle field is intercepted intercepted coming along towards the 25 and it looks like the falcons have their third interception of the night and the man with the football let me get the replay of that really quick before i go ahead and try to tell you what just happened we could try to get that back give me one second everybody because i want to see that again we'll cut back to time i will we will revisit that because i want to see that interception again what appeared to be demario king the free safety coming inside i mean he was running for his life and mario king was able to just get himself in right prime position and it would appear at kate mcconnell as a complete reception along the right side the far side of the field it'll be now second and six 112 left on the game clock here second and six check that second and five from the 29 yard line of the falcons got to be moving fast here 103 102. we are almost under one minute here in the first half out of the gun receiver to running back to his right does not hand it off fires along the left side he has a receiver under coverage and there's nobody in the area double coverage and the receiver who is in the area look to be de jour smith it'll be third and five well that stops the clock for now 51 seconds left here and you can kind of feel the excitement kicking in here as the falcons start to click a little bit here on defense and on offense we got two receivers to the left one to the right tight end to the right side of the line and a running back to the left mcconnell handles the shotgun snap and he gets demolished as he overthrows the football and he is hit real hard [Music] as osvaldo ryogosa was the one to lay the hit on mcconnell and you'll see the punting unit come out it's an incomplete pass with 46 seconds left on the clock mcconnell shaken up a little bit but he walked off on his own power jogged off punt is up and away and it's a good one at that fair catch called a little contact after the catch and jeremiah harfield the wide receiver of the man back for the punt 39 seconds are what stands between pasadena and halftime you have to imagine that there's a lot of things that they could be thinking about here but they do not have any timeouts going into the half and remember cerritos kicked off to start this game they'll be receiving the football at the half so this will be the last possession that pasadena has for considerably a while here [Music] four receivers out hartfield in motion wentz throws on the move and he's able to hit his wide open receiver wheeler smith and he's been the target that he's been throwing to tonight that's a first down the clock will stop until the ball is placed on the ground at the 42-yard line of the lancers lancers now working no huddle offense they're gonna be working as fast possible clock is now going 23 seconds ticking down 27 on the game clock the snap is away wentz running through the middle almost up to the line of scrimmage he's going to choose to keep it runs across midfield and he is going to juke and dodge his way all the way down to the 40-yard line of cerritos the clock will stop with nine seconds on the board that's not what you wanted but there's a flag away and the helmet of starting quarterback wheeler smith is off presumably he needs to sit out for a single play we'll see exactly how that plays out and they will not force him to move off the field but nine seconds in a flag it's a defensive penalty and it will be a 15-yard penalty for a face mask all the way down to the 24 yard line they do not have a timeout the football is down [Music] so the play clock is running they might be able to get two out of this if they play it right but they're gonna have to throw the football here there's no way they can move the ball on the ground so you have to think that smith is going to be trying to throw this football three receivers to his left one to his right rolling out to his left side he's out of the pocket trying to throw on the run get his receiver out of bounds and it is three seconds remaining the clock is stopped and that is a gain of basically nothing one yard on the play down to the 23 yard line and we will see the kicking unit come out onto the field christian contrais will be out for his second field goal of the night and this one will be from 40. last one was from 20 so make it double the distance good hold good snap and that is lack of power and it is short no good and we will go into the half cerritos defense holds strong and is able to hold off anything that pasadena wanted to throw to them in that last possession we will come back with the kickoff in the second half and i'll have some halftime stats for you guys and we will see you in a little bit cerritos college falcons 15. pasadena lancers three and cerritos will be receiving the kickoff after this and we will see you in just a couple moments everybody welcome back everybody we are headed into the third quarter and we have a score of 15 to three cerritos i'm going to be taking the kick off here in the second half and wow what a first half we had now pasadena had an interesting offensive half they were able to move the ball in some cases but defensively cerritos was very very very adamant that they do not move the football on the ground cade wentz he had 19 attempts and 12 completions for 101 yards here in the first half a completion of 20 for the longest but he took one sack i think he might have taken another one or he might have been demolished at the line of scrimmage so i don't know exactly if you fall forward for an inch but we are about to get underway in the russian column they didn't fare much better they only had 64 net yards a gain and cade wentz had nine of those attempts for 37 yards but a lot of it was getting hit at the line or getting hit behind the line of scrimmage and we are about to get set and roll away with it boys and it is going to be a short kick to the right side oh my goodness out of bounds and there will be a flag what in the world was that kick design a lot of questions to be asked about christian countries decision there um but we will we will switch switch it up here and there will be uh the football placed on the 45-yard line at this point and we will see the offense of the falcons back out on the field and we're going to be seeing a change at quarterback here at the second half and it would appear that they want to go with jordan simpson under center here and they will be in under center with one running back two receivers away and they hand it off immediately cutting along the inside is going to be jd manning and there will be a flag for a late hit we will see the late hit right here watch as he comes out and okay steps out of bounds and oh okay don't make it too easy on the referees here back to real time so it'll be first and ten from the well it would have been the 41 yard line and then moving the football even farther all the way down to the 26. you gotta figure that is not the way that pasadena wanted to start this half of football 14 51 here left on the clock and it will be jordan simpson again and he will stay in for this possession in the pistol formation two receivers to his right tight end and chooses to keep it throws on the run throws into the middle of nowhere presumably looking for jacob lasia or leija that might have been the intended target as the tight end broke contact immediately ran towards the far side of the field around the 20-yard line but there's no one in the vicinity of the football luca caldrella along the near side a little bit of a sloppy snap but hands it off to jd manning who's able to get it all the way up to the 20-yard line good gain looks to be of six maybe seven yards we'll see how they mark it out first down all the way up to the 16-yard line it stopped on the 20. so be third and four coming up here right on the edge of the red zone jordan simpson will be out of the gun with a running back to his left one receiver to the near side two to his right and they'll have the added man on the end of the line there on the right side strong offensive line to the right handles the snap fakes the handoff and oh dropped bailey torres intended receiver and he had the first down had he just held on to the football and it bounced right off of his chest pad he will walk back to the sideline but it does not look like the punting or the kicking unit is coming out and they're gonna stay with jordan simpson we've seen him go for it on fourth down here a couple times tonight minus the quick kick to the coffin corner which was excellently worked out by kade mcconnell simpson out of the pistol handles the snap running out towards the far side being pursued throws into the end zone and the receiver falls over looking to draw a flag and no it will be a turnover on downs first and ten from the 20-yard line as pasadena will take over as a nothing possession here for cerritos knox two minutes and almost 30 seconds off the clock 13 34 here to go in the third quarter 15-3 the falcons are leading it we will see who steps in as the quarterback as we had cade wentz in for most of the first half here with the exception of edward norton who came in through an interception and it will be cade wentz puts a receiver in motion looking for an extra block he's got a lot of pressure and he's brought down another sack for the defense of cerritos and a great job of forcing penetration that offensive line was just very stiff in their footwork and did not really maneuver around i'm going to say that was malik skiffer who is the man to bring most of the penetration there we can run back to the replay for just a moment it looks like pasadena's taking their time to give their quarterback a breather watch the inside of that line collapse and what an excellent job there on the outside i'm sorry it was number 13 logan applewhite who just demolished once and we're going to have a false start penalty let's look what looks like we'll see yep false start called on the offensive line that will bring the football back five yards so they are going backwards in a hurry second and astronomically long we're looking at 22 at this point it'll be placed on the eight yard line and cerritos may be thinking about sniffing out another safety we will see what the defense wants to do here but second and 22 backed up close to your own end zone three receivers to his left one to the near side running back to his left we got a five-man front of the offensive line low snap wentz running for his life along the outside fires on the move and almost intercepted once again and he threw into over top coverage coming in was demario king and he was the man who's just flying in from the top we can watch that one more time running for his life and he fires and yeah it was the mario king who just came flying over the top of any wide receiver in the area and he was throwing at two white jerseys but third and 22. falcons football feeling alive tonight three-man front here for the defensive line time for wentz wentz runs for it and he's got hit and brought down after only a gain of three yards and that's going to be a fourth down and the punting unit will run out on the field now you have to wonder 57 joshua palu by the way on the tackle just great job of containing once but you have to wonder with the kicking game that pasadena has brought tonight where is this football going to go and how far is it gonna go for that matter good snap almost blocked it might have been tipped and it is out of bounds around the 30-yard line we'll see where they mark it to go out of bounds but this is gonna be great field position starting for the falcons we have the field judge standing at 30 and that's where they're going to call it and we'll see who marches onto the field to take the helm jordan simpson is standing in the middle of that huddle so he will take his offense out on the field and like we just said again the punting game and kicking game from pasadena has been a little bit suspect in the beginning of this game and i can say with assurance that with 11 59 left to go here in the third quarter nothing has changed there under center will be jordan simpson one running back behind him choosing to throw here on first down fires it's djour smith and it will be second and what would be two around the 22-yard line again cerritos looking to be in the red zone once again into the pistol modified gun formation two receivers to the left one to the right one in the slot hands the football off immediately and up the middle and continuing to run is devon booth who was just not going to quit and said i will take some more yards please go ahead and keep trying to take me down he was not going to be stopped there and we'll rewatch this again i mean he gets hit and drugged by three different people and still finding a way to run forward and it's gonna be first and goal from the 10 yard line what a powerful and beautiful run that was well jordan simpson on the doorstep here in the red zone puts a receiver in motion and it's going to be a toss running along it looks to be number 10 bailey torres all the way along towards the inside and he's going to get up to the six yard line for a gain of four cerritos it was lucio rodriguez linebacker i was actually able to come in and handle him on that side but the beginning of that jet sweep there they had a pretty good idea of where they wanted that football to go and it seemed open until the defensive line was able to adjust so good job by pasadena at least adjusting on the fly there from the six yard line into the end zone touchdown falcons and out of the backfield out of the backfield davon booth comes in and cat catches his first touchdown of the night we'll watch this one more time easy money from jordan simpson that will make the falcons 21 points barring the extra point extra point is good the horcas able to convert on the extra point 22-3 and another great possession by the falcons as pasadena has not really been able to find an answer for the offensive coordination here you really have to think about all the time that everybody's taking off here in the last year there is going to be an adjustment period most of these teams only played one preseason game maybe had a couple scrimmages and inner squads and only a couple a couple times to really feel what it feels like to get hit and it's exciting to walk out on that field the first time in a long time and you can most surely know that these guys are excited to be here no matter what the circumstance but 9 54 here to go in the third quarter 22-3 is the score and we will be off and running here with the football long kick fielded around the five yard line and running up is miles anderson and there is a dog pile and there is a fight on the field we'll see how that oriented itself so far no laundry out on the field yet but we will see let's go ahead and watch that again so run up the near side what seemed to be a dog pile and there you go a little shoving match there between well we'll remain unnamed because we're not going to be a snitch here out of the gun wence handles the football looking to throw here on first down he's under heavy pressure and he's sacked again and there is serious questions to be had about the offensive line right now as you just see ultimate breakdown along the middle and the right side of that offensive line leading the charge here for the falcons terence seaman simmons jr or terrence simon wentz hands it off hit in the backfield but still running is wheeler smith he's been his number one target so far tonight and it will be third and long third and 19. once rolling out to the near side looking for the quarterback keeper and he's going to be hitting brought down no gain on the play and he looks like he's looking for any opportunity to throw the football but there is just nothing out there and the defensive backs and safeties are doing their job and presumably the linebackers are just sitting there in middle coverage going well do you want to run out or not and the defensive line says we're not going to let them do that so it'll be fourth now and long and the question of where the football will go out of the kicker's foot is the remaining question seven minutes 45 seconds it's 22-3 kick away and it's good this is a spiraling kick wow all the way down to the 35 and a fair catch called [Applause] i think it's a mario kiki to receive the punt there it's very difficult to figure out the difference between the two number twos because most both of them are six foot two both of them weigh roughly 190 to 200 pounds they're both sophomores and they both wear number two we'll figure it out back out on the field under center simpson handles a snap throwing on first down all the way along the far sideline smith continue to rack up yards today a little more active here in the second half he only had one reception for 14 yards last half luca cadrella three receptions for 25 yards simpson under center again one running back back and he hands it off here on second down churning forward and falling forward look to be devon booth check that then we have not called tonight for rushing well maybe we have [Music] that would be his third carry of the night so enough to get the first down and enough to charge forward first down and 10 from the 47 yard line and a false start here for the falcons got six minutes and 30 seconds roughly 6 33 to be exact the first of 15 from the 42 yard line line to gang will be the 43. of the lancers here we go two by two spread out of the gun slot receiver in motion rolls out to the other side has plenty of time and plenty of space and oh my goodness overthrows his wide open receiver looked to be george smith who's running along there let me see if i can get an accurate read out there we'll see the tight end coming out of the field jacob ley huh been doing a good job of keeping the quarterback protected so far tonight neither kade mcconnell nor jordan simpson has been sacked heavy set offensive line two receivers out and you have a running back and there's gonna be a whistle for another false start potentially here or is it a timeout yep that's gonna be another false start five yard penalty and not the way that they wanted to go second and 20 now because i haven't been able to move the football under six minutes here here in cerritos simpson out of the gun has his running back to his left fires to his running back [Music] makes a great move outside and he is brought down eventually after a gain of 12. right onto the 50 no check that 48 49 yard line pineally lago with the catch and run enough to put them in third and eight so not a bad position to be in here i can convert eight yards has been doing it all night long and there will be a timeout called we'll see who called it at least that's what we thought it was taking under five minutes here 507 on the clock four receiver spread here for simpson fakes a handoff but then eventually gets it down a lot of running room here for logo and we're going to definitely rewatch that absolutely trucks any defensive player in his way from pasadena this is just an absolute monstrous run here we got to watch this one more time that's got the sideline absolutely fired up and i imagine if you guys were here watching this with me boom trucks him and gosh dang eventually coming in on the coverage here defensively was justin campbell supposedly playing defense now for pasadena but goodness gracious that is how you run a football hand it off again lago up the middle continue to run and he turns out what looks to be another first down and they are moving the chains again line judge says good to go and gosh darn it i mean that is how you move a football that's a couple solid runs and the sideline and offensive coordination of the falcons is absolutely ecstatic with those couple runs there i mean talk about just having no fear running right into someone and saying i'm gonna take you down i don't care out of the gun with the tight end on the left side here in the slot running back directly behind him sampson hands the football off it's jd manning manning they only able to get one yard he was kind of stuffed there on the inside the line collapse and there is a flag down on the field we'll see where it goes we'll wait for the call from the white hat well it's gonna be a dead ball and a personal foul penalty which will work into a loss of down so if it was second and nine well not a loss of down but you will not get the first down back because it's dead ball so it'll be now second and 24 i believe is the proper mat there it is line to gain is the 16 yard line jordan simpson saying i don't care we can move the football 10 yards every time we snap the football it's just a matter of not committing a penalty four receiver spread two on the left two on the right running back to the left of simpson simpson handles the shotgun snap looking downfield stays in the pocket able to throw has time and he has a wide open receiver but not in time was in able to get to the football and that would have been a beautiful touchdown pass but just overthrown it was darius lawson it was in the area he was the target of receiver third down and now 24. i mean why not 22-3 with 242 left here in the third quarter and presumably a very fired up sideline here from cerritos pasadena on the other hand having some questions to answer here if they want to get back into the game here in the third quarter fakes a throw goes for the handoff and i'll go [Applause] looking for a penalty as he was hit a little bit late there on the end of that play let's see if we can catch it with the replay here we can re-watch this over handles the football and he's able to take it along the near side and get up a couple yards now he wasn't hit so they were calling for it they're not gonna get that back to real time here four receiver spread it's fourth down and they say no we're not going to punt the football bring an extra man out into the yeah that's a timeout because that would have been no not too many of the men on the field they had 11 men they would have had 10 running onto the field late there was bailey torres so trying to work out their personnel i mean well we saw them do a quick kick to the corner the last time this is kind of the same type of situation who's to say that they don't try some sort of trickery again it's very possible very possible well we hope you guys have been enjoying the festivities so far and this is opening night of the 3c2a scfa season it is exciting for those of you who follow junior college football or those of you who are new fans or banned fans for a year as we've taken a year off because of the coveted pandemic we're tired of hearing about it and we want to play football so that's what we're doing here third quarter two minutes and 20 seconds 22-3 falcons ahead of the lancers and they will have a three receiver spread to the right side two receivers spread to the left simpson looking to throw here has space on the right side and he's got a lot of space in front of him chooses to keep it he's going to be running towards the right side hurdles one player and he's brought down and knocked down should i say around the 20. it's gonna be a turnover or downs but you got to respect the effort there i mean he tried to hurdle a player and keep going if he wasn't just tapped in the air but takes a football and does what he can with it i mean coverage broke down there was really nowhere to throw he looks for his reads he had a shot along the right side but it wouldn't have been enough to get the first down he goes you know what i'm gonna take it looks up gets hit once and is not able to go anywhere he had four yards to go for the first down but you got to respect the effort and the offense of the pasadena lancers are going to run back out onto the field looking to make a little bit of a change here and they will they have a new quarterback out on the field it's the same one we saw who through the interception in the first half it's edward norton looking to change things out of the pistol two receivers to his left two to his right one in motion hands the football off first play and a break of a tackle and a gain of three to four yards we will see who gets up it was mark anderson running back for pasadena he's still in the game so he'll presumably continue to be the running back here not to be confused with linebacker miles anderson mark anderson behind the quarterback of the pistol norton handles the snap no he keeps it quarterback keeper tries to run out and he is hit along the far side outside of the hash by the numbers around the 25-yard line on the 26th receiver in motion they go with the jet sweep nope another quarterback snake and he's gonna be hitting brought down as a fourth down and four and we'll see if they choose to bring the kicking team out and get the punter going they had a nice punt last time yielded pretty good yardage and cerritos was at that time unable to convert it really to any points but they were able to march down the field minus the personal foul penalty dead ball that really stifled the march down the field punter running kicking and this is gonna be shallow just by the 50-yard line and it is going to roll all the way down to the 44. nobody's gonna pick it up from the cerritos sideline and we are going to see the end of the third quarter expire we'll head to the fourth quarter we'll see if the referees want to call it fourth quarter but uh it will be the fourth score going into the final quarter of the game 22-3 and cerritos college feeling pretty good after three quarters of football we'll be right back after a quick and brief moment we'll see you guys in a few minutes well and enjoying the festivities here the cheerleaders of cerritos college putting on a show down here on the sideline and it would appear to be mcconnell back into the game fires and hits his tight end for another big play in a first down but here comes a flag and it looks like a late hit we will see what's going on here we have a couple players down let's let's sort some stuff out here really quick receiver on the play was jacob leija he was the tie dan we're gonna go ahead and watch this back one more time fires on the run leija man just look how fast yeah i can see where the flag came from and that's going to be not sure if it's a spot foul but there is still continuing to be a player down on the sideline we're not going to we are not going to show him on the field but appears to be a leg injury of some sort not grotesque but uh he's being checked out by the trainers and staying down so they haven't moved him off the field but they just want to check him out see it looks like a low hit we can go ahead and watch the replay again this time a little bit slower so you're gonna watch the penalty here and that's what they'll probably call a blindside hit and then a low hit on leija who avoids it spins makes a beautiful move and then a low hit again on leija to knock him out and presumably that is where we get oh oh there's a cramp you can see it i think he's cramping out that's what that looks like so presumably a cramp there and that's what we really hope it is i hope it's not any type of injury but trainers appear to be stretching his leg out hoping that he doesn't seize up anymore you know that the tough part about taking a year off and especially prepping for a football game like this is you don't realize how much water you have expended from your body and it's important to make sure you stay hydrated out there really really tough and having a hard time working off the field now i'll tell you guys who it is is jalen thornton he's a cornerback and he's having a hard time getting off the field here thoughts and prayers hope that he is all right and able to make it off the field and be checked out and good to go you never want to see any of these guys get hurt out there it's one of the unique levels of football a two-year college and every single play every single one of these guys is giving it a hundred percent of themselves to separate themselves from the pack and become somebody different so here we go under center and falling back firing on the run open receiver luca and able to pull in the grab apologize i'm trying to get my notes all squared away here so there's a penalty marker on the play looks like the penalty from the last play was waved off this one will not be this is presumably holding and it is holding on the offensive line backs of football all the way up to the 35-yard line so that's where it will hold at this time 1440 here left in the fourth quarter cerritos 22 pasadena three and it will be first in 19. we will be underway fires along the outside cutting inside trying to make a move breaking all the way down to the 40 and this will be a gain of six yards trying to get an eye on who the ball handler is it'll be your running back devon booth and getting a lot of work so far tonight and he's doing a good job you know one thing i would like to see a little bit more of logo cracking skulls and just absolutely trucking people running them over under center mcconnell has the lone back behind him two receivers to his right chooses to hand it off and making a move and running up the left side another great running play as devon booth as he makes his way all the way up the left side we'll go into third down it'll be third and manageable we'll call that third and six clock is still running as cerritos is going to start working on getting that clock to work slowly down and bleed this game away pasadena if they want to do anything here they're going to have to think quick and they're going to have to move with no huddle as they try to get back into this game 13 22 13 20. we're under 13 20 here in the fourth quarter mcconnell out of the gun running back to his left three receivers to his right fires over the middle oh almost picked off had the free safety been running in the right direction intended target was luca caldrillo and he was wide open i mean he just dropped the football so it's gonna be fourth down here fourth and six presumably the punting unit will be coming out nope it's going to be quarterback kate mcconnell well we saw him do a quick kick to the confident corner last time we'll see if he chooses to do it again three receivers to his right one two to his left five man offensive line he is the lone man in the gun set high snap chooses quarterback keeper that was a poor choice and he's going to be hit and brought down around the 50-yard line so 50 yards to go for pasadena as we turn over on downs pasadena having to move quick here 1306 we're just over 13 minutes left to go here in the last half of this game makes you wonder why jordan simpson i'm not going to question the coach necessarily but jordan simpson handling the last possession of football it would have been fun to see him out there again and him and logo just clicked on all all levels of the game there and i would have really enjoyed to see that combination work again nonetheless football goes on and we have a shuffle pass shuttle pass forward all to the all the way up to the 41-yard line how's jeremiah harfield there there's number one basically contact that they've had offensively tonight shovel pass that was the word i was looking for 12 44 here left to go he was clock restarted as a first and ten ball on the 40-yard line 30 is the line to gain four receiver spread to the left two to the right receiver in motion fakes the handoff running and throwing and almost intercepted that would have been his second of the night holy toledo de jour smith [Music] check that it was giovanni de leon linebacker just running over what a great play that was mind you that edward norton is left-handed so running towards the near side was a comfortable pass firm as it was running towards the backside but you have to remember the last time he ran out of the pocket in the first half he threw an interception doing the exact same thing hands it off and his running back will have gained it looks to be five to four yards [Music] ball carrier was mark anderson [Music] [Music] receiver motion and it's another a jet sweep towards the near side and wheeler gets absolutely demolished on the near side check that jeremiah harfield we can go ahead and re-watch that that was exciting from the sideline of cerritos harfield you watch him just run along that inside coming in and boom that's how you fall through on a tackle there and there's a penalty flag for after the action type incidents this is this is where you got to bring your team in grab them by the face mask and tell them stop letting this stuff get to you it's time to pay attention and focus there's a lot of football left that can be played in 11 31. it'll be first and ten inside the red zone here from the 16-yard line lancers for the first time in the red zone since the first half you'll remember they tried to kick a field goal that was their literal last possession of the football game edward norton out of the gun running back to his right three to his right as receivers keeps a football turns to his left fires to his left and a contested football and nobody knows who has it and they're gonna call touchdown goodness gracious we have the ability to review this thing so we're gonna watch it over and over and over and over and over again but i want to know who had the eyes on whether or not that was a caught football or whether or not it was contested and that is a catch i'd like to say that's that's probably a catch right there and there's gonna be no argument that's six points on the board pending the extra point kick is up and good so 10 to 22 and like i said in 11 minutes of football there is a lot of football left to be played this is what happens when you get sloppy this isn't necessarily a matter of skill this is a matter of making sure that you do not make small mistakes that can end up being big mistakes later on in the game 10 55 left to go here in the game we're in the fourth quarter the sun is down the lights are on looking for an extra man you can it'd appear they were too short i don't really want to do kickoff return with nine men on the field maybe a little bit of a rough situation in terms of picking up blockers we got john harris back as well as bailey torres christian contras well last time kicked the football was the kickoff of the second half and it sailed out of bounds around the 40-yard line of the falcons we'll see if he can do better than that this time there on the far side will be torres on your side be john harris and a short and low kick and that's going to be fielded by oh mario kk and he's going to run up towards the 33 we'll see where they mark it we'll be on the way to the next possession of this football game you see kate mcconnell running back out there with his team so cerritos has said enough we are running the starters back out there and we are looking to score again we want to put this game away and i agree split back formation for mcconnell handles the snapping shotgun hands it off and running along the near side is devon booth and he is run out of bounds after a nice gain what looks to be 14 yards handling a lot of these snaps later in the game it was earlier jd manning i haven't seen him for a couple series so hoping he's feeling all right looking for him here on the sideline he may be the other split back there we'll see if they go back into that formation yeah he is so they have both running backs out there i'll tell you exactly who it is davon booth left side jd manning to the right side mcconnell in the gun two receivers and they'll hand it back off to booth booth cutting inside and he pops one really good is able to get a gain of six yards we'll call it he's second in second of four well they'll call it second of five only a gain of five but not too bad enough to keep the football moving and the clock going so it's 9 55 here 15 seconds here on the play clock as they still go with the split backs fakes the handoff no time to throw throwing up in the air and that is a sky ball that is going nowhere all the way down to the 10-yard line and there's going to be a flag for contact i mean literally running directly into luca cadralla we can go ahead and watch that i mean we had a great angle of it it'll probably be a five yard penalty in a first down now yeah so it'll be past pass interference the offenders are appears to be number 28. with first and ten from pasadena's 33-yard line bunched receivers to his left slot receiver on his right and a bad snap he's able to pick it up and manage it he falls on the ground and he will be quote-unquote touched down around the 46. we'll see if they mark at 47. that was not the way he wanted to rece uh to react after getting that nice penalty there the 45 is where they eventually mark it that's over 20. it's 22 second and 22 now clock is still running we're under nine here in the fourth quarter 22 to 10. five seconds here on the play clock gotta get it off two one and that will be a delay a game out of the gun mcconnell a lot of space to work with and he hands it off and what would definitely be a face mask and running forward we we can re-watch that one now normally when the player is not having his helmet on jd manning normally wears his helmet during the football game uh it has been ripped off of his face and he'll have to come out for a play but we can go ahead and re-watch that maneuver you can't really get your hands up into the face mask of a player and you definitely cannot grab on to it so we'll just go ahead and watch that one real quick and oh yeah number 31 there pasadena i'll get you a name in a second but frank coleman jr linebacker just reaches and goes let me come get some and jd manning said i'm gonna run through you i don't care technically he was never even touched down but regardless that's uh easy way to get a first down and erase all those penalties that the falcons had just had negatively against them so four receivers spread two to the left two to the right running back to his right mcconnell out of the gun fires bounces off the offensive line and that'll be incomplete second and ten now stops the clock at eight minutes exactly we have 35 seconds on the play clock not a factor here but eight minutes exactly the rest between the first win of the 2021 season that's what separates it so the game is far from over but this has been the team that we were hoping to see from the falcons confident and coordinated mcconnell out of the gun receiver to his left running back to his left hands it off it's gonna be jd manning again along the right side and he's gonna be hit and brought down after a gain of two or three he's gonna be brought down around the 26 yard line that will work out to be a gain of two it's gonna be third and long now they'll call third and eight just a reminder soco college sports covering junior college action or community college action all across california all year long so if you have any other games we'll we'll be in the mix and carrying some of them mcconnell out of the gun fires to the left side has an open receiver makes a great move cuts in outside and he falls down around the first down marker and on the ground and appearing to be in a little bit amount of pain but up and walking is dejor smith who just made a great move we can go ahead and rewatch that as he works his way off the field watch this great move cuts inside and then comes right back out and he knows where the first down marker is back to live action 640 on the clock now out of the pistol mcconnell bunch receivers on the right side hands it off immediately and hit after bouncing off contact continuing to move forward chugging forward and moving again it appears to be devon booth and it is another good solid run and brings it all the way down within one yard nine yard gain on first down and it'll be second and one check that second and two eight yard gain all the way down to the 10 yard line line again will be the eight they are in the red zone and they are moving the football again hard to imagine that this was the same offense that earlier this possession was down second in like 27. mcconnell handles the shotgun snap has time throws throws to his right side he was looking for jd manning manning was not open he was engaged in what seemed to be a pretty good hand fight with angel garcia the sure safety who came running over 32 angel garcia yep bounces off the head of an offensive lineman it's going to be third and two this is that fourth down territory though you might want to take the points but given how the kicking has been so far tonight offense has been very trustable now in the pistol formation the lone back j.d manning bunch receivers to the right side jd manning takes the handoff he drives forward and powers for for the first down it's gonna be first down by a lot first down would be first and goal from the six so he makes it all the way to six you need to make it to the eight did that by two yards and when you're diving straight into the pile to gain four on a carry not too bad six yards 5 27 clock will continue to run [Music] out of the pistol again jd manning lone back behind him fakes the handoff rolling out towards the near side fires hits his near side receiver and no not a touchdown it was the tight end jacob leija who had made it all the way down what should be the one yard line i'll take a quick look at that as they get set up but you can see very close but no cigar just trying to get the football as far forward before he gets knocked out of bounds good job of holding on we are close we got jumble package out on the field i formation tight end moving over and a quarterback keeper all the way to the inside is it enough we don't know and pasadena says they have the football and the referees agree oh my goodness we'll go ahead and watch that in slow motion again we got the jumbo package out on the field handles snap all the footballs out the football was out on the snap and that's where it was picked up by pasadena there's a flag out on the field presumably pasadena picks it up at the one yard line we'll be watching the referees to see exactly what the call is with the flag on the field but this is a big turnover but four minutes and 35 seconds are what remains on the clock here 22-10 is the score well pasadena had an unsportsmanlike conduct penalty the football was on the one yard line that would back them up to the one inch line which does not exist in football but they'll be basically taking the snap completely in their own end zone well we saw earlier tonight a safety and edward norton is the man to take the football he's in the gun backed up along the e for college and they're gonna hand it off immediately and picked up at the one yard line potentially put back in the end zone but they say gain of a yard it's their number one running back mark anderson they only gained a yard out of that but that was a hard-fought yard 409 we're about to trickle under four minutes here left in this game 22-10 the score and edward norton the man at the helm after cade wentz basically commanded the whole game for the offense here for pasadena shotgun snap has time to throw basically slings it up in the air and that's towards the defense and it's intercepted and dropped the football oh my goodness that was almost an unbelievable play i mean that was just overthrown by a mile oh you gotta hold on to the football and i can imagine the frustration there that was not a good feeling there's a flag out on the field running back foot the man with the football check that as jeremiah hartfield it's enough for a fish down but there is a flag on the field and potentially holding here so it's going to be a first down for man offside decline for the first down well to think that chase nixon defensive back was the man who could have intercepted the football and completely taken away possession from pasadena now completely different situation first and ten from the 19-yard line norton hands it off gabriel kindle the carrier of the football way to the outside gets tackled around the 20-yard line clock will continue to run we are almost under three minutes 22 to 10. second down and they'll give him an extra yard he was six a gain of six from that play line to gain as the 19. second and four edward norton out of the gun two receivers to his left two to his right after the one through throw hope and that will be on offsides we'll see flag is away it will be essentially a free play here clock will be stopped 2 38. looking at a five-yard penalty that would be a first down there's a decline because the actual gain was five yards give the guy the stat i suppose first down three receivers to his left one to his right norton out of the gun lex to hand it off again this time no room to run as mark anderson is brought down after only a gain of two yards check that they'll say it was three so it'll be second and seven but pasadena calls a timeout and we will too for a second here we'll see you in just a few minutes boys and we're back after the timeout pasadena trying to get some things sorted potentially call a couple plays here and work in the no huddle 217 on the clock second and seven from the 28-yard line running for his life back there norton nowhere to go cuts back the other side we have two defensive players in the way and he's going to be in the field of play and out of bounds after picking up the first down he's going to pick up the first down around the 39 market at the 39-yard line norton cuts to the inside runs to the outside 204 on the clock clock is back running now that the ball is on the ground and they will go from a exaggerated huddle it's a very short huddle time and norton is out of the game wentz back to throwing along the far sideline incomplete and this is four down territory all the time at this point one minute 43 seconds remaining on the clock 22 to 10 to score it'll be second and 10 from the 39 yard line line again will be the 49 of pasadena a touchdown and a field goal is not enough to do it you have to score two here and a minute 42 wentz rolling out towards the near side looking to throw dancing around trying to find any space juice is a quarterback keeper he's in dangerous territory runs for the first down and he gets hit and brought down around the 48 of cerritos no huddle offense they'll be moving the chains again once was not in the game basically the entire second half they stuck with norton he's gonna have three receivers to his left one to his right one back to his right clock is now running it's one minute and 20 seconds remaining in the pocket takes a two-step three-step drop ball is hit up into the air intended target was number nine justin campbell and campbell not able to reel the football in incomplete and almost intercepted by the defensive backs a mixed effort there from victor clinton and mario king who are in the vicinity avario wiley was also in on the coverage over there along the near sideline well with the clock stopped one minute and 14 seconds 10 on the game or on the play clock eight seconds they're in the hurry up and there's going to be a timeout called and it's called by cerritos cerritos will use their second timeout here one remaining with a minute 14 left here in the game 22 to 10 the score pasadena chasing and needing two touchdowns at this point but what a night it has been and what a nice feeling to have college football back being played the broadcast team that you're hearing from tonight and in other places around the 3c2a socal college sports we were there the moment that the 3c2a season was cancelled there in lamar college and that was the basketball state championship there late or early in 2020 and we're beyond excited to be back in the saddle again we love it i love junior college football this is where most of us got our start in the sports broadcast industry and we're just happy to be here in the meanwhile there's a game going on down on the field and kade wentz is going to attempt to do what he's got to do to get some points on the board here four receiver spread two to his left two to his right takes a snap looking down field pocket collapsing steps into the pocket he's gonna hit hit and brought down we'll see if it's marked as a sack no he makes dak back to the line of scrimmage so hit for no gain and the clock will continue to run but we'll see if they call oh there is a penalty flag out on the ground so one minute five seconds pasadena calls their second timeout and we're gonna sit here for a second and pause but it's just amazing to be back calling college football so many of you guys chiming in on the broadcast we love to hear from you there's a penalty 15-year penalty a personal fail some sort [Applause] and these are the small mistakes that we cannot have here later in the game one minute and five seconds no matter what the score is one minute and five clock is stopped and cade wentz in the gun four receiver spread again he's got free yardages first and ten from the 33-yard line of cerritos in the pocket pocket collapsing throws with good coverage and the receiver runs in the defensive back but there is no call there it looks like defensive back was going for the football there is no call for pass interference incomplete pass 101 so one second and then it'll be under one minute towards the end of this game second and 10. jabari kendall and jeremiah hartfield the main offensive weapons here utilized and justin campbell main weapons utilized for pasadena's offense no running place here just a running back doing defensive work smith smith with the reception there he was hit [Music] in the field of play clock would be going but it was stopped as pasadena calls their third and final timeout it's gonna be third and seven ball got up to 30-yard line line to gain will be the 23. 49 seconds pasadena hasn't been beaten in two football games they're on a two-game winning streak but cerritos doing their best to shut that down already talked about the scoreless quarter [Music] streak that they had that was broken in the second quarter of this football game [Applause] ball lined up on the left hash on the 30-yard line once out of the gun running back to his left two safeties out for the defense wence throwing towards coverage and there are two players engaged in some sort of hand fight there in the middle and they are playing hurry up as fast as you can 41 seconds we are under 40 seconds and that is going to be a quick kneel i think [Music] as the offensive lineman was engaged with the defensive lineman i'm trying to figure out the numbers here but needless to say it's been this is the frustrating side the late part of a football game here and you can imagine again after not playing a whole season you really want to get out there and show everybody who's boss put a hurt out on the other team but this is not looking the way like it's going to go pasadena's way 22 to 10 40 seconds left here in the game wentz in the gun three-step drop cuts back towards the near side running for the sideline and he'll make it all the way down it looks to be the 16-yard line will stop at 33 they'll get another chance at it and that will be third down and seven this is four down territory so don't even think that they have two chances left third down and seven two more chances here for a first down line to gain will be well will be the nine yard line they're within the red zone now one more time to be strong on defense here for the falcons receiver in motion wentz takes a snap looking for an open receiver to the right side throwing for the end zone he has a man open and there was some hand fighting and the receiver falls down out in the corner [Music] 10 to target looked to be number five check that number eight wheeler smith [Music] [Applause] incomplete pass it is fourth down and seven 27 seconds left to go on the clock first game of the season hangs on this snap right here for pasadena two by two spread wentz out of the gun all receivers out they're headed in all kinds of directions he's under pressure he's hit once but he's able to evade all the way to the right side firing on the move into the zone incomplete pass and it might be intercepted no but it's incomplete and that's going to be a turnover on downs and cerritos will take their first victory of the season after an incomplete cat pass with 16 seconds remaining on the clock 22 to 10 will be the presumable final score of this game and what a final play let's see if this announcer was smart enough to hit replay that is not the last play oh man oh unfortunately i'll have to potentially do some magic here uh jordan simpson takes the final knee of the game and the clock is going to wind out and that is the end of the ball game ladies and gentlemen your final score 22-10 the cerritos falcons victorious on the 20-21 season after one year break and pasadena snaps their winning streak from 2019. we'll stick around a little bit for some final game stats but i'm memory johnson with socal college sports we'll see you guys in a few minutes thank you for tuning into the broadcast this is a one heck of a night and a happy day for cerritos and any falcons fan anywhere and we really thank you guys for coming on the broadcast i'll be here back here in a few minutes and we will recap and do some final stats and we'd love to hear from the fans if we can in the uh in the chat room so we'll see you guys in a few minutes well we're back here i didn't actually end up getting final stance for the game but that's okay you guys can find them on the scfa website and the falcons website falcon and uh i wanted to show you guys one more thing final play of the game right here wentz rolling out coming out to the far side looking to throw and boom it's felt falcons football for everybody just wanted you guys to relish in the moment that falcons football will have won the first game of the 2021 season and a game well played by the falcons defense it was a good starter game gets the get the feeling of hitting somebody again back into your body and great opportunity for all these young men as they work on playing another full season of football and uh can't say that we are any any more proud than we possibly could be this is awesome an awesome event so once again we thank everybody for tuning into the broadcast tonight once again i'm emery johnson your play-by-play broadcaster and we had a lot of a lot of fun tonight and uh hope to see you guys again sometime soon that's signing off final score of tonight's game 22 to 10. your falcons victorious over the lancers we'll see you everybody you
Channel: SoCalCollegeSports1
Views: 7,066
Rating: 4.7983193 out of 5
Id: m83Tc_YLJuw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 198min 20sec (11900 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 04 2021
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