SCFA Football Week 1: Saddleback at COC - 9/7/19 - 6pm

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[Music] check check check I can't hear myself at all now there we go yeah I can hear myself out of 101 Chuck Chuck Chuck can hear myself one but it's fine I can ones better than nothing yeah you got me on one ear Chuck Chuck I hear you okay you hear me yeah here's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna see if I can get check check check check check check you you you and welcome into Cougars Stadium a little late start for us here today but we are just about ready to go for cougar football here on SoCal college sports comm and eventually on SCV I'm Matt Robinson I'm joined by Jesse moon Yael's up here in the booth Jesse how are you today doing great ready for some football some cougar football is we are just about ready to go who said a little late start for us today but that's cuz the guys from SoCal college sports doing a heck of a job trying to run around and get up here from Glendale college and they've made it and we are just about ready to go get you started here the Cougars are gonna kick it off here to start at cougar Stadium on this beautiful Saturday night in September our first game of the season and our first action of the season just about ready to get underway as we said the Cougars will kick it off so Tanner Brown over to kick to the bodies from Saddleback College back deep to receive looks like one of them is Elisha Jefferson and actually real check that it's cool harity back to receive on one side cuz Brad will kick it off it'll be tanking right about the two yard line actually it bounces back into the end zone he'll have to bring it out as it was Booker Curran trying to bring it out he's got a little bit of room to run Cougars with a little miscue on the tackle and he'll finally be brought down about the 30-yard line and a bunch of yellow flags on the field before we even really get under way here Jesse look like Trayvon Elliott there on the stop but it doesn't really mean much until we get these flags sorted out so we are underway though that's the good part like we said a little late start on our end a little late start at the games and a little bit of delay to get going here so the officials will talk about it just 11 seconds in and our first set of hankies on the field that's a way to get things started get that first one out of the way and then we can play football the rest of the evening so it sounds like it's gonna be a hold on saddleback here cannons defense on the field raring to go it's been a long spring and summer boys have been working hard out there I think they're ready to finally see somebody other than a fellow cougar across from this should be a good one guys so a couple Block in the back penalties only one of them will be taken so the ball will be spotted at the 10 yard line and we'll get our first look at the Cougar defense which lost a little bit of its bite lap from last season Jesse but a number of guys returning especially in that linebacker position Charles like being one of them I'm sure a lot of stars I mean you think about the Cougars finishes the top ranked defense on the state last year only allowed 10 touchdowns on the season some of those names are gone but we've got some other capable guys ready to step up it's like chance Nolan will come out as the quarterback here for Saddleback he'll make the handoff and throw out to the near side passes caught by Cole harity he'll pick up a few yards just three it'll bring up second down at 7 started to say about last year's team gone or tarik Speights gone are much of the secondary have moved on to the next level as again they'll throw here looking have harity downfield behind the defense he catches it right about the 50 yard line and then a touchdown saving tackle at about the 40 excuse me 37 yard line of the Cougars a big play for Saddleback right out of the gates and they have a first down in cougar territory getting lined up properly Ben don't break now's the hope here as it's Nolan to harity for the second time now chosen a too wide set out to each side no little run it this time himself then pitches it off to Hera tu gets out of bounds right about the 30-yard line gain about five Oh Caleb John's bid on the fake there but I'd like to see him going 100 miles an hour that could be a problem for Saddleback later on in the game good pickup nonetheless so 50-yard pass from Nolan de arity that created the opportunity here for Saddleback because we're not even a minute into the game Gaucho's threatening here pass over the middle again to Hera T and he catches it right about the 20-yard line then is brought down by buco brought a joc Fuger brought a one of those returners from last year's team looking to provide some leadership in the secondary he's gonna be a big-time player for the Cougars so it's been Nolan inherit eithe ATS been the show so far late man on the field for the Gauchos so we delay here play clock down to 28 seconds and whistle looks like a timeout by the Gauchos good gives the Cougars a little bit of breathing room come back reset a couple big plays nothing's nothing's lost here but I'm sure they'll be glad to gather at the sidelines and talk things over absolutely it's been a tough start so far here harity with a 50 yard reception off the arm of Nolan and that's been the big play so far and he's really been the only man that's been open so far for Saddleback so the cougar secondary which is new as you talked about a couple of new guys in there lucky a lot of new guys and they're being tested here early on by Saddleback and I think still guys just still getting the feel for each other seeing what Saddleback is gonna come out with of course you can study them on film you can go back to last year's matchup but we all know things change you don't know what's what they're gonna come at you with so this is a good way to the two teams feel each other out see what they're bringing to the table and make adjustments as needed as the night progresses on this was one of the question marks coming in we didn't get a chance to talk about a pregame but the secondary would they be able to step up and take over after they lost a number of sophomore players off to the next level a lot of young faces in that secondary and you lose a little bit about bite off the often or the defensive line of obviously Merion people still back Jack Schultz back again those two are really gonna be the guys that need to get going on the pass wrench front for the Cougars as it brings up first and ten here from right about the 20-yard line in the red zone are the Gauchos they'll hand off for the first time today Fisher able to stay on his feet and muscles his way all the way to the 10 yard line for a first down and he actually gets inside the 10 down to the 5 so it'll be first and goal from the 5 and a good run by Al Jean Fisher a lot of Cougars came in contact with him just took him a while to bring him down this is where the Cougars defense was great last year they nearly get a sack nolan gonna have to run and then a gang tackle right about back at the 10 yard line so a sack for pretty much the entire cougar defense as Nolan loses 5 yards you're gonna say the Cougar defense only allowed 49% of the time the opposition to score when in the red zone last year they were very good on their red zone defense seem to have a knack for coming up with the big takeaway there once again Caleb John's calling his name was first in there to kind of blow things up and then they'll be up to the tape to see who finally took him down man in motion here for the Gauchos no little keep it this time tries to cut back to his left and he's taken down ball loose on the ground and I think they say they were down already so it'll be couch Oh ball still and if I bring up third and goal from right about the 7 yard line I think that was Charles I can on the play went for the strip ball was out but according to the officials they were down before so almost Onkyo I said the big turnover there in the red zone Cougars seem to have a knack for that a lot of takeaways on this defense led by defensive coordinator Dan Corbett in his 12th season so look for the Cougars to keep bringing the heat you talked about Dan Corbett been a mainstay here for the Cougars and he gets that defense going every single years they try and get a stop here on 3rd and goal Nolan back to pass looking to his left will throw it short Pass is caught able to stay on his feet is Garcia casted 8 and he gets into the end zone for a Gaucho touchdown look like Trey Villar had a shot at him just couldn't wrap him up and he spun away and made his way into the end zone they had plenty of numbers over there did the Cougars or Garcia Castaneda was pretty much a bunch of bodies right in the way as we take a look at the replay and he was able to just sneak into the corner cuz the Gauchos in an odd set here with a field goal coming they send Nolan back on late here it looks like the Gauchos are gonna go for to a little bit of a trickery here early on Nolan gonna run it and he's gonna get the two-point conversion as he dives across the end line so make it eight to nothing Saddleback here early on just about three minutes gone in the ball game and the Gauchos strike first interesting call going for two so early on but you got to think maybe they just wanted to show that look to the Cougars saw something they liked and went ahead and pulled the trigger regardless now that's something canons gonna have to consider the rest of the way out and that's one of those trick punch formations that you don't see a lot of and obviously first game of the year you've not seen that at all the Cougars now is the time to bring it out oftentimes it's just a kind of a gimmick go out there see if you can make somebody jump you know make them and make a mental mistake but again they saw something and went with it so ain't nothing lead for Saddleback we'll get our first look at the Cougar offense in just a moment as TQ Gilmore and Jordan Anders sent back to receive here for the Cougars as the special teams unit comes out Cougars of course ranked fourth in the state or six depending on which poll you look at the coaches poll has some sticks the SI D poll hasn't been fourth Saddleback ranked 12th in both so a big top 15 matchup here today a good early season test you look at the JC gridiron national rankings as well Saddleback ranked that's a six team in the country Cougars ranked 29th so interesting that the state has it a little bit different than JC rivals but that's the way it goes is of all we take in right about the goal line and it's gonna be a touchback as it was in Anderson tried to field it right outside but could not to it Matt you talk about the polls and you know I think any way you slice it on paper this was a big time matchup coming in week one two highly regarded programs in the state teams that are always in the postseason hunt always in the bull hunt great game last year was a low-scoring affair on the road canyons came ahead on that one 19 to 6 so you know those two teams are looking for each other they know kind of what to expect it's time to go out and play some ball as we get our first look at the Cougar offense and cold oil leads them out onto the field he will be the quarterback here on the opening drive the freshman out of Glendale California went to Crescenta Valley High School will stand back in the shotgun they'll handoff here on first down and nowhere to go for Kaden done the sophomore running back as he's taken down behind the line of scrimmage a loss of about a yard we'll see where they mark it maybe two that'll bring up a second down and long here for the Cougars Caden done the leading rusher a year ago for the Cougars 492 yards four touchdowns on the year brings a lot back to this backfield also a cougar legacy his older brother became played quarterback here a few years ago another Alemany kid quite a few carries last year 82 of them expected to get the bulk of the carries again here this year as a man in motion on to the near side as a Mari Smith he's one to watch for the Cougars on the receiving end as they'll handoff here again and nowhere a goat again as in on the tackle this time look like it was Emanuel who Kibby as he comes in to make the tackle off the line and again Dunn stopped up maybe he gets back to the 20 and that's about it well that was a big body in the backfield and done ran right into him so good play by number 90 Emanuel you kid would be fight bill North Carolina so to bring up third and 14 here plenty of yarns needed for the Cougars to try and get a first down as Doyle stands in the shot get again done to his right three receivers out to the left he escapes some pressure as a man fell down will throw on the run over the middle and it's intercepted picked off right into the hands of Tristan West as he had tight coverage on the receiver and not only do the Cougars not get a first down they turn it over in their own territory here on their first drive of the game Colten doyle goes over chats with coach ted ice and a couple couple taps on the helmet i think if you asked him he'd want to take that one back trying to make something out of nothing he got out of the sack scrambled around thought he saw something but just wasn't there tough turnover we'll see what the Cougars can maybe return the favor it's an absolutely tough throw on the run running to your left trying to throw it back over the middle of the field they think that's probably what dad says dome hey yeah just throw that out of bounds we'll be going in your pocket exactly but a young kid out here trying to first start for the Cougars trying to make his mark you can kind understand the mindset but sometimes a little bit better decision-making it looks like a sportsman like penalty I believe against Saddleback I'll move the ball back so the Cougars get a bit of a break here has that'll move the ball back on to Gaucho territory as on sportsmen length the call a little too much celebration we'll move it back to the Salle back 45 yard line with 10 to 45 to go here in the first quarter and it's eight to nothing in favor of Saddleback you know would have probably preferred a little bit of a longer break there give the offense a chance to move but they're ready so we'll see what the Cougar defense dials up here see if they can get any pressure against chance and Olin who had a good opening drive connected nicely a few times with Cole harity we'll see if they can slow that combination down so we wait for the play clock to start and we will get going Nolan in the shotgun we'll keep it throws over the middle caught and brought down right about the 40-yard line is Liam Eldridge 15 yard gain for the Gauchos and another first down seems like they tend to be favoring that over the middle that route coming off the left side don't know if they're trying to pick on somebody out there that just happens to be where the openings have been but a couple big plays again its first down already for the Gauchos as they'll hand it off this time on first down and not much room to operate for Jonathan Jefferson more out of Paris California went to citrus hill he had 68 carries for 335 yards last year for the Gauchos but this time not able to pick up much of anything like you said not much room to operate that was big RM people's number 90 out there quartz hill kid doc for a second year we're expecting big things out of him he's a big guy off that pass rush for the power for the Cougars excuse me as they try and get in I still send a man in motion and movement up front and all sorts of flags out on the field both the offense the defense pointing at one another especially early on it wasn't me that made the mistake and that's exactly what it was it was each side no no no he moved he moved I didn't move he moved and so they backed the Gauchos up here on a false start it was Tyler Huff who's listed as a defensive lineman but on the offensive line today here for the Gauchos as he's the one that moved and it was he and Bradley Brown that were kind of pointing back and forward one another as a three-man front here for the Cougars harity again in motion this time they'll keep it and swing it over to harity on the far sideline and he doesn't get much of anything gets back to the 45 and that is it it'll bring up third down and long here for the Gauchos I think that was Caleb Jones that actually pushed him out there but a lot of time back there for the Gauchos he looked like he wanted to unload go deep thought better of it and took the cheque down so good break for the Cougars there were able to contain him here we go with the big third down Lee still early here's third down Nate to nothing in favor of Saddleback as no backs in the backfield they'll throw it if a quarter back in there they swing it on to Jefferson he's got some room to move but only gets to the 40 good job to come up and make the tackle by Ryan Haythe Valencia high school the sophomore makes the tackle and I'll bring up 4th and 15 here for the Gauchos as they had Devon Freeland in to play quarterback as he's now on the field so interesting the Gauchos kind of going with two different quarterbacks here friedlin and Nolan both freshmen Matthew Mitchell the sophomore hasn't seen any action yet no punt here again I think early on until you're absolutely sure who the guys gonna be and what that skillsets gonna bring you want to feel out all your talent see what they got on the defensive side Ryan hey it's one of the young local additions to the Cougar football team this year I know the coaches are excited about what he can bring as well two Cougars back deep right about the 10 yard line as Lonardo will punt it away high in the air the Cougars will let it bounce and the Gauchos will get a good bounce and they'll down it right inside the 20-yard line as no return for the Cougars it was Booker current to down it and the Cougars will take over there at about the 7 yard line here for their second drive of the game looks like Colton Doyle's back out there under Center good like to see that like to see him make try make amends for that bad throw there he's gonna be alright Cougars will twin receivers out to each side Dunn will stay in the backfield with Doyle in the shotgun here pin deep inside their own territory they'll sling it out on the near side the ball is dropped it was Trey long strip there to try and handle it and he kind of heard the footsteps coming and lost the football I think yeah I was excited to get moving - how - probably had his head looking upfield and just couldn't reel it in so bring second and ten here so far Doyle has not been able to connect on any passes so far he's thrown an interception the ball has dropped a bad snap back into the end zone and Doyle gonna throw it and he threw it right into the middle of the field it's picked up by the Gauchos and now the whistle finally blows the umpire says no and they say it's an incomplete pass let's take a look at the yeah a little bit of confusion out there Gauchos saw the ball on the ground and picked it up and went with it Doyle again just trying to it should be intentional grounding I think that's the correct call we'll see what it is here as Doyle was kind of falling out of the back of the end zone and kind of just fired it with both hands up in the air he's lucky he didn't get intercepted and I think if you're Teti Santa you'll take the intentional grounding rather than the safety or this sure sure or the touchdown against so they say he went out of the back of the end zone the result of the play is the safety so Saddleback now with a 10 to nothing lead it has been all Gauchos here early they say toil stepped on that back line during the play like you said it was close he was right there so you'll take the call you'll give up the two points trying to regroup from there but we take another look here at it just look give us another chance to see if he did indeed touch that back line the snap was between his legs very low and as you can see him run back maybe yeah that right foot or his foots on the line like you said a little bit of a low snap and interesting because Jordan Palmer the sophomore out of Notre Dame High School played last year is really one of the I was one of the keys for the Cougars this year coming in is that that experienced offensive line as I was trying to find the right words I was about to these seniors and then I run you know it's JUCO there are no seniors at you Palmer particularly you know at the center position handling the new crop of quarterbacks for trying to find that rhythm trying to find that feel with the guys so again I mean they've had a lot of time to practice they've had a lot of time together but everything changes on game day when you put on that jersey that the stakes become higher the nerves can sometimes play a role so a short field here for Saddleback as the Cougars will have to kick off from about the 20-yard line of her right at the 20 yard line here that's brown will step into it he'll kick it down the near side taken by Booker Curran he's got some room to run but now a trio of Cougars able to wrap him up he had plenty of blockers out in front of him the Cougars did a nice job to break it up and a bunch of guys in there on the tackle I think that was Tobey Hills that actually finally brought him down but a good pursuit there on special teams you know fine to put your name on the stat team no matter or stat book no matter if it's special teams defense that's the way to make a mark so we'll get another look here at the Gaucho offense as they had one good drive and one drive that's stalled out but got points out of it anyway after a cougar miscue and again pointing back to last year I know this is a different team different set of circumstances but time and time again the Cougar defense was able to bail out the offense in situations like this so couch will hand off again is it's Fisher on the run and he's taken down about the 32 yard line and again people's right there in the middle of things I have a feeling we're gonna be calling his name a lot this season he injects Schultz or kind of the two guys up on that middle side is they kind of run a three man in front do the Cougars and those two kind of really slot right over the top of the ball as peoples tries to get the push Schultz able to break across and Nolan going to go down at the 30 yard line a group sack in there as also in on the plate was Benjamin Seymour Seymour Valencia kid really came in there and finished the playoff we started to talk about the d-line Seymour peoples Jack Schultz one of our captains this year a lot of bodies they can rotate in and out of that keep pressure on the quarterback that's really the name of the game for this defense and also on the replay saul tyler richardson kind of break it up the middle a little bit too so a good move out of the linebacker position it'll bring up third down at 11 they'll send a man in motion stepping back to throw his Nolan plenty of pressure the jailbreak for the punter for the Cougars no little throw now and I'll get to about the 38 yard line but they say he's at a bow so it'll bring up fourth down got a little something out of that but the Cougars are ok with that here they come truck trotting off the field let's turn things back around here so a good stand from the defense they're their first real good defensive stand didn't give up any yards and they'll get their stop that they much needed here with a tender nothing lead in favor of Saddleback and again you don't want to make excuses but I do think some of those first game jitters those nerves now they're settled down they're working as a unit it'll be taken by Luke Abramovich and he's got some room to move gets across the 40 and he's taken down right about the 42 North Central High School yep now my eyes are bad it's a distance so the Cougars are get the ball back and this time we'll see a change at quarterback they'll send our money Eden in to take over and he's the other guy that we thought we'd see a lot of and he gets his first offensive opportunity here Eaton maybe a little bit more mobile than cold oil mm-hmm Cougars have success in the past rotating quarterbacks and head coach Titus Ted iesson I said we might see a couple guys out there until they decide who the man is so so Eaton will take the snap he'll roll immediately to his right throws on the run Pass is caught nice catch by Trayvon Elliott we just talked about him a second ago makes his first reception of the season first completion for the Cougars and it's good enough for a first down and this is what you want to see with the quarterback battle you want to see who's gonna take over you see the good catch from Elliott there on your screen just rolled through looking to the sideline here bringing in the play taking plenty of time about 15 on the play clock here two receivers out to the left Eden in the shotgun well handoff this time on the inside to moistest Haynes and he's got a room it gets across the 40-yard line breaks a nice little run down at the 38 points Haynes out of Valencia High School a freshman he was a good player for Valencia for four years absolutely you know we talked about Caden done he got the first crack at it now here comes Moises Boise has had a really strong scrimmage broke off a couple big runs against the Santa Barbara team I know they're excited about him but you know there's a crop of running backs in this stable that they can go to and that might be the strong suit for the Cougars this year they have about six guys as Eden will swing this one out it's caught by Alonso Henderson and he's taken down immediately at the 40-yard line is stepping up to make the play was Kairos that's one of the things ball a little bit in front of them you'd like to see that connection get ironed out a little bit better get him in some space and see what can happen from there he'd just swing at that a little bit harder to get especially a guy like Henderson a guy likes Amari Smith who have plenty of maneuvers plenty of ability to get free you want to get the ball in their hands as quickly as possible it'll bring up third and two here even back to pass drop straight back will throw it out has the man caught by Henderson at the 10 and he comes down with it in about the 8 yard line so the Cougars into the red zone on a beautiful throw from Armani Eden and a better catch from Alonzo Henderson just a nice strike right here plenty of time not rush pocket was there brings it in and the Cougars are in business here in the red zone for the first time today the Cougars scored 70 percent of the time in the red zone 48 of those were touchdowns last year as a timeout by the officials I think the Cougars seemed happy with that I don't know if they're still ecstatic about the previous play there's a timeout by the officials for an injury on the field so the Cougars at the 9 yard line in the red zone for the first time today and Jesse a good look out of Eden to find Henderson and like we said we expect Henderson we expect Smith Elliott to kind of be the guys to be looked to on the receiving end and kind of help these quarterbacks out as they try and find their feet body language you can tell now he's got that big throw under his belt he seems a little bit pumped up see how he responds here three receivers out to the right Eden will swing it short it's Smith he gets inside the five yard line and is taken down but there is a flag in the backfield as we take a look and I think it's a late hit I think that's what the roughing the quarterback on Connor Smith is gonna be the file you can see 99 and Connor Smith come right through so that'll be the ball even closer and reset the downs as it was a late hit pretty clear call for the RAF's Cougars will take it we are knocking on the door here somebody first in goal from the 2 yard line two and a half yard line now Matt interesting personnel change this is something we ran a lot last year it's called the Jumbo package you got Caleb Jones back there I would not be surprised if he gets a carry all the big all the big bodies up to try and pound this one in last year was KJ with two was in this role so glad to see the Cougars kept it in their playbook they will hand it off on the inside and trying to fight but not able to get to the goal line was Caleb Jones as you said you called his name wouldn't be surprised to see him get a carry and certainly got it right there talking to him in the offseason you know he's the guy that played running back in high school so it does have some experience toting the rock got a few carries last year made the most of them I remember one game in particular I think he went over the 60 yard mark just in the second half so another weapon I used one of our on defense good to see him on this side of the balls well he's second and goal from the one it's John's Villar and I call in the backfield is running backs and they'll give it to John's and John's tries to get to the end line and they're gonna say he shorted about the one eaten as his hands in the air like it's a touchdown well he was fired and that was awful close like to see here on the replay if he does break the plane no maybe about the half yard line is where they're gonna spot it it looks like so they'll put it back at the one again I think if you're the Cougars even though it's early it might be four down territory even with your big bodies yeah especially this close I mean you have a pretty good weapon in tan or brown but we needn't smell it and you're that close you want to punch it in so this time they'll go the other way and it's Villard he stopped short he actually lost a half a yard good stand by the Gaucho defense here took the words right out of my mouth kudos to this defensive line they're only a few inches they're having to protect what they're protecting every bit of it and a timeout called by Ted I senda the decision we kind of talked about you're right there you can smell it you can see it you take the automatic three get on the board tanner Brown was a big time weapon for the Cougars last year opened up the season with four field goals in that game for a Saddleback so you know you can depend on him I think they're going for it Matt I think they are too and I think it's the right call this early in the game you want to try and stop that Gaucho momentum here as they lead 10 to nothing so we'll see this time they try the sneak and Eaton gets in will wait on the signal but he looks like he's well across oh he took that snap says solo excuse me it's just a matter of getting right in under behind Palmer watch it right and the signal is there so it is a touchdown Cougars on the board Armani Eden for the first touchdown of the season the first of his career a rushing touchdown has put the Cougars on the board for the first time today they trail now 10 to 6 and they'll bring Brown in to kick the field goal you can tell is excited took a big bump from one of his teammates there see some people in the stands now shouting them out it's good good job for that for that young man get one under his belt show that he can lead a scoring drive go back out regroup come back and do it again round two kick the p80 it's up and it's good 45 for 45 in his career he is not missed one he was a perfect 44 for 44 last year and as the first one of the year and you can make it 10 to 7 so the Cougars get on the board for the first time and trail now I have field goal so a very good first drive for Armani Eden and I think he's kind of solidified himself maybe to get another drive here and kind of go with it until something bad happens at this point yeah you know it may sound cliche but you go with the hot hand he came in made a couple big-time throws got the Cougars down there the big house package wasn't able to punch it in so he did it himself like you said you want to you want to see your quarterback with some confidence that it's a great way to get that instilled so and I think especially with a guy like him who can move that big house package now becomes even more dangerous because he does have that option to keep it roll out and create something different or sneak it I mean recent recent COC history we've liked a quarterback that can throw the ball but has that shiftiness to him I mean you look at Andrew Brito was kind of the mold in that quick to use his legs could run around but boy could he chuck it too it's the long history of the Cougar football program to have a quarterback that can both throw and run as they'll kick it away here so Brown kicks this one high in short it'll be taken by Booker Curran he'll spin and bring it across the 30-yard line and be dragged down out of bounds it right about the 40 and it was actually Elijah Jefferson in this time he had the nice little spin move and a good return for the Gauchos gives them a good field position to operate here as they lead by a field goal Tanner Brown staying busy not the p80 and kickoff duties but in on the tackle there he'll probably do some of the punting today as well if they've needed for the Cougars he's a an all-around kicker pride of Saugus high school one of our captains this year put on about 10 15 pounds in the off season what you like to see out of your kicker all-american all-state guy glad to have him back it'll be first down for the Gauchos is Nolan back out there and quarterback he'll keep it this time gets away from the pressure and he'll run with it tucks it gets across the 50 and runs out of bounds that right around the 45 yard line they'll mark it at about the cougar 48 it looks like and it'll be a first down for the Gauchos and they have just carved up the Cougar defense so far ton of room out on that looks like Bradley Brown may have lost contain good wash down by the Gaucho offensive line create a lot of space first down on the Cougars side of the field they'll handoff on the inside it's Jonathon Jefferson he stays on his feet and gets inside the 40 to about the 35 market at about the 36 or 37 as another first down for the Gauchos the chains moving once again a couple times pop right back up and they'll throw here on first down they get it outside to harity he cuts and steps out of bounds and we'll see where they mark it he got around his defender and he gets to about the 35 so maybe a gain of two it'll bring up a second down at about eight interesting right back to that right hand side took a play off went up the middle then bounced it back out again I think they see something they like there yep a lot of pace off the couch on offense it's made the Cougar defense have to try and keep up your conditioning now really in question in this first game of the years they'll throw here they'll swing it out to Jefferson caught across the 30 to the 25 he runs into a couple of guys and pops out of bounds as in to try and knock him down for the Cougars wisdom 8vj Williams and right when we call them out going to the right they switched it up you look this way we're gonna go the other way so never know what you're gonna get here so another first down for the Gauchos they've got eight of them so far they'll throw here and actually you know little tuck it and he's wrapped up by a trio of Cougars not before he gains four yards though he gets to the 20-yard line of COC and it'll bring up second down at about six here so just when you think they're gonna start throwing the ball they start to tuck it and run it's a very balanced right now offense for the Gauchos and that's what's creating problems for the young COC defense as they try and find some pressure here on Nolan a man in motion it's hey Nolan will handoff to Jefferson Jefferson cuts it back the ball is out and diving on it to recover is Tyler Richardson the Cougars get that much-needed stop and turnover and get the ball back I couldn't tell who got a hat on it but somebody did Richardson definitely on the recover we got a Gaucho down so maybe we can take a look at that replay again we'll try and look at it here look like Jonathan Thomas in there out of West Hills Chaminade High School it looks like a gaucho down and a cougar down as well maybe actually two Gauchos down it looks like actually one of whom is of Aldo Torres as he gets up and the other one is Jefferson who was I think shaken up off the hit as well as he got clipped it was Thomas that got him with the shoulder got the ball out and kind of caught his knee at the same time and it looked like peoples a little bit slow walking to the sideline here a trainer Eric Machado there with him and you could tell people's was a little shaken up after the play too because he kind of looked back saw okay we got the ball and he kind of went down to a knee I hope he's all right he looks like he's defensive line coach Eddie McGilvery over there with him on the sidelines and Trueblood sure as well the team doctor Southern California orthopedic down there to check on him as the Cougars we'll get the ball here and they'll send Eden back out with 30 seconds to go in the first quarter big turnover by the Cougar defense and they got a chance to operate on offense they'll run here on first down no room to work for our Moises Haines give him a tote let's see if he can pop one off but way even was throwing the ball the last last Drive I wouldn't be surprised they went back to the air right here it was Turner talk of itching on the tackle sophomore linebacker last year had 53 tackles was second on the team in tackles for the Gauchos that'll do it for the 1st quarter each team with points on the board the Gauchos with 10 they got an opening touchdown a two-point conversion and a safety the Cougars get a touchdown on their last Drive after our monte eden punched it in and that's where we sit after the first quarter 10 to 7 in favor of Saddleback [Music] [Music] back in here at Cougars so you're ready for second quarter action we'll be second and ten here should start this second quarter eat with the ball it about the 19 yard line we'll throw swings it out Smith nowhere to go stays on his feet though we'll cut it back see if he can find some room to move now we'll bring it back towards the near sideline but finally wrapped up and brought down at about the 10 yard line a long run and a big loss a loss of about nine yards as in to make the play for the Gaucho defense excuse me Rohini yep third and forever here for the Cougars has eaten in the shotgun this time will drop back to throw steps up in the pocket throws it downfield wants his man but he's gonna overthrow Henderson by about five yards and he'll bring up fourth down it's a lot a lot of production to replace if you're the Cougars as they'll kick it away here Browns standing about five yards deep in the end zone two Gauchos back at about the 45 yard line and a flag immediately a delay of game on the Cougars so they're gonna back it up even more so now Brown will basically kick out from the back of the end zone he'll have his heels on the inline and I'll move everything up about five yards book Booker current and harity back to receive for the Gauchos at about the fifty Brown well get it away quickly with plenty of pressure it'll bounce at about the 43 yard line and get a gray cougar bounce rolling all the way inside the 35 to the 31 yard line a big kick for Brown as it flips the field nicely for the Cougars 69 yard punt for brown so to be Gaucho football here at their own 31 yard line the offense for Saddleback has been good 9 first downs but just 10 points on the board as this time Freedland in it quarterback he'll hand off and on the run Shawn Palma able to lower his shoulders and get across the 35 to about the 37 yard line and to bring up second down and about half the chains Gauchos going fast again they'll give it to Palma again this time he's able to churn his way across the 42 to about the 43 and the chains are moving again for the Gauchos in that speed offense they get plays off about ten seconds into the play clock it doesn't give the Cougars any time to get set and we're seeing it again a little unorganized Elma and he gets a hat late on him but he gets forward as well to about the 49 another good little 5-yard gain takes about half the chains away on a first down so again second down and four see if they stay on the ground here and they will with Palma and he cuts it back through a hole and gets across the 45 to the 43 yard line marketed about the 42 and a half and another first down and this is that speed offense again the Cougars having trouble getting organized a little dysfunction defensively trying to find their spots and you can see it there's a lot of motion on the Cougar defensive front now they're set in there they'll see if they can get anything in this time homeles to spin and he gets back to the line of scrimmage maybe a yard friedlin stays in there he'll throw on to the nearside passes complete to Garcia Castaneda who scored the first touchdown of the day for the Gauchos and he gets right to the chains and will have enough for a first down so you can spot it at the Cougars 32 yard line again the Gauchos will go fast as this drive has been all Devan friedlin and some movement somewhere couches pointing at the Cougar defensive line offside against the Cougars so shorten the chains in half here for the Gauchos they'll have first out at 5 and move the ball inside the cougar 30-yard line not a lot of time running off the clock but the Gauchos moving the ball quickly here it's friedlin well throw over the middle harity couldn't catch it it was behind him in on the hit as well was Vukovich as he was right there to get a lickin on harity who's been a dangerous receiver so far today for the Gauchos so the clock stopped at 11:40 one second down and 5 here friedlin stays in the backfield palma right behind him 2 receivers out to each side as now they look back at the sideline to change the play they'll throw here on second and 5 a short pass caught and brought down is Elisha Collier made the catch and was wrapped up immediately by a couple of Cougars man I think that was Trey Villar and you know one of our captains out of Grand Rapids Michigan Grand Rapids High School you know he's got some people watching in on the play we had our first cougar cougar roar of the day I think you're caught the entire crowd caught me off guard that's a new wrinkle it's been a while since I've been here so that's that's a new wrinkle it's friedlin well run the option the ball is loose on the ground and the Cougars have it rolling on top of it was Benjamin see more as Palma couldn't handle the pitch from friedlin and the Cougars get another turnover another big-time play by Seymour saw the ball out there and just pounced on it maybe that Kruger roar inspired him take a look at the replay here Saddleback win motion goes for the pitch John's there actually on the the force it looks like and then see more there to get it great job again I you know I feel like a broken record a little bit but that bend don't break come away with the big turnover has been the bread and butter for the Cougars last couple seasons now so a big turnover for the Cougars they get the much-needed stop and they will go back to work on offense Doyle back in there on offense he'll run it on a design draw across the 30 and I think they'll spot him at the 30 so we get to see cold Doyle again after Eaton fizzled out on his last Drive so interesting going back to Doyle here after two drives reading maybe that's the design to drives for each see who can kind of take over well I think you know you go back to Doyle you want to do the same thing you do get some confidence you don't want to go away from after you know maybe not the most successful the drives give the kid another chance out there and that's what they're doing empty backfield here for the Cougars Cougars spread out here looking to maybe take a shot yep three wide out to the left two on the near side including Smith and Henderson they'll throw short passes dropped as trying to dive to make the catch it looked like it was Tyrell Stanley the tight end an interesting play call I mean you spread them out you got everyone thinking okay they're gonna go deep they're gonna take this shot I want to need the five yards only went for the five yards unfortunately just couldn't haul it in so big time third down here 1038 to go in the half so the Cougars all they've Jordan Anderson in the backfield here along with Doyle two receivers out to each side Doyle will throw here on third and five he'll throw it short and it's in and out of the hands of Henderson again maybe a little bit too hot for Henderson to handle and he had good coverage right on top of him as well so I don't think he would have had enough for the first down as a boy he said all right there as soon as the ball was there so was the defender just didn't have a chance to reel it in and there's Tanner Brown back out there ready to punt so can't capitalize on the turnover still kept him out of the end zone so you take that that positive coach Corbin had a chance to talk to his guys on the sidelines so you know hopefully some of those other issues that they've been having to get those ironed out so Brown will kick it away here high punt wobbling on to the near side harity will catch it over his right shoulder and spin and try and run and he'll get across to the 35 yard line and that's about all he gets and the Gauchos will take over as Mike spinner joins us now in the booth gentlemen how are we doing how are you sir a little tired yeah they've had a busy day week one I mean just fall sports in general Jesse and you know all about that moment but that's what keeps it exciting well we got some stuff coming up at halftime we got the coaching interview I know we want to play that during the pregame bacilli had a couple of hiccups but we got the the stream and the nuts and bolts all squared away so happy that everybody's joined us and I'm sure the viewership right now pretty high as we go to work here on first down for the Gauchos friedlin stays in there he'll swing it out to Fisher out of the backfield he's got some room to work it gets across the 45 before he's pushed out of bounds right at the sticks we'll see where the mark is Saddleback really doing the bulk of their damage to the outside either swinging it out right swinging it out left for whatever reason being able to find some room I'm not sure if its backers not pursuing maybe the d-line losing contain there but their biggest plays have been you know either draw or run right run left so see if they continue with that second down and three they'll swing it again and this time Fisher couldn't hold on to it as friedlin kind of threw it behind him and over his shoulder so it'll bring up third about three here for Saddleback at their own 43 yard line went with the pass with a little swing toss but same concept trying to get their guys outside on space outside of the tackle box and it's interesting because they had so much success on the run on the last Drive except for the bad pitch that was mishandled by Palma and now they've completely gone away from it maybe they see something in the Cougar defense that they're gonna try and exploit as COC is maybe caught off guard by the fact that they're starting to throw the ball more as there was movement up front the flag comes late and they definitely get it yeah tackle look like number 69 just trying to get his good first step trying to gain that advantage on the defender as an alignment that first step means everything just a little too anxious there look just hits in the last couple years not often have we seen the team really outside COC and Saddleback deer this year definitely comes in with a lot of bulk on that offensive line yeah I mean it's something about those they bring some bodies as friedlin will throw its in and out and receiver nearly picked off by the Cougars but a flag on the field right about the 40 yards yeah and I want to say quarterback was past the line of scrimmage when he let that go I could be wrong on that but flag on the near side and it was well after where you might have seen the hole we'll see the replay here in and out of hands of the receiver in and out of the hands of the DB jacoub rata well you were gonna see it what happened just dinner now nobody could come up with it so here we go third and eight looking for another big player in this Cougar defense illegal receiver downfield it sounds like yeah something illegal happened downfield absolutely so they'll lose the down and it'll bring up for that eight here so now if we stick to the script you can expect Doyle out here again for his second drive that's kind of been the pattern so far two from Doyle two from Eden two from Doyle excuse me one from Doyle second up coming we think but we'll see Elliot and Smith back to receive here as again lonardo back to punt gets it away it's kind of wobbling it's right towards Samantha we'll bring it across the 30 and brought down by a trio of Gauchos at about the 32 yard line and the Cougars will take over right there busy month of September here at Cougars Stadium we have the opener of course next week versus Grossmont and then on the 28th that's a big game for you guys that's a big one college of the canyons celebrating its 50th anniversary this year founded in 1969 so this year we're doing a little something special we are having our 50th anniversary homecoming celebration all fans community members invited free come out early 4 o'clock we're going to start with some family-friendly activities photo ops giveaways food music all the fun you could ask for and stick around for the game at 6 cannons kicks off for Cerritos always a tough opponent so should be a great evening mark it's quite amazing it's been 50 years COC was established they brought football back in 1998 as up across the 35 yard line is our money Eden who's back in the game at quarterback and he'll be brought down and write about the 39 and I'm sure you guys have alluded to the resurgence of this program over the last few years last year running the slate undefeated in the regular season of course always tough to be the team twice in the season succumbing to eventual state runner-up datura always a tough one tender know last year defending confer champs nine and two the season before the Cougars are on the up head coach Ted I sent in his seventh year two conference titles already looking for more trying to recapture some past glories of a national championship back when Chuck Lyons was still the head coach now the athletic director here at college of the canyons I'm sure will talk to chuck at some point in time this years they'll handoff to Haynes he stays on his feet breaks it across the 50 yard line before he's taken down that was Jerome Bettis actually just keeps the keeps the feet moving exactly couple guys got to Amoy sis a kid that runs hard almost lost the handle wheel it back in didn't lose his focus Santa Cruz area fans will know him from his exploits of Valencia and now happy to have him back here Konoe stadium I watched him as a freshman from Valencia Vikings he was a very good running back as just a freshman and that was back when they had JJ Wilson had a couple of other guys at running back and he pretty much stole the show from them and had a good little four-year career now hoping to do the same here for the Cougars his evil throw here on first down Pass is caught by Trayvon Elliott and he's knocked down just short of the 40-yard line good gain on first down for the Cougars it'll bring up second down at about to Trayvon Elliott making a mark here early like we talked about one of those guys they're gonna look to to fill that production he's already caught a couple balls made some impacts out-of-state kid happy to have him here show you has some family watch it abroad we hope so we hope so so Cougars delay here they checked their play and on second and two even will stay out in the shotgun three receivers out to the left side Elliott the lone receiver on the near side but they'll run it on a little bit of trickery and it was so I resumed on the rush sorry school Sumter South Carolina is our third running back we've seen tonight like I alluded to bin the beginning coach I said it wasn't wasn't set on a specific starter in that backfield but said we're gonna see a lot of guys so far we've seen three they've all had varying degrees of success I think until you find that hot hand that emerges we're gonna keep running those guys out there we've all seen as you and I and Mike has seen they kind of just circled names on a roster and said these are the guys we think are gonna be big-time players for us I think the last two years into the season-opener it's been Andrew burrito they don't have that guy this year and you know it yeah it got to be next man up and fortunately last year you had next man up and very successful season offensively yeah Andrew burrito one of those dual threats could run could throw had a lot of success here for the Cougars has now moved on to UMass so the backup quarterback there got in the game last week so we're all rooting for him but Mike back to your point yeah also always important for the Cougars to have that versatility sometimes the quarterbacks sparked the run game and then the running backs took it from there so interesting to see how things shake out so far everyone getting some reps early on it's not so much reset or reload as a rebuild is reload or reset every year especially for a team like COC is Elliott loose again good throw from our body eating down the near sideline and Elliott picks up first down across the 35 spotted at the 32 a good play from the Cougars once again as you take a look and Matt you talked about look at this replay here but you talked about reloading Cougars transfer 25 guys on to the next level last year so again a lot of talent gone a lot of new guys and still trying to mold and see Eden again we'll find Elliott Elliott we'll play a rhythm move a big block and doesn't get much out of it gets maybe five you'll take it but a huge block across the middle by Jordan Palmer as he was the man that came running across and just absolutely demolished by hop Jordan Palmer one of our leaders here on this team was a state runner-up in the shotput last year so an all-around athlete doing big things on the line here Cougars only get four yards maybe five out of it so it'll bring up second down into five is Eden again we'll check with the sidelines for the play here is today's end it calls the plays from the sidelines for the Cougars good rhythm for Eden on this Drive and plenty of time on the clock no need to go up there and rush it make sure you know what you got what you're looking at call it go from there this time he'll keep it himself and he runs right into a wall of white jerseys well it looked like he knew what he had but the Gauchos were also maybe had a clue as well so not much success on that play I just don't right now from what I've seen thus far in the first half not seeing a lot of success success in the trenches for for the Cougars just too big up front I think for shadow bank you gotta start bouncing it to the outside that's what the Cougars have found success so Eaton here on 3rd and 5 we'll see if they throw he'll step back good blitz through the middle unblocked was set font Reiger and that forced Eaton to just throw it out of bounds and that was a play we saw early with cold oil where he tried to make something I nothing threw an interception Eaton may be learning from that just throws it out of bounds yeah you want to limit the mistakes that's one of the things head coach Ted I said they talked about coming into any game you know it's not always going to be there what you don't want to do is make that mistake give the other team an opportunity but what do you three yard attempt here for tanner Brown well if anyone's got the leg it's this young man is high last year was 48 he says he's good from 50 just didn't get that many opportunities last year so let's see what he's got 81 percent of his field goals last year he'll take this one cut the leg yep and it is good and we have a tie ballgame at 10 all Tanner Brown finds the uprights talking about he said he's good from 50 that was what kind of being about good from 50s he is a weapon out there that's for sure I mean again I was harken back to last year's game it was tan or brown that led this offense was able to put points on the board same thing week to last year Grossmont was actually had 14 nothing it was Tanner Brown to stop the momentum coach Ted I said I'll be the first to tell you to be able to have a guy like that you can try it out there and get near automatic points it's dangerous well you know oftentimes especially in that type of field position you see a lot of no man's not a lot of fourth downs taking offensive ly you know that's gonna hurt your offensive production well you can put up three up there and reset the defense give them a little bit more time you're gonna be that much more successful you're exactly right a weapon out there for 50-plus well he makes that decision easy you know a lot of times you don't know I should I go should I kick you got Tanner Brown let's kick it especially in college at JUCO football you sometimes don't hate even have a kicker you've seen it before we've seeded here at Co before we're lucky to have a Punnett exactly so to have a guy like brown that could do a both absolutely creates a easy thought process for Ted eyes sent in the offense as he will kick it away the ballgame tied at 10 with 446 to go here in the first half Brown will walk forward and drive it away and this one will get into the end zone and deep about eight yards deep into the end zone a touch back so gentlemen I think you and I both of you would agree we have a flag on the field now cougar down injured player and this first half I think the Cougars have been out physical I don't think they've been out worked and I think that's why we find ourselves tied up at 10 all a couple of miscues as well for Saddleback canyons as well and I think again you know you're coming in this is a new team new crop of guys yes there's some returners from last year but the jitters the the coming out putting on the cougar blue coming out in the front of the home crowd getting out there I mean I know these guys are excited you know they've been prepared and they know what to do it's a matter of just going out and executed him and you know look for the Cougars they last year were a big-time second-half team you go in there and you make those adjustments offensively defensively and come back out we know the talents there we know the game plan it's just a matter of putting them both together you said it Mike they're being out physical and that's not something I think the Cougars are very used to over the years they're usually the more physical team especially on the defensive side mission games so far we've seen that offensive line for the Gauchos and really in the trenches on both sides so no back has had the advantage saddleback some body blows early I can go with a dual sport analogy there it looks like it's pretty good response from from a Ted I sent a coach team I don't think you'd expect anything less Dorian Mitchell I think coming off with some help from the athletic training staff that's unfortunate Dorian Mitchell was a young man obviously out there on special teams but someone they were looking to make their mark in the backfield hadn't got his carries yet this this evening but we hope he's okay out there and interesting we have not seen Ariane people since he came he went down with an injury after the Cougars Turk got a turnover off of a fumble he went down and I think I saw him walking around on the sidelines without any gear on II think you see right down here in front of me I'm at I see him now so could be done for the Union we don't want to speculate on injuries but the fact that someone's taking this helmet away means he's probably not coming back that's a tough loss for the Cougars that means Jack Schultz Benjamin Seymour Bradley Brown gonna be really leaned upon on that offensive or defensive line for the Cougars here as I'm first down it's Nolan back in he'll throw it across the middle passes cut by rider Lynch and he brings it down for a gaucho first down at about the 36 yard line on the stop first time we called his name tonight out there prowling around in the secondary as they'll run it this time here on first town and trying to hurdle the defense with Jonathan Jefferson bad idea Madison wheeler came back up and made another play I don't think you're gonna get too far trying to leap that dude yeah we went from headshot to five hole and even if wheeler hadn't to got him it looked like Ike was right there to finish him off so you might want to think about that one again so I think the game started off with Saddleback smackin TOC a little bit in the mouth Salamanca that tasted our own medicine right now like to see that well it'll be interesting to see I mean the Cougars pride themselves on their strength and conditioning program no one runs no one lifts no one does more than them in the offseason so interesting to see how things will shake out in the second half yeah I'll just we'll throw here and Jefferson on the swing pass we'll make the catch and pick up about maybe three yards four yards we'll see where the spot is goes Benjamin Seymour again left sideline down the tackle that kids running around all over the place out there it's been all over the field the Schultz comes off couger is making sure to rotate in on that defensive front pretty much just been a three-man front the whole time for COC three-man front but a lot of bodies they can't run out there as we sit here on 3rd and 9 Doyle will throw pass is caught but short of the sticks catch made by Liam Eldridge and he only got 245 he needed to get to the 46 so it'll bring up 4th in short here we'll see what the Gauchos decide to do Williams great job keeping them short of the sticks there was a big-time tackle he was right there on the coverage had tight coverage against Eldridge and had he not made the tackle Eldridge had all sorts of room to run 10/10 were three three and a half minutes roughly away from halftime you're gonna go for these a gutsy call they do they're gonna keep it Doyle three Cougars there but they can't get the tackle and he's able to dive across the 46 to the 47 and the fourth down conversion works they were just 25% on fourth down last year able to pick one up here but look at that sticks his foot in the ground like you can see Charles Ike was not happy with himself as we go on a new set of downs first and ten they'll throw here Pass caught and up across the 45 to right about the 40 right about the sticks actually will say it's right there for Kyle Alban as I think that was Charles like bouncing right back wasn't happy with that last play like Mike said came in and tried to make the big-time hit we see it here on the replay he's another guy big-time leader from last year's team finished second on the team with 42 tackles behind Player of the Year treats I'm gonna earn all I'm gonna run this time plenty of room gets across the first down marker and inside the 30 before he's knocked out of bounds spread the Cougars out and then just took it himself the read option really a problem right now for the Cougars defensively and they're not making the proper reads a lot of lanes opening up for the Gauchos handoff to Jefferson this time he gets tripped up a shoestring tackle and it was Bradley Brown that got just enough of his fingers on him to knock him down and he goes down well behind the line of scrimmage absolutely this year it literally was the shoestring right around the ankles took him down and you can tell he wanted more of that I'm Jefferson I'm checking my shoes right now make sure they are tied still you got one of those velcro straps there had a lot of room to run if he's not tackled second and 14 here man in motion is Lynch no little run and he gets across the 30 and back near the original line of scrimmage maybe a yard short it'll bring up third and about 11 oftentimes what's what's the counter with with the read option make the quarterback make a play you know what if he's gonna give himself up as a runner you need to out physical him and you may need to make him think twice with maybe a big hit timeout on the field I believe called by the Cougars they want the ball back here that's with 145 COC does indeed take the timeout this is what you want if your COC you've got a chance to get a stop maybe hold them to a field goal and get the ball back before the end of the half and go back to work when you get the ball back out of halftime well a couple times already in this position the field that's exactly what the Cougars have done kind of regroup refocus either come away with the turnover the big stop you definitely take the breather here in the first half a weak one hot weather like I said the Cougars condition like no one else but I don't care who you are you're gonna get tired it's just a matter of not being as tired as the other guy yep and we've seen that conditioning over the years it's some some crazy stuff the Cougars make the guys do a little bit here some end to end some 50 yard sprints and that's why you do it though it pays off for this point in time and that's what we pride ourselves on as part of those programs no one's going out workers yep so brings up a big third and 11 here from the 28 yard line to the Cougars Nolan stays in there at quarterback he has Al Jean Fisher behind him in the backfield two receivers out to each side Cougars late getting a man off but they finally do as Nolan will take the snap three-step drop will throw to his right Pass is caught and finally able to bring down a Zia Garcia Castaneda as he has a touchdown already today and did a nice job to get to a spot and get the first down exactly right a lot of bodies there he threw it to the exact spot where the Saddleback guy could go up and get it so big big third down conversion for Saddleback they'll throw for the endzone passes Wow hot in the end zone great play by Liam Eldridge he went up and got it had a man right there to defend him and I Gauchos get a late touchdown here in the first half we have a good look on both angles here that's just a jump ball and a receiver making a play that's a DB not making a play simple as that look like tomorrow Williams was thought he might have jumbled a little bit but now he pulled it in the breadbasket they were secure for the touchdown it's essentially a jump ball and the receiver wins and a great ball coming across the field like that in the back of the back of the end zone that's something they'll work on at halftime point after touch is up thank good so a touchdown lead here for the Gauchos with 129 to go in the first half after Eldridge makes the touchdown catch his first of the season second touchdown pass the day for a chance Nolan has obviously and get some points what i'm excited for is to see the two-minute drill see how these new quarterbacks are gonna handle that see who they go to you'd like to think you stick with Eden here he's had the most success of the most rep so far in this first half but we'll see it's an 11-play 75-yard Drive for Saddleback will come out of halftime we'll go in a couple minutes we'll stand by going to the coach I attend the interview then we got some some slides from scrimmaged earlier in the season a couple weeks ago is that right there just yeah Santa Barbara was down here for our annual preseason scrimmage so we got some images from that also wanted to spotlight some of our alumni that are out the next level right now so we've got some guys that perform very well week one just some guys a lot again got a lot of guys we could only spotlight but we're gonna do our best to get some of them some shoutouts throughout the year so look for that every every week and you can go COC athletics comm to check out the full alumni report this one kicked away it'll be feel-good right about the 10 yard line by trade long stretch and he is taken down right about at the 10 so not much room for him to work and actually scratch that it was Jordan Anderson again my eyes need checked I can't tell the 52 no one from this distance see so the Cougars will start deep in their own end hey look that's a that's a sponsor opportunity right there okay if I've ever heard one we give an optometrist on here in a local area that you are locally as we first intend for the Cougars they'll start at their own 11 so you need to go 89 yards to try and tie the game remember they do get the ball outside out of the half yes they'll run it here it's Eden on a design draw and he gets away from his own end zone across the 15 to the 16 yard line no breathing room we're gonna have an injury timeout on the field and it's Lance T onco who is down Thiago a freshman out of Norco he was checked on here by the Gauchos athletic training staff interesting opportunity here for the Cougars you wonder if they might send in a couple different plays here when they're getting close to the one minute mark here want to give your quarterback arm him with some some play calls that can get this thing going not a lot of time but still not that short that you have to rush things too much well I'm they've really Jesse yet to take a shot downfield if they're COC they've got a couple but that's a bit about it and with specially with Eden and Henderson out there you figure you got a chance with those two they both line up on the inside as the inside receivers here Elliot on the near side the wide man-hating I started to say you see it was the second five or 35 last time when they spread him out and made you think they were gonna take the shot let's see if they do it here Eaton back to throw pressured will just dump it off it is short he was trying to find Kate Dunn out of the backfield how do you had enough on it done but had plenty of room to move the play was there he just wasn't able to get it to him the Gauchos brought a lot of pressure on that one had a three guys in the backfield three white jerseys the positive now you know it's there he can come back to it later in the game didn't click for that time but I know from watching the Cougars in years past that's the play that they like to run so third and five from the 17 here 61 seconds on the game clock as Eden will throw quickly into the hands of Smith nowhere to move gets back to the line of scrimmage and that is it so it'll bring fourth down at five here timeout from the Gauchos yeah as they smell blood right here a chance to maybe get at least three more let's see if we can't get another one of those 69 yard punt side of tan or brown but either way the Cougars are gonna have the work cut out for them here this last Drive remember we got plenty of events coming up here Cougars stadium next week against Grossmont all first responders admitted free of charge with a valid photo identification 6 p.m. start against the Grossmont college Griffins that'll be a good one a longtime rival and Grossmont I mean harkening back to the early days of this program when we came back in 1998 you can ask former head coach Chuck Klein what he thinks about the Rosemont girl a lot of battles between those two programs know if it would quite be PC myself alone so my allegiance is to the Cougars but always excited Griffins in town we used to have a lot of battles I remember traveling down there when I was a student athletic trainer for a few games and it was it was a fun environment always a good game when those two teams get together has another good punt from Brown it takes a good cougar bounce and it's fielded at the 35 yard line where that's where the Gauchos will take over here with 45 seconds to go here in the first half might sound Captain Obvious but you got to keep this at one score ball game going in at the half especially as much work as you've done to put yourself in a position you give up the seven down on a jump ball 50/50 ball that went the other way you can't allow pointing going at that remember yet third down and long two before that you had your opportunity to get that stop again and the defense just kind of they've come up with a couple already and couldn't get it on that one like you said you stopped things here you go back to the locker room yeah the big touchdown in the back of the end zone you hate it's not a deal breaker you can adjust from that you know I think again if this is this unit continues to play with each other and feel each other out those are sorts of things that are gonna get taken care of so don't lean olin back in there at quarterback again he'll throw once it all has a man wide open pass is caught and a big first down and a lot of yardage picked up as it was Garcia Castaneda again on the connection it was volatile Torres the big man up front for Saddleback get down the field in a hurry knowing the situation you like to see that from alignment lucrative it's just a step off the pace there almost collided with him just as the ball came could have broken that up as they'll throw again here for the end zone and this one out of the back of the end zone great coverage down there by chase Edwards Morgan Chatsworth kid out of Sierra Canyon so 40-yard strike to Garcia Castaneda puts them at least in field goal range potentially with the ball at the 25 yard line second and 10 with 26 seconds to go shows have chance Noland out there the freshman three-step drop will step up in the pocket now he'll tuck it and run across the 20 inside the 15 and taken down at the 10-yard line potentially a touchdown saving tackle that's my Tyler Richardson has got some wheels and I was wide open look how this just opens up and washed down 51 it's the sinners right there the umpire almost had to move Richardson and I can on the tackles they'll throw for the end zone here on first down and again it's Eldridge in the corner we have that and they say it's a touchdown my goodness we'll have a good look of it right here on both camera shots slow down does he get the feet in that's the question Wow sure and he dragged both of them that would have been good in the NFL Liam Eldridge with his second touchdown catch as Doyle finds it make your excuse me Nolan finds him again you know they don't have challenge opportunity but Jesse what's the rule is his foot down if it hits the pylon is he in or is the pylon in the back out of bounds unbelievable catch making himself a home there in that corner of the end zone Cougars are gonna have to clean that up but credit to the receiver he went up and got it high snap the point after is good though and after a 40 yard play to set it up chance Nolan connects with Liam Eldridge for the second time today in that near side corner and it is a 14-point lead for Saddleback here at cougar Stadium and the Cougars faithful pretty quiet right now yeah I mean this is not something the cougar fans are used to seeing I think we only trailed a handful so kind of uncharted territory for the cougar faithful oh sure you know I see some people going to the snack bar now here towards halftime but we'll be back we'll be back and forth I guess the one thing you have to remember you have to think to yourself if you're Ted is send a squad going in to halftime we get the ball back we got a chance to score we need to come out produce a drive and go down the field and that's been the pattern for the Cougars you know the times that they haven't had a lot of first-half success or maybe have found themselves trailing going in the halftime locker room it's those adjustments that they've made and that's what they pride themselves on okay we saw what you got let's adjust and come back out and we'll show you what we got got a feeling you might need a new paint job in that locker room after this weekend Jesse the kick is short Cougars will cover it up at about the 33 yard line it takes a second off the clock so we'll see what they decide to do I would imagine they take a knee I'll say that's our coaches that will let them hear hear it let them hear what they're thinking and what they think they need to do but I know for a fact they have all the confidence the world in this unit so just come back out and get back to game plan so they'll send Eden back out Kate Doyle will be in the backfield with him two receivers out to each side they'll just simply hand off to Doyle he breaks it across the 35 and that'll do it for the first half so two quick strikes late first Saddleback they have a 14-point lead 24 to 10 after the first half we will step aside take a break remember we've got an interview with coach Teddy Ascenta and some slideshows some stuff to show you we'll clean up some stats to get you ready for the second half here on So Cal college sports you alright guys I'm Yvette Sanchez here with college of the canyons head coach coach I ascender how are you today alright so this is your first game of the season what is the mentality for the guys this season obviously we're very excited about this challenge Saddleback right now is the number one ranked team in Southern California so we know we have our work cut out for us it's gonna be a heck of a game and you know we got a lot of a lot of youngsters on this on this year's squad so we're looking for them to grow and hopefully minimize mistakes and and hopefully be victorious and so you said you have a lot of youngsters how are the returning players dealing with those youngsters on the team this season well you know every year we kind of fight the same battles 50% turnover every year at a 2-year program so we're always going to have a lot of youngsters but this year's group of sophomores has been tremendous in terms of leadership and kind of showing these young guys the ropes and and these and the youngsters have kind of taken their lead and and excelled in that role now you're dealing with the same situation over there and Saddleback what is your go-to for this game well we're gonna look to minimize mistakes first and foremost defensively we want to be great tacklers we want to understand what coverages we're playing what fronts were we're playing we're not gonna be you know super creative we're just gonna be basic and on offense we're gonna limit turnovers and try and execute the offensive plays that are called and if we can do those two things I think we'll be successful thank you very much you guys Saddleback in college of the canyons coming right up you [Music] you [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] you [Music] you you welcome back into Cougars Stadium is we are at halftime here the Cougars trailing the Saddleback College Gauchos 24 to 10 first-half stats for you pretty lopsided in favor of Saddleback they lead 24 to 10 they had 21 first downs in that first half to just seven for the Cougars and they shows on the scoreboard with the 24 points 13 of those 21 came off the passing plays for Saddleback they're third down efficiency was at 29% right now the total yards at 338 for Saddleback just a hundred total yards for the Cougars and the big difference they've run about 16 less plays than Saddleback so far here today the Gauchos 24 25 when throwing the football today compared to the Cougars who are just 9 for 17 and you just you look at the numbers all the way down the list and it's been all couches pretty much here for the most part they've been a nice job on that rush offense to spread the Cougars defense out and really create some problems for COC is we take a look at the scoring plays we got the scoring started early first drive of the game the Gauchos able to punch one in a 90-yard eight play possession right away on the first drive of the game as chance Nolan connected with us and Garcia Castaneda for seven yards and then the two-point conversion was good Cougars didn't score got a stop but then gave up a safety when a ball is snapped between cold oils legs and he stepped out of bounds trying to pick it up in the back of the end zone that made it tended nothing the Cougars came back though they were able to get a strike after our money Eaton came into the game and he was able to punch one in after a long cougar Drive a nine play 58 yard drive Eaton rushed in from one yard on the fourth down play to make it a 10 to 7 game then the Cougars got a field goal to tie it up at the end of the half though it was all Gauchos two drives two touchdowns both drives were over 65 yard drives and both ended in touchdown passes to Liam Eldridge both on the near side corner two great catches by him and that is where we stand after the first half Cougars trying to find their way in the locker room right now today I send and his squad will get the ball back as we come out of the halftime break we'll step aside for a few more minutes come back talk about some of the Cougars that have moved on and get you ready for the second half kickoff here from cougar Stadium [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] welcome back in here to prove your stadium sweetie for the second half it's a beautiful Saturday night here and you know a lot of guys out here playing on Saturday we've got a lot of Cougars playing on Saturday nights at the next level Jesse three in particular we want to highlight this week Gaylord chart Pierce Michael Mack Mack and Bobby Brown really three outstanding performances over the last week or so absolutely like transfer 25 guys out last year couples as part of that group but let's start with Bobby Brown class of 2017 last week had his first career interception at San Jose State set the Spartans up for a big second half touchdown off the head and two tackles Bobby Brown was a star for us during his years here out of Periclean high school then Michael program and then of course Karen pair shook it off at the big house on ABC real to the person she double a Division one touchdown second quarter back of the end zone we were very excited about that Jenna Pearson guy that worked hard to finish back in December and already make his mark at Middle Tennessee State so happy to see them and guys if you want to check out the full alumni report go to COC athletics comm each and every week we will have it there and that's really the goal for COC yeah you want to win state championships you want to go 1000 you got you want to win a national title but really it's on to the next level exactly and that's what this program has done so well over the years you've got guys like Jason pierre-paul playing in the NFL you've got a number of other guys a lot of their names escape me but so many that have gone on Dendi doubling over absolutely get them in get them out to the next level and see where they can go from there our most recent Pro guy Marquis Brown we got my piece brow night class of 2017 for the Cougars looking tomorrow we'll be in Miami I know that's a big homecoming for him he's a Florida guy I got a lot of family coming to the game he's found Ravens Marquis Brown Ravens did you draft him did you did you reach in in a fantasy football draft on Marquis Brown I'll put it this way he is on my watch list we're all rooting for Marquis tomorrow you're gonna feel real bad if you don't have him he goes off for a big game tomorrow two touchdowns 150 plus and the waiver wire is open see kickoff back deep and a good little run here across the 20 after he had trumped it initially Jalen Lewis he gets it to the 20 and that's where the Cougars will start he had some room to move but good job by Saddleback to close Algie Fisher stop with the ball don't want to try and get something going here sooner rather than later a lot of time on the clock but you don't want to let this get too far out of hand interesting they send cold oil out here to start the second half with Caden done at the running back position so we'll see what the Cougars try and dial up here on 1st and 10 from their own 20 2 yard line got to get some points on the board as you trail by 14 soil will roll throws near side caught great catch by Alonso Henderson as he was tied up interfered with didn't matter pad the stats boys look at this poor block by his shoe Sam to stood the ball great catch by Henderson and it's a big play for the Cougars on first down they get it up near midfield great response out of the halftime [Music] so pass interference is indeed the call boogers of course will decline it as the play results in more yards in the pass interference work and it will give them first in ten from the 48 yard line Doyle back there will swing it out to the near side Eliot will catch it across midfield he'll get to about the 46 maybe the 46 and a half thrown the ball much today it's been a very light on the passing side but back-to-back passes it's a blue play up front I was going to start to say I don't think the Cougars ever found their rhythm seemed like they were starting to right there and then a play kind of expensive I think they're talking about it here and I think it's gonna be offside yeah I believe the defensive player made contact with an offensive lineman yeah the the really the only notable play in that first half was the big completion of lonzell Henderson yeah that was it Eden Eden was 9 of 12 in the first half toil just to of actually he was over 5 in the first half he's now 2 of 7 on the game is he's completed his first two passes here in the second half he stays in their quarterback two receivers out to each side Cougars get a fresh set it outs here first and ten from the 41 yard line they'll handoff here is time to done he has a little bit of a hole through the inside able to fight for about four yards gonna bring up second about six slight gain but nonetheless a game one try and get him going as well same as he do these two quarterbacks same as you do these receivers they had a couple big runs under their belt even just a couple short first down runs and that does a lot for the confidence empty backfield here for the Cougars through receivers out to the left side Elliott's the near side wide out as Doyle will back off checks down Cougars changed the play here ten seconds on the play clock down to three they'll get the snap up we'll throw as Elliot at the 30 and he cuts it back inside it gets across the market to about the 27 yard line for a first down Jesse you talked about the adjustments coming out of the halftime you expected that to happen we'd like to composure from cold oil here he is snapping hard getting a read on the defense and then making the necessary adjustments paying dividends here in this job big time guys that are expected to do well as Doyle will run here on first down he gets hit hard but right at the line of scrimmage stepping up to make the tackle the manual tarik Bell was the hammer bell there we go that'll work so they're behind the chains here on second down to second in the left just curled up and went to sleep better than today for me as Doyle here on second and 11 will throw wants it all into the end zone but it's going to overthrow two targets he had both Alonso Henderson and Trayvon Elliott they're just rear back and chucked it he had the time look like the guys might have been able to find an opening once they got in the end zone he played on that big hit bring up third 11 here you need points on the board if you're the Cougars you'd prefer a touchdown but what wouldn't you yeah definitely looking for a quick strike here something to walk away with and continue to fight the ill will throw here man right up the middle was bailed oil gets away throws towards the end zone and a couple of guys trip over the top of one another no pass interference on the play that's a good no flag incidental contact down the field you would have liked to it make that kick a little bit more manageable for Tanner brown but this fourth down territory to be a 50-yarder I think they're gonna go with its excuse me 44 yard still with brown you could that's the luxury of having a guy like Tanner Browns back you're not already you can you don't even have to think about it yeah some coaches this is four down territory for the Cougars it's not will take the three so he'll line up as you said for a 45 yarder my mouth tariff it's close enough it's better than I would holder's good kick his up he mighta hooked it just a bit he just gets it through Hill goal is good from 45 Brown connects his two for two on the year and it cuts it to an 11 point game that offensive weapon keeping the Cougars in this game you know three points is better than none and puts the Cougars a little bit closer again the offense has success you get kolten Doyle a little bit of more experience under center he's feeling good about himself leading the drive to some points and here we go let's let the defense go back out there do this to my cats Doyle had a very smart Drive up until they get to the red zone area and just kind of stuttered a little bit maybe trying to force plays a little bit too much and you see the Saddleback defense think at the same time in between the 20s not easier to move the ball you get down inside those 20s a lot harder right now in the case inside the 30s it's been slim pickings for opposing offenses tonight tonight it's canyons so an 11-point game now 24 213 just underway here in the third quarter five minutes beautiful folks make sure to make your plans to come out here next week Grossmont college in the house 6 o'clock kickoff Saturday the 14th remember if you're a versus Bonnar get it free with ID plenty of other events coming up this year chapter COC website for those we're trying to bring it to you what we can about his brown set to kick it away I kick get to about the five it'll be fielded there Wow and it's Booker Kern able to turn the corner and he made something out of nothing got across the 30-yard line Cougars had three blue jerseys around him it just could not make a tackle I want to say was eventually it was Ryan hate that took him down by the big block right here you're gonna see it opens and rough down the sideline take him down and now we got a chance to see what the Cougar defense is going to do what kind of adjustments they made looks like probably the same groups of personnel out there the thing do a little bit better job executing keeping contained on those runs right runs left they're gonna be in good shape remember the Cougars are out area peoples without a helmet without shoulder pads after that first half so a little light on the line is Gauchos will throw here on first down and terrific open field tackle absolutely no more sighs I believe it was Elisha Collier on the catch he was tripped up by one of the Cougars a Buch Abramovich I think it was it was Luke Abramovich was the run here on second down and algae Fisher able to get across the line of scrimmage and then it was hit hard by one of the Cougars in the middle I want to say that was Caleb John's flying up and making the hit big-time player for us number three on the team last year in tackles picking up right where he left off I mean Courtney Chandler on that original tackle as we go on third and eight here throws it right to the sticks and good defense by the Cougars terrific timing Courtney Chandler again this time on the defense makes the nice stop you know if I'm a little perplexed as to what the play calling is out of halftime for Saddleback Cougars couldn't stop the read option they go away from it and their opening drive of the second half now two quick three now pardon me was a teen or latif I do with the defensive play [Applause] and a little confusion from the Gauchos here we can hear it easily from the the booth missing a couple of guys on the field now they've got them gotta get set seven on the play play clock and well Saddleback's gonna have to burn time out of here and they do indeed some good break for the Cougars except for T do they get the ball back potentially a close game down the stretch from surprised you burn a timeout we're just taking the five yeah that's I might come back to haunt him there later a good first stripe from first stop by the Cougar defense did a nice job against Nolan who near the end of that first half really could do whatever he wanted with the ball Jesse what's what's the play here on offensively once the Cougars get the ball back what's what's the plan of attack you know I still looked at establish the run no matter who it's gonna be is gonna be done if it's gonna be Moises if it's gonna be the Jumbo package I mean no matter what I think you got to establish that run game and then pick your spots whoever's had success spreading them out and finding some room there maybe they go back to that eventually but I'd like to see like I said get the running back going especially with the touted offensive line that the Cougars have we haven't seen it yet today Don has been pretty much quiet Ames is the only one that's had any sort of offensive prowess so far really it's been quiet from the cougar rushing attack is the punt away it'll be taken by Smith and he's gonna turn it back inside the 20 trying to fight room I'll commit now he gets across the 30 but this one's gonna come back as a flag on the field right about the 16 yard line and it was indeed as you called it a blocker than that Jonathan Thomas coming in with a block of the back all I had to do was just run into the way instead he bites on the opportunity see his eyes get wide and block in the back we're gonna see a pretty good look of it here absolutely up originally it was pretty impressive impressive of that didn't even need it unfortunately penalty but I think the positive there you get to see a little bit of what Amari Smith can do that shifty and shifting this and quickness there I'm telling you you get that guy in some open room it's going to be problems for the Gauchos you wonder if the Cougars go back to him in terms of a short pass situation try and swing it out to get some blockers in front of it like to maybe see them incorporate a jet sweep here I mean that the really big up front is Saddleback like to see them move their feet could pay dividends later on making the defensive line work the Cougars do here on their second drive first drive resulted in points with a field goal from Tanner Brown his second of the game that went from 45 as Brown has picked up where he left off last season offensive [Music] so they send the money our money eaten out here to take over at the quarterback position for the Cougars here so we keep flip-flopping quarterbacks back and forward Eden in the backfield he has gone out there with it will run to his left now throws it as he's falling down and it was short of Mary Smith excuse me almost thought he was gonna run with it I think someone got him on the foot and he just had no choice to try try and chuck it away he's lucky a brief book occurred and didn't pick it off either he was coming across and had a hand on it so bring up second and 10 from the 9 yard line Cougars need to move the ball there's still plenty of time left in the game 8 into the shotgun two receivers out to each side he'll send one in motion he'll throw here on second and 10 escapes some pressure runs to his right dumps it off good pass the fight Henderson in space he's across the 30 fights his way up to the 34 yard line and a cougar first down nice little touch pass here he goes he gets away from the defender just kind of arcs it over the settle back guy well he got the mismatch he wanted there he had a little janna linebacker covering Alonso Henderson and that's what you want every single day of the week as there's no chance for Caden Herbert the linebacker to really keep up with Henderson is a free plate here from the cougar on offside and Eaton will take a shot has a man downfield caught inside the 25 and tackle down at the 20 yard line a beautiful throw and catch combination as TQ Gilmore connects like you said it a beautiful combination down the sideline you got that free play why not take a shot that's exactly what he did had some space Cougars are in business now wait and see if the place stays as the line judge has his hat off which generally means that somebody got pushed out of bounds maybe didn't reestablish Emory Johnson our director this evening every kid can we pull that replay up it made me see if a player had stepped out of bounds on that round yeah it looks like he was definitely straddling the boundary here we see him come in is he at about yeah he's out of Bounce looks like his right foot I think right yep here bringing her back well regardless of the final outcome you'd like to see that kind of a throat yeah that was the bread basket special right there so you replay first down so nothing happens the play doesn't count for anything you don't get a foul on it you don't get a reception on it thank you memory and so actually they do give the penalty well we'll see they're still sorting things out the officials still working well shout out to the crew here tonight gentlemen obviously you got the fine job this evening but current Jordan Emily Johnson Mila McCarty Jorge Zepeda entire crew here tonight itself down college sports comm doubleheader actually triple header coverage today right now it's Jeffords throwing off at Ventura and always a great job our partnership with SoCal college sports guys we appreciate your year they're going strong I also want to give a shout out to our statistics crew Lauren Anderson our May and Saturday Jay Wilding on the spot couldn't do what we do without those guys so thank you making us look good that's that's their job it's hard for us to do that ourselves hey it's a team sport on the field and in the booth so still discussing I think the discussion now is does the penalty get put into effect even though the receiver went out of bounds [Music] I will have to forgive me I forgot my rules book I yeah I don't have one with me either which is bad job by me Jessie we don't have a we don't have a Mike Pereira that we can phone and bring into the podcast you know I don't wanna I don't want speed though I'm working on that for week two but starting to say regardless guys on the field getting a quick breather here temperature has cooled down but at any time it's week one you're still getting into football shape so believe the play results in a penalty it'll be first in five or no now they're gonna March it back so first fifteen was first down after the big play yeah but the play was taken away cuz he stepped out of back correct but there was an offside I don't know it's there's like a lot of a lot arts yeah it's like a production truck you have a lot of moving parts you know exactly about what I'm talking about that I do well now we're back to where we are so it's gonna be first in ten of the 34 yard line the officials have it where they want I don't think Ted I said it was happy but I don't think there's much he can argue no honestly to take that long get that right if I'm coach I said I wouldn't be happy about it either you want to keep it going you want to keep the defense on the hill is heals they're gonna get a breather even though throw here on first and 10 steps throws downfield has a man caught by Henderson at the 35 spins away across the 25 cuts to his left inside the 20 and he's pushed out of bounds let's go back and take it right back from them finds his man different area to field another nice show you can starting to get into it a great job by eating stepping up in the pocket throws on the run on the money finds a man in stride Henderson able to make some moves pick up some extra yardage a little bit of yak some Cougars in the red zone here on first and ten at the 20 yard no chance to put more points on the board with just 905 to go in the third quarter and a false start on the Cougars little excitement on the near side to go on Gilmore that's the last thing you want to see is a penalty flag after a big play especially when you get down to the 20 it was a 45 yard play from Eden to Henderson nice job turn the ball now 11 for 15 for 133 yards they don't think they are they're gonna take a timeout here so they don't have to back up even further it's the first charge time out to the Cougars each team has used one here in the third quarter Mike alluded to it earlier but a couple of early timeout I don't wonder if they're gonna want those back here in the fourth quarter this is boiling down to be a close one Cougars get some points on the game on the board here this is a battle right now Henderson five receptions for 126 yards to be Pollutants average five from two yards per catch the longest of 46 Ethan's been the better thrower for the Cougars so far today 11:15 only some choice words on the sidelines right now from coach I know Santa you get the big play and then you get the other that you get the false start and then you can't get composed enough to get a playoff for the play clock runs down now you got a burn timeout no other way to put it you can't have that happen no luckily it's not a point later in the junction of the game Cougars can they capitalize here and then hey makes sense the timeout worked and we're on the scoreboard but especially for coach I said oh that's one of the things he preaches to this team week in and week out the little things the small plays being attention to detail that's something he got coming up well through high school once to the Santa Clarita Valley under the Harringtons at Hart High School and he's taken it and transferred it obviously worked with Chuck Lyons who was the same type of thing the small attention to details as they throw here on 1st and 15 Aden escapes a ton of pressure will throw towards the ends up past knocked away as he had his man right there he was trying to connect with TQ Willmar and Gilmar was knocked down and there's a cougar down the field well back at the 35 yard line hope that is not kn0 no that's number seven THD santista bond no matter who it is okay just shaken up the offensive side I know zero plays that left tackle spot most of the time there's a big presence there I mean seven already committed to Auburn one of the mainstays on that offensive love into the JUCO starting lineup this year because now it's santista bond we're hoping is all right she was had affirming think either way since Easter mom's coming out of play it looked like Tommy Thomas liberal Shea trotting out onto the field from Quebec City Academy distantly st. Louie excuse my French accent but we know we know he's got some friends and family watching so we wanted to try and shout him out we're gonna have to get you to speak French yeah I don't know the yeah I don't know the right words you learn French words they're just not the one he got sound television out broadcast appropriate Santi Sivan still being checked on terror so we have a trainer out there standing up and looking like she's trying to get someone equipment out on the field [Applause] you chat with the rebels out there that was mostly just to get me another body that can help get this guy up he stood on the big road 16 3:05 [Applause] looks like it says left so he'll be checked on the medical staff here for the Cougars fun fact sheets errors and a long time training her parents here tonight from Wichita Falls Texas taking in their first few their home games and we want to welcome them Sarah does a great job for this program I'm happy to have it it is truly a family affair I see the scene let's not forget our contrato in his second year here with the Cougars always patrolling the sidelines with Sarah Chad Peters now the associate athletic director one of the guys that lets us put this on every week so you thank him here we go a couple delays this drive the Cougars in here a 27 to go ball on the 25 yard line in the shotgun will check down now back to the sideline hey guys I went got Starbucks what happened just a big play 2nd and 15 here from the 25 yard line Cougars with seven on the play clock we get the snap off even we'll throw and it was over the head of Mari Smith and Smith thought it was maybe intended for somebody behind him so he let it go but I think the target was I thought Smith maybe sat down and instead I think Eden thought he was maybe going on an out pattern he had a lot of room in the flat and well it's something in week one you're gonna see a lot of still trying to get organized as a team unfortunately up against the top team coming in in Southern California and Santa Mad Cow shows and your margin for error incredibly thin at this point down by 11 additional powerhouse programs you know they're always going to come in prepared ready to play third and 15 here Eaton will throw its gonna step up here throws dumps it over the top and he was trying to find a man in the flat that was double covered who's Randy Clemons the third tight end up there the excuse me these starting tighten up a lot of I'm Tanner Brown here second half yeah they make this a one possession ballgame should this one be true he was pretty close on the last one coming out from 42 yards good from 45 43 42 it's time from the left cache snap mishandled so the Cougars gonna have to make a play out of it as rolling towards his right dropping the ball and he drops it out of bounds there's a flag on the field this is that the line and I suspect this is gonna be five yards in the direction of the kunais was trading long strip did somebody line up in the neutral zone I think somebody was lined up in the zone there was no jump somebody's lined up in the zone for sure okay now it was illegal formation on the Cougars so the penalty is declined it results in a turnover on down so Brown never gets a chance to try it for the 42 yarder as long strength had the snap mishandled that's the second time today we've seen a little trouble on the snap from the Cougars one resulted in a safety circle that play for later in the game I mean that's an opportunity we talked about tanner Brown and near automatic three points could she hope that that doesn't come back to haunt you one of those execution type things and it gets you within a touchdown get you within a score here yeah does it put you within them with an eight but instead we stay at an 11 point game it'll be Gaucho football 8:05 to go here in the third we've had a bit of a slowdown a couple of injuries a lot slower pace to this second half after the first half was really fast and furious we gotta blast it through it lots of movement on the ball and I think the Cougars tried to take things up up a notch here just by circumstance of the game penalties injuries delays here we are so on first down no little throw has a man over the middle caught cutting across the middle it was Liam Eldridge who we've seen had a couple of nice catches in the end zone for touchdowns that's a big body algae's on me a little bit of Mike Evans out there look at this collision the DB on the on the bad receiving into that one just look abroad of itch on the tackle Jacques definitely with credit for the stop but it's more of just a collision no little run here on first out he's able to escape a tackle still has plenty of room cuts it across midfield and down at the 45 yard line big run for Nolan back to that read option and it's just got have to admit knowing does a great job of really disguising that you don't know where the ball is gonna go and he has got some wheels he's up over 60 yards on the ground so far today with that play his tenth carry of the day it brings up first in ten he'll hold on and roll to his right now cuts it back up the middle still plenty of room to work in another 10 yard 12 yard gain for Nolan and he gets another first down inside the 35 yard line of the Cougars we had a couple big plays but been a stop in momentum and now right back the other way down your throat here we come to gacho's stolen stays in there fake the handoff steps back to pass now wants to roll to his left we'll check it down finds Eldridge who's pushed out of bounds right about the 21 yard line this is pitching catch and it's really the Gauchos offense with speed not letting the Cougars get set again so we wind the clock and go back to work chance Nolan well keep it again now he'll roll to his right he every time he looks like he wants to throw now he'll dump it off it's caught by coal harity and then harity picks up a couple of yards and enough to move the chains for another first down here actually excuse me to bring up second and three that was first down second an 8-3 yard gain on first down there we go that's what I wanted stadium very quiet here cougar Stadium not a lot to cheer for right now if you're a cougar fan as it's been all Gauchos here they'll throw on second and eight pass caught inside the 10 and fights towards the end zone I'm not gonna get there it was Garcia Castaneda again and he gets it all the way down inside the five to about the two yard line stepup another one of those turnovers but Saddleback and clear control on this Drive and you got to credit the Saddleback offense with the speed they've not let the Cougars get set at all and get any pressure on the quarterback as they put one in motion they'll handoff on the inside bouncing towards the end zone and Shawn Palmer able to punch it in and it's a Gaucho touchdown and a lead now to 17 well that was a quick 10 point swing you take away the near automatic tanner Brown and then the Gauchos come right back and tack on six maybe seven here of their own not what the Cougars wanted but still a lot of time left guys yeah still 544 left in the game so if you're the Cougars you need scores as soon as you can you had a chance to get it within a score and a bad snap and the Gauchos take advantage marks the ball right back down the field on the strength of a lot of movement from chance Nolan and settle back flexing a little bit showing why they are so hardly regarded in some of these polls a lot of weapons out there so far doing a great job using them all it's a seven play 77 yard drive took two minutes and 21 seconds off the clock just a quick strike offense so far today from the Gauchos we saw that late delay of game so we'll replay the try place kicker for Saddleback fouls up the point after touch Hey drives it through frame very good kickers well we talked about Tanner Brown a lot free very good is last year was 36 38 on point after touches and 79% as a field goal kicker so he's just about as automatic as they come to so you may get an 18 point game now and the Cougars with a chance to try and go back to work on offense and if you ever needed a touchdown now would be the time you said it not got to stop the bleeding here go back to what we're doing if the run game if you're not gonna get that established then go back and let let your air attack which they have had some success find Henderson for EIN Smith and go from there the run will come eventually once the things start to open up but at this point now you go there is a sense of urgency you got to try and move the ball as fast as you can don't want to get lit things let don't want to let things get any more out of hand as it'll be Jalen Lewis to take this one he'll gather it right about the four yard line and run it ahead with speed across the 20 cuts it back across the 25 and he's tripped up thought he had lots of room to operate and just got tripped up at the last second but a good return gets it back to about the 30-yard line and that's where the Cougars will take home looks like our body evens out and actually as we say that cold oil comes out under Center so both I think it's a it's a 50/50 it's almost the flip of a coin at this point firm from our standpoint well you like to see them both in the huddle both with their heads in the game ready to go in at a moment's notice Doyle will throw here on first down little trouble with the snap will roll out to his right throws it downfield trying to come back and get it was TQ Gilmore and he couldn't make the catch well I have some scores from around the SCF a coming up in just a moment and so it'll bring up second down and 10 the scores that are provided anyway that's you know we work with what we've got right you know Jesse it talked about the live stats crew and you know it's it's really a luxury to have and that's it's a result of you know fine people working under your hair and again kudos to your staff and everybody that makes this makes as possible here we come to the candies absolutely like I said it's a team effort we couldn't do it without everybody doing their job so happy to have them and again some of the best in the business so we bring up third and ten here after Doyle miss connected on the pass he was trying to dump it off to Alonso Henderson couldn't find him no another big-time play here you don't want to go three and out again and turn the ball right over moving up front that's certainly not gonna help things Cougars are gonna actually a timeout called when the timeout was called by the Gauchos so they saw something they did not like the second time out charge to saddle back here I'll get to the SCF a scoreboard here bulletin with a win earlier in the week 30 33 Santa Barbara 57 at six over Compton look at Chaffey college two guys 44 to 27 victory over LA Harbor Antelope Valley with a 27 21 win over Glendale that game was here on SoCal college sports comm that's a fact long beach all over Grossmont college 28 to 10 that game midway through the third I think that's the only other score we have at the moment a 45 to 7 Ventura all over Orange Coast San Bernardino Valley 50 to 28 over Santa Ana that's on the mobile app Cerritos on top of ELAC 14 to 7 604 remaining in the 4th of that one so it looks like we're ready to go back to work here out of the timeout third and 10 here for the Cougars music starting to blare trying to get everybody pumped up ready to go but still quiet stands right now as the Cougars trail by 18 oil will throw here on third and 10 wants a big one throws downfield but it was out of bounds and no flag on the play the target was to believe Trayvon Elliot down the far sideline yeah that was a that was a ball that not necessarily all that catchable down the boundary there was some contact but you know if it's a catchable ball i think maybe you make a case certainly wasn't as he was looking for Elliot so the Cougars will have to kick it away again Brown has been very active tonight will punt once again he's had a couple of good ones one that was 64 yards tries to change it here again good kick wobbling caught and pretty much a fair catch tanking right about the 40-yard line so well I don't know what the answer is gonna be here but the Cougars need something to lift their spirits came out of the half look to be taking things up a tick the penalties the touchdown they've given up it seems like a little bit of a lifeless sideline now I'd like to see him with spawn here best way to do that's a big hit a big turnover something to get the crowd back in the game that was what the Cougar defense was really known for last year was we've talked about it on getting that big stop when they needed it well boy is this a time for it right now be Nolan again under Center in the shotgun he will throw here on first down has Eldridge on the near side and he picks up a chunk of yards about four so again I had a schedule for Saddleback I think you have your players of the game Co players of the game in Eldridge and Nolan for Saddleback that connection has proved brutal here tonight for the Cougars they've connected for a couple of touchdowns and a few more big plays on top of it as Nolan will throw here looking across the middle to Eldridge again and another big play across midfield to the 38 yard line to the Cougars another big throw and catch the big hit from boo kamatovik Gauchos picking up yards and big chunks here and that's not what you want to see they go again here on first down this time they'll handoff as its Jonathan Jefferson and he gets ahead of the chains a little bit ahead of schedule picks up about five and second and five so just methodical again from Saddleback here as they continue to march down the field quickly they'll throw here instead no little step up and the Cougar is able to take him down at the line of scrimmage and it'll bring up third down well right now Ventura all over Orange Coast big matchup next week we will have it Saddleback hosting Ventura and that'll be an interesting one and not to watch and obviously level of competition a little down for OCC versus Ventura but this is an impressive performance from the Gauchos thus far of 31:13 driving under four to go in the third they work on third and seven another big time plays the Cougar defense looks to get off the field Nolan will step back he'll throw once the end zone has a man behind the defense pass knocked away though as they say no pass interference good defense and I believe it was Latifah do all the defensive stop on the corner came back and waved a hand at it and that's indeed who it was on the replay yeah it caused just enough a distraction to get credit for the past big of another nice thrown ball trying to get to Garcia cast Anita again was Nolan and it looks like they're gonna go for it here on fourth down or the Gauchos and I guess why not you're up by 18 you've done everything you've wanted on offense house money right exactly as they go here on fourth and seven Nolan back to pass Cougars bring a lot of pressure man open Eldridge could not hang on to it so the Cougars get a big stop as Eldridge was wrapped up on the defensive stop on the corner by shane Morton don't I be the type of play we were talking about you know it looked like that could have been the first down was able to come in jar it loose get off the field maybe start to build some momentum here if the Cougar offense can get out there and capitalize a couple first downs maybe returned the favor with some of those big chunks of yardage and this is OK this is where you have an opportunity if you're canyons to hit the bully in the mouth they come out with Armani Eden as the quarterback here so they continue to go back and forward a quarterback even in the shotgun well handoff and nowhere to go still on his feet was leave those Jordan as it was thank you power counters that's just not gonna work against his defensive front you need to get to be outside in a hurry roll something out III think it's it's been diagnosed that's not what's gonna done versus defensive front that is massive credit Robert Rahimi with the tackle he is the one that got into the backfield was able to bless up the play guys I know we're still in the third quarter but do you want to point to a crucial Drive for the Cougars this might be it exactly right second and 16 here from the 34 yard line Eden drops back looking to throw throws downfield trying to find a man where's the flat lemons was wrapped up no flag on the play do we have a replay er I believe we do watch the watch the contact at the end of his play still almost hauled it in it's the tight end Randy Clements is going that that seam has gettable just science sergeant yeah instead it's a incomplete pass once again I agree with with your assessment wrapped up and I don't know how you don't have a flag on that play but I mean the the referees right there I mean there was some two-way action but at the end you see the arm getting held down there and that's what takes away the chance from Clemens the big tight end out of Lancaster played at quartz Hill High School's we go on 3rd and forever pass over the middle and again the Cougars can't connect Alonzo Henderson try to dive to make the play edan had plenty of time to make the throw Henderson find his man Henderson going post and I think enum was thinking square in I think he just didn't put enough on that ball is right there it was open he gives them in stride he's gone is it that's a bead for sure to use a baseball term he aimed instead of threw it he needed the heater he went to the curveball that one right into the astroturf so the Cougars will punt again here with two 29 to go in the third quarter brown who's been active will kick it away Emory Johnson our director appreciates the cross pork analogies with the baseball as it'll be taken right about the 33 yard line by Cole harity and he's able to drive it ahead across midfield a great return from arity as all sorts of Cougars around him but did not much matter start this drive again be interesting to see if they go to that fast pace uptick offense or try milking a little bit here now late in the third quarter comfortable lead you never want to cow canyons out there have been known to be a quick strike offense but Saddleback holds the cards right now well looking ahead to later on the season we have a Thursday night game on the docket and that will be against more parking back to Henry Johnson alum that'll be a fun one here Thursday night game we don't often get to host Thursday night errs but this year we get one of those on first down the Gauchos will run and again a punishing run forward this time by algae Fisher and he picks up nine yards just pounding through the Cougar defense Jesse do you recall that's a 6:00 or 7:00 p.m. start time that's gonna be a 7:00 p.m. start at the Thursday night game I think with the weekday schedule you want to get folks the time to get home from work and school and make their way out to the stadium some fun tradition for the SCF a to bring about I think it's the third year of Thursday night games the first one we've hosted had the opportunity to play of interest on a Thursday night a few years ago and then at Moorpark last year so be a new experience for cougar fans we're expecting a healthy crowd as we tend to get so come on down it's a cougar coming off the field after those special teams play a big return all the way back to the 34 yard line for excuse me a big run actually back to the 34 yard line but al gene Fisher they'll be second and one remember this is the 50th anniversary year of COC and it's been a number of years since Cougar football returned back in 1998 is another run and Wow the Gauchos just dragging cougar defenders with them it was Al Jean Fisher again and he just continues to cut up the Cougar defense here in this second half Fisher now well up over 50 yards are close to it anyway with another 10 yard Cougars need something right here to help turn the tables this time it'll be Noland on the draw and he'll get it up inside the 15 yard line a yards short of the marker gonna bring second down and one another 9 yard run from Noland put him at 88 for the night so far he's had a pretty good dual-threat night throwing the ball pretty well running it well as he hands it off to Fisher Fisher somehow gets away from a courts head of cougar tacklers and is able to dive forward and get to the mark and picks up a first down and it'll be first and goal with 53 seconds to go in the 3rd quarter as another cougar down I think it's Tyler Richardson it looked like it was a 31 down back to the 28th and the celebration of 50 years down to the canyons homecoming good folks mark your calendars like I said it's gonna be a lot of fun festivities start at 4 p.m. and admission free for all fans and community members that game so free admission free parking lots of Giveaways family activities it's a partnership between college of the canyons and our ASG and our foundation so putting in putting in a lot of things one invite the community out there celebrating 15 15 years since the national title as well in 2004 and folks for all your information on the season visit CSC athletics com we've got stats schedules photos video of all 17 of the college's intercollegiate athletic programs they got a Twitter they got an Instagram they got a Facebook hit them up hit us all run by the guy you are left in this boo my keys he's the man that takes care of it all as we bring up first and goal from the 9 for the Gauchos here 31 to 39 Olin will keep it himself again he dives towards the goal line but he's gonna be about a yard short still that option play and you see it here on the replay huh just smartly keeps the ball and waits for the hole to open up how do you stop and you get a big block there up front that's just I mean that's that's too good those of Aldo Torres on that block he's a high-energy guy you know handoff and Fischer will punch it in for the touchdown so make it 37 to 13 now Fischer with her first touchdown of the day and I mean it doesn't get much easier than that he wasn't touched there's Torres again big block on the outside getting a man out of the way opens up a huge gap you could see Courtney Chandler recognizing trying to come late but by that time he was out of time there's a flag on the field and I wonder if maybe a sound of a climb and held the block away being long and it looks like it's in the area of a hole sometimes there's a big gap for a reason maybe we'll wait and see maybe the points are gonna be taken off the board here looking at that replay I feel like Bradley Brown was trying to kind of trying to get free if you watch here on the end did you see if he doesn't get hooked you see the Jersey pull a little bit I bet you that's where the flag was no it's not a sportsman like dead ball well then they missed that one you keep the points on the board missed a few of them here tonight but you know that's so nature the beast that's that's a great it's uh you know as a former not for football but for hockey former official it's a part-time job it's not your full-time thing things get missed I know how it goes I can't I can't fault anybody for anything and let's remember it's week one for every week one for everybody you don't end especially as an official you don't get a preseason you game one you go might get a couple reps out of scrimmage I think we had two or three guys come out two or three crews I want to say all fighting to get some field time so yeah everyone everyone's starting to trying to get into a rhythm and we're still here are they going to the season so we'll wait on the point after up and good thirty eight to thirteen now twenty five point game in favor of the Gauchos and with just 20 seconds to go in the third quarter game clock the Cougars now in desperate need of a quick strike here on offense well healthy return would certainly assist that you know we haven't heard a lot of noise out of the special teams unit so other than Tanner Brown who we keep calling his name what a healthy return here get the offense back out on the field and they keep rotating a number of different guys in on the return game I think this is the fourth or fifth combination we've seen as it looks like it's gonna be TQ Gilmore back along with tamesha Williams Maji Williams so we've seen Smith we've seen Henderson we've seen eighth we've seen Gilmore we've seen Williams we've seen just about everybody on the return game you know you got a lot of guys you guys you got a lot of people with talent but who's gonna go out there and execute he was gonna be the dude for you until they find that out everyone's gonna get a shot so the Gauchos will kick it back from the 20-yard line here as they backup after the penalty which is 20 seconds to go here in the third quarter Cougars may get a playoff before we start the fourth frame we'll kick it away it'll be Williams to catch it right about the 23 yard line looking for some to work will cut it back to the middle now he tries to take it to the outside tries to get the edge could not but got to the 40 decent field position to start here for the Cougars with 10 seconds to go in the third quarter yeah that turned out ok like you said the healthy return he kind of had to wait for it you know I started to say hit the hole but he knows better than I ball so you take that maybe you got a quick strike here and you're back in business looking for another score you trailed by 25 we'll see who they send out at quarterback it looks like it will be a Armani Eden back out at quarterback and you got to figure they got to throw the ball a lot here now because you need to get the ball downfield get a second a touchdown now it's about picking up yards he'll throw here on first down he dumps it off on the near side passes caught and then trying to drive it ahead was Cyrus Zul Azul picks up a few here and it'll bring up second and maybe about five six will say representing from Sumter South Carolina any friends and family he might have watching the broadcast there's a lot of out-of-state players as we'll take a quick timeout as we head to the fourth quarter 38 13 in favor the Gauchos here on socal college sports calm [Music] you [Music] as we come back for the fourth quarter here as the Cougars will start here second and five from the 41 yard line excuse me the 46 yard line is still throw here a pass caught but a flag in the backfield and it's actually out of bounds anyway and I don't think the play would account it and I think the flag is in an area of a hold here so the Cougars will back up and they'll replay second down so holding against Jordan Phillips and it'll bring up second and 15 now so the Cougars were ahead of schedule for a moment and now find themselves back behind schedule after the penalty on Jordan Phillips so you need a big play you need one quickly here through the Cougars Eden in the shotgun with two receivers out to each side will drop back now he'll just step it up trying to operate gets back to the original line of scrimmage at the 41 yard line and it'll bring up third about ten yeah just trying to make something out of nothing here takes a snap 90 push them out right there looks like a maybe a little bit of an opening there with that close just as soon as you saw it and so you got a throw here on third down third and 10 from the 41 yard line you need points on the board on every drive at this point in time as you trail by 25 Eden will throw to is right now will move back to his left has plenty of time we'll dump it off Pass was caught after it was juggled by Clemens and then he's knocked out of bounds but it wasn't nearly enough to get a first down it was only enough to pick up about three yards so to leave him fourth and seven here for the Cougars and I believe they're gonna bring back out tanner brown to punt it away and rely once again on that defense to try and get a stop kind of hear the crowd starting to stir a little bit people starting to head towards the gates Brown will pump this one away hype on it wobbling khat I harity it about the 18 yard line and that's where the Gauchos will take over here with 13 15 to go they have a 25-point lead 38 to 13 it has been all Saddleback you take a look at some of the numbers chants Nolan 28 3 428 301 yards so far in the game he's got 95 yards on the ground with 14 carries he has pretty much been the star and Liam Eldridge with a couple of touchdown receptions has 97 yards on eight receptions has been all Gauchos on the offensive side Armani Eaton the best performer for the Cougars 12 of 22 but really has not been able to get anything going is again Nolan to throw here on first down harity catches it but he's wrapped up immediately has a good job by the Cougars on the corner train Villere over to make the stop one of the captains for COC this year the ball around Eldridge with the two touchdowns but I mean he's hit eight receivers so kudos to him and Saddleback offense getting all their weapons involved here in week one defensively for the Cougars today Tyler Richardson Charles I Caleb Jones the standouts in terms of the tackles Richardson with eight John's if Ike was seven and those are those are your guys that have been pretty much carrying the load defensively and that's to be expected you talk about John's and IQ too big middle linebackers they're kind of always in the thick of the play in big-time returners from last year and we knew we'd be calling those guys's names there's Nolan to throw here on second down will step up and he's taken down with a sack Jack Schultz in on the sack his first of the day positive output there for the Cougars maybe this will help get get them going brings up a big third down so it's always quick to the quarterback hard-nosed kid one of our captain's worked hard all offseason it backs the Gauchos back to the 12 yard line here actually more like the 11 it'll bring down third forever they're just gonna take their time let the play clock run all the way down is tend to snap it here Nolan in the shotgun will throw plenty of time looking downfield and he overthrew his man nearly had it picked off as floating in the area for the Cougars was Latifah do would have loved to have the pick but just as important you're off the field you get a big stop so it'll bring up fourth in a long way to go and they will send out the punt unit Jonathon Lonardo will punt it for Saddleback here Cougars with a couple of guys standing about the 51 of them is Smith the other is Elliott lonardo will angle it towards Elliott who will drift back and catch it at the 40 yard line he'll run straight to his right cuts it up jumps over a man and then he's hit hard at the sideline right about the 45 yard line so it's a 6 yard return hole long way for not alive 6 yards and took the hit there at the end but you got to love the effort especially at this stage in the game with the score how it is there's no quit in this cougar team sprint here comes number 1 just had them lined up and boom there it was Kaden excuse me Tyreke Bell on the head so the Cougars will come out here on offense with Imani Eden again they go back to him he's kind of solidified himself as the passer of the two right now he and oil of split time and it's been eaten here late need to get something going with 1142 on the clock we'll throw here on first down room throws over the middle caught by Clemens and he'll get nine so the Cougars ahead of schedule here on the first now we'll bring up second and one second one might be another one of those opportunities to spread them wide and take your shot here discussing something here I think it was an offside call against Saddleback and the Cougars will not take the penalty so they'll take the yardage gained on the play and it will bring up second and one here good throw from Eden good start to this drive for the Cougars as they try and build something here and that's been the story I mean you've gotten off to some heart hot starts made a couple moves and then for whatever reason something stunts the drive whether it be a penalty an injury a bad decision a play that just was there but wasn't executed and that you never really been able to get it going so Eden will hand it off and it'll be a resume getting the carry and he gets enough to get the first down picks up he needed one he got three so it's enough he'll take it you move the chains and just the 14th first down of the game for the Cougars you look at some of the numbers Saddleback with 31 to his 14 for COC that's a huge huge discrepancy yeah and not not indicative of what you typically see from a cougar off usually it's the other way around last year you talk about CUC was one of the top scoring offenses in the in the state of California and really one of the top offenses in terms of gaining yards as Eden will step up and he gets back to the line of scrimmage might as well credit a sack but it's just a tackle for no gain and it will bring up second down and 10 well and we talked about it at the beginning of the broadcast I mean a lot of guys left a lot of talent went with them not to say that this new crop of Cougars isn't just as talented but it's going to take a while for these guys to emerge in respective roles you're still finding out yeah you're still finding out who's gonna be your guy you got a lot of young players on the team I know he's a sophomore but Doyle is a freshman you talk about you know a number of other freshmen out at the receiver in the running back position especially on defense a lot of young corners is Eden steps up throws pass incomplete it was out of the reach of Elliot who was trying to reach up for it and he took a hard hit for his trouble as well and it looks like getting up slowly as Jordan Palmer you don't like to see that he's kind of working off of a little bit of a knee shake up here it looks like y'all just switching personnel here on this big third and long trying to get as many speedy guys out you know the Cougars are gonna throw here on third down well like we started to say new guys starting to make their mark trying to fill those roles and you don't do yourself any favors playing a powerhouse program like Lee couches in week one but I mean that's the Cougars mentality go out and play the best if you want to be the best and it doesn't get any easier next week is you've got Grossmont coming to town as a flag on the far side of the field so this one gonna be negated is Bell with a hard tackle as Eden was just trying to find somewhere to go and just he know where to move yeah I think that's been the situation a couple times tonight when there wasn't really much there you trying to make something out of nothing and unfortunately you guys sometimes you got to pay you take that hit but again no quit in these Cougars and that's what you like to see offside against Saddleback so the Cougars get a positive play out of it and it'll bring up third and five here so the play doesn't matter offside called against Saddleback 955 to go here in the fourth Cougars need something and need something quickly here and now Jordan Palmer goes down and that is not good he's been fighting off something I was trying to bounce up so hopefully I don't know if it's a cramp I hope it is it's a knee that's well my first thought was hoping that's just a cramp he gets stretched out and failed or returned but well you know and not that it's not expected but I would say unseasonable warm for the month of September here in Santa Clarita temperatures up near 95 degrees today and you know it's cooled off nicely this evening but still still a hot one it's still warm it's you know it might be fall but it certainly doesn't feel like fall and warm to you and I mean imagine being in the trenches going to battle against that defensive front there I mean it's exponentially honor and your first game of the year you expect things like cramps to happen and you know obviously the Cougars don't want it as they condition better than most but you know been a lot of moving back and forward trying to get on and off the field for COC and you surprised it hasn't happened more on the defensive side is a new center coming in for the Cougars is it'll be Azad marcozzi in coming in to snap the first time today is Eden in the shotgun we'll check back in mark OC in one of our four captains this year named before this week's game a lot of excitement about him as well the Cougars to throw here wanting a man downfield diving catch made at the 4 yard line as roemello cook in the game gets the Cougars inside the red zone as a good ball from Armani Eden here steps up in the pocket takes a hit and finds a diving cook just full extension right there lays out hauls it in now that's the type of big-time play the Cougars were looking for came a little bit late in this game but still some time you capitalize on this and maybe look to him again as you try and find something to get going here if you can get a touchdown you know you start to think okay this is possible we can start to climb back in this trail by 25 you need seven here though definitely got to punch it in here here's Eaton in the shotgun nobody in the backfield I know jailbreak blitz basically and he is sacked in negative yardage all the way back to the six yard line definitely not to start you wanted them first and goal for the Cougars and I think Eden makes a good play just to get back close to where the Cougars were they were on him before the ball even touched his hands so great job not not coughing that up not making things worse here they bring out the tight end Clemons and in to replace him is the running back Zul Cougars need to find a way to get six on the board Eden in the shotgun time now will try and roll away jumps throws towards the end zone caught but it was short of the yard line and gets back to the original line of scrimmage as once again it was cook on the catch and I'll bring up third down and three Rahimi makes the stop the Cougars trying to get on the board here 7:45 to go as Eden on the third and goal from the 3 yard line you got to imagine you need six she might go with a four down territory situation here is Eden out checks back Cougars very casual with just 8 seconds on the play clock here need to get going now down to five inside of three they get it off Eden throws into the end zone touchdown roemello cook who made the big catch to get the Cougars into the red zone here on a nice controlled play from Eden and the Cougars get that six points always nice to see the guy that got you down there be rewarded with the touchdown and that's exactly what happened right there roemello cook out of Columbia South Carolina gets the Cougars back on the board I think we're still kicking here going for one but that gives the cougar some life and you know seven minutes here things happen a couple turnovers you never know it's a good slant route from cook just to cut a cross right at the goal line and you saw Eden take his time he wanted to throw it first delayed his Brown will put the p80 through and you closed the gap a little bit now it's the nineteen point game again a positive outcome there you had the big play you were able to capitalize it I don't think anything could have been worse than that getting that close to be turned turned away again so the fact that they were able to punch it in there regardless of the final outcome you build on that for the rest of that's exactly building for next week building for the week after week after that is it's a very tough schedule the Cougars this year you talking about Grossmont coming in next week then you have Santa Barbara on the road in two weeks that's gonna be a big one and then back here for Cerritos all three again good teams and really there's no easy schedule in Southern California college football there's no off weeks and I mean the Cougars know Cerritos well a former conference opponent of ours always a tough program they're gonna be looking to make their mark so yeah there are no off weeks Cougars a lot a lot of times to be on this one but like you said regardless of what happens you can't dwell on this week one result no matter what it is still lots of time left 7:20 but you need a quick stopper turnover something for the Cougars as they get it back to 18 down 38 to 20 the ground will kick it away Gaucho's starting to line up for the possible on site I don't think it's coming here it's a little early I think if you're that I send it a fair catch called for at the 5-yard line interesting that she called for a fair catch there I'm not quite understanding that but especially off of a guy like how gene Fisher who's speedy we've seen him carve up the Cougar defense today and instead you put yourself way deep on the field from the Saddleback standpoint I can see kind of the mindset though I mean you want to milk this clock you've had success getting yards the ground big chunks of yards so yes a special team situation exact or the ball don't want to cough it up so if you can get it even if you're deep in your zone and I forgot the new rule in college football you can make a fair catch inside the 20-yard line and it's a touchback well there there you go I totally forgot that that rule got installed so that's why you do it you get the touch back that's week one exactly as they'll run here new quarterback in the game Fischer will run it and he pounds it ahead for two yards as taking over at the quarterback position is Devon Freeland and of Menifee California he saw some action early he and Nolan were kind of going back and forward back and forward and then Nolan solidly established himself and has had a pretty solid game and gets a nice little break 92 yards on the ground for chance Nolan 297 through the air he has been the star so far along with Liam Eldridge for Saddleback so friedlin in the backfield has Fisher behind him will throw here on second down and has a man wide open and Eldridge e spins off a tackle cuts it back across the 40 and taken down at the 30 yard line a big play for the Gauchos and they had wide open single coverage on the far side of the field well you don't want to call that a back-breaking missed tackle but it's certainly not gonna help anything big chunks down the sideline huge play is Eldridge again on the reception up over a hundred yards receiving today and the clock now starting to wind once again as we're inside 610 and Saddleback just taking their time as they rightfully should it's a 43 yard catch and run from Liam Eldridge as friedlin back to throw here on first down will swing it short caught by Fisher and he's tied up and maybe gains a yard or two smartly stays inbounds there as the clock continues to roll now under 5:45 yeah no sense of urgency for the Gauchos I mean they're doing what they want to do and just let the clock tick for the Cougars it's about getting in there trying to strip punch pull rip whatever you got to do get that ball out and try and extend this game a little bit you need that turnover here if your COC you need the ball back in your hands cuz every second the Gauchos take off the clock is a second that's against you under 13 seconds on the play clock here friedlin will send a man in motion he'll hand it off to fisher fisher cuts it to the outside got the edge and then tripped and fell down Cougars get a good break there as Fisher goes down and is short of the marker and I'll bring up third down and short here and the clock continues to tick gonna be close to four minutes here before they snap again so you got to think even if you got a stop here if you're the Cougars even if you hold them to three points you're down now by 18 maybe you're down by 21 three scores with under you'll get the ball back around four minutes maybe I mean tough proposition if you're COC tough sledding for sure they'll have their work cut out for them but you know the mantra of this program this I promise I'll never give up so you can't expect the Cougars to turn away here absolutely in motion and that will help stops the clock it 4:27 and will back the Gauchos up and bring down third and long so the clock goes back to work after the penalty so you'll bring it inside of four minutes likely when the Gauchos snap the football we'll see what they do here as friedlin waits we'll take it hands or actually he'll throw it looking for the end zone has a man caught by Eldridge and he dives into the endzone for a Gaucho touchdown had one-on-one coverage against the do and was able to make the catch and drive it in on the fake and then just just a nice touch pass just a little go route from Eldridge and he just gets around to do and he's able to dive across the end line defender was right on him too he just put it slightly over his head we're only the Gaucho guy could get it 106 to 195 out of San Clemente and the count shows now have pretty much put this one away 44 to 2020 four-point lead back to getting it to a 25 with the point after touch when after was nearly blocked but it is good you can scored a 45 45 to 20 lead a 25 point game here for Saddleback and barring something crazy the Cougars will drop their opener here to a very game Saddleback team who pretty much did what they wanted today Jesse yeah absolutely I mean Saddleback has definitely proven themselves they came into this team excuse me came into this game hardly we got highly regarded and proved that so for the Cougars maybe back to the drawing board in a few areas you know continue to see which guys are going to emerge but it's a long season one game behind us come back next week strong against Grossmont and for the Gauchos that should be a fun ride home that's a long trip but you come home you come over and hang 45 points on somebody you got to feel good about yourselves yeah you come in you you think about a to going into their next week against Ventura who's a very good team is hung 45 points on their opponent today that should be a shootout those two teams next week that would definitely be a good one I think a lot of eyes on that frame will kick it away Cougars will return it from the goal line and I'll get to about the 25-yard line is it was Jay Williams demage a we're gonna say his name right once today I'm gonna do it davon Jay Williams across the 20 into the 25 and that's where the Cougars will start here on first and 10 remember right back here next week 6 o'clock game time hopefully we'll be on a little bit earlier it just sent up as the Cougars take on the Grossmont college Griffins and actually the Cougars will start at the 15-yard line after the penalty you remember next week first responders get in free here at cougar Stadium as they take on the Grossmont college Griffins right here valid photo ID for the rest of the cougar event schedule head to see OC athletics calm and you'll find it on the football web page figure out if you got something that you can do get in for free here come watching the Cougar football the Cougars will run it here on first downs ool cuts it through the middle gets across the 20 now cuts it back at the 30 yard line and is taken down at the 40 a big chunk of yards for Saira Zul he gets all the way out to the 40 and a good start for the Cougars here on this late Drive and they have a new sit downs you all making some plays here in the second half finally getting this opportunity making the most of it was a nice run a little one of that really a fine group of five running backs that we could see at any one time we've not seen much Dorian Mitchell or Cara Tillis McFadden it's pretty much been oil painters ULA's you know throw in the pass is dropped had Amari Smith was maybe just a little bit behind him and Smith dropped it but I think when he watches that in film next week he's gonna want it back just turned his head to look up field a little bit too quickly he'll have other opportunities this year absolutely you gotta like the call from the Cougars does the execution again not there and we'll see what Armani Eaton does here on second and 10 what Tenaya Santa has designed for him he'll roll towards his right now dumps it off has his van taught and worked across the 50 yard line and tackled from behind but enough for a first down as it's romelo cook who's got the touchdown catch today for the Cougars yet another nice reception for him and a little run cook now with 51 yards on four receptions he's getting some extra time it's pretty much been Anderson Elliott and Smith for the most part but Cooke getting plenty of opportunities here and stays out there on first and 10 from the 47 yard line Eaton to throw will be flushed out of the pocket rolling to his right now will just decide to try and run gets the corner and gets about 6 yards before he's taken down out of bounds by that looked like Calvin Tubbs the linebacker on the tackle so the Cougars ahead of schedule here on second down and we'll call it about 4 clock inside 2:35 is eaten in the shotguns will roll immediately to his left will throw has a man it's caught by Henderson inside the 30-yard line a cougar first down the play that's the second time today that Eden's been hit hard he gets right back up both times I believe it was Calvin Tubbs on the late hit roughing the passer is indeed the call so you can tack on 15 more the Cougars back inside the red zone with 2:25 to go they trail by 25 but you talked about building for next week this is a chance to do it trying to build for next week trying to get yourself into the end zone and maybe find your quarterback and I think maybe is solidified himself as that guy so far here today sure like you said you want to take as many positives as you can from this game I'm sure coach Ison and his staff will have some negatives that they want to address but you know with the bad comes the good that you got a reward and look to build upon so they'll go back in they'll break down the tape they'll point some things out get back to work on Monday so it'll be first and 10 inside the 15-yard line Eaton to throw block is picked up on the Blitz passed towards the end zone and again Smith can't make the catch he's guarded well by the corner down on the near side and believe that was a brave worker Curran on the break-up Gaucho's sent to blitz good job by the Cougars to pick it up his Zul in there I'm on the Block and game even enough time to throw just couldn't find Smith as they'll go here on second and 10 with 213 to go Eden in the shotgun he'll step back to pass flushed a little bit well throw over the middle and was too high for Clemens kind of didn't set his feet kind of threw off balance and that's why the throw is high so to bring up third and 10 from the 14 yard line you might as well call it third and goal I interested to see who they dial up here trying you know you don't want to show too much here at the end of the game and he's kind of special plays or gimmick plays but you definitely want to get one in here so what's the good Eden's got up his sleeve as they'll throw short and cook falls down inside the 15 yard line and it'll bring up fourth down and it looks like the Cougars are gonna go for it here on fourth and 14 just about fourth and ten but you might as well I guess I'd call it fourth and goal you're trying to go for the end zone air yeah you're not trying to make this fifth and manageable no exactly oh the game is pretty much at hand down by 25 you want to get something going maybe this is some momentum here is Eden will throw towards the end zone and it's just batted away and the Cougars will turn it over on downs and that will pretty much end it here it's not it's not where you start the season it's where you end up it's a humbling experience going against what coming in was the best team in Southern California and Saddleback proved every bit of it a lot of athletes a lot of size on that offensive line but it's a great program here at college of the canyons they grow throughout the season and come November where are they gonna be at what trajectory they're gonna be at and Jesse you've alluded to it many times not a lot of programs if any work harder than the Cougars with coach Ted I ascend at the helm and expect them to come out with some fire next week versus girls Martin I gotta tell you I wouldn't want to be a Griffin next week yes it's gonna be an interesting one another big rivalry game with girls ma is like you said Mike the season isn't made or made or lost in week one no these men are gonna get back to work on Monday straighten some things out and look to come back strong it means the Griffins if memory serves mount sac started the year Owen for one year it ended up in the SCF a okay yeah loss does not end your season at all in the SCF and she week one because when you're still trying to find your ground I think I think you have some options at quarterback but Armani Eden's got to be the go-to guy I think if if that's gonna be you know going forward I thought he moved the offense a lot better than than anybody else that they had it at that position but the wide receivers have a lot to work on because they have dropped some balls here tonight that you just can't miss and you talked about you go back defensively to with a young crew you kind of saw the corners get exposed but it's a learning experience for them they now know what it's like to play college-level football and how to react to things that they're gonna see next week well coming in a young team as you boys it alluded to but again when you're going up against a very well seasoned quarterback in Nolan who can is just seems to be a wizard with that read option you have to make the right reads because they are gonna make you pay that's why that's why that offense is so successful when you have a defense on their heels not knowing where you're gonna go Cougars can stop it tonight know your final score 45 20 a humbling that loss in the opener for COC any last thoughts from you before you bounce to go get your stuff done Jesse no just obviously not the outcome we were looking for but kudos to the Gauchos they came out and executed well played very well they're going to be a tough team throughout the rest of the season and for canyon some positives definitely and I'm sure coach I said it will highlight those but like you said make some things that need to be cleaned up some things that you better execute on and you know I think that goes for everyone a weak one we've alluded to it a few times so they'll try and get better we'll try and get better and we'll catch you guys here next week 45 to 20 the final and faded in favor of Saddleback and we'll step aside for a few moments and come back in just a second here cleanup the final numbers for you and get you ready for next week is the Cougars drop this one of the Gauchos here on So Cal college sports calm [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] welcome back in here cougar Stadium 45 to 20 the final in favor of the Saddleback count shows now Robinson Mike sapanta here with you to clean up some final numbers and a pretty much dominant game from Saddleback here over the Cougars today that chance Nolan was fantastic but really the player of the game in the receiving game for for Saddleback Liam Eldridge 10 receptions hundred 69 yards and he had the hat-trick three touchdowns here tonight averaged sixteen point nine per catch it's a pretty good number if you look at it you talk about Nolan yard he talked about he was the guy that controlled that offense there was questions on whether he would be able to come in and take over it would be Freeland a number of different guys he was really good 24 24 for 34 297 yards three touchdowns no interceptions and not to mention on the ground 92 yards having a beefy offensive yeah exactly obviously in the trenches that's where this game was won here tonight and the skill players make plays I think for the Cougars you finally establish a quarterback it was kind of a question mark coming in you didn't know whether it was gonna be Doyle or was gonna be eaten eaten I think takes over 19 for 34 today threw for 211 yards had a touchdown but I mean you can't get much else going the offense on the offensive line the rush rushing game was not quite there for the cook their stuff that's exactly right just look ahead next week the Griffins of Grossmont come in here to college of the canyons we will have that game for you here live on So Cal college sports comm we also have been Torah at Saddleback both games starting at 6 p.m. and West LA at la pierre so another triple header on So Cal college sports comm SCF a football week to make Saturday it's a gonna be a good one another good one next week we will see you here next week Mike and we go we hope you guys join us next week as well for more cuckoo football have a great night everybody we'll see you next week as the Cougars take on the Gauchos hear from Cougars Dave Riccio Griffin [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: SoCalCollegeSports1
Views: 5,506
Rating: 4.6595745 out of 5
Id: KbMUw4UKzxo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 211min 49sec (12709 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 07 2019
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