Mystery Solved | Ranch Simulator Gameplay | Part 26

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thank you so much for joining me as damaged we're back in ranch simulator that's right it's time for us to get rocking and rolling and the lights are all working in here now i was able to flick him on and off which is really cool it helps out with especially walking around now we need to start working on getting some stuff done just a brand new update by the way it's available in a stable branch so you can guys go pick it up guys and girls so what i'm thinking is for cheese and meats and stuff probably going to be in here now do i have to use a hammer i know it's going to pick up some stuff at the store but i guess i could be able to place this here i don't know how it works honestly we're going to figure it out as we go through this but uh there's no way of like actually placing stuff here so let's see how it goes maybe because i have to have it in my hand is very very possible we have a door there uh we have to get the grinder and everything else we're gonna test that out today i'm so freaking curious about that what the hell is that okay maybe some glass case i guess glasses i have no idea all right we're back up and rocco's here and of course we have our fine chloe both of them doing very well maybe a little bit of more food for them would be kind of nice they are getting a little hungry aren't they yes they are there you go fill that baby up fill that baby up every doing okay on water oh oh oh oh oh okay maybe not so good there's a lot of chickens in here by the way we do need them now because we have the restaurant we have to go to that's filling up okay it's just the water is freaking me out of time a bit i did pick up all the eggs but i didn't do the water thing so we're gonna have to pick that up where's my big bucket i need my big book it uh did i walk right past it there it is yeah it's right there cool let's go and do this really quick yeah we built up this nice house last time we got this up and running we also went and got the trailer which i'm gonna go and check now supposedly the trailer we can flip it so i'm curious to see whether or not we can code rescue it or else i got to buy or to actually dismantle the entire wrap which i really don't want to because as you guys remember that ramp up there is pretty darn big what the hell okay this is a trailer i was like it looks larger than it should be but no it's fine all right let's get up here they also fix up a bunch of little stuff here there so it makes a lot easier i'll pick up your poop at the same time okay everybody else is okay here i'd like to do like a couple loads you gotta get me like a mega bucket that's why i need a mega bucket but yeah i'm so curious to see what it's all about i mean all right now uh we do have to go and drop off some food and stuff we have to wait for the fine pigs to get themselves up to level obviously a burger shop with i think it was pork you said meat uh okay i mean right i've had pork burgers before uh i just you know usually beef but that's all good oh by the way i i'm i now use this thing here let's put this down for one second uh let's see if there's any babies no babies good i i wait was there a baby oh there was a baby how you doing hi my name is game edged oh i didn't did i squish you oh no all right we're actually gonna put you on top i did put this here i use this right now i'll show you guys what i do every time i go and pick up the stuff you know stay in there i grab this and put it right inside just to remind everybody if they touch me or anything if they try and attack me or time i grab their eggs they know exactly who's boss exactly it all right grab that close that door let that rooster do his job so yeah it's a new little extra i guess i told him an effigy there we go an effigy a marker all right we'll fill this up too we'll get this right now we have how much coin on us let's go and double check that and see if how much money we have we have a 17 000 buckaroos we're good i didn't have a chance to check out pigs and stuff so we're going to double check it i love these bigger stalls definitely doing a lot better job keeping all these things in here uh we have tons of eggs here on the ground which i haven't picked up yet too and uh yeah i'm gonna clean up the barn with all the stuff but now the pigs aren't gonna get stuck in here which is great because it was kind of a annoying to have them all stuck in there but again devs are working and yeah we better pick this up now here's the other thing supposedly if i leave some poop it turns into some kind of i don't know if that's right now or not but it's supposed to turn into some fertilizer and stuff so i'm not positive we might leave a couple cruds on the ground here in the back end just to double check it how you doing okay let's check out make sure all the pigs are okay do i want to make sure they're good there's easy chop that was from lord carnival that actually i brought up oh they're actually getting a little bit hungry i don't know why they're having a hard time getting some food here we have this one here which is a shake and bake which is off grid everything and wrote that one down like that one that's cool oh oh chill chill chill dude uh that's red six perkins call sign of course uh that's from dale denton i'm not mistaken and we also have hannibal which is on the other side uh right there ham mobile from which is hang time thank you so much for that and now yeah handball's out there picking his victim next one all right well we'll go out there i don't know why they're not eating all the stuff i hope this is not causing an issue or not i'm not going to just grab these really quick then we'll head out to the store there's no need to keep these here right now anymore uh because i'm keeping the chickens out there yeah i'm gonna try and keep them out there i don't know if it makes a difference if these things are blocking them but there's enough places for them to get some food and stuff so we're not going to worry about that too much i would like to also try and get the uh the back over there if you can oh i didn't empty this out really dude okay well bring it closer i don't know where you're supposed to place this by the way uh if you guys know that it is it's it's do that well to make sure the animals don't live no more trying to say politely uh but yeah so we're going to uh we have to use that this is probably well another way to take down an animal if we had to so yeah we can actually grab this thing here oop there we go come on oh it's heavy i don't know where i'm supposed to place this i mean i guess i put in the barn over here not positive i don't think you need to worry about where you place it to just pick up and how do you use it oh damn okay put that back oh did you like that sound i'm sorry you're not ready yet but yeah you can actually utilize that that's gonna be kind of interesting to see uh these two chickens here are safe they they have they have they they're free they're free to do what they want they're they're safe we're gonna go drive up the hill and see we can rescue our trailer and then we'll head out to the store and pick up some more stuff we do have enough coin and stuff to do all the work that we can yeah my trailer was a complete just well it was a headache but now we can flip which is supposedly i don't think it's going to fix it oh maybe not i got a strange feeling not to buy another one this will just be oh oh two i was like it slowly moves to the left of it there we go this is going right towards me here i think i should be okay with a couple of bounces here to make this happen i'm thinking it's going the right way are you going the right way that should work there should be no problems with that now if not i'm gonna have to do this off camera it's gonna let it be and just buy another one afterwards that's all okay does that work yes yes okay that makes me happy but uh only if i can actually take it out come on built tough yes yes i feel good okay oh my god to hit a rock all right we'll just uh we'll bring this right here we'll parker right there for a second hand break okay and uh just bring this down here open tailgate take this little buddy down been around the world and ah we're going to drop this baby okay someone mentioned it looks like a wrap it does look like a rapper oh jesus don't do that i don't know if it's flat it does a good job i'll probably test some of that stuff out anyways later on but we're now just gonna be smart about this and bring it uh bring it up and down i wonder if they fix that problem now where you park something in the back of this thing and when you're driving on third person it like complete fubar is the look of it i don't know oh yeah important don't drag that that's good yes it's okay it's okay it still needs some work on it because i like to see make sure i'm not losing anything but you guys we got our second little buggy over here all this uh parker right there for now and uh we'll take her out maybe we'll leave the uh the tailgate for now because we need to go pick up some stuff i want to pick up another one of these so we're gonna leave this one back here i guess it could have just left everything the way it was right but we'll just park it here for now a little bit of work machine worry about all nice and placement afterwards uh yeah i want to flip the car so let's take this off and put this down excellent it is raining all right let's do this we're going to go to the shop and hopefully uh everything's gonna work out oh you know what's important to do every time in this game when you first start you need to reload your weapon at all costs right let's rebuild that weapon just in case you hop out when there's a bear or something the last thing you want to do is make it look bad you know you can die and stuff so we're going to dead end right down here and we're going to try and see if we can find ourselves something else [Music] a little slippery slippery when wet uh we're going to want to we're one they won't pick up the other trailer which uh we'll haul some stuff with it so we can actually back it up now imagine hunting with that now i wonder if it's gonna hold nicely if it's not maybe a little smaller uh i'm curious we still need to pick up a whole bunch of stuff today so it needs a sausage thing i'm probably to do some work on this side too because i think it'd be quite expensive actually today for us to get everything done we've got that house the house was like 9 000 which is you know not bad in real life of course but uh in this world here uh it's it's expensive so that's good okay let's back this baby up here because that's where all the stuff's coming someone mentioned the white cow wasn't a roof part of this this place oh no that has to be it that's what you guys are talking about oh welp the mystery's gone it didn't make it too far i will come back for the meat afterwards we don't need to do other work [Laughter] we'll just let it be there okay so they do die off and just stay there there's no problem now sally suppose he was there you guys mentioned that she was just further into the seat sadly oh you stopped doing a cell phone did the boss get mad at you i apologize for that all right so shops nothing okay and conversation still not a talker are you you're not a doctor i know it's all good all right i gotta use your computer uh because i know you keep everything storage uh we'll see we'll pick up here we have a cooler we can pick up we'll pick up two coolers i don't know i guess i'll transport the meat and stuff we want to oh yeah by the way that's the next update look at that nice eye some horses also breeding pigs next update too oh by the way june the reason why the update is gonna be so big and changing uh pretty much a restart is because you want to place things anywhere you want to on your land now that is gonna be cool i'm liking that we'll take one pen because i don't know maybe we're gonna need if we need more we'll come back uh we already have the stunner that's okay i don't want to get any more of that stuff right now uh okay manual meat grinder a manual sausage stuffer cool electric meat grinder electric stuffer okay wait a second well we need to test them all out right so that would be crazy not to i bet you have to um this could be a peanut butter sorry how much is that oh my god my three thousand dollars already mold of course to make cheese i figured out afterwards i forgot there was cheese in there thank you dough for peanut confidence to say that and uh yeah i'm gonna get this right after i want everything to pop up and be a big problem we'll also uh pick up a few more bullets just first shots and giggle giggles and poops always nice to have for the future and yeah let's see i think that's all we can do so how do you make the cheese i don't get it i'm gonna understand this soon later i'm gonna get this uh i'm definitely bringing the dairy i guess it got done because right now i guess maybe the pan they're making us do with the cheese i don't know let's check it out thank you for your purchase no kidding what crap dude that was expensive everything's just he could at least could have at least you know key market oh there's some kind of like mark underneath it to tell you how much what you have in there it's possible can you stack those uh on top of each other yes yes you can okay uh box right over here this is our brand new there's a manual one of course we want to test them all out right not crazy what i want to see what they all look like especially start off we have nothing i don't know if it tells you what the hell's which one's which it looks like this is a manual one too oh you can't keystock boxes good i don't know which one was which here i think this is on the other side too oh i guess we'll be unpack everything we'll see which one's which this one looks manual it doesn't say any granite okay i don't know i guess we put this in the kitchen i'm gonna say and i don't have any place to do it i did walk around the hammer by the way all over the lot to see whether we could fit something somewhere i couldn't fit anything else uh like do anything kind of updates and stuff so i was curious and some people mentioned we want you to take out your hammer and test it out we did and there was nothing there we might do it together too in a couple of areas inside the house i don't think i did there but outside i did so we got five mold delicious nothing like a little bit of mold okay the good kind make some cheese okay and then one pan i don't know if i'll need more than that maybe we'll need more maybe we'll be able to do a multiple on the stove i guess i have no idea okay we're gonna make uh get ourselves another one of these trailers in case we need it to haul some more stuff all right roll down here that's gonna be a little pricey again too so the electric ones look like that these are the many ones okay just gonna keep in mind that's what we need to do all right we have that we just need a regular trailer small trailer let's add that to our cart check that baby out yeah we still have twelve thousand dollars spent five wait a second why say thirteen okay i thought she was giving back a little discount well have a great day um looks like they took a records away from you and everything right have fun bye sally it's nice to see you back there i'm happy to see you all right let's uh close this up back this baby up a tiny bit a little more i know you wouldn't hit yet in real life like this but there we go this game works that way make my life a lot easier so a nice little back area i guess we can fit a couple of animals in there i don't know but it is nice i mean i'm curious to see a little bit off-roading i'm probably going to do it when i'm speeding like this holy crap i love speeding with this game oh whoa whoa here we go the big one okay it doesn't work out too well it's like a stopper a little production i guess all right let's go up here i don't see any deer or anything running around either that's kind of weird isn't it i find it kind of weird we'll park this truck right next to our house there is a porch back here so figuring this is near the kitchen it's probably a good spot for it all right let's just see what we got oh my god it's like amazon delivering oh look at that wait when you place it down near a house or anywhere in your property i guess you can drop it anywhere you want to interesting but when you put it in the back of these things it's just a box see so these are the these are electric ones right and that's a manual one okay we're gonna start off with a manual i guess we have nothing to worry we can try out both put in the kitchen maybe not oh i can i can't i can't maybe it's just we need counter space a little better i think i want the manual this is really annoying if you're going to cook this i wouldn't want this up here but needing to space uh i don't know how to grind this okay i know how it works i just i don't know how it works there's a handle on it where's the handle kind of okay so you have to make sure that is on this side like this to grind out the handle is the back of it okay well maybe on an angle right now there's one living with me so maybe i'll just put it somewhere like this that'd be fine okay so pick the e to use oh balls all right that's not gonna work out let's let's stop this for a second okay okay cancel i'm not not liking that at all uh i guess i'm not gonna use this table too much so we'll just uh it's inside to grind this stuff up i think i'm gonna need to handle like really easy to access for us to make the move so i'll put oh that's maybe just a little better i can't really see because this box so let's get yourself back in third person so i can see where i'm placing this right about here might be good okay kitchen table done we got that we're gonna use that for that that's fine uh maybe a couple of these chests here for later on maybe put those in our storage area back here little coolers i don't know i guess once we place them in it does what you have inside i guess on the bottom i figured that's what it is okay and grab another one of those isn't getting late it's already seven o'clock i might have to get some sleep and stuff you could turn the lights off lights on in here though get a little bit of uh ability to see what the heck we're doing drop this off is there lights in here too all right that's good how come the fire's on turn that on baby ah nice and toasty i'm gonna miss that i love hanging fires by the way new place i'm going to unfortunately does not have one that's working properly and i don't think we're going to keep it we're going to try it out it's too expensive to fix um all right what do we have they are handy as freak do i love fireplaces okay so the handle this this is where you make the sausages come out but uh where's the handle on this thing we'll put this one here like that all right and this one here if we use it it's on the side i can still make it happen though oh it seems pretty easy to grind up some stuff here yeah okay it's actually easier than the well it really is okay let's get our lights on i think we're going to take some sleep in a few seconds here i don't know what the pot what's going on with that oh there we go so we can actually get ourself another pot afterwards that is pretty cool so i don't know how that works i'll be honest with you i don't have a clue is there a porch light turn off that light so i can see that's a plug there's no porch lights out here okay okay grab this baby up here these are electric ones these ones we can place anywhere oh my god they're so big do you not have like a place you want us to do this when they built this like it's supposed to be here i don't know like i mean this thing's mammoth the hell you want me to do this thing i don't know what to do with it my table is already full with manual ones which i guess i'll have to take away afterwards all right we'll put them down here for now not a big deal what the frick we got some mold all right i gotta get some dairy i bet you if this is gonna only way it's gonna work yeah we're gonna place the mold next to here i guess it makes different kinds of cheeses or we have to do two different ones i'm not a cheese maker so if you guys have done cheese before you know i know this is a process but i don't i can't tell you i'm a professional that's far from it i see what i've seen you know that's about it never made some of my own cheese okay all right we'll put these down here for now it looks pretty cool though i mean they'll be looking better in a daylight okay um we should probably just go and do a quick little check on the animals make sure everybody's okay is there porch lights on here because i would like to see that that would be kind of cool to turn off your light so i can see what the hell i'm doing no oh god there's no porch lights i guess they didn't want the bugs around them huh i only see lights inside though it's pretty cool okay how are you guys doing here we're probably gonna need to get some milk and stuff done and get all prepared now let's double check to see if there's any more eggs and stuff in here there's still some eggs we can use for afterwards i'm not killing off any animals today okay um is this empty i think these are all empty isn't it yep okay so we're going to start off with this pail here we're going to milk our first cow for today are they all inside here there's zzz all right chops and uh here we go hey t-bone let's do this come on baby i wanna go back to our restaurant too and see the exact order we're gonna have to do stuff i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry i thought she doesn't kick us or anything huh pretty rough if it did all right let's put that in here i don't need a full load or a bucket so i'll do is i'll put one inside that thing i'll grab one bucket with me oh there she is all right let's go rib let's get yourself uh some mocha of your body mmm two two buddy nice and soft moon i like that okay i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry cool gotcha so let's see whether or not we need uh this for that a little bit of this a little bit of that to get this done probably do that morning i'll bar just drop the bucket off in here and see how we go turn off our lights because it's too bright and let's go back to regular lighting afterwards oh it says add yes so cool let's put that in here i do want to test out to see if we can bring the other one i think that one's for selling possible i don't know i think that's what it is here's a kid's room by the way we don't have any kids but we do have a kid's room i guess we're expecting if we find ourselves a wife she'll be expecting two children please not demanding at all all right we'll turn on the lights i do uh prefer hanging some lights around here so we can see deck we're doing all right yeah we'll get some sleep kind of awkward there's uh i'm not gonna mention it but there's some different stuff for the clothing and stuff so i'm not sure what he did to his wife but we'll see how it goes all right let's get some sleep we're up crack come back to first person there we go i'm gonna double check that before i do i only have one container how you guys doing food water okay you can use another food candy you guys eat so much you do you guys are pigs even the pigs don't eat that much how about you guys you guys are okay there's not that many chickens that's why all right let's go and grab this thing here it actually tells you how much is inside now oh cool how do you realize that that's nice oh you want to need to double check to make sure there's no birthing any kind of babies nope improving are you doing chloe raku a little poop over there let me pick that up for you and put inside the fine fine food we're gonna have make here yeah we're gonna have some cheese put some poop in it okay wait just hold on to it and see add yeah i can add from here too okay so that's cool you can do both and start cooking do i have to put this in your dough add so cow milk for making white mold cheese okay actually has red on there you guys were right this one's for making blue mold cheese okay i do like blue cheese so but we'll try this out okay so what did i use one of them yeah start cooking all right actually takes some time so we're going to go back and get another pot too so we can get that at least the second one made but actually pretty fast though it's not so bad um i mean i don't know i think you can only grind up like beef and stuff like that we do have a cow up there would you need another pot we have a cow with meat that's right let's come back to this hopefully it stays let's go and get ourselves some food at the same time if we have any deer around here dude where's my truck oh it's on the side of the house it's okay the stove is on no one really uh worries about that that's fine i guess i'm gonna leave the trailer here too for now just to uh yeah i think we could just leave it here that's fine it's kind of fun to drive with it though i'm curious to see the off-roading toy truth so if we go hunting and stuff i think that's gonna be the best one oh that's one to bring with us so we really can stack up a ton of meat now which is the biggest problem is just not to build a stack up so this is pretty cool whoa just want to get a couple pieces i know we can hunt we can get some stuff we'll do a little hunting afterwards and uh get ourselves a couple more meats if we can well that trailer is holding pretty good nice back in first person i'm driving this with this hill he's a little more torque in it i think we just need to push it come on there we go we're not carrying anything having it back either except for one trailer so it's not so so bad okay let's take up all the parking space be it the did that that is us that is for sure okay not in real life no okay so let's see here we'll get another cooking pot that sounds like a plan i'm not sure if we need the other pots for that anything else maybe we'll get three more just to say we got that that'd be kind of good um i i think we're okay with the rest of this stuff i i think we can get back i just can't wait to get into this stuff here okay buffalo we also have longhorns we have scotland cows we're gonna have sheep goats uh crates and not available currently of course some spades and also crates and stuff i just can't wait to get a little bit in depth with a little more of the stuff as our planning i am looking forward to this horse though that's very nice we will have to make sure we watch out for our money so a couple of pots maybe a couple molds with that i mean this way it means a couple each let's get one each obviously the blue cheese seems to be very expensive but uh yeah we'll try and make it hopefully the cheese would make back a good profit off that that'd be kind of nice with it it sure would be all right let's grab ourselves a couple of pots we'll put them in a vacant trailer because it's probably the easiest place to access and grab all the stuff i'm not sure where the pots are all over the place sorry i was rude bye sally thank you okay right up here let's pick up the cow here be fitting that's cow becomes something holy moly well okay i would never tested that last time we got like two pieces of me i think right didn't we mmm that stinks so now i guess it makes sense because you're gonna make hamburgers and stuff you're gonna need a cow so i wonder if our cows as they fatten up we're gonna get more bang for a buck out of this okay big jump ahead oh they definitely added some speed to this thing oh wrapped around a friggin tree god darn it oh boy oh my god all right okay that deer just threw me off oh there he is was there one shot one kill there's two deers there by the way okay we'll have to come actually well we can work on some sausages afterwards i don't think we have enough room for all that meat but i feel like i should go and pick it up i didn't expect this there's a dead one over there i know i remember i drove by and i took it out called whoa we're in that tree dude okay all the chunks in all right let's try not to wrap uh this thing against a tree again around the tree would be very nice or inside a tree i should say yeah okay last time i wasn't able to make this jump properly holy um oops mm-hmm i'm seeing i'm understanding ring to another tree okay you gotta appreciate those moments i i you know you gotta appreciate them i i love that i hope they don't ever change that it's it's the fun part of this game losing control of this vehicle just drawing a full throttle never taking your foot off the gas i love that i do okay right over here should be good enough let's go and see if we can grab a couple of these pieces of meat and shove them in here at the same time we'll do the cheese too afterwards okay so this is right here e to use the the piece of meat going there i wanted to shove that in there okay but oh my god i gotta figure out how to use this thing here is this the wrong meat is there instructions in this box i think we're gonna do cheese today and i'll be working on this afterwards you turn on i need to plug this thing with that frank we'll put some meat on top of this we'll worry about that afterwards this is 100 done we'll take the product it looks like a nice little block of cheese and i can place them anywhere oh look at that they do show up very cool okay take this piece of meat and shove it in there nope it doesn't work i was just curious okay and we'll uh add i'll do this afterwards and then we'll make some uh some blue cheese this time yeah let's just make some blue cheese and yeah we just cook it start cooking now we got ourselves a couple more pots in case but i think we'll be okay i don't think i'll need all three i could put one more oh shite look at that i do need more pots look they need them like this and now it's gonna work right okay maybe not what am i missing here like i want to just hold in place to shove that meat in there but i can't okay this is just gonna drop in there what the frank i'll figure it out that's for you it's gonna happen i see the electric one i mean that's one i i thought would be the easiest one to work with okay open up the third person i mean making that stuff on the floor is absolutely gross on the other but you know when you're in a hurry i don't know what to do here it's not like giving me any kind of options or anything what the frick this one over here i don't get it i'm sure i'll get afterwards i just wasn't ready for this to to do this today that's why all right we got tons of stuff we also have this big uh big arse meat and i don't know if we need to butcher it or something uh differently all right so i spent a little more time trying to mess around i can't figure it out maybe i need another coffee and i'll figure out right afterwards but yeah we're going to take a little bit of rest here we're going to come back next episode if you guys want to see a lot more of it i do want to try and mess around and get some more stuff i also like to try and see if we can do some more jumps and stuff off those things and also building gears with all of our ranch up and running and trying to sell and sell off the stuff we need to the actual restaurant that's requesting it looks like rocco and chloe are doing a good job they're also pounding away at those eggs which is great so i'm going to do some work on the side so thank you all for being here really appreciate it again if you guys are enjoying this please take time and hit the like button if you're brand new please go and subscribe smash a like button really really hard and of course thank you for being a confidence you guys are the best this game edge i'll catch you guys on the flip side [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: GameEdged
Views: 35,864
Rating: 4.9113774 out of 5
Keywords: ranch simulator, gameplay, let's play, sim game, playthrough, walkthrough, gameedged, new update, first look, house, trailer, cheese
Id: rw2PkrwvgxA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 20sec (2060 seconds)
Published: Sun May 02 2021
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