DAY 1, One of My FAVORITE Survival Games EVER | Empyrion Galactic Survival Gameplay | E01

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what's up spacekid that's thank you for hanging out with me today this is kj48 and welcome back to imperion galactic survival that's right we are going to start a new series on one of my favorite survival games ever made um you might be asking what is imperial galactic survival well it's survival where you can go to space other planets moons asteroids all that good stuff it is 20 it is on steam and it's probably my fourth favorite survival game used to be my third but i think valhalla might push it out um or maybe valheim will go to number two the forest will go to number three and appear i'll go to number four but it's still a top-notch survival game and in my personal opinion this is probably the most underrated survival game i've ever played okay so i did some test games but i want to delete the files they are not there so that's great let's go ahead and start a new game in single player all right and you can do scenarios you can do creative freedom i'm gonna do survival because that's my jam uh i think there's four planets to start off on uh there's this one which is kind of like an earth-like planet this is the planet i usually start off on but i'm gonna start off on a different one just to kind of make the game feel a little bit more alien-ish you know uh that's that's a good one to start off and it's arid it's um it doesn't have oxygen on it uh i was thinking about doing this one but i don't know i don't like the temperature on there i think i like this one this one probably looks the most alien to me uh it does have breathable oxygen i was hoping to i wish this didn't have breathable oxygen i wanted to deal with that but i guess when i go to space i will be dealing with it and this is the one i'm going to start off on the other one you can start off on is this one right here um freaking hoth right so there's my seed and there's my starting planet all right and planetside medium is good if you make the planet too big it takes too long to get around uh so i'm gonna now go to difficulty settings and set this up the way i like it all right so this is gonna be my game settings uh medium drop on death player progression fast okay i'm only gonna go over the things i've changed player progression fast that's how much experience you gain so as you play the game you'll be getting experience to unlock uh more things you can build so i wanted that to be a little bit faster than usual this is all normal resources are going to be rich and plenty and automatic depletion will be off so if i put an auto miner down it could be there forever and i like those settings uh i did make the enemies the drone base attacks high because i love the idea of having to defend my base construction speed fast so when i craft stuff it'll be a little bit faster still gotta wait for it and believe me the construction times are really slow normally so even fast i feel like should be medium okay so blueprint repair speed i don't want repair speed to be instant but i do want blueprints to be instant so i'm gonna leave it on instant for now maybe i'll switch that around later um blueprint spawn limit that i don't know what that any of that means i left it false we are going to play with mass volume which means we're going to be playing with weight issues it's going to really limit us in the beginning but later on it's going to be a fun thing to play with and cpu is basically like um like how big of like vessels you can or how much stuff people can put in the vessels i don't build my own like ships or anything uh but when i do get them i have to look at the cpu points all right and there we go and again that's the seed right there and let's get started so here we are crashing on the planet and i'm going to be looking for a very specific building to crash next to i think it's that one right there yeah we're gonna try and crash next to that building i think that's where we're gonna have to go there is quest in this game or the missions not quests in in sci-fi they're called missions in fantasy games they're called quests but yeah there's there's missions in this game and there is a story line um what i'll do is i will leave the stuff up there if you guys read me pause the video if you want to read it i'm not going to read it live on camera because i'm a terrible reader i will read it after the fact so let's just uh correct yeah that's exactly where i got to crash okay yeah my first quest is gonna tell me to go right up to this thing it's like a a broken teleporter or something now i am starting off on a hostile alien planet uh when i was doing my test game i did like two or three test games and on one of my test games i had a big ship roll up on me and kill me like a big ship not a drone like drones are small this thing was big so i'm gonna have to keep a lookout for that i didn't show up on my radar either which was kind of annoying all right so this is if you want to do the quest line i suggest you do do the questline because you get some cool stuff from it so you go just again pause the video if you want to read this stuff i've already read this stuff like a million times anyway all right there we go thanks for the reminder okay so if you want to get back in there we press f1 and there's the tutorial you can also do solo missions you know for all the factions there's factions in the game we'll get into it alright so this is my crash theme of bob i don't know what's up with these snowman things uh it's like april it's gonna be may tomorrow i don't know what's up with the snowman stuff but it is what it is all right so i'm gonna put my gun in number one my survival tool number two and my detector number three we're gonna hit the detector and we're gonna ping all right and that's gonna show us stuff in the area okay so you go we've got resources we've got wrecks all kinds of stuff in the area oh did you see that that's a hover vessel that i probably have to repair i don't know if i'll actually do that or not we'll have to see in this game you can either build your i like building bases i'm not good and i don't like building like hover vessels or ships or anything so if you want if you don't want to deal with that stuff you can come right here to the blueprint section and you can like go download other people's blueprints or you could take the stock blueprints or or whatever my friend madden gave me a good blueprint for a good starter hover vessel so i'll probably use that all right i do want to get some food up in this place so let's go ahead and do some eating and we also got to get our health back it's funny the quest doesn't tell me to use health packs or food anymore what it's going to tell me now is it's going to tell me to go to the crash site and the crash site's usually pretty far away oh no the teleport no teleport station that's right not yet we gotta go to the teleport station first so we come in here kind of look around blah blah blah bob's your uncle and now we gotta wait for the ida to update so once it updates it's gonna tell me to go to some like place far off it's like it's pretty far away so i'm not gonna go there right away but i do wanna show you the direction it's in and how far it's gonna be all right so ida is still updating and there we go so it's that way that's not too far away but i think i'd like to start there's there's one thing i could do to make that trip a lot easier all right and the first thing we're going to do is we're going to come over here we're going to check out these resources and maybe we should check out the rex first now check out the resources first because what i'm going to do is i'm going to find an iron mine and i'm going to live in it all right i'm just going to live underground like a mole uh you know i'm not gonna live permanently underground i'm gonna like my the base of operations is gonna be underground of my base but then it's gonna come out of the ground like a like i don't know like a big mushroom and i'm just gonna take over the area uh usually i build inside of a mountain but i've done that the past um a few times discovered wait i discovered what what did i discover i just saw someone discovering something oh darn it oh yeah damaged hoverbike okay well again i'm not gonna be using i'm not gonna be using the hoverbikes in the game i'm gonna use the one madden showed me because it looks pretty dope he said that the person he made it's really good i'll get his name and everything when i when i build it basically what you do is you come into the you come into here and you choose something you know like let's say i want to i want to build this and then you put all the resources into there and then you build it i mean you don't really build at a factory builds it but the only thing i would suggest and then i don't think they're going to do it because i believe this game is fully released now but the only thing i would like i would like you to have to build some kind of factory before you can have that stuff because technically it's built in a factory but where's the factory right it'd be a nice fight to build some kind of factory for that stuff i don't know maybe all right so we're gonna go to the iron deposit and why am i not seeing it standing right on top of it there we go all right and then we're gonna take out our multi tool and we're going to right click and go to resource mode and i'm going to dig down on the side i don't want to dig down right where the iron is i want to dig from the side so i'm thinking is there any water in the area not really that close unfortunately that's a bummer but that's okay it's not really that big of a deal i can go get water all right so i'm gonna build right here so what i'm gonna do is i'm going to dig down right here but oh i didn't even mention this press f5 and you get a drone and look at me i got the stupid hat on in may all right so yeah so i'm using a drone right now and it's just easier although i don't think you can get stuck in holes anymore because i think when you're in a hole and you kind of jump you jump over the side you just kind of you can almost float like you have a jet pack i don't have a jet pack right now you have to make a suit to get the jet pack so this is going gonna be the hole i'm gonna i'm gonna live in for a bit until i can build up uh drones will attack your base so i take that very seriously i take my safety very seriously and we're gonna come down a little bit more the drone's a little unwieldy it's always been like that too not really sure why come on wait there we go that was weird all right so the iron deposits right here all right there we go and we'll dig across like this all right and just to keep myself safe i will jump down that hole uh there is fall damage although i've jumped down some holes in here let's see if you take fall damage yep okay and a broken leg all right uh will this heal a broken leg yes it will all right so we gotta figure out a better way to get down here obviously um but for now i'm not gonna really worry about that well i probably should but i'm not all right let me dig out some stuff down here and what we're going to do now is we're going to do you start off with a light now you need a need a suit to get a light all right anyway what i'm going to do now is i'm going to hit f3 and this is what you i'm level three i have 24 points to use i'm going to go to tools and i'm going now miscellaneous and i'm going to unlock the portable constructor and then i'm going to go into this is like my survival constructor it's built in my suit and i'm gonna make the portable constructor all right beautiful and i need to figure out an easier way to get in and out of here it sucks because eventually i want an elevator to come down here so i don't really want to dig i don't want to dig a ramp out of here you know i might even be able to dig a tunnel over that copper deposit i don't see why not anyway um so yeah i got this uh portable heater ready i don't need the portable heater right now but i do need the portable constructor i was looking for it over here i forgot it's got its own output there we go and i will also well you know hold on to the survival tank because i'm going to be going out so let's go ahead and put this down and it looks like a pretty good spot for it and let's put everything in here now the first thing we're gonna want to make is a motorcycle construction kit and yeah it's very important i mean one ingot one iron ingot so that's why i don't go to the next mission until i've got you know until i've got that thing down uh let's put this over here in case i need it i don't see i got another healing item here i'm gonna put these in here because i don't know what they're good for i'm holding on to them just in case they're good for something but i don't know what that could possibly be all right so once you get the motorcycle construction kit done you can make the motorbike and there we go we now have a motorcycle okay so i also made a way up so i go up this way and then it's a way up and away down so i hurt myself although it's not perfect yet this is a this is kind of um annoying at the time but when i get when i get elevators this is going to be dope all right i don't see any of that i don't see that big ship in the sky like i did that one time i played so i'm not sure what that was all about but all right well let's head on and um we're gonna go to the next area now this motorcycle kind of sucks it's better than walking but it's not really that good um i want to check the wrecks around here first too get off this thing and ping okay they're all over there all right yeah let's check let's check some of these racks there might be some good stuff in them i just gotta watch out for that big ship maybe this is the area they come to i don't know like i said this is a different start than my usual you know starting planet someone was telling me um he doesn't like it when i start off on you know uh like planets that look like earth because it's supposed to be like you know alien type stuff so fair enough fair enough good point oh i see some hot dogs all right shift f to pick that up pick it up every time because it can disappear and we got these uh plant proteins and that is going to be your food source for a while you take the plant proteins and you turn them into energy bars all right so we got here some antibiotic ointment all right not too shabby let's go check out the other racks i am getting some radiation here and there i'm not sure if i'm driving next to something i shouldn't be it doesn't seem like i'm kind of just out in the woods i hit a couple more of the wrecks but there was nothing there was nothing in them so i didn't bother recording it and what is this this is some alien ass stuff right here man oh dude promethium am i seeing promethium all right that's not promethium that's um that's the warp stuff what's it called i don't remember what's the warp stuff called i'm just picking this stuff there's all different kinds of stuff you can get by picking the vegetation i'm not going to really go into it right now i'm just kind of picking it you get a good amount of experience for it too yeah this stuff this warp fuel i'm not going to take it because it's heavy but it's not prometheum it's called um yeah pentaxed you need that for warp fuel i think it also maybe powers teleporters i don't know i don't know anything about teleporters i've never gotten to make one all right so let's be careful here we got the uh damaged uh the damage hover vessel again i'm not going to be doing anything with that all right this place uh seen a lot of fights here's the lesson series track down yeah let's go all right next part of the quest find the wreckage here we are all right let's pick this sucker up and let's look around oh raptors i don't like that can we get up there yes yeah those raptors out there will make my life a living hell all right let's go ahead and loot all right and i can come back here and take apart like some of the thrusters uh oh that's power i can take that out of there um 8100 so is that how you do it 8100 oh wow that's really good that's a really good thing to find right now i would have to be using biofuel okay we need to eat a little bit and oh boy flying up there uh what is this uh oh okay so all these all these fuel tanks are like all together so once you've emptied one of them i think they're all empty so this is loot ooh a multi-tool that is a really nice find i'd prefer tier 2 but i'll take it doesn't the tier 2 run off um like a promethium power supply or something i don't have that yet so i'm going to find a promethean deposit eventually okay anything down here no you could dig underground but it takes a long time i'm not gonna bother i don't think there's anything great underneath there anyway oh computers those are heavy aren't they yeah not that heavy capacitors if worse comes to worse you can always put this stuff in the factory and i will probably have to do that so i'll show you how to do that at some point okay so that's it for here go up there gotta go over here there's some kind of is there some kind of signal over here or something i don't remember a constructor i think there's a um uh armor locker over here too so if i had armor i could change but i can't make armor right now i should have taken the um the portable constructor that was a mistake oh well oh well i don't think i've looted this yet oh there we go another multi-tool all right so i'm supposed to go over here and look for some kind of signal or something i think it's in a chest didn't i loot this chest already maybe i looted it too early probably okay there we go the quest line she is a moving all right go ahead and read that if you'd like there you go all right now it's doing things it's updating it's gonna tell me do something something else all right the next thing we have to do is come over here to this electronic current there we go oh there we go go ahead and pause if you'd like to read that all right beautiful by the way i've been looting uh while i've been waiting for the questline to go along and i did find a multi-charge i also found these energy matrix these energy matrix are unbelievably important i don't remember exactly what four but i know i really needed them so that's cool and i'm also gonna make some more protein bars all right go ahead and read that if you so choose three two one all right when i'm done here like when i'm done with this entire area what i'll do is i'll bring up the entire like quest line thingy and uh you guys could read it at your leisure like i said i've already read it like a billion times um i've got a couple quest lines i got to do and then i go to space and i do another quest line and then maybe one more and then after that it's new to me but this stuff's not new to me all right we need to find the console all right there's the bridge controls all right it is a pain in the ass to get up here i'll try for a minute and if i can't do it i'll just pause the video until i get it done all right come on all right here we are there's the armor locker go to station all right so i need to get up here oh boy oh boy all right what i need to do is i need to go up there and then go that way that's a um elevator by the way it's on its side i think yeah it's on its side so i got to go that way man that was a pain in the butt okay we're at the console access it there we go all right there we go so the questline took me back to the teleport station i'm gonna do the teleport station then i'll show you guys all the all the info on the quest all right um oh by the way i went to sleep all you have to do is put this down and press f on it couldn't be simpler all right there we go let's get some food all right load this up and let's go to the teleportation station it's not that far away it didn't take me that long to get there but it kills my stamina and your stamina takes a while to come back all right here we go pick that up and let's take a look at this retry protocol compromised starting self-destruct okay let's get the hell out of here that didn't quite go as planned at least not my plan that wasn't my plan oh boy enemy troops incoming oh doggy here we go so these these drones cannot shoot straight down so if you get underneath them you will ha do much better although i've got to have them come down because my range i can't hit them from here they look like they're kind of stuck on each other don't they well i don't feel like i have the firepower that i'm going to need so i came back to base i specked in the shotgun assault rifle i can't make the assault rifle yet but i did tunnel over there to the copper so i do have some copper so i can make some ammo for the shotgun and the pistol uh the shotgun's not really going to do too well on the drones because they're kind of way up there uh but the pistol will be okay so let's um let's come out here and see if they're back because i do see them on the um on the mini map i'm just not sure you know what their deal is oh they're low yeah they are low okay so what we need to do is heal up because we just hurt ourselves like an idiot all right and then i'm gonna rush them and try and get underneath them oh boy dodge dodge oh boy i didn't expect him to be shooting that okay i didn't expect him to die that easily either i have a feeling that was low on hit points for some reason because he died like a couple pistol shots that's not normal but there we go honestly i don't mind the like the those slow-moving projectiles it's when they have the mini guns that i get torn up so and don't forget you can loot them so i will do that come on get over there and loot that sucker come on stamina takes so freaking long to come back once your stamina is out you're it's not coming back anytime soon like you're out of it permanently that's a good thing to get that power coil that ammo that i just got is for the uh it's for the whatchamacallit the uh the minigun minigun's not that good because it kicks up it's um it's got really bad recoil okay settling dust okay so the pdf pba thing is still updating there we go oh you crashed on the planet the scanner's detected tribal structures not far away from the crash site you should try these structures they contacted the natives yeah they want me to find the um the talon so they probably showed me where the talent yep talon now um the talent is is another faction and you can see right here uh what's this unknown because i haven't met them yet but they're they're another faction the xerox empire's the bad guys polaris is the good guys i guess depending on how you look at it and i need to go talk to the talon but before i go talk to the talon i'm going to find a um where the hell is it oh and i gotta get off this thing i need to find a deposit of silicon and mine up some of that so i can make my uh my next gun because i want to make the i want to make the i want to make the um the assault rifle but i'm going to need some silicon for that the only one i've found yet there's basically like three basic resources uh iron copper and silicon everything else is kind of like you know special stuff i think next episode before we do anything else with the quest line we're gonna make ourselves at least the hover vessel so let me see if there's silicon over here should pop up any second and you are you are iron okay see i get that radiation sometimes i'm not really sure what's doing it oh you see that you see that ship right there see that ship right there that's the one that shot me down in my other game so i'm not sure if it knows where i am it kind of followed me last time uh could that be yeah all right we gotta go there check that out this isn't good we're probably gonna die but i want to see if this is um silicon yep all right we can't really mine it right now so i think what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna go home and hopefully that place that thing won't be here next next time i come out here all right we're down here in the base and i'm gonna need three things for next episode i'm gonna need food lots of it i'm gonna need a hover vessel and i'm gonna need to be able to get to that silicon i don't know what that ship is i've never seen it before it doesn't look like anything i'm gonna be able to take down pretty easily if anyone has any tips in the comments that would be wonderful on how to deal with that ship right now i'm just going to try and avoid it and i'm safe in my base which is cool i could start the base and honestly even if the drones come to attack i'm going to be pretty safe down here i just need to get to elevators and you know get that stuff going we just got to start the base in other words okay so uh what i'm going to do now is i'm going to bring up this thing and i'm going to show you i'm just going to show this really quickly like i said go ahead and pause the video if you want to read this stuff i've already read it a million times so there you go with that all right and there you go with that pretty cool the way uh there's like time something's playing with time here it's pretty cool there you go a lot of reading you guys like reading it's all here okay all right there you go and i don't think i have anything for tales of the past yet there you go okay guys well i am going to call you if you guys want to see more of imperium let me know in the comments make sure you like the video all that good stuff and that would make me very happy because i would love to play more of this game also if you're new here please uh think about subscribing that would be awesome really really helpful thank you very much for watching i'll see you next time and until then take it easy [Music] you
Channel: Kage848
Views: 57,288
Rating: 4.9218349 out of 5
Keywords: gameplay, game, let’s play, Empyrion Galactic Survival wiki, Empyrion Galactic Survival lets play, Empyrion Galactic Survival gameplay, multiplayer, free, Empyrion Galactic Survival download, Empyrion Galactic Survival game, Empyrion Galactic Survival part 1, Empyrion Galactic Survival episode 1, Empyrion Galactic, Survival walkthrough, Empyrion Galactic Survival tutorial, alpha, Empyrion Galactic Survival lp, alpha 12, Empyrion, alpha 10
Id: g4td_0r-uJM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 59sec (1619 seconds)
Published: Sat May 01 2021
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