Open World Survival | Osiris New Dawn 2021 Gameplay

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thank you so much for joining me is game edge we're going to be testing out osiris new dawn now we have tested this out three years ago the game needed a lot of work and the developers have been non-stop putting up updates on this game i have my eye out on it and now it looks like uh yeah there's these updates have uh really made the quality of life of playing this game a whole lot better and i really want to jump in and test it out again there's a whole bunch of stuff we can craft in here including vehicles uh droids and other things to help us out and that is gonna be quite impressive for us to test out now there is alien lifeform on here and we do have to build a base and there's a lot of base building crafting and of course survival what else can you ask for of course we're going to be testing this out if you guys are enjoying this make sure you like button get a confidence always love to hear your feedback on any gamer playing of course i also put a link in the description if you want to pick it up for yourself and it looks very very nice so far from what i've been seeing so we have a bunch of choices here with scientist ranger marine or engineer there's definitely a couple of uh different stats on top of this i think this one is probably the best one 10 10 10 across yeah you know what i'm gonna go with this you could choose between a female or male of course there we go we're gonna go with male and we'll start that up and now we get to choose colors oh all right i i do like the reds you know that so we can go red there and a secondary color we can do a little bit of uh darker one again i think that's about what we had there details really okay i don't know let's go that color that sounds like a plan just adds a little bit of a difference in glow interesting where's that glow oh the top of the mask interesting i like that all right so maybe i don't know if we want oh red looks really stunningly cool you know what i'm going to stick with red i love it all right i just kind of messed around a tiny bit put a bunch of stuff there it's all good and oh we have a couple assignment stat points to go through 10 of them all right just to tell you what they do though thinking strength is probably how much we can carry right so we're going to want a couple of those we want speed and health and definitely some stamina we do two each yes we can and then the weights always important for me but you know what i'm not sure about i think health might be a priority in this one we'll go health in some stamina and we'll boost those up next time if we increase we can at least put that in here and some more strength oh my god there's a lot to do all right so we have uh combat points which is the red one here the kind of purplish one is 10 points here which is the engineering and science points okay all right so we have a chisel i think that's important for us to have that's that's good so that's one point gone there a couple points and six engineering oh okay actually wait it does a lot more than a couple points how many points are then three points all right uh the password unlocks the ability to depo okay which are stored in large amounts of items all right oh we need that that's a chest i don't think i need to shovel right now how many points i have one point left that is not enough to pick up anything else over here all right well let's go down here and check this out we have combat points we're definitely going to start off with the axe stone axe and blade okay everything will be helpful and furnace i think that's all we can do right yeah we pretty much used all the combat points there and right over here we start with some flares which is mandatory and we can go off to forging or batteries okay so forging seems to be more important and i have four points left this is six we have here small solar panels six also and batteries is four all right there might be a reason for that we'll just confirm that i'm not sure why i have one point left in here probably my selections it's all good probably need the darn shovel right it's all good we could clear if you want to choose uh to move it across uh sign name all right i'm gonna go with fang i mean fangs always a great name oh okay so i guess we crashed here um okay fine patch tape is that it here must be f uh i don't like f okay and then uh open up here where's my inventory oh crap and here i guess right click use system restored all right cool find bandage right i saw that here we'll press f okay i'll probably just change it there we go perfect right click and heal that baby whew escape pod all right let's go oh that's not good so we crash land on its only planet that's not good so i guess we have to escape with this poor jam break it down like it have to get out we are out and adam oh this is good okay fabricate multi-tool that the first one so we can grab up oh yeah okay i'm starting to remember a little oh it won't fire fire fire very bad [Laughter] got a little hurt on that one okay so we can pick up a whole bunch of goodies in this don't remember i remember these seats being picked up too at one point i don't remember if we could or not but i know we can pick up a whole bunch of metals and we're getting what space debris and i believe they want six to twenty right there on the left hand side so they want us to go through that we could go v third person by the way if you want to or first printing that personality is your choice you also have multiplayer in this game if you want to or single player so yeah a lot of good choices for us to play i like that so far very very nice anything on top here could we hover oh nice we can hover but we can't grab anything off there but there's a lot of debris all over the ground so let's start looking at stuff your glass container got you now it's with water right it says with water wait did i just walk or something nope okay grab that i like it all right well that's really nice we're going to get a lot of debris out of this i'm not sure my inventory can i just press i for inventory no all right so inventory itself does it tell me what i can do one second here i think it says hotkey f2 okay uh it tells you how much here and how much weight we have 176 kilograms we have 46 total now all right let's grab that it's got so much some shedding some kind of alien creature that's scary oh we'll check that out in a second here let's pick up everything you can as oxygen i think we're gonna need that crab shedding all right that's scary that's a pretty big crab if you ask me all right laser cells bandages holy moly meat stew crab sheddings again a medkit what are these things just barrels they might be heavy these little barrels but we'll test it out yeah we gotta be careful we can actually breach our suit by slipping and sliding and hurting us also kind of little things we have to watch out for as we're playing this game is uh all those little things yeah we can slide and rip our suits apart we're gonna need this tape oh yes patch tape is important and i believe you can craft all up we'll go through all the crafting and everything we need to do or what we can do can i remember wait a second can i break this oh maybe not i know the tools of dko yeah you see on the bottom there let's not waste it i want to test it what's the flare debris the game looks really nice though i mean i'm quite impressed with it all right it's looking a lot better and i remember it for some reason there's nothing else around here oh there's something here what was that salvage the crash gotcha so they want me solid just right there we go okay salvage this no just these parts salvage all our crash units everything that we have we can find all right so we got a bunch of this we have to craft up a uh remember a base yeah there you go locate new dawn base build a debris hut okay so that is what we grabbing all of us to breathe for just some more down there and i don't think oh oh yeah we gotta be careful we really need to be careful we can hurt ourselves really badly i love his multi-tool i wonder if he runs on batteries uh oh there's some rocks right here all right so i guess we just find the rocks we don't mind them right now maybe later on we got pickaxe might be getting heavy a little bit now we are picking up a lot of stuff okay i don't see anything else around here i think we're in pretty good shape we need to build something here i don't think there's water around here either is there no oh oh gather gather come on the debris okay this is just a crab stuff which i don't know if you're gonna use it or not but i think it'll be darn useful this is sheddings the actual creature's still alive and kicking that's fantastic news oh there's another barrel here dudes nuts i don't think we can use that for scrapping it down or we're gonna use that for afterwards i don't see anything else around here i do like the that we can hover i like that a lot okay i don't know if i want to build pride down there give me some cover there's some more rocks over here grab that i don't know why but you know me with rocks why did it do that little it's probably telling me to have to start building something okay pick it up pick it up probably tell me i'm too heavy i'm not listening oh there's some more debris here is that it man is this us to do this steel holy moly you have more of that dude you this is good pod rear section panel yes any more uh goodies here i don't see anything else that's highlighting itself that's too bad we'd love to grab more goodies but looks like we're done for that okay so you have to really look out for all the debris that could be around here our pod kind of dismantle a million pieces there's some wood some woods over there and we have to find this base now i'm gonna press two because i saw this thing okay is it just me or is there like these little orange symbols on the edge of that thing let's see if it gets closer yeah it looks like it's getting closer i kind of want to go this way before we build the debris hut or where the heck it is what do we have his weapon oh okay that's small as heck i plan to use blunt objects okay so there must be this one what do we get for that i think i didn't see damn it it went too fast okay how much weight are we carrying oh we're way overweight uh some kind of blue palms okay do we pretty good i guess maybe some stuff over there for sure okay oh my god let's get out of here did you see the size of that thing what the hell was that's a crab i guess god please stay there please stay there okay uh i guess we're building our place here just for now because i i definitely don't want to do that i don't want to mess with that i think just yet all right let's uh let's do this right here maybe this is like the safe zone here for us to do okay skills build all right what's build on f3 f3 okay so with the build ourselves structures right here debris hut okay let's build that debris we'll look at all that stuff afterwards we're correctly with some major sandstorms and stuff that will come in during the time we're playing i kind of want this a little bit good space here there we go maybe not where the wind is blowing yeah like that that's good now we have to do f got hold of her nope is it building oh gotta hold it you gotta hold it it actually says hall too all right so we got a debris hut nice we actually have a safe spot here so we can activate that all right oh there's a cool down four minutes a five minute cool down inside this thing yikes okay so we gotta make sure we can't uh overdo the uh to save spamming it okay so what else we want us to do here build a space to breach yes roger i'm gonna do f3 because that's why i got this done so utilty is that it space debris chest can't build it inside this thing i can i think i'm gonna need this to hide right inside all right rotate uh left mouse button maybe we could fit that in here just to protect our stuff not sure if the aliens will take it or not they'll put it aside here maybe we're against it for now oh whoa did do i write f okay you have to press f twice that's what it is all right done okay so a little space debris chest can't build like two of those things because i mean that'd be pretty cool if i can get a second when i'm pretty sure the way i hoard things oh rock walls that's really nice only costs eight two oh hello stacking hillary's stacking my old friend i hope i didn't have to build anything again nice all right definitely happy to put that in there okay so how do we get in there dismantle we need to take the tool off of us that's what it is isn't it yeah all right how do we uh remove that is there a key whoa that's that's run the tilly keys are run okay i need to uh get something else on me here there we go so we can open this up we can drop off some stuff in here as it's shift click yep all right good shift click i'll put that stuff in there i'm not sure about this shells that i'm going to check what we have to build but these are just kind of things like random stuff with flares uh space debris i think we're going to keep that this thing i'm not too sure of just yet that too and is there sorting annoying uh yeah default sort all right that works okay so before we do anything else crazy here um where's my inventory i think these badges should go over here so i can use them fast and maybe the first day would keep that close to us we really got lucky we got some good stuff all right is that a storm coming what's going on am i dying mission build furnace okay you know just tell me to get my butt in here all right craft up furnace structure furniture no custom wow there's a lot of things to look at in this is a furnace all right do i need to have this going when this is building i don't know or am i out of stuff you know i'm probably missing something yeah that's what it is what am i missing i'm missing caster that works okay i just hit the stuff good all right let's take the caster back didn't realize we're gonna need that oh my god oh does it save me oh what the heck is that come on buddy bring it on it's raining so there's water in here oh god okay zip box is really low oh okay he he took oh took care of that to he i got a little bit of a lag okay now he's just hurting me big time now he's just being nervous about it i don't know if i should use a pick or the blunt vitals dropping yeah i know that does this work better seemed to hurt him you were injured okay wait a second let me get in here i don't think that's working at all this is not easy okay so six ah okay that feels better yeah yeah just show off buddy i hope you're not healing too oh oh oh what the frag come on it just started ugh oh okay okay man what is that sand crab what the hell is that i feel they're called hermit crabs herbert crabs i think they are yeah something well i'm just gonna go at it now i don't think they're gonna kill me just yet i'm pretty sad if they did oh i think he's down one down one down another two okay ah okay come on buddy that's a user hitbox oh you got stuck suck it do we get anything oh good and what do we get crab eyes all right that's a weird thing to get crap talon that's why i can get rip out of it dead larvae we got some alien meat hmm sounds delicious all right let's go back and build what we supposed to build here the furnace uh i guess we'll do it over here didn't sound like he was attacking my base or anything did he know i don't know which way with the hell did you put this in i have no clue it sounds like a plan for me we'll go with this all right okay so what we do with this we can cook and do the metals into this thing all right so i got alien meat on me i only got one i did mark which you could do it with we got steel plates and stuff i don't know if that is something we could add we have nothing here that's just ingots iron okay and food all right we'll take this how much does that give you back health tendent bonus okay i'm thinking i'm okay for now i need to find iron ingots oh that's gonna be fun i guess we're gonna go mining a bit you know i'm thinking while we're here and we're doing this let me just build up that wall so we give ourselves a little bit of time here oh it's actually sharp blade oh stone blade how do you make a stone blade dude that's got to be a different thing to craft hey damn it uh all right well we have to come back oh it says i have stop points to bring up okay we can put up strength speed well and speed let's put up speed too and let's bring up strength there let's make this all even as much as possible yeah that should be good maybe stamina should have been put in there but we'll just just accept it we're fine so we got that point so that's good all right oh cripe it looks like a storm is coming in i don't know if that's gonna affect us anyway should probably affect us i guess and i guess this is blunt objects if possible i think we're supposed to hit this with this not see anything happen with this one supposed to find iron how whoa maybe with our little uh okay some that's our base behind us i guess there's something walking over there i think that's something walking over there it's freaking me out dudes okay let's quote a tiny bit it looks like a storm but it doesn't look like it's bad enough oh it's just a tree it doesn't look like it's bad enough to hurt us right now okay the hover the thing doesn't work really quick it doesn't seem to do anything i don't see anything that's by the way oh yeah actually there's some purple stuff up here there's more trees and stuff over here we're walking towards the purple stuff oh okay i got i gotta really use that more often all right i i was about to turn back i was saying okay maybe it's too far away there's something towards us here this is not it what is the purple stuff dude maybe i should have built in this area or these are baddies some kind of guys are going on there move some sulfur in there and somebody rocks here temperature is low okay we gotta be careful that i want to see what this is okay so this actually is minerals so we get copper titanium copper okay looks like it's a mix of stuff gold yeah definitely a mix so that definitely brought us your magnesium aluminum mixed together good i'll leave them again so we need to get iron somehow all right well that sucked we didn't get what we needed so far we have i was going to build the rock wall then i was like i'm going to wait a bit i'm sure it'll be time for us to do other things copper titanium oh we got engineering point we did look at this go how much weight is this starvation warning what all right one second that better not so starving anymore buddy i hope that's good for you just say it's a million me without even thinking about it uh okay oh there's another one here i was about to go and flick over and see i like how to chase the stuff magnesium again aluminum i mean we can iron yeah there you go okay got a little bit of iron there that has gives us with the magnesium and aluminum in them that's what we want so we needed two and thinking i grabbed way more we should surprise god i'm happy that the hut actually shows up i had to run away those uh big crabs yeah i found some i picked this up i think i got a stick on that all right so we can smack these things up too might as well grab them might eat them i don't know it just automatically picks up so oops there we go that's what i wanted was this thing blunt object how long does it take i did get a lot of stuff by the way though i'm not seeing anything come at us all right whatever it is it's taking freaking forever so forget it all right we can actually find our hut which is really great i've been using that a lot more make sure it'll get hurt which means uh yeah i have to constantly use it as possible i'm not sure if you use up any of our stuff i didn't get to see the meters and stuff i'm just so scared there's more stuff over there what the hell is that our hut is right there right over the ridge is some solar panels what the what not far away either that's good okay maybe we can put some stuff into the refinery here or the furnace i should say i call refinery all right um i don't have any meats or anything but i do have uh stuff i can do here which is aluminum so i guess we can make a whole bunch of aluminum isn't it i'm going to say we need to make all this you need as much of that i don't know if they make enough copper we're going to do the same thing i just click and hold down that's cool magnesium titanium oh there's only two slots oh oh i might have uh screwed up a little bit stop stop there's only three slots didn't realize it there's way oh it stops okay good oh good good oh balls i didn't make myself anything to fight with just yet so we saw the same stupid tool which is the shortest knife of all time what's up dude what's up what's that what's that i got like really in low oh okay i was doing good now i showed off a little bit i know come on bring it on bring it on i wish i put it against the wall my base i could have closed it off i know that this guy's heart poor dead young he's a young one that's great another crab shell which is absolutely useless it tells you how much percentage is left in your room for this that's pretty crazy stuff i like that oh you gotta be kidding me okay so six i know i just screwed up oh i'm not giving him any all right we'll activate this take advantage of it and uh where's my tool there's four i'm a little nervous this guy's right on my stuff come on oh that was a good hit no meats that sucks big time all right how are we doing this okay so here we could just do all um wait a second i thought i had to all there we go it does all nice that makes a lot easier so we can grab all our stuff here we're going to need another crate that's the reason why i picked that stuff up i was trying to at least grab if i can some space to bring out of here uh this stuff cannot go in here so we can stack up to 100 so let's shift click that in there that in there and just the weird eyeball take that back i'll put the eyeball in there okay so that's pretty much 100 in there it's very full uh there we go i want to grab this and make myself another one of these chests let's get use the controls a little bit right structures and utility there we go you really can go that high that is freaking awesome oh i'm liking a stacking on this okay this one i think we're end up doing is putting this stuff in there wait a second there we go we'll put all the metals in here that we don't need we'll continue doing this over here anything else this one has some stuff we'll take all and we'll be able to put everything else away i think it got everything i didn't find plutonium though interesting interesting enough no pluto name all right put that in there and continue good stuff what is this stuff i have rocks so maybe i can just drop the rocks there for just a few minutes as we go out and check out the rest of the terrain because that's what we're gonna need to do i need to check out that area back there put the flare back in here for now we have water i don't know if i should drink it or not i don't know i'm gonna add some stamina to me because my guy is running low and we have some combat and stuff we might be able to increase as we go through this okay um furnace are we done it's almost done good stuff okay gotta look really high up you know hitbox is a little bit different it's all good and i got some stuff there and i'm going to throw this in there for now okay let's go into this i saw some stuff over there oh we're at we actually are faster look let's go holy moly i need to fight titanium 2 i have the titanium build forest that's why they want me to i have the titanium starvation warning no no no no how come the guy's not giving me meat though i don't understand okay starvation warning damn can i grab any of this well there was a base up here at some point but we can't use this i don't know if i should park myself oh one little quick oh what's this what's this what's this oh use multi-tool space debris old mining droid so was a mine right here i might have to move her stuff over here but i'll grab the debris because those things are worthwhile also some more rocks coming up here which we're going to build our base it looks like the sun might be going down that is not cool can i pick it up please thank you i'm here with quite a bit of rocks i think i'm built to make myself at least a wall for the night can i get in here beta mine entrance enter mine in case we're in a mine holy crap is there a light oh l for light oh i remember this yeah okay there's nothing in here oh crap come on i thought we'd find some goodies oh yeah it's been a while i've done this power on these are all the same out out out yes okay i'm not sure what the hell that was it looked like a scorpion or something and uh with a head so yeah i decided that we're not gonna be going there just yet but it's good to know can i mark down the map at all or that is just how does that show up on a map here it really doesn't show up so we just remember it's over here maybe i can mark it afterwards i don't know there is something obviously here what is it you see those three little markers oh it's more debris maybe some goodies maybe some freaking food would be nice right now i'm not getting any food and i'm freaking out a little bit i feel like the guy's going through a lot of food like a lot of it the hell that wasn't even the thing it's right here underneath i don't know what it is i must be missing it i don't know we're gonna go back because we uh we're gonna have to go back and make a wall or something for the night i think the night's coming i'm hoping the food it had was plenty there's hydration right there in nutrition which is the second one uh to the right right before the last oh why is there fire did i not pick up everything really it's just burning by itself that's a little freaky the ground's on fire um i'm 100 sure i took this apart i'm very confused it just spawned back to luke isn't it i'm not sure you know what maybe they gave me a little mistake and say you know what you can grab some more stuff all right let's do the uh furnace like they want us to do we also need to get a wall done okay uh open you up right here and i needed some to tm does that work like this yes so i need to build a forge this one which needs four ingots iron and plutonium i have not found a freaking plutonium dudes and dots i have no idea what that is okay we're gonna go for wall at this point i don't think i have time for this here uh rubber rubber is in here okay and i don't have any other food right just water that's all we have great stuff all right let's build that wall build the wall here now no choice bashing rocks okay definitely want to build those other things too the domes and stuff looks pretty cool rock pillar rock wall all right so we just rotate by pressing interesting so it can't be perfect right like perfectly square to your base all right so we'll just do this here oh i remember i hope it's not big too big i don't think it'd break our base i think they must build you i'm not sure how much rocks this is taking i should have checked about eight each right i think it is oh like right there yes we have somewhere kind of so that we do need to leave and find uh another base so i think this is a problem afterwards where we are now i don't know how much rocks we have left i don't have mommy temperatures really getting low i think i had it perfectly but whatever where's that steel came back too that'd be pretty cool i'm not going to complain if it does just somewhere for tonight and i can work it out afterwards oh i can't see real here hope nothing to fit through that little gap okay and there too perfect i solve enough rocks holy crap this is pretty good i'm pretty sure these things probably could break it you know what i'm saying i just don't know how i'm going to block the front i don't have any vehicles or i think so maybe uh those things can't fit through this like this like a small little itsy bitsy gap for us to fit through and maybe they can't i don't know i can't make this straight though so it's gonna drive me up the wall i know that all right let's put it like this for now because i can hover and i know they can't right now maybe they can jump as much right now okay i don't know if the flashlight these batteries are not but we're gonna find out a bit okay so that's enough for building oh can i jump that oh did this jab myself no okay once again yeah i can just go in and out of this i'm such an idiot i just have to worry about this i could hover over this stuff all right well we got ourselves our first base up and running we learned a little bit of stuff including not going that cave until you're 100 ready we need to get the fours we need to get plutonium i don't know how for us to get the rest of the stuff i'm gonna have to go and look up around in the area i'm just scared that we don't have enough weapons so let's check out to see we can craft currently before we end this all up here we'll turn off our light because we don't need that for this part i don't know if i need to wait the whole night like this too that is strange until we make a base so we have inflatable base this one here dome kit we got to make some stuff i figured all the stuff here utilities we did rock while there's some pillars and stuff okay there we go yeah bed needs ability bedding that can be used to save their progress and also replenish a bit of health uh built inside of barracks so we got a little ways to go there's also custom and dust wow that's quite a bit of stuff in this game a beacon a beacon kit for that of course we need fours we need some plutonium solar panel kits furnace i'm not scared about food right now and there's other things here okay this is where we can use the skeleton stuff here but it does take up tapes we're not gonna make a second one for no reason one's good enough i guess on the run if we want to we can use that there's the axe we can make but it needs some was it stone axe head so i'm not sure where we're gonna make that from there must be a bench somewhere repair table rubber glass damn we need a lot of stuff in the box for a storage container where you can deposit oh for your bots gotcha path lighting landmine dang dude love to make that except i probably be the one that steps on it it's all cool makeshift bandage too we can use those floral things we need also uh red fern tree berries so i got to find those there's a lot of things in this game masking tape we need to find fern tree berries so we can make more of the tape that we need for patch i betcha right so needs to have furniture berries and cloth cloth that's made with these little pumps all right cool well we got a lot we can do i guess i'm not sure if i can sleep here at night i'm probably not and i'm probably gonna have to go out and do some stuff but i'm pretty sure it's too cold out there really cold let's stay in here so thank you all for being here really appreciate if you guys are joining us please take time hit the like button if you're brand new please don't subscribe if you want to see more again if you wanna pick up for yourself too link's in the description i always love bringing new games and for us to test them out and see all the new changes on some of the games we've played in the past so again thank you for being here this game edge and i'll catch you guys on flip side [Music] [Music] you
Channel: GameEdged
Views: 263,646
Rating: 4.9037585 out of 5
Keywords: osiris new dawn, gameplay, let's play, first look, episode 1, day one, part 1, first impression, survival game, playthrough, walkthrough, gameedged
Id: OzHsS6ToWts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 16sec (2416 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 04 2021
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