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[Music] so what's going on my dedicated bros it's your boy luigi kid and welcome to another luigi kids episode you guys been waiting for so long and you keep asking me you keep bugging me since i've reacted to shed 70 the scary thomas and friends thomas the tank engine animation to react to the sequel the continuation project g1 well guys i'm here to tell you that's what i'm gonna do 50 minutes 56 seconds that is probably going to be the longest wrecked episode that luigi has ever made in his life so for that please make sure to smash the like button grab some snacks grab some drinks sit down lay back relax and enjoy the reaction guys you ready let's not waste any time and jump straight into it does not have subtitles that's a hat top titles okay okay i'm trying to shut up as much as possible but here we go the [ __ ] oh my are those the screams of thomas when he noticed that he was just an experiment loyalty honor respect when you lose even one of those you take something away from those around you the ones you love your friends we let down those closest to us without ever realizing we've done so the people was presented with work at night they were at the railways for the love of railways they weren't silenced they weren't subdued they just didn't have anything to object to jesus by the time they realized there was a problem it was too late we didn't stifle them we didn't lock them away where thomas we committed the worst sin of all we just didn't listen project g1 what's that mean what's that stand for chad 17 was pretty obvious i'm looking forward to see you this hasn't stopped for us god no are you killing thomas what the 15. the world was reintroduced to the horrors and suffering that began on a small island off the northwest coast of england i don't think the documentary showed anything we didn't already know people had just become desensitized to what had happened to thomas and his friends the reaction or rather oh the reaction views by people literally my reaction last time this young man in the usa had become so traumatized by shed 17 he had memorized all the dialogue and would do nothing but watch the program in a loop i love this thing in the world what more breaking did he get brothers he would later be taken away to a psychiatric unit many viewers would be offered similar treatment often being asked to illustrate what scared them and confronting it as a success was scared by the tanks this young man began making his own model railway stories as a form of treatment soon many of these people would be allowed limited access to the outside world even beginning to form social connections to people and in some cases form friendships after the thomas incident became public the tourist trade began to dry up people stopped coming to sodor for bio fusion dead this place is dead there were massive layoffs on the railway itself numerous attempts were made to salvage the tourist trade on sodor finally in a last-ditch attempt the railway was promoted with an ill-judged celebrity endorsement [Music] the music but it wouldn't just be young people suffering many would suffer trauma in their own way both human and biofuels oh what is that kind of liquid oh no the crane it suffers with the documentary came the public outcry and the media's need for a scapegoat the gerza family were annoyed and the fat cat had vanished with all his money and there i was consciously in full public view being blamed for the whole thing do you want to apologize person frankly you should know better than that [Music] they said it didn't vomit i was finally given the chance to tell my side of the story on national television tell people what actually happened and equip myself in the eyes of the public mr hartley are you to blame for the events on sodor island well let me tell you i am not i am totally to blame for what happened and all these friends and i do it again tomorrow bro this time i go on channel 4 but the public outcry would bring an anonymous whistleblower out into the light someone who would reveal more facts about the events on sodor what's up both before and after the thomas incident i worked closely on the television series in the early 80s so i was around the engines at all times it's only now after i can't make a difference to those engines lives that i've heroically decided to speak as the government finally relented and shut down the whole bio-fusion operation on sodor a tragic dilemma faced the scientists some people were still in the biofuzion process being in process is the last place anyone wants to be they have to complete their procedures quickly or they'd be left to die that meant turning them into the simplest form of life that existed trucks are reconstructed the faceless ones rarely had the brain capacity to retain long-term memory that's supposed to be bro i can't imagine a worse hell than being a truck fortunately most of them didn't live long oh fellas what oh you can't you can see the organs if you have seen shot 17 you know exactly what's going on exposure to the open world meant an increased risk of infection and slow painful death oh my this is disgusting fearing being shut away forever some trains would seek opportunity elsewhere chris doug dixon an oliver surname's dream was to work on the famous sodor railway they were childhood friends who shared the same love of trains that made it part to become engines sadly it came too late just after oliver and duck were looking forward to working on the railway one is like never documentation the japan railway group offered them work on their railway duck and oliver jumped at the chance the travel was paired for by the japanese railway and they couldn't wait to be there unfortunately arriving in tokyo duck and oliver would find that under japanese law they weren't recognized as human beings and so had no rights at all they would soon learn their true fate steam going to buy some games it's not off steam it's the engine little i can see the seagull logo their engines [Applause] the heck am i witnessing we gotta go ufc with this [ __ ] what is wrong with people [Music] oh wait we gotta transform some freaking transformers [ __ ] going on here they're gonna grow some arms though as well just like thomas did oh my god they actually do what the [ __ ] okay what kind of traits are those i thought there for the public transport but nope they're actually fighting machines joints stabilizers and supports come on let's go that is one proof thing what even oh look at that combo it's the final blow now he's gonna strike back and he falls so they had to put their friendship aside there was only one way to survive no way well arrested peace friendship why oh my this is so brutal how can tanks actually bleed because they actually have real organs inside of them wow is that necessary of the score okay i want this guy for mortal kombat that was one hell of a brutality i may won the game but they lost i lost a friend so am i actually the winner this is disturbing my dedicated bros and bernats don't even know what to say [Applause] i've got goosebumps all there is welcome opportunities offered by their british government the british government had banned the use of bio fusion publicly but couldn't ignore the military opportunities selling water the world was too profitable hit logistics was the military contractor secretly tasked with continuing the work sodor research had begun the first task was finding as many engines as possible biofue's material had become rare and his logistics immediately recruited people to hunt down as many decommissioned engines as possible one was an old colleague we all called friend even when he was being interviewed for the shed 17 documentary i remember he was neck deep in secret government research his biggest dream was much more sinister was that a guy that killed himself probably anymore one was professor owen ruth's dream the breaking down of biofuze mata to their very cells and then deprogramming them engine remains being reused to form anything they wanted project these cells have their dna instructions removed biosphere access themselves which can then adapt and assume any form necessary it is for this purpose we have begun making extensive research into twins wait annie clarabella and kevin diesel had met his real enthusiasm fallen in love and gotten married within weeks of meeting the next step in their aries was to become biofuels it was the most romantic thing in their eyes he would become an engine she a court and they would ride the rails together kevin became his name sounds like a horrible idea black diesel engine it was on his operation as any cells were being reprogrammed they split in the early stages of the operation and two coaches were created although these twins were far from identical i was a derpy people started to notice just how many twins were being created on the island but the questions were brushed off or ignored in an effort to deflect criticism annie and clarabel the first two biofused coaches were put into service straight away everyone was very excited oh my gosh are those the scenes about where all the organic parts were in a couch should not forward anything what about those luxurious expensive pink leather furnishings no i swear i knew this is i knew it that this those are the organs [Applause] damn children behave i don't even want to tell you what they found in the toilets oh i don't even following this disaster danny and clarabel would be kept out of the public gays one would stay with her husband the other sent away to hit logistics diesel was forced to make a heartbreaking choice which of these ladies to spend the rest of his life with it must have taken him all of two seconds the one that's still alright for annie a lifetime with her husband hidden away from the public gays for clarissa dumbest thinks logistics you die now huh i am creating twins weren't just interested in how twins were created it was the abilities they had because of it the telepathic links between twin engines was found to be incredibly powerful the psychic links found in natural twins is profoundly more powerful in biofuels vehicles of course essentially these are the same person his logistics would use what they had learnt to work on duplication a volunteer soldier could be bio-fused exponentially creating copies of those cells [Music] a willing human participant not just controlling a weapon but becoming the weapon oh my god [Music] the soldiers faces will be covered up so that the only giveaway was a cry of discomfort when a vehicle was damaged or a tank shell was fired oh wow this dreams wow but professor ruth wanted to take these experiments further to duplicate his deprogrammed cells to assimilate any biofue's matter it made contact with to assume any form of any size think of the possibilities a weapon dropped into a city that can take any form it wishes and adapt by fusion now they're biological weapons all communities of people removed and left empty for occupation stage one is the secure storage of biofuels genetic matter in stasis stage two that involves the release of this material insecure conditions of course to release this material in an uncontrolled state would be disastrous there was nothing they wouldn't try in that place even experimenting with mirrors [Music] he's dying isn't he as well as mirror testing work on twins would become more extreme to test just how far the telekinetic linking biofuze mata would go pretty interesting whoa for once the link would go to and then music again i love it always use it whilst unseen horrors were administered on dawn the doctors and specialists how strong logistics could observe in full detail the torture as an unbreakable bond with his twin tear douglas apart whoa whoa whoa he's breaking apart actually oh god this is so disgusting animation getting better and better no what hit logistics would also be seen as a welcome refuge from another threat on sodor steam as we called them they started out as railings incredible guys they loved engines but where was the army in that but when living engines were introduced on sodor they couldn't get here fast enough most receivers enthusiastic volunteers on the railway some getting permanent jobs now the steamy's obsession with engines had a new darker place to vent their frustrations germs with a favorite engine sometimes every night for weeks they'd gather at the turntable and play a spin the engine what [ __ ] oh sick guys poor engines this security footage hidden by sword or research until now shows gordon desperately pretending he couldn't fit on the turntable but james was always the favorite even to the television writers james's driver and fireman were feeling him all over but i have nothing to do with any of that business not after the first time with the closure of the railways the engines were hidden away and the steamies would go underground and bide their time and it would be 30 years and a new documentary before anyone cared before anyone asked senator stoppard where were the engines and what can we do about any of it with protests aimed at the government and hit logistics the destruction of the evidence was speeded up oh gosh and with it speeded up destruction it is all inside we incinerated all the evidence insane the engines we knew and loved were murdered in the most efficient way to die but it would be the most insignificant death of all that would have the most devastating effect not any transport to take logistics but the one nobody witnessed except for one oh no [Music] they'd spent 30 years together just looking into each other's eyes forgotten by us all and as happy as any of us could ever hope to be [Music] i mean it sounds kind of cute and beautiful but now let's be for real no one but diesel knew what happened to her twin nearly 20 miles away oh and because of that she's dying as well what's the matter what's happening because of a twin obviously please stay with me the same feels like they're sharing the body still actually stay with me the worst way to go the eyes this is so disgusting she survived that she's the only witness wow you know it may look dumb yes it does but to be honest the animations are so well done he had to get out as terrible as seeing his wife perish was the worst was yet to come he's able to make his way through let's drive over her remains oh [Music] make it out come on oh he's trapped in there for eternity sounds like he's hurting himself trying to break through the door this is all your fault you'll never laugh at me again what the rights of bio-fused engines will be ignored no more the secrets of sodor will be revealed a state-sponsored torture of engines must be stopped yes stop torturing those poor engineers engines are actually human beings as well and a home for engines and other transport free from the tyranny of human beings and we will not stop until the island of sodor is recognized as a refuge for all engines meanwhile the remains of the engines will be disposed of the remains that hit logistics will be moved off-site its location the real mystery and tending to this top secret site was the only engine in the uk still being illegally operated i wouldn't get to do pretty much anything we want so you know a bit of a better the blacks [Music] reveals how ferdinand was being forced to work controlled by his addiction to welch that's right that's right are you going to work for it we use welsh call to get the weaker engines started up to give some engines a kick when they were struggling to get up in the morning they're getting high pretty much never realized all the effects it was having on some engines like he's [Music] welsh call acted as a narcotic on the engines prolonged use would lead to addiction and dependency it's our [ __ ] oh i think it's an overdose as welsh call addiction became a bigger and bigger problem dependency increased on the set of the television series now you'll never win first prize percy moan don't worry [Music] that's the third load of coal you've had today gordon some might say you're being rather greedy increasingly engines would cause what appeared to be accidents but in fact were attempts to get exposed to welsh call but prolonged use would result in permanent brain damage that's how it looks dealers on the set violence among the actors we knew they were a problem when gordon started talking to the voice in his head hilarious guys to do things bad things yes said gordon i will whoa should i scare you quickly hit logistics would later take welsh coal research to its natural conclusion high-speed steam engines will be pushed to their lane oh that's too much speed as pressure from the media increased oh my hearing more bad press project g1 was put on hold its future uncertain stage one stored away in what professor ruth called a controlled environment he dug his own grave appearing in that documentary as well as working at hit logistics but he didn't see anything wrong in that and so just like everyone else he blamed me for everything even smudger myself inside the messages smudger worked on the midsole railway the mine the engines worked on didn't met much but it was enough to keep them going smudger was moved there because of his faults his wheel alignment was off i mean he'd come off the rails too often unfortunately the cash-strapped mine company couldn't afford the repairs oh their solution would kill a barbaric no no no no no i don't like their solutions for problems but they didn't heat it bros not gonna lie they dismembered him taking away his wheels and opening him up the butchers turned him into a steam generator shut off from all sensation smudger powered the mind for many years alone with his thoughts he would slowly lose his mind when business dried up do you think they come back for smudger did they l they were left there for years everyone had forgotten well he's still alive dumb in a way though it would have been better for smudger if he'd been forgotten forever sadly for smudger salvation would arrive but in the form of hit logistics officer roof was still eager to find as many biofuze material as he could but smudger had changed over time smudger had remained in the same place for nearly 30 years his organic parts were no longer just part of a steam engine oh they had become shed become one with the shed no no no if you remove him from the shed oh no you see what's oh god happening oh no no please wait no no please no god now this would be the final act of hit logistics closing down all their research and destroying evidence soon there would be nothing left to even prove their existence that was what they opt they didn't count on one final desperate act crazy oh no [ __ ] one second that he's going on hit the front he's been driven mad by all the things he'd seen working for the government but the worst thing was having to keep it quiet for all those years cranky's genetic structure meant he couldn't turn around no not without breaking the entire circulatory system to his head effectively he was condemning himself to a painful death oh [Music] how could this [ __ ] happen i believe cranky knew the consequences when he knew he had to be done he sacrificed himself pretty much that day there's diesel wow what kind of susa mission is that i don't believe he was evil or that he wanted to kill anyone he just wanted to show the world what the government was trying to cover up he didn't know what was in there all the damage he'd do diesel had veered into the now secured stasis container of project g stage one he destroyed it and allowing the deprogrammed biofuze mata to assimilate any matter it wished and to take on any form it wished whoa oh my let's project you one okay i thought it's all over already but no now it broke free i look to the mirrorless rest in peace is that disgusting and then we all have to see it in its natural state i'm gonna sit over a ball he's probably killing all the people outside as well oh mk god everyone [Applause] what it's like a spider tank or something [Applause] let's usually come out with a [ __ ] like that as the reality of the situation sunk in government forces were deployed this would be the only line of defense you think it's going to stop it oh the tanks more than capable of defending itself and would take whatever action was necessary oh percy gordon's a lie it could now not be stopped as it forged ahead it became clear what domination was more by a few cells more life more engines it had to assimilate cells to grow to live to spread blue mountain quarry i'll stop there's the sight of thousands of tons of dead desiccated biofuze mata hidden from the outside world which would make project g1 indestructible son needs to create this into a fan game it would drawn here to be with its own kind the last vestiges of sodor's engines it was trying to find peace realizing project g1's destination and intent the military provided it with what it was looking for [Music] what's going on here [Music] the last engine whose fate everyone had asked about for years [Music] what what the [ __ ] in shenzhen did there are lots and lots of experiments all right so after 28 operations to try and reconstruct him as a human being he had remained behind closed doors unwilling until now to show the world to the monster he had become that wasn't einstein that wasn't an engine or a human it were a creature mutilated by surgeons and engineers alike unable to react to the outside world at this stage thomas was the last chance the military had to stop project g1 will be successful plotters are now working together [Music] seems like it's calming down actually is it isn't smiling it's hard to tell if it's squashing thomas [Music] please do calm down [Music] looking normal finally the nightmare were over thomas had found the remains of his friends his friends had found him this is our island's [Music] what wait it was a trap it could have solved all this peacefully what have you done people the mystery of the blue mountain had been solved six thousand tons of desiccated dehumanized biofue's matter hidden in full view and now used as a weapon what if this is also getting out of hand this kind of weapon like a huge bowler to crash g project one approaching g1 sorry no gonna hit thomas as well don't they oh i'm still alive i'm still there oh my god all these plot twists you know it may seem like a crappy thomas tank engine thomas and friends animation well in all honesty this shit's steep and very well made and super creative just have finally he finally has found his friends again i love this [ __ ] that military [Music] [Music] press f in the chat my dedicated bros f in the chat f in the comment section okay [Music] you happy now general and how am i hey sorry [Music] all his friends this [ __ ] hits hard it feels my dedicated bros this was the military's plan all along there was never any intention to allow them some kind of peace and with that thomas lost his only link to the past now all that's left is his reanimated pneumatic body i don't think that he wants a body [Music] the only thing left to torment him thomas decided to leave he'd seen everything the last people he trusted had abandoned him but i was still there to tell his story after all the betrayal disloyalty and torment i could still say i were his only friend the only person who went abandoned him i could hold my head up high and say what the what the heck thomas no no don't do it it was a key character do not do this you turn into a monster we became a damn monster now he truly killed all his friends the last remaining friend zero anna was officially recognized as a biofuse only compound in 2032 a referendum was called on the island to decide whether sort of wood cities from the united kingdom had become its own country almost 98 percent the entrance of sir arnold voted to leave the uk before the all diplomatic ties between sutherland and the united kingdom were cut off since then the human has set foot on sword right nobody fused engine has had contact with the outside world wow not over yet he's still alive stay with me now okay that will not be necessary who are you where is this man what's he doing here this man is in our care we have no right to be here no he's going to turn into a used machine as well you are only an hour wait it makes sense to saw dust and he shot himself there was so much sawdust as well you guys got any theories on that does this all make sense um that's just dna oh it's getting bi-fused as well as it seems i mean make sense of the gears it looks like you got turned into a machine oh no this is not really happening it is what effect controller you've been quite the fall in our side the wrench in our works the leaves on our rails never want to shy away from them were you mr arley always another revelation about your faithful employer never a care for the trouble you caused the innovations you've empered initiatives you've stalled the jobs you've lost the challenges to this island's human supremacy well we've got a very special place for you here somewhere you can't open your big mouth or interfere anymore where's he planning and don't worry mr artley you're among friends here this is where everyone ends up once they've become troublesome shut 17 oh no he's one of them he's one of them these cars oh no that ending wow that this scene would get important again wow no spam i dedicated bro some burdettes that was truly a terrifying experience not gonna lie colonel baba his bloodthirsty rise to power the genocide of the rhinoceros kingdom and his ultimate demise at the hound the second they are the credits let's just skip them if you don't mind there's more i i don't know about this coordinates maybe we shouldn't be here yeah come on to the far future in like 50 years uh i i know but these people handling sword art stomach don't no one's actually seen an engine over there for ages it'll be fine what are you worried about i mean what could happen that could happen oh my god whoa whoa whoa whoa [Music] i just don't want any people in there could there be another continuation i think it leaves room for another continuation not gonna lie there we go my dedicated pros and brads incredible incredible vlog and damn animation as i said probably the longest fuji kit react episode ever made holy pepperoni not gonna lie i really enjoyed this one and even though this whole video took around 50 minutes it felt like 10 minutes it didn't even feel that long wow as always my dedicated bros and brodats i seriously hope you enjoyed today's react episode if you got similar views then please guys make sure to suggest me down in the comment section below because react to this stuff wow great i would like to get even more stuff like that in the recommendations as always guys make sure to smash the like button if you enjoyed this become a member for exclusive perks to play games with me and don't forget to subscribe to the plan if you're hungry create the video or deliver comments for feedback and we'll see each other in the next video thanks for watching my dedicated bros and brookdales see you shout out [Music] you
Channel: Luigikid Gaming
Views: 881,444
Rating: 4.7846026 out of 5
Keywords: luigikid, luigikid gaming, the even more disturbing sequel to shed-17, project g-1, Thomas the tank engine horror, the truth behind Thomas the tank engine, Thomas the tank engine project g-1, Thomas the tank engine horror animation, childhood destroyed, Thomas the tank engine animated, Luigikid reacts, Luigikid reacts to project g-1, Luigikid reacts to Thomas the tank engine horror, Luigikid Gaming, Luigi kid gaming, Luigikid
Id: YTek-CAbpsw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 1sec (3001 seconds)
Published: Fri May 15 2020
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