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Angela you sing like an angel why I only sing in the shower oh I know this dude has been stalking her and listens to her singing in the shower this dude's messed up these are the creepiest text from stalkers actual stalkers that stalker like we're not about it hey this is Steve from the club remember me yes I remember you how are you I'm great ma'am I just wanted to let you know that I followed you after you left the club oh cool what's your Twitter so that it can follow you back what's Twitter he didn't follow her on social media he followed her physically like he was like don't follow people hashtag don't be a stalker hashtag let's not stalk people hashtag I low-key stalked you guys on Instagram I mean I didn't say that I would never do such a thing those curtains you got for your bedroom marked terrible I can't see anything don't meet EF stop looking through my windows well obviously can't now thanks a lot the zoo is like mad at her because now he can't look through her windows I think he has a twisted sense of reality when you're upset for somebody getting better curtains hmm I think you need to see a therapist for reals I need to see a therapist but this dude really needs to see a therapist dude I messed up big-time what happened it can't be that bad I was looking through Allison's pictures and I accidentally like the pic from seven years ago you can't recover from that you can't there's no reason why you should be scrolling seven years down somebody's timeline and then accidentally like a photo you might as well move there's no way you could ever talk to Allison again like she knows now that you're a little obsessed Oh I mean don't get me wrong we all do it okay maybe just me I've scrolled seven years out of people's pictures you know when you're scrolling so far and then people start to even look different and you're like I'm too far down someone's page like this this person has like gone backwards in time and de-aged like before my eyes you've been scrolling for so long you know it's been it's been five hours it's obviously like you're tired and you're not thinking straight and then you accidentally double-click that photo and now they know that you got no life and to make things worse it's always usually somebody like you don't really know or to really like and it's like damn I loved a romantic walk tonight what are you talking about I was walking through the park alone are you sure about that winky face what a creep what I leaned his approach a person don't creepily like walk behind them unless you're trying to protect them which I feel like would be alive oh I wasn't stalking y'all just trying to protect you from mine so I know our relationship got off to a rocky start but let's try again um we barely know each other and you showed up to my house and asked my mom if you could join dinner love is crazy no no just you you're the only one that's crazy not love yeah I guess you don't just show up to someone's house and be like can I eat your food what size what size bra are you why the heck would you even ask that never mind I'll just go into your locker I'm already here can't believe she wouldn't tell me what stay away from my stuff creep I don't understand why people even want to know other people's bra sizes like does that really change anything hey do you drive a bright red Nissan Altima nope mine is blue oh I'm following the wrong person then haha oh wait it's a little concerning that there are this many text messages of creepy stalkerish people these people are stalkery okay he's not even a word until now it is now an official word in the acelin dictionary that reminds me of the time you scraped your knee in second grade and the other girls made fun of you it's about what's on the inside that counts how did you know that I've only written that in my diary when you accidentally read your friend's diary and they got busted because you tell her about us or you read that's not okay I don't think anybody should be reading anybody's diary I remembered the good old days when I was a little pain in this I used to write a diary and I was like you know what I want to practice my writing and keep a record of all the stupid things I do and in this diary I was writing things and then my parents were secretly reading my diary they're not gonna forgive them for that and then one day I decided that I wanted to sneak out of my house okay so I snuck out out of the window because it was like the way my house was in my parents house is like the window isn't far from the ground there's like stairs and I can get off at the stairs I pushed out the screen jumped out the window and I snuck out and I was like Oh true I have no friends I have nowhere to go so I snuck out and literally met up with one of my best friends and we just sat on a hill this is the most boring sneaking out story we didn't go to a party we didn't hang out with anybody else we just sat on a hill and thought we were rebels and we just sat on the hill and we're like this is boring and we're sleepy let's go back and sleep so I climbed back in my window put the screen back in close my windows thought I got away with it and then my parents read my diary and I was grounded for what seemed like an eternity for nothing all I did was sit on a hill like what a waste of time and life hey where are you right now I think I might be looking at you I'm at home yep that's you looking at you what are we gonna do about this guy's I feel like we know too much hey hey what's up gorgeous can you stop telling people we're dating because we are not and it makes my girlfriend uncomfortable no I'm not gonna stop we are meant to be I follow you everywhere I know everything you like if somebody has a girlfriend maybe you shouldn't be telling people that you're dating that person because you're pretty much gonna ruin their life and make situations very uncomfortable and it's not gonna make them like you anymore it's thought I'm gonna make them hate you when people say things they like about the other gender or the same gender or whatever you're into one of those qualities is never stalker like it's always like you know you somebody who's like finally you're smart a certain like physical attributes you like or whatever it is you like but I feel like no one ever goes I like stalkers who are stalkery as Leland Worth's stalkerish who follow me home watch me while I shower no said no one ever can you please switch perfumes why the one you have gives me allergies and I like smelling your clothes that you leave in your locker this person has zero shame you smell her clothes that she leaves in the locker what are you up to I'm at Rick's house oh nice I didn't know you guys were dating that's a big assumption to make just because someone's at someone's house doesn't mean they're dating but okay let's continue neither does he I'm in his closet I feel like people just want to go to jail at this point hiding in someone's closet easy bear are Kelly why won't you give me a chance I just don't think we like but your mom already loves me how do you know my mom I followed her to work what I'm sorry I thought it was you so now not only you're stalking me but you're stalking my mom as well this is getting out of hand Shane why are you liking all my photos oh I found all your social medias and your Linkedin so I'm just liking everything all at once can you stop okay cool do you know your address is on line two I mean thanks for telling me but also what dude your dog bit me what the hell how I was climbing into your window well it's your fault what the hell were you doing there you weirdo don't come near my house yeah I feel like if you climb to someone's window the dog has every right to bite you Jessica Jess Jessie you left your pen at school I'm coming over to drop it off wth I don't want it just leave me alone full disclosure I was already outside your home when I texted I came without asking I'm hiding under the bed he's inside my house this is terrifying don't move I'm calling the police now thank you no problem they are on their way I need to know what happens next this is why you don't go sigh people's houses this person probably actually got arrested like everybody else should be in this video except for me we're gonna read a really creepy text message story it's a lot longer than the other ones I've been reading guys this is from an awesome channel called don't turn around he has tons more of these if you guys want to check it out let's do this I'm scared Sara you there Sarah are you there my ex is stalking me again hey we need to talk ASAP what's happening guys the suspense is killing me I saw him hiding outside my house last night he said he's gonna kill me girl sorry here you need to call the police yeah like what are you doing talking to this person casually if someone says they're gonna kill you you don't tell anybody except for the police first and then you can tell everybody oh wait this answers me they don't believe me what the hell police you need to try again make them believe you he's too manipulative he spins everything where are you can you come get me come get you question my car has broken down everything's going wrong for poor Sarah again you need a new car yeah tell me about it but can you come sure where are you by Highland Park that's the worst creepiest place to break down of course it is don't joke like that there's no one around no one it's completely deserted okay I'm on my way lock the doors I have she's on top of it Sarah knows what's up are you close getting there as fast as I can traffic 10 minutes away bumper-to-bumper oh my god I think I see him how do you find you your car broke down block the doors is it him Jane was it him oh my god her name was Jane the whole time well I was I calling her Sarah did Sarah was there a name did I make that up no not him holy Christ nearly had a heart attack yeah I'm scared too like my heart's pounding you guys how are party you think I'm safe in here anyone else around question mark I don't know my mind is playing tricks on me it's crazy dark here I'm scared if you're sitting in the dark you'll see him approach I guess just stay there how does this dude know where she is if she's stranded somewhere please hurry where are you going up the main road you nearly here guys as the suspense is killing me over here walking question I didn't want to stay in the car are you insane she's a little insane like why would you walk I'm scared get back to the chopper car you're safer in the car get there and lock doors don't text me until you're in the car okay where's Jane where's Jane where's Jane why isn't she texting back there we go okay back in okay good good girl I feel like it's been 10 minutes where the hell is this friend why did you leave the car creeping myself out I keep hearing like a tapping from somewhere in the car somebody in the car with her just your imagination I don't know is it hurry yeah hurry I can't take this anymore it's so dark in here did you lock the doors of course and no one's around no one please hurry okay I'm here I'm actually a little scared who knew text messages could be so scary where are you I can't see you I'm right behind you question my hey Jane it's Sarah you never replied to me last night was insane this is my new number by the way my phone was stolen around the same time Oh your ex came by the restaurant you're right he is creepy he wants to oh he wants to do horrible things to ha guys guys guys no that was the ex ex in her he stole her phone get a restraining order immediately I think it's too late for Jane Jane question mark that's the end of the really creepy story why this is my stalking isn't okay that was so scary leave a like if you thought that was scary let me know when you thought about in the comments I love you guys all so much stay awesome stay sweet and never gonna be nice to other and don't stalk anybody okay [Music] [Music]
Channel: AzzyLand
Views: 2,550,872
Rating: 4.9457932 out of 5
Keywords: azzyland, azzy, reaction, reacting, funny, CREEPY, texts, from, actual, stalkers
Id: 8Qdg-sVyek8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 55sec (775 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 05 2018
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