CREEPY TEXT MESSAGES people get at 3am

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hey you you ready for a date later i'm so excited [Applause] jack where's this mystery spot you're taking me oh well girl i can't tell because then it won't be a surprise and you know i like surprising you baby girl ooh baby boy but i'm just so curious just you know a little hint girl you're so greedy i'm trying to surprise you let's see please please please please oh how do i say no to that pretty peas with a cherry on top you're killing me girl okay fine how about a game of 20 questions yes i love that game you do okay see if you can guess where i'm taking you tonight hmm is it indoors nope 19 left no no is this like when i run out of questions i die maybe okay outdoors it is hmm is it an event no girl i'm not made out of money i'm not taking you to an event 18 questions left so it's a place outdoors hmm yes and that counts as a question what do you mean that wasn't a question that's a question what i was just thinking along with that one doesn't count 17. you have 17 questions left ah okay fine i got this i don't need 18 questions i can do it on 17. does this place involve physical activity i mean doesn't everything involve some physical activity absolutely not you have 16 questions left girl if you guess wrong i'll kill you don't say that bet you'll never guess it don't doubt me i'm smarter than you think is it somewhere with a lot of people technically yes okay yeah technically okay technically hmm interesting i need some speaking because i'm gonna lose my questions over here are there woods around it yeah there are ding ding ding this is one of the first you've gotten right 14 left is it past the hill a girl what hill yes it is past the hill the only hill that we speak of in this town oh yeah that doesn't mean 13 more questions 13 lucky number it's a good number it's a great number is it somewhere we've been together before no oh so we've been on dates before yeah 12 questions outside past the hill technically people there what do you think are you giving up well guess what you'll find out tonight sweetie baby emma love ya i'm not a quitter i need to find out now jack 12 more questions i can do this yes sure you can idiot hey something so demeaning is there a body of water at this place nah no bodies of water 11 questions left this really is a mystery spot i planned it that way i think you're going to be very surprised wait what are you acting so evil for oh sorry i mean yeah it's going to be really romantic is this past the train tracks just barely but yes 10 more do you think you're getting closer no idea honestly i i don't know girl are you dumb a little bit what's past the train track surrounded by woods oh how do you look on google maps come on put your thinking cap on or just give up and wait for the surprise tonight come on why are you so opposed to being surprised i know 10 more questions and then i'll wait if i get one go wrong is the spot big i mean big is relative what's considered big yeah what's big huh like acres upon acres of land big oh no no no no no no nine more questions i'm not going to elaborate i'm just saying no is there something to do at the spot other than walk and look around like an abandoned tire swing so it's oddly specific i know what you're thinking of but uh no eight left oh my god what else is over there i mean i don't blame you to be fair i'm saying that we're going to some random spot past the hill where there's nothing to do right are you stumped perhaps okay fine yeah i'm really stumped throw a girl or bone come on jack is it somewhere people are allowed like a public place oh yeah yeah people are yeah people come they go you know technically we won't be trespassing i'll tell you that much seven more i need to consult google brb that's cheating whoa you knew crap that's cheating emma don't do it i'm trying to surprise you this is gonna be the biggest surprise ever you're gonna scream oh my god are you gonna propose it's using my resources no this isn't a game show you can't use a lifeline you've got seven more just ask me use google after the game you're gonna find out later anyhow okay if it means that much to you jack anything for you baby boo oh thanks baby sweet but like can i have a hint please like a letter you want to play hangman now or what yes how many letters is this place i don't know that's not how 20 questions works emma come on please please pretty please oh you'll have to convince me because i love to solve puzzles how much convincing do you need i'm just so curious i need more convincing and you'd be even more wonderful if you gave me how many letters is in it okay fine you've convinced me but only with that face all right all right eight letters long how many places you know with eight letters now no more hits eight letters that's so long i was hoping it'd be like four or five what would four be like barn five stump yes maybe six eight it could be anything but hey it's something province okay quit having brain farts am i out of guesses over here seven more unless you're giving up never okay fine are we going there late at night because that's when it's best to go there oh good question emma but for the purpose of the night yes it's best wouldn't mean the purpose of the night at the purpose of the night yeah yeah you know what i'm saying it's what we're going to do yes night time it's a better time i'm suspicious so persistence no don't be suspicious don't be suspicious don't be suspicious be suspicious what does that mean i feel like she's gonna get murdered that's really vague what is the purpose jack girl i'm trying to surprise you most people go during the day all right huh okay six left i think i'm getting closer so close it's almost hot you can't touch it i don't think so are there flowers at this place there can be so broad yeah it depends i think there are some now actually is there a fence around the place yeah there's fences right five more guesses what if it's a cemetery oh i'm puking because he said sometimes there can be flowers okay but anyways let's see i think i know where we're going but i'm confused why maybe it's not what i'm thinking because the place i'm thinking isn't romantic it's spooky emma well emma i guess we'll see won't we maybe it shouldn't have ruined the surprise maybe now i'm so confused aren't we boyfriend a girlfriend are we i don't know what's our status for relation status we're dating and we're dating right like dating dating yeah like how many months oh say i put around three do people frequent this depends four more guesses was that horror indie flick filmed there yes it was ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding three more guesses it's the cemetery we're going to the cemetery i'm too smart i'm too smart i'm too smart hey you guessed it yeah we're going there and we're going at night a cemetery on a date why is that the surprise spot for our date you have two more questions left choose wisely why are we going to a cemetery girl okay that's really up front they're creepy at night you know i get scared easy jack we're going to bury a body dude what why would we do that usually when you say that like i'd help you bury your body i don't know when it comes down to it do you actually mean it emma you promised is this a joke are you really taking me somewhere else jack please be kidding this isn't funny answer me let's go somewhere else like i'll pick a spa for mexican it'll be delicious delicious please tell me there isn't a body in the trunk of your car there's not is there it can't be hello jack are you kidding get back here are you kidding jack answer me you have one question left choose wisely okay she better ask whose body it is you're freaking me out this isn't funny you have one question left emma choose wisely please stop saying now you're scaring me i don't want to guess anymore this isn't fun anymore i give up i don't want to play anymore you have one question left choose wisely jack please stop you have one question left emma come on let's have it okay okay i'll ask the final question choose wisely whose body are we burying yours okay that's so creepy that's so creepy oh i hate him oh my god i hope she's okay emma no wow jack i mean like he gonna get caught caught there's a whole text message history on this but oh no no no this guy's jack the ripper jack the ripper yeah he knows what's up oh no don't mess with jack the ripper oh jack the ripper oh is that intentional that they called him jack whoa a good catch noticing that big galaxy brain moves oh that was so scary that was so scary i loved that but also hated it i loved how it was so wholesome and then it was so bad wow okay like i kind of guessed how it was going to turn out but not in that way wow okay well we did another text message story over on cass's channel make sure to check it out we love you all so much stay awesome stay sweet and don't forget to be nice each other bye you
Channel: AzzyLand
Views: 3,757,907
Rating: 4.9258571 out of 5
Keywords: azzyland, azzy, reaction, reacting, funny, creepy, text, messages, people, get, at, 3am, creepy texts, creepy text messages, creepy text stories, azzy and gloom, azzyland and gloom, gloom
Id: 2cCF5jQzXIM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 18sec (618 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 27 2020
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