My Friends Dating a Monster

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[Music] my friends dating a monster stories according to reddit number 12. we had one friend in our group who was with this introverted but sweet guy he hooked up with a girl that we called the troll i don't quite know what he saw in her maybe he was just lonely but she was unattractive unpleasant unintelligent and most importantly she was terribly domineering like she was telling him off and telling him what to in public do i dread to think what things were like in private she was also cutting him off from his friends especially the female ones they're married with twins now and none of our friend groups are in contact with him anymore oh my god the wrong everything is up on the screen you son of a kyle you would this is how you do things isn't it ladies and gentlemen i apologize i do not have my [ __ ] together tonight and the stream chat isn't even up ain't that wild is that the right stream chat probably not you know i may just cut out this whole first portion of the video what a nightmare you know i'm not gaining any points by making people think i'm human just like you guys and i make errors too [ __ ] that all right unbelievable here's hoping that your day's going a lot better and that none of you are in the louisiana area because that storm is ripping through you guys i'm talking beyblade tear you understand it's nasty as crazy as wild oh man i really just screwed all of that up so look we're going to go ahead and tackle it again um not from the beginning but at least kind of speed through the post so look we have a friend in our fan group who is an introverted but sweet guy who had hooked up with a girl that we affectionately called the troll she was unattractive unpleasant unintelligent and domineering she would tell the dude off and tell him what to do in public and i dread to think what the [ __ ] was like in private private she was also cutting him off from his friends especially the female ones of course you know how uh how dare he they are married with twins now that is so sad and none of our friend group are in contact with them anymore last i saw um last i saw him was his engagement party sorry because it says last i saw him it's okay hello to honeycomb hello to king wasabi i'm fine honeycomb i just you know i screwed up the beginning of the list because i should definitely have looked at the scene and made sure that everything was being captured properly but i guess these things happen and i've derailed myself on more absurd uh bs before it's nice to see pandaren linda alontay gabby pb j honeycomb knight danny ariana ariana back with her first comments in style yeah gotta get that right in there just stick it in there one time you know imagine if instead of intercourse you guys just hit it one time and quit it that's the real definition that hit didn't quit wow and the girl's like is it not what's wrong and you're just like you know what nah clap your hands together and say peace would always remember that if you ever hit a girl and quit it after one push she would remember it for the rest of her life the kyle channel does not condone traumatizing women by flexing on their insecurity in way in ways that'll follow them for the rest of their life i'm not trying to equip you guys to be monsters that is not what this list is about but this list is about my friends dating a monster not bad not bad nice kyle you did that not bad tied it together so we continue up this list to the next entry number 11 he cheated on her multiple times he was emotionally and physically abusive and he slowly turned her into an insecure crazy [ __ ] she once slapped me because we were in a club and he said something to me and i responded but it was loud or no but because it was loud i had to talk into his ear and she thought i kissed him oh my god this girl insecure oh my god she moved countries for him allowed him to live rent-free while doing nothing meanwhile she was working two jobs to support them he would break things in the house full diva oh my god how does the guy get away with it he would break things in the house whenever they get into a fight he brought girls back to her place and [ __ ] them in her bed and sent her pictures while she's at work they got pregnant and she got an abortion but he didn't go with her or support her emotionally or financially after the abortion when they fight he'd tell her she was a murderer and killed his baby they're still together 10 years and and you've heard the term 10 year strong this this this one says 10 years week okay now ladies and gentlemen this is not a competition when i read these but i don't think we're gonna find one that's better than this you guys all personally know somebody who's been in an abusive relationship and makes all kinds of excuses does mental gymnastics to kind of just separate themselves from the reality of what they're in the midst of maybe they uh grew up with issues because of daddy because of mommy or maybe even because of the lack of those people in their lives and they got chips on their shoulder that manifest in how they live their life now and specifically whom they choose to live their life with and living a life maybe a bit of a embellishment maybe maybe in existence is what they have managed what they have pulled off but the crazy thing and the honest truth here is some of these [ __ ] mate for each other you understand me you know these aren't just red flags this is like imagine you you are a weave in the fabric of the flag you're a part of it you know your your entire existence down to a molecular level is just you you would be nothing without this flag because you are you are the flag you are part of the flag the other guy he's there with you you you are you woven together into this nightmare and everybody can only look on in shock but you're the one supporting this dude you got him living with you and he's breaking your things that you're the one working and paying for he banging girls in your house and sending you pictures and you're fine with that let's keep this relationship going you know better than to have a child by him enough to go get an abortion but when you guys are arguing he's calling you a murderer and a monster okay see you later i'm gonna go work to to to put food on the table and clothe you and shelter you and you know you're just banging other girls she must have a kink so we can't shame these people as i always say man you know how they get down is their own business but they don't need to involve us in the foreplay god damn so we continue through this entry we arrive at number 10. wow can you believe that wow wow here we are wow a buddy of mine started dating a stripper was always a great idea was absolutely smitten with this girl there's nothing wrong with the profession but he was the kind or he was kind of at a different place in life than her and we all know that there was no way that it was going to work out he can party but she was absolutely wild we all tried to gently point him or point this out to him but he wouldn't hear any of it he got upset with us for trying to sabotage his happy relationship as things moved forward she started having angry outbursts and literally just running away almost every time that we'd hang out still he'd persist with the relationship eventually she was ousted from her apartment for not paying rent and to all of our dismay my friend invited her to move in with him as a stripper why you not paying your rent you got money problems and if you have money problems is it drugs that the money is going to what's hemorrhaging your funds as a stripper you're pulling one over on the system with a profession like that the men are coming and giving you their hard-earned cash you'd have to be a fool in the way of managing your money because there should be tons of it i've never faced palmed so hard in my life but he's an adult and he can make his own decisions and it ended several weeks later when he came home to find that she had thrown all of his clothes and belongings out of a window onto the sidewalk in a tantrum that that was uh that was her trying to kick him out of his own apartment finally he saw the light funny side note a week before he met her my girlfriend at the time and i were out drinking and she commented on how she'd always kind of wanted to go to a strip club so we made the drunk decision to call a limo and go it turned out to be the club that my friend's ex worked at one a night that she was a regular so i probably saw her boobs before he did victory i saw them titties before you did she's stripping they're probably very nice you know perky up there delicious titties you know not pointlessly small tourists like what's the point you know where she gotta compensate for a lot of skill on the pole a lot of a lot of jiggle in the back you know she can uh she can just in a in a in a in a top she's making people go oh my god i really wonder i'm sorry about that you know i do like to manifest characters from time to time that's definitely not who i am said kyle smiling number nine my best friend and i met through our boyfriends okay one weekend we went on a girls trip just the two of us we went to my parents holiday house our plans were to go hiking and chill out on our own however he called her two days in and started verbally abusing her for no reason and was yelling that he was going to drive the 300 kilometers to pick her up she calmed him down and i drove her home so that she could break up with him she didn't oh man even after a girlfriend talk where she was like you can't let him treat you like that girl look at your titties you got it all in the right place you know how many men want to be you trying to put on a wig and live that life they'll never have what you got naturally you can sling it you can throw it back don't let this man control your life the pep talk the pep talk of a girl that knows that you deserve better and you still went home and was like insane you know it's my fault and i'll do better where can we find these people i'm done pretending that i don't want people like this in my life where i cracked a whip and then they say how high does that even make sense to you good good i feel it coming remember uh no wait we're still in the same entry you got ahead of yourself there kyle so fast forward three months we went out to a local bar he was going to come later and pick her up when she was ready my boyfriend was there because he was my designated driver so he was making sure that we were both safe not that we needed it about two hours into the night the boyfriend her boyfriend comes into the bar and demands that she go home with him he got quite abusive in public my man despite me trying to get her to come home with me she went home with him she's still with him they are now house hunting for [ __ ] sake you know some people choose what they choose and it is not our you know ongoing obligation as friends as people in people's lives all we can do is extend our uh our suggestions our our influence our opinions and then from there people are gonna unfortunately have to make their own decisions gree machine says i just subbed congratulations wait is that what you say i think you're supposed to say thank you you know this channel shouldn't be getting any traction that's how this channel gets deleted is by getting too much attention you know youtube ain't a place for real people i keep checking i'm trying to tell you xbox one says my advice dump him and find a man with an xbox boy you better calm down all right i don't want to i don't want to hear any more out of you unless you're getting me a ps5 buddy you know okay get me a piano bell comes here on that spoo okay halloween energy my god i need to get some chains rattling for a sound board or something some dude in a bag number seven when i was in high school my best friend started dating a fellow that was known to be a piece of [ __ ] but she was in love and we couldn't convince her that it was a bad idea he starts beating her like almost immediately it's not funny it's okay you know what i'm you know you know i'm laughing at like the sadness you're digging yourself deeper your boy the i the the kyle channel does not condone the fact the idea even of beating anybody but you know this is the world we live in he started beating her almost immediately but that didn't deter her at all he would take her car pick up other girls but they were just friends you know she got him a cell phone in her name and he ran up an enormous bill that she couldn't pay he gave her herpes and we were like okay maybe now she will leave him nope he was street racing in her car and smashed it up and she forgave him really well you know that's it she could get it he could get another dude another chick pregnant at this point and that'd be it even though she couldn't afford to get it fixed he took all our money we begged and pleaded her to leave him with her to leave him and she said that she would but then secretly kept seeing him one night one night we go to a community dance and he starts strangling her in front of everybody it took three huge guys to get him off of her and the police were called he ended up leaving her after that and she was devastated please just take me back look here's my throat please i'll do anything where are these women for me kyle where are these women you know what have we done dia why can't i have people that can work for me with the passion and drive of people willing to get strangured absurd absurd these people are chickens because they trying to get choked the hold that he had over her was crazy mesmerizing even cult leader tear i wish that i could speak that kind of mesmerizing you know i'd tell people to go vote is that rude dia i'd use my powers for good nah they gotta vote for who they want to it's wrong wrong for me to tell you who to vote for just telling them the vote isn't the right yeah yeah that's all i do i wouldn't be like hey you better vote for this [ __ ] and what was even more crazy were the girls that got together with him after all this happened knowing fully well that he was like crazy well girls don't really care about any of that [ __ ] you got you got everything where it needs to be you look pretty good that's all that matters remember that some guys don't even have to be attractive or have you know fitness or any of that they don't need to be charismatic they don't need to be smart if they're popular that's enough some host chase clout and that's all that matters to them some hoes trying to be the chick that's hanging on the ah the arm of the guy with attention there are men who are like that too well they just want to share that spotlight they want to steal that spotlight men women whoever you are listening to this right now know that you are the wrong amount of detention away from somebody literally just coming out of the woodwork and trying to steal it from you from trying to share it with you you know it's a conundrum you don't need to win a lot of money you can just get a lot of attention somebody will be all like you know what that guy he touched me you know maybe they'll try to date you first hey come [ __ ] me let me come over there i'll [ __ ] you i'll suck it no thank you you son of a [ __ ] i'm i'm gonna post um i have a statement i had interactions with this man and the things he said to me i'm not going to show you anything because it's all so personal and it's also heavy and it's happening to me right now i just can't do everything that's coming down on me is because i'm not wanted that they treat me like this i just want you to judge him even without the information please let him be guilty until proven you know innocent please for me uh number six the guy who loved bragging about what a dick he was you know just keeps getting weirder he treated her like poopy yeah i knew i get her with that dude you're back there she thinks she's invulnerable to my freaking crap but i'm hilarious anyway i treated her no not me i didn't do it jerome sorry my brain wanted to say jeremy because there's an e at the end whatever not me i didn't do it treated her like poop treated her like [ __ ] never seemed interested in her until he found out how rich she was oh my god it's like literally running winning the lottery one of her dad's companies got sold and the news was public so her dad couldn't keep his name off of the forbes list oh snap bro he publicly declared that they're together after three years of toying with her oh that's not a red flag female at every family event that he was at he just treated it like a big networking bonanza doesn't seem to have a clear job but claims he's in finance claims to be working remotely while freeloading at her parents place for six weeks we all try telling her and even though we're like sisters she actually told me it's okay you don't like him you don't have to her father reminded her that it's in their family constitution that any potential spouse must be thoroughly vetted by private investigators first i've read this before i've read this before this entry so the terrifying part is either i've read this entire list before or someone's copy posted this entry from another list because i know families that do this um and these are when you know you're you're [ __ ] with money this is when you know you're [ __ ] with money because um you know the family's going out of their way to not only do a background check but hiring uh private investigators to really dig up probably more information even than the police would be able to just immediately have when they're running a check on your ass he gave her the courtesy of warning her that he was going to do it in exchange for her agreement that she won't tell him while the investigation was ongoing she confidently agreed completely believing that he'd come up clean and yep the [ __ ] was cheating on her you couldn't even keep it in your pants for the money what are you gonna do for a ps5 now buddy you know can i show you guys the ps5 i want to show you my love for the ps5 right now you know i'm a man who built a computer and it's a big boy but did you think the ps5 was this big this man could put it in front of him and only his head and arms would he could wear that thing like a t-shirt that's a big ass device baby i kind of just want it because it's so big is that how women feel about me i'm sorry [Music] i wonder if i put myself on camera and put like a like a impose like a brick wall behind me like a really shitty 90s comedy club um if like you would be a part of the wall and like move and stuff because you're back there that'd be kind of creepy seeing like uh the the outline of a woman in the wall the woman in the wall there was always something strange about this house i could never quite put my finger on it [Music] there were times it felt like i was being watched when i was sleeping when i was awake sometimes i'd take showers and not get wet are you done idiot um harley hartley said ps5 plus 20 defense yeah dude put that on like loot oh sweet got the ps5 chest bro yeah like armor like loot in the game you you kill you kill some you kill you've killed sony in in a game and then boom they drop the ps5 and you're like wow is this a trinket can i use this for like plus something or can i just hollow it out i'll use it as armor pretty cool as we continue up this list we arrive at number four look at all the deleted entries here it's pretty wild i could try to retrieve some of them but something tells me it won't go according to plan [Music] let's take a quick look this may even take a minute so maybe i should read the other entry in the interim soon after getting together she moved into his apartment she turned his spare bedroom office into her music room what next she turned his garage into her yoga studio oh you're converting more than one room in the house who are you what is getting together are y'all married or y'all are you a girlfriend you a girlfriend you living with a do and you're converting more than one room condense all this [ __ ] into one room how about that whatever the [ __ ] you think a music room is you need to make it your yoga [ __ ] room as well how about you roll a mat out when you need to use it for that clear some space and that'll be that why why i could have six rooms and be curious as to what you're doing with a second room and is this necessary here's my yoga room guys and here's my music room like bro how many instruments do you play you need a music room it's kind of weird you know the acoustics aren't even good in here dirty what somebody's in the discord now what are you doing what are you doing there you're gonna make me put on this ps5 shirt i'm gonna put on my ps5 on my torso oh man what the hell what um it's just that god slave guy you know i wish he'd shut up [Music] i hope everybody's having a decent day and that you aren't at the very least being attacked by um [Music] he's gonna make me look for it he's gonna make me look for the window of which i have dozens [Music] open with a discord feels good okay so i've closed a window with discord open let's see if it's the if it's all of them or if there's plenty more it's nice to see alexander palermo i hope he's staying out of trouble you know i hope the investments are going well because if they're not then this dude's probably in trouble i apologize for this derailing me so hard it's just two rooms i guess even though it says it right here she turned one of the she turned the garage into her yoga studio but she never did yoga she preferred his car but wouldn't let him drive hers meaning that there were many nights where he was stuck at home while she was out with her friends there aren't titties in the world big enough to just let yourself be whipped like this i mean i get it some men are into it you know what i'm talking about they got their fritters but whatever man she controlled his drinking and the few times that he was out he was allowed one drink okay okay bro while she got rat-faced you know just drunk she often stayed over at a guy friend's house because it's too late to drive home she planned an elaborate holiday trip which he paid for to visit her ex you know i've had you know i've read enough relationship lasted a little under a year she broke up with him because he turned 36 and she only dates guys who were 35 moving on man number three i watched my best friend's wife thankfully now the ex systematically dismantled this dude it was horrible to watch i was vocal about how much it bothered me and it drove a wedge between us some years passed where we didn't speak to each other we have since reconnected and she is out of the picture but it was hard hearing him say dude you were the only one who told me that it was a bad idea and i pushed you away well i'm glad you finally saw the light but that's time you'll never get back that's something that you got to understand when you're [ __ ] with the wrong people man it's time you'll never get back in a life that you're lucky has made it this far and you have no guarantee will continue into the future i realize that there are some people hearing me for the first time and of course your unfortunate conclusion is that oh man this guy must be on drugs i wish i was on him okay i'm not joking yeah drugs are good the kyle channel does not conjoin the the you know the use of any illegal substances and i believe in moderation and you should too but hey sometimes some things enhance the party but uh i am not you know partaking as it were i'm just like this and it's really not that excessive or you know otherworldly i just like to have a little fun because this life uh his life is finite ask a dick kick him [Music] it's i think the scariest thing in the world is that i was lucky enough to come across people that are as absurd as i am dick kikkum says it's hard to see red flags when looking through rose tinted glasses oh my god with this [ __ ] freeze again you know y'all wanna y'all wanna hit me with some live laugh thank god i can't even think i can't remember it is it live laugh love yeah okay good [Music] i think that's somewhere in my mom's house man [Music] how am i supposed to feel about that how am i supposed to live with that are we all supposed to live with the fact that our parents are normies everybody's parents ain't normies you know some of them diversified themselves homie they got their finger on the pulse they watching the stocks getting that money gab frog says banana bruh as we continue up to number two on this list they each have a daughter from a past relationship here's the story her daughter lives with them and gets everything under the sun his daughter is treated like an outsider when she visits both girls are four years old they were supposed to each get a tablet for christmas so i bought them each a tablet as their gift no they bought this person bought the tablet case because they were both supposed to get a tablet it wasn't until christmas morning that i realized that the girlfriend's daughter was the only one who got a tablet more often than not his visit with his daughter is approaching the girlfriend picks fights with him and he ends up not getting his daughter if it's not a scheduled visit for the guy and his daughter the girlfriend picks fights on thursdays or fridays they break up for the weekend then she comes crawling back on sunday night this usually happens immediately after he pays all of their bills i can't read [ __ ] like this you know this is hyper cringe this is hyper cringe and consider me a misogynist if you will consider my uh masculine [ __ ] uh association with uh a man as far as a gender role antiquated i'm completely fine with that but as i'm as a man with that natural testosterone [ __ ] you know your foot down and then recognize when somebody is just playing you like a bitch-ass fiddle what's wrong with you they have a child together now she made him quit all the good paying jobs was she running away and they trying to pay the bills what the [ __ ] she made him quit the jobs with benefits to stay home with the baby so that she could waitress she probably loves that attention she probably loves that attention he decided to go to school part-time an hour commute and she refuses to take care of their daughter on her days off so he had to leave school i've also recently learned that even though she gets a thousand one hundred dollars a month in family allowance just you know her family allows her to just live oh my god plus they pay her in tips and his parental leave they never have any money for buy their baby but okay they never have any money to buy things for their child i'm guessing i've learned the reason for this and she is a she has a coke habit can't handle your cocaine [ __ ] you're a piece of work can't handle your cocaine oof because some of them grow dependent on the kind of emotions that are associated with the companionship and and like having a significant other and all kind of [ __ ] like this my dude not to say that men can't have that sort of emotional connection with someone where not even just emotional but almost like lazy you know we're both uh genders are very very lazy and when it comes to oh what are we gonna do start a new relationship with another person you know i mean we have so much history and they'll you know what's the word uh make excuses in that way they will um justify staying with them but when it's like a man having a relationship where you know he has a kid he's neglecting them because of a woman it's like how who who are you what are you he is my brother and when i try to explain things to him and tell him that he needs out he fights with me calls me crazy and tells me that i'm the reason for his stress yeah let people live their life man let people live their life because even when they hit rock bottom they'll convince themselves that it's every reason but the ones that are staring them in the face we can't save everybody man we are not superheroes you know we are not superheroes i think one of the smartest things that people can come to the realization of is that it doesn't matter how intelligent you are or how capable of discerning or seeing things from an objective and a very obvious standpoint sometimes you ain't gonna be able to convince people to see things away outside of the way that they want to see it outside of the way that they want to see it i always like to think about this admit this may sound this may sound up my ass because it's rude it's kind of condescending but i could pull a [ __ ] hard drive no i could pull a motherboard out of my computer right now put a red blinking light on that [ __ ] throw it on the street you know how many people would think that's a bomb now i could call them [ __ ] i could call them all manner of words do you get what i'm saying it's not going to change the fact that you know people are unfamiliar they're you know by definition ignorant of what things are and how they look and blah blah blah but what that's the world you're living in that's how far the separation is from like what you know and what other people know we all have things that we're ignorant of but to think that something so black and white can happen not in front of you not around you but to you you know and you can just tolerate it make excuses for it continue it i mean you're hurting people they're they're trying to grow those those kids are being hurt by this you know even the one who may be getting it good as far as being spoiled or whatever um they're probably growing dependent and becoming just as monstrous as her mother hypothetically of course you know number one this might not be what this threat is looking for i always love when people preface it like that my ex-wife would invite a couple of her friends over once a week for dinner whatever else she was she was an excellent cook she was also sleeping with at least three other guys and carrying on an online affair i suspect her one friend knew about it and tried to tell me about it over dinner on more than one occasion she explained that she had a friend who was getting married but her fiance didn't know that she was cheating on him all the time with a bunch of different guys i would say well why don't you tell him and she would go it's complicated i know him well enough but she's been my good friend for years and i don't want to alienate that friendship you mean you just don't want to be a you know real you [ __ ] [ __ ] you you have th this is a big way to say i can but i won't because i can explain it away because i can make excuses as to why i'm not going to be real about this person that's a life you're ruining you have the potential to to throw on a light that illuminates something in somebody's life and i you know i get demonetized every day and i'm [ __ ] fine with that you know because i want to speak from the heart and actually seem real enough and maybe maybe like the type of person that you'd sit down and actually have a conversation with as opposed to talk at because it feels like a a plastic man in front of you the one thing that i'm going to say when it comes to [ __ ] like this is that in my opinion when two people are together and they're in the midst of an intimate relationship if one person is withholding information from that other person that would change the nature of whether or not they want to be with that person of whether or not they'd want to be intimate going forward they're raping them and if you're aware if you're aware of something that is most likely being hidden because it would fundamentally break that relationship you are complicit to that rape i want you to understand it i want you to know that and recognize it all right you know a dude that's that's with a girl and a dude cheating on a girl and if the girl knew she wouldn't [ __ ] and wouldn't stay with this dude because he's raping her he's raping her with by the exclusion of that information by getting it in and out of her when he's doing it with somebody else and she doesn't know about that and if you know about that as a third party as a bystander and you're not making that [ __ ] aware you are complicit to that rape you know about it and you ain't doing [ __ ] about it all you gotta do is is you could anonymously throw that [ __ ] out there you know how technology works these days you want to know what's just like in the digital age homie did you know you can just throw this information to them if they don't want to believe it that's them if you can't prove it for whatever reason and they don't believe it and maybe it just spurs a bit of them having a conversation with them and then they inevitably decide oh well you know i believe him and i'm not gonna believe this person that's telling him [ __ ] you tried do you get what i'm saying but but a lot of people a lot of people explain [ __ ] like this it's complicated i've known him and i don't want to mess up the friendship and it's really not my place it's not your place weird you know would you want to know would you want to know if some hoe that you were spending your money on spending your time on spending your life with with sleeping with somebody else and keeping that [ __ ] from you specifically because she knew that if you found out you would be done with this skip scop scallywag of a cum-guzzling dirty [ __ ] my dude so other people around you know but they're not telling you you'd certainly want to know imagine if you about to marry this chick imagine if she got pregnant and you don't know who it is you don't know who that kid is but you would assume that it's yours because you believe that this is you know a faithful loyal woman that you're dealing with oh but if the shoe was on the other foot you wouldn't [ __ ] tell nobody man the world gets worse daily because people selfishly make excuses on this caliber of [ __ ] that's all i'm saying maybe you just say something it's not my place can we get some funny gifts in here please i'm sorry what the [ __ ] they haven't been there in a hot minute you know i'm tagging her well let me listen what could go wrong wtf oh my god let me see her hand starting a plane in midair what is really going on look why you gotta in view involve me and your wannabe clout chasing these people don't look distressed you know it looks like something that they're shooting for for clout and then you know why uh we saw this yesterday this dude came with a bucket of water to throw on this oil oh man this fire is getting out of control this fire's get i've got a bucket of water here [Music] oh my god that fireball was like ah you have fed me this day i'm coming for you came for the camera too that's good stuff no worries she's here to help man you ain't gonna catch me jumping behind no [ __ ] car oh even if it's mine that's a oh [Music] some woman came to help this car was going backwards because it you know it wasn't the break wasn't established so somebody jumps into the drivers oh my god you see bruh thanks for the help [Music] thanks for the help oh my god ayo what's going on here security footage of me taking a break at work what's going on what's going on you taking a break oh my god what are the odds that a tree's gonna fall over you know what i mean it's been like it's been there forever now the tree's been there forever it's not even so windy that it's just like this tree just gave tree get your [ __ ] together of all the places he chose to sit down that sucks he's all right the car broke his uh the trees fall so he could just slither on from under there found this car outside my work no one was inside what's going on here oh my god dia what somebody has taped a hose to the exhaust and uh and put it into the car like they had uh manufactured a a hot suicide mobile checking out patience is for the week bro you are going to okay what in the meth head is this bro this is it's pretty cool that's pretty cool you could you could get your dudes and you could drive in one direction and have two people in the back looking out the back [Laughter] some really crazy mobile that is a really crazy automobile to watch my hmm watch my back y'all wait a minute that joke was too well written dia it was too well crafted a joke you know that could have made a cartoon episode if we were making a show it gives a whole new meaning to watch my back you articulated that joke a little bit too quickly it's too good dia okay it's the joke's too good is this in the comment section have you seen this before no i love it hmm suicide doors rear hmm nissan inbred business in the front party in the back why do you think i i looked at this thing and then told you a joke that i saw in the comment section a whole new meaning to watch my back see you're the one that stole my joke let's steal any joke you're a piece of [ __ ] how am i stealing the joke it's not in here and i'm writing it cuz you didn't believe that that i could tell i didn't say that i didn't believe you could deliver a joke like adis i said that it's too good for the amount of time off of one of the comments no i'm just kidding well you know congratulations on a joke that was so well executed that it could have been written for you know this very specific situation wow but what if kyle this is a repost and she she in another thread i'm sorry i'm just kidding you're so bad you're she bad back there oh my god ladies and gentlemen whoa beth had a loss oh my god i'm very my condolences beth i'm sorry that you're uh that your father has departed it's gonna be rough and it's gonna stay rough and i hope to god that um there are people around to help you with arrangements and going on from this point forward because you know the terrifying thing about people dipping is usually they are not prepared for um especially right now yes a terrible time for all of this to go down i'm trying to remember this thing that i saw with this guy and he was like riding his car down a hill um and i'm trying to see what could go wrong blocking the road that's old jumping into a truck and trying to close it before you're in the car bruh you know who asked you to do that who asked you to do this ladies and gentlemen i will not keep you this night i hope that you have realized your true potential that you are in the midst of evolving and turning a new leaf another strange and vaguely uninspirational pieces of crap all we can do is take one day at a time and try our best to make it through will you like the idea you like when she fell off the wall yes now that's what i call off the wall is that is that as good [Laughter] it's not it's not as good this really gives a new meaning to watch my duct tape [Laughter] that's so stupid yeah it's so dumb so shitty shut up just give me her fallen off why you gotta be all up in the frame why this girl wearing two different pairs of [Music] socks bruh i used to when i wore socks i wore different types can i be real dia this is like a commercial for whatever uh they used on that wall you know what i mean i feel like if you put duct tape all over a wall like that and then just ripped it off that you would see some kind of you know you'd see some kind of indication that this is what was done to the wall but look at that wall it's bare and for the price of 20 i will give you directions to your nearest um store where you can buy the duct tape of this variety too wow wow incredible you know with this i will leave you and i wish that you all have a wonderful evening i really came close to not making this tonight but you deserved it so i love you stay strong stay awesome i'm sorry beth i hope things get better and i will catch you guys tomorrow that's what i'm saying i'm really impressed that she didn't take some of that wall with her this is like a really it's like a commercial man it's like a commercial i'm so tired of seeing this one stupid thing now that's what i'm talking about wait a minute what is going on in the street with a man on his knees in front of another man what i'm in love with is this dude behind the thing trying to run away from the police he's like i got i gotta go i gotta get out of here what is this what are we watching i really love uh what the hell yeah you know we're not gonna get any information on what that was trying to hit the bucket next to mom's head boof oh my god lady yeah guys have a great night love you stay out of trouble get at me if you hear any any interest oh my god get at me if you hear anything interesting popping off okay but otherwise see you in the discord later
Channel: undefined
Views: 824
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, askreddit, top posts, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, subreddit, reddit stories, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, askreddit new, askreddit stories, reddit story, story, stories, askreddit funny, reddit best, funny posts, funny, r/ askreddit, best of, funny askreddit, r/, funniest, best posts, reddit funny, comment, awards, people, funny stories, teachers, students, school, high school, cringe, women, girls, prank
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 32sec (3212 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 09 2020
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