Scary Comp. V1

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in the following video we see someone recording the inside of their house then the person recording says that she hears something outside immediately after saying this the following happens oh my god right when she came out she heard sirens not much infos given on the video but it could be that the police were searching for someone who may have been outside her house of course what are your thoughts Kelsey Flynn was shopping for a dress as she was chosen to be a bridesmaid for an upcoming wedding she came across a store that had a really nice dress which is the one you see in this photo she tried it on and sent this photo to her sister who approved it and said that it was a really pretty dress but she also added that there was something odd about the photo in fact she said that it was cursed and must be deleted Kelsey had no idea what she was talking about until she looked at the background and noticed this her face in the mirror doesn't match the face she made for the photo Kelsey was in shock and at a loss for words which is the same reaction I and others had after seeing this as always what are your thoughts on this if you've seen the movie signs then prepare to be triggered because the following clip is very similar to that one scene that I'm sure everyone remembers this photo was taken in 2010 at a Christmas concert the parents who took it didn't notice anything odd about it until their son pointed this out in the background [Music] now that's creepy on April 3rd at 1:10 p.m. someone received a very mysterious voicemail the person who received it says that it was sent from France which is weird since he lives in Canada and doesn't know anyone from there here's a clip of that boys now there's a trend happening right now on Tech Talk where people are recording themselves playing a game called red door yellow door and honestly some of these videos are pretty creepy the point of the game is to put yourself under hypnosis with the help of someone else so that you can see or visualize a room filled with doors you can open any of these doors however you have to be careful to not open certain doors if you open a door and you see a man in a suit behind it you have to stop the game immediately the same applies if you see an old lady or a room filled with clocks here's a video of someone playing this game and it's pretty creepy to say the least go like more like in the center of the kitchen yes it's like now it's like young wait I'm a totally different room now all white Oh is there anyone with you no wait dude are you okay are you okay are you alive it was an all plain black man are you serious are you joking are you okay what's weird about this is that it doesn't explain why you have to avoid these things now you could play the game and find out for yourself but personally I wouldn't mainly because I just don't want to come out feeling traumatized which is something that most people report feeling after playing this game in the following clip a tik-tok user token - Lucinda genic and began to see things that really creeped her out luckily she was able to capture her reaction on camera I see I see you you're scaring me why aren't you saying anything you're scaring me you can tell that she was genuinely terrified if anything this video serves as an example of what not to do when you're under the influence of something really strong which is to not take it by yourself especially in a dark room here's a video of a strange black gooey substance that someone found at a creek people on Twitter have likened this thing to a symbiote or more specifically venom from the Marvel Universe in actuality this is a type of worm known as the bootlace worm which can produce mucus that's highly toxic to its predators it can also grow up to a hundred and eighty feet long which by itself is pretty unsettling I don't know what it is about pets but they seem to have this uncanny ability to see things that we can't in the following clip Luke Hays was playing with his cat it's all fun and games until his cat starts acting strange [Music] [Music] Oliver see there's nothing up here just some coolers like what are you whatever it is hopefully does it make us quarantine any worse an employee working graveyard shift is about to clock out until the following happened nope hey boss on the bright side this would be a perfect opportunity to ask for a promotion or at least an early shift this next video is a concept video or an idea of what the rapture might look like [Music] obviously it's not real but the video does a great job at making you feel uneasy and a little spooked if the end of times are to actually happen though and it looks a lot like this then at least we can say we saw it beforehand a photo of the moon was taken in Brazil on April 3rd the photo is pretty spooky as it looks very much like a menacing face however as if that wasn't creepy enough someone commented that the face looks very similar to that of the one in this portrait a portrait of the fallen angel aka Lucifer doubtless the resemblance is very uncanny in Chihuahua Mexico there is a bridal shop that many tourists visit it's not that the store has amazing dresses or phenomenal customer service not that it doesn't have either but rather because the store has a mannequin on display it looks way too real to be fake many think that the mannequin is in fact an actual body that was preserved by the store owner well actually the previous store owner according to legend Paschal Esparza the previous store owner had a daughter who was soon to be Wed however on the day of her wedding she was bitten by a black widow and passed away that same day days after this incident miss Esparza put a mannequin out on display that looked very similar to her daughter in fact way too similar people put two and two together and concluded that it was as far as his daughter that was out on display and not some mannequin although there might be evidence to prove this as otherwise here's a photo of the hands on this mannequin that looked way too real to be fake as always what are your thoughts thanks for watching and I hope to see you in the next one until next time you
Channel: BizarreBub
Views: 1,392,609
Rating: 4.9171462 out of 5
Keywords: scary tik toks comp, dark scary tik toks, most scary tik toks, scary tik toks videos, very scary tik toks, scary mannequin, luke hayes, cat sees ghost, symbiote, rapture, cursed photo, creepy mirror, red door yellow door, creepy game, creepy voicemail, fallen angel moon, haunted mall, signs, alien in photo, scared reaction, creepy bridal store, scary videos, scary compilation, scary venom
Id: p1bsal6MUzg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 39sec (639 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 14 2020
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