My JZX100 is faster than your uncles supra

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I like this tuner, he seems like he's willing to take the time to go above and beyond to make sure shit is good to go.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 67 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/einbierbitte πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 10 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Anybody notice the camera sway on some of the dyno clips? It was almost making me feel sick.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 26 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/-GodSpeed πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 10 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

So bored of Dyno videos.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Renegadev7 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 10 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

The brown chaser content never excites me

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/faisalmmm132 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 10 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

The editing style doesn’t feel right

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/istandabove πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 11 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
starting the day off we have all these cars that we could drive Hey and you wants to take a one car no no no no you can't hit this one needs coolant this one needs air in the tire and these ones are a little incapacitated right now long story Thanks but yeah it's how the leak for a while but the tires are expensive and I'd rather put money in turbos for other cars than a new tire so I'm tired I guess I could agree with that yo did you get a big stack is that what happened [Music] [Music] we lost fuel pressure on the side of the road [Music] [Music] but he made the maiden voyage to tiny motorsports we got a busy day ahead of us Freddie's here already going in on the taster that thing sounds so rad so as I told you guys in the last video that cars on ECU master now it's got the turbo setup off the white car the only difference between this and what the white car was before is we're properly tuning on flex fuel now so we'll know what the turbo setup makes a 93 octane which I'm genuinely curious and on top of that we don't have aftermarket cams so instead of 264 s we have stock cams and it'll be interesting to see what kind of difference that makes if it does spool a little faster maybe make a little more torque but maybe it'll fall off more up top we'll see I swear they've got something on their Dino that makes my cars I'll read low that's spinning right yeah yeah the grass grow [Music] bad bro [Music] let's kickers boy plus kickers am ready this bro no not today as a tuner it is it like really nice when you have a quick release since technically you don't need a serum oh it's so nice yeah but a car at that Monday at the actually unbolt the guys wheel is the laptop screen was underneath the steering wheel so walk us through compared to your usual setup when we're running he do you have to be a lot more careful of 93 and yeah I usually start a lot richer and a lot less timing god I didn't just work my way up until their motors happy so what is your bets Mike Bettes is well I'm hoping Mike goal today on this car I'm pumped if it can make 420 69 horsepower what's your 20 I've been on a roll lately yeah I think it'll do it I know it'll do it actually I gonna make 450 put 420 69 is Google pretty big turbo setup on this card you can see it doesn't really come on at all until about six grand and then right around ten thousand rpms starts waking up but we get a little fall off right around like a 13,000 mark 1js you can usually read little bit higher but just opt-out painting or even if a 15,000 rpm [Music] all right so I'm a little sad um today I was hoping for 420 69 blaze it and we made 390 wheel on pump gas now even though this turbo is capable of 660 it is massively in that 660 crank it's massively under sized for the 1j which I knew and I was focusing more like response stock turbo like setup Freddie do you want to kind of elaborate on why we're keeping around the 390 mark so typically my rule of thumb is I don't go over 20 pounds on 93 octane so I have it at 18 19 pounds super safe for drifting we'll turn it up on ethanol so yeah I think 20 pounds on e on the other car makes closer to like 500 and that's just because you get throw more timing at it that and the other car has pans so it'll be interesting to see once we put this car on e and max out the turbo since we can with you how post and how similar that graph will be to the other chaser with the identical setup plus cams because if we don't really lose that much school with cams and no really lose that much mid-range you might as well check some VC to some scores in this thing so now we're gonna go back here we just have to drain a little bit of the 93 out in this is ignite red which is actually like super pre-1900 and putting this in will help us get the ethanol content up now afraid if you want to dump it all in at once or do you want to do like a 50/50 blend tune that yes so we're doing like a a 50 blend and then in the highest we can reach today typically at least in my experience tuners don't usually spend the time to do the 50/50 blend and they'll just do one two nine ninety three and then one two nor the 85 and then blend it that way but I'm guessing the reason why you do that Freddie is it's more accurate so if I do put a half tank at yein it's not just kind of guessing where that blend would be and you can target it more directly because it doesn't have to be like a 50% 50% blend and it can kind of like you can ramp it in or like it doesn't need to be linear like okay you're in the middle half and half for timing you can have a little bit more a little bit less is that accurate yeah for the most part you need like a minimum of a 50 for the knob protection of ethanol so I can be more aggressive on the timing what you know e 50 or 55 blend up to e 80 you know it's very very like similar so we're gonna turn it 50 and then tune in again on e85 highs we can get it hopefully we can get it to Miami party [Music] first onee 463 the same boost up to half the boost [Music] I just forgot we never do the head gasps oh it has the head gaskets are fine but the things still stock head studs I don't know if that's an issues one days but I decided throw 34 pounds at it you didn't see me going like this [Music] what if you like 34 pounds that this isn't pork right what's gonna kill it yeah okay so what we have learned if you want to film this it's very important to match your cam size to your turbo size and this is a very tiny turbo that we have matched another chaser with some like pretty big cams and the thing is they kind of fight each other right because bigger cams are designed to have more efficiency up top so you precise that with the bigger turbo where we have a super small turbo in big hands and this data right here shows that with this new setup obviously the setups aren't identical like there could be variances in tuning and where the boost is but we have more power earlier worked work earlier a little bit less right here that's probably a tuning and a little bit more up top with stock cams so with this turbo set up I don't think there's a lot to game going to bigger canvas management work so the thing is with webcams right you go to a bigger camel top if you have a turtle that breeds more up top and then you start having a restriction because of the stock cams but it seems like the turbo is a restriction very good power man yeah I mean that's that's crazy this story right here [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right first initial impressions now I felt this setup before on the white car but it didn't have the auto 54 and I think the longer gearing is gonna suit a little bit better the funny thing is we're gonna be tuned to the 36 later that's gonna make like foot triple the horsepower but this thing's gonna be so much more fun because it's a chaser oh my god it is the weirdest feeling driving a car that it was identical to I would got so accustomed it's over drift believe that to feel a pull like that yeah that's weird it is bonkers dang in front of you think this is safe what is power I don't know yeah it's Goods establishment it's a chaser JZ pretty good can I roll it to Anna third yeah it's not gonna do anything weird it made spit Oh warp speed holy crap dude so fun it's like not the best reward but it just hooks yeah and digs yeah Wow it sounds so cool let me do a quick thinking your spice ready yeah wild is the suspension setup on this and the tires are so pretty yeah that it doesn't spin though where the other chasers spun this thing just go Google in Florida you actually go to Amazon Prime they don't come to you check it out Thanks ready see i jusu and I see I see eternal life update we've gotten the entire facility of Titan now addicted to these violet drinks so we're we're doing a little violet drink run while we wait for someone to bring the e36 over alberto is finishing up some bad stuff to fit the G 3770 I'm gonna make some sandwiches in the driver's seat because to be out here saving money getting crafty over getting crafty drove from the market pantry but listen fun start you wanna tell the story Mike I think you should tell the story about the lady in the pink drink oh yeah yeah we're we were walking out and she was like hey what what's that pink drink called and then I guess I said I go the pink drink but I actually like to it's a violet drink next up to that we have the e36 you guys remember I crush stickers it was so gripped up and so low power running I mean low power running at like 480 wheel to the point where it wouldn't go for what was at 6600 rpm something like that so the car physically did not make enough power to go higher on the track and I needed more wheel speed so we went up one in the G 30 line up to the G 3770 which should make about a hundred more at the wheels we were struggling with IET issues before I think this will off with that but I think we should be able to make 600 no problem Alberto did have a bit of a difficult time because the compressor housing so much bigger yet it's actually a clock it a little bit to the downpipe needed to be read on some of the intercooler piping needed to be redone but hopefully she's gonna party we didn't change the wastegate spring so first Rhett we're thing in the mid fives [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] this year I'm trying to figure out now this cars always been kind of laggy especially when had the one day bottom end and I think we've just been like remedying it with a three liter bottom end but apparently according it Freddie the VB teams liked acting very weird and it's like 10 degrees below the target so that would translate to higher you gt's I guess now whatever in the effect school but it's affecting our top and our little baby I can't reach the target on this your lead there that's the Gentoo vvt-i solenoid inside of a Markov supra god [Music] for sure Wow [Applause] yeah but this is where wait wait for the comparison better I thought it was better than one so we're up to about 580 wheel but the problem with this car and look at this graph what I'm trying to do is get more torque up here because the reason that it can't spin the wheels our p.m. to work is what matters right horsepower is irrelevant we need the torque to be able to continue spinning the wheels at the higher rpm and to make the torque up here we need to throw more boost at it on top but some sort of inefficiency maybe in the 1ji because they can have really hard for us to hold that torque up top like we need down on the bottom we're doing great you're making good power but I need this torque higher which as a result it's gonna make a horsepower keep going up they're just doing to keep their own boost data [Applause] we finished up here and we're not like super pumped on what's going on for whatever reason the car so is really bad I issued and it's kind of falling off more than we finish it up top Freddy tuned and identical setup g37 70 Bahama 2j and it made more power it didn't fall off as much and we're thinking maybe one day had restriction or ham thing yeah where they can degree is off so we'll have to come back with unjust we came here in check but come over here you can see right from like about 5,000 rpm onward we make about a hundred more foot-pounds of torque and 100 more horsepower which hopefully should be enough to get us some more wheel speed at the clutch get here is calm [Music] to make a me cheese let me choose anyone thank you so we gonna have a cheese come on just say cuz now I didn't lose savages that would send out all day I got that sweet ham all right we're goes lifetime experience Mike yes gringos do you approve I do approve last time I had it was house 2018 I don't know if you guys have noticed but I've actually been using a slightly different camera for my blogging stuff as well I don't know that it's a greatest in low light I want to just touch it with my knee but yeah I can only spend thirty frames per second that night time like I used to do with my other camera yeah got downshifts of people know it's manual [Music] I love coming back like by UCF just cuz it sounds so cool and that comes off the buildings when you said [Music] [Music]
Channel: Adam LZ
Views: 519,295
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: adam lz, chaser, jzx100, e35, 1jz, 2jz, 1.5jz, build, series, drift, drifting, tune, dyno day, power, horsepower
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 0sec (1320 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 10 2020
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