R33 Skyline RB26 - Rebuild & Refresh!

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How'd Adam manage to get Logic in his video? Dope cameo.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 22 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/einbierbitte πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 22 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Damn close to 50 minute movie of quality informative content from knowledgeable people, imagine if skiplet could make a 5 minute video interesting.

In my best Tommy voice impressions: Okey, challenge!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 26 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/AfroPandaWarrior πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 21 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I wish I had a big boost

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 22 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies


forget about fyeahspec non-running cars, LZ is showing how its done

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 44 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/spell_RED πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 22 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] I don't know how many days we are in a row going to Starbucks but it's definitely something I'm not proud of you wanna just saying he's plastic song little-known fact I think Jimmy exposed me in one of the videos I used to be obsessed with Nelly when I was in like kindergarten for whatever reason I think my sister put me on the Nelly and I would rap Nelly in school and stuff and it was a little inappropriate for the time I didn't know that I was rapping about weed and drugs and screwin girls but it was cute right so on another note we're at Starbucks and yep where was I going with that oh yeah this is my cup holder car so the funny thing is this is really the only car that I Drive - you know my morning commute that has cup holders but the funny thing is this is also the only car that has enough traction to actually make the coffee fall out of the cup holder and then spill over my car so these cars actually have a third cup holder it's a secret you only know this if you have the car in here but the thing is you can't use it at the same time as an armrest so if you've if you've got tired arms like I do this is kind of useless but this will support up to 800 horsepower I'm at about 700 foot-pounds of torque if you're putting it down like third gear and up lower gears it still might shake enough the higher gears these are rated to update hundred horsepower got that crackle pop mod I will say that although the cupholders are a today under the horsepower if you do have a Brembo big brake kit you can have enough stopping force to actually make the coffee lift from this cup holder so be very careful if you have a lot of stopping power call me mr. popcorn it's the only way that you can let people know that you're here when you have a nun 54 who's got a pop a lot oh it is this guy do it look it over no it is a little table so Tommy got these injectors clean there's a shop local to us that have like an injector cleaner so it's lubed up the o-rings we're gonna put them back in but to see this thing runs with the new injectors I wonder if off to adjust the cold start I only just felt like I was floating I should have filmed inn's reaction I probably were hydroplaning that's that was the craziest feeling this engine is never sounded so healthy before here TV phone we'll do a quick poll it's like it's been randomly missing so much that I just got used to it just accept it and that's how the car [Music] so I think what actually caused it doesn't think night but we had some like garbage 85 up in Connecticut but I understand how it's not gonna clean us he says at night you tired out like clean injectors often but all that stuff from the fuel filter he never sees any of that so you think I was just running like crap yeah we think James dude this it feels so please oh goodness in front of no I'm legit like this is that's the scariest thing ever right there that's terrifying dude that's 50 [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] just like that my wife is going to black you like it do that just like folks that smell of bricks I haven't written in your car so I've written in one of your cars since track day and it was your s15 I guess 13 and I don't get knows about two years ago maybe one year ago that cars probably totally different now - yes I was a decent after my last 13 right into that carcass like hopes like miserable it's just very like something and this one I feel like I can feel every single part like yeah too far to make a video my newspaper all right so check out what we just got back today from the ceramic coating guy this is the manifold ah it's gonna be going on the r33 got a super ball or top mount doc race t3 manifold this thing's gonna sound super sick kind of jealous of it too I wish that I had a single wastegate on mine but I've dual wastegates so that's why if you remember I had all the issues with lines melting and having a hard time accessing them I think this one will be much more serviceable and much easier to work on it'll look sick ceramic coating and everything so it's tight it's like the best of the best I flipped the whole engine over just so you get a closer look and see how this pan was actually modified and it looks like basically I'm guessing this is something to do with the all-wheel drive system and really that's pretty cool took me like a solid hour and a half to get it up to standard but I ended up using a wire wheel and got this pan looking minty fresh if you guys remember how gross it was before so Bertos finishing cleaning up the block I got the oil pan almost ready and then we'll decide whether I want to scrape it some more I'll probably just put a light coat of silver on it to make it look fresh again I thought we were first doing these cabinets that it was gonna be overkill but as you can see we're making very much full use of the space Terra Firma the place I was telling you guys about that I got my are three two floor mats from that's doing the carpets and stuff for our 32s they came in clutch because a lot of this RB stuff is really really finicky and kind of hard to find places that have it in stock and it takes forever so a list of the in stock and I was able to get Nismo engine mounts for the car I just want to make sure that the engine isn't going to rock side to side that much and hit the turbo on the strut tower like I had the issue with my r32 so these will stiffen it up a bit we also have the steel style exhaust manifold gasket last a little bit better than the ones that come in the OEM kit also got a Nismo thermostat a fluid damper these things are on backorder everywhere so this will help a lot with kind of shock with the higher rpm and if there's any sort of rev limiter stuff and then we got a full om gasket kit from them so we're gonna open this up and see what we got to work with since our goal today is going to be to get the engine rig a skated but I get to give a massive thank you to Terra Firma for helped me get this stuff so fast you guys want to come out I'll put a link in the description they're pretty local to us too so shift your super fast we need our B stuff you guys coming clutch this is the stock style versus a nice multi-layer steel style so we run on all our cars so in this gasket kit the main thing that's actually really really convenient to have that these guys do have issues with I know that I TVs tend to have leakage issues so being able to replace all the intake manifold gaskets will be super super handy we've got om and one pump we were just talking about how typical you have been doing a project like this at the house and it would have been so difficult I'll Berta look at all this stuff and the whole apart plus new parts yeah so it's a little bit of a mess it'd be rad if we had a little bit more table space so I know when we clean the floors first so little gross it was pretty cool havin all the stuff disassembled and seen all the difference is like firsthand between 25 and 26 stuff it's not like often used to look at a 25 head side-by-side with 26 heads same thing oil pans blocks school Alberto Alberto is getting driven crazy because the I don't know if you guys remember the head on that engine was kinda like golden brown and then he wanted it to look all clean and stuff so he cleaned everything up and what did you notice is different with the 26 that we want and it doesn't have hydraulic lifts or just just solid lifters with a chin and he's got make sure to label them and put the chin right where it was if not then you're gonna have to king issue so I won't we don't want that especially with my RB if you guys remember when we put it back together we actually had a lifter failure was it a lifter fill your valve issue I feel like we had a bad lifter and a valve issue right and that's why that valve wasn't opening and we lost compression and one Sonos and firing but we won't have that issue so it's almost like beefed up valve train from the factory so it's kind of cool caught one then I took all of my part and I saw that one of them was Sunday a little shame cause I wasn't sliding properly so I was gonna stuck yeah yeah I think it's kind of funny cuz once we got the garage done at my house all the projects kind of ramped up and we started tackling way more and now that we got the shop well you guys can see we're uh we're headfirst right now check out this sweet carbon fiber hood prop I got from Anthony little low carbon the guy that made me my roof super lightweight feel like you guys probably could have called this but it wouldn't like I've been going out the attitude with us our 33 that I'm building it as if it were my own street car and what is the one thing that all my cars have in common candid doors so we got a set of our 33 Gianna doors they're actually pretty hard to source so if you like the a no doors sick our 33 will have ganda doors if you don't like any doors you can pull these off the car and probably sell them for about a gram so you got some more cash in the giveaway if you don't like can endorse but obviously we are gonna paint it to match the color of the car but they're gonna look sick I'm not too concerned about this RV in regards to having oiling issues like mine I think the main reason why mine has so much issues is because I use it for drifting so it's constantly sitting at a high rpm and a head is filling up with oil in addition to not running the same oil pump that I have a my car that flows a higher volume we are running the N one pump which is like updated Tony M pump Alberto is also right now drilling holes to mount our head drain kit everybody keeps telling me to one of these to my car that doesn't know I already have one basically what this is that presses right into the back of the head and it allows you to attach some - ten lines and be able to actually drain the oil from the back of the head helping with a lot of blow-by and other issues that you get with these RVs when you're revving high so trying to be preventative and do this stuff while we have the engine out those taps came out really nice so the way that he did that he kinda had a vacuum going at the same time that he tapped those holes and that's just right where the head drain will bolt to and I've always been doing that I've been trying to clean up this like primary intake manifold sucks that we can't just put a new one on here but I want to keep IT bees because I feel like that's rad so I've just been trying to clean up the best I can with a wire wheel try to get a look a little bit nicer car should be the bottom the top looks better so it's looking a little bit cleaner right now I just got to sit here and take off all these old gaskets with a razor blade which takes forever they're more efficient way of doing this what I'd love just hit with a wire wheel but because it's aluminum or what I said it like four hours deep enough probably two hours in trying to scrape away this gasket and it is just the biggest nightmare in the world so I'm just gonna suck it up and drive five minutes down the road to go get a brass wire wheel like I should have done in the first place in the meantime Alberto's basically built the entire engine while I've been scraping off a gasket and by that I mean he painted the block and it looks phenomenal so laughing at me silly guy head drain looked sick it's crazy how much better it looks already I got so excited about going eighth I didn't even think to look up the hours so I think what what I'm gonna do is just continue to clean up other stuff and I'm gonna be smart and I've already wasted so much time in this that I'm just gonna wait until I have the proper tool and we'll finish this and tonight I'll just work on cleaning up other stuff so we can try to start to get stuff assembled on this guy four hours later still scraping Alberto came and helped me you thought this was gonna be some easy job you thought that maybe I was just being a stupid idiot all right first things first blade normally you use one of these type of blades normally you will use one of these type of blades they work very well but this one is like no longer good boy blade and and I just want to throw it out the operative who's like I better stop he's not don't play let me get you a new one it'll be so much easier Adam this guy so new blade and a few minutes later and you got this it's still we're still talking like 30 minutes later thirty minutes later at least I've spent five days on this sellers techniques you can do it like like this to get it off and then we also notice that when you have like very thin stuff you can just like hold it straight under like this do not do like this because you're just crushing so like there like this you won't dig into the intake and actually get it all up it's almost done see like this little specs right here right over here it's gonna get that out boom neat it's it's just like don't get me wrong I'm really stoked on building this car and stuff but spending the time and spending hours sweeping gasket off for someone else's car it doesn't feel the same like I'm really stoked and I'm like to build this and I'm gonna build it really nice but you know I guess this is that you feel all the time over though so now he understands how I feel when I have to build his Indian side he see him drive around I'm over here like but I think we're having fun we're both in the same boat though because I feel like we both do nicer work on other people's stuff so like you do nice to work on my stuff than your own yeah I do nice and work on giveaway cars in my own because I can never expect me somehow the time on my car is too much it was my car I'd like to buy a new intake my main weld on this side of the engine I got all the gasket removed from here the exhaust side the intake side the thermostat housing oil filter housing part where it touches the block or oil filter housing provision thingy and now I have to take the oil pump off so I can then scrape that gasket too and then put a fresh new one that's over there no more gasket mm-hmm hopefully this stuff is easier to take no Alberto's complaining cuz my memory card isn't big enough whatever and it's running in a memory enough of the wire wheeling got that all nice ready for the new oil pump now it's time to mob to make some power oh you can make me loosen it which I made me look like a fool usually when Alberto makes me do things he's like oh I'm gonna make him struggle so the technique with this grace block there miss Jana mistake trying to give us a face these stock head gaskets are actually good for quite a bit of power and we're only gonna mean like a 450 to 500 range probably don't need to do studs but we're gonna just go kind of a little bit above and beyond and do studs and there's kind of like a set to do it to where you can replace them without pulling the head gasket so we don't have to go and get stuff machine Alberto what is that process just one at a time you think one lot of time in the same order that you will put them on torquing sequence so just take one other time from outside and then working your way to the middle so we're taking one other time what I'm doing is we're put them in all at 80 pounds so they're pretty much even with stock but the ARP instructions show that these go to a hundred and five pounds of torque or here it is so we're doing 80 first to get them all even and then we're gonna talk them to 105 pounds to Tory which is a lot because they're half-inch studs super beefed up yeah heartbeat when you say that's not one other thing that's different with our b-26 right so this is half-inch studs where they're 25 what were they like what I think 7/16 or something I don't know are we sure about that no yeah just hard there for any thicker wears this daug holes that I took out of weight huh bring stud just again I don't know maybe it's right or wrong too big yeah this on the hole or the thing but that's writing this is much smaller yeah so let's use some way smaller bolts so RB 2006 is way nicer beefed up yes the RB 26 head you give it bigger cams in and it's supposed to have a little bit better exhaust intake valve I don't know about that one well I read that one online we don't have the head out to like compare it so I can't really tell yeah but how know this is the city now it's like it was so ugly before an on site to my stand there's now this is something we can work on ye horse you know drought is gonna be really happy with it yeah they're just gonna open up then Jame there's good like everything oh this you can like take when you go up oil it's gonna look so nice in here it's not all like brown anymore let me this this is so satisfying even here it's all cleaned up it was so bad before that's the way it should be like it was a low mileage engine but it almost look like good that whoever had it before like didn't change our oil enough or could that have been for maybe cooking oil if you like to get your oil too hot will that put a glaze on things it does but probably like not the best oil or maybe too long between oil change intervals it's weird how like drained I feel in the beginning of the day and I think that's probably the biggest problem I have with the warehouse is just cuz there's so many distractions so many people here and so much stuff going on we're like late at night it's so easy to focus and I feel like energized and in the zone kind of like candy right now but Alberta is gonna shed some light on a cool little method of putting some ARP studs on show them how you a little bit ketchup packet from ARP gonna be great cat you don't try it at home try them taste abyss and you're gonna apply a little bit to the top threats like this thousand bucks to eat that right now no you either eating stuff and then we're gonna put the nut you can see now once then I started going down it'll start to push some of the grease man take the washer put it on so now there's Lube between the washer and the nut I mean let me get a good zoom it's not wanting to focus on your black gloves a second don't move and I can see no show all right there you go see there it's like a little like bead of grease so it's lubed now this will make it a lot easier you have everything assemble we shall okay right here then you can just twist the whole assembly all at once this will save a lot of time out on my own a lot of mess because stuff is like anti-seize it gets everywhere but I pad off you get some that too and then you touch the wife of area to get some the other thing is all over the place not to mention - if you like miss the stud or whatever and you're all on the engine and everything it's kind of gross then my hand you tighten the knot all the way down that's why I didn't put it too much I put it flush as you can see I can swim in there there was still a couple threads left from the top so I put it flush so I can tighten this stuff all the way down and not hit the nut on the head all right take a torque wrench I'm gonna tighten this one to 80 are specified before easy the camera right here what today like that this is this is how we do it see you're over there well we already have I look right it's facing the wrong thing there you go more look that's how we do our bees over here where's yours just quickly mock the first stage or then take meta fold just to see how my cleaning job looked not too bad not too bad pull this thing off though cuz it kind of makes the whole thing look less nice than it is it's there we have it it's getting kind of late so probably just resume this I don't know if I'm gonna make this a video right now oh look I mocked up the manifold to see how it looked it looks pretty sweet so might end this video here I might combine it with Sunday's video since I wanted to try to have like the engine oil gasket and kind of sealed up for this video but regardless if I am uploading this video without the other video stuff combined details in description if you want to figure how to get a chance to win the r33 and tomorrow you can expect a drifting video we're gonna go drifting and I think I might take that 15 on the oval so should be pretty fun what do you think things look pretty rad what's up guys just skate my way to work I'm just giving up in here but I've been editing all day because all that driftwood is doing stuff I knew I was gonna hit a stop rock his wheels are too small he goes too big let me tell you but anyway Alberta has been here and he got some stuff done on the engine and he's so kindly filmed with his camera that you just got you got the same cameras me now we're twinning found it okay cool so he got some of the gasket stuff done in regards to like the oil pump and the water pump so I will put in some of his footage now since this is just one long video because I want to make sure we didn't miss any of the technical details of some of the OEM gasket stuff but right now he is reassembling the head we'll just we'll just wish the other stuff that he filmed I finished cleaning up the last bits of the block right now I have the rear main seal off so I have to take the big gasket of this thing so it's all retainer and see it's kind of like pretty old so we want to put on new ones but first I have to scrape the rest of the silicone of this thing like I did on the block focus this is pretty clean now it's gonna hit it with some brake cleaner to get the rest of the little bits from Silicon out there's no oil Penniston or thing can fall into the engine core just open neck right now how the lifter is back in this thing this thing's sound like fart oh it's not doing any more here we have the rear main seal plate all cleaned up ready for a new seal all the silicone has been removed from it all the silicone has been removed from the grooves so we can put new one in place so now let's look through the stash of gaskets and we found or you guys go right here this gasket already comes pre loop from the factory so you don't have to apply any grease to it so it's basically put it on this then then I'm gonna use this flat piece of iron to hold it straight then I'm gonna top of this flush with the rim here and install it also has these little legs to stick out so you pretty much mount the seal so it bottoms with this and then the top should look like this now I apply some silicone the plate that's a nice bead right there look at that I took the liberty of applying a little bit of oil to the crankshaft that way it doesn't like get caught up when the seal doesn't get caught up installing it so you're gonna like slide this through here and gently put it through the crankshaft what I'm trying to figure out a good spot to film this there we go now to put all the little six millimeter bolts back in it this is the rear main seal installed this is about how much silicone you want to be sticking out that's how you know you put enough but not too much and Adam got a big box over there what yep right the best now it's time to install the new n1 om Nissan oil pump this one also comes with the seal grease and already installed so it makes it easier but one very important thing about this we're using these om paper gaskets but the problem with this gaskets is that they get stuck really stuck in the parts so that it becomes a real pain to remove this gases from the surfaces so how to fix that I'm going to be using permatex high tack spray a gasket this thing pretty much coats red and it allows for a better seal of the gasket so I'm you know in case you have an imperfection or the gas in my swing or whatever this takes care of it plus it also helps remove the gasket and service the parts a lot easier since the does not get fully stuck to their parts you can just remove it a lot easier and save a lot of time or servicing your engine don't take the gasket and just spray a little bit on it so I close the light red and it's good to go I'm going to line it up right here using the stock pins put it in place like this don't worry about the floor little brake cleaner and it takes it right out see they're all gone now I'm gonna take the oil pump and line it up right here slide it through make sure the seal goes in proper that's gonna get paints here and I get our wiggle in a circular motion until it goes right in it cool coming from all the SRS we've done where you console using our TV and stuff that it comes with the gaskets just ready to go whenever it does have to be open we'll have the same issue that took us hours to get the gas you know yeah follow you got this and how to put the crank bolt in and clock the crankshaft so matched engagement on the oil palm to the crankshaft color so I finally got that in those just to put all the bolts back in it now it's time to install the timing stuff so we're gonna start by putting everything that goes in the timing components on the crankshaft so we're gonna put this back truster sleeve this holds the timing belt in place and keep it from moving towards the engine and then we put on the actual timing here which you're crying here this moves the belt and makes a camshaft spin so we'll put this like this China one hand it let me just acknowledge it over let's save in the day right now because he's he's actually filming stuff what I get records and cleaning things and I get like I'm not even doing this right now supposed to be uploading my video from yesterday I mean this is just degreaser like how much nicer they look already that is nicer just a scotch-brite them up a little bit and they should look really good yep keep up the good work sir oh that we gotta keep putting this thing back in its gonna like very tight so we're gonna probably end up using this socket and then I can just put it through on your side tap it in there alright timing gears installed then you have this bigger washer thing that's gonna go through here like this and this pretty much locks the timing belt in one place so now you see you have a throat and groove and it has a real group so the timing birkin same place nothing else on the engine host trust and the timing belt about this so make sure to not lose or misplace this washers there's a little before and after of the throttle bodies look how crazy difference is one thing that I did find out you have to be really careful with and I'm glad that I didn't you have to resist the urge to clean this stuff because even though it looks like buildup there's actually a factory goop that Nissan puts on the throttle bodies to make sure that they seal and if you clean it all off they won't seal properly and it'll raise your idle so it's good thing we didn't do that but you can always check if you accidentally did it by holding up to light and see if any light gets through guys you have no idea how satisfied I am with how this ending is looking right now here's a before and after comparison of what it looked like before versus how so far looking now what is wrong with you a lot of things my brother a lot of things alright this is their before this is how it looked versus look how it looks now burn we should put like something like pick my R I kind of like music going on no other like showcase of how beautiful this engine is you know everything is cleaned up and you say is the same or like you very good what is the matter with you yeah beautifulness and shadow area lights out of their block dark side of the block we shouldn't you Pig I got all the ITB stuff looking really really nice with just a wire wheel only thing I couldn't finish up is just taking off the springs and just kind of cleaning those off because they're kind of rusty tapping in the new cam seals it seems to be all fresh there's actually another company that sells a bunch of om Nissan's stuff that hit me up from the other side of the country over in California on hit me up on Instagram their Instagram name is Nissan parts and they wanted to contribute something towards the RB 26 build and they sent us a timing kit so in addition to all the new gaskets we also are gonna have brand new pulleys and you spring and a new belt this thing's gonna be like super super fresh you usually get this one for the orientation in the spring any words of advice when doing new pulleys make sure you have all the hardware you can see when I took this off it has a thick washer and it has a little like bent washer with a compression washer so make sure you put those in in a same orientation back so the thin washer goes towards the pulley and washer the bigger one and enough and then this is pretty much how this spring to put tension on the pulley or you then adjust with this so we're gonna put this through here and then so the spring has to go okay on top like yeah so then I can like put tension on the belt that way then we put washer second washer unknot and we're good then this one is pretty much for a simple bolt and then put it in here like this now what's the main purpose for replacing them do the bearings go bad yeah that bearings Gobots you start getting like a bunch of Belton or so it'll sound almost like a clutch right I like that like weird so like you don't want that if that goes bad then everything's gonna go but it also causes belt vibration which start you through it any quicker you don't want that either the RB twenty six covers are currently at Randy's getting painted pink to match the outside of the car so in the meantime just keep dirt and debris out I have my old RB twenty-five covers from my RB 25 that we can just put on there just to make it look a little bit nicer and keep any sort of debris or anything from entering the engine what why wouldn't it nothing will oh because the baffling yeah you're right I'm just finishing up assembling the ITBS now they're all cleaned up and everything what's that I hear I've skated all the way alberto uh placed an order from tijuana flats and Burt came in hand-delivered it form back in town for three days and doing everything I heard you and uh Albert are moving into a new apartment together yeah as soon as this whole delivery gig blows that I swear every time I turn to this side of the room there's something going on there's either a man in a hammock or a wild big boost playing with packages you make an igloo bet this looks kind of fun so I'm actually I'm gonna join the fun and we're gonna forget a time-lapses igloo oh well we tried but we've got an RV 26 to build so until next time packages so that timing belt that Nissan parts sent us check out what it comes with the super JDM timing sticker is baller I don't know what this means Oh what does this mean it's good for an extra hundred thousand kilometers and you write the mileage it was replaced out here yes mmm interesting so until we get the car back to see what my yeah that would be cool that's really good awesome like super super did iam marking marking and I'm here marking that makes it easy and there's their marks on all the belt all there is love it's a super easy huh the timing marks hard with this and this but the belt made it easier so there's a mark on the bottom side here mm-hmm and then you got the line from this dot to this line and it's a line there too and here as well so you like double make sure you very much alright you feel I can't mess it up yeah I spent more time wire wheeling than doing anything else and I just found out today that Jimmy has a portable soda blaster that he uses for all this stuff that must be nice any comment yeah we get one of those how sick is that he doesn't make the mess but like I've spent so much time wire reeling that I'm like super jealous and why are we laughing it works well it's a big driver seem people have issues with these before you got to make sure that this little guys up top it's this little guys what let's air escape and pass through otherwise you'll get air bubbles trapped there so gotta keep it pointing up stay don't laugh at me boost so you get my wire wheel job do a decent enough job making this look like the new water pump I'd say so I think it's gonna blend in just like that I think the most exciting thing about assembling this thing is just getting rid of all the junk that's lying around too bad that we can do that with both engines huh you try to lay beads in the air dude that good old permit eggs right stuff what'd you mess up person next to you know either desire2learn in this trick with intent run terrifying excuse me take pretty my wheels oh my god you're all over my board that's still gross [Music] we're gonna do those fire LZ skates you pulled off [Applause] as you know make sure the gasket lines up with the of the au pair and instead of crushing it so line up good just make sense with this so this we got powder-coated I do think I'm gonna put a different plan Aman here but for now mock-up purposes we can see how it looks what doesn't look too bad I'm stalking how all shiny stuff looks was so corroded before we've got about as much as we can done without needing more parts and stuff and this is kind of we're gonna leave off for today the manifolds just kind of chillin because we might use a different one and the turbo and exhaust manifold are kind of just chilling just kind of temporarily but it's looking really cool I'm just gonna look even better once we get those every 26 covers healthy we can get those back tomorrow and maybe even the car so we can start playing around with final assembly I don't know what tomorrow holds but these past two days that we've spent seem to have paid off we're hungry we need some Wawa in us so we're gonna move I wow we don't mean like water if you don't know wall as a cast station its kind of sheets not as good bus bus is it yo puedo ear wah-wah so funny story about that when I first moved here everyone would always like refer to things like oh it's behind the racetrack and I was like there's a racetrack like I would get so excited thinking of it it was either a a BMX race track or be car racetrack who know it's a gas station we've gas stations in Florida called racetracks and now I'm an eternal thing us and sandwiches and smoothies and not near us what there's no ud5 hear us 35:35 - for you yeah but it's all good cuz we have ignite red so pump e85 you can you can ruin my fuel filter another day you're not gonna do it again I can do today not tomorrow not the next day maybe the day after that nah cuz I get a lot of red so we're good night feel like gas station somewhere waiting you have one hello this guy is a mustache alright guys we'll see you tomorrow [Music]
Channel: Adam LZ
Views: 505,456
Rating: 4.929317 out of 5
Keywords: adam lz, r33, skyline, rebuild, rb26, engine, refresh, re gasket, install, oem, gtr, r32, r34, 500hp, sound, xhaust, exhaust, series, how to, race, drag, vs, 2 step, build off
Id: 9XhPh950OeY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 26sec (2966 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 21 2019
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