Scariest Real Audio Recordings

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when his tape recording of one murder was played in court people rushed outside and vomited hey it's Mr slav for Halloween special let's delve in the world of scary and disturbing audio recordings which are actually real be advised that you may be disturbed I mean I was when I made this video there are many types of warning sirens for example mechanical electrical supercharged pneumatic meaning pressurized air some have many loud speakers turned in all directions to spread sound better some also have a moving siren head like for example this ACA allertor 125 but in my opinion this siren is the most ear sounding [Applause] one you might have heard it used as a sound effect for siren head monster this type of siren can be produced by federal signal modulator created by a company known as Federal Signal Corporation these Sirens have varus seven tones and one of Stones is called veiling which is in my opinion The Stranger [Music] [Music] [Applause] one before 2020 Chicago City used veiling siren and later changed to a more conventional sounding tone I wonder why cellfield is the largest nuclear facility in Europe which today is dealing with nuclear waste just one year earlier it was working as a spent nuclear fuel reprocessing plant which means it was way more dangerous facility than today and such facility also has various emergency Warning Systems in case of accidents C field emergency alarm [Music] even though emergency sounds way more deranged the one which gives me shivers is the criticality alarm criticality alarm for those who don't know criticality accidents mean that there is an uncontrolled fusion reaction going on which releases hazardous amounts of radiation possibly enough to kill a person in less than a second depending on the distance of course even though there are many nuclear facilities and plants with their own emergency sound systems I believe cellfield hits quite hard since this facility had many accidents throughout the years how many you may ask oh not too many through 50 years it managed to have 21 serious incidents you can find more in my video about nuclear accidents right here up till mid 1990s USA had emergency broadcast system even though thankfully nuclear attack didn't happen since World War II similar emergencies were shown many times due to weather hazards there is no actual video which goes with nuclear warning for there's a white card message which would appear to inform that all the stations have been turned off then after a white card there would be so-called red card which is the actual warning of the attack there are prerecorded messages for example in the 1970s a reporter Jim O'Brien recorded this message which in case of an attack would be played the office of civil defense has issued the following message this is an attack War warning repeat this is an attack warning attack warning means that an actual attack against this country has been detected if I am not mistaken the president at the time would have given the details of the attack based on this script since the 1997 broadcasts were discontinued and replaced in USA with alerts called emergency alert system and now this program can deliver this message which frankly is terrifying according to vauce nuclear warning would look like this we interrupt our programming this is a National Emergency the following message is transmitted at the request of the United States government this is not a test a nuclear attack is occurring against the United States standby for a message from the president of the United States this one audio is quite different from the previous schizophrenia is a mental disorder which afflicts more than 24 million people worldwide so it is quite common some of the people with this disorder may hear or see things that are not real for ordinary people to understand better someone created an audio which imitates or represents what these people hear in their heads if you have headphones put them on you touch them and stupid look at you I can see youwe stupid you're filthy you're bad pointless you think Joseph de Angelo also known as Golden State killer is a serial killer which was actually a former police officer he terrorized California during 1970s and ' 80s by breaking into the house award woman stealing stuff and murdering in 1978 one of his rward victims which was not murdered later received this phone call by her as salant kill you you better L than never this bastard was caught in 2018 thanks to new ways of finding criminals with the use of genetic geology and DNA let me just show you this small thing this is a pass device a device used by firefighters these devices create an audible alarm which is around 95 DB as loud as a car horn when firefighters enter dangerous areas and get into difficult situations they may actually activate this alarm to inform their colleagues that they need to be rescued these alarms we the old types now the new types don't need manual activation and are automatically activated if for example the firefighter doesn't move for more than 30 seconds I think you know where I'm going with this one during 9/11 attack when firefighters got trapped and were killed even though they died more than 100 such past devices which were attacked to their bodies could still be heard screaming inside the rubble for many hours until the batteries gave [Music] out I think most of us know what a black box is on the plane even though they are not black but orange to to be more easily visible after the unfortunate plane accident these boxes contain Pilot's voice audio files in the cockpit and also flight data people who investigate these accidents open up these boxes and try to determine the accident cause some audio files are publicly accessible and some of them are really upsetting considering the fact that most of the pilots heard in these audio files knew that this was their last moment many audio files can be found in this website I will show only one audio file here which happened in 1979 known as Western airflight [Applause] 2605 no this is approach the godamn left 500 but Jesus Christ crazy enough there were 17 survivors another but a different audio recording is of a Vladimir karov an astronaut who was killed during a space flight yes killed I said it during their entry his capsule parachute failed and he crashed into the ground before crashing he communicated this with the command [Applause] center it appears that Soviets rushed space program and the spacecraft so one was riddled with problems Karo knew about this and entered this spacecraft to save his friend another Cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin which would have been forced to go in if karov refused in the 1970s Roy asbell was a hardworking man with a fractured hip from a tractor incident he was going home to his son's house and found a burglar by the name of Otis Stevens in his house Otis which was 6' 2 in or 189 CM quick ran to Roy and smashed his face with a pistol several times before Roy was begging to stop later Roy tried to escape from mtis but was in no physical condition due to his tractor trauma so he was shot several times in the head why am I telling you this well there is an audio recording of a dead sentence by an electric chair gone wrong an autis was in that chair just saying why you should didn't feel sorry for the guy I will play only a short clip because the whole thing took more than 19 minutes one 2 3 the execution now has begun there was one small jerk from The Condemned at the time the execution was initiated he is sitting very still now and we are also now to the second phase of the execution we're now into the third phase of the execution no movement from the thankfully there were no screams because the prisoner had a chin strap plus it is almost impossible to scream when you have 2,000 WS going through your body analy Michelle was a very religious teenager living in German she would attend Catholic masses at least twice a week when she was 16 years old she had severe convulsion due to epilepsy later her mental state was going downhill rapidly she started seeing devil faces uh various other hallucinations she had various psychosis and was acting in a disturbing manner she couldn't stand religious places and objects like for example crucifix Psychiatric Hospital didn't help like at all and later one friend of the analis family suggested exorcism so 67 exorcisms were performed on her and during those times an audio recorder was on here is a short snippet of a long audio tape I [Music] me after almost a year of malnutrition and dehydratation during those exorcisms and Elise died there were prosecutions and trials of your parents and Priests involved in the exorcism in one of my videos I have talked about the worst Cults that have happened and one of those Cults was called The People's Temple led by a crazy leader Jim Jones he had more than 900 followers living and working in a community which was in the middle of a jungle so almost no way to escape this place some cult followers were following cult leader Jim Jones almost blindly and some really wanted to escape this community when Jim Jones realized that his cult will be exposed he devised a plan to kill everybody those who followed the gym blindly also had guns so they gathered all the people in one location and forced them to drink cool Aid list with cyanide this W Events audio was recorded I will only play A short segment because it is way too upsetting you free at [Music] last please keep your emotions down keep your emotions down children it will not hurt if you'll be if you'll be quiet if you'll be [Music] quiet it's crazy how one man can create such ter Ying situation where no one can escape or Reason with this manman not only that but some of his followers were like robots doing his every bidding over 900 people died that day David Parker was an animal I can't even say he was an animal animals are way better than this monster he was a seral award torturer and the kidnapper he's suspected of killing dozens of of people he created a torture room in his semi trailer and called it his toy box he would kidnap between five to six women a year holding each of them captive for around 3 to four months first time he got hold of a victim he would play a very very creepy tape where he told victims what was about to happen I'm not sure if this is a real audio or only a transcription read by an actor but it is said that this segment was released by inspection of Records act request P down I'm going to use you for slave I'm into bondage in SNM it's kind of hard to find willing parners that goes for that so when I get the urge I go out find me some good-looking little that turns me on kidnapper and keep her in my playroom for a while for next toy and this time it's your turn you're going to be tied or chained in different positions what also is weird is that I found that allegedly the real full tape is being sold for $40,000 in this weird website dedicated to selling various items from Killers what if I say that there is an audio recording so bad that the lead detective of the case has ended his life at age of 39 he said I can no longer live in a world with this kind of evil in it half of the people in the courtroom who had listened to the tape walked out some crying and some vomiting there is no real audio clip released to the public besides the short video outside the court when his tape recording of one murder was played in court people rushed outside and vomited in TV series called mind Hunter a show about the detectives catching serial killer a new member of the team agent Greg Smith is forced to listen to exact audio tape in order to prove that he could handle being an agent so what is this tape two evil creatures I won't even bother mentioning their names have kidnapped a 16-year-old girl Shirley leadford they did all the horrible things to her and recorded it with audio recording they also tortured her striking her elbow in the same spot over 25 times with a hammer even if the audio tape was public I wouldn't show it nor would I listen to it there is no reason to hear it what is also scary is that there are lots and lots of disgusting videos with no less horrible audio than that of Shirley leadford stuff that can keep a grown man awake at night people go to cinema to watch horror movies while real life can be way more terrifying there are few YouTube channels who actually go deep in these horrible videos and VCH them just so ordinary people who are a little bit too curious for their own good wouldn't have to do that themselves Jesus I will have to watch some old Disney movie after this
Channel: MR SLAV
Views: 1,834,090
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scary sounds, creepy audio, scariest audio
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 19sec (1159 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 30 2023
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