The Last Thing You Hear

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thank you let's talk about one of the loudest sounds in the world which is ships sonar before you try to escape from the video just know this it's not clickbait this sound can actually destroy any living creature with a sound in previous video about scary underwater sounds I have mentioned that sounds travel way better underwater but even underwater brain melting sound has to be created with something quite powerful let me introduce you to a sonar sonar is a machine that uses underwater sound waves to find other objects in the sea a sonar can work by sending out sound and listening for Echoes active sonar or by listening for sound made by the object it is trying to find passive sonar the one sonar that you have to worry about is the act of one and the active one is the one which generates pulsating sound which bounces off the object basically bats dolphins and some other strange animals use a similar type of technique to understand their surroundings it is called Echo locating even some people are capable of such fit for example this man is blind but he uses his own sound to know how far away is the object also he is able to distinguish what kind of material it is sound is measured in decibels decibels is a logarithmic scale for example 50 decibels sound is 10 times more powerful than 40 decibels so 10 additional decibels make it 10 times more powerful what is the loudest sound you have heard a race car a motorcycle maybe we have been at a concert all these sounds are around 100 decibels at this level people tend to receive a minuscule ear damage but we can still tolerate it at 135 decibels you must wear ear protection jet engines are pretty loud since they are from 120 to 140 decibels enough to cause a nearby person an ear pain at 160 decibels you might completely lose your hearing before you say that your neighbor has a sound system that can do a very high decibel levels keep in mind that it is sound systems usually generate only loud low frequency sounds also known as bass high frequency sounds are way more painful than low it's because high frequency sounds effect more the nerve center the most powerful sonars have decibel levels of 235 decibels which is around 10 billion times louder than a jet engine 30 meters away from The Observer that's right up to 10 billion times louder not only that but these sound waves can travel for hundreds of miles underwater and can retain an intensity of 140 decibels as far as 500 kilometers or 300 miles from The Source the submarine could easily pin from shores of Sweden and beheaded the shores of Lithuania of course the sound would be heard under water not in the air to be able to hear sonar water ping in ear you would have to be way closer so how does a sonar work how is it able to create such incredibly powerful sound a sonar is typically made out of the transducers when we apply electricity to transducer others they converted into mechanical motion or sound they can also receive sound and convert it into the voltage so not only these things can create sound but also pick up sound and display information on the sonar screen basically like a microphone which also can make a sound the one of the most powerful sonars is sqs 26tx the sonar is at its limits since giving it more power would start boiling surrounding water and create bubbles yep intense sound can boil water one meter from the hull and crew of submarines would be having a hard time reading surroundings when there is a sea soup boiling nearby but if the submarine goes deeper it takes more power to boil so submarine sonars could use more power and by seeing more power I'm saying up to 700 000 Watts a powerful home stereo which can drive neighbors mad may use just 250 Watts also sonar sounds can be concentrated into a beam so instead of destroying everything around them they can shoot an active ping into the needed Direction this makes the signal strong enough that they can bounce it off the bottom of the ocean and detect a submarine more than 65 kilometers away or 40 miles even if you were standing 300 meters away which is 1000 feet from a submarine you could still hear the sound keep in mind that some sound is drastically reduced when it travels from water to air now you might be safe by staying on land but what exactly happens if you try to swim or dive next to an active sonar well you wouldn't even need to be remotely close to a submarine even if you are far away the Ping would still care enough power to stun you which would most likely drown you during a regular maintenance there is announcement made every half an hour while divers are working it goes something like this there are divers working over the side do not blow or vent from any tank operate any underwater equipment or activate sonar there are divers working over the side one Navy diver was working on ship doing a corrective maintenance on the sonar so he had to listen to a very very low powered ping he said that it was extremely unpleasant and disorienting feeling during Vietnam War to prevent sabotage from enemies wimmers docked submarines would blast sonar first of all sonar can do around 235 decibels and 200 decibels not only will completely destroy your hearing but also rupture your lungs and above 210 decibels the little noise can vibrate your body tissues so hard that for example your brain hemorrhages and turns into a marsh but not only the brain pretty much all your body will be ruptured quite possibly even if you were 200 meters away 650 feet you still would be dead from hemorrhaging in the 1994 a scuba diver was accidentally pinned by U.S Navy's owner system that ship was more than 160 kilometers 100 miles Northwest of the diver the diver said that he suddenly felt strong vibration in his lungs let me repeat this he was a 160 kilometers away from the ship another time diver was hit with the sonar he happened in 1996. this Navy divers for some reason were hit with sonar and had to be hospitalized for seizures also once a Hawaiian Resident was in the water when the Navy was conducting their low frequency active sonar test that poor sub was disoriented and nauseous afterward and yet to see a physician who diagnose her with symptoms comparable to acute trauma she was only exposed to 120 decibels and let's not forget that the sonar can do up to 235 or almost 1 trillion times more powerful ping according to Navy sound field around the transmitting ship will be 180 decibels up to one kilometer away and from 150 to 160 decibels up to 160 kilometers away which is 100 miles so you can only imagine what it's like for ocean creatures you know these videos were whales randomly wash ashore It is believed that sonar might be the main culprit we'll try to escape loud sounds and end up on the beaches by the way did you know that sonar sound you can hear in movies is not accurate foreign model of sonar system is quite unique so they may have single tone multiple tones various frequencies or bursts there are dozens of various audio clips but according to one submarine technician most of the sounds are either thick or just mistitled different sound here is the real sound from the sound of an sqs26 system from a surface ship so as a conclusion sonars are Extremely Loud each ping is loud enough to temporarily boil water around the sonar device so we can imagine what it could do to people and marine animals such vibrations rupture organs even if we were swimming far away from the active submarine it could be hundreds of miles you could still be injured still not as loud as a sneezing father
Channel: MR SLAV
Views: 5,700,538
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: loudest sound, loudest sound ever, most powerful sound, sonar sound, decibels, submarine sonar, loudest underwater, sonar ping, biggest noise
Id: dj-Wn-di-zM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 19sec (619 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 14 2022
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