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a dybbuk box is a way to trap a restless demon inside and stop it from possessing people the whole point of the picture game is to test if people have demons or spirits attached to them the door is open if it was focusing not even on the mirror then some things like ahead of freak Joe I literally thought this whole Dybbuk box was stupid alright guys I'm doing a 3 a.m. challenge no I'm not gonna do these like often I'm not gonna like bring back these theorem challenges probably until I get headed million subscribers just because it's not really worth it but now I'm gonna tell you why I'm doing one today and that's because the Jake and my roommate bought something called a Dybbuk box and for those of you that don't know what a divot box is I'll explain a dybbuk box is a way to trap a restless demon inside and stop it from possessing people it is used basically as like a coffin for demons in order to take them away from living out this way of trapping demons was a Jewish tradition I stopped about 80 years ago however these boxes still exist they're still around in the United States and so when Jake bought one he brought it into her home and we opened it I'll get more into that later on but basically today because of the events that have happened over the course of the last week I really need to understand whether or not we actually did bring a demon and orifice just our superstition I'm going to be playing the picture game at 3 o'clock in the morning in order to understand if there is a demon attached to either Jake are I these typical axis I have a warning all of the internet anyone who possesses them anybody who has bothered them in the past like you can look it up no one opens these things they were the real deal they were to trap the demons that want those are obviously the most powerful demons so this might have been one of the worst ideas to ever happen in this house and you know there's been a lot of haunted stuff to happen in this house with that being said tonight I'm going to take a look at these boxes with Jake make sure we know we're dealing with and if things are the way that we think they are we're gonna have to get rid of them alright so we've been keeping them outside in our back yard these are the that's actually rotten mail business course yeah god yes well you have two got two difficulties and as you can tell we had to pry them open like there's wax surrounding the entire this fits this one was so locked shut oh my gosh it literally we had to open it from the top so as you can tell like they're really not supposed to be open and no way oh no they're supposed to be kept closed for a reason exactly did you ever find out what symbols these were like is there a specific language yeah yeah I think I think it's like ancient Hebrew I think but I know what everything says ancient Hebrew so anyway these symbols are all apparently it can give those symbols as you can tell it's awesome Irish star at their Star of David and everything around here the surrounds around the idea of something trapped inside well what's the main summary of what those things say basically like these symbols the symbols that the things that don't look like writing that are symbols are like demonic signs like they mean different types of demons in the ancient arms like what type of demons might be in this box type thing or like more like more it's like blessed by demons all these writings are pretty much a warning basically there's warnings all over this box do not open it every store in article you've read about divorces are like the entire purpose of them is so that you keep a demon shut you don't have to deal with them anymore but we ended up opening up long story short now it's like just looking inside of them real quick it's very ominous there's this freaking picture so we think these all tell a story because what we found is when we open these Dybbuk box is like these items are supposed to represent what demon was trapped inside and like the objects that the demon was attached to when it was trapped inside these boxes so there's a you know like dirt and rocks and stuff like that maybe from like the area that it was surrounding but then there's these pictures this family and there's this one woman standing in front of a house and then what we think to believe is her three children now if you could see in there it's just a picture of her three solemn children and the correlations all in the back PD PD on that one in both those DD or PD so what we have thought is that not only is there one demon in this box but there is the entire family of demons that we released you know we have no idea you know what if the mom like the mother is the only demon exactly in the mom like drowned the kids or something seriously but anyway the point today is I had the only way to get an answer as whether or not this worked was to do a three M challenge you're bringing him back to 30 M challenges only because we need to figure out if there's a demon I feel like that's a pretty good reason all right before we get into it I also want to mention a couple of things that could happen about this house one ever since the demon box has been opened like people around the house of them like seeing like weird obviously that could just be our superstition like I will put that out there it's probably just us being like okay this demon box thing has got us on edge but we have actually started walking around at night in our backyard because Cory especially Cory Aaron and everyone honestly but mostly them have been seen right outside our front and back doors they've been thinking like they see somebody out there and they're I freaked out and they think the someone's like either stock yes which I will say like a week and a half ago there was like three fangirls that literally stayed outside of our house for like days on end so that might be it but Cory and Aaron like really seemed like they think we have a stalker or some sort of things outside it's like making noise so there's one thing but then I also want to tell you this Kolby told me this last night he woke up we ran away out of this sleep and he never really wakes up he's a heart slavery seriously anyway he told me that he woke up and he was like dude you'll never guess like you can put this in a video if you want because it's like that crazy he said I woke up looked at the time and it was exactly 3:00 a.m. and I was like oh well did have anything happen he's like that's the weird part as soon as I woke up at 3 a.m. 30 seconds later my closet door creaked all the way open as if it was like being open in like you know Kolby like doesn't mess with this stuff like we do all these 3 a.m. challenges and Koli really like doesn't mess with them and then all of a sudden like he had that happen to him and I'm like whoa like I don't believe it 100% because we've had like this air conditioning type of problem recently I just want to tell you like I don't know if you heard about that yeah but anyway guys why I'm doing a 3m challenge is not to summon any more demons or anything like that this game is called the picture game and I don't know if you remember me doing this like 6 months ago there's like my last 3 a.m. challenge but I did as a prank cuz I was just like messing with Cory and Aaron but the whole point of the picture game is to test if people have demons or spirits attached to them so that is the reason why we're doing this game because I need to see if J or me has like a demon attached to him because well the reason why I say this is in your video Jacob pop and a little segment right here but for some reason you managed to make me open the very first box Samuel I was trying to help it was best so I might have something too and I just want to make one cipher all there's too many freaky things that happen this week especially with this whole like seeing people at night and him freaking acting weird I'll get into that a little bit we're gonna talk about the second but like there's too many things not to at least test it so this is how you play the picture game at 3 a.m. so obviously it's not 3 a.m. so we'll have to come back in like an hour to and actually figure this out step 1 you have to make a circle with rope so we got this rope I'm gonna make a circle here fell what a glass a little alcohol in a center of the Rope circle so basically that represents where it is we're actually going to put the Dybbuk box in this circle because that is what we think really the demon yes I was gonna say do you think that Korey can't really bring in it but if we just bring in those same thing I think I'm fine but didn't box when you open it it releases the demon so there shouldn't actually be a demon still attached to ever since I whatever whatever was in those boxes left anyway so we have everyone sit around a circle you have to hold a mirror in front of you and so you have to call on the spirits and like make sure that they're ready to talk basically gain the spirits trust and then you pass around camera each person takes a picture of the other person and they say I caught you so if I were to do this to Jake after we were to say all our rituals to call upon spirit I'll just go like this say I caught you and then you would have this mirror in front of you I caught you I take a picture as we do that three times and we're not supposed to look at the viewfinder so that's why I would be closed until the very end so basically they're taking pictures of each other after call calling them whatever spirits around to see if there is anything inside you know like I'm just sick of it and I just want to know once and for all if something could be secure that funny definitely because everyone on the line is like really freaking out yeah they're like freaking out thinking of working out in the world and I'm like I didn't do anything literally indeed the world I never explained what this situation is let's find out if there is a dybbuk in this house [Music] and how I am out of breath I just got all these supplies just now I know just like not ready for this at all because reboot these are the last 5 days anyway so this is gonna be our circle of world you have to sit on the other side of it so I can't really sit first chorus office on this because I'm secret and flexible I'll get through this together here goes nothing whatever was in there sparse hopefully it's not still in it cuz I don't sell anything that I didn't have to hopefully it's not in it hopefully it's not us yeah here is a glass of alcohol this is this is part of it yeah this is part of so they each represent different things and like as long as this room circle is complete whatever is inside the group circle can't get out if we do the ritual correctly if we call it correctly now but we will be able to take pictures across the circle above each other so we'll be able to see if there's something around us anyway h % ass inside the circle harem holding the mirror in front of them and then pointing it at the ceiling so let's both hold the mirror at point have each person close their eyes hold the hands and say I trust you does that trustee I just trust you we're gonna keep the mirror facing up and all of us have to say in unison the doors open please come in the door is open please the door is so and please come the doors oh and please comment okay so it says whatever wants to come in is now I should say we got past the camera in a circle and take a picture of each other each time you take the pictures say I copy you and then do not look a preview hi Katya what that felt so scary I can't look at the image I want to switch we asked going to do that three times about I can't work in there it is yeah you can look in there but not after the images are taken I caught you that is disturbing to do yeah it's like every time you've ever taken a picture in your whole life you want to look at it and I can't get this over with yeah dude I can see you will like going into your eyes and then look red like just both your eye location rich I never know it's right was the thing but I know there's no such thing as a red eye but it's good to grab out of me it was like last round yeah all right those are all the pictures we still can't look at them and turn the camera off we can't can't get rid of this until we completely disassemble this ritual right now the end the game everyone must close their eyes and say in unison it is time to go home three times then everyone turns the mirror face down turn on the lights cut the ropes or take that out go outside and floor in the dirt after all that has happened you can never get your photos so we have to say three times in your Center with our eyes closed this time to go okay three two it's time to go home it is time to go home it is time to go home I've cut open that now we've got the glass let's pour this out take the dinner boxes over here plug this into a computer and then just show you guys [Music] last step of the process making sure everything is completely stuffed well let's make it worse than oh my god it is a full moon all set and all done so let's just put those big boxes back outside and let's go look at these photos so freaking creepy dude I just grabbed my computer so you can check this out dude I know okay so this is like honestly a telltale sign if this Dybbuk box is actually really not right yeah the reason why half of me doesn't want to is cuz the other half what's B 2 and that half thinks I'm not possessed and the other half thinks that I probably am possessed shut up you're sick half of you thinks you're possessed lady creepy oh I just feel like that lady's like protecting her children but she also like killed them no I got a whole scenario in my life anyway down to actual pictures everybody's been waiting for this just from now on just you know exclude all these skeptics out there I'm just gonna do a one-shot I'm not gonna edit this part until I see the picture so you know for a fact that it just comes from the camera to my computer I have my computer right here no trickery no stupid stuff this is literally just the instructions for the picture game let's just take that exact SD card out that's on the side of the camera and then we'll get from directly you guys can see - right there into the computer I'm just doing this guy's again because some of you guys are skeptics you believe these things and I want you guys to believe that there is or there isn't one of these like demons or DivX in our freaking house so let's uh check this out my city all right easy yeah that's down there it's just videos from other stuff these are six pictures that we took an order so let's see this you don't see these deep yeah all right so your wordless looking for anything that is out of the ordinary from these pictures so I'm going to see if I can make it as big as possible so we can see all right brightness up so whatever is there or supposed to catch so there's the mirror and you can see the alcohol glass in there I don't know do you see look what is that oh that's the that's the rug I was like wow I can't say that on camera really you see they don't see we will compare it to the other images okay this is me while I look terrified in this all right whoa wait what was it what I don't know what's that what are those lines oh it's a shirt what the heck there's all those lines there's that's a really messy mirror get that out of it is there any is I don't think we've got anything weird all right I don't really know exactly what we're looking for I know like obviously these light beams from the flash might reflect off of this mirror but other than that I have no idea what would be looking for oh this one's super blurry yeah it's a little what is on that what is that oh there was no light it looks curved look like that light looks bad there light right there behind you behind like by me there's a flash but that doesn't look like a flash at all that looks like curved light yeah that's weak there's no curve light that's what that wasn't the first one even know this is the second picture and look right there it looks like there's some curved thing I've no idea what that may be I don't understand why you're so blurry Ike what is in focus right yeah like what was it focusing on if it was focusing not even on the mirror then some things like ahead of it I don't right in between us yeah oh right where the frickin ritual was no way do you think that means it was literally here on the picture if Jim has to be focused somewhere exact not in the back it's not on me well listen if he is between us when I go from you'll need to hear whoa okay look at the camera viewfinder okay like right as I switch from this over to it [Music] there's something in the back what we'll watch this watch this look like someone's back but it literally looks like something's behind you that might be found around this area whoa whoa whoa I see it there I see something yeah yeah look look over there either something like right there holy no no what do you think that you can't tell me that that's all just like the freaking couch I want to go look over there no dude that's the couch right there there is something above the couch yeah dude dude do you know something do you see that I don't know if what is that I don't know if they can see that but that's like part of the couch or something I don't know guys if you can see that that's freaky yeah there's like some part of the couch behind Jake that it might be focusing on all right my second one I don't know what's that that might be the flash yeah I think that's like okay our walls are pretty dirty I was gonna say that might be from Elton's party way back when it looks like those same the same special lyrics on it yeah whoa that was completely different that is completely different than that there's no source but it has there's no light there's no Street I have no idea what that means if that's just like the weird like whoa to it yeah see this one this is next one I don't know what these all mean whoo that just looks pure that why do you like what look look in the mirror there's no weird than you I know oh yeah yeah yeah look at his first one there a second one there's the bendy light that was there in the first one and nothing there in the second one whoa you see that you have that on camera kind of whoa oh oh oh the light beam yeah holy crow let me see if I can can they see that a little bit like right up against here right there do you see that how there's like you're movin oh there we go there we go look look look look there's literally a light beam dude you know I notice well in every picture it's like there's like some form of light in the picture yeah it's like well I don't know that's that's the weird thing about this game is that a you forces you to have a mirror in front of you so maybe all these like weird bends of light or like rays like this it's almost like a weird glow true it's just that freaks me out bro my camera keeps going out of focus even though it is litter right in front look oh my god look my camera is going in and out of focus even though it's literally sitting right in front of this computer what is going on it's focusing on this like I don't know you guys can't see it but there's like a focus finder and it's going right here and that's right where there's a ray of light like going off we'll see that now it's going behind me yeah now it's like behind you like right on the crease that's weird I don't know exactly what we're looking for but whatever it happens is looking like it's working and then it's back look the regular the regular mirror with the scuffed up see right there it's all faded and like fuzzy and shadowy and then on the first last picture of me it's both like this weird streaky streaky handprints I'm freaked out I've literally thought this whole Dybbuk box was stupid none of this is making sense like you'd think that'd make like physical like I thought that like you would be able to see something but like tight it's just a bunch of different pictures you know it makes sense if everything looked like scientifically correct but a lot of it doesn't it just looks like there's things and every picture that are different over and over and over again yeah even though they're the same pictures two things though when we opened the Dybbuk box you were acting weird and but I just thought that was just because you know hey it's like a weird scary night one I'm really starting to believe this but - I I'm like so much more interest in figuring out what the heck does the did what works is because that's not normal dude last time when I did this picture game and my our house is apparently haunted I was looking at the pictures before I made it a prank and there was nothing like that there was like one shard of light throughout all six pictures of what we took last time with me Aaron and Cory this time it's like different every single time there's something different about these pictures including like these weird orbs of light that are going across our screen now I'm kind of on Cory's side I think we should get rid of this before or at least understand it more I don't know what you guys saw right now it it just looks like a bunch of weird light flares there was that one shadow I will say that there's the one shadow looking thing that made a seem like our couch was like twice as big so I want to understand at one but everything else has just been light flares I don't know what do you is you guys his opinion like what do we need to do I think 100 percent we need to get rid of this but like in a right way I just think that like maybe this is more real than I expected I don't know you what you're playing I'm doing this box but I would be down to this or cleanse it or whatever you do I want to research this like tonight or tomorrow morning like and get out of this and figure out like what those signs mean probably do that like here like tomorrow or something like that so be on the lookout for that video if you guys want to see any of the other do box videos to understand all this jake has been doing this for the past two weeks so I'll link those videos in the description like thank you for letting me who's you as a test subject on this like frickin 300 smoke you know testimony your demon monkey monkey Oh scary I know try to keep a light mood I always try to keep a light mood and these three am challenges but like I'm starting to believe that this isn't just like stick box core it might be right we should get rid of it
Channel: Sam Golbach
Views: 2,553,651
Rating: 4.9410067 out of 5
Keywords: sam golbach, sam and colby, 3 am challenge, sam golbach 3 am challenge, sam golbach picture game, 3am challenge picture game, sam golbach scary, sam golbach haunted videos, sam golbach night videos, sam golbach hide and seek, sam and colby hide and seek, jake webber haunted box, sam and colby 3 am challenge, the midnight man, one man hide and seek, picture game at 3 am challenge, dybbuk at 3am, jake webber dybbuk box, sam golbach dybbuk box
Id: pWOUOnffV3w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 7sec (1507 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 30 2018
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