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it's a [Music] copy oh my God very disappointing fortunately not being original it has no real value they say it is plasic what plasic this [Music] sucks a woman brings a contract signed by Elvis Presley I have a contract here signed by Elvis Presley in 1955 I went to sell the contract for $8 to $110,000 I have a friend he was in the music industry he's said I want you to have this he said I think it's worth something you'll need to get it checked out Rick discusses the contract Elvis He was the king of rock and roll okay we have a contract for Elvis Presley to play at the City Auditorium bont Texas 1955 it's signed by Elvis Presley contract is really neat there were very few of these out this is exactly what an Elvis collector would want my guess it's incredibly rare and valuable how much were you looking to get out of it $8 to $10,000 for it the expert takes a close look to verify its authenticity 1955 this is the year before he really got famous how much you think it's worth if it's real $115,000 all right do your magic one of the things that stands out that makes it look like it may be authentic is it's typed right in the middle of the line usually when a forager does something they want to do it perfect I mean it's got the Epsilon e the shape of the capital P is correct this is right for the time period all the details seem to be correct pull out a little bit more power you what we have it's a copy it's not original are you sure positive the customer is left devastated oh my God very disappointing you can tell because the ink for the signature is the same ink there's the typewriter ink and the print ink it's a carbon copy and unfortunately not being original it has no real value I'm heartbroken thanks for coming in h sorry I could do another thank you this customer brings in something very old I think it's a little bit older than dirt it's between 40 and 50 million years old what I have is a piece of Baltic amber with a tarantula in it a Gia they are the world's foremost authority in gym grading and and gym identification if you want you can pay for us to send it well that sounds good I'll do that what's up man it's a baltic amber Chum you help this gentleman oh yeah this guy Jeff probably got the results back so what are the test results say they say it is plastic what plastic this sucks a customer came into the shop to sell a Porsche 911 Carrera engine sweet truck man how much you want for it n it's not for sale I'm what is in the back looks like a bunch of junk in the trunk it's a 2004 Scara 911 engine this motor right here it's a 6-cylinder water cool they're much better balance you can put a much lower profile on the motor Porsche was started by a guy named Ferdinand Porsche first big success a volswagen beetle where did you get it I get it from my Jung jard I bought the engine because I want to build a Baja was it right by the ocean yeah cuz it looks like it's got a lot of water damage but not in sign just all sign you know how long it's sat couple years there's 101 things that could have happened to this motor and I have no no idea what it was how much you want for it uh 4500 it looks like water damage having doubts Rick decides to call in an expert an engine like this it's a valuable engine brand new from the factory probably going to spend anywhere between 15 and 20 grand to get it looks like it's got some water damage and it looks like it's been sitting for a long time yeah you know there's a lot of compartments that should have been closed up and they're all open there's ways to get inside this engine what's going on in the surface is going to be going on to an extent inside it makes me nervous I got to open it up the seller disagrees with the expert you're wrong you bring a good mechanic he will tell you what to do well brother they did bring a good mechanic and I'm speaking the truth about it so I don't think uh all decoration can go inside the engine because there is no pressure so they won't go inside the injector Danny's my man I mean this guy can fix anything did bring a good one not anything he doesn't know me he doesn't know my background so I'll let that one slide but thanks Danny absolutely I'm just glad Danny's a cool customer cuz it could have got ugly you know thanks a lot man I'm just going to I'm going to pass I don't want to make make an offer and I just don't think the risk reward is here a customer wants to get rid of the pistol so he brings it to the shop it's an 18 century flint lock pistol after they shoot something and they'd flip it around and use this to smash some in the head so why are you trying to get rid of my wife is kind of pushing me for it you know it kills me to sell it I I don't want to sell it but either got to get rid of the gun or the wife I got it at a gun shop so how much are you looking to get for it I'd like to get a grand out of it grand um not that it wouldn't be worth a grand it's you I just don't know if it's real Cory calls in an expert upon hearing the offer did it come with any paperwork he did tell me it was authentic there was no paperwork with it well this form of flint lock pistol was made by the British it's a smooth board barrel with a range of about 20 to 30 ft wasn't rifled so your accuracy was not so good what do you think it's worth uh anywhere between 15 and 2500 the expert takes a close look to check if it's legit you would expect to see all the metal heavily pitted or there's no parent major pitting or damage or this is unfortunately A reproduction the customer finds it hard to believe it's a reproduction okay so so how can you tell the markings were punched in as opposed to hand engraved the crown over gr is for King George III it's a bit different in style it's not hand engraved there is just nothing about this gun that is of the period it looks the period but it's all artificial how much is this thing worth $75 to $100 I'm sorry you you got burned yeah so okay maybe the thing is a is a fake I feel bad for the guy I mean I wouldn't want to lose that kind of money either sorry oh boy a customer brings in a pair of LeBron autographed shoes I've got a pair of LeBron autographed shoes these are actually the weed Edition ones and uh they're in limited edition these are the Air Nike zooms how'd you get them uh back in 2004 when I was a kid I was at one of the Cavs games I saw him coming didn't have anything to sign so I took him right off my feet toss it to him he signed him and toss him right back Nike decided to give him $90 million before he even played one minute of NBA basketball LeBron pushed to enter the draft right after his junior year of high school how much did you want to get for him we'll give for about $1,000 I mean the condition of the shoe looks pretty good looks like the autograph is uh upside down I don't know how that's going to affect the value the offer prompts Chum to bring in an expert the first thing starts off here and we kind of see the same thing here and he just kind of goes into this big mess here and it looks like he either came off it strangely or just signed it abruptly he starts off here as almost a 2 three it's a little sloppier version I really don't have a problem with the signature you think it's okay upside down LeBron James super tough autograph so I don't think it really matters based on the expert's appraisal Chum makes an offer how much is it worth based on everything here $ 350 to $400 we're looking at about $200 I think it's just too low of an offer I could go up to maybe $250 that's not enough I'd say about 600 it's not going to happen thanks for bringing them down though man they're really cool the offer of $200 is definitely disappointing to me a lady brings a lobster tail helmet to the shop it is a from Willian lobster tail helmet this was Hightech I mean it was a lot better than like earlier Wars where they just had a basically a steel duns hat on their head this thing had leather strap sides so it gave a little support so when you hit on the head it wasn't as bad these helmets were used by both sides and this design was considered really high-tech but I have to say there's something about this lobster tail helmet that's a little fishy so how much you want for this thing I'd love to get 3500 for it I have some concerns right off the bat with this thing the the reason why it was called a lobster tail helmet was cuz this flexed like a lobster tail this is all one piece that really concerns me Rick calls his friend Alex to provide more information traditionally I guess you could say this would have been three sheets of metal riveted together so it had a little bit of articulation or lower status soldiers preferred by officers but this shouldn't be a reason to think that this isn't correct so what do you think it's worth this would be I could see it getting $3,500 the appraisal by Alex falls far short of the asking price there's some rivets here and some pieces of leather on the inside those are for cheek pieces now it's very typical that that they're missing because they're connected by Le leather typically you can see some of that leather still here I don't see too much 350 year old leather it's really light this wouldn't have been worn in the battle there's just no way that this would have stopped a blow from a broadsword think that it's actually a Victorian copy as a Victorian copy couple hundred bucks I'd give you 50 bucks for it yeah no at that price I think I'll just keep it a customer shows Rick a jousting helmet he wants to sell is a 16th century josting helmets so tell me about how you got this thing I took a trip to Germany and I came across this really small little place this guy had a bunch of antique armor he was selling you ever tried it on oh yeah do you want to try it on yeah it should fit oh here oh this hurts oh this isn't made for bald guys how do I look it's heavy it's dark it felt like you were in The Man in the Iron Mask so how much you want for this thing I thinking five I just don't know enough about it to buy it I mean the only thing concerns me about this this looks like a modern bolt on the front of it it looks like it's a machine cut thread Rick calls in an expert the last ones I've seen sold between 20 and 30,000 I was hoping it was like be real be real very well put together if you were to put this on your head with the rest of the armor with it and plopped you down in 1580 you wouldn't stick out this was not made for the average Joe gii soldier at this period of time is it a real piece of armor yes after thorough investigation the expert comes to a conclusion about the helmet things that aren't quite right is that bolt yeah look close on the comb of the helm on the roping the roping is not deep enough you'll see there's a discoloration along the home that shouldn't be there there are a couple things that that show me that uh it might be old but it's a Victorian copy how much you pay for it 4500 that would be in the ring I don't think we're going to be able to do it I'm not interested in a Victorian copy I want the real thing a guy brings two poleaxes from a wall Fortress City into the shop to sell where did you get these the Renaissance Fair no I got them in southern Germany Alberts huh how old are these they're about 500 years old these are Hand Forged on an anvil so they're really light but they're really strong I mean pretty much what you would do is the guy would go rolling by on the horse and you stick that into him and yank him off of it I mean it was and then once he was on the ground you had all this leverage to swing over your head and get right through his armor poke him and a pretty versatile weapon so how much are you looking to get for these halberts I need 7500 each for that kind of money might if I have a Budd of mine come down and take a look at them no absolutely Cory asks for the expert's opinion on the items very nice Halbert how old do you think that is well uh about 500 years I believe this one's Austrian because of the pattern and also this particular outline typically uh the HB birds that were made in Austria will have these little vent holes in them believe the other one's Italian okay you would be right this is more ornate a little more Gody if you will but you're fairly sure they're from the 1500s actually I'm not the wood on these break and are repaired and replaced this is not original wood so it's made in the style are the heads re the thing that really concerns me about this piece is that the steel is really flimsy you know you whack somebody wearing armor with this thing it's liable to bend or break I'll conclude that this is probably from the Victorian period and is what I call the decorator piece the customer is left in disbelief and gets into an argument I disagree the thing is Hand Forged and I believe it's original they were hand forging things in the Victorian period too okay this one taking a close look the steel is very strong it's not bendy at all this is a weapon not something you'd hang on the wall just to look cool I can tell you this is real give me an idea what do you think they're worth if you wanted to buy this I'd pay no more than $6 or $700 this one if you want one of these I can get you one for $1,500 if you think you can find these on the internet for $1,500 knock yourself out cuz it's not going to happen appreciate it man pleasure I'd make you an offer of around 1,500 bucks are you talking a piece no I'm talking total no I'm not interested and all appreciate it all right thank you a man walks in with a painting that could be worth millions what do we have here it's a Claud Monae painting where in the hell did you get this uh collateral for a loan the guy just defaulted on the loan or no actually he took the money and went in the hospital and died do you have a date or anything else like that when it was when it was painted I don't I mean was was this guy really well off he was he he was a doctor he started arguably one of the biggest art movements ever the impressionist movement that's why his paintings are worth so much money they were a little bit blurry that's impressionism but you could still see detail and depth and that's why they go for millions and millions of dollars Rick raises concerns and asks questions to confirm if it's real what I have here is some documentation May 1st 1965 our findings as as follows the painting is solidly constructed casual canvas a typical Claude Monae the painting was actually displayed at the Las Vegas Museum of Fine Arts this was the insurance policy for that painting and it was insured at that time at $2.1 million so you want to sell it correct correct so let me get a friend down here okay if this is legit I think we can both make money off it as Rick is not qualified to determine its authenticity he calls in an expert to investigate further oh my gosh this is this is the Monae you don't expect to see one in the Las Vegas pawn shop you say I'm not Chris really let me take a closer look at it my first impressions of the piece is it certainly looks like something Monae would have painted it's indicative of Monae's brush Strokes impressionist were all about as the name would indicate you know capturing the impressions of a scene the brush Strokes are there it's it's very thin usually you'll get some sort of imposto a little bit more texture he also was known for having a very you know vibrant palette have every color of the rainbow and there's very little of that but you know I don't want to dism it because again you're talking about a piece that if it's authentic this could be a $5 million piece so red flags means it's not real or I'd like to get a second opinion sure yeah give a call okay okay I will Rick seeks a second opinion as the first expert couldn't confirm its authenticity with 100% certainty if this is a real Monet uh it will be a very important mon because the size the first thing if it's a Monet it should be 150 years old so we should at least see cracks in the painting also here in the signature there is absolutely not one crack that's interesting if we look on the back of this painting what I'm looking at is at the texture the canvas indication of who it could be you will have all the oil paint here you don't see that so is it real it's in the style of money but it's not absolutely not by the end of GL Mone how sure are you are there is absolutely not one crack in the paint itself swits also what you notice it's almost all in one plane mon will have showed this with shadows this is too flat well that's disappointing well thanks for bringing it in it was fun man if I lost out on Millions I would be bummed too Rick calls in a gun expert to take a look at a beautifully preserved musket a guy came in with a musket that he says was owned by a soldier during the Revolutionary War this could be a very sought-after piece of American History Brown best is in really great shape you know I'm going to start shaking here in a minute because you just don't see these things and why I think it's original is because this age you know rusted appearance has not been altered Back in the Day In the Heat of battle the expert demonstrates how the gun works and provides further explanations you could actually load and fire this without using the ram to seat the ball they would slam the musket down on the ground now when you were to then fire the musket they would have to have it up at the ready position lightly get right to level and then pull the trigger he has paperwork here saying that it's from Nicholas verer who served in the Revolutionary War but is this the one that Nicholas verer got during the Revolutionary War how much does that really add to it it does add something to it the expert recommends a value for the gun there's lots of other guns in this picture if they were to have said that the one that's marked Grace 1762 with the initials on the discussion then it'd be hard to argue well the bill of sale I have has that that means going and getting a statement notorized so what do you think it's worth 15 to2 ,000 by itself thanks for all the info dude absolutely let's see if Rick makes a deal I'll give you 15,000 for it we're just not there just not there okay well all right you change your mind I thought 15,000 was low a guy came in with a letter signed by Napoleon where'd you get this online this is the type of seal they used back then okay it seems like it's from a pretty legit company what do you want for it the seller makes an offer and let's see how it goes well you know I'm going to say like 10 grand I'm thinking more along the lines of, 1500 ooh sounds low remember this guy was the emperor of pretty much Europe he probably signed a lot of stuff in his life how about uh five I'm going to have to get this reframed there going to be work involved how about 4,000 I'll give you 2,000 bucks for it man that's the best I can do I didn't pay that much for it so let's let's do it 2000 2000 all right original Napoleon document with certificate of authenticity the Napoleon yep that's freaking sweet and his seal you just bought it yeah Cory shows the letter to Rick and he insists on getting it examined by an expert what did you pay for it Cory two grand hey man it's your lucky day you had it checked out by anybody no it looked right to me I'm not going to sell something like this to someone for 12 Grand not know for sure it's real why don't you go down and see Greg at UNLV see what he has to say this is typical they're just going after me cuz I'm on crutches this is it man supposed to be an original document signed by Napoleon Cory meets the expert and he shares some stories related to the letter 12th of free the year 14 that's a very important date in the history of Napoleon that's the day of the battle of ostritz we've done everything necessary to assure the happiness and the prosperity of our country then I will take you back to friends bra there goes a brave man there were a number of copies that were probably made on the battlefield because and he would have sent these all over Europe to try and explain to people what had happened the thing is this is not one of those original manuscript copies what we consider to be the original which looks exactly like this that's in the military museum let's find out if the expert reveals the true authenticity of the letter what we've got here is very clearly a replica okay how can you tell well a handwritten ink document from this period we would see evidence that somebody had written this out with a pen can't say that this is worth very much as a historical artifact why are you trying to sell it for 20 bucks because it's about all it's worth the COA fooled me it's fake paid $2,000 for it hey well you're not putting it on the wall and selling it for 20 bucks we don't sell fake stuff here take the blow and move on give me my two grand back Cory why don't you take it home and remind yourself not to be so damn stupid dumb kid Rick checks on a couple of Scottish blades first off I can tell you right off this is a reproduction really yeah look at this this is silver silver is the most reflective metal there is you can see the difference in color in them when silver oxidizes it turns black uh well this one I'm confident is not worth anything that that really sucks a Man shows up with a hundred-year-old newspaper this is a newspaper from the Boston Globe morning after uh the Titanic Sint it's in perfect condition I mean perfect I mean there's no yellowing in the in the inside papers it's fake why don't you say that you see right here that's from a copy machine okay so when when they had copied it probably right after the movie came out uh after he opened it up I really thought yeah it was fake an ex- Baseball Card Collector arrives at the shop to sell some of his collection I got five tops 1967 Pete Rose baseball cards here Mint Condition Pete Rose was the man too bad he screwed up fortunately he's in that Shoeless Joe Jackson club that no one likes to be in so how'd you come across these man I was cleaning out the garage and stumbled across them they're authentic cards no tears no marks you have any idea what these are worth should be worth about 50 bucks a piece so it's about two and a half Cory raises his concerns and decides to bring Rick before I buy these I got to know that they're legit and these things look like they're in great shape they're in like almost two perfect shape and that you got five of them there's always a shot let me call my dad over see what he knows about them Rick arrives and inspects the cards so what you want to know about these is they're real no not cuz the color all faded everything's a blur it doesn't look silk screened and the picture looks Overexposed it's it's just not right at all and another suspect thing is all a sudden you have five of them that are just perfect so it's really really rare to find went in good shape I wouldn't touch them at all they look completely fake to me I'll get something someplace else for them thanks thanks for coming in a man walks in to sell an Indian vest what did you want to do with this you want to pawn it you want to sell it I was looking to sell it and how much were you looking for and at 1,800 I'll tell you what I'll give you 1,200 bucks forth would you go 14 I'll tell you what I'll meet you in the middle of 13 all right I'm going to go with that an expert checks the vest from looking at the bead work it looks to be Sue or it's Northern Plains bead work unfortunately I don't think this is from from that time period so it's definitely it's basically a fake it's I think it's Indian ma but it's made for sale it's here it's Mar P that Indian V you bought is actually real really hey Mark what's up no a 1967 autograph Chicago Bears football boasts some bigname signatures money would be just a nice little bonus from holding on to for 45 years I'm putting at a $10,000 mark my uncle gave me the ball it was given to him by Ronnie bull you can see him handing there this is cool cuz it comes from a time when pro football was just starting to explode in popularity so this one should have dbck kiss or the big name to me is George Hales because this is the last year that George halis was a head coach um those are pretty desirable Cory investigates the ball further to uncover more information about it Brian Piccolo's signature is pretty rare he died at the age of 26 and became a legend because of his store this thing could be worth a lot of money so what do you want to do with it man sell it any particular amount you're looking for $10,000 you know here are some of the concerns I have with it we have a picture there obviously absolutely no authentication for the ball do you mind if I give a budy a minor call Cory calls in a buddy to determine its actual worth what concerns you have there's a lot of signatures on this ball plus I don't know what the price it is all right so right here first off the bat we have Gail SS and he's the youngest guy ever to be inducted in the Hall of Fame go on to Dick buckus who's in the Hall of Fame as well right in the middle George halis probably one of the most influential and important people in football history right here we have Brian Piccolo who at this time used this to backup to Gail sers now if we're dealing with an official ball Mint Condition signatures we'd be talking several thousand it's got a very distinct signature so those signatures the expert comes to a conclusion about its authenticity they're 100% spot on now the other signatures you really got to focus on the characteristics of the autograph and if we compare Brian Piccolo's signature here they were signed by somebody else other than the athlete what about the Gail s Gail sers the signatures I'm familiar with it's a very robust in my opinion these are Clubhouse autographs I never heard of that before and here I had the ball for 45 years you're looking at a maybe tops th000 bucks o that's a big difference Jeremy man I appreciate you coming in anytime Cory I mean I got a feeling this is going to sit around for years I'd offer you around a 100 bucks for it so I'll just keep holding on to it right on man appre thank you for watching and as always like And subscribe for more content
Channel: Trend Set
Views: 368,948
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: animation, tv show, movie, entertainment, movies, hardcore pawn, pawn stars, hardcore pawn deals, deals on pawn stars, pawn stars deals, deals on hardcore pawn, best of hardcore pawn, hardcore pawn customers, seth gold, les gold, chumlee, rick harrison
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 47sec (1367 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 11 2024
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